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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
cr.rcc:i daily journal. Portland. Tuesday evening.- July n. . kzz. npHE man who has idle money b just as anxious to find ail investment for it as is the idle man to find a job If you are looking: for money, or for a man, or for a man "with moneys-Journal Want Ads will help you. Rate; 5 cento per line. " FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. ... 10-room kouae. modern. 88x100 lot. 84.000. For Bent or Bale 8-room boose. e2.B0O . must b laid to settle estate. APPV W W. . JACOBS. 134 East Sslb si. von ka i.r i,t and a-raoox noose, .modsru lm- preresiaote, Mti steel bridge, tul Bide; M agents. T 19. car Journal. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME T4ow reeiaeoee. e ana lota., at Oervals. Oregon, mm Woodburu.' abuaitaaee f trait aad Oowera. large bam, chick sn koues; nut be Bold this month i owner going asst. call OlH aaorrieoa at., room a. Mai bale It Is karsala tor aulefc wale: 8-roo - suburban cottage, ground 100x100 feet, trait , and ehrabherv: by ! O. .If. P. Tows aid Co.. tlS Alder at., la O. W. P. . waltlag-ronas. : . .. . WB have a nve-room TOttare an Kavenevtew "fine, . drive. Portland Heights carllaa, wltk a ehsrss- 4n view. Including Mt. Hood, but not Or. goalee towari auoderu improvements! win una water; will ba aold' tot 82.800 It takaa at mat a chance to aarara a cheap and ebarm- Ing noma m tba coming faabJoaable district; yu manatee rrom rirst at. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO, 668 Sherlock bldg. 0 ACRES. T miles fram Portland, near tba O, . W. P. railway; ona balf la cultivation; $1M V' par acra; baat bar la tba count j ana third -casus, aui fa. aoitu aw la,o60 1-MOOat fciiaw, naar th at . OBlr 100 . r, reex iron, car ima; ao9V. coaa,t nwuouvi - monuiy. ivi intra. 2.0CO 14 ACRES soar Oregon City. 90 tona bar. Ihb food young koraeo, buggy, wagon, ' harness, mosrer, rake, plows, ate., praaaat ' crop. Tanas If deeired. 107 hi Third at. FAXON PARK la now oa tba market; Inta at acreage prloes, according to Imp ivsments. lota 6Oii00 1115, ttSO, I1B0 . . .., lota i1 I00X2U0 1225, 250, 37S V , ltm ajVhv!nVLAAAA BAIM BAftA Tkaaa Inta ara asaetly in cultivation, level . aad etghtlv. aa a good aradad atraat, clou : ta good 10-rooaa arkool, at Lcaui B rara to aoi aart ot Portlandi water fraat taraM. O. SL A DDI TON, OWNER, Ttka Mount Booti ear. So. Laata, Oragoa. FOR BALE 3 Btodara -room kooaaa la good oration: any ot owner aaa Bkva eamauaaiaB, . Pbona Woodlawa Sod. Wl orfar- today a aplradld boaaa at Oeklay oraaa aution -ary ebcap; aooaa aaw aaa B Ml mixiuv; rrmi ana nowara. -.. - OTTO k CROCKKTT, , , X4514 Waabingtoa at. "Wl wUl faralak lot aad build boaaa to aalt j yo oa monthly payataata; laalila propartys all eonraalanrra. klOULTON SrOBIT, , : 501 -Columbia -bldg., as Waabingtoa at. 91.RM CAJB will kindle lata, 1 aottata, lot t0x160 an North latb at.i tneosM foO par . aaoatb. M. K. Laa, M BUtk ac riPTH-BT. PROPEBTT- . $3.O0 will buy aa Idaal bo ma aa Baa lot, cloaa in: na bttr buy on tba market, ... HAOUiANJt BLANCHABD, , 1 nttb at. " ST. JOHN PROPERTY IS lota oo-carllua, cloaa In. only M.000, 10 lota, cloaa In, only fl.BSO. ' Tbla la a rara chaaca to gat tloaa-ln prop. arty cbaap. - HAQEUAN! A BLANCHABD.- " . ! Plttb at. XOUNO aaarrlad eoupU with f00 caa Bud a lea . B-roota kouaa and lOOilOO corarr lot, naar carllaa.. Horn Land Co., liBH rirat at. CORNER lot. aO-root front, la Bnnnalda, aaly tb0; (SO aab and 110 per month. PATTERSON STEWART, ' 10O0V BalDsat at. 100x100. CLOSE IN. on aast alda. brlaglng In orar tlOO per mouth, tor 11,000. Tyaoa a:iel QpmmarrLai bW. FOR SALE FARMS. CALIFORNIA BARGAINS Near Baa Lomond, tba popolav aummar raaorti 120 acraa wood land, with aerer-talllng craak throagh It: Boa aulpbor anrlnc. 6.000 corda wood: good road: M mllaa out: T.0 par acra it aold wlthla SO dayai worth murk mora. 0B acraa Bna la ad. H mlla oat, a-room tana bouaa. amall bara, BOO bearing apple treea, Bna wood land, apring water, piped, on sprinkled county road, axrelleat eotl (or treea or Tinea; $8,000) terma. Addraaa J. A. Walker, Baa Lomoad. Callorala. 40 ACRES at laad, alee ban, fair bouaa, chick. - ea-boueeaj creek, apring and wall; timber oa place, large orchard, all kind! ot frultt price fa.Buo; it miiea rrom rortiana; ana aour dt - trata.- Addreea Box 18, Boata a,- Bkarwead, B0 ACRES at land In Tillamook rsunty: tiua, dreda of acraa of autranre for cattle or eheep: ..price S per acra. Addreea Baa 18, Route ya, Bberwood. Oragoa. ' : A Ranch Rhyme - Take a day from trouble and ear To aee a ranch a bargain rare: -Three aerea It kaa, a 7 -room bouaa, " Suitable for the wife er apouae; One acre la strawberries, V, In fruit, Wltk bara aad cellar It la a beeat) 100 chlrkena and B Jaraey ma For 12.000 the owner allows. If eoa bar SfiOO to make road Coma aad aea Hotrbktee wood. Boom Hi auaay aiag. FOR BALK M aeres. 10 clear, an aaa be pf red wtisB- ilaaradi mmaa awl nara, mil ulna water. 