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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1906)
the ,oni:GOiJt daily, jouhitai; rorTLAin, i:oi:day i v j nillTEfflSIIED Kelso Team Administer a Do : S, clsive Shutout to the Lo " f , cal Ball Start. . HALL'S PITCHING WAS TOO GOOD TO SOLVE On Saturday th Trunk Team Playa ; at the Chautauqua and Putt a Kink . Into th Record of the Vancouver ' '" ' Nine Secret of Games, VV '': The Trunkmakers Journeyed Kelae yesterday end received a whltewesh at the hands of tha team from that elty. It waa impossible for the trunkmen to connect with Hall's curvea.- On Satur day the Truckreskera downed Vancou ver. . It to . Followingls tha aoora and line-up of Sunday'e game: PORTLAND TRUNKMAKERS. . Aa R. H. PO. A. K. Wtrtm-m ft ... 0 I I .-. S . M-Jellen. aa . .." 4 a I 4-1 Jnmfon. rf.; 4 I I ff .0 Van Nortwlck, If Antonle, c. ........... 4 0 Day, lb....... J Horner, lb........... 1 J Brown, 2b.. ...... -. 0 Harnden. D. .......... 4 i : t t ' Totals ....,....... tit II i - . . KELBO. V ' . .-- Aa.kapaA.Fj t ' tr.iha.-t ih. ....i 4 1 14 4 1 Thurston, c ..... 4 i I Lorhapelle. Jb... t Cortolt, cf. ........... 4 1 1 Peggy, ss.... ......... 4 ' o J F. Hainan, 10. ........ j j Heherden, rf Nelson. It....... 4 1 HulL D... 4 1 0 0 0 0 ! j i i ToUU ............. T 10 17 1 WYIRB BT INNINGS.' ; w p u a a a a a a a a Kalao ...r.. 7.'... 0 0 1 . 0 0 1 , ' SUMMART. i ; :." Struck out. by Hall I. Harnden I: baaea on balla, off Hull I, off Harnden I; two-base hlte, Brlggs, Jameeon, Hal bort, Thurston. Cortoff, Daggy three-bass hit. Loehapeller time of fimt, I hour and 4S mlnutea. - Following la tha aoora and line-up of Saturday's game: POr.TUAND TRUlffcMAKERS. . Aa a h. pa a. h. IMrn. ft ............ 4 1 10 0 0 MrLellan, aa J i ? J i I Jameeon. c. ......... 0 J J J J Van Nortwlck, If 4 , I 1 1 J Trowbridge,' Ob. ...... J ; 5 ? 1 Porner, lb........... J J 1 1 Hlnkle, rf .. 4 1 . J Myere, lb. r.. I I i f Campbell, p. 4 4 1,11 Totals .-,.'. ..I. .'...40 II U 11 II , ' VANCOUVER. v Aaaapa a.k. tMt. lb ............. 4 0 0 T 0 1 Iea, aa.. ........... . 0,-0 Johnaon. If.... 4. 1 XvAmr ik .... 4 TCln, ...... -...... U r'aff. cf 1 0 Vlemlna. lb. ........ .t o-i o a o o MrKaa, rf ........... . 1 Lna, 20... '.... e UTotalv, . i ii i 10 1 1 t 1 1 0 17 1? o i o l i-i-i ' Portmnd T.. M. . . .1 0 4 1 I 4 0 4-11 Vanoourarj 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I SUMMARY. - " Struck out by Campball I, Render 1; basea on baila, off Pender 0. off Camp bell 4; two-baae hi ta. Brlf aa. l. Jama. I son TJohneon, Flemlna; threa-baae hit, Brirn; time of aame.1 houra; umpire, . t r Rankin. . -' - - - NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Xat PC .704 .440 .141 .100 .411 .11 .III Chtca 47 44 40 40 pitabura; New York Philadelphia. .......... Cincinnati ............ TtrrwklvM ... ..... 14 ' 10 Bt. lxlit.. .,...... 1J Boa ton IT st iouie.i. ...........:.. j u i New York.... ......... Betlertra Druhot. Bee be and W li ma r; Waitae. Bemer and Breanahan. ,.. . .V " rrhln. en . ; R.H. ET Chlcaao I v.v. 1 1 . w.m . . l ...... a 7 A Battertee Taylor and Moran; Duaala by, Richie and Dooln. Umpire John- alone. . ' , aa otealMsatl. ": . . .. . a H. E. rinntnnatl ... u ............... I rrwkln 1.1' 1 c...l.l.rwiii. Wicker and Schlet .' Scanlon and Berfva. . Umpire e Carpen Ur and Klam. . . AammJ aama-M. li. ri. is. Cincinnati .................... 0 11 D.MVl.n 4 S . n.ii.ri-Craaer and Schlel: Eaaon and Bergn. Umylree Klera and Car- . pantar. PACIFIC COAST; LEAGUE. ; ..-.- .' ;" ..'' . ' ' WOO." L .Sin FrancUco ...v.... 40 portlerd u..