The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 17, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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    c.:zcc:i daily jjur.::AU rcr.TLA::D. tuziday evejjing, july ,it.
va 11 f . u WLd 11 hi
Seattle ; Race Qoere Prayed All
Last Week for Cooling !
, Breezes,
On Saturday ' the r Popular Oreg on
' Brad, Raised and. Owned Stepper
Edualed Track. Record for Fhre
'r Furlongs-Reriew of the Racing.
j. --"v By Ralph HT Toear. , .
'. ' (Special Comspeadeaee et The Jennet.)
' Seattle, Wash.. July IT. It looks H
If they mvw do thlnii bjr halves tn
,7 this neck of the - wood. Raoe-gosre
War praying for old Jupiter Pluvlus
o take sneak and "stey snook.'. but
. h wouldn't do It until he .bad given
a about - three - mki of moisture,
. Now Utr are praying for ths return
. , of Jups and the banishment of BoL
"The oldest inhabitant' say ' that. It
never was so warm on such a lone
'.. stretch' In years agon. I vow he la
- oorreot In hie assertion, and -will back
'. It ud with Ion a laundry lists.
- Mlsty's Pride, bred, raised and owned
: In Oregon, equaled the track record at
five f urlongs (0:69 K ' Saturday with
; 01 pound up, and the manner In which
Ihe did it leada one to believe that
:& would not have Tieen beyond her.
Mlaty's Pride la by' Handsome from
J Misty Morn, and was bred by Mr. 8.
. J. Jones Of Portland. - For Handsome,
her sire, Mr. Jones received f 1,100 after
buying btm of Zeke Abrahams for lito,
and Dr. Neet, preaent-ownef-of-Hand
seme, has refused 111,000 for the horse,
hence there has been .quite a play upon
"-"if- since 'Handsome passed from the
race track to the stud. The writer
. , was the one, who informed Dr. Nest of
Handsome s whereabouts after Cln-
, derella's sons bad become so famous.
There were Feriier, Hastings, Plaudit,
Handsome and. Glenham. - Hastings has
beaded the "winning- stallions" list of
, America. Plaudit sired . Bill ' Curtis,
among others. Olenham begot Native
Bon. unbeaten here up to .yesterday,
Misty Morn was bred by Robert By bee,
of Portland, and a very fast mare she
was, by St. Paul, and If memory serves
he was by Alarm Jack Brannan of
Baker City, owns Mlaty's Pride, which
- has been regarded as a speed marvel
from two-year-old ... up. ; Th
owner's BUllcho found it a different
of 100 or 100, and wound up fourth in
the South Park handicap yesterday.
" Busty Millar's . rest, -
Iusty MiUereausjedtlllchoamlle
ana a quarter mars: or x:va yaater-
dar7hur hAffHB' lOtDOunda-asalnrt-lM
.for Brannan'a horse. - v.
Several big "clean-ups." were, made
last week, the heaviest being last Mon
flay, when John J.' Ellerd 'captured
races with Ralph Toung and Harbor.
The first named was played down from
10 to 1 to m to 1 and won all the
way, while Harbor - Was at to 1.
Toung was especially well played in
the Sausallto and Los Angeles pool
rooms. Ellerd, of the same stable, ran
a goodsecondlht same afternoon at
ft long pries. O.'S. Fountain, the Idaho
horseman, - "Cleaned-up". heavily on
Birdie P that afternoon. . On-' Tuesday
Joyner and-Flaunt were the "good
things' that went through, the former
being backed from I to 1 to I to X.
Wednesday E. C Runte was played
from to 1 to T to and won; and
Rotron, played for a swine-slaughter
Ing in the first race, waa beaten
head through meeting with, a aeries of
mishaps. . Thursday there were large
fjolngs on Tellowstone, and he responded
gallantly to the backing down rrom - e
to 1 to H to 1. Titus U was very
heavily played on Friday, and . won
bulled up, but Atkins, Epicure and Hip
pocrates, supposea surs inings ana
played accordingly, did not treat their
To Get More Strength
" from Your Food.
HEN the Bowels are filled
with undigested food we
may be a great deal worse
off than If we were half
Because food that ataya toe long In
- the Bowels decays there. Just aa If It
" atayed too long In the open air. . .