10 tona of bar) all (or f800. Call TH first at., U 8. Wiatara. EABT SITE 10H seres, near new carllne; Hrre bara, eoay 8 -room bouaa, aplenuid well, poultry.pana and booses, berries, young orchard beginning to bear, aa good grarelrd ' count road, aaay driving to Portland; will J Bonn, doable In Taloej blrceat snap wa aver bad; only Sl.ZflO; $700 down. Home Land Co., laSVi Flrat at. ---- FOR SALB-TIMBER. LAND SCRIP BOUGHT AND BOLD. sVIl kinds af land scrip wanted aad for eale. Including approved forest nearer aad railroad land scrip, for surveyed, aoaurveyad, tim bered snd prairie land: approved United States military boonty land warrants; re. certified soldiers' additional bomestesd acrlp. H. M. HamUtoa, the Portland hotel, Portland, Oragoa. CBRTIFIED aerli prtcea. W. O, ear ataa Mecesi IswelL SSS Chambat e Cam- W ANTTCO Tliuler lands, aiuat be gned stuff, - - either aa railroad ar stream: owners only dealt with; don't waate a postage stamp ' anlasa yeu caa deliver deeds, Addreea Cap ital, T TT, Journal. CERTIFIED land acrlp of aU kinds; takes . timbered. Irrigated and all kinds af gov- eminent land, anrveyed aad anaurveyed. -Moultna A ScobeyBOl Colombia bldg., SOS Washington St. nlrTr-aaaaTsaat HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR BALE Team. S.O00 pounds; I tesm. B.SOS - poaada, aad 1 abase horse, l.aue Fkeae Eaat SMS. SaB RasaaU at. WANTED To bay medlnm-alaed track ar low dowa wagon. Crane Bottle Ca. Pbona Mala . 2388. . 1 OOOD team, harness aad wagon for sale, qatre at 60S Columbia at. - FOR SALE l.BOO-lb. trass, cams wsgon, har ness, tiao, Matrbed sorrel tssm. 1,108 lbs.. 27S; - yes re old; also severs I buggies snd wagoaa. 430 Us wth or aa, sor. Blxtb. FOR BALE A aew Oalumbua tnp buggy, with kind-made harness and 4-vser-old mart, al - East 4 1st snd Holgste. Pbeaa Valoa eOSt. t. L, Patterson. - nBBSBBBBSBvsmnxraaanBBBasaassaBaaamaaBaaaaaavam " ! TO EXCHANGE.' B '"" A NO E A aamber of tarma for sale ar win exrbange for Portland residence property I - will pay csah difference. Writs or call oa ' Warren Stater, McMma-vtlle. Or. . WANTEtV Tn exrhanaa ales residence property In Forest Grove , for raomlng house m Pert aad. V 4A, care Journal. ... BXCHANflt fnf erree, well Improved -t aallea . from Vancouver, - Wash. 1 value IT.aOO. . Call IOTH Third. f ' EXCHANGE S good Iota for B ar room res idence' and par cash dlffareacsi lota ara sear I'nton sve. 107 '4 Third. Wll-L exchange ITnrst Switch for (ond team and rig: parim awf auigi. sou ssi FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. f artat nor aame aa ealllng aarda. aepet awe aad atla, SBc; 10 bmlaeaa earda. l. A. W. Banns la Co.. J8 Flrat. fort land. Or. WESTERN OREGON MININO a ItlLIJNO CO. - keadouarterat atock far ssle and luformalloa at aus rttet at. - fbooa Mala laza. FOR BALE An e lee-ant mrae circular abow eaaa, at aa extremely low figure. Apply tn lit. a. H. Lowim . uouea Eagia, intra i . TamhUl ata. . BOLDEN'B RHBITMATIO CURB Bura rare tat . rhauasatum. Bold by all dragglata. BOOKS bough Old Book aold aad axebaaged tare. 2 XamklU at. I BILL A BO AND POOL tabiaa for net er lot Bale on easy pevmenta. ' TUB BBUaifiaWK-BALKE- COTXENDBB 00. 40 Tklrd at., Portia ad. ARTISTS materlala. pleturaa and frammg, H. Maorkooaa m Co.. Sll Aider at. Wl need fnrnltara aad will pay full value. none rartnc TVs. vreeiora aaivaga ve. S2T Waahlngtaa at. BHOWCASEB AND FIXTURES made I eeeend-bsnd goods tor ssle. Carlaoa ) KaU- atrom, Z8V Coach at Pkoaa Clay B71 BBOWCASES, countera, Bxturai boaght. aold or .. exchanged. Western Balvage Co.. S27 Wash ngsoa st. raaua ina. -White, Sew In bill at Uachlaa Co., H. U. Jonaa, WTTwm fhoaa Mela jBiaa. . TTPR WRITER good aa new. at leaa thaa balf coat price. Inquire 233 Waabingtoa St. FOR BALE Hay tn Bald; 40 tona clover, BO timothy; all or part. Oeorge H. Wohlera, second place aorta, lower reservoir, west ava. Mount Tabor. 0. ft. BLACK, Contractor and Builder I have noma fair-ground lumbar left; will contract chess hooeee and give time oa part of ma larial, rnoaa woaaiawa aa, STEAM mexTT-a-e-round now at Gold Rill. Ore con. for sale cheap. Apply to B. Llebe, 308 Clacks mas, aaat aide, city. - -- FOB SALE Plsno, very cheap; party lea. Ing town. Inquire S01 Commercial blk. B TOUNO, gentle, fresh Jersey cows, fur par. tfculara adOreea V IX, ears journal. PERSONAL ANT ana ar wemaa caa be atreng sad kappy nrrirnvi AOENCT Confidential Inveatlxa tlona; reports furnished an Individuals, their character, reapoanlbllltv, etc.; bad debta col lected; mlaalag relatives' located; . charges "ressoosble; corraauondenca aollclted. Oregoa IVtecUve Barvlre. officea 80S-204 FHedner blda.. 10th aad WBablagtaa sts. Pbona Mala B81B. LADIES Turkish baths, masse re, kydrlatrla arloiat atrlctl flratlaaa placa for ladlea an I. Flat A. SSI Waakragtoa at., lata and ITtk ata. - MANLT vigor restored br Dr. Bobarta Narva , Olobalaa. One moath'a treatmeat. BBi S months. JS; aaat aecuraly aaaledjy mail. - Ages fa, woaoara, viarae ex vsk, SUITS preaaed while yea wait. BOe. Ladlea skirts preaeed. SOe. Gilbert. lOSU BttU at. aairni preaaeq. Beat to Quelle. "FORBIDDEN FBUiT." "k Osv Lotharto," Story at a SIsts,- ''Faaaf Hltl - "Aiaaa.' "Womaa at Firs?' 80j each; lata free-, A W. Schmala Co.. BBS Ftrat at. - tJCXINB PILLS, carp J1 forma pfMrye .Mantle MafenJM. FnV mCU Ot W Price SI a bos, boxes fB, wita-vait ewrw tea. Addreea or call J. O. Clemen eon. drug gist. Second aad Yamhill Eta- Ifortiaac, nr. BOLDEN'B RHEUMATIC CCBE eturs aura tor Bold by ail mugaawa. ES, Palme Tubleta meke yea sleep parreetiri they cure an luasaans sad mske yea stroagt aHre SOe a box. koxea i SS BO; jwutaNl All druffista. or addreea Brooke Drag Ce tf aorta nri at- rertuaa. waj. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pe aftaa yea re ceive them l eena B sample f r usir we will eead yoa aaa of ear 11 SO awltcbee, 1U n.. 3 lncbes: examine It: If I Ml bar- gala remit; If aot return. Address I.e dies' gsla Half Iu. air Bmporlam, S3 tiearaora at.. vaaoeTe, It ETCH UM earea ptwmptly private m, kidney, aervoaa. skla and apeclsl traahlee: Call er write. Office 170 V Third at., oof. Yamhill. Phone Parffla tx. TURKISH BATHS, aaa Oreaoalan bldg.l eaauat Bars, geatlessen aigaia. mew tesw. DOIL'B HOSPITAL M pairing aaa areamng. SSI TamktB at. MOLES, wrtnklaa. raperflaoma hair rajmvea. Let me tea you bow. no cnanre. " Hia Suite C SaUlng-Hlracb bldg. Paclfls US. DISEASES --OF - WOMEN Private) m stern it hospital; quiet totatloa ana Bpeciai care. , . Atwood. SSOiA Morrlaaa aU room S. Paoas Pa rifle 1TBS.. HOLD ON There (a one thing that wil ears rheumatism. Ask your araxxiei rev -r. tonle or addreea or call J. Q. Clemeaauav. drug (1st, Portland. Or. Tmt6R Magnincent cTirycTopTcdla oT wnmanhoad and Ufa knowledge: beaurlfnlly Illustrated; averyooe wants It. Call at 611 Hlbbard at. Pbona East 620T for particulars. NPWLY opened manicuring parlors. 861H Mor nana st- room is. TOUNO lady gives scleatlfle masaaga, ansnlcuT tng uad pedicuring. - 144k BUtk St., bet. Morriaoa and Alder. Mt RTIIEL WARD, face and scalp maaaaae, manicuring, chiropody. Room IS. KSVi Sixth. DON'T lira alone, it'a aa use, when wa have . hundreds of members, either set. who wish ta marry; many wealthy; Matrimony Regis ter lue, aa nussei mag. VAPORINE Magic, guaranteed core for ca tarrh, consumption and asthma; recipe and full directions $100; Inhale the vapor, It does the rest. C. F. I.. Bos Ts. Lenta. Or. LADIES) I'as Chichester's English Pllla. Best I ' Bafeatt Only Reliable! Tike ae other. Buy af your Druggist or send 4c, stamps, for par ticulars snd Booklet for Ladlea. Chichester Chamloal Caw- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. REFINED widow, 40, wishes ta meet middle aged gentleman wltk means, for social re sults. B IS. care Journal. - K1CB boy baby for adoption. Room B, Morriaoa at. Pbona Pacific 1T5S. SS0H TOUNO MAN, ears yoa balr. Ws goarantee . to prevent your balr from falling out snd . save wbat hair yoa have toft, and cure sa - Itching aealn la S tree t men ta; ecsema posi tively caved. 1" Seventh St. AUTOMOBILES. COTET A COOK Motor Car Co.. Fifteenth sad Waahlngtaa Agente for Cadillac Pierce, Greet Arrow and Stevens-Duryaa amtor-car; mschlaea reated, ra paired aad a tared. Mala ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO- aad Moataaa Assay Office. 108 Merrlsoa at. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, AOS Commercial blk , - Second aad Waabingtoa sts. Pboae Mala Stf. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESHOR R. MAX MEYER. S4S Alder. Portrait aad laadarapa artist aad toaeber. LESSONS la drawing, painting and amdellngi order work a laity. 730 Marqnam bldg. ARCHITECTS. H. H. Architect. MBNORSV IIS BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, .DAVIS KlhHAM, 104-111 Baeaad at. P" t Im lank booa maautaetarera; agents roe eoeea m proved Looaa Lesf ledgers; nee tbB - aew gasing Bellas rtua, me greax roeici win a boa. boxes S3, wlfk full rantee. Idrese a sell t A. Clemeaaoa. ayugglat, ear. Beaead aad Vsmfclll ata.. Purtlsad, Or. jaox. ana aaai aa lae) auisaa. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. L BIBKKNWALD CO., SO4-S0S Everett at Largest butchers' supply konse aa tba eeaat. ' BATHS MASSAGE.- YOUNO lady alvea vapor, alcohol aad medicated pataa. rarmt ar, aoSVai Stark at. YOl'NO LADY, atranger ra city, and vapor hatha, 1 10 hi Fourth Washington. gtvea I NEWLY opened maaaaga parlor, the hi erotism house, isdh sixth at. ouite za eaa s. - GENUINE Swedish maaaaga, Si; Turkish and tub baths; lada- attendant BU1H Third st, J MISS ENGLISH, chiropody, msnlcurlng, face. scalp ana general -maaaage. X4q wsaaing' ton St., psrnira I I. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. AXWaTS CONSULT THt BEST. PROF. E.'KHIMO. flrssteaf Uvlne aatral deed trance clslr- voysnt of the age; ADV18KK ON l!8INE8S AND ALL 'AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom yoa will marrv. how to control the one yoa love. 'even though miles away; reunites tba sep arated; gives secret powers to control. I rill d sll othere sdrsrtlse to do. and a ereat deal more. THE ENTIRE WOULD Hi! WREN BTARTT.Ell WITH THE POW ERS OF THE UNBEN FORCES I HATB AT MX COMMAND, and I prove It to yoa with- But pnns ny ginng yon a .bv bavlna? vour NAME TOU (IN FULL), JUST WHAT YOU CAM 8 FOR, and glvs ' iaa advice abaolntel FRF.B before voa decide to have a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORI TO CONVINCE TUB BKEPT1CT DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BB OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN.- , " T. PR0F.! B. KHIMO, Perms nenrTr Located la Hie Own Home. HOURS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SUNDAY, . Ka. 2SS Fifth St.. corner Madlsoa St., A BPrclAL SS READING FOB SU . BT. GEORGE ORMONDE. ROYAL ENGLISH GYPSY. ' Consult him an love, business, ens ogee, marriage, divorce; tells names, dates, secrets, sow to gat well, bp magnetic, physically snd nentsllv vleArona: overcomes bad bablta. (Ives good luck, earea vital loaaaa. evil lo ans sees, anella. desfnees. absent treatment - for all sickness, Iocs tee mleelng friends. - burled treasure, mlnee. ore velna; tella yoa exactly wbat yoa wish to know 110H FOURTH STREET. H."f.COH NEB WASHINGTON BTKEET. ' PROFESSOR WALLACE TUB GREATEST LIVING CLAIBVOYAHTV PALMIST AND SPIRITUALIST. This strangely gifted man calle yea by aame, tella yoa af your frleads. enemies or rlvala; tella yea what yoa cams for; tella yoa whoa you marry; la fact, everything. If yoa are discontented, unhappy, discouraged, an- successful er In 111 health, call on Professor Wallace, tba Cosmos, 388H Morriaoa at. HEADINGS 80 CENTS. MADAM ANNUVB, tba woedarfnl cUlrvoysnt and trance medium; consult her before sa ga (ing in any undertaking of any nature; neat, nreesmt . and future aiveai palmistry readings. 1ST W. Park St., near Mac rlaon. - CIGARS AND TOBACCO. L A. GCNST CO Dlstribabara af . FINB CIGARS. Port laad. Otagoa, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WABHBUBN FLOTD Carpenters, Joiners and carriage work. 88 8tk at. Pboaa Padua BIOS. a CABMICHAEL, emtractor aad builder; store and office fittings. - 88 Fifth at. Pacific BuO. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE WHOLESALE srorkevy aad glaawara. Prael egele A Co.. 100 ta I'm Ffftk. aor. Btark at. CAFES. THE OFFICB-KS Wsshlngtoa St.. pboaa T71. aemasi vigneua. CHIROPODISTS. CH I ROPOB Y A N D-PBBICURI NVr Mra.-M.-:-t Hill, Bulte 1, aeliiag-mrsca giog. racinc law. . COMMISSION MERCHANTS.' - BVERDINO FAERELL. pradaca aad eommla, ataa asercbaata. 140 tfront at- Portland. 0a. Pboaa Mala 1TB. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., Urgeat plant on the coast, unng ana uaramg sis., tele phone Eaat BSO Carpets ' cleaned, refitted, aewer and laid; both eteam and latest com pressed air procsea; renovating- Buttresses snd feathers a specialty. SANITARY Carpet cleaning, suction sad com pressed sir combined; carpets gleaned oa Boot without removal. Mala aSS4. Mala 8300. - J. HUNTER, steam carpet aad sssttrasa aleaaer. 680 Jefferson. Pboaa Mala 314. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANY ONE OWE YOU MONEY t Wl COLLECT BAD DEBTS OF ALL KINDS. NORTHWFSTEBN LAW COLLECTION CO., 12 ORAND AVE.. ROOMS 14 AND 18. CITIT.KN8' BANK BLDG. CUT THIS OCT. PHONE EAST 8048. COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In cord wood, coal and green and dry slabwond. R. R. and Alblna are., 3 blocks Bast of ferry. Bast 874. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO Dealers la oaL cord wood aaa ary aiaowaoa. rnoaa sin eaa. OREGON FUEL CO. All klade st coal aad wood. 884 Alder st. Pboaa slain an. BOX aaJ alaner Standard Wood Phone Eaat 3118. ,0a. Immedlate delivery. CLEANING AND DYEINO. Portland Steam Clean In f A Dyeing Works; prsc " tlcal katlar ta connection. 311 4th. PactiU SOT. CLOTHES cleened aad preaaed It per mo ith. Unique Taiionng Do,, aav waaamgioa sa. II. W. TURNER, profess lonsl dver and cleaner. WM Jefferson ar. pnone nan aoia. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, sontrac tors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 Flrat, sor. Stark. Mala 888. A. H. Tata. atgr. FURNACES.. B0TNT0N wars-uilr tornaem Mif f-wl. f. (X I as, sa aaaajaa- sa - - - - - a bmIsx apexsrs THtWWlM el I'aBi. . Umnl Tunisia sWsllBfl HI. I FURNITURE FACTORIES.1 OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufaetarevs or raruiiure lor see sraaa. PortUBd, FURNITURI manufacturing and siectsl orders. , Ruvensay-s rurniture isctery, siu roei si. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IBON WORKS KM rlsnders SI., cor, ;.uiru. move mam suika. GROCERS.' WinniMI A CO.. who lees la lecturers and commission amercaaaxs. Fourth apd Oak sts. ALLEN A LEWIS, eomm lsetoa sad produce nee. sbanta. Front sad Davis sts., Portland. Or. STEIN k WAYNE-Jobbers ... And . Wholesale 1 groeera, wnt nsronn ei. GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONARY snd msrlaei Little Spaeial" Eaaollne lannrn, sisoi ssisna-aauei assaaax, laacbae and hurta. . . : lAA-A-B Miailsaa ah FINANCIAL-BANKS. mm MX3.CHAXTS' sTATIOVAX BAVX. PORTLAND. OBIOOkT. Ill J. FRANK Watson . PMaMit i . W, H0IT Caahter I Bank lag Business. Drafta All Parts of the World. u ITXO 8TATIB sTATIOKAL BANK OF i Northwest Corner, Third Tranaaeee e eseMeMl ut.abiMM i tee United Statea gad . Europe, Hongkong and !wsi ...j. c. AINHWOHTH I . R. LEA RARNFS Assistant Cashier. .A. M. WRIGHT BANKERS' It LlTKBXJtMIE'B BAXX Portland. Oragoa. Corner Besond and Btark atraeta. . Commercial and savings department. Interest paid oa savings accounts. Drafts snd T ,i.wii crvun lasnea available la all parts D. C. "ie scoommodaUoa of euatomera. - -.M.-.i. , . . . . i-reeioeuf FRED H. HOTfTrntT.n . S, rt a . PELTON JOHN A. KEATING.. ..Second Vice-President I T" BANK OF OAIJyXJtjriA Eatabllakad f capital paid an ........84,000.000 I Surplus and anoivlded proflta to J70.14 SI , , k A General Banking snd Exrhsnge Bualnesa Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intersex aa time deposits. Accounts opened' for sums of 110 and upward. . , . Portland Branch Chamber of Ootnmeroe Building. A, MACB4E... Manager I I. T. BCRTCH AEI.L. . . . .Assistant' Manager FS1 NATIONAL BANK SF PORTLAND, OKZOOeT. .. Dsslgaated Depository and Financial Agent of the United Statea. . '.'