--. L -.rr'ee7V.. feat'le .J. ......... .. 11 lakui'iL JJ . Fresno n 11 Ixet PC .451 I4 .41 .100 .401 .171 ; : NORTHWEST LEAGUE. . ; -..iZ f '" :"'-'- 5- ' '.''-, At atatka. '' :,'' Plrat aroe . , '' " R. K E. Bulla 14 Grays Harbor ......i I I Second aama ; ; ' R. II E. .Butte ... A.. ............ ..4 S S Grays Harbor ................I 7 4 ' ' Batteries Toren ' and Swlndella; Blinker and Hurley. Umpire Derrick. Umpire Derrick. 1 - -.' At Spokana. - . ,' . -" ' - aH. E. Tapoma. . .i 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 10 1 : Spokane ....0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 I 7 1 Batteries--HlKgtnbotham and ' Shea; Samuels and Suesa. "- area Break at Oaklaad... - -" "' "'-" Uearnal BperUI B-rrloe.l : Oakland, July 14. Freeno and the Sea la broke even yesterday. ' Score: - Morning game ' R H. E. Fresno 0 0 101 0 0 0 01 I I -San Franclac...O4O0O00O 4 14 Batteries Woltars and Daahwood, Tyson and Bradbury. t. Afternoon game R. H. E. Freeno ,.0 4001010 1 -I 10 I San Francisco ..0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 f I Bstterlee Fltsaerald - and Hogan; Bruce and Wilson. Umpire Knelt kwlsvt fee ivoa Angelea. iJmiI Siierlal S.nlr Ixm Angeles. July 10. The Angels suffered a 1 to 0 shutout yesterday al tha hands of the Commuters. Score: - R. H. B. Loa Aslee ... .00000000.0 0 n.kl..4 ..1 0 0000 00 01 0 1 ' Hatteriea Naale and Eager; Cetes and Bilaa. Umpire Hudson. sci::niRS eeat stkg::s ASTDSIA FLAYERS. Men From the Great Fish' Mart Are Trounced by s ; ' Cigar-Makere. SchUlers II. Astoria 1. 4 The Schllleravdefeated Astoria -yester day on the Astoria diamond by a score of II to 1 before the blvaeat crowd in Astoria thla season. ' The ' Schiuere played faat ball behind Rich Parrott cutttna off several' difficult chances. Parrott allowed but lour nus. ins features of the amine ware Fay at short Houston at third. Patterson at second and Captain Parrott at flrat Next Bunday tne ocninera win pir tha Hop' Golds at the league arounds for I2S0, tha Hop Gold a havlnr bald the Sehlllera en the Fourth of July to the acore of 10 to I. which la the largeat number of runs secured- aa-alnst the Sehlllera this season. The lineup: Sehlllera. ;. j - . . Astoria. Rtch Parrott...;. p. ....V.-... Stockton SUvln . .......... .c Brakke Fay t... ss... ....... Orahara A. Parrott (Capt).io v.roiner Patterson ........ .lb. jacaaon Houston ........ .lb. ,. Graham (Capt Myers If Painter Smith Chapln ..... .of . Wroten Alex 01trer.......rr. .... weamenoru cosris AE3.r.:s" sfle:did REGOaO ATTRAPS '" - eaeawaeaaaa.aaBaBBaBHBBWBSM ' By Making Ninety-Seven Out of One Hundred He Wints i . the. Trophlet. By jnaklna IT out of a possible 100 In the Multnomah Rod and Oun club Shoot yesterday Morris A brama became winner, of the Dupont trophy and the Inman medal. . The scores ware: . t Shot at Broke. P.C. Abrams .....T..7......100 . 07 17 Robertson 40 . 61 II Carton .100 r 01 ' " 01 Bell ...................100 00 Culllaon .., 100 ' ; 00 Collier ..t.....,.....100 00 Col well 140 Mra. E. E. Young... ...10 B. B. Youbf... ....... ..100 Ed Long ....100 McMillan , 45 W. I Roberteon........ 10 Feohhelmer .....100; Mrs. Walters .......... II AMERICAN LEAGUE. '' Won. Lost f II PC .111 .111 .11 .141 ..120 .100 .111 New York..,, 40 Philadelphia ........... 40- Cleveland 44 Chicago ....... 41 Detroit 40 St Louis. 10 Waahlnston .......... 