. Well, when food decays in the Bowels,
.. through, delayed and overdue action,
; what happens? ..-,-rrT;,. v...;'
" . e ,V,V'-
- ' The millions of little Suction Pumpa
; ' that line the Bowels and Inteattnea then
-Ldraw. Poison irontJhe, decayed Jood,.
Instead of the Nourishment they were
"i Intended to draw. v .,;v.'-;'
' This Poison gets Into the blood and,
-i in time, aoreada all ever the bodv. unless
(ha Cause of Constipation is promptly
' removed. ' .'" V r-- r, r--;
, That cause of Constipation la Weak,
; or Lazy Bowel Muscles. ; ' 1
. When your Bowel-Muscles grow flabby
they need Exercise to strengthen them,
' not "Phyalo" to pamper them.
v..;'... ; y
r There V only one kind of Artificial
' Exercise for the Bowel-Muscles.' ,
I Ita name la VCASCARETS," and its,
? price la Ten Centa a box. :
' ' So, If you want the same natural ao
' Hon thai a six mile walk In the country'
would give you, (without the weariness)
take one Cascaret at a time, wjih Inter
vela between, till you reach the exact
- condition you dealrs.
friends with aa much ' consideration.
On Saturday there were fierce plunges
on Sandstone, Byron Rose, Dewey and
James A. Murray, but all ran most un-klndly.-and
the bookies kept the money.
However. Harbor for place and show
waa well-played by a stranger from
Ban Francisco, so that few of the book
makers gathered enough to crow ovfr
v - - -- SMUy-Arres' Orta.
Billy Ayres of Oregon's metropolis
beams pleasantly every racing day
from the deck of the Centennial club.
I don't suppose Mr. A. has been tn
the booking business 100 years, aa the
Centennial would seem to indicate, but
he bids fair to do so if his healthy ap
pearance goes for anything, as. his
health is so good I presume he must
be making money "layla" 'em."
Several horsemen, bookmakers and
horses arrived at The Meadows on Fri
day from Denver. Steve Judge brought
along the Colorado Derby winner. Theo
A. Case, whom many think will win the
Seattle Derby. An. official of the club
waa expressing himself In favor of Theo
on Friday, when a little "eoon" exercise
boy took Issue with him. "Don't you
believe he's got a good chance, boaar
said the lump of soot. "Why notr said
the nettled official. aseitdon'l
ossat gits in on de llth.
and Friday at dat, has a chance to win
no race, let alone de Derby."
. Columbus Jones and Frank MoAvoy
were the bookmakera to come over from
Denver, and they i'cut In", on Saturday
as proprietors of the Saratoga club. Mr.
McA voy was formerly manager of the
Hawthorne (Chicago) track, while Co
lumbus Jones Is well known as a pen
eiler In the middle west Thirteen pen
ellers drew In Saturday In the big ring
against sloven on the previous Wednes
day, Most of the "layers" are now
winners ; on the Meeting, Joe Harlan
probably heading the list, with Eng
strom, Boule, Nelson and Jones well up
in tba running. There are no vert
alonally soma of thaBeattleltes take a
flyer for a goodly sum. D. S. Fountain,
tha-horseman, and Harry Stover owner
of the Petaluma aviary, are probably
the best bettors on the grounds.
.'..',., ' Among' ke Owmere.-' .. ?
- J. E. Hoppas Is looming up close to
the top of the list of owners. On Friday-his
Ur.Bherman won at odd of
10 to 1. Saturday his Grace St Clair
was added to the llet of starters for the
Woodlands handicap, for 1-years-olds,
and she won It at odds of 10 to 1. Na
tive Son, ' undefeated here In his four
previous races, finished second, beaten
half a length In 1:00H. iHe carried 121
pounds to the filly's 104 '
' "Seotty" Ferguson lost his "Sunday
horse," i Sandstone, Saturday by the
claiming route. Sandstone cost the Seattle-
man $,600 - something like two
years ago, and broke several watches In
the early hours of the morning, with
the result that Ferguaon has wagered
as much aa 110,000 on his chances since
his purchase. At $20, his price yes
terday to L. C Davis, Sandston may
prove a good buy, but many will doubt
it As he must have run his mile yes
terday better -than 1:40 from where he
got off, It looks as If the horse ought
to win some sort of a race soon
Thus far It looks as If Hippocrates
was .about the best of the older k'dls-
I tancs horaes," M4styn
est of the older sprinters. Kumiss per
haps the best of "the 1-year-olds uver a
route. Native Son undoubtedly the best
of the lyear-T)lde. : McBride heads the
lockers' list Lawrence, T. Sullivan and
Oraham have been preaalng him closely
this week.: Ike Tullett has done excep
tionally well, too- t ; .
