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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1906)
daily :ou.::ai; rcr.TLAi:D. io:;day i;vz:n::o. july is, M r- o wm raaaa r e 'A r i 6UMMSR RESORTS. Jemraal suasartsera eaa lad Te ' IHIOJ m mm a Baaaiae. r -y wtU be eaalatVaea. Oreet . ,4 w ewr ant at Uese points , a will attend roiU ta ee- Uv . . . IX. lUOI-tmli' Oebaa. agent' beaaaaartera a Iiwaoe, uk. Be--livery to all points mi tha beaoh. lAaiDI AKD OJ.T-ABI FAAjC '. W. A. Whitman, -l headaeartera at Inrii Ce.'s i t teaeide, , Pelivery te t pewM ea the wdm. Air-' "tumA Han IMvelaiae, sew t Cervallls ) ' Santera -. re'ir.- i 'at. KeaeV - a.uaiere at ke . V t r. Delivery to all potato en t e. y WXLK01I iFal.u W. KoLatma. . eaeat, WUaolt, Or. XOT LAJT. Hut Lake aaitariaa 0.,- aaent. it lake. Or. OAlaok, WASH Xiaerel Bpriasa He Wt Co.. IfMtli ... OASCADK, VAaJL Theme Keffett : OoYuVB KVTEAX iMIirOa, WASH. 0. I. Beieaee, agent, Oalllaa, Weak, Ll.i.U!. LjiLL.aail goi;;s up JO Builders Making Good Progress .- on Skyscrapers In the Busi " 1 l . new District. - ,soinaxr utmamn. ........ Baker. ........ Lrrte., ........ tar..,...,.....,.....,...,. Uraao. ...... PeaUf..'. . ...Boseo aad Moslral Comedy ..........Kartoquaka Pi"turee "A Soldier's Bride 'A Quiet Family1 ............. ........ . vaudeville ........... ........ . . Vaudeville ' Prise bouquets of esters and sweet 'peas will be on exhibition In the crty . hall July 17. one week from next Frl day. These will be brought In by glrla ' of the county school, sererat of whom ' will receive prises as rewards for their trouble In raisins; the flowers. .- The mothers congress of ths State Home ' Training; association' will have charge of the- eahlblt. it Is expected . that oyer 1,000 bunches of sweet peas and asters will be forthcoming. County Su perintendent Reblneon and Professor D. , A. Orout hare been traveling through the county arousing interest In the con teat. The boys are .raising potatoes. which" W1IJF be - exhibited" latr" the season wbeji the tubers are mature. Photographs have been taken showing ' ths conditions and surroundings of ths gardens, and these will be of use later. Wlllara McMurtayv1 general passenger : agent of the Hariimar lines In the Pa elf lo. northwest, . is sxpected . to leave Chicago In a few day for the Pacific . coast He wlU probably go via Ban Francisco,' and reach Portland some ; time next week. He will be accompa- nled by the newly appointed' assistant . general passenger agtnt, John H. Scott. T of Chicago, who- comes to assume the i work formerly looked after by Mr. Me Murray in Portland. - W. W. Cotton, general attorney, and R. B. Millar, gen ' oral freight agent, have gone east for a stay of four weeks, on business for ths company at Chicago and New York. One hundred T. W. C. A. girls met at ths Kamra resldenoe yesterday after "noon for a Sunday "At Home" in the open air. The affair was held in the , grove on the Kamnt grounds. A pro ,' gram was rendered, after which there was a plcnto supper and an hour of so cial intercourse. The leading feature of the program waa-an address, by BL P. Sheldon on The Forests of Oregon." ' In addition there was a reading by Miss . Anna O'Brien, vocal solos by Miss Ruth Eddlna-s. a baritone solo by Thomas -uraemi steel workers cusy Cutting up frame work Falline : Building Reaches Third Floor Steel : . Work Begins on Coach Block Swetland and Bu ," chanan Buildings Being Rushed. V Purlng the next- few weeks,' several of the large buildings being erected in the business district will show marked advancement. As usual, . ths work ' of putting In- the . foundations is one of the longest periods of construction, but now ths foundations for nearly all of these buildings are about finished. workmen at the Couch building on Fourth- street -near -Washington - have started to set the bed pistes In the foundations, on which will rest the re-enforcing-steel for this building. . At the Bweetland building, - Fifth - and Washington street, all the foundations are In and this morning the men started to a root the iron columns in the base ment. At the Buchanan building, which ad joins the- Swetland on Washington street, the last of ths walls In the basement are being put in. 