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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
vz::i:;o, july 17. 1:::. . , .s r- r 7 t " u : ' Jturaftl eananribeis " -rid Tse Jeuraal m a,e at I - ". lof kuk awt pt. A -alar nw rUMT Ui ul ke ! -. Omes linct Iraa ear aaeat at taee pemie and ae, wul attend preepuy to ia ' 10W f 0H lenls 0on, agent! heastnaj'.wa Xiwsee, wash. &e ' llnry to all v'tt tha knees. fclAijbt X feaASBAKT 'Ajt A W. E. Wsitnaa, a.t neasanertars ' at twta. Oe.'e An atora, itMMt, oiBnllverr to ail seiatj ea ae ZrOKT AMD tainA Harry Dlnibue, - arwa a. OocfeiU - Iutra . retinas, , agent. Seed- -" uartora at kewpert, Or. Salivary e - ail noints tm the kaaoa. . WILHuiI tuxa-77w. luLaraa. . aaeat. Wiiaolt, Of. . JIOX LAXt Hot Lake Saaitertam Oa agent, fct Lake, Or. OAHSOX, WAArf.Jttaeral Springi M , tel Co.. agauta. i CASCAIij!, WASH Taemaa Xoffett. init DOLL lists lowxiAL snnrst. vut. 0. X. Seleses, aseat, OoUini, Wash. ,' xoxiaxrs jLXvmmnt. Bulla.,.. Huuo nnd Mualral remedy Baker. ........S.a TtinriMW PlMorea Lrrte.. .."A Boldlar'a Bride" Bt.r. ...,....,...,.....;.. ."A Qul.t Family w ..a... Pantasee. ....... , Vandevllle Vaudeville . Mrs. Diana Currin celebrated her sev' snty-nltjth . birthday laat wsek , with much caramontal, whan a' number of her friends surprised bar and apant tha day . with har. Mr a. Currin was tha daugn tar of Robert Tourut and waa born near .. tVarranaburr. Missouri 8ns crossed tha plain a In 1147 and waa married to ' Hufh Currin in tha fall of 1149 and eet tied on the old donation claim at Cur 'rim villa, where eho atlll, reside Those wno cunt in aa ner ruests on nar oirm day brought an abundance of - rood . things to eat and the table waa spread for a bounteous midday dinner. Music and reminiscences passed the day pleas antly and ' a number- of sifts - were ' brought Those present-were Mrs. Dl ' ana Cuffriii, Mr.and Mrs.' George XJur- rln and tnelr child from Heppner, Mr; ' and Mrs. Qus Wilcox and Mlaa Mabel Wilcox.. Mieaee Kate and' Elate Currin, . Mra. Lane Hammer and her eon1 Hugh and her daughter Grace. Mrs. Fry and her dnughter from -California, Mrs. toula Hale, W. H. H. Wade. Mrs. Mary Hiapla, Mrs. Nancy Shanklln, Mra John Palmitetr. Mra. I. P. Irwin. Miaa Blale Covey Mrs.. Carolina Looney, Mrs. L-u - olle oiorer. . Mr. and Mra. frown. Mr, '. and Mra. John Ely and their three chil dren. Mrs. Darling, Mra. E. E. Balling : and her two children, Mrs. Mary E. Ely, Mra Raunflald. Mra. Frank Borer. Mra. A. C. Lowell, Mrs. Robert Currin and her child. - Mra. Emma Alapaugh. Mlaa ' - Eller af Portland, Frank Har ken rider. '' Mra. R. 8. Coop and child, Mrs. Eather Olttens, D. C Ely, Kally Boyer, Cleve : Delplo and Mrs, welrhelm. , ' The regular meeting of Portland Ad , men s league will be held at the rooma . of tha Chamber of Commerce Wednesday evening. .There will be a debate on the question t "Resolved. .That tha Portland ''Admen'a Leaaua BhallJraka an Ax tire Part in All Great Public Movamenta for tha Welfare and Advancement of the City- of Portland, the State of Oregon . . and tht.Paclflcorth.yjttJJBjeakers for the affirmative will be Meaara. Eatea, Held, Orey and Chapman. For tha nega tlve, "R. M. Hall. W. C Keim. P. W, . vuaiar ana tninw a. xoiwr. in aa '"dttlon to these spaakara in the debate 'four others will be selected from the ' members present, two for tha affirmative and two for the negative aide of the . question. - Messrs. Heillg. Hynaon - and Hofmann will act aa Judgea In deciding the debate, ." : r , ;s ; ' WllllAmBredaenraJlaaAVTniamWn llamaon. who pleaded guilty laat Satur day to the charge of obtaining property by falae preteneea, waa aentanoed thla morning In the circuit court by Judge Oantenbeln to serve three yeare In the penitentiary. ' Bredaen waa much sur prised at his sentence and aaked tha Judge If there were no way for him to get -out of town and have his sentence commuted. Judge Oantenbeln said he had been Investigating the ease and found that Bredaen- had been released only laat March from serving a nine months' sentenoa In .the county Jail, fol lowing a convlotlon, In the circuit court of larceny, and that be thought tha sen tence light In view or trial circumstance. Tha m.rlmiim punaltv la flva Vara' Im. priaonment. . ,:. ; ,-7- 7',.