11 Boston 10 .144 SPORTING GOSSIP. ; - The Olants will leave here this' aft ernoon for Seattle, where they will n gain tackle the. Blwaahee for a aerlea. the successful seriewn this ctty last" week fulfills ths predictions made., by The Journal that tha Seattle team waa not In tha Giants' class. While the Portlandera did not meet with great success at Seattle In the first series, the fault was not so much with their play ing as It was the poor grounds to which ths - Portlandera were not well ac quainted. This week at Seattle ltwlll be 10 plus I plus 11, equals 4 plus'll, minus 1 for the Slwaabea. , - .:: i x '. '."; " : " : " The finals for men's singles cham pionship at the Irvtngton tennis tourna ment will be played this afternoon at o'clock between W. A. Goes and Dan Bellinger. Thla match will be a star engagement as the players are In fine condition for the work. The trophies will be presented to all of the winners after today's matches. ''..? :. ..- :....;...,'' . . a e ' . . Barney Oldfleld Is preparing for ths stage. He la already beginning to talk of "this being my last aeaaon." . '..'-; ' - -,:- To amateur hjill managers If r"u can't find your baseball players this morning you will be most likely to lo cate them at the- nearest . swimming note. , ' . The Carlisle Indians certainly are not hunting easy placea in the football field. The schedule aa lust announced follows: - Sept it Villa Nova college at Car lisle. Sept II Albright college at Carllale. ' Oct. I Suaquehanna university at Carllale. ... . -Oct 4 Pennsylvania state college at Wllliamsport Pennsylvania. - Oct 10 Western University of Penn sylvania at Pittsburg. . Oct 17 University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. . v ' ' Nov. I Syracuse university at Buf falo. ' . Nov. 10. Harvard university at Cam-' Jarldga. ' --Nevr-17 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Nov. 14 University of Cincinnati at Cincinnati...' Nov. 14 Univeralty of , Virginia , at Norfolk. -. . - i a . a . i , The college track teams have elected captains for the coming yesr. . Cornell haa selected Rogers, her great quarter mller, who won at the Intercollegiate. Yale has chosen J. W. Marshall, the In tercollegiate champion high jumper of the last two seasons. . . . Harvard's new captain Is William Mlnot the mile runner, who Wasvie-.torlous-agalnst "both " Yale and Dart mouth In the dual meet a. Princeton once more haa elected William M. Arm etrong, the hurdler, wno holda the low- hurdle .record for the univeralty. .'- ; e .. - , ;..V Pennsylvania's new captain Is J. D. Whltham. the aprlnter, who was second this season In both the 100 and 110-yard runa In the Mott Haven gamea. There waa some expectation ' that Cartmell would be chosen captain. - e a i '. " i ' Columbia's new track leader la John Brodlx, who baa been on the team for two seasons. - The new Syracuse cap tain la Claude Allen, the pole raulter. e . e ' E. J. .McCormlck, '07, of Wesleyan, a sprinter, will lead the Methodists, as they dislike to be called, and Tstnall, the iiavenoia ciatia urns runner. la to be captain of the team next season. . Long Silk Mitts Received by express. High grade allk mltta, hand-made, correct for ' hot weather, retailed In New York at IS, 17.60 and 10 a pair, on aale here Tuea day morning at midsummer sal i prices also long silk alovea. McAllea a He DonnalL ' - - - J FISTIC FAwS HOLD PUDLIC BOUT Yesterday's Contest at Recrea tion Park Enlivened ; by a f Bleachers Contest, r SPECIAL POLICEMEN v KICKED BY FIGHTERS Laot Game of Series. Was a Jubilant AKalr Umpire Perrfae Tries to ' interfere in Scrap,' but. McLean Pulle Hirn Back to Diamond. Portland 4, 'Seattle 1 Batteries Henderson and McLean; Jones sad Blankenahlp. . . Aa a fltUng climax to the cloae of a suoceaaful aeries in which Portland won six straight games from Seattle, there