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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
TIIS- OKZCON DAILY JOUIUJAL, FOnTLAIID, TUZCDAY livrili::. JULY IT, V.Z1 a 10 YOUR 10UP0HS IF YOU i HIT OWL CAR SERVICE 'Impending Strik May Delay Matters, but the Subject Will Not ' ' V Be Allowed to Drop Because ' : . E)f t In view of the Impending street car Strlks ths Portland Railway, Light Power company can hardly bs expected to take upsthe owl car proposition fee several daya. Tet this la no reason why - the pstiuonera ahould not. continue to send la thalr coupon In anticipation of an early settlement of , the trouble.. . t The faster- the coupons arrive ths sooner .they will b presented to Man To the Editor of The Journal: r : I am in favor of an all night streetcar service for Port land and vicinity, v; ' V; V.;' '.';0;f.-r.vV;;:' Name Address .e.r....r,.-..i'v,v""? GRAI1D10D6E, DEGREE OF II0II0R, III iSESSIOfel!l;tO.;U, W. HALL Credentials of One Hundred H Delegates Are ReceSved'amT " i Passed Upon. ; i FOURTEEN PAST GRAND. : CHIEFS ATTEND SESSION Dele ales WiU Not Mm la Evening j Sessions, bat Will Spend Tim In I Pleasure Seeking Committees Ar Appointed. The grand lodge. Degree of Honor, ' A. O. V. W4 held Its first session this morning la tbe Selllng-Hlrsch building - fh the A. O. U. W. halt Credentials were read and the delegates received In V good standing with ths regular cere menial. Ths grand chief. Sarah, A. Fas tabend of Astoria, waa In the chair. ' About 10S delegates 'were present sod , i past grand chiefs attended. - - t ,. .. -These past.grand :.chtefawho bars passed through the regular llat of "oTflcei are: Mary Randall, Portland r Bnsan G wilt. Oakland. California; Kate J. froung .Mtanar. Portland: Jiilla.OwIlL jBcMlnnvllle; Maggie Houston, Eugene; Carrie M-'Holman, Salem ( Anna R. Bow ley. Sheridan; Mamie Brlgga, White Sal mon. Washington; Martha A. Armatrong, Idaho; Maggie A. Barker. Albany; Min nie A. Mason. Portland; Ollls F. Ste phens, Portland- Margaret B. . Herrm, Portland; Wllda a-Belknap, Prlnevtlle; taura A. Smith, Baker City; Addis B. Colvlg, Jacksonville. Sarah Fastabend, Grand Chief , of '" . i ' r -.. . 'Honor. . '' " . . This morning's session wss gives up principally to ths recognition of dele gat and to commutes reports. There -will be no evening sessions during the convention but trips of pleasure will be planned for tbst time. The officers of ths lodgs are as follows: Peat grand - chief. Addis B. Colvtg. Jacksonville; grand .chief,- Sarah A. Faatabend, Astoria; grand lady of honor, Hauls B. McCormac Marahfteld; grand chief of ceremonies. Hattle C. Looney, Jefferson; grand recorder, OUle F. Stephens, Port- "'fend; grand receiver. Fidelia X. Mann, Portland; grand usher, Badle B. .Moore, '. Corvailla; grand Inner watch, Mattle T. Smead, ' Heppner; grand 'outer watch; , Mora Hendrtx. McMlnnvlUe. The grand chief of honor, Mrs. Sarah , ' A. Faatabend, appointed . tbe following committees: . - . ; Credentials Ada M. Kuykendall, Nora B. Jacobs, Rose Rexford. . - Distribution Ora Coaper, Maud Rus , sell, Emma Cyrus. . Welfare of tbe Order Wllda Belknap, ' Minnie Mason, Margie Barker. . Ths committee on credentials report- e the following representatives present: ' Irene Dunning, Portland; Mary A. ; Clark. Baker City; R. B. Moreburk. ; Sherwood; Fannie A. ' Ha sard. Marsh field; Ida B. Adklns. Junction City; Olive A. Caee. Tillamook; Laura Dawes, Mill City; Myrtle Smith, Gardiner; Nora B. Jacobs, McMlnnvlUe; Mary Klyver, McMlnnvlUe; Nellie . Huffer. . Jackson ville; Mary S. Kants, Roseburg; Julia , R. Flory, Portland; Nora A. Card. Port land; ' Margaret Bryan, Lafayette; Anna Pankay, Central Point: Clara . Broedwell. Amity; Mary A. Thatcher, Salem; -Anna Conway, Oswego; Lydla peane, Oraata.rase: Sarah Thomp son, Portland; Kats Meyer, Emma Smead. Albany; .Margaret Ooodfellow, Oregon City; Mary Halfpapp, The Dallee; 1 Nellie Beck with, Corvailla; Louella Humer, Carlton; Laura Funka, urctta Qeager. Hppnr;l Jean Grant, La Grande; Nlda Bennett, Ilarrlaburg; A. M. Peterson, Pendleton; Mnlnle Ds Peatt Athena; Clara Smith, Prlnevtlle; Llllle Murphy, Aatelope; Msrybeth Crowell, Hood River; Mamie Tlgard. TtgardvlUe; Hattle Henkle, In deoendenre Maud RussslL Jefferson; L. M. Dlerhmau, Hlllsboro; Emma Mink- lir. Ashland; Louts Beat he, weaton; ora Co per, Dallas; Ross Rsxford, Leb