-''".i",:.."'i"T" Tha Odd Fellows lodge of Mllwaukle haa installed the following new officers W. A. Garner, noble grand: Charles E. Meldrum, vice-grand; - Henry Boott, warden: William - SeUwood, secretary J. C. Elklna, financial secretary; James H. Reld. treaaurer; O, TVisalnger, right sunnorter noble grand: George Hlvely. .left supporter noble grand; IV. E, Bentley, right supporter vloe-grandr W, T..U l.ew KaMnMBAe a.MaaH nit t T fl g- f st-Ba JCiV gUVfui v a ww-am a aaA. . v Mullan. conductor; O. a. Mathews, inside watchman; T. J. Dowllng, outside . watchman: W. F. Lehman, right scene Lupporteri T. J. Clark, ,lsft scene sup- ; porter; A. A. weoaier, paai grana, 1. XV '.'A. Bellwood. chaplain..,,...." ' At every meeting of the tloense com mittee of the council since the Ban Fran cisco fire, a erlpple of aome aort haa i applied for a permit to peddle notions on the streets. The license Is IS a week or ; ISB a quarter and is Intended to be pro .hlbitory. Bo the committee hss had to -listen- to talaa of woa of all kinds, and ' Its heart baa softened on more than one occaalon. Yeaterday afternoon Charles F. Marshall, a one-legged painter, tm . plored the committee to- grant him a 60- day permit to sell shoestrings. Counoil C man Annand haa opposed such permits st all times, and stuck by his position , yesterday. Wills and Preston, however, granted thd permit , , ' ; ; '. , The yonng people's organisations of : Bins Baptist churches met last night in the White Temple and organised a Bap 7 tut Toung people's union of Portland. .The purposa -of tha organisation ia to unify tha work of tha various local or ganisations. Annual meetings will be ' held In June. ' The officers elected were: President, W. R. Lltsenburg, First Bsp ' tlst church; first vlcs-presldent. IT. K. Hall, Second Baptist; secretary, Mrs. Harry Farmer, Calvary;' recording sec ; retarv. Mrs. Williams. Bellwood Bsptlst; , rarrespondtng secretary, William -Hale, Emmanuel; treasurer. Miss- Ruth Bliss, Third Baptist -.w, . . ;, ,7: i,. """An " examination for"thelnternal revenue service for the district of Ore- , gon will be held at tha poet office September I. Jhe -nnovncentent re ceived thla morning did not state for what particular position the examina tion would be hehtbut thoae desiring to enter, jhe service csn obtin.full In- "rorfnallon In' regard to the examination and the duties of ths work by apply ing to Z. A. Leigh, at the post office. The liquor" license committee of the council yesterday afternoon granted the following saloon lloeneee: Oscar Llnd gren, 41 North First street; Tom Buck man. 147 Alder street; Sam Vlgneux, tit Wsahlngton street: John Cla. Ill Third street; B. T. Grant. St ' Grand avenue: Cochran eV Hansen, 74 North Third street and Carr Lee, II Slxtta street Carr" mi atrlke, peoole walk. ! i l bustle, that's the talk. lalier r ing at Uount Soott r t ya, "Uy goodness, this is hotr ; Qlrlle out at MonUvill ; Cries, "This Is enough to kill! . . . Chap walks from Willamette Falls, For a cabman loudly cajla. ' , "Mercy I what an awful thing,' Men and women aadly elng. 6tlU our wagons corns and go, 7 Planting Joy, dispelling woe. Greatest laundry on the earth 7 Carrying to homes thslr mirth. Polishing their clothes by steam,.. Making people's linen gleam. m , But to labor we must: hike, . If the carmen go on strike, - -Unless that for us they'd feel ' And provide us with a wheel.. Carmen strike, people walk. ' ".' HuaUe, bustle, that's the talk. 1 , "UNION LAUNDRY, ' Second and Columbia, Tel Main ls. Transfers of licenses were allowed aa follows: Frank Swanson'to B. D. Bud worth. 