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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1906)
LjOS'I. r.EFQTED AT C03TH BEAGH . . . . , ,..-.' Resort Becoming Popular With People of Coast Country j and the Interior, TODAY'S MARKETS; Jnfavorzi!j, VVatther la Causing a Scrambl for Hop Contracts of Coming Crop Eleven Cents Is , Now Freely Offered by the Trade. OPSSUFFEM HOT HEATHER Continuance , of . Warm Spell Causes Cutting Down of All , ', Former Estimates. ' ENGLISH CROP OUTLOOK ' SHOWS NO, IMPROVEMENT ' Eleven Cents' Is 13elng freely Offered by tocal Dealers for Contracts on Best' Goods Asparagus Delivery to v Be Short. ' " Print Street, July lOv-The principal feareree aa ine rot-tuna wnoieaaat, putuu loaay an: nop contracts at lis. . Change la prorhtlae price. ' ' Several can watermelon unloaded. . 'parage delivery to ba abort. Sereral can lemon an Bnloaaed. r- . peach pi una ccma (mi hMaiUt. i Celerr la aotnlnc (ram tha aorta. Twa can Bland fruit aad eaa at Masses la. Local tomatoes an lower. . Balnaoa catch remains small. - ; Better, demand (or chitUm bark. . ' till and poultry bold unchanged. ,- -- , Dreaeed Blasts sre rather searee. ' . : n Cbafraets at Xlevea Ceate. r ' Dealers an making endearora to Iaa4 a eoa alderable somber , a( eoatracta on ths coming boo crop, with lie being Ireelr offered today for tbo boat grades, Marat baa tha hop market ahowa aach a Oral tone dnrlng tha paet 12 Hatha a today. Tha amgllah cnp aoatlnaea 10 anew a deterioration to quality aad onaaat -; aod ethar placaa la Burop an aot ehowing a vary good condition, la tha WUlaatatta valler tha continued warai waathar baa had had effect npoa -the viae. -Tha alaa at the araa Baa been (bortened considerably, aad aluouga oaallty will aot Ukaly ha abort at that efra rear ago, oatlaiataa for tha coming crop an being poliad dowa considerably. Thla candi. tloa la not confined to say eoa aaetloa at tba tit, hot yarda la all dlatrlcta clearly ahoar taa electa at too mats ana. la parta at waa - tagtoa tba eame condition eilele, tba aoly dtt tonaca than bring to dlatrlcta that an trrl- ' gated. Uca an bow pnettcally unknown la . Ma yarda. Than la much (aar at rate i : aad a wot harreet latar aa. Thla will save a ; tan dapraaalng laSuaaoa aa tha production aad a balltah taadaacy aa to prlcaa. la aay anal ' daalan an willing to taka chance aa eaatracts ... at signer vaiuea. 1 CUttlm 'Advice received by Tha f carnal Indlcato that i than haa boon a reeumptloa at demand (or ' cblttlm hark aad Baallng aparatlona have coma geaeral agala la moat eectlene. Aa high . ' aa 4 ill raportad paid la eoane aaettoaa by - esull dealera, bat tha high egare ban at o preeeat la aa tar 1808 bark. - - ; 1 asparagus JMirarr to Ba Short. 1 - '.' Adrleee raealTad today by wbeleaala grocer ladlcata that dallTary of aaparagw by packan will ba but 10 to SO par caat abort. DaUnrlaa la SM aanaraa will ran a boot SO aar cant, wUllaiha Otter bir .WlU la Stt roan fruit . can., Aaparagaa la Bow quoted aboot SSe a daaaa hlgbar tbaa apaalng prlcaa, praaant Sg area being taat about aoaal to tboaa at thb) period a year ago. Tha reaaaa (or thla la . gleea .to tha abort pack doe to tba Soada, tha aeardty at cana aa aoeaaat at tha Saa Iran- rtaoa dleerter asd thgesarl.paracoDdllloa . at tba auurket. Tba aaw crap will eater the market with practically erery tU at tha 10 pace as ba abaiTaa. . . - Jeaaal Watak tea mala. at watermelon wan BrUoadeJ , an tha abreat thla morning. Tha arrtTl ot tha j Bret watarmelona la alwaya tba Blgaal (at a good ehower and (ba treat waa expecting M thla morning. Stock wan la eary goad aoa- dlttoa and toond a good demand at J ur loom gooda aad Se for anted. Sanral can of arlrad tratta aama-ta durtaf tba monlag and aoawwhat helped to Mien tba femlne. A car at banaaaa aad two aarg at lera alea amoag tha uimb, A aar ot araagea came la. to. Soma eery choice peach praam Brrhad to froai Fraawatar tbm morn Inf. Local tometeea an lower, with tartar gap. pllea rrom Tba DeUea. A email ehlpmant of eelery fraaa tha aaaad arrlTad early la fair ahapa thkf moratng. frtoa raiad aroaad Baa aoaea. v Brief