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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND., TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 17. KCJ. a. at BUG ViLLE; NURSERY RHYMED. t:r.v TODAY. UNDERTAKERS. Donate. MeEatee Ollhaagh. undertakers ad emaalaMrai Bsodera la every detail, Beveatb crying Lands t:::::rnovtD I:3ATtON LAKDS CrUZTCG LANDS n:.:cR ads ,0 tent of level sneadow Una, aib trl gated; can divide Into amaJlar tract ; railroad will . go through thla. AIM aad Hasv. Male 48. Lady aasiBiaal, - CsreasgbA ItOI, by tmsrlms la A. B. Beaaetoek. undertaker aat embala-er, But TMrUuIt aad Umatilla eve. Pheevs Sell- II. ....... .-. . Krtckeoa Uadertaklag Oa.,- embalming, tot mivmw si. a-awe MB VIM. J. r. Flaley bav Third aad Msdlsoa Ma. wises at seasry eoroeer. raoas Mala a. Edward Helmsn, sadertaker, 120 Third attest. Clark Bras far tswara. tap Marrlaaa atraat. BITUTIIW OX1UTEAT. , r ttla era $1. Family lets 7S ta tl.One. mail and Jaxgs Improved farma. .,..t, Crtdsa Farm 6 Hone Ltnd Co. xae osiy cemetery la PertlaBd stlch per. C really BMlatalna aad earn (or lota, for rail forms Mue apply to W. R. Mack easts. War- .4"-- Cat ttoKa? BMf-' Third aaa stuk atta. aaaiaraieck. . city. W. M. Ladd. president. -SfcaJbhriis Water Front 460 feet frontage by 1,200 feet deep, near Peninsula Lumber Co. T'oxon-ValcntincXo; ,;';v :,;:ST. johns :.. , Hava you a bargain la Portland? If so, S hava money to Invest. . State price and ( (Ire location. ..Address Investor, core Journal . . , ' ' FIRSTS; MORTGAOE SECURITIES" ' Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company L.umbr Exchange r - Building .. - Residence Sites StxtS, Northwest corner of loth and Northrup 11.150. SOxtS, Joining- the above, end on the Wast aide of 26th $1.S0. - No flat. One house only to' be built on each lot. as. M. WILIOK, 1U Baeoad at. Acreage at JWoodlawn Almost T acree, all cleared and fenced. city streets laid out on two side lea, an ready for platting. Price 4,60O. Only t2,0v e-ssf an. Br ft fniOlCMOaT. vaaunaar si Water front For Bale 100 fret,' near " Johns. -With, piece oXJandXor.jnUU.flns sawmill proposition: deep wstsr. One of ths best mill sites on the river. Address, for particulars, P 11, Journal. WEATHER REPORT. Tba aarthsra portlea ef tbc w colore trass Of low pressors bas advaacad (raw Brltlah Cohuibls to Albarta, while the saatbara aar. tkia baa raaaa laW atatloaary evar Ariaooa. Tba Arkaaaa law prsaaara arcs baa dlaappaarad aad the see evar tha laka raaiae la advancing akmly down tba St. Lawranca valley. Tba baroBMtar la rlalnc la tba aortb Paclflc atatra -aad wak bisb praaaura arena era antral OTr tba auddla aUasaarl valley end tba aaatb At Untie atataa. 1 la eaalrr ta the Wlllaawtte vallay, aaaad eaaatry, soetheeatara Waahlnftoa aad aaatera Oreaoa and waraer la Motitaaa, aoatbeaatera Idabe aad aa tba New Bnsland ad middle At tn tie eoaata. Tbaadaratorasi aeund yesterday artarnaoa aad laet atarkt at Baker City, wbtrk raaalted la a rainfall of .81 ef aa Inch. .Tba weatber ta eloodr aa tba Parlne coaat fraai ran littery asatb to Loe ADgelea. I up av atbts ta Ibla dlatrlct tonlaht and Wednesday, ursnt In aoatasra Idaho, where thaadaretornM are prob. able. It will be eeoler seat ef tba Cascade aaooatalns. - ObaacTnUess takes at a. ., Pselfls tlnw: Tep . Btatlone Max. , Mia. Prsclp. Baker City. Oreaaaj... M M .M Bnatoe, MuerhuaetM...... SO. - T Chlraca, IlllooU..... 10 S4 A Dasear, Colorado.. ..,.... 78 . M .0 Kansas city, siisaoan..,.., st . 04 ' .0 Lea Aatelea. California..,. SO at S4 " . New Orleans. Loal.lana... SO TO .01 Kew Tars, New Tork M ' ' Tl lortland( Oreaoa..,,,..,.. so fd Rnaanors, Orefoa. ......... Tt 64 Bt. UoaTa. Mlaaoarl. ....... TV ' - S4 Bait Laka. Ctah to l Saa rraadaco, California.. SO ; -tit Spekiaa, Waahlnstoe 4 ' 08 Tarawa. Waahlnftoa , 78 AO Walla Walla, Waeulngtas.. M - 84 , Washlnctoa, D. U M 74 .20 T . .0 .01 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 A MARRIAGE LICENSES. .-, Ira W, CesaXt, Oupoa City, Oiasx AVnns flcbatxaian. 24. O. I. Blanrbard, Oraats lansr Oressa, SO; Irna I. Unkey, U. . . -adwlf. Wolf, 18.H Oresaa strsat, S3: rnaatna Alpha New nan. 11. Jea Tboaaaa Vaneal,- Dyer, Mends, 68; Isa bella Stevens Cosaav, 40. t Wedding Cards. . W. O. Bsiltb Oa., Waab. lastns bids- car. r earth aad Waahtaae eta. ' Weddtns and ralltaf cards aura red at jsistad. B., T. Bean ton, Waablnstaa at. Btaaialna- i-,',,,rl i'"" "".i1' ' . BIRTHS. - ; v MF.tOBSJnly IS, to Mr. sad Mrs. Harry H. "' Menfra, 6d Kaai rlandera. a sltl. BfAHkT July It, ta Mr. and Mrs. Otte A. Mark. 671 Mleaanlppl ereaae. a slrL KNAPTOM Jaly tl, to Mr. aad Mrs. Chsrks Rnantao. 1021 Beat Eleventh. flrL CiU.k Jslr 11, ta Mr. aad Mrs. JasMS Cook a. 7 North Voarteenth. s (IrL BAI KB Joly 11. to Mr. sad Mrs. A. 0. Uraaer. 74 Bartbwlrk, a girl. TASKI VM Jaly I, ta Mr, and Mrs. Walter II. Vendors. 