61 Sixteenth street; ' Charles Dahl to H. J. Bella ta. til Mllwaukle avenue; S. D. Fox to T. J. Jackson. II Grand avenue; C W. Mott to John X Paulson. Ill Burnslde street; Rlnehart at Porter to Porter . A - Mueller, 171 First street; Robert Bohulse to Alfred Bond, lit Second street: H. A.. Evans, to Ed ward Murphy. It North Sixth street; John Dennis to John Helaer, 101 RusseU street; Daniel Brett to Nick Gardner, 111 North Third street; DeAmbrose Clarlo to DeAmbrose. Ciarlo AUori. t4 First street; Case 4t Tllley to Weber 4k TUiey, $0 North. Third street Judge Fraser announced last night that the 11-year-old eon of Lorenso Joseph .Dame, the accused polygamlst win do oared ror by the juvenile court. The boy will be committed to the Boys and Girls" Aid aoolsty until the court can determine by Investigation whether his grandmother Jn Walla Walla la proper person to cava for him. and If It Is found that aha la the boy wUl be aent to her. In case tha court does not think It wise to send the boy to his grandmother, It is thought home will oefound7for ; him by the society. Arrangements for ths Retail Grocers plenlo at Bonneville tomorrow hava been completed. A meeting of the grocers was held last night and the preliminaries arrangea. it is saia tnei practically every retail groves in' the elty w Ul eloaa hla atora tonight and keep It closed an Ul Tuesday.. Ths plenlo will likely be ena of the most Interesting of the season. 8ult for 1600 insurance money haa Been rued In the circuit court by J. Welneteln. a grocer at III First street against the Glens Falls Insurance com pany. - Welnateln alleges that be suf fered that amount of loss by fire In February, snd that ths Insurance com pany has refused to pay It Articles of Incorporation of tha Pace Mining company were rued in the of fice of the county clerk this morning by C. A. Dolph and Joseph Simon of Port- Una and Frank T. Post of Spokane. Their objects are to' develop and oper ate mining properties, v, Capital - stock, 12,000,000, Water : through noes - for' sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, most be paid for In advance ours of t and a. tn. and ( and p. m. It muat not be -used for sprinklinr etrMta- If sea contrary to these rules, or wast- tuuy, it will no shot oft Mualo-Lovers' - Nights D'TJrbano'a Royal Italian band wiU give a French compoeers. program .Tuesday evening. um ma, at me uajca. . splendid nam bars. Friday evening, the 10th, .Wag ner program. An lneplrlng artlatla ireat. u, : , , Belle Holdlman waa srranted a 41mm from Wlllard Holdlman by Judge Gan- tenoain in me circuit court yeaterdav on the gronnda of deeertlon. beginning at Chicago In 1101. Tha litigants were marneq in ii. , Steamer Telegraph will have annual Inspection Thursday, July Is. and will not make tha trip , to Astoria on that aaxa, Laurie hea to the Oaka from Favorite Boa thou aa, south side bridge, foot Mor rison Street every few mtnutea all aft ernoon and evening. Tel. 1401. 77 . Get oar "Antl-Truat"1 price Ordering your printing elsewhere. Key stone Prees, tOltt Second street Phone Mala 1411. Milton A. Nathan, attorney, 1001 Stelner street San Francisco. Commissions promptly executed. .Bank referencea. Leading dallies from all the big cities. Carl Jones, . Fourth and WaeMngton. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness. go to ' Morris restaurant 7 , Woman's exchange. Ill Tenth atreat. lunch, 11:10 to I. Dr. XL C Brown, Eye-Ear., Marquam. Panama hatter, HI 4Ut Phono Pao. K7. A NEW DEPARTURE. The Cost of Xatermeate Sag Been reat IF Bednoed by The Molauur, trader. 