waa a lively flat fight In the bleachers yesterday afternoon, and the only ones who Suffered - during the engagement were the special polloemen who dared interfere with the combat Even since Larry McLean challenged Jim Jeffries a'wsek ago In Seattle and Rube Vlckers said ha would take on the winner, there has been a feeling of un rest among the flatlcally Inclined play ers in the league and strange aa It may seem this fight feeling has taken hold of , the fans. For several days the local fans have been Itching for a Side bout with Ruaa Hall. Rube Vlck ers or any old man that had associa tion with Seattle or Its team, jvoi Do ing able to get satisfaction . -from tha vlaltora and knowing that yeaieraay a was the last game 'for a wees, two faithfuls In the bleachers, started . row. at the beginning of the aixth. They squared off and"" went r each other llckety-bang.' : The fever apread to aome more fana and they paired off aa If fey program. - When things got mora Interesting than the ball game Umpire Perrlne left tha diamond and started for tha acene of battle. Here he tried to give a decision and the crowd hooted at him. telling him that he would :eail -ont tha wrong -man -if he tried to officiate. Larry McLean went to the'umplre'a rescue and yanked that diminutive official back to tha diamond by his collarette in rapid time, notifying him that he waa paid to um pire and not to referee.' By this time Special Policemen Wendorf. Harmsworth and Merrick were on the scene strug gling to maintain the law but whatever happened no one seems to - know, , ex cepting that their intrusion was re pulsed In tha bestowal of a few good kicka, landing In tha neighborhood of the policemen's chests. - An attempt was made to arrest the belligerents, butane fana refused to be arrested. The ponce were compelled to disperse, carrying with them all of the Bears but , no honors of war. , 1 The -other feature of 0 ayyss the ball game between-Portland and Seattle, whveh was won easily by the locale. The Giants had their batting clothes on and pounded Mr. Jones for a dosen hits. Portland batters maae five doubles and two trlplea. the trlplea gpit nnnhle falling to 'McTrfmn'S-Jot The visitors could do nothing with Henderson, but five hits being made off hla delivery. The Olants showed their superiority at 'all atagea and there Is nothing Isft to do but to scan tne ecors: - . - -'- i ' : PORTLAND. , AB. R. H. PO. A. K. McHale. cf...... 4 1110 0 S weeney! m hht- 1 0 1 4 0 Mitchell, If.... .11 110 0 McCredle. rf . . . .. .. u. . I I IIS Smith, lb. ...... ...... 4 1,11 I,. 0 Moore, lb e e . e i v McLean, o. ........... 4 0 11 0 0 Lister, I'D . "O i j i s Henderson, pi... s i l 1 a e Totala ....II 4 11 17 11 0 SEATTLE. ' AB.R. H.PO. A. B. 4 0 1110 Kiaa lb. ....... Van Buren, cf..,..,.. 1.0 0 0.1 0 Blankenahlp, o. I 1 1 1 I 0 Householder, rt v i i e Croll. ss. ............. 10 0 11.0 Btrelb. 10............ i t v e Mott lb 10 0 10 0 IsbelL If I 0 0 0 0 0 Jones, p., ,. 4 0 0 1 0-0 vi.t.Ji' i a a a a a Totals fees .....11 I'll s o Vlckers batted for Isbell In the ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland 10011000 4 Hita 110 14 111 11 Seattle 0 001000001 Hlte 0 001011101 BUMAMRY. Struck out by Henderson 1, by Jones 1; baaee on balls, off Henderson 1, off Jones 1; two-baae hits, McCredle, Smith. Henderson, Lister and McLean; three Hue hits. McLean 2: double play. Van Buren to Blankenahlp. Van Buren; sacri fice hits, Sweeney and McCredle: stolen hut. Blankenshln: hit by Ditched balla. Btrelb, Mott and Blankenahlp; left on bases, 'Portland 7, Seattle I; time of game, two nours; umpire, l