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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
"e x: .,SG70U IEOOIS I0UHOEK EODED Com Defeats Bellinger In Men' v Finale Jn - a Brilliant- -'.J':--'"- 1 Match, v . " ponr:nnD'c- HE"; .Dn?i::;:r.EnT .ST0DES 7 mica Bsc-:.? CPECTATORS APPLAUD ' ! THE CLEVER PLAYERS . :; 'U-JT the oscco'n daily tourual. Portland. Tuesday Evc;n::c. julv tJ.,wwt,JJMtJ,.,,JMjMtM. I Ssewoewa.eMasesi-B ' " '"''I1 "" 1 I ..-.swej, HJ j w aaanUI-i wap ill II ell ilsjiJJl Met '! J , ,1 , . . .. . f r ' y r . . , .. rt.i ' . a : w - . IVIS Every llembert' Handicap .Tournament "& Comet to Successful CIom Yester--- dayr and Capa Are .Prented to Victorious Players by.W. K. Scott . The final match In the Irving-ton Ten. Hie dub handicap era played yeaterday afternoon before n enthusiastic grand stand at the dub courts. ' Tha event closed play In tha man's singles and decided tha poaaeaslon of tha WUbur cup. Tha eonteatanta were Walter A. Ooaa and Den Bellinger. Goe won by by tha ecora I-. S-t. 1-1. ... Ooaa waa tha only first class player to capture a first priaa in tha five-event tournament, tha others bavin been put out by the unusually larva handicaps (-Wen to the lower class players. Han dicaps were liberal In the men's singles, . but .Goes, who played as lowest, man. owing 40. overcame all adds and came out on top. To Bellinger the elub champion was required to give an owe - handicap, playing even on the first and third games and owing It en the remainder of the serlea of six. , For tha first tws seta and to the middle of the third the result of the raatoh was la-doubt. After 'I i . . ,'.ir-.r " ''''ill L J-T04.i.44---fl " v."; lX, JL. -1 - Tl J- -v-4 f--1 1 ' ' 'V- . ,'4-r Li L rj' - Ti 7 . i t , , , L-f -t-1 - -r r1 " . , . u 1 TV 1 V 1A ri ft-- ; f-fVt . : .-s X - - -44" 4 - .rvr tHt - - X - H4- - r4trtT4" fuiTn -- . ... . iiiininni.i.M .Wi-i'ir nuro-imi i'rV" " - . , . Waiter Ooae and Dan Bellinger, Who Contested in tha Men' Singles Championship at Irrlngton Court Yea- : : ,. ;. , .... ' terday. ; Mr. Gosa, the Winner, Is Standing -Back of the Net.' id Croup of "IrVington Tennis DevAees in Grand Stand, Witnessing the Match Between Goes and Bellinger. that 'ooaa had things all nla own way. -.Tha play throughout the match waa generally steady and was marked by long. rallies with brilliant lobbing and fast not work. There were times when Bellinger outplayed Ooaa at his best. but tha latter used better head work and never 'fell down fbr a moment.' To this ha owes his success - over Other localllKbts In the tennis world. , ' Ooef won the flrit gSme,' but tils chops were- too low and Bellinger took tha next throe. By careful - net play Ooaa took tha next and had 48-lwve on the next, but Bellinger drove him from . the net with deep lobs, pulling up the . ' game. - Continuing the same tactics he captured the next three straight, win nlng the eet with the rather one-sided core of -. ' - Tha second set waa the closet as well as the best played of the four. Both reequet-wlelders displayed surprising agility, returning many., apparently Im poeajble chancea. 'With the score four- ail a series' or- niga ciaas imiiiea ioi lowed one another In rapid suceeaalon. It was a long game, finally, won by Ooaa. - Bellinger should have bad the next game." aa 'he bad a lead of 40-love, but the paoa had evidently been too fast Ha mlaaed several easy shots and the .eatwent t ia opponent, ' The first three games of 'the third set were well contested, Ooss . taking - each of them by a narrow margin. From this point Bellinger's.:, ahota -weakened 'and It was plain that he was to be the loaer. Ooaa won the next two sets, ' The finale In the men's doubles, which were postponed on -aocount of darkness Saturday, were played - off . from the point of ' postponement. -r; The - winner 'V'-.