'ttaklaa; OonpaaF, ' ' , Heretofore It haa been tha cnatom f xunerai airectore to make charges for all Incidentals connected with funeral Tha Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July 1, 1101, will depart from thla old custom. When the casket is furnished by us Its cost will Include all charges, such aa conveying the remains to our chapel, outside box. embalming, hearse to cemetery and all servloes which may be required of us except clothing, cemetery and carriage thua effecting a saving of 1 to 171 on each funeral. THB EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK- 1MU COMrANT, . ' - 110 Third atreet corner Salmon , Chautauqua Trains. ' . Xhiring tha ' Chautauqua : season at Gladstone Park tha Southern Paclflo WUl operate apedal traina between Port land and Gladatono Park aa follows: Leave Portland In the forenoon at 7:45, 1:40, 1:10, 11:10: In the afternoon and evening at ll:J5, 1:11, 1:10, l:0. i:jo, :i, :if, 1:11, t:1, 1:11 and 1:40. .' . .. .. . Leave Gladstone Park In tha fore noon at 1:41, 1:10, 1:11, 10:11; In ths afternoon and evenlnlt:ll, lilt, 1:14, t:ii, 10:01, and 10:35. Purchase round trip tickets at East Washington street office of the South. em Pacific eompany, where traina eon nect with streetcars for all parte of the elty. ' Trains do not arrive at or depart from union depot . ' Milwaukls Country Cfub. - Eastern and Seattle races. - Take Bellwood and Oregon City ears at First fOil.l'JOllKuEl Oreon Furniture Company Buys ''.Two Blocks, for ThatJ .' ; Purposs. J. HOUSES WILL BE BUILT , FOR FACTORY LABORERS Effort Win B Mad to Better Con. . dition of Employe Other Import 7, ant Seal Esute ' Deals Are An nounced Bung-slows Being Built, ' An Interesting phase of tha Industrial development of Portland is concerned In the purchase of two blocks la South Portland by Fletcher Linn from Hassrd Stevens.' Mr. Linn is president of the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing com pany, whloh Is known aa ono of the model manufacturing plants of the city, and la' hla ef forte' to, better, the con ditions of his employes these two blocks have been purchased to provide homes for the workmen. 1 " . Tha two blocks are situated Just wsst or tne rectory or ths company and ars located on nicely aloplng ground, whloh commands a view. Although the. deed waa made In Mr. Linn's name, tha two blocka have already been divided and tne workmen have -taken their share. About eixteen houses will be built tn the near future on the- ground- and It la the intention to add to th settle ment from time to time. - , Stew Warehouse Oompleted. 5 ' ' ' Ths new warehouse -. and office of the Oregon - Furniture Manufacturing eompany is, completed and yeaterday waa occupied for the first time. It Is a substantial structure - and conforms ingeneral T appearance "to the rest of the buildings of the 'plant having large winaowa, wniie the wane era or con creta -facing. The building, however. has been designed to relieve the general appearance of a manufacturing plant ana on ' the front le e large - porch, which leads to the doors of ths offices. The building will be need for storage aa well aa office purposes, aa In It will bo housed the finished products wait Ing shipment ' There ana also sample rooms, where ths. various articles made by the company are displayed. .Ths laat deed for the transfer of the property formerly . occupied by the Lewis and Clark fair to the Portland Development company haa been re corded. Borne months ago the Penoe company took an Option on all the ground -north of Thurmaa street em bracing about 21 acres. This haa re mained In the name of the Pence com pany until the present time. In the meantime the Portland Development eompany - had been organised and - pur chased the balance of the fair alte, and now that part originally