'Work on a part of the second story of the Geafin building at Thirteenth and Washington streets is about ready to stsrt and to day the steel erectors .on the . Falling building, at Fifth anT Alder streets. started - the steel work -hrr third iioor. ine laai lew or me oia store fronts ' in the - Multonomah ' block, at Fifth and Morrison streets are being torn out today, preparatoryto rasing that building, prior to . starting tne foundations for the ten story structure which will grace that corner. With good .weather, prevailing 'until fall. aearlr- aU of these buildings -will finished before the first of ths year, Another transfer , In the wholesale snd . manufacturing district around Second and Everett streets is reported. Beno Ballls, the spice manufacturers having sold a 40-foot frontage of their property on Everett street at Second and Everett, where they are building a new structure. The f 0-foot frontage was purchased by O. Blnswanger for $12,100, which Includes a small two story brick building. H. F. Hsfty. the architect, is receiv ing this week figures for the building of an apartment house for Mrs. Mary C Sheppard at Salmon and Stout streets on Kings' Heights. Ths building will oontaln four modern flats and - it is -the Intention to let the contract ths latter part of this week. . Architect n. h. Menses is drawing plans for a handsome home ' for O. Frlewald. at East Fifteenth and Schuy ler streets. It will be of the semi colonial type, hsndsomely finished snd it is estimated will cost somsthtng tuts 115.000. FOIMIIE Df Oaums Will Not Return In Sep- tember to Play With Stock Company. MANAGER BAKER GOES X EAST TO FIND ACTORS Memoers . of Bakerttes , Depart on " Summer Vacations Miss Law rence to Play ThrA Weeks in Bos ' ton Russell and Bowles Camping. The annual convention of the Pacific Coast - Advertising- Men's - association will be held in Victoria, British Colum bia, July 10, 11 and 11. Several mem bers of the Portland. Ad Men's league, whioh is affiliated with the Pacific Coast association, wlU attend. - Among the number are C C. Chapman and R. M. Hall, who will read papers. ; Water through bees tor sprinkling yards' oraideWaIkiTor waalilhg porches -or windows, must be psld for In advance ' and used only between the hours of 1 and I a. m. and f and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If ' Tised contrary to these rules, or waste- fully. It wlil be shut oft. . v1- V r- iiiiBiiiis . .. Music-Lovers' Nlghta tKlJirbano's Royal Italian band will give a French composers' program Tuesday evening, the 17th, at the Oaka. - Splendid num bers. Friday evening, the 10th, Wag. """-ner-program, An t. inspiring: "' artistic , J. Btrohecher was . arraigned before : Judge Oantenbein In the circuit court " this morning charged with- selling to t! baoco to a minor. He pleaded guilty '. and was fined 16, the minimum. The - fins was paid. . . Benefit moonlight excursion, steamer Bailey Oatsert, Tuesday . svsnlng, July ) IT, 1:10 sharp. Columbia flinging club on board.. Tickets on sals Portland - Trunk Co Id and Pine BL, 10T fth St Chief Clerk A. W. Moon of the ad . vertlalng department of the Harrlman . lines, has returned from a month's va cation spent at his homo in Grants Pass. ; Concrete Construction Co., T01 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers of - concrete stone block. Contractors for all kinds of sement work. Tel Mala 110. Launches to the Oaks from Favorite Boathouss, south slds bridge, foot Mor- . rlsoa street, every few minutes all aft' ernooa and svsnlng. Tel. 1401. - . Oet our "Antl-Trusr prices before ordering your printing elsewhere. Ker stons Press, I01V4 Becond street. Phone Main 141S. " 'Deputy County Clerk Theodore 8. ; ' Wells and wife have gone to Beastdo to spend a two weeks vacation, ' ' C XL Watborn,' Atrnltnrs repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. TsL East lt Womsn's exchange. 111 Tenth street, lunch, 11:19 to . Panama hatter. 