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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
; c r.iX rcr.Tt..:n). tiiuhsday evznino, july ia. ' ' i i II - I II ' i y .4 w ruu.::3 :a;i qi ce TlE FiiCSJO Local Advertising Men Scheduled to Speak at Convention - . . In Victoria.' : if hardly ! J v' J, '' Come paying MANY BUSINESS MEN AS WELL' AS LABORERS HAVE ALREADY AVAILED THEMSELVES' OF THIS 'EASY METHOD OF1 "DRESSING UP." WE INVITE YOU TO Ut-r VESTIGATE. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS;- -' ; PASSENGER SAVES - DROWflING . B. Wright Risks Ufa by Leap Ing, Overboard From Steamer i -r, Charles R. Spencer. NEARLY, DROWNS.WHILEi: RESCUING ONE OF CREW ?orter tWUllam H. McCuUoog h Falls '., Prom Guard and Terrific Undertow Carries Hira-'Ufderr Steunef Neaf . Whits; Salmon. Vv '. W ,' ' . "But (or the bravery of at B. Wright of 14V But Sixth street I ' would be looping th lon aleep on tha bottom t th Columbia rlvar Instead of walk In a about bar this morn I. said eor lr-WllHm a MoCullough - of th itMnir Chaav R. Spencer this morning arbll busy looking; altar tha walfar of th embarking passengers at th Oak street dock.. "That fellow would risk his llf any tlm to save a person, and b earn near losing It In savins mln. He la eertaJnly all right" ...... MoCullough fell overboard while the .penoer-wa about to land at White lelmon Tueeday afternoon on bar down trip. Th atrong undercurrent took him Iowa 11k a rock and purser Chart R. pencor, after whom th boat waa lamed, leaped overboard' with a rope, but failed to find th drowning porter. Ererybody thought u man loot, but suddenly bia whit coat waa aeon under thewatT-on-ttta eppoaita aioe or the till AVfetatk IVtpatelIariltAa slmllatlng &eFoodandBeiu!a ting tteStoaocbs aKLDovreh ofn PKrawtesDigetionlKrfAir ness andRestXontalns neither PpiirnfJrphliie norfloerai. IfOTXaVBLCOTZO. . JUUSM 2 lwi mwkj A perfect Remedy fo r CoMBpe Hon. Sour StotnacJt,Diacbhdea VYbrnva .Convulsions ,Fe verish nrss and Loas or SLEEP. MBMaMagiaHaaMasaa.' ' YaeSlmik Si'gnahir sf - " '." NEWYOBK. tat. e&smw9AMXj .for a Suit Under our liberal credit system $1 a week will - s soon pay for the finest .suit of clothes and you'll Z: miss the money, Welcortie ToCredit You :::Are In and .pick but your , suit , this: week, only a small deposit.. : Y; Qevurtz & Sons r: mqevURTZ SELLS IT FOR LESS" 173-1 75 First Street : : 219221 Yamhill Street Steamer Kitsap, Which Leaves for boat, an Mr. Wright, who waa one of th passengara, acted . on tn impuiee of the moment. Seising life-buoy, he thrsw himself over tha rail Into the swirling current and by a atroka of good luck managed - to - grasp MoCul lough by the ooct Both sank, but th buoyancy of the life belt finally' over earn th powerful undertow, and re appearing en - the - surface" they were hauled to the aide ot th ateamer by means of a long boat hook, . MoCuUough was able to walk about, but his resouer bad to be rolled over a barrel for quit a while. EXPORT OF BREADSTUFFS. OOTnma gtatlstloa fot.IMM Show .... , Material Tha statlatlc furnished by tha de partment ' of commerce and labor re lative to ex porta and Imports of th United States during tha fiscal year ending June 10, ltos, show that during that period i.7ii.tit pueneia or wneat sent to foreign porta. The wheat waa Pi) '& UliU Tor Infanta and Children. Tho Kind You llavo Always Dought Bears the W For Over Thirty Years SeWsMNi ttsSPaMIeV wwJeal rwV. lliiMift v. u"l . : '. ill .fA " J"1 Paget Sound Next Saturday valued at llt.tl2.Sll and th flour at 161,111,771. : Th total, valu of all braadatuffa exported during: tha rear ,ls placed at 177.IaO,7f. Tbeee figures ahow a substantial In' crease over tboee of tha rear pre ceding when th total value of bread stuffs exported waa 1101.107.417, while the wheat axporta were only t,Il,0l and valued -at just about one-teentB of tha cum total' of the year Juat cloasd. The flour ahipmenta too 'war muoh larger during the past II months than during tha preceding year when only a,75S.tlS barrels, valued at lit,' III.441. were aet afloat. Portland, with ,11101 buahala of wheat gained aecond place In aMp- menta. New Tork leading, with. 7.S04, It4 buahala. ' Tha Puget aound citlea combined ahlpped 1,161,111 buahala Galveston exported I.I1M1 buahala. - Portland ahlpped l,lt.l7t barrels of flour, valued- at 1,746,766, as against 716,111 baxrela valued at 11.161.141 In 160a. Other prominent flour ahlpping porta were New Tork with l.l0,l barrels, Puget aound citlea with, S.Ov, 01 bejrtls. ynilaaeipnia wim i.iii.