secured by the Pence company has been, transferred to me-developmenrcompafiy7Wirrvtns: that concern title to all the fair grounds with the 'exception of that part which the elty purchased aa a alte for the ToreetryuIldlng. The ttanaf0r""Hne- uevea to te tne rorerunner or an im portant . announcement which- it le ex pected will be made In the next Tew weeka, as It Is understood the develop ment eompany haa some plans which are now well matured. ; Three Salee of Interest Three 7 sales of " Interest "were?" an nounced yesterday. One of theee waa the purchase by Edward , Holman, the undertaker, from Mra Jennie Atkinson of the southweet corner of Third and Montgomery streets, opposite the build ing now owned by Mr. Holman. - On the property Is the Atkinson realdenoe. The price paid Is not announced. A 110,000 deal waa tne puronase-py Dr. ' W. T. Williamson, from Louis J. Stevens of a lot II by 100, oompoeed of two half lota la block 117, Couoh's Addition,"' corner of " Eighteenth ' and Davis streets. There are no buildings on the property and It la understood that Dr. Williamson made the purchase aa aa investment - ' Another Investment, deal waa made by Hartman Jk Thompson, who sold a loMO by-10, owned by Jonas Frteden- thaL to H. A. and C E. Fierce, oa kv There is a small frame cottage on the property, but It la reported that the new ' purchasers will erect a couple of store buildings oa the lot A handsome bungalow will oe Mint by Mrs. Abbls F. Cowing on East Msdl son -street between Nineteenth ana Twentieth, lire. Cowing haa awarded tho oentraot to E L Camp aV Co, and the house will cost about is.zoo. . Permits have been laaued for - four new bouses on -ths east side, W. T Joplln will build on Claokaxoaa street, near Twenty-third. Eaon of these houses will cost about 11,000. . Two other houses of about the same price wlU be buUt by Mra. A. B. Coulter and K, W. Amesbury. . The farmer will lo cate on Waaoo street, near Twenty-fifth and Mr. Axneebury will buUd on Bchuy ler atreet betweea Twenty-second and Twenty-third. :,, ; ' ' .. ., . I AT THE THEATRES. ; ' Now at the Baker Theatre. The las yraneJaeo Claaater eoBBasy,' new exhlbltlBg Klles brothera' fasMns nevlng pte taraa ot tbe fire and earthquake, offer aa loan, ratios each as baa sever bees seen befere n this elty, that of eiaplariaf twe pieturea er the same scene at the aane time, before Ssd after the earthoaaka. Tbe leetmr, too, u a sraat attraction becaoee be basdlea tbe scene is s very oomprehenatre way,' and aiakas tbe Ttrtdaeae of tbe aeebaBleal work all tbe mora i to life.. Theee pictures are ne only as thenrle eoea of thla treat dlaaater Bow aa axhlbltlos. betas proeaie4 by Mllae bratben at as enormous eipenae, there bains ever 1.000 faat ef morlos sletsree, bealdes tbe elldea which abow tbe haroe wroafbt before end after tbe Okmatar. There are twe abows gives dally. Bargain ntatinee, 10 eenta to any eaat Is the hoeae, asd svealnts IS sad 18 erata. .VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. ' ., At the Orand, In a snuncal act which Is aee of m brlrht nets In the vaneevuls naaaa tbe three Kertoae ere wtnalnf applanas at the Orand this week. The little flrl la thla act Is particularly elever, Ar atromr asd Holly,, the Orpbesai atara, are beck atala la a ssvel eketcb. allea Slaaana Dlxee, aa operetta eepraae ef saaaaal at. lit. Is aa tbe aretraw. , : ..