Vetea af Tarlaaa Karkatoi Dear re H. Benedict and Henry r. Ooabel ' ban arrlead ben from New York ta ' eeemt M. H. Ollbertaoa la tba local bop baalaeaa at u. and H. unimaaa. - Selmoa receipt an agala aaalL Tha catch la the Oolnmbla ahawa aa lmpror.rn.nt. ram and aonltry an holding Bachanged. twn Ira a rather dnU. Oeeee aad aery large 'duck! hard to aelL . la pnrldoaa clear beiMea an (He klghar, while pickled plaV-aanguaa -ara higher tor a.nartr barrala. - ' Droned meeta roatlan rather acarca, with rlcee holding eame. -' Wheat and Sour trade aamteal. , Prlcaa aa 'changed. ' The trade par tha following price ta front . 'afreet. Price paid producer an leaa regular oamsalaaiana: .. .. .... , . .. ; V - y - Or la, rianr and feed. . '' V . ORAIM BAGS Celcatta, inQIOHa. V WHEAT Club, TOc; red ftaaalas, STc btaa 'stem. TSc; r.ller, TOtJTlc. BARbET I'eed, 124.00 rolled, t2a.OO0S6.OO: brewing. t24.IK)k , rORS-yhola, $24 8011 arteked. 2B SO per BTe-41 5S per ewt.' ' " " '" OATS Producer price No.' 1 White, S2t.00; gray. 2S.00ffl2B OO. FLOUR New eeatern Orecoa patent, SS.atMt B8; trlght.. t3.ua8.M; export. $3.18; ' lley, $8I; grihm. t. ll.Wi, whole wheat, 8.TBi rr. BOe. 00i blee, tTB. : MlLTTTFr'B Bran, IT.B0 per ton; mid dling. 28.00: bort.' country, 120.00; city, S1B.0O; chop. tl.O0l21.B0. . - HAT Producer' price Timothy. Willamette taller, fancy, 112.00: ordinary, flO.OOia 10 60: .tern Oregon, $16.O0(ai7.OO: mixed, 10.00n ' ' 10.50; clore, 1 1 grain, 7.o0iflS.60; . cheat, IT.OOCtOO. . Batter, Xggl aad Poultry. . BCTTBR FAT f. a. b. PorttoBd Sweet cream. ei aoor, 18e. - . BUTTER City erBry, 81 Viet J, aatald fancy. UI320CI ordinary. Uttet tor. 12Q EQilU NO. 1 rreen trreaon. nnana, c. f CHEB New rnll cream, (ate, UtjlSHo; Tonne America, 1301SHC. . ' PdUtTRX Mixed chicken. ISHQIsc per lb; faary ben. lc per lb; rocater. old. lOVi per lbs t. lldtllHe per lb; fryr. ldQltci ' hrnllera- laiTo OCT lbl Old dark. 1B ISO BOT lb: (Dtlng duck, lftc per lb, aeeee, BaJOfl per " lb; turkey, in per Ibj -dreaaed, Sue-iec la equana, aa.autaa.w per one, pigrvna, ..w - Hop, Wool aU Bldea. . Y' - rlOPt Contracta, 1804 crop, 10 per lb J 190S 'Oregon, 103l1e. . . .. - WOOI lod clip Valley, coerce to BMdlua, S2r; Una, Sec: eaatera Oregoa, SO21e. MOHAIR New, nominal. - SHEEPSKINS Shearing. IflifltOe each; abort .Wool, 2641; medium wol, S0Q7&C Back; long wool, 7BcAtl.OO ech. , ' TALLOW Prime, for lb, SHtJeei Ma. aad TrUTTIM 'VaRK 190 tack, aa pat . lb land. lHgc per IK MONDAY PRICES IN , . . ; THE WHEAT; MARKET t ' -v . ... 4 4 i ', July. .Septa Chicago I .7TiB .4) p rvanaaa iiy. ,.. 71 H 4 ' Naw TOrk 4 Liverpool ..... SsIHA . 4 6BlAd ja Tl 4 s7lk a .U 4 Bt. Loula...... ...... Mlneapqllg .... '. Mllwautaa ,TIH 4 4 nuiutn -.T-.-r .Tr-B-a a San rrancUcrf.'l.HCl.lO MH e Docambar'. Daeember barley. d ah . -" ah JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS 44444444444 ' ' ' 4 v. Bp W. B. OlaA Company. a 4 Tba agg market la quiet with a a demand : yary light. Raoalpta .' 4 ' wars fully equal to tha demand a 4 but the poor quality waa tba da- a 4 praaalng lnfluanca. Wo, how-' d 4 erar, do not anticipate any dcop a O-ln prloea. . d - poultry racalptg arrived In a a vary bad aba pa on aooount of tbo .. .4 axtrema hot waatlier. Demand 4 4 waa light but prloas ruled about. a 4 axiual to former week' quota- , 4 4 tlonav lArga aprlng in tha boat 4 011. . - e ep in-assad moat trade Is nominal - 4 4 wit recBlpU and demand light 4 4 . Country etore butter has baan 4 4 arrlvlnar In miserable shape on a 4 , account of unf avorablo weather- a 4 and it was Impossible to move 4 a It in the condiUon ot arrival. ' a 4 4 4 4) 4 4 4 4 X f14Sie,Lti, mn.i u,"v OOB. Te klS IS to to Ibe, o; calf, aouad. under 1ft lbe, 11c areen. nnealted, la leaa; cull. 1 par lb Wee; boroehldee, aalted, each, 1.26i9l.7B; dry, each. I.O0jlJ0t colt hld, Ka;?goVt skin; w'So?00 10 3 Angora, aach, SSca )' rnlbj sal TagataUa. :.V ' - POTATOES New, SScCll.R per aack) pro-'a ku- 6ojB0a par cwt, r OMONS Jobbing price Texaa, 1JS per ,w,.9"(oni',1 . WWi ill rare, fLSOi garlic, gc' per lb. . , " , FRESH FRUITS New esplea, 1.5oei.TS orange, htodlterraaaaa, 48.76(114.00; banana, 2? Pr I j ..leavjo.. choice, $7.00 per box; fancy, STO7.50 prr boa; limee. M.xlcaa. 