111 4th. Phone Pae. SOT. IB NOT AN ACCIDENT BUT AIART " F.W.8ALTES & COMPANY TWO DIRECT LtNBS BOTH MAIN 160 -r - PIR8T ft OAK 8TREET3 PORTLAND; OREQON on a .lot he -.recently Stevens street near Thirty-second, wlU cost between 11.500 and 11,000. It FOREST GROVE BOY MAKES STRIKE IFi NEVADA Charier NobleenrfnTng Claim, at Profit of Nine Thousand Dollar,- (Speelal Dtapatck te Tk. foarsaL) j Forest Grove, Or July 1. Mark Noble, a prominent real estate broker of this place, has received word that his son, Charles Noble, had Just sold his mining" claim near Ooldfleld, - Nevada, ' Manager .George Baker of the Baker Theatre company, Baa departed for the east for tha purpose of recjiperating the stock company and securing plays for presentation during next season. Ths principal thing Manager Baker Will do is to engage a leading man, Edgar Baume, who has been playing leads during, ths summer season, will not return In - September, It ' haa. not been definitely decided who will take his place. . though Howard Gould Is promt' nently mentioned. Baume is popular la Portland and Is a good worker but has announced that he Intends to go on the road, aa stock work IS too arduous. Besides a. leading man. Manager Baker will engage a second woman In place of Miss Margaret Neville, who has an other engagement; an ingenue In place of Miss Jewel Power, end a character man in tha place of William Dills, who also has another engagement. Harry Brers, ons of ths popular mem bers of ths oompany during the past season, will go to Chicago , to join "The College Widow" oompany. About the only membere who will return in Sep tember, as far aa is now Known, are Howard Ruaaell and Donald Bowles, the popular juveniles; William Harris, ths breeay ' character player,- and - M lea Lawrence, . the leading woman. ' Miss Lawrence departe for Boston to fill sn sngagement of three weeks during her vacation. Harris will go on a camping-trio- into the mountains. Howard Russell will watch the wavelets at Sea aids and Bowles will go to Michigan for an outing with his old chum, George Bloomqueet. Bowlee -left yesterday for Minneapolis, where he will meet Bloom quest. It Is rumored, by the way. that Bloomquest may be a , member of the Bakerltes next season. - - ' : John Salnpolls. who accompanies Man ager Baker, will have a part in picking out plays for the season and securing rights of production from the authors, On the trip these two theatrical men will overlook the work of the principal stock companies of the country ' and when they see a man or woman they want will immediately make an offer. RECORD PRICE IS PAID FOR ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD gaOowlTn nr Af Flrat-Yrir Pronrtv Dougnx oy , u. n. nover Tor. Five Hundred Fifty Per Acre. The highest pries on record paid for a Rogue river orchard in . the first year of bearing has Just been paid by G. H. Hover at Medford." He purohased from the owner of the Clay aV Meader orchard 10 acres at I6S0 per acre. The I ground tm plantar with Ttnmtnn Pntnlm pears, that bore last year for tne first time. "The Rogue river valley Is going to do an enormous fruit- business' this year. There are large crops of ap ples, pears, prunes, peaches and grapes. The prospect is good for prices," said C. D. Haselrigg of Medford, who is in Portland today, en route to Chicago. "Not only Is Jackson county rich . In fruit this year but has a great crop of Brain, in some fields that have not been planted for years thera la a. re markable yield. I saw wheat that was five feet high with heads six and eight Inches long. Medford is fairly boom ing, and hor population Is increasing very fast Flvs or six business blocks are going up. Every bank In town la erecting a new building. The Commer cial elub has undertaken to arrange an exhibit for the state .falfjridJacltaoj. covin! y has appropriated $1,000 toward furnishing the exhibit.'' - Charles Noble for the lucrative sum of 111.000. It origUially coat young Noble 11,000. Charles, or "81," as ha Is commonly known to ths boys of Forest Grove, re ceived his sducatlon