-. Twenty Tea Battle. ' T- ' - 1 was a loser In a twenty-year battle with chronic plies end malignant sores, until 1 tried . Bucklen's Arnica Salve; which turned the tide, by curing both, till not a trace remains, writes A. M. Bruce of Farmvllle, Va. Best for eld 1,'loerB. Cute, Bum and Wounds., lie at ft. a. Skldmore Co., drugglata. . Ti T; for 30 Days Onfyrr- - ! fret Oold Crowns. ............ 5.O0 t.0 Oold Crdwns. ........ ....J3.60 liertt Plates S......S5.00 fllcO Plates 7 fT.BO lUUnga, up from. ......t. ........ 861 -Wee C::::n C:r.t:I Parlors ' ct Ore. . O. and lalat l-rea" , r were Chamberlain and Plaher, " handi capped at receive 10. . . After tha completion of - the men's singles yeaterday the cup were pre sented to the different winners by Chair man w. k. scott. Mr. Boott made a very - pretty ' apeech. In which ha com pit men ted the winners for their splen did work In the courts, praised the losers and congratulated the club upon having held such a successful tourna ment. Beautiful trophies wsre pre. sented as follows: Men's alnales. Mr "Go;TadTe' singles. Miss fjcadbolten mixed doubles, Mrs.-8cott and Mr. Caw ston; men's doubles. Dr. Chamberlain and Mr. Fisher; ladles . doubles, , Mlas Fox and Mlsa .Leadbetters second prise. Miss Bchaerer and Mra. MoLevuchlan. Second In the singles and. men's doublea went to Mr. Bellinger and Mr. TVlcker- shanv SALEM POLICE HAVE v - -SOME MORE TROUBLES : (Bpedal Dbpeteh te The Joenut) . Salem. Or4 July 17. The meeting of the city oounotl laet evening, which promised to be a stormy session, was a rather quiet one. ; It was expected that the friction between Chief of Police Cornelius and Night Policemen Long' sore and Buslck would be threshed out at full length. Tha relation between these officers has not at all been bar montoua, as the chief and-the night watchman were hOsen16 their positions by opposite factions of the council. . a break In police circles was .ins order of Chief - Cornelius not to prevent tramps and hobos of decent appearance from a topping In tha city. There Is a scarcity el worklngmea here and it waa thought that . many of tha "floaters" would embraoe this opportunity to ob tain remunerative employment ' here. The . Willamette Valley, Conatruction company needs men and laborers .are sorely needed In the hayfields. This edict on the part of Chief Cor nelius haa aroused some opposition and it was expected , that tha council would either condemn or support Cornelius policy and attlude toward the hobos. Councilman Haas Introduced a resolu tion condemning the policy of the ehlef of police, but the resolution was . re f erred to tha pblice committee tor In' vestlgatlon. The majority of the com mittee being friendly to Cornelius, the chief's policy will probably be sustained and It is expected that Long-core and Bualck will be aaked to resign and give place to men who can work In conjunc tion witft the chief. ; CLUB ASKS RAILROAD , TO APPOINT GILLETTE r (Special Die petrl to Tie learaeL) Eugene, Or., July IT. At meeting Of the - Eugene Commercial club last night a resolution was adopted asking tha Southern Paclflo company to ap point A. J. Olllette agent at tha com- panya. depot, la this city. Ha is at preaent temporary agent, having taken the place of L. O. Adair,' whs waa re tired ea "July 1 on a pension. . BASEBALL TEAMS ARE EVEN While Indians and Trunk Club - Have Equaled in Games Lat- v v ter Leads In Series.' DOMESTIC SCIENCE IS : 7 FEATURE AT CHAUTAUQUA Congress of Mothers Will Hold Con- vend oa Tomorrow, and Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton Will Sing at Even- Lag Concert -.. -" ' ' ' 1 I (SoeaUl Dtosetefe te Tbe 3tmnti. ' Oregon City, Or July 1T The wel come coolness of today and yesterday is having a good effeot'at Chautauqua and tha attendance Is Increasing r with the attractiveness of tha dally pro grams. 