1 J8 per 100; tangerlnea, j ptneapplee, S2-ToOS.OO; Hawaiian, 8 60; gooaeberrlee. e nr lb; ch ?0Hc plane, llffl.nXT Mr crate; toganbarrlea, ll.SOj eanUVoopea, 2.7t.OO; '"Pry1"". 1.T8; black sr.. gLio; grape. 11.261.00; blackberries, 12.00 per crate; p7aclt?,10.,i, lb; Brt:0 1-B0a-i e.X52If VV- 'nW. il.00 par sack; carrot a. H 75 per aack; beeU, $1.50 per aack; pannlpa, 1 80 par aack; Orea-na r.dl.bee, SOc par doa; cabbage, Orecoa. Sl.00ni.2S: bell ooo- ir lb; aierle.a at nri! wviim'ilia. 41 00: local S2.O0; botboaae a1SS?!5?' "'"PP-. I.S0; paranlp. OOcA Jl ,00; atjlng beana, Oregon. T per to; ceolf- ''' praoa; peaa. auoc; aorae. ndlah, 6Q7o par lb; rtlchoka, 73 per One; aperagna. Oregoa, SO per doa bancbaa; Wall alla, S1.00 per boat eaaaeh. IHei aplaaek, oc per box; green onion.. Oregon, llVe per f?"J?"B"1 cumBara, BtJ50e per doa; cel.rr. 100 per doa; greea Cora, 20e per doa; earn aset aanaah, TScQll.OO par box; aggplaat, aO pvr lb. ' DRIED rBTJITS Aaslea. eranoratBd. ISA l;a,t? 1 ". 9t ; peechee, i JP.ii ,b; H Pt tb lea; pranee. r w, wv, orop ea aacn l-ia araaiier ; Baa, CalKornla black, 4H per lb; California white, 4H per lb; dale, golden, TMa par lb; tarda, $l.eOtl.M par 10-lb box. ' . Oreoerlea. Jrnta, Xta. BtTOAR Sack bail Cab. SS SO; powdered, ffl.JB; frutt granulated, $3. IB; dry .granulated, S.0S; coat. A, S.0A; wetra P. 0., 4.3; HawaHaa CC I4.MI: extra C, 44 M; goldea C. $; D yellow, $4.W) hbhJ, 10c: i bbla, XSc; box, BO edraaca oe aack baala, lea toe per awt for caah, 19 derajauplc, 14010 (Abore price apply ' to aalea af leaa than car lota. Car mia at anaclal nrleao anblMt u LHnctuauona. HONEY SS. 00 nor crate. rorrEE Package brand., 1 2BW14.T8. SALT Ooaraa Halt grouad? 100a. $0.00 per ton; SOa, $0.60; table, dairy, 00a, $12.00; 100. fll.TB; Imported UrerpooL SOa, $17 00: 100a, $16.00; 124 a, $14.00: extn Sae, bbl. 2. Ba, 10a, 4.60l5.o0; bulk, 820 Ibe,. 4.00lOO: aack. . esawcf Llrarpool inmp rock, flS.SO par ; 60-lb rock, S0.00; 100. $8.00." RICB ImparUl Japan, No. 1. So; Na. t, ton RCSci Naw Orleans bead, Tc AJai, Set ureoie, o)c. BRANS Small white. S4.2B large white, 1.80; pink. $3.79; bayoa, $4.78; Umax, $3.80; exlren reda, 4 He. NUTS Peanut. Jumbo. Se par tb; TlrftnH; S8Vie per lb I roaated, sHa per lb; Jap. aeee, otic; raaatea.-.TtlTHe per lb: et nu, SoOOOe per doa; walnuta, 19BlSHa lb; plnennta, lotjiae per lb; mrkory aula. ius per id; cneatnuta, eaatern, iojioc per in; Braall nut. 14lte per lb; Slbarte, 14Q1M per to; laacy p. caaa. loc; aiaaoBa. lexjiia, alats, Oasl OH. Ste. , ROPE Pure Manila, It.; staadard, Ue; alaal. lie. COAL OIL Paarl or AatraV Caaea ISHa par gall water white. Iron barrels 14a per gal, woodea 17e per gal; headlight, 170-deg, eaae 21 He per gaL. OAROUSC gs-dag. case MH par gaL lroa bbla 18c per gal. BENZINE do-de'. caaas SB par gal, troe bbl lHc per gel. TURPENTINE 4a caaas See sag gaL wooden fchl- OO- u ..1 -WHITS) LEAD Tea lota, T par Ib 000-lb ot. so per id: leee wta, ae per in, WIRS NAILS Pr.eant bail at $2.28. ' ' LINSEED OIL Pure raw. la ft-bbl lota. Bee: 1-bhl lot. She; raaea, SSc per gal; genuine kettle boiled., 00c per gal; ft bbl lota. Beet 1-bhl let H pir gal: gieaad eaae, ear Met $xO.B4 par ton; leaa than ear lota, $30.00 par toe. Keate. Tub aad PraTUlen. , PRXSTI" ME At Front tret Beef ateera. 4Qfte per lb: oowa. t&e per Jb: hog, fancy, H0c: ordlBary, TH4tac; poor, 74J7HC per lb; bulla. $4iSH Bar lb; real, extra, To per lb; ordinary. Sc par lb; poor, 6a per lb; auuttoa. nacy, aajBHa per id; tamoa, ivc . - HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland park (local) heme, l6 to 14 lbe, 10 per lb; 14 to 1 lbe, lftHc per lb: break faat bacoa, 14620c par lb; ' ptcnlro, 12c per lb; cottage, lOHo per lb; regnlar abort clean, anemoked, 1144 per lb; moked, 124C per lb; rlenr back, anemoked, UVio per lb; amnked, 12He per lb; Colon butt 10 to IS lb; anemoked, Ac per lb; emoked, per lb: - deer belllee. una moked. lHo per lbl moked, 14He per lb: ehouldeea, 12o per lb; nlekled tnnauee. Bd.OO rrearter bbl. LOCAL LAKi net 1 1. leer, ra. lo (tec tb; fie, 12Hc per lb; BO-lb tine, HHo per lb; team rendered. 