- ,,.:- aree-ComcdT at Star. Tbare Is s resstar tenntala ef lasthter at th Star thla week, where tbe ateek compear puttlnt an a fares enuties "A Qalet ranUly." Os the vantvllie prefresj la tbe edncated dog Set of Madame Wbnda. . Thla I considered eae ef the foresMet canine acts Is tha boetneee. Tsars are three parfwaiaaaoi dally at the Stat. ... . ., , At the lyric The reward ef s toed slay I la the tare aMeadanee which Is attracted by tbe predne- Sa It la wlta the pretty eaotedr-enau. . The "removal sale" ralues for this week combine for a repetition of the extreme limit in sale values which has char acterUed the progress of this most opportune sale. At all times has this sale afforded equal advantages for economical buy ing, and each successive week will continue to offer hundreds of bargains for furnishing parlor, library, living room, dining room, bedroom, hall and den. Articles sold at reduced prices cannot be exchanged and are subject to delivery at our earliest convenience.' . -- " 1 h 1 - MY,.. - nv ' Vm. H-r-.i $9.00 Desk or Reception Chair in the mahogany; sale " price $6.00 $12.50 Desk or Reception Chair in the birdseye maple; sale $18.75 upholstered , Parlor Chair in the mahogany; sale price ...,...v..;v........fl0.00 $16.00 Carved Reception Chair in the golden oak, embossed leather seat; sale price. ............ $ 11.60 $21.00 Parlor Arm Chair in the golden oak;" green plush cushions; sale price. . . ..... . . . .. ... . . ... . . . ..f 14.75 $25.00 Sleepy Hollow Chair in the golden oak, upholstered in green plush; sale pricer.i.,...i.......pi6.75 $45.00 English upholstered Fireside Chair, solid mahogany frame ; sale price .$35.00 $27 mahogany ParlorSeat, upholstered ; sale price, f 17.00 Bed lT""T f 1 $20.00 Commode In the birdseye I ' : maple $25.00 Chiffonier in the golden oak . $16.50 $29.00 Chiffonier in the mahogany. '...V. $19.75 $48.00 carved Chiffonier in the golden oak . . . . M $38.00 $27.60 Dresser in the mahogany finish. .......... .$25.00 m nreUn-lheJmahogany r:tzi r.". .. i I ... .829.00 $36.00 dolden Qak Dresser. 7. $48.00 Dresser in the birdseyemaple....... $37.00 ine dcuik lucaire hum v ttallaa Teser . sioiros Doimnoo atrsso ' : "TT. nOTATOl" sad ''EIOOIXTTrr ' bv Twe Aete ef OUvevte." POVTJtAft PRICKS Brenlag, ate, 88e, SOa, Tse and 11. bUtlaeea, SBe sse soe. THE BAKER TOOAT. T0K1OHT, att W1K., Hatmee Dally. f l. ..ra,T,,l0 :18 MILES 8aOTHBBS . Moving Picturss of thw Earth- , trnaK ana rirv. Host i Onsulete Dlsaeter ; Sbow -tblviestliig ' Lectara -- Ictoret at Same Time, Shewing Bejore aso anav. . 1VIMNOS Me and Ke The Grand ', The Three ' irusioAi. ; azLTOxs, ; ' wxxx of nvr is. Amatreeg Hellr llton - Daweea a Oe, HlUabraad Tlvtaa , Mils Sidaaae Vtmim ' Mr. Jamae Swhs , , . Qiasdliinsei , Three ! yei fu laanws dally,. . Trfo asd 9 0 p. m. Prtees saaaL dally. ' St S:s, U,YRIC THEATRE Week aetisslag Keaday, My M . "THB CBABM1XO COMSDX SBAMA "A Soldier's Bride" 'rr7r-' in thbs acts. - ' rr- Admlaalea. 10a. - Reaerved Seats, SOe. THE STAR KLXTX5TH WXXK STAB STOCK 00. A OUIXT FAMILY 00 ta Coo Met ton With a fine Tandevine One, . Beaded by Madam Wanda'a Bdn- " eated Oeacb Doaa. . .. am mam tiit PwAmMi Sail, at M tm aim T :nu .mi w "k Soldier's Scia," which tor th current week. hi the tttrsetfaa EASTERN EXCURSION RATE Angus T, S, S, Sepvaatber S and 10. 6n lhTaBoveal the Great Wurth. am Railway will have on sals tickets to Chicago and return at rate of 171.10, St Louie and return 117,10, St Paul. Mlnneapolla, and Duluth. Superior or Siottx City and return. 110. Tickets first-class, : good, going via the Great Northern, returtng same, or any direct route, stopovers allowed. For tickets, sleep Ingcar i seen at Ions or any addi tional information eaU on or addreea H. Dickson, a P. XA, 111 Third street Handsome Designs in Furniture of Every Description at tlie C Prevailing Sale Prices Sr3ioV!Sii'?,: Pi room Pieces la s Variety of Deaiffn wi Fuuskss ' :' 'y'jf. Sale Price. $20.00' Large Oak' Wardrobe.. $15.00 $20.00 Large Oak Wardrobe.:.. $16.00 a . t , ,ir j . a g sr a .....l.biu.uu .