. sVesident A- U MILI I Cashier J. W. "EWKJRK Assistant Cashlsr.... ...W. a ALVORU Second Assistant Cashier B, F. STEVENS :, . ' Letters of Credit Available la Europe end the Festers States ' ' . . Sight Exctiaage and Telegvaphle Transtera sold on New York, Boa ton, Chicago, It. Laata, St, Paul, Omaha, Baa Francisco and the principal points In the Northwest. ' . Bight and time bills drawn In auaa to suit aa London, Paris. Berlin. Frank fort-oa-tbe-Mata, Rongkong, Yokohama, Copenhagen. CktisUanla. Buxkaolm, St .Petersburg. Moscow, Eorlca, ADD TUTOR. BAKKIES Erfam kllshad V-. , n mt w..wtta sbls tarma. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all potnta la the United Statea. Blaht Eschsnee a.l sr.i. h, Tr.n.f.,, ,14 An Kew York. Wsshlnaton. Chicago. St. Louta, Denver, Omaha, Baa Francises snd Montana and British Columbia. - Exchange Bold J-jB!lri;'.Byl.Brort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Hwlal0'E, . ...TRUST COMPANIES. POBTZAnTB TBUgT OOBrPAVT OF ORIO0K "The Oldset Trust Oempaay ta Ores l." RESOURCES OVER 11,800.000. Genersl banking. Exchange oa all partn of tba world. ' SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Tims eertlflrates, 8 to 4 per cent; short-call spselal ertV ca tea, $ooo or over, Sli to 4 per sent- Call tor book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." ...... Boatheaat Corner Third aad Oak Streets. Pboaa Private Exchange Ta, BEWJ. I. COHEN.. .-. . . President I B. LEB PAGET. . Secretary SE0UR1TI Tranaav en Tim. ECT7KITT SAVTBOB 4V TXTJBT COMPANY aeta a Oeaeral Banklne Rualnaaa. Tims aad Savings Aeeounls. Acta aa Trustee for Estates. Drafts aad Letters af Credit Aral labia la All Peru sf the World. f. ADAMS....... President I .Be coca viee-rreaiaeal I GEO. F. RCB8ELL .. TKX MORTGAGE OUABAKTEE TRUST . Trsnsacta s General BaakliiaT Pnsltiess. ." vepartmeatl 4 per cent latersst buowbo. compounded quarterly. CAPITAL. . fino.ooe.oo ' 0. W. WATE8BURT President 1 & W. MILLER... .Tlee-President I. LOGAN HAYS i.slstsnt BecreUry Elks' Temple, Seventh snd Stark Streets; Phone Main 1B4. Open Baturday Eveulpg 8 ts B. NORTHWEST-EN OUAKAJITIE TRUBT COMPARE Port laad, Oregea. Lumber Exchange. S. B. Corner Second and Stark Strevta (eeoond floor). 1 . , FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. State. Oooaty, afoaldpal sad Corporation Bonds Bought snd Sold. New entsrprlaoa erganlnad and, Bna need. Btocka and bonds guaranteed. TXTLB OUARAKTEX TRUST CO MP AN Y 848 WASHTN0T0X BTXIIT. MOBTGAGB LOANS aa Portland Baal Estats at Lowest Rates. , Titles Insured. Abstracts Furnlahed, WML. X. LADD. ; J. THORBURN BOSS. . . BURKHART, President Vlca-Praaldeot aad Manager. , , Secrstary. JKO. B. AITCHIS0N. OBOBGB H. HILL, Asslstspt Secretary. . Aaalstsnt Becreta-f BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M 0119 BB0B. MB First Btraat. ortlajul, "" Offsr Gllt-Edged Invsstmsnta la Municipal and Railroad Bonds. ' Write at Co. 11, D0WBTX0K0P-Xl CCIOAX- STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought Private Wires. BOOM 4 CHAMBER -HI J. a LXX COMPANY 1840 Lafayette Brokerage Department Bee Pa Before Buying or Balling Stocks Overbe :cokeXQ, ORATX, PROVISIONS. COTTON, BTOCKB AND BOXDfl, . ' WE SO A STRICTLY O0MMISBIOX BTJBIXXBB, Obotlaaoua Markets by Private Wire. Quick Berries. REFERENCES Ladd Til too. Bank ara. snd United gtetes Nstloaal Bank of Portland. J. MTNIOIPAL SCHOOL AND CORPORATION BONDS: ' . Highest Beturns to Inveatora Coaalxteat Wltk Absolute Safety. PORTLAND NORTHWESTERN HOMITELEPHONI ax .TELEGRAPH BECTJB1T -- i HAY AND GRAIN. .-1a. COOPER CO. Potatoes feed and flour. 138 Union ave. Phone East 1B1T. hotels: HOTEL Portland, Amertcaa pUa; B8, 88 per day. BELVEDERE; Earopeaa plau;4tk ssd Alder sta. HARDWARE, Portland Hardware Oa. solicits ooportraltv to quote prices. i xsx s x., sor. aioe r. sssiw ie , L -HAT FACTORIES. HATB Cleaned. Blocked, made like new for BOe I . expert Panama bleacher. 84 Third, aaat Pima. Branch, 824 First. Paclfls 18. INSURANCE. AMERICAN CENTRAL INSURANCB CO. . (lncornorated 1868) paid 100 cents oa toe . dollar after the Boston. Chicago. Battlmen - - . . . . u.eiu Bna Ban mure lirew. nmin as pt- axeata, 30B-310 Commercial blk., Beooad aad , Wsshlngtoa sts. Paclfls 3378. ISAAC L. WHITE, Bra bamaea. bldg. BOO Dskam JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability Md ta- gtvldual aceidenl eurei snass es su aia a. Pboaa 47. 80S sac Kay aiag. MACHINERY. TBB H. C ALBEB CO 8econd-haod macblaer. sawmliw, ste. aaa uraaa ave. HITPELY k MYERS, machinists and elee- trtdane; electric elevators, s lee tries I saaebln. err ofed gssollaa engines ' a specialty. 834 Oak St. Pkoaa Mala ISBv. B. TRENKMAN CO. Mining, sawmill, log- flng machinery; hydranlle pines, casting all Inds repaired. 104 North Fourth. MONUMENTS. NEU KINGSLEY. 3M First St.. Psrtlsad't seeding marble aad grsslts works. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHOBN. pupil af teacher. Studio 108 Sixth. BEVCIK. viollB Tel. Mala two. MAGNETIC HEALINO. SCHOOL OF PsrcHOIXXJY Lectura nl aesuanatra tlona oa hvpaotlam.' tratmn, magnetle healing and palmistry;- sci entific ta every detail; patients treated tot all d lessees. 188 Seveath St. ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL BUGS repaired sad a leaned by Ba'ive experts; wa aaa tna original vegemoie dye cashmere wool for our repairing; sll work auaranteed. Call aa Oriental Bug Be- pair Ik g Co.. Pacific 3S8. B44H Wash, at. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, graduate af the Osteopathic college of Kltkivllle, Missouri, who la a epeetallet on rheums tiara, stomach and ' all female dlenaaes. Office 410 Falling bldg., sorner of Third sad Wsshlngtoa sts. DBS ADIX NORTHRUP. 