10. lie per. lbl Ba, 11 He per lb; compound, 10s, 8 He. CANNED SALMON Columbia rlrer. l ib tell. S.80; 2-lb talla, $2,711; fancy, 1-lb data, $1 PO; -lb faacy St. fl.lBi fancy Mb oral. $2 TB: ask tall, pink, SBttOOe; red, $10; aomlaai 2. tall, $2.00, m . . -,m.., FIBH Rock coat Tc per lb: Sounder, Be per lb; halibut. Be per lb; crab, $1.80 per do; etrlped boa. 12H Per lb; ratfleh, 8c per lb; salmon. Columbia rlrer Chinook, S per lb: eteel heade. To per lb; blurbarke. Tc per lb; herring, fie per lb; eolee, Sc per lb; anrlmpe, 10 per lb; perch, Sc per lb: black cod, To1 per lb; tomeoo, c per io; euver emeu, ic per in; lobster per lb: freak Blacker. L 8a ner lhi erawSah, tOc par dos; shad, sc per lb; sturgeoa, lOe per lh. OYSTERS Sholwtr bay, pat gaL $X2S; per H0-lb aack. $4 00. CLAMH Hardahell. per bos, 2.00 raaor claaa, $2.00 per box. SAh nuuroxsoo iTrjrnra hcbajtoi. Saa rraaclaco, July IS, Official price I RID. ma rleImont.T.t: .$ .90 Caah Boy .18 Oolden Anchor.. .81 Home .SOA Jim Bntler .... 1.10 Macaamara .... .00 "tela way Con. Cal. Vl.."r.'.8T Ta... .68 Opblr $.48 Mexican ........ .aa Caledonia 8d Exchequer ..... .88 Noreroea ...... .00 Midway -S12U Montana v S.C7H Oold Crown .... ' .18 North SUr .... . .44 tlreet Behd . ... ,M Recu IT PUck Batte ex-..os Trama 1 no a Ohlt) .... .aW Ton, Et ten.... B.87M Nerada .......18 25 Weat Ead .... 1:48 Oold. Belmont.. . .40 Ail. me ........ . .Oil I Atlanta .17 Bluebell .12 Booth M Montgomery hit. Jit "ansae ........ .12 Sceptn ........ ,M Manhattan O rolumhtaUt. , .1M oarior nnmprey Dexter .If Con ynerry .... .11 , Tlamoodileld .. .8$ IH i la .07 .48 . )$ .08 .08 .08 .08 .10 .10 iOranny Oold wedge ... I .one Star ...... Oreat Bend si.. do ennex Creecent ....... Cowboy Tliille A fWr77! OoMfield - .87. Jamba ,.. 1.18 do extaa..... .17 Randall .' .fid 1 Laguna .17 Mar Queea 18 HloKaWk " !.2T" JX. .02 , Red Top ...., 1.20 Sandetarm ..... ,M Black Rook. :2 N. Y. Coneol.,,. .70 Sllrer Pick.... .24 Mttie oje ...... .04 Mardnwer .80 Jumping Jnck ,. . .20 Red Top snatt.. AH Mnatas 14 Bull Frog Mia., 48 St. leva ....... .S7 National Bank . .42 Penrer ........ 1.28 Pcltpea ' Or) Gold Par .02H 0. BuH-Prof iTJ -. Vaw Yark -Leadea BUrer. New Tark, Jul U.-Bar. Hirer, $0 J,; ioBaoa, EXPORT BUSINESS A DULL FEATURE : Kansas City and Duluth Report Sates Today St. Louis Cash ; Prices Ars Up. - -: - CHICAGO A HALF TP : -- THREE QUARTERS HIQHER PreclpiUdon of. Past Few Days Re ' lleres Fear. of Dronght in Cortv Strong Interests Buy on AH Dip ' Liverpool Wheat Up. ' '. - - . j i.i "V?' ' ' ;" . ':''..';: y , SBLATTTS WHXAT TAICIS.. ' . Cloee. Cloee. Cloee. Oalo. . . Jult 14 '"ifl. ; " '"IF fsly ...... .YSH .77 .HU $ .004 Sept, ,. ,78'B ,TJ ,S4J ' .002 peo. w. . .B0Ca .soil - .M& .001 Hay -a .SSAj ,mj -.,2, .O0 ' Chicago. July 1$. Bxport Betas af wheat apl V to bare bogus la earaeet. Kaneaa City "Port af bualneaa amounting to IB0.000 baahela ware confirmed today. Duluth worked a few bo,,,f', tr- Oak prleea weae higher at both Ka nee City and St. Loala agalnat thU bullish foreign new and the freeh export buel aeee the trade had to face, the fact that the spring crop la Bear harreet to tin aondltloa and that tba big earplue af tha yea will be carried by the epeeuiatlre trade. la-earn tha prectpitattoa for the laat few dare ha baea auffldant to nllar eny particular fear et dronght for the preeant. Strong inter eate In the local trade wen oa tha bujing aide aa all dlpe. ... . la pro rial one packer did aot can to part with much product today, aa aa to gat ebaan. ar bogs. Official euotatlons bp OrartMck, Start Oooke sompaayf . ; WHEATS 14.75 1T.80 1440 LARD, a n s.os : pniy mm ass sept, .Ma e. 03 OcU S.0T SHORT RIBS. 'nly M.. $.40 S.40 ,- SSB s m sst i.ii S.1S S.1S $.10 sept. ... Oct, ..... $.22 XITERPOOL SallV ICAIX1T, Close. Oala. July ....da Tld Sept. ,..4e Tf 4S Id? IZZ raiKAKT oaanr xo CBioago, ivj as. i iumxry raeaiptsi v loeay, rear Asa. Bnah Wheat mmmmmm, Oorn Shipments .1, 408,000 fi8,000 1,070,000 t 093,000 Wheat ... $84,000 848.000 dew.OOO ....... SdT.OOO' CXIOAOO SRAIsT OAS LOTS. Ckilcas. Jlr- la-rata-gar total wnaat M.M..MM.a Boa '"Ml 880 8$ Cora 248 102 " 2M ' . 