101 Tenth, s sh-1. AXDF.RS Jnlr 14. to Mr. asd Mrs. William O. Bandera, SOI Csrhett, a flrl. ATK J.iy is. ts Mr. ssd Mrs. Paul C Batea. SA4 Waaea, s say. DEATHS. .. . BANKS J.(r is Welllnstaa fL B..k. u yeera. eonnty aoepltal. t KKNKAt U-Jaly 18. Jaeeb Dsrkssbsek. Tt yeara. 4'4W Eaat Morrleon. st ATHF VlkiN -Jaly Is. Wllllaa P. MaOiee ana, T years, deed Ma Burl I aa hospital, frac ture ef ekall. B"t IHTON-Julr It, Charles Bouhtoo, 108 rorlett. dlahrlra. ' v Bsv-Jaly is, Wllev D. Bmy, Tt years, 471 ..t Tv.lftn. senility. Tm K'mHOJiilv IS. Wllllaai B. Stork tWd. IS yaara. Kenh farlie Baaatarlaa, septic , rtt.-nltla. r rTMll -fnU U Jasenb KeastrU. years, eanvia-Teyaay decs, drewsiagv Wed! 2sal Estate . FUNERAL NOTICES. DBCKKNBACH At all lata "reeldeoee, 404 H B. Morrlaoa at.. lair 14. IMS. Jacob Dark- . ee-berk, aged Tt years, 1 mouth,, and 10 Ssys. Funeral will taka plaTa Wedneedav, e-uiy is, at 10 a. at, from r. a. uuaning's chapel, corner of Eaat aMrr and Kaat With ata. Friends Invited. (Han Francisco aad New York city papers please sopy.) COUBTOIS Wad. July IS, 1008, at B20 Kaat , Nlaatamth atraat, Goatae Ceurtola, as . 8 , yeara, months. Funeral services will ba bald tomorrow at 1 o'clock fro a tba Mil , wankla Catholic church. " Friends and acquaintances respectfully Invited. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. lyrsmsrs Real Batata eompany to vsrati n. usnmtt, lots asd a, block S, sad lot 81, block 10. Kern Park t tot TM 6. U. Rotarmasd to Berths Moores, lot 11. block s. Ktonel Park Tha Pence roejpanr to jobs 8. McCllles ssd Portia ad DevelopsMat compasy, Loals Ooldantlth tract, coaslatlnf of , about M acres lying north of Tbarmaa etreet and Including block D, in Wil lamette Heurhra addition The Panes company to Jobs B. McMlllea ans Portland Development company, ' blocks 14 to 11, lDCluelre. 8 to II. ' Inclualva, block 10, aU In North Port-, lead Heights addition; asm that ear tats tract knows ss Louis Gol details land, constating of 18 acres, store or leaa, upon which Lewis and Clark aipoel tlos wss Is part located; alas addi tional lands ooat-nioua ts a bore deacrtbad laada' Orant and Mary Pbegley to Andrew Rher- wooo, wia so, si, sz, Bioem zs, Haoat . Tabor Villa 150 Coaat Investment company to Adls Cameron, lota 7, 8, . block S, Bar ton a addition ta St. Johns.......... TM Lonlaa snd W. B. Laathers to Charles . 8. Batler, lota d ead 6, Sleek 12, A1--bins liomestesd liot Arlets Land company to Brsaat J. Blaeer. lot I. block 8, Ieater Park.. Borcbard Boesches ts Jobs I. Fraaer, 30 acres Is sections B, 8, T, 8. towa fthlo I seats, mere -1 seat H. O. Bndeoa ts Bulb B. Carter, lot 1 la northeast of northeast ty sectlos t, townahln 1 north, range l waat. eostalnlss ft.M seres Willamette Iran A gteal works to Cbarlea K. Hesry, north of block O, Couch addition , Charles K. Benry, trustee, snd Eugenia, it Bis wife, to Jay I. MUlsr, lots 12, u, IS. blork 8. Berths to T. 1. snd lulls A. Monahaa to B. P. Rose, lots W, to. i, block 11,' point View . 1,800 -J00 a.250 4,500 Mary Roberteon to O. P. Clerln. parts of blocks 1, i, Daneks lavvatawnt company to Jobs Q. Boeser- villa, Mia s ana in, omrs zs, sbs sna It and 18. block 80. Piedmont ....... Hasard Blare ne to Fletcher Linn, bucks I and 2. Blnsham addition , .. Arleta Land company to O. W. Bchroff, lot 14, block t. Ins Park William and Kllaabetb Morglnsoa to P. W. Tnrgler, weat SO feet of lot S ans went to feet of south 10 feat of lot I..- black 7, Dolan'a addition to Eaat Portland; a I bo eaat 85 fret of lota t and 4. block tX Hanson's Baeoad addi tion to Eaat Portland . . 10 00 Conrad aad Llaste Brill to Henry Walker, ant 14, block la. Lincoln rars M. aad Clara M. Leltar le O. R. A N Co.. errlp of land 100 feet wide ores Bortbweat H seetlOB 12. townablf 1 north, ranee t eaat JrT. and Boians Smith to 0. B. AN. , Ce., part ef aosthweet A of nortnaaat srrtloa 80, township 1 north, range 1 eaet Minnie T. sad Frank H. Reed to O. R. A N. Co., atrip 100 feet wide over lots 1 and 1, eectloa at. township 1 north, range 4 seat Fred and Anna B. Laarbar ts 0. B. A . Co., strip of lead 100 feet wide over - lota . 1 sad 2, and soutbeaat U sf Boutbeset hi sectloS 81. township-1-Borth, range i eaat J. A. and rraseas W. Csrrey ts George Pntman, lot 8. block 111, Omar's addition ltrw-tlray ta Berlha Mooraa.Jota L and 1. soothers black 8, , Columbia 00 JB0 4.800 1 nrigata i.