at Paclflo univer sity and is a "made in Oregon" boy. Hs lived here until about six years ag when he went to Bumpier to en gage In mining. Hs did work in the Idaho mines and afterwards took a course In a Penn sylvania school -of metallurgy, becom ing quite an expert in this line. He went . to Nevada about two - years ago and invested in his bonansa. The ftienda of young Nobis are Jubilant ovtr his rich strike. . , . ii ' I KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS TO HOLD CONVENTION i (RpeeUl Dweatek to The Jenraal.) Enterprise, Or., July 1 The district convention of ths Knights of Pythias will be held In Enterprise during ths wstk beginning Monday, July It. The program has been arranged as follows: Monday evening Complimentary pro duction of the Immortal play, "Damon and Pythias," by Enterprise lodge. Tuesday, 10 a. m. Baseball between picked team a of Union and Wallowa counties. This wUl be followed by a public meeting, addreeaea by distinguished or ators, followed by . the laying of the cornerstone of the new K. of P. build ing. Contest between degree team a. Wadnasdsy. all darl'lcnla. at Wal-1 Iowa lake. ,. j.jL. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Trip to Eagle Cap, Oregon's loftiest mountain peak. All lodges in Union, waiiowa and Baker counties will be represented. , J. WHYTE EVANS KNOCKED DOWN BY STREETCAR While crossing Washington street at the intersection of Sixth, - yesterday afternoon, J. Whyte Evans, ex-president of thevtJnlted Railways company, was struck by a streetcar and knocked down. receiving severe injuries that will con fine him to his room for several days. A report that his collar bone was broken and his skull fractured . is without foundation. " . . Mr. Evans was passing in front of the car, which was standing still. Sud denly, without warning, the motorman. It la . said, started ths ear with full force -of - the current, and - before Mr. Evans could gst , out of ths way -hs wss knocked to ,. the pavement. His bead struck wlth such force that he was rendered unconscious. - Hs was re moved to his home, at the corner of Pettygrove and Twenty-third streets, where he was ' attended by Dr. A. K. Rockey. An examination showed that ons of the small bones In his wrist was broken snd he had sustained a severe scalp wound on ths back of bis head. Both elbows were severely bruised snd Mr. Evans suffered numerous minor injuries. Captain and. Mrs. C H. Hancs of Los Angelss, parents of Mrs! Evans, will arrive In Portland tonight for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Evana Captain Hancs Is a civil war veteran and lost an arm In tha servloe. ' CHOIR BOYS LEAVE FOR CAMPING TRIP - . h , v "From Pulpit to Breakers,' that will be the subject of Dr. A. A. Morrison's next thrilling recital of adventure. This morning hs started bravely forth upon a pilgrimage of ehaperonage - with -10 lusty. choir boys under his care. They have gone to Seaside for a 10 days' out ing, where ths reverend doctor will dins them snd dio them snd has understaken to bring them all back whols and un harmed, without losing any pounds In ths process himself. Dr. Morrison takes these boys on a camping trip every yearj and It la one -oi tne events or their young lives. . Tea at not property looking- eat for aTo. 1 sals yea watch Tbe Jearaal Weat eVda, r.2c:3r O Frcn!i Storo'c Lranina? C!dc? 2c Prom's, Ygimg Mera's m& E;,ys,Efe ' -m (I m. Ik ir ml. lMMiiaM " l: The Great Annual Mligramer Clearance Sale of Mcn; Yenras Mit and Boya Clothing now on. Our entire atock of Smarwir wear Tparel i included, three-piece twits and oatiny; suits in all gradey and materials-Boys' washable suits, men's washable vcsts-ll!. grade clothing made by such prominent manufacturers as Steinjbih Co., L. Adler Eros. O- Co., Hart, Schaffaer QTMarx and ttieWashins ton Co. All the newest fashions are included Marvelous values foryour choosing. .'r - -; ''.;;' " AU Our Mchfi SI 2.50 Suits at $9,15 AH Our Mcnys gl5.00 Snits at $10,05 All Our Men's $ 1 8.00 Suits at $ 13.05 AMjQfeMen's $20.00 Suits at $14.65 All Our Mcii's $22.50 Suits at $ 1 6. 