anon; Lora A. Lanmsn, Tsaoalla; Kmma Cyrus. Bertha Starr, Astoria; Dora Wooda.alaaforSj Xaals Oardlner, It. ager Fuller and the sooner will that of ficial be naked again If he thinks. In View of ths latest dsvslopraents. it would not beNrlee to Inaugurate an all night eervice for this city. Sign your eouoons therefore and mall them to Tbe Journal.' -8 well.. the pile . already on band. Ths owl car question will be consid ered by the East Side Improvement as sociation at Its regular meeting- tonight -1 :' A " , t V t V !.' V 1 V "i sssSsMsNssssasasnssjBiaMsaa Mrs. Sadie E. Moore, Grand Usher. Henrietta Towney, Portland; Fannie Stahlman, Detroit; Pearl Erlckson. Ban don; Hants Bunn, John Day; Ethel MathsrrCktchamaa; Maud Ho welL JW1 dronr Jennie Hurn, Klamath Falls; Ada M. Kuykendall, Dora - govern, Eugene: lnsard. Canby; Bertha Flts- gersld, Minnie MaaslngUI. Lake view; Lula Lee, Granite; Eva Keene, Mao leayr Euretta Horney Culver; Anna Weeterfleld. Graaa Valley;. Sarah Don aldsoa, Salem; Oms Smith, Elgin; Elsie Wells. Elkton; Msry Doene, Bumpter; 8adle . Henderson, Scottsburg; Mary Murray. Wllsonvllle; Msry Smith, St. Paul;. Carrie' A. Benson, Myrtls Point; Ellsabstb Elvers, Portlsnd. Two Short Addresses.- . After the grand lodge degree was con ferred Margaret- B.-Herrliiwaslntror dUced and In - her opening : remarks smphaslsed the Impotence of good will and harmony during ths session. Shs then introduce Mamie wsgjey jsriggs. superior chief of honor, who spoks elo quently of the hospitality of ths lodges of Montreal, where the superior session wss hsld in June. , -. . V Mrs,- Brlgga also said hat ths laws of ths degree' had beea changed so that any . female of good character might become a member whether related to a member et ths A. O. Wr or not. NEW MEXICO SHAKEN BY SEVERE SHOCKS ' (Joe real gpeHal Service.) 'Albuquerque, N. M.,- July IT. There waa an earthquake, hers yesterday. No damage Is reported. A shock or con tinuation of ahocka have been felt for tbs past few days at Socorro, San Mar clal and other towns south of .this city. Word has been received from Socorro Snd Sen Marclal that ths peo ple are greatly alarmed and are leav ing; their homes. Ths sdobs building occupied by the Colorado - Telephone eompany. at Socorro collapsed at noon and other buildings ars badly damaged. San Marclal, Magdelsna, Kelly and other towns nsar ths Socorro mountains srs s fleeted. -',.. WOMAN CHARGED WITH FIRST DEGREE MURDER T; . V -A.',..-.,, (Special Dlspetek to The JoaraaL) Seattle, Wash., July 17. Esther Mitchell and Mrs.- Maud Hurt Creffleld were charged In the Information Sled In ths superior court this morning by Prosecuting Attorney Mackintosh with murder In the flrst degree by killing George. Mitchell. Both women were charged Jointly by the same Informa tion and the prosecution will attempt to try them together. They will not be given separate trials uniesa they de mand tbem. . . . UNKNOWN, MAN ; . ATTEMPTS SUICIDE -' VMM " " : A man unknown to the people of he neighborhood attempted suicide this aft ernoon at Front and Mill streets by taking enough strychntns to kill a horse. Dr. Carrlco waa called In to at tend ths man and after applying ths stomach pump succeeded in saving his life.. The police allowed him to go without ascertaining his name. NEW YORK GRAND JURY PROBING SUGAR TRUST (Jesrnsl Special Service.) New Tork. July 17. -The federal grand lurr met today to investigate the surar rebatajchemes. it will . probably taks up the Standard Oil casr Willi In a week. RUSSIAN POLICEMEN STRIKE FOR REFORMS -x- ' ' Oaereet ftae.! srvtee.l St. Petersburg, July 17. Peasants ars wantonly applying ths 'loreb to many districts. They Ignited tbe hall at Natshstklno snd destroyed tbs sntlrs village of lot houses. - .. ' :. '.' -:.';-.".4"' ":'y-": v UfllTED iXLIEll in SESSION Oregon Grand Lodge Convenes and Supreme Master . Makss Address. DELEGATES FROM ALMOST , - EVERY LODGE IN STATE Sixty- Kew Members Admitted to Grand Lods, the Ceremony Being Performed by Grand Master BercbX 'told. :"':--'. "':vV,,,;.'; ; Delegates from nearly every lodge la the stats are attending ths annual sss- slon of ths Oregon grand lodgs of ths Anclsnt Order of United Workmen, which convenes . this - morning In , Knights -or Pythias hall. Eleventh and Alder streets. Ths sesloss will continue ' until Thursday- ', i 1' ' . -! The session-this