F0.1 THE VILLA i:i::E
Feature of the Came Was the
Batting and Fielding of
i V . j Shortstop Smart.
The West Ends defeated the Villas of
Montavllla yesterday at the West Ends'
grounds by a soore of C to (..It was
a fast and Interesting game. Smith of
the West Ends pitched a fine game, and
also received -good-support. Th feat
ure of the game waa the fielding, of N.
ine lineup: ;
WEST ENDS. ". '' v ', :
Smart ,
Vincent, of;.
Deleau, lb.
Smart, sa. ,
ja.vior. m t,
Marehall, lb.-,......
jjegroai, c.
,,. 01111111, j,.
N. Smart, rf. , ,.
J. Lena, If. ......
' AB. R. H. PO. A. B.
..4 1 10 0 0
..if 1 11 e e
. 4 11 ii 0
4 111 I I
4 0
1 r '
0 00
10 IT 10 4
TeUls VS......... -II
' VXtXiAS.
AB. H, H. PO. A. E.
e 11 111
Rosa. tb.
8 tons, sa. ;
Frelnwald,-cf.- ;. i. ; . .
Wicsel, c. .
MCKiniey, id.
Wlebuach. 2b,
Stevens, If. .
Davis, p. ....
X mi 1 out, p. ..,...
Anspaucb, rf.
Totals . ......... II I 10 14 14
Ends. .....I 0001001
Hits . .........I 0 1 0 I 1 0 I 10
Villas . . ........A OlIllSOO I
Hits . .00111101 010
, SUMMARY. '-'
Struck out By Smith, B; by Davis, I;
by Parrent 4. Bases on balls Oft
Bmlth, I; oft Davla, 4; off Parrent, 1.
Two-base hits Degroat, Anspauch I.
Double play Smart t Taylor Jo De-leau.-Sacrifice
hlts N. Bmart f. Stolen
bases Deleau I, O. Smart, Marshall,
Robs, Anspauch. Passed balls Degroat,
WseLilJl,Firstbese on rrors-West
Ends, liVlllaa, I. Wild pitch Par
rent - Balk Parrent Left on baaea
Weat Enda, I; Vlllaa, I. Inning pitched
By Davis, 4: by Parrent 4. Baae hlta
Oft Davla, 4; off Parent, 4. Time of
game One hour and SO minutes, . Um
pire Toung. ,
V (Joernal Soeetal geniee.)
New Tork, July IT-Brlghton Beach
Mile and a sixteenth, selling Torkr-
ehlre Lad won. Suffice second. Lady El'
llson third; time. 1:4S.
- Steeplechase, about two miles Kaasll
won, Tuma Christy second, Follow On
third; time, 4:xx.
Five and a half furlongs George 8.
Davis won. Arimo . second. Alethene
third: time. 1:01.
The Atlantic, selling, rive and a half
furlongs J. C Core won, Roysl Breese
Second. Torklst third: time. 1:07 1-1.
Mile and a sixteenth Oarnlah won,
Agile second, Oly third; time. 1:451-8
Six furlongs Suffrage won. Tipping
second. Miss Ogden third; time, 1:161-1.
should put the Otants In the lead for
tho pennant . " " , '
Frank Raley of 4h Irving ton Tennis
club received a beautiful silver tropny
from ths eaat yeaterday that will be put
up as a challenge cup by the club In the
open championship matches, which will
be plsyed about the middle of August
Columbus, Ohio, has a Chorus girla'
baseball team. Let's see how fsr Is
Columbus front horaT '- r
, e .e -r-
Eastern turf critics have adopted a
moat appropriate term for the sport
of horse racing that of "outing."
" U . e . e . ' .: . .
ktsArttr Fraedman. who need to own
the New Tork National league team, la
credited with being wortn s.quo.juo.