- I. M. asd Loalas J. Steve aa ts W. T. LB50 and Nettle A. Wllllamaoa. andlvlded H of lots a and 7 ana nortn n el lot (, blork 187. Couch addition 10.000 A. W. and Bella L. Lambert to Anabel Preabyterlaa church, iota IS snd IV. blork a, Oakdsls addition to East Port- - . Usd i - I las M. and George La ad la to Richard, ssd Jane A. Lewis, east H of lot 20, ' ' ti.1 ukn.n,'a f Jttle flnniea. BlltMtl. vlaloa No. 2 ;TaB00 Jenaie Atklnaoa to Edward and Julia . Ilolmaa, lots 1 and t. block, 142, city. 1 Arguaaento Thurlow ts Mary L. Tbor- . . . .w, bis wife., part of block 188, . . city : 1 llary L. Thar low to Argsmsnto Tbur- Isw. bar buebasd. part sf block tl. ' . Carter s addition I Ada P. asd Charles A. Mordea to B. D. , DeWrrt, lot 11, block 8. Goldsmith s : :, sddltlon ' 'L' Victor Land company to Mary H. t. Evans, lot 10, block 8, Alblna Home- Thor Land company to F."t. Whitney Irrf B. block t. Woodlasm Heights ..... ISO 87 ca more Real Batata company to Ood Cmw n aMM. ante XJt mnA 84. block T. Kers Park 120 B. B. and Alms E. Holmes to B. N. Uhiaiimim In, . is to 2fi. inclualva. blork 47. Peninsular addition No. 4.. - 800 Oil tnveatment company to William H. itmu. mi hlock a Sartach Park addition to Portlsnd - eOO George W. and Roaa Boehanan ts Wll , Ham A. snd Mary L. Caldwell, lot S, li b . 1 . u.ii.4AW.H mAAltlitm aai Kaet Portland ........ .......t... 4. TOO Aloys Harold to Mrs. L v. Aloora, lot 14. block 54, Unntoa II Margaret Wlleaa (formerly . Margaret Lourlrl and John J. Wllaoa. her hue- ' band, to John Wllaoa, lots sod 4. block 48, LinotoB 000 Title Onarsntea A Trust company ts D. J. snd Agnes Finn, weat tt lot 1, . blork 108, ttepbeoa addition to East Portland I Sarah C. Sedaoa to 0. B. A N. Co., a Btrlp sf land 100 feet wide ever east ' SW fact of lot 2, section 88. township : 2 sorth. rangs sast I 1. p. and Ells B. Preatos to H. A If. Uo., Strip 01 lanu iw reva wiw aver lota I asd 2, section It, towa-. ' ship 1 north, range eaat ' B0 Oct year Insurance and abstracts to real aatats from the Title Guarantee A Trust company. 140 Weahlagtoe etreet. MEETING NOTICES. SOMETHING doing tonight at Oeorgs Wsshlngton ramp. Bet ter come. Vlaltlng neighbors welcome. Woodman hall. Tenth and Washlnrton st. , H. S. AAROM. C. C. H. A. FHT.DRICH, Clerk. . M. W. A.. Oregaa Grape Camp. No. 8.078, Mae days. 7tb ssd Marshall; etaltarv welracsa. W W. A. EVERriRKBM CAMP. 8408. Wedneaday evening. Allaky bldg., Third snd Morrlaoa eta. NOTICE. KOTICB OP TOCK HOLDERS' MRBTINO Tbs annual meet log 01 ilia stars ooioeru or ine Coeur d' A lens Development company, for ths flection of s board of directors for tbs coam ing year, asd for the transaction) sf euch etber baalneaa as may regularly coma before them, will he held at ths office of ths eonv panr. rooms 801 to 504 Chamber sf Comma res bldg., Portlasd Oregon, oa August 8, 1008, st 10 o'clock a. aa. , GKORGB P. BOLMAlt, Secretary , Coeur d' A less Development Com pany. ' - - IVtrtlsad. Oregaa, Jaly 12. 10OS. KOTICB OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice la herebv etven that tha annnal meet- tng of The stoelhdltlera uf tbs- Midway OIL emnpaay will be held et tbs of Doe of Lsfld A Tllaos. Portland, Oregon, at 8 o'clock p. m., ea Wedneedsy, July It, 1008, for the Krpnee ef electing a board of directors and r ths traasartloe sf sseb ether ksslsm as mar come 'before the meeting, VlLUAat M. WHIDDBN, SaeYOtAry, rraSTft Hew many miles U ata tha Thraa-aoora miles and tan. Can I gat there by candla Ughtt Yes, and baek agalnl X Ypu may wt thera by railway By candla light and aaok agalnl MIIIIIHilMIMIH f NOTICE. PORTLAND. OB., JULY S, I008. Seeled bids will ba receives at ins Office or me acnooi dark, city ball, ap to 11 m. Thursday, Joly IB, ibuo, roe ill erors, wrougnc iron worn, fsrrsolsed Iron and other a beet-metal work or the Eaat Portland high school building. Plans ssd sneelocatlona for sams res be seen at tha office of tbs architect, 884 Eaat Third street, city. All proposals must be accompanied by s esrtlfled check for 10 par cent of tbs amount of proposal. Tba school board reserves tha rlsnt to reject any aad all bids. Tuomss J. Jooee. architect. PORTLAND. -Or., July .lt, 1908 Sealed bids Will Be reeeivee ai me ornoe or ine arnooa clerk, city ball, np to 11 m. Tueaday, Jnly 81, 1008, for plumbing and drainage, etc., for the East Portland high school building, plans snd specif teattous for sams ran ba aeen at tbs office of tbs architect, 834 B. Third St., city. AU nropoeals sauat ba ac companied by a certified check for 10 per cent of tha SsVMBt or propoeal. tbs school board reaervee tha right to reject any snd All bids. Thomas i. Jones, architect. . Tbs snderalgned -Will receive neslsd bids for s stock of merchandise sf the Invoice value ef 414. 0O0 or tbersebouts. trHretbar with fltrnres amounting to about tl.250. located at lose. Morrow county, . Oregon, ap to 11 O'clock boob of August 1, W08. . . A csah deposit of 10 per rest ef tbs mount bid must accompany each offer snd the right Is reserved to reject any asd all bids. Tbs Inventory may be seen at asy off lea ssd Us property may be Inspected St Ions. Dated st Portland, Oregon, this 18th day sf July. I B. L. SABIJt. ' rroat ssd Ankeoy streets. Portlsnd. Oregon. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Thursday - evening, s large augget rreerent breaatpla with leaf la center; lost sear Sacra menro St., eaai hub, or oa noe aell and Shaver car, or Fifth between Wsah Ingtoa and Yamhill; liberal reward. 