morning was devotes largely 'to organisation and hearing ths report of the committee on credentials. Tbe feature of the session wss ths ad-' dress of W. M Narvla of Muscatine. Iowa, supreme master of tbs order. Ths supreme ra after congratulated the Ore gon Jurisdiction on having - adopted la ample time adequate rates of lneuranoe so that there need be no further change. This, he said, had been testified to by Miles M. Dswson. a prominent actuary of New Tork City. . - , Past Grand Maater Ralph Feeney was appointed press representative. Sixty new members were admitted to tbs grand lodge, the ceremony being Impreaaively performed by Grand Mas ter Berchtold. Ths grand m eater's annual report waa referred to the com mittee on distribution. Tbla afternoon legislative matters snd ths appointment of 'committees occupied the greater part of the aeaaion. ' - Important matters of business 'per taining to the order will bo heard to morrow and Thursday. Among ths most important Questions to. be discussed will be the Investment of a $10,000 reserve Sund In northwestern securities. Uat of Thbas Frsosat. Following Is a list of ths grand of ficers who are present: George H. Durham, P. O. M. W. ; F. Berchtold, G. M. W.; W. F. Clarke, grand foreman; Philip Gevurts, grand overseer; Newton Clarke, . grand re corder; R L. Durham, grand receiver; W. H. Warner, grind guide; Samuel Roak, grand tnaide watchman: George T. Baldwin, grand ontalda watchman;-D. Walker, grand medical examiner. The following delegates are attending the sessions: 77 G. W. Cummlngs, Frank Davey, J. 8. Pennebaker, P. H. ' D'Arcy, F. Lempke, J. M. Zone, L. J. Kelley, W. H. Benvle, J. L. Fletcher, 8. H. Abrama, J. Frank Huffman. H. Claussenlus, E. W. Crosby. Sam McKee, William Pfunder, B. W. Manning. Robert Warwick, - WHHam Ross, J. A.' Montgomery, F. D. Wlnton, Thomss Dealey, O. p. Dannals. W. M. Parker, Jeese Sponges. F. W. Oaborna, A. Lombard, D. 8. West, J., W. Strange, B. F. French. J. C. Smock, J. 8. Jesse, Lyman Daymon. B. W.- Finney, George P. Topping, D. M. C Gault, T. H. Fearer, O. F. Johnson,-- 'J. . J. Hembree, Cornelius - Hughes, J. A. Bllysau, E.- C Resiford. Oscar Scott, A. W. Camehl, F. W.'Splcer, A. M. Gal lagher, J. N. Gooding, A. R. Cyrus, H. a Llgard. William Weber, A. H. Knight. C. Schaubel, A. C. Beaullean, R. Crandel, C E. Abbott: C. L. Copple, L. P. 8wan, P. T. Harbour, NDrew. BL HelllwtlLl George L. Ford, K. W. HowellT. M. Dlmmlck, E. A. Anderson. A. L. Klng ery, K. L. Pound. C. M. Smith, B. Gal bratth. Lester Whits. J. P. Kldd, F. L. Damon, Mitchell Smith. C. E. Balrd. Chris Cohrs, B. C Martin, J. 8. Henry. M. W. Myers, J. Patterson. J. H. Hen derson, H. L. Boggs, WHlism Humph rey, W. B. Snider, Jsmes Holmsn, W. R. Stock. J. B. Beam, B. ' D. Stelncamp, George Bothers, Joseph Shannon, R. Durkln, T. B. Tremont, Bam Wagner, M.-T.- Dickson. William Grant. Oay Worthlngton. f. J. Burchard, A. O. Foster... . " v Federal Grand Jury Fails to Take Action In Cleve- " land. '' ' LAKE SHORE OFFICIALS ALSO ESCAPE COURTS Members of Federal Body Gives Out Interview Lauding Rich Men snd Rockefeller in Particular Whom Hs Thinks Is Great and Good. : ' (Joeresl Special Ssi ..' Cleveland, Ohio, July 17. Ths grand Jury this artsrnoon reported no indict' ments against ths Standard Oil com. pany, none against ths Lake Shore, nor the officers of this corporat!6h." It Is reported It Will be taken before ths fed eral grand Jury in the Chicago aistrict. Ths. grand Jury completed Its exam ination of wltnssses today and debated their testimony. Tbe evidence of dis crimination against the Independent oil men waa the chief basis for Indict ments here. Operations are ei pec ted to be transferred Immediately to New Tork and Chicago by tbs government Inves tigators. ' W. A. Craig, a member of the federal grand jury probing the oil trust, issued sn .Interview praising rich men In gen eral and Rocef eler In particular. He thinks Rockefeller typifies sll thst's good, great and noble. He says because a few rich men are bad people shouldn't attack ths good ones. District Attorney Sullivan has Issued a statement saying he, with Attorney General Moody In New Tork, reviewed the evldenos obtained here, and con cluded the testimony fixed the Jurlsdlo tlnn elsewhere. He said ths attorney general dlreetedTilmAo take upthe case In Chicago assisted by the district at torney there