418-18-1T Dekees bhlg , Third and Waabingtoa eta. Main 848. Examination free. PRINTIN0. THE MODERN PRINTER Y Art telle printing. 38 Rnseel bldg., fourth aad Monlses. Pboaa Psdne 1838. ANDERSON k DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. aaralnatUak books, fbeM. Ataia U. .Vloa-President GEOK0B W. H0YT Aaeletaot Cashlsr and Lettara ot Credit Issued Available to Collections a Specialty PORTLAND. 0BXO0M. and Osk Street. - -i ' nsiiTB isalivn A 11 .Kl. la in rirtea off Maalla. Collections Made oa Favorable Terms. Tlce-Prealdent.:... W. n. axaav Cashmr,, . , . , B, W BCHMFER , A, HOLT Aaslatant Cashier. ox us woria. upea aaiuroay eveumge uviai i a.. ukars,.,,,, ...vwit inn iTnirt . . .... ruhlee ...Cashlsr PLATT k PLATT..I... General Counsel lias. Head Ofaoe. Iaa Franoisee, altfaswfcar ia XI8B.) de-at atl poiata am favor, H. L. PITTOCK..;.; Vlce-rYeslflsnt J. Q. QOLTBA... .Aaslatant Secretsr- 864 Kaartaea Btrsat, Fortlaad, Oregen. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allow M L. A." LEWIS First Vice-President At. U- jumn... .....a- isary Aaslatant Secretary - 00MPANT BANK. ' Iaterest Psld oa Ttnia Deposits. Savtngl Oragoa. .: , . and Bold for Cash snd oa Margin. of COMMERCE. Pboaa Mala Bldg., Portland, Oregon. . , ; H. W. Donahue, Manager. ' or Bonds. Csa Always Bava Tog Money. ' (Members Chicago Board af Trade.) saToW sssaamul , Rooma t, 4 aad La raystta bldg., aor. nxta aad Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. DIVIDEND , BANK AND CORPORATION fSTOGES MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN . Oa Imntwvsd . city property er for building pmeeee, for from I ta 10 years' time, with privilege to repay sll ar part of lose after two years. Loans approved from plans aad money advanced aa building progresses) r, -l , - " V sbmi rvpiacva. eaia,w ax., nnaacii 843 Btark at. Ageat, . THI STAR LOAN OO. Any aalarted employe, ware-earaas, sua get aa his Bote, without mortaeee i kU aots. Without nvarteae-e eaa Month. H Month. Week. .OO-Repap to ne er 88.80 or 88.88 frl ?0 Repay to aa 8 8-88 as 88.88 ar 81.88 -118.00 Repay to. na I Aoo ar 83-00 ar 1.00 ; tlO McKay aldg. CONFIDINTIAL loans sa sslartea. rnsuvsaca V"1'?'- . PlBBoa. furniture, warehoasa re. "f.t' deeervlBg persesi may s sen re a liberal ade.iw. ermonfhly lnatallmeeta. BEW ERA. LOAN k Tttm COMPANY. - i BOB AMngtoa bldg. "I"!7 "ANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aad ethers anon their ewa names without aeeurlty: cbespeet rstse, eesleet paymeatei afBcaa In 88 pria'tpal etrteet save yasjrsal. 22!?ll.,il Fttlnf eur terme Best. TOLMAN. 371 Abingtoa bldg- lOSVa Third St. HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOANS Money caa be borrowed oa eesy parment plan, lowest ratea: strictly confldeatiaL . CRESCENT LOAN CO., 438 Mohawk bldg., cor. Third Bad Morriaoa. MONEY to loaa aa reel, pevaoaal and collateral secwrltyt apodal atteulloa re chattel movt fagea; notes bonaht. a W. Pallet. 804-8 Featoa bldg., 84 Sixth at. MONEY to loaa on Clackamas county node. B. F. aad F. B. Rile, 80S Chamber af Coae- HIGRLT rvepectahle place where kadiee aad Es caa borrow money on diamonds and airy. Collateral Loaa Beak. But) Wasa . toa at. Phone Black Tl. LOWEST ratea aa fr iltore ssd planes. Beat, ara Leaa Co., 44B Sherlock kldg. PaelBs tilt. "-II"! 'TJ. " " alnde of security. William HolL room B. Waaklngtaa kldg. TO LOAN eramn to aalt ee rhattat sssority. H. A. Frame. 814 the Msrqusxs. . Money to Loan rrw. Klv... im wep. g Oraad ava. MONEY loaned sslarled people aa aotet cheap, aat ratea. P. A. Newton, 434 Ablnatoa hid. WILL loaa S 000 ar aa t Ono sa? lass. 8 per aant. real ee Amertcsa Adjustment Oa, 118 Febtop. rate. bldg. MONEY to loaa at T per cent sa reel estate eeei xriry; mng Timet nv-ney an hand. I 801 Columbia bldg., 8n8 Washington at. PAINT8, OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH k CO. The Paint Oa. 1 winonw-giaaa aaa alaataa. 188 Flrat St. PLUMBERS. DONNERBENG BADEMACBBB, ruaaovsd to nu. eue psnwos es. , FOX A CO.. sanitary prambera, 381 Seeand, bet. Mala and Bslmoa. Oragoa Pboae Mala 3001. FINNIGAN BROS. CO., OS Third St. Phone Msla Bono. Flam hers snd heating engineers. ROOF1NO. TIN ROfllTNO. guttering, repatrtnf aad general fobbing.' J. toslt. 318 let faraoa St. Pas. 1434. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C, BTAMP WORKS, 348 Alder at., pboae Mala Jin- rubber eta tape, seam, eteaclls; ba'g trees ghsBs-gg osa4 tog aeUsagua ka a biiRHiif...... SHOWCASES AND ' FIXTURES. SHOWCASES o every- Isatrlptioat bank, bar and sturs Bxturea aiade te arder. The Lathe Manufactaring Oa., Portland. B, H. B1RD8ALL, deelaneri area! M. Winter Lamber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Mala 8S80. J' ' i r .1 i i i ',, SECOND-HAND GOODS. ATWATEB k CABL turattura bouaa Highest Close paid for second -hand furniture. 318 eond St. Pbona Paclfls 4P8, SAFES. DIE BOLD Maagaasse aad fireproof Bafes; sas eeseful prograea axalnat burglar and flre leek aula opened. Mr. Super, mechanical expert with J. B. Deris, 88 Third. Pbona 1A&8. - SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banners. economical electric signs snd signs of all kinds Bade quickly. . footer k Kletaer, Flftk and Everett. Pkooa Exchaags 68. W. P. BEROBB BON. 34 Yamhill at. Signs of all hlada. Phone Paeifle 3233. STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving, side walks and exosslngs. 