'The balloon asoenslon yeater day afternoon drew several hundred people to the grounds. Professor Nel son mads a abort aacent and caaa down In his parachute without mishap. The baseball game yesterday afternoon was close and waa wonA by tha Chemawa Indian school team, defeatlna- tha Northwest Oun and - Bicycle club of Portland by a score or 10 to 7. .This result places ths teams on an even basis, each having won two games and lost one. The Portland Trunk company team -has a lead In the series, winning both of ths two gamea played. Thla afternoon s game ie between ths Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club and the Portland Trunk Company club, Tester day Afternoon. Professor Mark B. Beat. the. elocu tlonlat of Chautauqua, directed an en tertaining program yeaterday afternoon. Hla recitation " of-IClng -Robert -of Sicily," by Longfellow, jwlth a plana accompaniment by Miss Martha Fran ces Draper, the Chautauqua- accompa nistwas especially good. Mrs. Flstcher Linn of Portland sang - two numbers and was heartily encored. Her clear soprano wag never heard to better advantage. . Mlsa Evelyn . Hurley ren dered a vocal solo at the close of the program. ,." . Dr. M. A. Matthews of Seattle, wo la wellJtnownlo Chautauqua audiences, lectured last night on "TOe Valth"Xrf Altruism." Dr. Matthews Is a speaker of, note and delivered a masterly and eloquent address. Mrs. Imogen Harding Brodle. the Chautauqua soloist, sang "Love in the Southland" last night, and responded to an encore, . The classes thla morning were full of interest. Mrs. Max M. Shlllovk of Port land wasthe soloist this afternoon and, her number was followed with a leo ture by Dr. Ernest B. Baker, on a "Pil grimage to Literary Bhrlnea In Europe." The program , tonight la under the di rection of L. M. Myers, 'physical di rector of tha Portland T. M. C A., and Includes tumbling, elub- swinging, marching and drills, and vocal aoloa by Mrs. Olga Bartaoh Lang. Ths T. M. C A. Olea club will render two numbers, One of the- largest tents at Chautau qua Is that occupied by the Holmes Business eel lege of Portland. The pic tures of tha school graduating classes are attracting much attention, and the chairs are nearly alwaya ' occupied. Gordon Jones of the publicity depart ment,, saya that a . great number of prospective students have called at the new quarters : on Washington street, after visiting the tent It is pleasing to sea tha oldeet business college in the northwest represented at Chautauqua. 's-'' ' Tii"'ssliUi eoloasav Miss Lilian Tingle, who has won for herself such a high place -In domestic science and- practical writer on the subject, la in command of this depart ment at Chautauqua. Tha hour for the olaas is from 11 to 11 noon, and, as will be observed, the subjects to be demon strated are In keeping with tha warm weather. . The subject . for yesterday wag jatryx and the list for tha remain-dec-o the weak f nllowat-.Tuaaday.. cold deaserts; Wednesday, meat substitutes; Thursday, aoupa; Friday, ; ; vegetables; Saturday, sandwich paatea. ' Ths annual convention of the grass of mothers will be held tomorrow. In tha morning there will be a buatness aeaalon and at 1:10 p. m. there will be a public session, when Mrs. C. M. wood, president of ths state organisation, will deliver the annual address. A cordial Invitation is extended to all child labor study clubs, mothers' clubs, juvenile court workers-" and all who are inter-1 eated In tha bettering of conditions among. the young to attend tha whole session as well as the regular meetings held every day at t:S0 p. m. Able speakers have been secured and the dis cussions on vital subjects, will be of stirring Interest The great concert or tomorrow even ing under the direction of Professor w. Gilford Nash is one oz