snd special counsel. ; Sew SUtaal for XLks. Dsnvsr, Col., . July 17. Ths grand lode of Elks held Its first session to day. In order to dispose of important business, ths reading of ths reports wss passed to be printed snd distributed. Ths sdoptlon of a new ritual Is being considered. by the frand. loig r r STAUDARD OIL IS HOT INDICTED LEUES SICK BED TO STOOD TRIAL Martin G. Hoge Will Leave Med . ford for Portland This '-:-r. -: Evening. . .1 . TO PLEAD HIS OWN CASE BEFORE FEDERAL COURT Although Confined for Mors Than Week"6y"Nsrvoug Proitrationr De fendant in Land Fraud Will Act as Attorney for Himself. ' (8Melsl Dispatch s The Jesraal.) Medford. Or July IT. Martin O. Hogs has been la bed for mors than a week from nervous prostration caused by the heat and . exposure . while - en gaging In hard outdoor work. Dr. Jones wss called to attend 'him July It and in tbe absence-of Dr. Jones for two days Dr. Cameron was called by Mrs. Hogs, -who was alarmed at her hus band's condition. ' Dr. Cameron . says that while Hoge's condition did not appear alarming hs could not be made to rally, his tempera ture was below normal and hs seemed to hs mors ths' victim of nervous pros tration than of disease..' Knowing ths circumstances of ths trlsf sst at Port lsnd Dr. Cameron undertook to reach Judge Hunt over the telephone Sunday at noon, but failed to get him and sent a message by ths telephone eompany to which he received a reply at 4 o'clock that It would not bo necessary for Hogs to make the trip If not In condition to travel. . . Hoge expressed a willingness to go. but ths physician did not deem It sdvls abls unless absolutely necessary. When a bench warrant waa wired to the mar shal yesterdsy ho called Dr. E. B. Picket of the stats board of health to make detailed examination - of Hoge, and - the letter decided thst he could make the trio without endangertnsr hia life. Hogs win depart ror roruana - in charge of the United States msrahal by ths evening train today. , ' . Hogs had announced that hs would plead his own case, before ths court, and unleas hs had smployed counsel within the last fsw days hs hss no other sttorney. . - Hs Is a poor man or limited experi ence In ths law and Is known to but few people In the valley, having resided In Medford but a year or two. He bears an excellent reputation locally. Hte friends do not think he is reign ing Illness, and Talisman lodgs of the Knights of Pythias of Medford. to which order he belongs, hss- had a nurse em ployed to assist In waiting upon him for several days past. - , COURT ORDERS MAYOR LANE TO SIGN WARRANT Judge Gantenbeln this morning dl- recicu un raw wi wum. v w petition for s rehearing was aeniea oy Issue a wilt of mandamus commandmgHfuagjrBean. Tna defendant, Demaa. Is mayor xxarry jmiv lu i k li 9 m- rant for ITS lor James sfcuonaio gs bailiff-of-tha -municipal court. - Application for ths writ was msds by McDonald yestsrday through his attor neys, John P. Logan and John c anil lock. Ths petition recites that on April 11 the council pnssed an ordinance establishing ths position of Janitor, bailiff and sssistsnt clsrk of ths municipal- court, fixing tbs salary at $8 a month and appointing McDonald to the- position that It waa vetoed by Mayor Lane April zi: ana passea over the mayor's veto on May j, 11 council men voting yea and I voting nsy. McDonald states that he entered upon his duties May I and that on June IS' a warrant for his salary for tbs month of May was Issued by City Auditor Dv- lln, but that Mayor Lane refused to sign It. . . ' ' Ths order signed by Judge oantsnhetn directs that tbs mayor must sign tbs warrant, or appear la the circuit court on July M and show cause why be has not dons so. BERTHA PRECINCT MEN WANTONVESTiGATiM ' Plvs out of the six elerks and Judges who served in Bertha precinct resent the action of ths lata grand Jury In de claring that ths mistakes mads In ths count of ths precinct were not ths re sult of fraud, but wsrs owing to ths stupidity of ths election officers. They havs addressed a lengthy communica tion to The Journal, In which they stste thst they welcome a thorough investi gation Into ths sffslr. (They declare "ths rsport of ths grand Jury Is an Insult to our intelligence. Brandos read off ths ballots ss tnby wsrs counted; the three clerks did not see them and ths other two Judges wsrs not given an opportunity to