181 Oata 108 28 18$ m $8. Xeai ago: Mmneapolla, ' IS If Duluth. iT. wneat aere enoavi MHMinn. avie. iha,k WEATHER IS AGAINST THE SHIPMEWT OF STOCK Receipts . In Yards Are Again I Small- Hogs and Sheep Firm Cattle Remain Dull. Portland Chios Stocxrmrd. Jnlr laUra. etock recelpu: ' Bora. Cattle. . law.. Today ,. 60 lno " to wek ago SB xfll 104 Month age .114 208 - SM Westber eondltioe are aaaaltabi for lire. tock ahlpm.nta, and reeetpta are again light. non ana eoevp are rery iirnx, vat catua re main dulL Official Dreatock quoxanoaai Hoaa Beet eeatera Oreaon. $2rt7.tSi blocker and China fat, 44. 00) stochar and fulcra. $8.00; bulla, $2.50. Cattle Beet eaatera Oregoa steer, $8.80J $.75; beat cow and heifer, $8-00) tock. re sad feedere, $2. 7B:-bulla. $8.50. Sheep ShearUnga, 4atc; lambe. Bo. EASTERN HOGSLOWER. Chloagro Bjartet Tsa Oanfcs Off Oth ur stBagiayaaj amT aSsPWssW ChlcftgOp Jul? 16.tJTMtoek' rtrHpts:, HnsMi. Cattlau . Hh4fi. 6B.0O0 , 87,000 , 20,000 Kanaaa Vlty li.ooq . g.000 umana a.uuo s.zoo 7.600 Hoc are 10 lower, with 4.000 left n from Saturday. . Receipts a year ago were 82,000. Today' prices: Mlxad, ' $.fco 80: good and beery, 44 500.80; rough, $4,100 8.801 light. saietjgJtO. , " Cattle wea,. to toe lower. , , . Sheep Fire to loo lower. v - sajt ntAiroisoo loqax stocis. . aa Frandaco, July 14. Official eloalngi - - Bid.. Aak. contra met ini,.u,un oi 2 Spring Valley Water .M AVA4$VVfcaV LmmJt' s e a eaata TB m , a Mlent Powo.r : Hawaiian Commercial !5tf ti-.t rionokea sugar .... is . lS7b Hutchlnaon Bogar 14i , .... Makawell Sugar ................. SS Sri Oaooie Suaar 82 ( 82 raaunau ou.r .... ' m ,lv Alaaka Ptrkera' B7. ' BO raclfle Btataa Telephone 80 87 UirrrZl) STATIS 00TIJ11IMERT BOBTDS, " rtew Tork, July IS. - OoTerwment bonds: Tats. Bid. Aak. Twne. retlateracT Idoft 104 104 do coupon lltfift 104 H Three, regietared ..IAOS.102 10.1 - do coonon loos urin. 103 vt Twee, email bond ........ .... 102 Pour reatatered ........... 10T loj 10.IU do coupon ............... imT 102V mftu Pour, reglatered IS28 vl I no do con poo 182S 12U ISO Platrlrt of Columbia ...... .... 117 ..... Philippine es 1084 ..... -XI UrerpnoL nlr IB. c gelat. I to I points lower. L Julr 14. Cotton - fa tore doerd Madford Trlbuns: : The artesian well at Talent has . made tha whole valley alt up and take notice, and It will be only a short time when the whole coun try--will bo prospected with iruis to ascertain If the body of subterranean water .la of large extent - At pres ent . there ema to be no doubt that ' ' ' trpB. - High. Low. Cloee. July ... .7i f .Tta I .T8H 7H Iee- .. .80i '' .SI ; - .SOU ' SoCi May M . .18 . ' .8aA Mg J3 . V- r- CORN. , ... ... JolP m . .tl .BITi- .Bl ; . B144B Sept r JHA M M . .Bl OATS. ' ,, KESS POB4C - P m.1I M 18.TS IS.00 18.BB Sept. M 1TJB 1T.80 lt.SS IT JOB. l. an w o an ssiA :il lio IS ... WHSUC. L Opaav Cloee. - Poly 18. Ju July .....Oa f d a Sept. ....0 7ijd to aa 74 4a 7f STOCK URKET IS HIGHER ATCLOSE Better Buying Results From Im proved Conditions In Lon-- '.---v'--'v don Prices.; Y MONEY RATES LOWER ; , Y" IN NEW YORK MARKET Copper Receired Good Support With ', Gain of Two and Three Eighths) for the Day Same Rise In St Paul List Ooaes) With Rise. V .1 n.Vr ,.,..,.,.wm Amalgamated a prararra.,.M. Atehlsoa .....nM.l Mleeoarl PsclSe..., soger .... N. Z. Oenrral ..... Ont. A Westora... Penneyrranle ..... Paclflo Mall Car in BrooklyB Baltimore . i Oola rs..l -TTi St. Paul , 0. N. W People's 0s...M rreaa steal vat. Reading Resubllo' Steel Cbeeeneake t-Tr-ar 1 caimow ..rnrTTi Locomorira ....... do arerarred Rock laland .... Southera Railway.. Rontbara Paclfle. .. Tenn. Ooal...M..e Union PaetSe V. S. Robber ..... V. S. Steel Northera PaeUs...t uenrer ...........1 Erie i.,..l Oreat Weatara .... ' ill. Central ....Jt.l LouisriU i -, . ' do praiarrad eea. MET LOSS. Westora ....... HorfoU Will Street. Hew York, July. IS. Trading la the stock market ohowed a larger eolam today. Money rata were lower and thla led to