ernne. -, YACHT CLUB MEN V . RETURN FROM CRUISE The cruise of. tha Oregon Yacht club came to an end yesterday evening and, according to Commodore Knight It waa tha greatest affair of ita kind ever un dertaken by the local club. The yachts left here on Saturday afternoon and ar rived at Nigger Tom ialand during the nlcht and Sunday forenoon. - The day waa pleasantly spent canoe races and foot races being held by tha yachtsmen. The start home waa made late in tne afternoon, and, favored by a strong wind. ' the yachta were home and - at anchor before 10 o'clock laat evening. The members are ail of tne opinion that It yraa the beat time trer. ; Zrtoai Cricket OUma. ' a rood cams of cricket was. played Saturday afternoon at the grounda of the club. Eaat Thirty-ninth and Bel mont atreeta. between the single 'and married men. the married men win nlng by nine runa, thereby evening up with - the smgles.-'wno - won - tne previ ous match. A number of visitors were out-despite the heat Next Saturday there will be another match between the teams. ...' FORECASTER BEALS SAYS HOT SPELL IS BROKEN .' District Forecaster Edward A, Beals ays ths hot wavs haa broken In the wemm part cr xm tatrmorrenerw be brought to the heat sufferers in ths eastern portion of -the state tomorrow or Wednesday. ' Most people are aware of the fact that the temperature la considerably lower today and they are thankful fo It,. Yesterday .was one of .the most op pressive days of the hot spell despite the fsct that ths maximum waa only 10 degrees.' The thermometer registered if oegreee at aooa teoaj . - ' sqw:p.seed :.qry at mm in Class Work Resumed This Morn ing and Round Table Con-. ,, : ducted by Women.; , 1 (gsedal Ptspsteb ta 3M leanaLI - Oregon City, Or, July 10. Sunday waa paaaad quietly at the Chautauqua assembly in Gladstone park, and the cool grovea brought huadreda of people from the towns. . lis the morning Sun day achool was conducted by Rev. How ard N. Smith, state superintendent and at "I o'clock In the afternoon Mra. Imo gen Harding Brodla, the Chautauqua soloist rendered a vocal aolo and led the congregational ainging. Tha sermon waa preached by Mlas Bella Kearney of Mississippi and a sacred concert of two hours was given by .Paraona' orchestra. Dr. Ernest E. Baker, pastor of tha First, Presbyterian church of Oakland. Cali fornia., preached aa Impreaarve and in structive sermon la the evenings - ; -; Class Work Besumed. ; ' v ,t Class work was resumed thla morning and the Round Table was -conducted by the Portland Women'a club, the speak era being Mra A. H. Breyman. Mra W. W. JohnSon and Mra. CornaUa Marvin. The program for thla afternoon Includes vocal aoloa by Mra. Fletcher Una of Portland and a musical and elocutionary program by Professor Mark B. Baal of Loa Angelaa. . . : -. The baseball game ta between tle Northwest Oun Bicycle - club and Chemawa. The Oun Bicycle olub haa won two gamea and haa a good chance of winning thj seriea The Multnomah Athletlo club haa played two games, winning one of them, and has the same status aa the Vancouver and Portland Trunk company -team a Tomorrow'e game will be between , the Portland Trunk company and Multnomah. "Parliamentary Quia Law and Law Making" was aa interesting toplo thla afternoon for tha W. C T. U.-Round Table. ". '. Following the ball game today Pro fessor Chris Nelson wilt make a balloon aacenalor and parachute lump. Tonight Dr. M. A. Mathewe of Seattle wlU lecture on "the Wealth of Altru ism.'" ,. '-......'. '' VMnonowli Sxogyaas. The program, for tomorrow followat to II Summer school. 