keep tab on them; therefore, it is up to Brandes." Brandes declares that hs did not hsvs a chance to sign ths letter to the news papers, and that hs does not know who Is behind ths reauest for an investiga tion. ' . - ' - Ths official returns from ths precinct gave Sheriff Word 17 and Stevens ; while the recount showed Stevens had II votes snd Word only it, a difference of seven votes In Stevens' favor. EAST SIDERS'TO HOLD . INDIGNATION MEETING An indignation meeting will be held this svsnlng by the people who are pro testing agalnat ths erection of the esst slds city barn at East Seventh snd Ham- cock streets. As tbs council meets to morrow night the resolutions of re monstrance which will be adopted at this evening's session will probably be then brought t6 the attention of tbs authorities. It is doubtful, however. If ths re monstrance of the neighboring prop erty owners will do sny good, ss ths members of both the council snd ths sxecutlve board hsvs made-up their minds thst Esst Seventh snd Hanoock is a good location and that property owners would remonstrate no matter where' the barn waa located. It Is de elsred that aa ths barn will bs sltusted over what has been sn unsightly gulch, tbs value Of surrounding property will not be depreciated In the least by its presence. ; WARNINGJSTATESJIO. END STRIFE HASTILY (Joeraal Spedsl Servtee.) Washington, July IT. Ths stats ds. stent is sdvlsed that Guartemala, Hon duras snd Salvador have- agreed upon an armistice. 'A11 - ths. disputants srs willing to ssttle by a conference. Tbe respective governments srs hastsnlng ths nsws of ths armlstlos' to their armies la ths flsld. . , , v TROUBLE BREWING FOR PERSON WHO BROKE UP CHURCH SERVICE There Is trouble brewing for the prac tical joker who disturbed religious serv ices st Tsylor Street Methodist church Sundsy night if he falls Into the clutches of Dr. P. Burgette Short, pastor of tbs church, or Dr. Clarence True Wil son of Grace Methodist church. Dr. Wilson hss offsred 1100 for information thst Will lead to ths apprehension of the guilty person, snd Dr. Short, It Is ssld, Is also willing to 'contribute. It was Sunday night, whils Dr. Short wss delivering aa Illustrated lecture on the national park, that hs receive a note informing htm of ths supposed nll ness of Dr. Wilson. Dr. Wilson hap pened to be In the congregation at tbs time and heard fervent, pray srs offered for his rscovsry. PRETTY BLONDE HUGS MEN r ' . WHO WEAR SOFT FELT HATS A man ; wearing a soft felt hat was walking along Burnalds street, near Eleventh street, ..this forenoon, ..when a pretty-blonds surprised hint , by .rush ing up to him with her srms extended. She v embraced him t tenderly, ' exclaim ing: V . .".' "" "Hers Is my msn! ' I lovs you, dear, have been looking- everywhere for you." . ... . "Why, my good isdy," expostulated tbe man, "1 never saw you- before.' . "What's thatr Shs stood off and looked htm over, and Just then another man approached wearing af oft felt hat. "Olw here bs is." cried t me woman rushing up to ths newcomer, and hug ging him. "This Is my man." - But he objected also, snd she tackled ths third snan with a soft felt bat, who GASES DECIDED BY SUPREME COURT Demas Subject to Imprisonment -Though He Did Not Carry V, "'- Weapon at RloV . , BpecUI Dtspsteh The Jonrsil.) Salem. Or.. July IT. The supreme court handed down the following declsons today: In ths esse of George Miller, sppsllsnt, against Union county, sn sppeal from Uloncounty, Robert Eakln. Judge, waa affirmed by Judge Moors. This Is a claim for damagee In which it Is asserted the owner of certain real property will sustain If a publlo road Is established across his premises.. In the case or the state oi uregon aaralnat Tom. George and Peter Demaa, fappellaiits, fioin Douglas county.JuW. Hamilton and 1 T. Harris, juagea. me etltlon for s rehearing waa denied by subject to imprisonment In the peniten tiary, although hs did not carry a oan gerous weapon at the time ptJsrJlot near GletMsls. ' In the cass of J. E. Madden against Frank Welch, sppellsnt. from Malheur county, George B Davis. - Judge. - was affirmed by Judge Bean. . The caae of T. A. Barton agalnat W. W. Rose and Mattle Ross, respondents, sn sppeal from Malheur county, George v Tww(. Ii.v- mimm affirmed bv Judse LBg,nTTBl - .wss - afult to foreclose a mechanlca1 lien. Ths csss of Wslter M." Pierce, appel