a betur tone to tha buytag. Tba general Hat began to more higher aad almoat without ax option the erasing ot the market thla afternoon was higher. Copper stocks were bearlly pur chased, there being a gala of t points la Amalgamated. St. Peal was another actlre feature with the eame adrange. North era Pa aide rose 2H polnta and Ontario Wee tar nolnts. The cloning wa arm. - Official carnations p Orarbeck, Start A Cook eorapaayi . Ctoring Opea Bla. Aaaaonda Mining OB. hi - . "H SSOtt r..eL- si! s?? , .i.MefM l'r 00 Amalgamated uopper atcniaoa, common ABianoaa uar roOBdry, e. bh 'da preferred ......... imaricaa Sugar, ooenmoa. . . aaa 120 Aaaerleea Smelting, neiaaA., 14S14 Amerleaa Smelting preferred .... Baltimore Ohio, aommon ,., ... 116 do preferred ...,,. .... Broklyn Rapid Transit , rTtH Canadian Padfla. eo names.. 150 H Chleega t Oreat Whatern, eon.... 1H Chicago, Mllweakea A St Paal... 19i Ob lege a Nortbwaetara, osa..M. ISOVi Cheeapeake A Ohio SO Colorado Fuel a Iran. ooa.. 47 Oolorada Southern, eoeaauea... tt da 2d preferred 47 Delaware A Hudeoa ' - . M. Pelaware, U4W. .........i a Danrar Bla Grande, com. a . m . Erie, common u , wH da 2d nreferred 08 87 H 784 4B 175 175V4 do lit preferred .. Illlnole Central . Loulsrtlla 4 Naahrllle M MetroDOlttae St. Rr. ... 14UIB Mexican CentralfigUwXi uuaourl racin M.. a. 4k T.. e oa preraeTmi . . , , Hew Tork Central CottOa Oil ... . .mmmmmmmmm 1 1 American Lococaoare a 81 Federal Bmelter .... Norfolk a Weetem. Nnrrnlk 4 Wanara.- ni-eferred North American SS N. T-. Ontario 4 Western........ 40 PenneyrrSnla Railway ., 125 Peoole'a Oaa. Llxht a Coke Co.. Be Proceed Steel Car, eommoa. ...... i 48 - Praeead Steal Oar, praf erred ,mm . 08 racine aau pieamnip w,nim llf Beading, eommoa ..........m... lla 110 do, eecena prarerraa ..... v do, Srst preferred ..... sou Reoablle Iron BtsaL eommoa.. SB 25 do, prof ei red ,..,...... , . 88 Bock tainnd, oommoa " do. preferred ..... ' 00 Southern Railway, oommoa ...... SS 84 BontlMra a'actno ................. o St. Louta a Saa Fraa. Sd prat.. do. Srst preferred ......... ... St. Louie A S. W, ommoa. sVp pralTt) 4wa)4sasf 40 Tfua St Pacifla ,..i8Mitw44 TetuMM Coal Irom Ul-i Tolsxlo. at. Ls. W., CtnM.a, t7 do. preferred . . . ............. 40 Cnloa Pacific, eommoa) ......., 142 do. prererraa Oentral leather, do: nrr O. B. Steel Co. comroeei. . . m 88 .8444 da praferrad ,.T.nn..., iov iui Wheeling Lake Xrle, common.. 18 Wheeling a Lake Krle. lat... 0A WleconalB Central, eommoa a . 2 do Breferred ..t m 4ff Weatara Union Telegraph mm 01 Wabash, eommoa .... .m.m. Mr. 104 do preferred . ...... . , ee American Woolens .. 884- 88 Northera Paelfla m.m. IBS 188 . poaxtairo iajtk STATnoarr. flearlng .... ll.m.lM AO Balance 1TS,B0.84 EXPENSIVE LUXURY FOR SAN FRANCISCO REFUGEES (Journal Special Service.) San Pranolsoo, July II. Refugees living' at Oolden Gate park stations yea tarday dined on . one of the. most ex pensive dishes tn the market, being fed' wlta pompano, an exoeeaingiy rare fish, which brings II. a pound even when purohaaed at wholesale rates. The treat was not due to sudden ex travagance on the part of the relief committee, however, but to a school of whales whloh has been sporting In the waters near the Cltf f ' House for a week . past Teaterday great numbers of pompano were driven near the shore by the whales and the llfeeavlng orew at the park station succeeded In catch ing too pounds of tha fish in scoop nsts. BATTERY ON MARCH CAMPS IN SALEM , .. . ' ' (Special Dispatch Bt The Journal.) Balem, Or., July If .-.-Battery "A", field artillery, of Portland, arrived hero at 1:10 p m. from Btlverlon, hav ing started at 1:10 a. m. The boys had a hard . Journey as the heat was disagreeable and the roads dusty. They, pitched camp at Camp Willamette, where the recent O. N. O. state rlllo shoot tournament was bald. '. PEOPLE REFUSE TO AID FIRE WARDENS . ' Forest drove. Or.. July II James raging , In the mountalna. The fire wardens, says Ruhsr, rsfuaed to pay a commission for extinguishing the flrg so the people are just letting It burn. Mr. Ruhsr says that If the fir la not soon checked it will goon reach serious proportions. - t - 1 - rorest Grovo. divided 1100 surplus Fourth ot July fund bstwsen the frso reading roon the baad. gad, the nark .111.11. .... 