118 OregooJaa bldg. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Co. at PorUud Offico 8SS Worecatar blk. TELEPHONES. TBI only exclusive telephone house. . B.-R. nisctrlc A Telephoaa siaaufacturlng soss 1 pany, 81 Flftk at. TOWEL SUPPLY. I CLEAN JOWEJJLJArLTJpmh l J-gosh Si per mouin. rortiana e upply Co., Ninth aad Coach aodrr and Towtr "j Lt" - "a a- '-jr. FlrOtl 410. TRANSFER AND HAULINQ. A FEB, nlaaoa aad furniture moved, packed ready lor shipping snd shipped; all work guaranteed; large, 8-story brick. Bra-proof warehouse Bar storage. Office 308 Oak at. a M. Olsea. Phone Mala 84T. THE BAOOAGB OMNIBUI TRANSFER CO.. aor. Sixth and Osk ata; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to aeatJnatloai passengers therefore avoid rub and aaaay aaea at depots. Private Exchange 88, a O. PICK, atflcs 88 First St., between flterk and Oak sts., pbona 808; pianos aad furniture -' soered and packed for ablpping; commodious brick warehouse wltk separata tree, roome, Fraat and Clay ata. . 9 OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. Pboaa Msln asv Heavy kaullng aad storaga. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. BOO). Waah - insrtoa st. Phone Mala 083. 7 OCT ratea aa bouaakeld goods to all . east: we make up carloads; special room for trunks while waiting, Oregon A ato-Dee patch, 18 Flrat at. Phone Mala TIB. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER Co. Storage. 824 Btark st. Mala 407. TYPEWRITERS. , NEW iypeailleie. all makes, rented, sold snd repaired.. Coast Agency. 381 Btark. Tel. MOT. WINDOW SHADES. OA IB WINDOW SHADE CO- 3T Salmon St., plain and fancy ahades made to order, st rawest prices. Phone Mala 6878. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. AST PORTLAND FENCE WIRE WORKS, 180 B. Water at. Pboae Baat 831. CHINESE FOOTWEAR. Midi)' by the Cheapest Labor In the World. , - Chinese) boots and shoes ara triads- by tha eheaxpaat labor in tha world, but it must ba remembered that In tha manu- faotura of tha enormous auantltr quired no machinery of ajiy kind la used. The consequence is that, while there Is a certJn neceasarr uniformity obaerr ed in the cut and pattern, the work Is alow, the workmanahlp poor and the quality of' the materials used unBarvloaable). It ta certaJnly fair to assume that If -the natlvea of China could be supplied with boots or ahoea made in exact aouord with the atyles popular throuFhout the empire, poaaeae. Ins the adTMtagea ot better material and workmanahlp snd greats r durabil ity, the oonaumerar would welcome their introduction , if the price were satisfac tory. .-.' ' A eonaerratt-e eat I mate of the mar. ket for China se shoe worn by the com mon classes placea tha expenditure at $1 (Mexlcevn) per capita, a year, -while the amount expended by the better elaasea will vary from si to 20 (Mexican) an nually. .This will afford aa Idea of the Immenalty of the demand, but It la ob wloualy Impossible, without comprehen aire, expert Inveatliatlon, even to ap proximate the amount expended annu- aJly In China for footwear. TUrB BhoffSJ veer e-w rtT'TT made with leather or oottoa cloth soles. ebore which la a layer of rag's or paper or feathers, wltn cotton cloth next to the foot The uppers are made of cot ton sheet in ra or ehlrtlng-a, I tall ana, aat Ins or velvets, dyed either- black or blue. Women are employed to aew to gether the uppers, which are out by the ahoemaker. After that work has been completed the uppers are returned - to the shoemaker, who attaches the aole. and the shoes are then ready- for distri bution, through the native dealera. The beat quality may be obtained at retail for f 1.48 Mexican a pair; medium qual ity, tt.10 a pair; cheap quality, 80 cents a pair; coolie ahoea, to cents a pair, and women's shoes, 70 cents a pair. . The women's shoes are these worn by the so-called "reformed ladlea," a claaa whose numbers are constantly Increas ing, beoauae of emancipation from the cruel custom of binding; the feet. These prices ar subject to a reduction, of 10 per cent when shoes are purchased ;' At wholesala In northern China ahoes are also unt- veraaily tn uae during the warm weath er, but with the advent of winter it is tha praotlce of the Chinese to wear what may be called the Chinese boot This Is also made of cotton ehaetlnge, shirt lnjra. Italian, velvets or eaJUns. dyed either black or blua The lee of the boot, whloh extenda about half way to the knee. Is aumcvenuy laxce to hold the trousers. The boots have' either a ither or a cotton cloth side,' with a layer of paper, raia or feathers above and cotton cloth next to the foot A stiff but trkuxpenstva material la used" as a lining to hold the lea; of the boot In an upriejttt position, and on" the outside Is the oowet-atirf of velvet or cotton cloth, as tha caae may be. The retail prices of the boots vary, according to the ma terial used, but run from approximately $1.18 to $110 (Mexican) a pair. Ma chinery could be utilised in cutting out the material tor. boots quite aa easily as for shoes. , . War Oat Xls rixigap, There la a brakeman on, one f the western ralroada who years ago lost his Index finger to his right hand. One day recently a lady paaaangar who had bean much interested In the wonderful works of nature the brakeman had pointed out to her along the road noticed the stub finger. When the conductor came tare-glt the ea aha aaid te filtni - . "Exouae me, sir, but can you tall