lant, against Union county, an appeal from Union county, Robert Eakln. Judge, was affirmed by Judge Moore. This was a claim for damages ths plaintiff alleged would result If ths county court opens a road across his premises. Ths cass of Heywood Bros, snd ths Wakefield company " aglnst - ths - Dosrn becher Manufacturing eompany. appel lant, appealed from Multnomah coun ty. Alfred Seara Jr. and A. I Fmser, Judgea. Judgment In the lower court was reversed snd ths csss wss remanded by Judge Moore for retrial la conse ouence of an error committed In per mitting the complaint to be amended. Ths case of n. Wj Frsms sgalpslJBenl Greenbaum and La Hlrschlsnd, sn sp peal from Bsker county, Samuel- White, Judge, wss amnnsa vj This wss sn action to recover dsmsges for convsrslon of personal property. PORTLAND COUPLE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LURRY Vancouver, Wash., July IT. Tsstsrday a man and woman appesrsd at ths coun ty auditor's offlos snd spplled or a marriage license. The usual questions were asked, during which It was learned that ths woman bad been divorced but a few days and cams here from Portlsnd to get away from the Jurisdiction of ths Multnomah county court. Auditor Burn ham refused to lesue the licenss as re quested, although ths oouple argued ths question with him at length. Finally thsy gsvs It up snd departed evidently saying bad things about ths sudltor. Ths ooupls gave as their reason for wanting to be married without waiting ths required six months that In csss ths man died his Intended bride would not bs considered his widow. - Until three years sgo dosens of per sona from Portland cams over here from portlsnd to get rid of obeying the law in regard to remarriages. At that time a man died in. Portland who had been married In this cltr a short time sfter he had been divorced from his f Iret wife. Tbe court held that his second wife wss not lawfully his widow and shs received no part of the property. ' Auditor Burnham states thst hs will Issue no licenses to psopls undsr such clrcumstsncss, although he realise thst ths number of licenses Issued will there by be materially reduced. HIGHWAYMAN HOLDSCS UP STREETCAR In ths Maelstrom of erlms In which this city is at present engulfed no deed of greater daring haa sngsged ths st tentlon of the ineffective police depart ment then ths holdup of car No. tit of ths Woodstock line st 11:10 this morhlng"afKnnwuith gtstlain Owing to ths early hour there were no passengers and ths Ions, black-masked highwayman only secured tit 16 from conductor K. Farmer, and a few dollars from Motorraan K. W. Fisher. De tectives Snow snd Raising havs been as signed on ths cass ; .,,, Ths siromlatioa of The goaraal ' la Portland and la Oregon saoeeds papa that sf say stast Oregoa aewspapex. J Just before hs went to ths church hs received a telephone call asking him to ofTiclsts at a wedding. He wss given ths address and on reaching there found Dr. J. Whitcorab B rougher, who bed re ceived a similar message, . They de cided that they had been mads tbs vic tims of a Joke and agreed to pass : It ovsr. -. '-.'. But when tbs services at Taylor Street church were interrupted tbey then de cided) that affairs had taken too serious a turn to be passed over lightly, and accordingly offered the reward. Up to this time .there hsvs been no claimants for tbs money and no clue as to ths Identity of the Jokers has been Sc oured. ' '' -- . L also dleclalmed her. Every' man who passed that corner wearing a soft felt hat was treated to a tender, embrace and claimed as her man, until Patrol man - Burke appeared, .- and- took ' ths woman Into custody.). She gave her name as Nellie Johnson, snd ssld shs had been rooming near the corner of Eleventh and Burnalds streets. v Burke swors to a complaint before Deputy County Clerk C. D. Cbrlstensen charging the woman with Insanity, snd shs waa committed to ths care of County Jailer Mltohell, pending an ex amination of. her mental condition by the county court. ' Jailer Mitchell waa not wearing a soft felt hst : when the Johnson womsn was committed, so ' hs had no difficulty In locking - her up. She Is about It years old. ,'.