24 North 2otb St. Phone Mala SM8. - L6BT Buses st keys. Call Mala 8384. Bs ware. TTta nartr whs took tbs silk umbrella from Olda, Worrmaa A King's suit department la " knows. Return to Journal ernes aaa farther questions Baked HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED M0 boys for sjrnrsnllces to serve oo American ateamers. They will occupy tha position of petty officers oa board Must bs ' American bora and aver 18 yeers of age. Tha ' terns of engagement shall bs three years. Wages 820 per month first year. 830 par aaonth trr; ya,7tr t'hlrd'yenr"? "0. For terms snd eondltleaia apply to .. Homer Pritch. secretsry Steamship Aaao elattoa of Saa Praaclaco, 110 East street. Baa rraactaco, CaL , too TOtTNO ansa for flremefl snd brakemaa oa leading railroads: experience unnecessary; Bremen set 1 100, brskemes I1 rapid pra ' motion to engineer or read actor- at double the salary; positions bow open. - Addrena sear . aat offlce. National . Hallway Training Asa'n-TSO Psitou blk., Omaha, Nebraaka, or 881 Ridge bldg.. Kansas City lIlesoorL MEN AND WOMEN to warn barter trade ts eight weeke; graduates earn from $18 ts ttt weekly! expert Instructors; estalogoe free. Moler Byatem ef Colleges, 80 NerU Fearth at., Partlaad. SALESMEN to Introduce tbs world;s wosdef In fruits Burbsnk's new stoneleas plnm (Miracle). Choice st territory. Cash weekly. Address Washington Nursery company, Top- penlsh, Washington. AtVEJfTSW ANTED to sell snnerlor, high-grass narsery BtocVTo"Ap7eT tBtlll fBPSlBUsd fiss eesb weesiy; wnta vooay ior n rltory. Capital City Nursery Company. Salesa, Oregon, - - WANTED 8 energetic, rellabls ea lea men for rapidly growing real eatate office, between 25 years snd 40 years of are: ability asd - character ths criterion drinking men need not apply. Z 25. care Journal. WANTED Toung mea to learn telegraphy and railroad accounting; salaries 175.00 to 800.00. For free catalogue address Moras College sf TelegVsphy. Sod 12th St., Oakland. Csl. WANTED One flrat-elaas earrlsgesmlfh; tws flrst-clasa esrrtageemlth helpers; beat of wages. - Langs A Mulr, 228 Salmon at. WANTED 10 wldeawaks eeleamea for city and road: good salary and coram lee loo and per manent position to rigni parties. mi write st once. W. B. Ts raykar A Co., t Ubbs ' bldg., Portlsnd. Or, WANTED 4 awa to work tn brick sad sower pips factory. Apply to office Diamond Brick Co., foot of Ankeny st. W A NTED Men " for Brlrlrird. -"Yereteeg, Oor Brick Co.. tlat and Tillamook sts. WANTED Tws ar three flrat-elaBB, all-around machine man; permanent position, good wages. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co, Macadam road. WANTED A good milker, wages t40; as farm work. Sea captain steamer Irslds. foot of Taylor at. WB gat work for our msmbers: apodal si ere,, bars. 12. Y M. O. A., Fourth and Yamhill. PARTNER la pleasant profitable business, fine cbssca lor active wan, amu capital. , sppiy today, 28 North Frost at. STEADY work for steady mea 10 helpers wast- ed Apply Columbia Engineering Works,. loth and Johsaos ata. HOTEL HELP Good positions swatting itaw. Bros, rners, waitera, coons ana aimtiar noisi help. Writs ar sail 247 N. 12th, room 81. COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Take work boms. 11 Rslelgh bldg.. Sixth ssd Waahlngtoa ata. WANTED Flrst-clasa Campbell A Pearson an- chins operators, joaa CUrk saddlery us, 104 Front at. - WANTED Boy about IT, steady -work; Korth y-roni at., corner ltavut. REI.IABLB solicitors snd collectors for eetab- llaued Portlsnd business house; opportunity for big money. Apply room , 201 tt Mor rlaoa at, i : . WANTED Ysang people to prepare themselves as bonkkeepora snd stenographera; have had Ml calls sines September 1; placed 238 la positions. Wa will place yoa wbsn com- L petent. Dsy ar Bight. Catalogue. Bshnks- Walker Bualnaas eollegs. t STRONG boye wanted for factory. Apply MriJ.!EN. 2 28 per day snd op. Mill A Lumber Ca. ' Eaat Slda OPSTCEROY, wheleaale bouse;' addrees awn handwriting, stale sgs sad Salsase, Z IL.ears Journal, . , flghtf Peter, Peter, pumpxin I Had a wtfa and cotildnt keep herjt ;. 1 ' Hit put hap In a pumpMn ahall, ' ' But aba ata bar way out and aald farewell. train. IMMMMMMMHIMIMIMMIIMMtHIHIIH HELP WANTED MALE. TRUSTWORTHY, sober, handy elderly Ban wants work st anything except horses. . V T4, cars JournaL WANTED 2B men to ds railroad grading. Ap ply Eastern A Western Lumber Co., foot of tt st., city. .- .. WANTED Mattraaa makers, . cor. Dsvls. SB North , TtoBt, CAPABLB billing clerk, wholesale houset ststs - sgs snd experience. F 12, cars Journal. WANTED First- lass brsssnioldar, 1 brsss Snlsher snd 1 mechanic for general bench aad model work. Address Oregon bra as. Works, 80 North Second at, " : HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED Operstoro-ta work ea ablrfs . and overalls. Leaaoaa gives to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory Me. B, Grand are, and B. Taylor st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. SUtt Washing. ton St., cor. Bevesth. apatalra.. ri iPboas Mala 2002. Female kelp wssasd. WANTED Girls ts make alia at Tt tint St. "Boss ef All" evar- 0IRL8 a boot It yaara of sgs ts work ta fas. tory. Apply at once. Amee-Harrle-NevUle Ce, Fifth sad Da via ata. . TBB BOMB LADIES' AGENCY. Feaxale help furnlahed free to employer, RegletraUon Free. ISStt Fourth at., apatalra, room 28. Main M28. WANTED Help, snd Columbia. . Union Laundry Co., Ssrsnd WOMAN, over 28. fair edseatton. noma snalneea knowledge, must reas nsstiy, to taka position Lst sues, , ao iowis oiag. WANTED Girl, steady work. Can at BS North . rroat, corner vans. WAITRESS wanted it the Hobsrt-Curtls. 