1024 .e MM.Ma) 00 00 1 IBS . 180 08 01 moa.... SS SOU 80m X 44 X 120 ....... . . . . . . . ym I eommoa . ..... 84 I i.-.i 101 I The first It dare business at North. Beaea Is tha largest known la aay aim liar period at the beaches. It la greater than that of tha expoaltloa year, and IX nothing occurs to Interrupt praaant prospeote the year will . ba a record breaker," Bald Rlnaldo H. Hill, adrar tlslng agent of tha Harrlmaa lines, who ratarnad this morning from the sea shore. Cottages and hotels are full and many new cottages are under construe. Usw,--The weather la perfect and the people are keenly enjoying their Taxa tions at tha seaside. Mr. Hall aaidi - "There la a great deal of new business resulting from tha general - -publicity Siren and the reports of rlaitors who eame for tha flret time laat year. Many now people are appearing from the In. terlor, lnoludtng Idaho, Utah, eastern Washington and Oregon avad northern California. . Tha exposition yeur brought many strangers and they ware pleased with the Ideal conditions existing hero for recreation and a healtn-giring out tag.". -.-'.'.; ..... Newer fa the history of the Harrlmaa lines hag there heea so large and varied a stock of advertising matter rnwparod for a season'a campaign. The ware room of the adr-srtislng department In the Worcester building Is full and fresh oonslgnments arrive almost weakly from the printers. This matter Is being sent far and wide. . Tha company's poatagre bill affords an Idea of the amount that la being sent out Today stars pe to the value of 1$0 were used la mailing lit erature. , THREE PERSONS KILLED , AT RAILROAD CROSSING . Joans! Special Serrloe.) .. New Tork, July li- Three persons were killed Sunday In a grade-eroeelng aocident on the " Long Island Railroad eompaays Manhattan Beach line la Naw Tork. The dead: t -. Bamuel Meanly IT years old. . hotel keeper, of Brooklyn, Samuel Meanly Jr., his 4-year-old son, Annie Meanly,' his 8-year-old daugh. tor Meanly and his ohUdrett accompanied by Max Rubin, 11 year old, were drlv, Ing when "Struck by a Manhattan Beach express. The father and son were In stantly killed and the girl died within a few hours. - Rubla was probably fa tally Injured. . , . Chautauqua Trains. ' ; During the Chautauqua season at Oladatooe Park the Southern Paclflo will operate special trains ' between Port land and' Gladstone Park aa follows! - Leave Portland In the forenoon at T:4B, 1:40, 8:10, ll:!0j In the afternoon and evening at 11:15. 1:15, 1:18, 1:10, 4:16. 4:18. ill. 1:18. Ilia. S:8S and 1:40. - . : . Leave Oladstona Park in the fore aooa at S:4nV.lJ(LJ;t? 10J4; tn the afternoon and evening 11:81, 1:11, l:tt, 8:16, 4:11, 1:10, 8:46 Tits. 7:81. l it, 1:81,: 10:01 and 10:15. Purchase round trip tlckats at East ( Washington, s traatofflcs of the South-1 am Paclflo eompany, where trains eon neot with streeteara for all parta of the city. Trains do not arrive at or depart from union depot. PaintlsOurHobby And we tide It to benefit of our paint Matrons quite aa -muon aa to our own. ou can rely on the paints, varnlahas, olle. brushss, rputty, etc.. you get from us, because we re old handa at the bual neaa and will not bo taken In by My one. . BIO- PATJTT STOBS, Fisher, Thorsen & Co. rmosTT euro stoamisOsT bts. t BBar -r' -leP A Ficnr:3GXTrjicTS Crtarwr 9m), tmaftib Wcei CLOSSETQDIYELS UOrrrUkND,CHCXC0M. S3b CUT" RATES For 30 Days Only 11.00 Gold Crowns..... CS.OO 18.00 Oold Crowns 110.00 Platss Sft.OO 111 00 Plates ...I,-M...,..f T.BO Fillings, up from. . ...SSf - r ,- Work Onaraatsed. . Boston Dental Parlors SSlVi Kornsoa 4)pp. Kslet B rraak'S. P. O. and r y Make it smokef ' nnotl 4-l-c of a ; uwiuwu! w m Ca. JLXfAAM. aWcV it's so popiflan . MASOi ), EHRMArj Ct CO. r ', DirntiBUixxs :-)--..:rl; : : portUnd. one oorj The Newest Cure for the V Sick ahdVVeakP ration: Wa will -OiirTIrMomenal D ttCOVtJtGttr ISEASU Soccm la Cnrtnl wnma WE KNOW HOW By our method we are enabled to treatment, wmcn