(Jearaal Special Berrlce.1
Atlantio City. N. J, July 17. The big
gest and beat la the general verdict of
the society folk and summer sojourners
who thronged Inlet- Park today- at the
opening of the annual exhibition of the
Atlantio ' City Horae Show association.
It Is ths eighth exhibition of the kind
held here and as a matter of fact It
eclipses In both number and high class
of entries all of the shows that have
gone before. In the 10 classes sre ths
prise-winning equlnes from many of ths
most famous stables or the east Judg
ing wss begun soon after the opening
todsy and will be continued until the
exhibition closes next Saturday. Thou
sands of dollars will be distributed In
prises. .
Oresham defeated the crack La
Camas team on the tatter's grounds m
a well played game on Sunday by the
score of 11 to t.v The line up:'
Oresham. : ' La Camas.
Csstro .;ef. .......... . Pickett
O. Wirts Ib Grady
B. Metsger,.,.. Mcl-key
W. Hamlin ........ C. UT.9
T. Townsend : 1 ... .p.. ...... . Auttlnson
C Larson ...... ,(s. ............. . Cox
C Merrill ..V. 0Ib.,1j.i,' . Hargrsve
E. Roberta ..... ..rf., ...... .McKeaver
U Merrill ........If., WUlie
One Cascaret at a time will properly
cleanse a (out Breath, or Coated Tongue.
"', ' "' ' ;'', :;" -',.'-'. i
' Don't fall to carry the Vest Pocket
Cascaret Box with you constantly. ,
' All Drugglstasen Pem--over ten TfilK;
1 Bon boxes avyear. ' ' - ":7
Be very careful ,to tet' the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never aold-ln bulk. s Every'
- tablet atatriMa i'CCfl..., ... ,., ....
The Sylvans defeated the Beaverton
nine , In their last contest through
heavy hitting, by, the score of II to f.
The lineup:
Sylvana. ' Beaverton.
Bra wer rt -j-s -. "nt V-. p. rrrmrr.Wr4
Thomas o. ....... . Fltspatrick
Buts ............ .lb Rolph
Smith .,,.,, lb. .... r . . Deelnger
M. Hardy Homers
L. Hardy .....,,.sa. Froeener
Flnnls ......... ..If. O. Rolph
Warpole ......... cf Moore
Stockdale ;.;.if Anderson
' The zndlaaa Wlxt.
' At the Chautauqua yesterday the
Chemawa nine downed the Northwest
Ounners "10 to T. The Gunners were
handicapped en account of having no
pitcher. . . ,-.,..
i (SpecUl DktpateB to The JearaaL)
; Seattle, July 17. The Meadowa race
results: "
Four furlongs Palemon won, ' Mrs.
Matthewa second, Ban Lado third; time,
- Six furlonge Charles ' Green - won,
Rosaro second, Happy Lad third; time,
1:14... v -
81x furlonxs Titus II won. Sea Sick
second, Linda Rose third; time l:l!tt. '
Seven furlongs Maxtreas won. Joyner
erthird: time. Its? a.
Seven - furlongs Duelist won. Dr.
Shermanseopnd, -Kstte Belt third; time, -
1:17H. v .'.. --i
Mile Oorgalette won. Florence Fonso
second, Kenova third; time. 1:41H
great "Chance" on ths team, and also for
the pennant
e e -
Manager Hanlon 'is still' making
changes on ths Cincinnati team. Keep
It up Ned. There are thousands of fans
would like to see the "Redlegs a winner.
'e . e . :. j
Houston wins the pennant . for ths
first half of the South Texas league sea
eon. - The second half is now on, .
.'..; ' '.; ; .;e a . ;'V, , .
- Few playsrs have anything on Clarke
Griffith when it comes to years of serv
ice. He pitched for Milwaukee hi' 111a,
: " "
The" Lancaster club -of the Trl-State
league recently lost a 14-lnnlng game to
Wllliamaport by a scors of I" to' 1. "And
the following day the same elub lost a
11-lnnlng game to York; I to I. The
Trl-State is certslnly TOe cookies for
extra-inning games. v
-: 'Y"-V:.' e e ' '.'i. :-..-
' Jim Ten Eyck. -is still endeavoring
to have the colleges take up octopede
rowing. He says It has sweep rowing
beat to aeatn.i..J.i..-.v--'-
.1.'. . e . a : ' ; ; v.- .