288 14th at., near jerrereon. WANTED Girls la shtrt factory; good wares. steady work. - Apply Oregon City Woolen Mills, uregon viiy. trregoo. LADIES EVERYWHERE earn ca ah and hand some prsmiuma selling our Emergency Cases to their friends) ns eaavasslngi permanent work. Write I. H. Carpenter Co., Boa too. BI1BB WANTED At once, good , fl.' genera rk, aor house a ink; small family. Bar 26th. Eaat 8010. Bancocl HOTEL HELP Goad poaltlona awaiting houas- K nepers , cnamoarmaios. wairrasaea ana simi lar hotel help. Writs or call 247 N. 12th, oi. COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Take work home. SI Balalgb bldg., sixth ana Washington sts. WANTED Olrl- to aaslst la carg of young infant, 12S 14th at. STEADY gu-t or- woman to do- tight hnuss work snd help with ebllflren; no waablng; gooa borne, f Done xwst sojo. A OIRL to "go to the beach; small family; must bavs soma knowledge of cooking. 251 North Slat st. WANTED Family rook, 138; boarding -bonee conk, suburbs, sro; experienced family -laundress, Mondays, tl par dsy: Gertnas woman bouaekseper. 230 TamhllL Mtrlq WANTED Gh-ls to pack sucsronL , Apply 100 rtortn nixta sr. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wasted snd supplied, mars ar female. R. . urase. XUDrfc wsaaingtos at, r seine isio. WANTBTV-8 Ironera, 12 mangle hands. Port- land Hotel Laundry, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AN sxperlsnced Japaaess boy wants a position to no nonse wore or pantry wore, spesss singiian. i o, care journal. COOK, ttrat class, German, wants position la - lunchroom or cafe; . abort hours preferred to nign wages, a t, csrs sournai exiice- BOOKKEEPER OR CLEEK Would purchase interest tl sntteei responeiDie party; Bask refereBoas. T a. ssrs JosraaL GRAIN i Deslis situation to learn grain trmrl neaa; good references; general knowledge bookkeeping: raaaoaabls wages to atart. W 88, care Journal. .- . ENGINEER, years' experience with dredger, wlehee work any kind. F 87, cars Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE XOUNO lady desires position ss bookkeeper! competent; years . of e experience! heat . ref. v oi. care Journal. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; something new; good Bellas big wagea. 208 McKay bldg. BIG PAY to ene.sgest la each county work trig . for tha Inreetnre' aside. 811 Marquam bldg., Portland Oregoa. MAN of good address, every city la Oregoa, ts . teks sgency Accident Insurance Co., 14.000, X0 capital; large commlaalous. General Ac cident Co., Mohawk bldg., Portlssd. Oregoa. LADY Brent oa salary or commission certain. Call st 521 Blbbard at, MontavUla, - or phone Bast 8297. - - - - -. - - A BARB OPPORTUNITY for experienced mer cantile aelesmen In or out of Portland. Call ' thla week, 218 Oregonlaa bldg. I " WANTEDTO "RENT. WANTED TO BENT noueea. sottagss, flats, store, offices, rooming honsss, sts. land lords will do well to cell oa ' POBTT.AND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. 8. B. Cor. Sd ssd Oak. W NTED Small cottars or furnished honse- keeping rooms, fas lads snd S aeiell children at Hcaalde; state price aad particulars.. Ad-L. . ureas ram nisth at, j'ortlana, r. WANTED East asd weat side bosses, tats ssd rotrsees; ran rent at once. , . , , WK8TERN OREGON THUST CO, : Ml Stark St. Cheat Pssltg twa. eaiar. filet King fly wss 'And a marry aid guy waa ha . Ha aallad for aarria augar. Oh, mat Oh, my I . And ha called f ar hla erlckate thraa . , EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland Empleymeat Ce., SOtVt Marrhiss si. rnoas racine xsrs. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOB MEN. ta N. Seoond st . Phoaa Mais 182a. BIO FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help eupplted free, 18 North Second St. Phoas Mata 101 s. WANTED REAL ESTATE. -WANTED INVESTMENTS. - - SO,000 or 800,000 to Invest la good lnoocne bearing baalneaa, real satsts, or will invaat la mortgagaa; as abjection to aganta except membera of aombinatloa axchaage board. Ad- drees V 80, care JosraaL WANTED Lot' la esAaage for eoulty la or T-rootB bnsss. Pboae East SMI. WB WILL SELL your property. Be saatter what ii la ar vuere tocatea SeacrlptWaa bow and ws will do ths it Investors' . Gnlda Co., 811 Marquam bldg, , Portlsnd. Orsgaa. WANTED 20 to 40 scree near depot. Falrvlew. wast savs yosr Aooraaa wiu run particu lars sna once per acre, v. v. vsagsB, r. u, box 187. WANTED To bur house snd lot south ef Mais at., wast siae. st. a. Kva, es auu sL rscins stv WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 800 to open up new copper mlne win give ss extra gooa opportnnity sna ln ducsment. Call la fere noon Joase' Book Store, 291 Alder St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADB ANY OI.D THING. WESTERN BALVAGB CO, 8X7. 