interest Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton of Portland will be tha soloist , FORESTS BENEFIT TO SCHOOLS AND ROADS . k . rSaeeUI XMsoateh te The earaaLt Salem, Or July 17. Under, tha agri cultural aot approved by the president JVmo 18, HOB, 7.fiftQ will he fllatrlhntart among the countlea of tha stats that eon tain forest reserve lands, to be used for public schools and roads. According to this aot 10 per sent of an moneys received from the govern ment forest reserves will go to tha school and road funda la which these reserves are situated. " . Governor Chamberlain has been In formed this morning that as soon as ths apportionment 'was made Oregon's share would be rorinoomina. Ten .per oent or the amount is IT- 117. whloh will .be the approximate amount that will be distributed among several ez ins uregon oouairas. - FORMER OFFICIALS - . EULOGIZED IN COURT ' v.'-' 1 ' .. , ' - : ; (Special Dtsnatea te The taml) Albany, Or- July 17. Department We. . . circuit eourt, convened In session yesterday, Judge William Galloway pre siding. ' ''I !-.' The commrttee on resolutions appoint ed some time are to prepare suitable resolutions oommendatory of the) serv- loes of County Clerk B. M. Payne and Sheriff R. L. White, retiring, reported that tbay ' had completed their labors and Sled them with the clerk ot the court " Speeches were mads by ths members of the bar, extolling the vir tue of these officers, who have served their constituents so welL - This is tha only known Instance in the history of the county where ouch action has been taken and establish a new precedent'" TOUGH YOUTH SENT TO REFORM SCHOOL (SpeHel Dvpateh to Tee Journal.) Ths Dalle. Or., July 17. Earl Leslie, a boy 1 years of age, was examined before Judge Lake, Saturday, and ad judged an incorrigible youth. He was taken to the reform school today - by Sheriff ChrlsmAn. Lsalls haa been "a bad boy for a long time and haa been guilty of criminal ' mischief several times. His parents had no control over him and he was turned ever to the authorities. ohors Smployed. 1,1 . Elgin. Or- July 17. The following teachers have been hired for the coming school .year j Principal, W. L Tucker of Island City; Misses Nellie and Ida Colby of Salem, Miss Delia Denning of North Powder, Miss Edna Mason of Richland, Mies Mine Olenn of Summer, vllle, Mies Edith Halford town ajid Miss Wilkinson of Union. ' , ' j eajssBSBBSBpaBSasaBeaBwaBpaBasBBas Wednesday has become a famous day at Portland's Progressive Depart in en t Store The Golden Eagleand tomorrow we expect to eclipse all former efforts. There are many scores of attractive specials besides the few we mention here. Read these ; tuuuvJ A select lot of Kimonos, mads up of Japanese material. fine - ailk kimono cloth and lawn, beautiful designs and patterns aa light as gossamer summer SpL Wednesday. enisaaj gsrwttv mbj eas , MfH aeew rbreese? ":V XQ tdneaday. , , . . . . , . U O V Ken's Fcrnlstlcgs Our entire line of Men'a ur nlshlngg win be marked at tl l- off for the Midsummer ' Clear ance Sale.. It will be advantage ous to you to buy on Wednesday' for present and future wanta. Our eompleta line of Neckwear, Golf, Negligee, Working and .Dresa Shirts, Hosiery, Collars andeuffs. Pants and Underwear will be sold at OSTS1 raxaVD OR . the regular prios. y '-'.- la the Shoe Seclioa For Wednesday we will place on sale as an extra special 160 pairs of Ladles' viol kid Oxford Ties; regular prtoa 11.68. They have turned sola, patent leather - tip. finely- finished and well made, Wednesday LOXG LACE KITTS QQa Wedscsday ..... vOu QrsetoverlEia- broideries Beautiful patterns, :'. v. , aa -II ha. wide- ' ' - U Wednesday ,..lsiUv "1 Otnoli as eiwia, A fine ejiisllly of- Lawn in extremely pretty patterns, formerly sold . at too. Wednesday.. . . . . . Dlcik Talfeta Silk Bxtra fine quality , black Taffeta Bilk. II In.: worth ILtt. . Wednesday .98c Colored StirhycJst In glngtiams, lawns and percalea Made In ' the daintiest patterns, some trimmed with fancy braid, some with tucks, some with In sertion.' , All - -wall . made - and shaped: well worth the - former prloe of, : $110 4 An and 11-78. - I MX Wednesday m ......4 1 etU TcolDatlste All-wool Batiste ' Dress Ooods, whits, gray. Alice blue, Ught blue, tan, eta) beautiful material for svenlng gowns, waists and; dress skirts; - worth Tie.' Wednesday ...TUl toodav 44 ,75c All-wool Batiste Dress Ooods. 