-- 1 LOSES HIS PROPERTY Supreme Court Denies a Retrial 4of Celebrated Case for Portland Realty, v Spedsl Dispatch te Tee Jesraal) Salem. July IT. Absoluts title to all the property Involved in ths famous Marqusna litigation haa been veatsd In ths Title Guarantee ft Trust company of Portland by a decision handed down to day by Justice Halley of tbs supreme court denying Marquam's petition for rehearing. . The tttls of . ths osss is P. A Marquam asalnst ths Unltsd States Mortage dt "Truat company, ths Title Guarantee ' A Trust company and J. Thorburn Rosa, heard on appeal from Multnomah county, Ai F. Beers, Judges Tbs only question raised in ths o- eussed in- the opinion heretofore ren dered is as to ths effect of the supple mental agreement of November IT, 1 lt. It -l the opinion ef the oourt that the supplementsl agreement te in effect a Junior mortgage from Marquam and wlfs in fsvor of ths investment company and in no wlae affected ths terms of ths other agreements or the mortgsgs' given to tbs United States Mortgage company by which the sals of the property wss mads under a de cree of foreclosure. The. decision ends the protracted liti gation snd glvss to the Title Guarantee dc Trust company ths abaolute titls to property estlmsted at nearly $1,00,000 In value. ' The most valuable of ths property Is ths block on which ths Mar quam building standa, bounded by Mor rison. Seventh, Alder and Sixth streets. Ths decree also glvss to ths Tttls Guar antee A Timet eompany an 10-acre tract on ths Sandy road, about ons mils from ths city limits, and four lets at - ths eomsr of Front and Harrison streets. -The litigation which was Anally snded by the decree handed down today began seven years ago, when ths. Tttls Guaran tee company brought suit to foreclose the mortgage on the Marquam prop- ertles. This suit wss decided In favor of the company ' In June, un, by tbs stats supreme court, and four months later a new suit wss instituted by Marquam, for tbs purpose of setting aside ths fore closure. Ths Immense Increase In the value of tbs property covered ty tbe mortgage caused the suits to bs bitterly contested and soms of ths sblest at torneys of Portlsnd appeared la the ease. - .'.-.: . ,' - J. Thorburn Ross, president of the Title Guarantee eV Trust company, was Informed this sftemoon of the deolelon of the supreme oourt in ths Marquam cass and was asked whst disposition tbs company expected to make of tbs property. Mr. Ross replied: "We havs no plans as yst for ths im provement of ths property. Undoubt edly Jt will be improved, and I presume the msttsr will bs taken up soon, but it is a largs undertaking and will re quire time We -havs postponed consid eration of such questions until ths liti gation should bs finally concluded." The block on wblch ths Marquam building stands Is one of ths most valu able In the olty. Its central location has often attracted the attention of largs investors and there haa been much speculation as to its ultimata use. with the exception of ths Marquam building, ths Improvements ars frame buildings of llttls value. GEORGE ARtiOLD HAS THREE ' BIBS KICKED LI : -.. "s . . "-' i :' Farm Hand Receives Serious In- juries While Attempting to - , Break Wild Horse. . (IpecUl Diipatrb te Tbe Joemal. ) Vancouver, Wash., July- IT. George Arnold, employed as a- farm hand by A. Worrell, a farmer living north from Hookleson, was seriously Injured yes tsrday whils breaking a horse . Mr. Arnold wss kicksd In ths slds by ths animal, ' which hs was unable to control, and upon examination -it waa. fou nd that three of his ribs hsd been broken. " : ' The Injured man was taken to a Port land hospital where hs will undergo sn operation. . It Is unknown aa yet whether he is mors Seriously hurt but every effort will bs msds for bis re covery. - . Ths Umatilla Register demands thst hobos bs arrssted and put to work clean ing up ths town, ;, UE OF ROCK SPOIiiG PURE Other Hawthorne Springs, How ever, Are Contaminated and ' . Should Be Let Alone. . - ANNOUNCEMENT MADE v ; BY HEALTH OFFICER Ntw Notices Posted In Hawthorns v Psrk TeU Public That Water-of Main Sprinjf? Not InJurioui;.tor -Those Who Drink It Hawthorns Springs, alternately con- , demned and praised . by experts and ' common critics silks, hss been vindi cated, this time. It Is said, for ! good. That is to ssy, ths main spring has been vindicated; the other two are admitted, even by Whitney L. Boise of ths Haw- -thorns estate, to be bad, - . . A -fsw days ago, Dr, Wheeler, city, health officer, posted notices declaring . the 'water1 from each and every spring