ortvesi evwi the root of tha disorder. We suits beoauaa our searching examination brlnsrs to llxht tha nature and es. tent of the trouble. Our axpertenoe In curing the) dlseaaoa of man oxtagadS erver a-lon parlodV-Our XacUltieS are of tha beat, avad our trealmant la moat oleazJy and perfeot. We aspeolaily Invite those who have deep-seated aad ekroalo disorders to call and ba examined. Consultation and examination ta free and oarriaa with It no obligation to engage our serrioea. Our offloea are equipped with tha most modern and sol suit lfla meeharv leal devloea for the treatment of ehronlo aad private disss of man. Our charges ex reasonable and In reach of any worklngmAn. By the latest and beat methods wa cure Blood Poison, Ulcere. Store). ataroUOB lsanda. Our treatment la aolentlflo and rational, and will eliminate every vertigo af poi son from your system. We also our Oksoala and wrrraBe Otssasas, sravwe Tltal SebUlty, Tnrleoae XayotBad Taiaa. xU&xvey and Bladdev Ptsiaaia, and all BlssasBS and Wsakaaae) of men due to iBharltanoe, aahansttran or the) re cult of Biienlal Diseases. CONSIDER THIS BEFORE PLACINd YOUR CASE If you are afflicted with any of tha dlaeaaes X treat do not wauste your time and money and endanger your healta by treating with rjrftUuLsy spe cial lata. It rKulres more than ordinary skllL together with tha proper equipment, to cure you. Wa have devoted the best years of our Uvea to the study of our specialty and you today oan reap tha baneflt of our years of toll aim iator tn ems enoean neiaM wa, ha. ire thS flneart aaulDDad offloa for the treatment of theee dlsaaasa. spared, regardless or cost. saw rai ai m Write tf yom oaanol HOURS -8 a, m. to St. Louis UEXICAL Alt.) SUSGICAl oob: BOOxTS ABB T. These Doctors Wffl Pcsh-iitivelyGiire They Will Agree to Forfeit $1,000 in V Cold Cob for any ease nndsrtaksa by thsm ' that they cannot cure, and 11,000 ' more for any eaae ever heard of - that they undertook and failed to relievo. . - v Weak Young Men are restored to robust health by our system ot treatment after every other means haa failed. . Middle Aged Men ' going through life dead to the . world, so far as taking an active part in Its affairs, can ba re stored to health and vigor. 4 . Wc Treat and Cure .Varicocele, hydrocele, nervous debility, blood dlseass." rheumatism, shin diseases, heart disease, dlsesses ot ths lungs, liver disorders, kidney, , bladder and urinary dlseasea, sores, ulcers and all ehronlo diseases of men -only. . : ... They have so much confidence In their systarn and appliances - that they will allow a patient to deposit ths price of a cure In sny bank In . Portland, to be paid them when a cure Is effected, or will take monthly; Installments If the patient prefers. - V " Wa Guarantee a Cure In Every Ccso We UndertnKe or Charo No Fco . . Consultation free: LafUrs"odTifla4nilal. 1 liisliuctlvs beeU, for.g' mailed free In plain wrapper. If you cannot call at office, write for question, blank. Home trcj. ment successful . Office hours I a, m. to I p. m t Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 11 m. . . , Offloea la Van Key "hotel. II Vt Third Bt. Corner Dae, forC:- C your steady : .. ill 1 (Urnf ncrnr ; i s vyvua wagnuj . fciagaSjfc VJ Jj --r If.'."1. m . .1 v. -n.. . ' ii '.- . v-bS !!$?, J miiunin ii tbaju xm 90tx,am, ConaultetJon Free - 0 AJTT liBCOMJXXOATBP OABB '. CerUinty of Cure W ;r.. JZTZl dlaaaae. All our years of experience and office equip ment are at your disposal. oomoamUaBsd In this decla give yom a w ilsBaa g-naaranlit to ear Bpeolai Plaeaaea os lanad yon xaosey. This metna we have confidence In our ability to cure you, and that la taking our treatment row cannot lose anything. - Coe Prlnctes.'ly to 11k FkTTW - reach the vital spot with our dlreot ry dlaaaae garm rrom the systarn try going to i Invariably obtain prompt and sattlBfavotOTT re roeqrpme uanrnrr, asios rrom tnia. of any spaoiaust in tne usaasa wtatea Nothing .of proven valua baa been . , ., i,isai vwshsur. . . - If. n, Evaalngs. T to 1:10. Sundays; a. m, to lSm,( BOBTXaaVBB, , OB. SO I lOd. this will prove to be the cs4, 7 woounissla