Los Angeles Is to have another roller
stats H looks as though California will
be ths nsxt with the polo orase.
';.' - .' Ve ;'.!.;.':, .'.
A four-days' harness meeting under
ths auspices of the Illinois Valley etroult
Is scheduled to open at Aurora, Illinois,
Players From East of Rockies
. Want Football Match In
v Portland.
The first team from afar to request
a game with the' Multnomah club's foot
ball eleven this fall Is ths strong North
Dakota aggregation that Is planning a
trip to ths coast to meet the strongest
elevens along 'the Paclflo seaboard. Th
North Dakota team la powerful and
would give the clubmen a hard struggle.
It Is likely that the Dakota, bunch will
play the University of Washington,
Seattle Athletlo Ulub, Oregon and sev
eral other teams; In the northwest It
is not known yetfi whether arrangements
can bis made to caks on ths Dakotana.
The University of Idaho eleven wants
to tackle the "Winged M" men, too, this
year. The Idaho lads play a vary fast
game. . ':.; -
While It la a little early yet for the
local clubmen to start In practice, Cap
tain Jordan says that at least half a
dosen of his men will begin light train
ing next week In order to keep in trim
for the more arduous work: later on. .
. The Giants1 and Siwashes will begin
their struggle tn another series at Seat
tle today. Easlck Is slated to do ths
pitching for Portlsnd and Vlckero fot
ths northerneraJhls week's games
Jearaal Special liuml
LJPMladelphlaiJulT117. In a fierce
six-round contest nere last nigni vam
Berger made a splendid showing against
Jack O'Brien, mors than holding his
own a gal net -the clever- Philadelphia
Andy muat have been piaying ilia 1 sues.
- e, e ... ; ....
England has a , clean score In dual
competition with America tnts season,
having won In rowing and bth men's
and women's tennis. Hurry up with
that challenge, Sir-Thomas.
1 . . . e
Tim Flood, who eloped from Portlsnd
control snd went to the outlaw league,
will be back among us. very eoort - He
found the going In the non-union bsse
ball aggregation not as smooth as he
thought It would be snd hiked out for
Montreal. There he wss located by
Secretary Terrell snd put into the
pound. Fsrrell wired President Bert
that the escape had been captured and
would be forwarded to Portland Imme
diately. , ' . '..
In lonc-dlstance slugging Lnmley Is
leading tha-Uatlonal league, with Hsns
Wagner a close seeona. una wranr
Seattls player has six two-bsggers,
eleven three-baggers and seven nome
runs to his credit, making a total of
TS bases. Wsgner has is two-naggers,
nlns three-baggers and only ons horns
run. Thus It wilt be seen that while
Lumley falls behind Wagner In two
baggers he outpoints him In three-bag-
gars and noma runs. , -
Tf Ronton could annex Lynn ths Bean-
town fans would then have a team that
Is putting up a great fight for cham
pionship honors. ,
With- Winter.., Grlmshaw. Tsnnehlil.
Peterson. Freeman and Collins on the
hoepltal Hat It is not to be wondered at
that ' the Boston Americans are at the
bottom of the list
nnnuir tiaa It that there Is to be a
big shakeup in the St. Lou,ls National
club. It would help some. .
e e '
The nennanf race In the South At
lantic league is sll the more Interesting
sines the Mscon club hss come to life.
The ChTcagoNatIonala "era holding
first place In fine shspe. They have a
lii Six-Round Bout Last Evening
California Shows Mettle In
Quaker City.
Chairman Wilder of Multnomah
Announces Dates and Events
i ; for Big Aff air. . .
Chairman Wilder of the tennis com
mittee at the Multnomah club has an
nounced the plans for the coming state
championship matches. The first day's
play will be on next . Tuesday-and the
finals wilt be played off on Saturday,
July II.
1 The tournament will be held ' Under
the auspices of ths United States Na
tional Lawn Tennis association and ths
patronage of the Multnomah Amateur
Athletlo elub, .