828 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TBS. . WB WILL BUY year furniture asy eld time Weetern galvaga Co, 827 Wsshlngtoa at. PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing baaeaieata, barns, oor as, ate. i lari etc. I largest gaaollss sprsylng outfit on tbs eoeet. M. O. seat. M. O. M, M. U- Morgsa Co.. S22 Ualoa are. Phoaa East SIT, rUBNlTURB WANTED ' . FOR , SPOT CASH. ' . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. Ftret st. Mais SSH 111 WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.! WANTED To bay medtam-sined track or low. down waroau Crane Bottle Ce. Phone Mala 2288. HIGHEST: csah - pries . Dald lor goods. Phone Eaat 8077. 128 Union eve, HIGHEST prices paid for aU kinds ef hand clothing. Mala 4200, 213 Front. WASHING WANTED Shirtwaists, 15c; lacs curtains, 80c s pair. Inquire tt IS East Third sad Ash. WASHINGS WANTED at 182 Bh with privilege et buying, F Id, care Journal FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU Stt NORTH STXTH ST. ElegaaUy furalsbed. steam bast sad Wths. THB GRAND. 45 A Mtrtb Third gentlemen 11.2B per week and en. THB BENNETT, 8Bltt Morrlaoa St., I block from Pottland Hotel, under new management Remodeled and refurnished; sice Durcelals hatha and hot water all the time; rooms by ths dap. a tenth, alaela at popular prices. Phone 1885. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, with boerdr 122.50 per month- end np; also day board $4 per weak. The Chryfier, 880 Taylor St. tl AND UP Nicely fornlahed rooms. SOS 12th. NICELY famished rooms for rent st moderate prices. Apply 887 Eaat Couch at. ISOtt 4TH, over Wslls-Fargo, S large rooms for rent, clean and good; aes them. 1 FURNISHED roams for rent 182 Snennaa at THB STAR, 280tt Larrabee at. Nice clean light housekeeping suites 2 per week snd up. UNFURNISHED . ROOMS. FOR BENT 18 anfurnlsbed rooms, slngla all; good location. Inqnlrs at Set Sixth at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE - MlTCHrT.L. - rUtwn -and "eveot-i Rooms, berseheeplng and trsaslsat; sea, veoteoi; prices resaassbla. LARGE elegantly furnished honeekoeplog rokimai raa rsngs. ranatng water. The Low no dale. oORVi Alder st, 1.28 PER WEEK Large, elaes. fnrolabed nouaeaeeping-rooma : lanaary aaa wain, tea Sherman, - South Portland. a. I1.O0 WEEK VP, eleas. farnhibed awusekeep. roome, wita yarn, parior, Muaary.Bata, isr aaee beet. - SOStt Buntoa st. U aar. THB HALL, 414 Fifth Furnlahed boassksspisg. rooms. Tourists welcome. THE JEFFERSONIAN, 814 Jefferson St. Nicole furnlahed suites ef two or three rooms with , all conveniences; cheap. 4 FURNIRHED hotMekerplng-roorne, SIS 8' Ssnrsv St., MontavUla. Phone East B474. TWO OB THREB furnlahed hoesekseplng nee of phone snd bath. Lower Alblna. cheao rent: 807 Mlmlselppl avs.. UOI'SKKEEPINO rooms, lowest rates, electric lights, pbona Included. 8014 Water ssd Cvlumbts. TWO furnished hoasekeeplng Sets. each. 9 and 10. sal Seventh st. IN suites of S snd S, or single rooms, eery chesp; 18 roome to one party for f?A per Bios tlx, with prlvllsgs at baying. 812 Pine st. t UNFURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, blocks seat steei Bridge, rent 17. oo monthly. 1'hons Esst RN14 between t and t thla evening. rTTTT , . ,. II ROOMS AND BOARD. TWO YOUNG LADIES can have pleasant bed- voou, ttt family of t wo,' with goou uoaitt, use of bath and pbnue, $4 per week each, 12 with out lunch. 1124 Union are.. North, corner turmaai Woodlawa car. BOARD avid room 83,50 week for vrorklng girls in tnnatisa some; sitting-room, oats, rsoae East 20V tad East Aaksaj; st. a merry old gtryr Pat-a-caka, Baka Pat It Put In ! M M M M M i FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. 0FF1CB roome. wfurnlshed isnuis aad eample rooms us reaiu . weoqnangn aiog. - avppiy eaa PART et shop to rent, sal for pelatag sg piumesr. sue gxasrta at. FOR RENT Largs brick sloistuoul aad base ment, suitable for any kind of has In aaa; good location: cue an rente. Inonlrs at 82 W Il ea llama are. BrounewelL FOR RENT Nice UfTle efflee. Third and Mor rlaoa, suitable hope, real . estate. Inquire . room T uamDnags bldg. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt aad rs l la Die piaao aaa rami rare-movers; aiae sxor- sgs. . Ihoae Mala lend. Otflos , iio M. Third. 