- IT barrel a, Baltimore with 1,466,160 barrels and New Orleans with 1.061,004 barrels. , DRIFTED ONTO BRIDGET Oaptala Beevea ef tha Tender MoOrakea BiplaJna Qanao tow QolUaion."' Captain Reeves, of th Port of Port land tender John MoCraken says th eolllalon with th Madison atreet bridge Saturday afternoon was unavoidable, it being up to him to altber crash Into tha bridge or run down a aall boat that had managed to get directly astern of him. Aa atated in Th Journal Sunday morn ing th tender tore, a part of tha side walk off th east end of tha draw, with Ita heavy derrick. . . "W did not run into th bridge Inten tionally,' aald tha captain this morn ing, "but tried -to avoid running down on of th sail boats that had come through tha draw a few minutes before. I tried to back away from tha draw, but eould not keep away, and tha boat drifted In and struck near th eaat end. Th tender was not damaged, luckily, but that was due to tha fact that the water waa Juet low enough to bring th derrick in contact with tha atruoture flrat ; Tha Madlaon street bridge la al ways slow opening, - but probably - th machinery won't respond quickly. WAS UNEXPECTED GUEST. Ooolle Prom the' Vteamer BJobjao&A Ba ' . Joys Moonllgat Xaoarstoa. Had Immigration ' Inspectors acci dentally happened to peep Into the cabin of tha gaaoiln launch Eva laet night, her-aktpper as well as a number of sea captains and their friends would prob ably have been placed under arrest oa uapTdon of attempting lo smuggle Chi- neee Into the country, became ciroum- atancea pointed to a violation of the ex clusion laws, although, those on board would probably have been able to prove their innocence. ' ' --" " - Th Eva was Anartered to carry party of matters ot foreign steamers In this port ana tneir mentis aown tne Wlllamett to get a view of th moon. and on th way down th skipper of th big tramp steamer Richmond, which la loading lumber at th mills of th North Paclflo Lumber company, sud denly discovered that h wanted to stop for a yachting cap. Running close to th aide of th steamer, he sang out to tho Chinese cabin'man to bring th cap,'- Tha order was promptly obeyed, but the distance from the deck of th big trampsto' tha equatty launch waa ao great that Instead of dropping th cap over" tb aide ' the Chinaman limbed down the Jacob ladder with. Portland men wilt be heard on tha program of the Pacific Coaat Advertis ing Men'a aaaoclatlon meeting to be held at Victoria. B. C. July 18. II. and IL Bury X. Daaent, prealdent of the Port land Admen'a . league, will, apeak on "Electrical AdverUalng." R. M. Ball, adrartlaing agent of the O. B. N. com pany, will talk on "Beneflta of the Lewie Land Clark Eipoaltlon." -Tha Portland delegation to th convention will a all thla evening and reacfr Victoria tomor row morning.- Victorian have arranged an elaborate -program for the entertain ment of tha vlaitora. It will include a trip bvr the Eaquimalt Naaaimo railway to Shawnlgan lake, and a dinner at th Stratheona hotel. . . , - At a meeting of the Portland' Ad men'a league held In th Chamber of Commerce laat evening membera dla eusaed th queetlonc "Resolved, That, th Portland Admen'a league ahall take an active part In all great public move, ments for th welfare and advancement of the elty of Portland, atate Of Oregon and Paolflo north weet" For th affirm ative George Estea,"Xom Richardson and Cv C. Chapman made a winning arga ment againat the negative aide, com poaed of R. M. Hall. Wt C Kalm and Charlea A. Foster. A declelon In favor of active participation was rendered by th Judges, , Meesra. Helllg, ., Hofmann and Hynson. Other talk were made by President Bt abler of th Paclflo Coast Advertising