There will be the gentlemen's open
singles, ths winner of which will meet
G. H. Buroh of San Francisco, holder
POlO tei m., and Wlh T'n ll " the irlake miy mtA uli.mprnifiTiTp of
uregon. ' Aiso ine . genuemea a open
doubles, winners of which-will meet
Bellinger and Wlckeraham, present
holders of the J. Wesley Ladd cup and
the championship of Oregon.
' The ladles' and gentlemen's - open
mixed doubles for ths championship of
Oregon will be another feature, as will
also the ladles'; open singles, winner to
meet ' Miss A, Heltehu, present holdec
of ths Qoss and Lewis cap, - and 'the
championship of Oregon.
There will be ths ladles' doubles, too,
for the stats championship.
There will be a eup given for the
ladles' and gentlemen's singles, the for
mer trophy bains; preeented by -Mrs. B.
H. Baldwin. ,
- There will be other trophies of eon
slderable value given for various events,
and those finishing second will gat their
e-ewards.. -. -. - - .
Crack Men Throughout Country
Are Preparing for A. A.' U.
, Event In September.
As the law forbids, there was no de
cision given. Both were covered with
blood at the end of ths. contest. Berger
surprised his friends by forcing the
lighting In every round, calling Into
play O'Brien's remarkable footwork, the
ons thing that saved ths Quaker City
Shanlko. Or., July 17. In a most In
teracting gams of baseball before
enthusiastic crowd ths Antelope team
suffered defeat at ths hands of ths
local team by the soore oil! 7 to I
Some very clever team work was dis
played on both sides.
The greatest feature of the eontest
was Wlirords excellent batting mak
ing one horns run and two three-baggers.
. - , ,
Bhanlko has no doubt one of ths best
teams In central Oregon, having lost
but one gams this, season. Lineup:
Antelope. r - Bhanlko.
Rhodes '.. 0. ............ Hanks
Rooper ..........p........ ' Bmlth
Cary ....... lb.. .... Nelson
B. Bllvertooth Blakeley
S. Bolton ..,.....Zb......... Bucknell
J. Bllvertooth Ooetien
Simons If.......... Saunders
.... Wllford
n,rn ,oj ri ......
H. Bllvertooth .
V Only aa Teats Old. - ,
T am onlv II rears old and don't e.
pact even when I get to be real old to
fi that way as long aa I can set Eleo-
trieBmsre," - says Mrs. B. H-Brunson
of Dublin,- Ga-- Surely there's nothing
else keepa the old ss young and makes
ths weak as strong ss thl grand tonlo
medicine. Dyspepsia, lorpia liver, in
dented kidneys or. ehronlo constipation
r. unknown after taking Electric Bit.
lera a reesonable time. Guaranteed by It!1"
BaidAtore .vo orufgisis. rrioeiio,""er
The Woodburn team Sunday added
another scalp to ths long string on
its belt, by defeating the North weat
Gun club team, in a one-aided conteat
on. the Woodburn diamond, b a score
of 17 to 1. The feature of the game
wss ths terrlflo batting of Mlckels of
Woodburn. who In four times at the
bat got two three-base and two two-
base hits. -
Next Sunday the O. R. A N. team of
Portland playe at Woodburn.
The East Portland Grays were billed
for Canby laet Sunday, but the Canby
team evidently had a bad case of "cold
feet," as they canceled the game at 10
o'-elock Saturday night without any par
ticular rsason.
.. e e ' ,
The Grays go to Nswberg next San
day to try conclusions with the Quak
ers. All members of the team are re
quested to report for practice today,
Wednesdsy and Thursday svenlngs of
this week.' : ' 1 " . 111
SeUwoed Beeee aft, Mood.
' Sellwood played a 1-0 game with Mt.
Hood on tha tatter's grounds Sunday
morning. The Sellwood boys have been
playing good ball, not having lost a
nni this sesson: and although they
are all young they standready to plsy
any fast team in Portland. The Sell
wood players are: v ,, ,
C. Thomas, 3. Craig. Colbsrson. Locke,
D. Craig, .8. Thomas, Cox, Sammons,
Willing. Telephone Locke East lOOs,
T P.
. (Joornal Sneelat gerrke.
New York, July 17w These certainly
are busy daya for the amateur athletes.
and from now until September field and
track champions and hope-to-be cham
pions will bs as busy as ths proverbial
bees In ths tarbucket.