7 4-ROOM house, ear. Mala 62. chickaa park. MontavUla FOR RENT A 8-room house. . block ground, all la fruit. Inquire of Ml. Kalght, 702 West Bur ling too, St. Johns. FOR BENT Small 5-room boeae, three block! xrom car line. . yet usbmbbsui bos. , FOR RENT 6-room eottsgs with bath sa ths , Fulton carllne, flO pe aaonth, looulra 165 nortn uu at. NICB B-roora cottage, modern Improvements, fins location. Inquire et 892 East Eighth, or pooae jcasi Diuu. - .. . . FOR RENT 8-room cottage, alee looatlea, 18th ana vsrett, inquire at TWO 4-room cottages, with stables snd water, rout to ana 7 per ssontn. eo St. Helens road, d blocks froae car line. V. D. Smith, 'Pboae Main oast- - FOR RENT 0-rooul hesse. Montavllla. '- Mhmer . sL. FOR RENT 4 room house, near Falling at. tan va, tjoenmerria. BMg. Mats sax. T-R06M bona a en Park St., seer Stark. E. lets. M Sixth JL P4fl . 5-ROOM cottage oa Everett St.; near loth.. at. Lee, aa nixta it. racine so. FURNISHED HOUSES.' FOR RENT-r Nicely fm-nlehrd house, a convenlentiv located, good neighborhood, 2 esrllaes. T2S Northrap St. Phoaa Paelna 221. FOR RENT Nsstiy furnished eottsgs or t or 4 rooms or asms; very rsssonsow to aeeirsnis adults. Apply BOB ellisaa St.. aorner 17th, Tel. Mats 000. FOR RENT FURNISHED Newly fUTBlahed -saa cheap. Mala 487B. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT New modern t-reom flat, $18 per month, Pboae Eaat Sloz. NEW strictly mod era g-room gats, en Eaat niarn ana tjouca ata. at, sr. asm, us aixu st. Pacific 50. FOR RENT FARMS. A -GOOD Willamette- valley; only rtoponslble persons apply t et once. 918 Bast Taylor St. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITE aa gnlefc about recent Important do- relopments of the Hurst Antomatle Switch A nignai ua.1 asy etors pe-ore sic advance. 4. w. li on furst A Co., log MeKay bldg. THB homeeeekera' exeursloa to eastern Orsgeei, overland, win leave snout nrst st July, l au ltdtt Fourth et,, room 28, for laformattoa. 2,500 WANT a psrtnsr abb) to attend office ana collect, ate.) owner win guarantee yes tSOO s month; this business hss been ee ibllshed 20 years.. Call 248tt Stark at. . 10.000 WILL ' buy SOxlSB, centrally located. income aaj.ioo per year; pays s per cent oa 838,000; thla property ahotild treble in Tame In the next 10 years, being batter aseurlty than any bank, aad three times better thas loaning money oa real aetata. Mrs. Bounds, SOStt Stanton, corner Commercial, Alblna. . GROCERY-FRED STORE, good location, cheap rent, fi.uw, w invoice, eoa Worcester nix. IF yon are looking for a Srst-clsss snhurbsa grocery store, aaurass r si, car journal. FOB 8 AT.FJ General store In ths richest part or Willamette vaiiey; idu reel or oepot ea mala lino of B. P. R. R.l good business; bo competition; bo drsyags or delivery; bo elty tax. Whitney Bros., Irving, Oregoa. OFFICE MAN ee maka 1200 a month as part ner ; fiiar requirva; sunn rriervuooe. -t;ail 248 H Stark at. WHO IB M. a. MORGAN A CO. MEAT msrkst for gals cheap; 138 Union a vs.. north; ooliig gooa tmeineaa. 178 REAL ESTATE bsaloeaa; snap; owners agoing north; fine list; good baalneaa; must sell. Pries 1176. T 21, csrs Journal. SMALL drugstore in country town for sals; as ' competition: splendid location for a doctor. For reference apply to Rot arm and. Grants Pass, Oregon . . - v CORNER saloon, old-eetsbllshed, Srat class Is - every wsy; paying) slckneaa cause ef sailing. Addrees T 18, ears JournaL SALOON doing a big beataaes,- long I rare sniT , lew rent; prion fi.suv. can X48tt Stark etreet. RESTAURANT and ranch cormter Is good Iocs tlon, with lea ae, for sals. V 50. csrs Journal. PAYING NEWSPAPER and Job office la g Oregon towa at a bargala. Invaatl- V 81. Journal. - - - gate. FOR SALE Ptee lot of shelving, sll or part, ebeap. Phone Pacific 2247. SPECIAL 700 with services wilt aerura In. tereet Is s very reliable hnslnees and pay on fino a month; duties easily learned. Call 48 "4 Stark at. . .. j FOR BALB CHEAP Cigar snd Confectionery store doing s good buslosas. INItt Morrison St. Owner leaving city. Fidelity Land Ce. A RARB opportunity for experienced mercantile saleaman, In or ost of Port laud. Call this week, 21B Oregon Is a bldg. FOR SALE Flrst-clasa grocery dolna fine hnai. r.-wrlt BB'Bleil, i em g-nj. V 7B. Journal. HURST SWITCH stock for sale ebeap; t buy, sell and loan money on storks of merit; gold dust and precious gtoaa bought; monthly dividend paring atocka a apeclalty. W. J. turtle, 318 x Commercial kliu Phoas . Mala Use, e?itwsf pat-tv-eaka, bakar'a manT Ti-. a eaka and prtok It and mark It with BV tha avanfor Bugoy and ma. i tMHMMMM, V-f-W-H ' J Business chances. ; j BUY HURST SWITCH stock from owner; save broker's commission; aall 200 shares or aar part; tt company price. T SS, ssrs JeurasX FOB S ALB Most sscsllsnt hlgh-claaa sultabls for man or woman, 82.000. pert essh beat reesoas. 8T, ssrs Journal. FOR BALE Several hundred eharue et Hsret Bwlth and American DeToreat st low prloea. , U Y. heady A Co., rsss tt TJsloa blk.. Sat - Stark st. . BOOM1NO-B0U8B, B4 rooms, eoraes, clears ISO; price only (850. Hoane -l46tt First st, -y, WELL4STOCKED GROCERY Buildings sad loa, good trade; will Invoice stock) take part dowai oa bulldlngj slckneas eosapale - quick sale I naed 12.000; wUl take part ineeme ettj' ei soaatry realty. Hoaae land Co.. 140 ttn. WANTED A good B-lnlna eopoaltlea te ta eorporate aad nuance. J, R, Bailey ft Ca dU Lamber Exchange. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. M. Peterson. . B. W, MeNata. McNTJTT REAL B0TATB1 CO. Cornelius Oregoa, Washington Oouzitp. FARMS AND CITY PROPBHTS. , ,' , 800 acres; 800 seres ta cultivation. -BOO acres bottom land; Baa bulldlsga, aaaaal sad Implements; 815.600. - . ' tt sere, bouse end baru, tot. : . 70 scree, No. 1 farm, 85 par aerev ' BOxaoo lot, Farast Grovel tas biesi Saul barn: 11,000. - " y - i , 4M scree, tTB per aerei He. 1 farm. : 152f4 acres. 110 par aerst abed Uad, 1O0 acres, 0 par sarei Itl wltt atoskl - A-No,- 1. ' 97 acres, IS.000, aa wTnaxsatte tnjbtbafl a bargala, - ..... -A acraa, 8528. -. - .. " SO acres, tl.OOOt She plase. ,, ; TO acraa, 170 par acre; one tajad. , , 80 acres, tm per acre; No. 1 farm. 85 acres. 84.S00: Sna farm. 40 -scree, 18,100; near Foreat Grove. s lets, new house,1 t-orneuua. . 40 acres, 11.100; Improved. so seres, fja par s good huad. 188 safes. Si iis.xa p paexip-i farm. 100 acres, 11.000; stock farm. t18 acres, 6t par sera I Si it ibsss txa. Broveinecta. . 270 seres, complets, 17,780. '. . SO scree, J8.000; a bargalev; 71 seres, 100 pet acre; slot, Wltk stock and tools; A-no. l.t - oo seres,; atocat a no i ' 120 acres. 11 000 000: 11.000. ' IStt seres, 11.200; good fsrsx, I 120 aerss. Il0 per acre. scree, new house, ds uetlua, Hajg, . 2 seres, 2 booees and baras, 82. 40 acres. 400.000 feet, 1000, V B0 seres, SllOOOt bop farm A-We. J. ' lot) acres, 81.2O0 2,000,000 fast Bra sast 4T'sciltst)0ris Bcras adjoining Cornelius, (1,010. on um art sno A.No. 1 farm. -1W aerss, (l.SOOl elsy mine, goad JWnabiav IB aerss adjoining Forsst rest issova, sew pue at d lots la DIHey; hoaas sad barna, weO SdfA 20 acrea, d.OOO; la Cornelius! S.-HO. a. so seres, . moatiy seevui-aasa, 2.000. . Cut res pond ence aoUdted. FOR BALB A choice piece ef Colombia steel 1 front property, close in, gooa nuu mta. KldredgeA Usrrlftald, 104 f earth sL, Vase . ceuver, Waab---- . 4.600 IS tbs pries ssksd for those two bsssag so aaai -layior woe, vue a wi J sis uur era cheap, too) look st them this svsalBg If FOB are In the market. PATTERSON ft BTbTWAJ.Tv lOOOtt Beluaoat St. ' - FOR SALB A suburban boms, 175x100 feet. coed 5-room boose, barn, c no loa beeytng fruit. on noose, fern, enoi Inqnlrs 112 V, Alder. berries wxu auu uaeap run BALiBJ ei,wv pell vanniia aa WHi ewe- neea property, paye tt per aiesrth. Call at once, S H) Anmgirm oiux-, rwi aa. amaoa 8841. Frsnk Wllllama. BARGAIN B-room bonsa, quarter block, water snd gss; pries (2.800. Isqulrs SOS Fourth. SPECIAL INVESTMENT Closs-ta fists sa a. choice corner; they rent (or sixu a Bsoars and wa saa eell them for 1AA0O. Wsstera Land Co., 248 V, Stark St. $1,000 WILL bay 1 sere st tatnrslwood) this win ms(S a iota; waver oa mo oaocai aaw 1 down. 110 par month this will flftus sat 1,000 for yon. ' FiDM-ITX LAND CO, Phono Main 1084. - BIT Ongoalaa bldg. FOR SALE Two totsV Ct-Jrsrslty park; Sa locstms; terms. B. Bast, Gastoa, Oregon, 16,000 H ERB S A BARGAIN. Finest corner en Mlesoorl ave, ap-to-dsts S-room bouse; grounds 1 00x100, ell In flowers, shrubbery and lews. CsU soon. Frsnk Wil liams, lot Ablngtoa bldg. Mala AMI. , FINE Incoms property ea the aortb wast comer . Mlaaimlppl are. ana xmscb si. apply ss w owner, Ryan. IF yoa wish to locate tn Sunnystde soras 'to Ths Real Dstste urnee tnsi mesne rntrer eon A Stewart. 1000U Belmont at. If there are eny bargalne to be bad we have them. sna aaf.a rnitAP a sna 7-eooea era: part caeb, - 170 Oarfield are. Take Woodlawa car. Phone Eaat 8B4L FOR SALB A-roow gerelllng. aa Irving at bet . 23d and 24th, Address 0 SB, Journal, BOUSES built en Installments, letg If desired. 811 Commercial bldg., Mais 1940. NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY. 208 Good Dough Mdg. """ Dee. W. Turner. " B. W. MITlee, Ws transact s general real estate snd brokerage business ssd solicit a share cf your patronage. gEI.LWOOD LOTS. 18 down aad 85 a mouth) from 175 te 1200. Sell wood Townslts Co, H. P. Palmer, ms Barer. Phone Eaat 4704. (12J Lota In GARDEN PARK TRACT. ' , 15 saah and 12 80 per aaonth. 4 blocks from Unlveralty Park Station. High, level snd sightly. . Good neighborhood. Correspondence solicited. REAVER REALTY COMPANY. ' Fhoas Mais 3i5L. 424 Lumber Exohsagsv GOOD BARGAIN Honae aad lot fo aals; good plastered honae, 8 rooms downstairs and 4 ntiatslra, with or without furniture; price inquire oso una una are., aeiiwooa. 10 LOTS for eels oa Oregon city carllne, near Osh Grove station, inquire at 608 Colum bia at. I rr I LOTS on 11 awl nor tie vo. and 1 and 8 blocks! south for 1-175 to loo: your own terms. riri KHRu.-i a htkwart, ' KKHlVl Belmont St. 1350 BUYS large lot. best river view la St. . Jonna; must sell. CU aOBIA liorjlaon, reom I l B. gauuie a, a, t - . .,r.- . ....--.-1 .U r