Men's aasoclatibiu Uba City, California; U. H. Marts, aeoretary-treas-urer, to Angeles; President Reed, of the Reed Advertising agency,' Los An gales; J. B.'8ag, LOS Angeles; 3. X Baltnick. Seattle. Tneee men, ' aooom panled by C C. Chapman, B. I. Daaent, R. M. Hall. R. Bernard and O. L. Hutch In of Portland, departed last night for Victoria to attend the convention of th Paclflo coast aaaoclatlon. t -. - 1 the Intent of delivering th cap In per son. Captain Amos, who waa at the helm of the Eva, did not think It neo atop, and before anyone, waa aware of It th Chinaman had been Car ried a conaSjurabl dlatanc from hla steamer. It waa thought too much trouble to bring him back, ao ha was al lowed to accompany tha party to tha mouth of tha Willamette. Captain Amoa waa appointed a special guard to aee , tSat tha ooolle did not cape, and kept pretty well from ehore all the while. .- In th meantime - the watchmen on -the steamer were on the erg-t golnjj! Into hysterica because of the suddewimappearano ot on of tha crew. : . Returning to tna-eamer tha China man explained to hla w'-w ahlpmatea that the excursion to whiChs. bad ao kindly been invited as a gueatoT-or, waa a complete eucceee. He also pressed himself pleased with th e can ary of the lower rtver and tha court e oua manner , of Skipper Amoa, who gar him very close attention. 1 VESSELS WAtT. FOR LUMBER. Order' Prom ToignDotriaCrowd Capacity ef Xoeal Mills. So heavy la the demand for lumber In foreign - porta- that the local mills are barely able to aupply cargoes aa faat aa ships arrive to carry them away. Although the plants are operating day and night, th longshoreman manag to keep the doeka clear, and every now and then they have to take a rest for tha mille to catch up. Th foreign lumbar trad never was as brisk aa at present, and indications favor an Increased activity in the market- Bat for the sailors' strike Cali fornia would be drawing enormoue quantlttea of lumber, and Europe and tha orient are heavy buyers. Australia Is taking more lumber from mills In this vicinity than over before, and Si beria and tha Hawaiian 1 elands are also placing big orders. --- Railroad building In tha south Is call ing for normoua quantltlea of tles, and tha mills along th Columbia are being taxed to their capacity. It was reported- today that tha ateamer Meteor .will aoon com to- Portland for a full cargo of railroad tlaa to be delivered at one of th aouthern California porta for transshipment into th Interior and Mexico. Th Meteor has eapaolty for about 100,600 tlea, which number she took away on bar laat visit her a few month ago. Thla was the laraest cargo or railroad tlea ever aent away irora ina coiumMa river. - F. P. Baumgartner, agent for th Cal lfornla Oregon Coaat Steamehln com pany, waa down on Lewis river yester- oay arranging to nav a larse number of tie brought down to' tha Columbia river In barges for tba ateamer De spatch, which will be her la a 1 few flays to load for San Franolsoo. WILL 8ELL THE TENDER. Department elde Boa to mepair the Damaged awnnier Manaaaita. Commander P. 3. Werllch of the thir teenth lighthouse dletrlct announced that he haa been Instructed to Sell the lighthouse tender Msnsanlta, which waa aunk in a eolllalon with the dredge Co lumbia Several montha ago and subse quently raised and towed to A a tor la. Tba details of tho instructions are not yet known because the commander has oeen ao buay with other matters since hla return from his annual tour of In speotlon 'that ha haa not had tlm to go over th papers, but tha vessel will probably be aold at auotlon to th high est bidder, or bid may be Invited by publication. HAD TO BE TOWED BACK. teaaae Bepubllo loses Propella WfcO ..... Sa Boat to oappooee. . :,' ' For th aecond time within the past cAmerican COI TXZBD AJTO COTCM STRXXTS. Om BAT AJTO kTXaXT. Sinner from 11 a. m. to p. as. Ox Tall Soap Free with Meals. - Boiled Salmon with Whit Baae,.15v Ploklad XoUaod Herring- .......... 