in ths Hawthorne series unfit to drink. Now Dr. Wheeler says that bs was mta- . informed, and ha dears the skirts of ths main spring of any suspicion of bacilli. - '" : - . - t v When asked for a' . statement this morning, Dr. Wheeler, ssld: -. ;i hsvs been officially Informed by ur. ttaipn w. Matson, state bacteriolo gist, that ths wster from the main spring, known aa the Rock spring, , is absolutely pure, perfectly - safs for ' drinking purposes, and I have posted a notice near this spring- stating this to be a fact... There . is no possible .. harm that' can corns to children from wading or bathing in tbs waters from -these springs." , . . , The .two contaminated springs have been covered by a wire netting to pro- . vent visltore to ths park drinking from them. Notices hsvs also been posted . near by advising ths publlo not to drink ' ths watsr. ..." - ... Ths Hawthorne aetata has had -3ull Run water piped intotha park, and a hydrant, provided with a drinking cup, - la nsar the contaminated springs. Reel denta near the park scout ths idea that water from the Rock spring Is bed. A ' pioneer East Slder remarked this morn- , ing that ho had been drinking ths water from that spring for -IS years, that It had never hurt him snd hs thought hs would eontlnus to drink 1L . LIES BESIDE .HIS George Mitchell Buried in Csm- etery of Friends Church .r at Newberg. ;;:. SIMPLE B,iJf1MPR'slVE.'J, SERVICES OVER REMAINS Townspeople Raise Honey to Defray Expenses of Burial of Slayer of , -Holy-JtollexoaUeWhoWaa- Murdered by His Slater.--. -7-7 (gpecUl fHssateh te The Jearsal) - Newberg, Or, July 17. Beside his motber In. ' a quiet : eemetery of the Friends church, in this town, George Mltohell lies in ths last long rest. He was burled this afternoon by "ths; Frisnds church, personal friends of ths family and townspeople of Newberg. Assembled at ths depot this morning a large crowd awaited ths arrival of ths remains of George Mitchell, slayer- Of Frena Edmund ' Creffleld, ths Holy Roller "apoetle," who, after his so qulttal on the ohargo of murder, was kill. l ini smut qpdui uj ma Esthsr Mitchell. At 1:41 o'clock tbs train pulled Into ths station and with sad faces ths grlof-strlcken brothsrs of ths dssd man, Fred and Perry Mitchell, slighted. 7 The plain casket within whloh ths last earthly remains of George Mltohell reposed waa removed from the bag gage car, placed within a watting hearss and conveyed to ths under-, taking parol rs of W. W. Holilngsworth Tbs brothers wsrs ssoortsd to ths horns of friends. Tnis artsrnon simpis out impressive funeral servloes were conducted at ths undertaking parlors by Mrs. M. E. K. Edwards of the Friends church. Mrs. Edwards is an old friend of the Mitchell family and is broken hearted ever tbs dirs troubis la which tns msmDerw of It havs been Involved. . At the eoncluston of ths Servloss at ths . morgus ths funsrsl procession wended its way to tbs Frisnds ceme tery where, with a few last words, tbs body . of George Mitchell was laid at rest beside thst of hts mother. , Money to defray ths sxpsnsss Of - ths funeral was raised among ths good townsmen of Newberg, who . also sub scribed a sum sufficient to pay for the trip of ths grief-stricken brothers who scoompanlsd the body. Ths Mltohell boys' expenses back to Portland, where they expect to work.' will also bs psld by ths local people. The money wss raised through ths efforts of Mayor H. R. Morris and Marshal J. J. Woods, who after their return from ths Seattle trial, where they were called as wlt- neesee on behslf -of George -Mltohell. started a personal canvass to secure the necessary subscriptions. - '. - . WHEAT FIELD BURNS . : FROM ENGINE SPARK (Sneelil Dispstch to The Jonnnl.l Pendleton. r July 17.- Another wheat field fire occured last sventng sn tho line of the W. C R., its alleged origin being from sparks from a locomotive."-It was on the raneh"Of H. O. Eggers, ' at 1 Myrick. 'Forty seres of newly ripened grain wars destroyed. It wss prevented from burning a large paven u 7 in u 1 v. wuik 91 m torcv ok men. Ths loss is fully covered by In surance. ,,'- RUSfAN"PEASANTSAR. . a nni i nn "ri 1 r . MrruniMu inc lunun. (Jos rail gaeelsl Bervtee.t St Petersburg. July 17. Ths polles meiv ars. striking dsmsnding economic reforms. A number srs going through tbs. streets snd forcing those remaining oa duty to join us strike, - OTHER J