1:00 Concert Parsons orchestra, one hour. -w ' 1 w - 1:00 Vocal solo, Mrs. Max Bhlllock of Portland. Lecture, Dr. Ernest Ft Baker on "A Pilgrimage to Literary Shrines in Europe." 7:00 Concert Parsons' orchestra, one hour. . 'V' . '-' ' 1:00 Special entertainment by Young Man's' Christian ''Association of Port land, tinder the direction or rnyaieaa Director L W. Myers. The program: Overture, orchestra; baton swinging, Harry Livingstons; piano solo, Mlaa Lou ise Hagner; horlsontal bars, ' Frank Cheery and B. Shockley; selection. Y. t C A. Olee club: comlo tumbling. Mike Zwlcky; contralto solo, Mra. Olga Bartach Lang: tumbling, the Ronaldoa; selection, T. M. C A. Olee club; Roman ... w ratirv and I.' Leftler: fancy iBah,, ajid wand drllV iunler elasat pyramids, eenior ciaaa. , . REGISTRY CLERK BAIL IS v giveii fro;.:oiio;i Appointed Assistant Superin tendent of Delivery at the ' Local Postoffjce. Postmaster Mlnto ' received Informa tion today announcing the promotion of E. J. Ball, registry clerk In tha local poatoffice. to assistant superintendent of delivery- Although ths new position does not'earry an increase of salary, it places Mr. Ball in Una for further pro motion that will mean aa advance la twK nnaitton and aalarr. - Mr. Ball has been In tha employ of the costal department far , about It aar. and haa served all of that time in tha Portland office. Ha haa worked himself up from aubclerk to hla pres ent Position . by MS IBJUQIUl HUU to work. " '"'' . Tjhly dne : clerk will be aoaea u- uie force In the local office in connection with the promotion of Portland to a firt-elaaa noetofflce. This is a disap pointment . to Postmaster Mlnto, who waa looking for a greater number. The work at the office baa been Increasing eo rapidly that the preeeni xorce ieeis Itself handicapped, eapeclally so at thla tiros because of the fact that so many men are taking their summer vacatlone. Juat who the lucky clerk will be la not known. The flrat three on the sub Mat aeoordlnx to their aenlorlty are: Edward A. Dunlap. Ear! D. Doran and Oeorge It Nlcholla. The appointee will start working July II, and his jay will bs 1400 a year.- . i . . . . r.AfiP AGAINST H0NEYMAN 4 IS DISMISSED BY JUDGE Dave T. Honeyman, a member of the Boneyman Hardware company, was ar rested laat night at Sixteenth and Thdr man atreeta by Patrolman Ben Peter aon and booked at the city prison on a charge of violating the stats law re numbers and llghta on an auto mobile after dark. Honeyman's defenae was to the effect that the burners on the lamps had been broxen in the rage and for that reason he sould only light a smsll kerosene lamp. Hs declared that he waa on hla way to the garage to have the lights repaired whan taken Into euaiooy. - . The patrolman admitted that Honey M.n kiii informed htm of the defect In the burnere and thla called forth the Interrogation from Judge Cameron why the nniiceman had not taken the defend ant to a repair shop instead of to police headquarters, Feteraon nwniaineo m.i h. had dona hla dutv and hla orders did not call for him to puraue any other course but to mane an arrest, upon the showing msde by the defense Judge Cameron dlamlased tne caae. NINE DEATHS FROM ' .CHOLERA IN MANILA iltmrnal Bneelal lervies.l Manila, July 14. Twelve casss and nine deatha from cholera within the laat 14 hours ars reported. The doc- tors ars offering vaccination free. It Is found to be a sure preventive. TOM TAGGART KEEPS HIS HOTEL LICENSES (Iiwnul nerlat Servlet.t ' Paolt. lnt. July 1 4. The court this morning sustained ths demurrer of the French Lick and Wast-Bsden hotel oom panics, holding thO facta Insufficient to constitute a causa or eouon, IHEIOSSuTiS in fulto; Citizens Armed to the Teeth Pur. ' rsue Supposed Curar and V- -v Surround Him. ' " r POSSE FAILS TO CATCH . CRIMINAL AFTER CHASE Police Department . 