1K Boiled Pig Book and Cabbage. ...ISA Obtakssi Pot PI with VampUng...2RA Pork Spar Blba with Hew Pota toea . ans aut Of Oa Tails, Sauce Jardlnire.204 Breast of Lamb, Breaded, Tomato Sano . ..... ZO Hew Bngland Boiled Dinner, is Beef Stew wiUa VegetablM .......1R Stuffed Ovaaa Pepper .SO Boast Sprlmg Lamk, Mlat saao. . .20 Coffee, Bread and Butter and potato with ail Meaia.-' DZHUrOhBOOX .TOB 1USZXS. ' , CCN'T IV02RY-WATCD USCSOW SOME PRICE INDUCEMENTS A"' ; -':':;'TO' HOLD YOUR AliTENTION GlilMsumiiaer 1. : You will find many more when visiting Portland's most progressive store. We have fone all over our stock. We have put prices on the spring and urrrtner garments that will com- , plete the clearance before the arrival of fall goods. . ( -, v-v ' v ' Zm YARDS OF TORCBON LACES T AIL WIDTHS . 1000 Yards Embrolferles j Good hedges, attractive patterns and; good widths; regular price of these -embroideries : is 8 1-3 to 12y3c pet yard,, Friday Ar J per yard, . . .tvj. ... .. .............. ."Tlv 15C0 Ladies' Lace and Embroi ; dery Collars Of the newest , designs and patterns, finely executed; 25c and 50c values,, all g 7 on Friday for. . . ......... . . ... . . , . . 1 f Iv iuL-r: Hosiery - To dear out our entire line of ladies' 50c -'r black Lisle - Rummer - Hose we will place them all on sale. at 'one price; Fri-'IA-, . day, per pair. . .................. i . Lts 500 pairs of ladiesM2j4c black Hose, H Friday, per pair.-.. f Vy -f,lusteSklrb An Immense variety to choose from. One lot j . rjtr: m.TTin.'J ri- .1 - , A with double embroidered ; with four rows of lace insertion, others with deep flounce of embroidery and four tucks; " good value at $2.25, Friday, spe- 4t 1Q cial price. .. . ... .......... . . . . sDl xy A Crcat Clearance In Silks $1.25 value 27!4inch white India Silks, Fri- dy- rrtrri rWVri i Trsirrri 75c value Lyon dye Jap bilks, J,nday.v,.40e? 60c value 27-inch Jap Silks, all shades-and colorings, Friday. .394 $1.25 value 35-inch black Taffeta Silks, Fri day ......................... ...,...82 You can rely upon getting as good attention should you order by mail as you would if the goods were picked out in person. Freight, Express or Mailing Charges Prepaid. GOLDEN EAGLE DRY GOODS C0R3PAB1Y three weeks th - steamer Republlo knocked off th flukes of her propeller yesterday afernoon In ateerins - (or Soappooae. Tha wheel atruck a ana and It took the flukes off as clean as had an expert meohanlo done the Job. Th ateamer was In chare of Cap tain Weir and aha lay helpless In the trough of the swell untU th new ateamer Multnomah cam down from Portland and towed her back to the elty. Th ateamer America will corer th rout of th Republlo until tb damar has been repaired. Tha steamer Multnomah had just re turned from her official trial trip yes terday afternoon when ah waa called upon' to start for -Scappooee to assist tha Republic, which la tha pioneer of Captain Qoode's fleet ; MARINE NOTES. Astoria. July II. Arrtred at 5:18 and left up at T:S0 a. m., ateamer NorUi land. from Ban Francisco.. Arrived down at and sailed at :10 a..m Steamer Redondo, for Ban Francisco, Arrlred at- midnlaht. schooner W r. Jewett, from San Franeiaco. Eureka. July 1. Passed yesterday, steamer Barracouta, for . Portland. Ban Francieco, July !. Arnvea, schooner Wliriam Olaen, from Portland. Sailed last night, steamer cascade, lor Portland. . a Astoria,' July IS. Arrived down at :1( p. m., German ehip F.lille. -San Franuiseu; July la- nansor achoonera A. F. Coats and Sequoia, for Portland. Arrived, barkentlne Oeor gina, from Portland. ' ' ' Astoria, July II. Condition of the bar at I a. m., smooth; wind northwest; weather cloudy. ; .--.