The culmination of the athletlo year
will be tha A. A. TJ. championships on
September I, In which the greatest ama
teur athletes In the world will contest
for the American championships, which
In very nearly all tha svsnts means the
world s championship.
The complete list of events and the
order in which ths heats and finals will
run, trials: . 100-yard run, - semi-finals;
Ill-yard ran;1 100-yard rnn, ftnalr 1?0
yard hurdle, trials; , Ill-yard hurdle,
aemi-flnala; one-mile run; 440-yard run;
lto-yard hurdle. . final;. 20-yard run.
trials; It-yard run, seml-flnale; five-
mile run; IZO-ysrd run. final; 120-yard
hurdle, final; running high jump; run
ning broad Jump; pole vault for height;
putting 11-pound shot; throwing 11-
pound hammer; throwing the discus;
throwing ths 14-pound weight The
championship -meeting Is opan to all
Philadelphia , .
,-.1 1 M
v.i.f, . . .....
New Tork ,
Chicago ..41
Detroit . . ............40
St, Louis . ........
Washington . . ., I
Boston.. ......... ....It
rA Boston.
R. H. B.
! 1
.a i s
Batterlea Glad and O'Connor; Glass
St Louis , .................
and Armbrustsr,
- At Sfew Tork,
Chicago . . ........
latteries Owen. Thomas ant Bnin.
van; Newton. Cheabro and Klelnow.
R. H. IS.
7 14 e
i 4 1
At PUlaaslphia.
Batteries Donohue and Sohmldt: Dv-
1 i -
gert and Bohreck.
At Weettartoa.
R.H. B.
.....1 t I
. ......
Cleveland .
Batteries Hughes
Hess and Bsmls.
R.H. E.
. ...0. 4 0
....I It I
Chicago . .
New York ,
Pittsbura- .
Philadelphia , . ,. 40
Clnclnantt . , 14
Ht. LiOUlS v . ; r. , . . . mm,. I
Brooklyn . . 2
Boston . . ,. ....17
Lost P.O.
24 .704
17 .141
21 .141
40 .100
47 .420
41 .177
II .131
Chiesro . . I
Philadelphia . .
Batteries Pfeiater and Mnnn-
Jieor, ioomg ana Jonovan.
'. .- At CltnotaaasL 1,
, , - R. H. K.
Cincinnati .................. ,.7 n j
Brooklyn , ...I
Batteries Hall snd Schist; Btrlcklett
snd Bergen. . Umpires Carpenter and
Klem. - -
At OMeago.
H. E.
I t
At St. Xjomla.
. . . , R.H. E.
St. Louis :....i I 1
New York . Ill
Batterlea Egan and Murray and
i 11 ,.jiur Dinntutot um
pires O'Day and Emalle. ...
Ths Maroons added another baseball
scalp- to their belt last' Sunday , by de
feating ths clever newberg team on the
letter's grounds. Xing and Woodruff.
ths crack Willamette 'varsity battery,
were In ths points for Nswberg. King
was found for an even dosen safe hlta
Ths Maroons left Portlsnd with sight
men, and . captain Campbell was com-
penedndrpltctr: HoacqUttted himself
handily, allowing but five hits snd strik
ing out seven men. But for a eoupls
of errors on ths part of the Maroons
tha score would have been a shutout
"Dolly" Gray and Brock led the Ma
roons In the I'swattest, A big bunch
FROM US - .U.?::. r .
' ,essBBaBxenBxseBBnssxseejaBsxesssxBB ;'-
I f , , I
rrsM ITS A
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EASY because you can buy any diamond, from us by
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wear the diamond while paying for same."'
SAFE because you have ample time to investigate the ,
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- statement we offer to Uke back any diamond we have
h- loldnd refund all the money paid if iU equal can b"
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' We gladly produce the best of references if you car to
Investigate. '.. ''0;:;'"'.-.';':Vi'" 'tff-,
Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon
The Newest Curforthe
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Certainty of Cure S 'w.