44 in. wide, in, white, gray. Alios and light blue, tan. etc Special Wednesday Domestic SecUon SSIncb TrnbleaebsS Kualinl Vary good quality.'. , Wednaaday..4M SS-tnek Bleaeasi BCaslUi regular pries 10c . Wednesday.... ;..tT VnbleaeheS AU-TJa Osaali Vow. eOlag, 11 inob; regular prloe II He. Wednesday ........... ...,,.94 y, "7 . -v; ,' ' '' . CUldren's Ribbed Dose Aflne lot of Children's Ribbed Hoee blacky red. pink. blue, tan and white. They are slightly soiled, therefore we sen taam at almost half of former prloe. Wednesday, f;18c Lsdles Fancy Lsce Acnoseia-,:: In blue, prnkanorblaekrbeautt ful openwork patterns. A Worth lie. ; v - ftf Wednesday j.. .. tTU , .' ''I;. y I ' Knit Draiyers knit ; umbrella A Jf ' laoe trimmed. If y ... ......... aa? a w Ladles r . knit ; umbrella Drawsrs. Wednesday PctUcc-b Black sateen, mercerised and spun " glass Petticoats, with flounoee ot t and I hernstltohed rumea; aiso- an extra dust rut- rie; excellent gar ments worth and Wednesday : dnesday '. $123 RIK2d Vesfa Light Ribbed Vests, aleeveless. . buttonhole stitched finish. Wednesday, ay.8jC 1 ribban trimmed, aleeveless, . A I finely finished. ., ': I V Wedneeday ........... 1 a2w Jersey Ribbed Vests. - IUt m waa3 ' Fancy All-Silk Ribbon, 4 a ' -tnchea wide. 'v Xl Wedneeday ...M......M..Ui !.19c Dreadeu Ribbon, all-silk. 4 Inches ' wide, beautiful pattarna. Wednesday, Uedcesdayitn Otr Cool Basement 81 pieces high 'grade seml-porcolain ware, fancy shape and artiatio aeeigns; sold usually for 11.00. Special for Wedneeday . ........... .fS48 bTa&ASaTBSV- Oovered er uuoovared Jelly Olasses, -Wednesday, per doa.S5 otimt owairpaomfc Decorated, all oolorai regular tie, Wednesday . ..............16e) Full lS-eev Nickel Silvers regular $LI8 per set, - Wednesday, per set . .....,......i..99s) e)AJlC: Nleksl tube for taper, good hard wood handle. Special , Wednesday . . . . . .10s) DMSiecd lee l-lb. package , beat brand of Bird Seed In the market Special Wednesday ... ....... ....;....Oa) You can rely upon getting as good attention should you order by msfl as yon would If the goods were" picked out In person. Freight, Express or Mailing Charges Prepaid. , ;r r . r n 1 II DMtE C01MR TIinD AND YAT.HIILL STREETS - Jiiliis 5pleiidld v $10 Bed Only $7.50 .00 Down, 50c a Week :T- This is an uncommonly good Iron Bed and is one of those patterns that- ;. will grow in favor, with you as time elapses. ., The enameling is secured through the oven-drying process, and we can furnish all cream enameling or white and blue, both with rich French gilding; The large, round cones at head and foot are -inch in diameter; while the pillars are 1 1-16 inches, and both are rnade of the best wrought Iron. The filling rods are fa-inch and . ornamented with heavy chills delicate ly trilded. ' The height of the head is - 6oja inches ana loot nya incnes, wnue the width is full size, 4 feet 6 inches. ; 77 1 V, IXTJ SOc a Week Soon oavs for a Sewine Ma- chine, at our low price of $25. Only $1 down. Lady demon strator gives free lessons. - All attachments FREE. , - -Carpets for I Less We sell Carpets at a lower . margin of profit than any other house in the city.In vestigate before buying. Splendid line of exclusive patterns. . : , ' ' : " "OEVURTZ SELl-S IT FOR LESS"; 173-175 FIRST STREET. , aio-aa7 Vamhlll