$29T00 Cloud Cap Inn Oregon'e famous -mountain enow Una resort at on Mount Hood Away from ths heat of the elty. The moat delightful resting place In th northwest Fan Information at the 7"7-'7."V , ;.r-a XL A X. ' ;;"';7 TICKET OFFICE, Third & C Washington SU. - SEASIDE HOUSE SEASIDE. ORECON ' 7. . UHITt, Xaaager. Seeelde, Or. TTnder new manacamaat, remodeled end newly farnlahed. electric III hta. Preab aad aall water batblos, boatlns, flaalnf. Vreah milk and eream from oar ewa dairy, yraeh vesetablee from ear own terden. Hateal 13.50 to .a. no net Say. Special rates by tbe weak er SMSth. . Free ban. PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS XT. SAIAX OXaXXXELATJr. teag Saaoh, Wn. Qood Msala . Horn Cooking HOTEL MOORE Clatsop Ctadi, Seaside, Oregon ours movwm or OBacK." Dlreotiy on the beach, overlooking the ocean, not sail oatns ana sure oa th ins. Recreation Dler for flahlna?. Sun Farlora, eleotrlo lights, fireplace and urnacs heat Fine walks and drives. Sea foods a specialty. ; Rttes $2.50 tad $S.M Per Day B7MOZA& JSATMB WW VMM Will, , DAN 3. MOO It B, Proprietor.' PORTLAND ACADEMY Portland Oregon ' 1st TBAB 'WOA OFBaT MTV. IT. .; Tits boys and girls for Eastern aad Weetern oolleges. , , ., - Includes a primary and grammar sohooL . i ,.,..( Soardlng hall for girls aifordtne tha comforts end care ot a refined home. ' Oflloe hours,durlng ths Summer from I a. m. to II m. . .' ... . For eataloa-us write ta the addraaa aivaa above. j. $45.00 solid mahogany "Arm Chair( upholstered ; sale -"r" ' price ......... . . . . . . 4 . . i , . . .935.00 1 $90.00 Bed Davenport, upholstered' in two-tone greenve-: rona velour ; sale price . . . .............. . . . .... . 465.00 $118.00 carved mahogany Davenport; sale price... 80.00 $40.00 solid mahogany Settee, rush seat; sale price 29.75 7 $5.50 Parlor Table in the mahogany finish ; sale price $3.25 $16.00 mahogany Center Table; sale price........ $10 .00 $24.00 Colonial Center Table in mahogany; sale . " - - price . . .$18.00 $37.50 carved mahogany Settee ; sale price.. ...... $27.50 $58.00 mahogany Settee, upholstered in silk tapestry; sale price $38.50 $60.00 carved mahogany Settee, upholstered in silk tap . estry; sale price ...........$39.00 Rope and Leather Portieres $5.00 Blue and Red Por tieres; sale price.. $2.50 $7.00 Brown Rope Por tieres; sale price.. $3.50 $7.50 Tan Leather ' Por--tieres; sale price. . $3.75 $8.50 Dark Red Leather Por tieres; sale price.. $4.25 $9.00 Dark Red Portiere's ; v sale price . . . . . . . .$4.50 $11.50 Green Mission Por tieres; sale price. .$5.75 $1L50 Brown Mission Por- -; tieres; sale price.. $5.75 $12.00 Red Portieres : sale price... .7,.. $15.00anTTCedftdreerrPortieres sale, price. $18,Q0jGreerJLXeather Portieres ; sale price. . . . , . relloivs 349 and35 1 - " ZAA atari ZKh . -a . - . av aj vr . aassee .- v var m m v ash sanay a v en, wav as m ---- - .......... ,t . . The Largest Store Viththe Smallest Prices The coolest and cheapest place to buy your Meats and Groceries for next week is at FELLOWS' big new store on Oak street, one block west of the new Wells-Fargo building. The new Creamery iUelVi Tf SUV sV VVwlTsUa se MU VeBM a m lVb ff eeMSspe 0 eaa pecially in hotels and restaurants. Notice the price. Owing to our extremely low prices on Meats last Saturday we sold completely out. The prices tomorrow will be CHEAPER than ever. Parties look ing for something, extra fine for Sunday dinner will be able to find it at the big new store. ' , BEST CREAMERY BUTTER 40c Per Roll Sugar (tomorrow) 21 lbs. f 1.00 Scotch Oats, per pkg.......lOe Star Cream, 10c size.....'...5e Eagle Milk, per can .... , . . ; 15e) Phone Main 2596 The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN FLAK. uaszars) ertrle Ufkt, Btaaes, ret Sad Cold salt Watr la Iwf T. tacue Oaty. naa. Peatenes AAjrees, twee? . $6.00 $7.50 $9.00 . Grocery C. OAK STREET": ANIirPNV ST. Rolled Oats, 7 lbs......... .25 Pkg. Crackers,' 3 lbs. ...29 Rose City Flour, 'sack. ,,.91.15 Good Hard Wheat Flour... C0 r .1 ' ',