me how the brakeman lost his forefinger! He seems to be such an accommodating fallow.' . VTes, mum: that's juat it. TTe is o accommodating that he wore that finger off pointing out the aoenery along the Una," saUjUiB eouJucta, ICO flOfiOU iu OUILT SOOii Surveyors Laying Out Line In Washington From Columbia , River to Rich Country. " FINAL CRAOiv IS BEING , v' MADE TO GRAYS HARBOR. Harrimln Systern Ii Mappbg Out Route to Port Angeles aind Will Have. Work Finished Within Next '. Ninety Days. ." .' ! '. (Special Dlepatek te The FoamaL, Kelso, Waab- July 17. ThU placa is the oentar . of - a . great deal of rail way activity at preaeot. About eighty men are engaged In surveying , parties in this vicinity. The company backed by the Northern Pacifla, known aa tha Grays Harbor A Columbia River rail way, haa two orewa at work and laat Saturday served condemnatory notices on many of the land owners on the weet alda of the Cqwllts river between It and' ML Lola.- During the past five years several sur veys have Lean, made for. tbla route, but this is claimed to be the final one, aa the surveyors ara eetabllshing gradea and . ullfne MAvameM-MS ..,.. k. tractors to begin work.- it la under- atood that a permit has been obtained - from the government for " a bridge across the, river near Knapp's sawmill and that work will begin oa It In about sixty. days. -'..... Meanwhile the Harrtmaa system has two crewa in the field on this side of . the river doing work for the Port An geles A Columbia River railway. Their head camp for the preeent Is at "Lex ington, a few miles above here, but aiviBiuei nsauqusneta - ara oorw an tuw Fiedler A Gray building. In eharg of Mr. .Merrill, right-of-way man, aad - Mr. Fields, chief engineer. J One t who-ls in a. poaition to 'know. says a permanent eurvey for this road will be made In. BO daya Naturally these operatlona will add much to this A 1 IU,I. .It. HkUl I ,W W. Cowllts river for a waterway, has ample facilities for shipping. Four -sawmills are constantly running, but milllona of feet of flrat - claaa logs go- by whloh could be sawed here to advantage, c - rui ivMiuncn Hun From Chandelier or Other Out . of-the-Way Place. With the dog daya alao come the files. Everybody has a decided objection to flies, and nearly everybody alao objeota to the molasses-coated flypaper and its hundreds of captured, bussing victim a Not only do the' files gat caught, but very often bigger game finda Its way ... .k . . W . f 1 Mill M ,.w vu isv psVfciwr auu mi sir as, siiiwa una profanity eoft and mild according to, the box of the unfortunate, A fly catcher of vaat improvsmBnt o-var the sticky papwr la one niifatratod hero, and -there Is no doubt that It will prove Juat aa effective. , With Its oaalng It reeem- . ' , DEATH TO FLIES. , bles an enlarged Jumping Jack. It is constructed of two wires arranged one Inside the other and colled in opposite directions. The wires are covered with a fabric material' which ia ooated with ' glutinous, poisonous substanoe, to whloh the flies . adhere with great tenacity. The colls of wire afford plenty ot sur face to attraot the files, and when the catoher is hung from a chandelier er other convenient place It serves its pur poae fully. There is bo danger of a person coming in contact with it, ana if be does the damage Is slight, - . WANING OF DAD MOON. ! Famous Circus Rider Goes to the -v Poor House. -Vl-1a4" Moon, a ' eae-tlm world-fa nve circus rider, whose fame equalled that af Old , Dan Bice, wltk whom hs wsa associated, and wba, for 30 years, bss lived alone ta Keokuk, Iowa, waa takea to the Lee eeeaty. New Jersey, borne Isst week, where tha remainder af bis Ufa will be spent ta tuletude. Because ot bla advanced age aad because ka fait that ka weald be better cared for. tha one-time star ef the arena naked that be be removed to tbs county institution, . Although- mora thaa so yea re of age. aatn recently Mooa kaa worked for tha cooperage plant la this city ss aa expert aaacaaala. For sooa mouths ke has aot been able ta work with regularity, but during all that time kaa ass 4s for himself sa eavtable reputation sa a maa who never broke a pramlae ar deserted a friend. Ho baa Hved by hlmeetr In a shanty oa Beap ereek, above Tenth street. 1 "It ts snore thaa 40 years age," said as, that I unit the bualnesa. Dsa Bice and mysslt ware chums la the early days, whea there were so suck things ss rallraad shows. I aaad ta do a korsebsck-rlding stunt with four horses, and my set was so saasatloaal that I waa known all ever tha eeuntrf as tha meat darlag per for mar of Vat day. It was alwaye my ambltloa aa-Be er too sop wee, n earns as eouesfrisa seta. -' . "One day I met Taakee Bokiaeea. Re estd that ke waa working on aa act that would pat mine I no the aba da for ail time ta eema. 1 hushed at him. Tnid him I was tha king af the arena and that aU ethers wars bat imitators. Whenever I earns ou V, do m st sll tae epectatnre were apeinjoaad. Next saaaaa liobta. eon made good his threat sad latredassd a kerae act with a double snmerseoii anmas, wsi.s 1 knew waa better thaa aajtbina I eves pea) aa. That settled It with ma sad I sjult lbs ewe bnslnsae then and there ssd have neve sees 8 'big top lines.' . .. rooUsbaesax. -rrom the American Ppet8"- ra,, eadtf mused t" el" With the rve-peen-lhere-n there Is only one man fonl than the fool that rs 1 and has the oca that t at his moi-Ai-ii-A ." 1 ' . t .