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can oure
All our vears of sxoerience and office eoulo-
ment are at your disposal, eoaoeatcatea In this decla
ration: Ws anil give yom a written foaraalee
peclal Blaaaaas or refud yous mosey. This means
wa have eonndence In our ability to cure you, and that
In taking our treatment you cannot loss anything.- , t
Oar Phenomenal
Success in Caring
Doe Printfpallj
to the fact TUt
. By our method we ars enabled 'to, reach the-vital spot 'with, our direct
treatment.' whichdrlvesevery disease germ- from the system by going to
the root of the disorder. "We Invariably obtain prompt and aaOsfaclory ra
' suits because our. searching examination brings to Ugh the- nature and ex
tent of -the trouble: Our experlenoa la -curing the- dlsessss of men extanda
over a long jerlod. Our faclUtlas ars of the beet, and our treatment la
most cleanly and perfeot - . ' , ' t t . ' -
We especially tlnvlte those who have deep-seated and chronic diaorders
to call and be examined. Consultation and examination- is free and carries
with it no obligation to engage our services.
nnr nflinaa u. aaulmet with the most modern and. acisntlno
leal devices for the treatment of ehronlo and private diseases of men. Our
charges are reasonable and in reach of any worklngman. By the latest and
beat methods wa cure Blood Poison, Vice, Bores, swollen Olaada. - Our
treatment Is scientific and rational, and will eliminate every veatlgs of poi
son from your system. Wa also cure Chronic sad Privats Diseases, Vervo
Vltal Debility, Varlooes or X sotted Veins, Kidney and Bladder Disease, and
all Diseases and Weakness of men due to tahsrttaase, axaaosttoa or the re
-sule ot postal. Dlsaaaas. 1 , - . , .
If yon ars afflicted with any of the diseases I treat do not waste your
-ttma-aod money and. endanger your health by treating with ordinary spa
oiallsta It requires more than ordinary ' skllL together with the proper
equipment, to cure you. We have devoted the beat years of our lives to tha
study of our specialty and you today can reap the- benefit of our years of
toll and labor In our chosen field of medicine and surgery. Aside from tola,
wa have the flneat equipped office of any epeclallat In the United States
for tha treatment of these diseases. Nothing of proven value
spared, ragardleas of ooet. . - f
Write tf yen nan no I oaU.
- HOURS a. m. to I p. m. Evenings, T to 1:10. Sundaya, I a. m. te It 1
Ctg. f.-l-. CLCICAL AN 3
TheseDoctorsWill Posi
ly Cure Yon
They Will Agree to
Forfeit 11,000 b
Cold Coin
for any case undertaken by them
that they cannot cure, and 11,000
more for any case ever heard of
that they undertook and failed t
Weak Young Men
-rars rstorsd-t 'robust -health-by-our
system of treatment after
every ether means has failed. ,
Middle Aged Men
going through life deed to the
world, so far as taking an active
part -in Its affaire, can be re
stored to health and vigor.
We Treat and Core
- Varicocele, hydrocele, nervous debility, blood disease, rheumatism, skin ,
diseases, heart disease, diseases of ths lungs, liver dleorders, kidney, ,
bladder and urinary diseases, sores, ulcers and all ehronlo diseases of men '
"'irhey have so much confidence In their system and appliances that
-they will allow a patient t deposit the price of a ours in sny bank In
Portland, to be paid them when a euro is effected, or will take monthly
Installments If the patient prefers. v - .,
We Guarantee a Cure In, Every Caao
We Undertake or Charge No Fee
Consultation free. Letters confidential. Instructive ' book for men
mailed free in plain wrapper. , ,
If you cannot call at office, write for oueetlon blank. Home treat
ment suoceeeful. .
Office hours I a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, II a. m. to 11 m.
Offlcss tn Vsn Noy Hotel. B1H Third St, Corner riae Portland. On. ,
r wawbera- fans turned out to see thslr Thw score by Inn in ire t t Atlawis, Os., Julyl til.
' - r - HE.Uey W. T. Jerome ef -Kew
Maroons ,,llllllt-lll T
Nswberg ..0OIO010IJ I I I
Batteries Maroons, Campbell and
Brock; Nswberg. King and Woodrmft
Time of game, 1:10.
Jerome sad Polk J V
dresaed the lower boeae ef t. '
legislature yesterday, after w -legislators
adopted a resolutive
lag ."Jeroms and Telk for t
sraUe preeMenllal team to I. -