8ends Man ' to : Scene, 'Who Finds' Armed Fulton. Itea Surroundinf Thicket in Which No One Is to Hidinf. Fulton waa thrown Into a ferment of excitement last night by tha reported operations of a daring housebreaker. end,the aubaequent man hunt by a posse of determined cltlsens or that district armed with every conceivable kind of weapon Crora scythes to shotguns, was highly . sensational. - Tha burglar waa not apprehended, deaplte a ' thorough search of surrounding territory, and there la na clue to hla Identity. A .telephone meaaage waa received at poltoe headquarters last night to the effect that a burglar, had broken Into a house at Fulton and had been tracked to the Italian vegetable gardens, where he waa hiding In a patch of brush 104 feet equare. captain mover aetaneo Patrolman Hoealy tq hasten with- all speed ' ta the scene -and capture the orimtnal dead or alive. Hoealy, upon arriving on tha ground, found a dosan man. veritably armed to the .teeth, sur rounding the auppoaed hiding piaea o; tha burglar. Upon the policeman's dl- deotlons. . the . manhuntera deployed themselves aa skirmishers around ins brush and Hoealy. revolver, la band. crawled Into the thicket , Memortee of the redoubtable Tracy and Outlaw Smith were aroused and every man! waited la breathleaa expect ancy for the crack of tha platol alg nalllng -the -commencement of hoaUll tiea. After a thorough eearch, Hoealy emerged from the bruah and reported that tha outlaw was not there. Four lactams were secured and tha ground waa again gone over, . out wunout ouo- ni - Mr, ttieii velnctantlT dispersed and tha patrolman repaired to the. acene or tne anempiea Investigation he found that some one had opene a dcor in the house and knocked over a juantuy oi goous, out nothing had been taken. . n't HT LITTLE BOY V1TH mOODHOUnDS : . . ..;7..;--,,-'. Child Is Lost In Mountains and Is -t Feared toBeVlctlmriOf ". i , Cougars. :T ' 1' ; fSaaei.1 Pisestea-ts Tbe-Jiswasl 1 -Walla Walla, Wash, July 10. Ceen, ths 4-year-old son of K. u Brlttian, a Walla Walla photographer, wandered away from camp at the Toll Oate. 10 mllea south of Walla Walla, yesterday ..a4aam mA ! lnat In tha mountalna. SearclMng parties made up of campers In that vicinity nuniea xor mm an night without success and It la feared ine ooy nas nu.a Penitentiary guards -with- blood hotinds Isft for tha camp laat night to assist ta the eeeren. . ; .. - ARE PREPARING CAMP T AT AMERICAN LAKE (Speetel Maaatsb e TW JesraaLT liogma, Taa au. - ... - loan .Lake district, where the big army m nr w ... 1 Tk. A Man. encampment ta w isae pisct, w i-v-idly aaaumlng the aspect, of a tented -t. -. .AM.m.wv T wtrat h. If al Inn of engineera, CapUln M. L. Walker In com mand, ana two oivisions m we i w.niy aaonna Infantrv. are already encamped -. . .kui, la tha alia af the general headquarters. Company C, of tne jnrs- Daiiaiion ok wnsinwra, - uvw marching from Vancouver barracka and la expected to arrive tomorrow. Aa this company marches It Is mapping out tbs road UII Ul iniamry iron aii eouver will follow in a ahort time. Seventy square mllea are Included In tha area of the American Lake camp site. The regulars in tne encampment will number between 4,400 and 1,000, ...irfi.. . 