-v ' HOPMEN WILL HOLD ! HIGH JINKS AT KREBS' '. s.,rpJy islw Jlnke" to be given by the hopmen will be pulled Oil ei n nrvra nomv i indeDendence' July II. .The affair will aseume the character of a etas party and promises to be of Interest to those encsged in th hop industry. A din ner will be served and some considera tion will be given to various problem that will have ,to b met by the grow, era and bffyers. About 49 guests wUl be la attendanca, t GOLDEN COftNERTTHlR D AOTVAMHILL A Friday icUcrystal, gold rimmed ruffle, another lot f ; , , . .73 ENTIRE CORNER TDfilD AND YMIDUL STREETS PROBATIONARY MARRIAGES ADVOCATED Professor Zueblln Says That - Matrimony Is ; Now Mere " Property Arrangement. . : (loeraal Spselal Seiiice.) Chicago, July II. Th views of Fro fessor Charles Zubelln. of th Vniver elty of Chicago,, concerning matrimony, as azpreaeed in a lecture yesterday, caused widespread criticism among tho faculty and atudenta of th Midway school. . While It Is Intimated that eoma mem bera of the faculty hold ideas similar In aoma respecta to those expressed by Professor- Zueblln," Bone' hav had tha temerity to publicly vole them. Professor Zueblln la quoted as hav ing aald: "Marriages In the United States ar mer property arrangements, and every normal man or woman haa room for more than one person in hla or her hearts Our aoclety will not bear examination. . A probationary mar riage . ahould precede all other mar riage. 1 augi alx montha, when th man and woman can find out If life together la pos sible. Like polltloa and religion, w hav taken for granted, that th mar riage relationship was right,, and haven't quatlonKl lt Oorky le much more married than many Americans. rri propagation of species'" CONTRACT IS AWAftDED : FOR HOT LAKE PLANT jj,- i . 'v - llpMla! Dlspetrk s Tk Joorail ) Hot Lake, Or.. July II. Architect. V. Bennea of .Raker City has let t. contract to the O. H. Sutherland Heat ing company, of Walls-Walla for the building of the new waterworks at Hot Lake, tha contract price being 1 10.900. J. Woods ot Baker City is Intoreeted In this contract, having flsured rn tne tln- Urork Buooesafuuy,, tveryt 3 j r Sptclil Clsccnl T7d Every Ixrcssse STKEBtS TO OUR Domestic Clearance EAGLE 34-inch and 38-inch Dress Percales, striped dotted and figured ; ' hundreds Of - beautiful , ; patterns ; extra special, Friday. . . . .8 1-3 f ' f - ''::-J':' r." Two Shoe Specials for Friday MISSES PATENT LEATHER . LACE SHOE Spring heel, heavy sole, dull gun "i I metal -finished kid top, a $2.50 2 Q ' shoe, Friday for. . . pl UO LADIES' PATENT LEATHER LACE SHOE With light sole, Cuban heel, dull . gun metal finished kid top, $3.50 Is the reg- ular price of this shoe Friday, 3Q per pair........................ 4)100 Oearance Sale Prices 1 in Oar Cnf Price Basement f FORTY BALES OF GOOD COMFORTERS or Quilts, sold regularly for $1.25, Friday' special ................... v....... .75 7-PIECE LEMONADE.SETS-rrBJuc-gTeett- - highly decorated- glasses and ; glases ; $1.75 sets Friday $1.23 PAPETERIES We have secured an unusual-' , y fine line of 00 boxes of Writing Paper and Envelopes; sold resrularlv at 20c to 35c per ;" box, which we will sell on Friday for, per box 11 AGATE STEEL ENAMELED CUSPIDORS Large size, worth 35c, Friday. .... . .20c MILK OR PUDDING PANSUrgeTquart size720 value, Friday special for ... .10 WELSBACH GAS MANTLESSold every- -; where for 25c, double wire and weave ; extra special Friday .....lOf FREE TO ASTUMA SUFFERERS A Kane Care That Aayea Caa Vw Wltheal Laee ef Xlme r teteatiea lnea . Sulaaa. . - W went enry uittunt trim ltn k write ne today (or e tn trial af our woae tnl Naar Method tot caring Aetata. We eapeeiallr Otslr ttraa eaaae at losg etaadtos which hara triad all tba vsrKna klada f Inhalara, doachaa and pateat amokae wltoaul sambar and wltboat r.ll.f . We know wa caa cure them. Wa want to and are willing to Tore It abeolutalr frae ef coat. hUoj theu aand bars sccaptad thla epportonlty and are sow earad. Thar k h reaaoa why aaroae, eld or young, rich or soar, eamld matlaaa to uffar from Asthma aftae raedlag this Biarraioea of far. Our mat hod la not Beraty a tanporary ra ll.f, bet a core that le founded upon tha rlht prlnclplas. a ear that euree bl reaming thf Ihm't tmt thla off antll roe 'kare another ettacs. dm ail runt oowa today aaa write for tba Method. It ta free and w. aand rl with all chara-es prepaid. Addreas, f roc tier Aathma Co.. Kooa ST. 1M -Deleware AT., But. takv Maw- Tork. . ' . - ,.; rise PeatJslij in Wort Onaraateed. auoid Bridge work. Full aet teeth Telephena ISata STBS. a, a, r . S, erraad Thaev re aiar. OrpeadS BUee Ftaaa Bowsa, to th bu!'- -tori urn at ) tSldaUc) I 3.00 .Lkf.HtM -S5.00 ' sraWlvafiVr .. ....