1 AAA Infantrv IflO eav. airy, 400 artillery corps, 100 hospital corps, 190 engineers ana iistuu owi vw of 40. In addition to these wlU be the national guardsmen of Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana. According to ths orders all the regulars musi oe In camp by August 10. Major-Oeneral n 1 ta aammanit A tha PalflA dl. vision,' will visit the camp during the maneuvers and Secretary Taft will also be a visitor ror a oay or so, : , - TO CHANGE COURSE : OF UMATILLA RIVER ' gpee1sl IHspstcb to Tne JoorsiL) -: Pendleton, Or.. July 14. A contract has been entered Into by the Pendleton levee committee, consisting of Council men ' Hlnkle, Swearlngen and Murphy, with WlUard Toung and Prank C. Kel say, civil engineers of Portland and Salt Lake City, for the construction of ad ditional levees and the repairing of the levee that waa Injured by the recent big flood In Umatilla county. The engineers agree to-make all the surveys, to prepare all estimates of the probable coat of repairing tne present levee, of chsnglng the present course of ths river, and the coat of rebuilding the lower end of the levee where It was washed out by the flood, and the cost of extending ths . levee farther down the river. For thla work the city agrees to pay the engineers ' the sum total that will amount to I per cent of the coat of the aforementioned Improvements. Ths en gineers will be on the ground and begin the surveys on or before July 10, 1100. RACES ARE PLANNED .;-:.';-,,; FOR SPOKANE FAIR Spokane, Wash.jjfuly II, Squaw JKmyl races, bora' racee, newsooyr rsces, mo torcycle races, gentlemen's riding races and numerous other novelty races ars being booked by Manager Robert H. Coasrova for the two weeks' Interstate fair the last of September and first of October. Twenty thou sand dollara in puraaa la offered thla year, and every, thing polnta to better and faater racing than ever before, and It Is expected that tha races will be participated ia by bet ter horses than usual. ' j I ' - - . ' E PAY on term rates on W receive deposits subject to check and do a general banking and trust busi. ness. ...''v-; t-. Y'- Patronage is solicited lrom all parts of the northwest. ;: Those living in the most remote sections can have the ad-- . vantages of our banking facilities by use of the mails. :'; All inquiries our meth ods cheerfully and freely answered.' . We act aV Jrustee in -all property transactions requiring such services. . Ask for . our free . pamphlet setting' , forth the scope and purpose of our or ganization and the many advantages ' to those engaging Its services. - . . - . Merchants Investment, C5l Trust y Company . 247 WASHINGTON STREET:, J. FRANK WATSON; . .'. . .President R. L.' DURHAM . . ; : Vice-President :iw.'Hlfiiar..;;:t S. C CATCHING.1 la .aaw a (Stv&l TA 7 Was h St- ill' CAPITAL STOCK aiaO,OOUjg. "t AMERICAN PLAX. : I I I.W. I .1. ,111 1,1. I IN. II . ,1111 JUM . I .'-IIIII , v .... J UAsnro twmmu uioit o na paoxtzo aTOBrsnrasv. - Beetrte Light, Steaai, Bet tnd Celd gait Water la Kvery Tab. Bay Tickets te Break we. PadOe Coantr, Tt'aah. Postofaea Aodreas, Breakers, Wirt. a.C Try, LET US SUPPLY YOU WITB YCUR WINTEH'S FUEL ; 2 'S'AII.Cjal ftcreeiwdfo Leaving Yerd . F. D. JOfJES fi CO. Phoiie EAST 7 4-story hotel, Front street, Marahfleld ....fl5,000 Fully .equipped brewery, Marahfleld -96,500 Do you wish to know eomethlng about COOS BATT Write us. We will answer your Inquiries. Ws are headquarters for real estate, farina, timber, dairy, coal, platting lands. ,' " ; , . . TITLE GUAIWriTti fi ADSTRACT C0;.3AT1Y H. SENOflTACKEN, MANAGER, MARSHF1BLD, ORBOON. ' 4 per cent interest ' deposits, current . savings accounts, . . ... . . .Asst. Sec ... Po rtiaisdOrc. W.Uv ..,'.' ..IJW'P ;!;, ' 4' 1 1 J-MS Coos Bay PER TCI DELIVERED MftK OV. -"W A .. "' t C7