1 5 All Our Men's $25.00 Suits at $ 1 0.65 All Our Men's $27.50 Suits at $ 1 9;1 0 All Our Men's $30.00 Suits at $21.15 All Our Men's $35.00 Suits at $25.05 The -above price list includes all sixes for men and young men Single or double-breasted Styles Outing suits or three-piece suits ' Fancy worsteds, cheviots, this season's best styles Second Floor Men's $ 1 .50 Wash Vest SI. 10 Men's $3.56Wash Vests S1.9S Men's S3.50,WashrVestt $3.69 Mna S 1.23 Wash Vests-9flc Men's $2.00 Wash Vests $1.23 Men's $3.00 Wosh Vests $2.15 Our entire stock of Youths Suits, two-piece, outing or three-piece stylet in round cat and double-breasted fancy worsted and cheviots and t weeds Newest fashions and patterns from America's leading mannfacturert Bargains in Yoims Mens Suits Youths' $ 6.00 Suits at $4.67 Yontht' $ 6.50 Suits at $5.10 Youths' $ 7.50 Suits at $5.73 Yontht' $ 6.50 Suits at $7.10 Youths' $ 9.00 SuiU at $7.63 Youths' $10.00 Suits at $7.96 Youths' $12.50 Suits at $9X5 The Youths Clothing Department Is Located on the Second Floor Youth's $13.50 Suits at $10.35 Youths' $15.00 SuiU at $10.65 Youths' $16.50 Suits at $12.96 Youths $16.00 SuiU at $14.15 Youths' $20.00 Suits at $14.69 Youths' $22.50 Suits at $16.15 Youths $25.00 Suits at $16.63 sV Clothing at Clearance Sale Prices Boys' Wash Suits in Sailor, Russian. Blouse and Kilts ontire stock at quick selling prices. White and fancy wash materials in great as- rnsnr all mcrmm fls-eswajl tTMlllaa in all ifreilrs liaesg tfcSjaj ftei " W eilu eit UvS IIS eiSaT jswKHnH "" !". "gaasasaMM Boys' $15 Wash- Suits 73c - Boys' $1.60 Wash Suits $1.03 Boys' $1.75 Wash Suits $1.18 Boys' $2.00 Wash Suits $1.27 Boys $2.50 Wash Suits "$2.10 Boys' $3.00 Wash Suits $23 Boys' $3.50 Wash Suits $2.89 Boys' $100 Wash Suits $3.05 Boys' $4.50 Wash Suits $3.67 Boys' $5.00 Wash Suits $3.85 Boys' $8.50 Wash Suits $5.15 Boys' $7.50 Wash Suits $5.85 Boys' Wool Suits in fancy worsteds, cheviots, tweeds and serges; Russian Blouse and 2-piece double-breasted suits for boys of all ages Nit gra rtMnrtinna in all grade Sfrnnri Vnnr, Boys' $2.50 Wool Suits $1.98 II Boys' $5.00 Wool Suits $3.83 Boys' $3.00 Wool SuiU $2.23 Boys' $6.00 Wool SuiU $4.79 . Boys' $3.50 Wool SuiU $2.53 Boys' $6.50 Wool Suits $5.05 Boys' $3.75 Wool Suits $2.78 Boys' $7.50 WoofSuits $5.69 Boys' $4.00 Wool Suits$3.10 Boys' $9.00 Wool Suits $8.33 Boys' $4.50 WoofSuits $3747 H Boys' $10 Wool Suits $6.83 Creat 'July Jubllee'Sale of Men's Summer Flthlngtf every deScriptlonrand valuei In hod ety.PhderwearT sbJrts, neckwear, straw hats, handkerchiefs, suspenders, bathing suits, etc. "July Jubilee" Sole of men's and boys straw and outing hatt in all the heat blocks We are agents for MIUmie" linen mesh underwear Best underwear for all seasons of the year Men's, boyt and children's bathlngaaits and bathing trunks in all styles and grades PORTLAND ACADEMY Portland-Oregon saut tmaa wzur. on aapT. it. Fits boys snd girls for Eastern and Was tern colleges. inciiidrs aunmarr and srsmmax school. Boarding- hall for girls affording ths eomiorts ana care oz a rennea noma 1 Office; -hours earing ths tummtr from a. aa. to is m. for catalogue write to ths ' addreas given above. - AITDIlimTl. waVaA?-. The WcIIii Theatre rXT ' Tontirht aad Irarr Klfbt Tate Wk - Msilasaa WaaatsSay a4 Sa tat Say Taa raaaees Itallaa Taaar - - v siexoa DOsmnoo amo TX TmOTAXOU" aad "miOOtlTTO Trimiii s Tea Asts ef "glimta.- POPt'LAB PRICES ETtafe.' Be. SRe. Me, Tee aad 11. Matlaece, t8e aad 60c. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY A Boarding and DT School for Boys. Collego Preparation. ; Boys of any ags Manual Training, Military Discipline. admitted at any time. Write for Illus trated Catalogue. Dr. J. W. HILL, Prop, and Principal rail term will open sept, if, itos. romTXJurs, omaeear. I AT THE THEATRES. i Ruaso at HeQig Tonight ; Slcnar DoaMnke Bnase and the Kendall Mnlral eosapaar will ba the attrartlaa at tb H.lllf tbMtre all taia vtmk, brslanln tonight at SilS, with BatbMa WaOnnday aad Stur day. Two acta of Andraa's conle epsra, "Ol ivette," will ba circa by the KcedaU emnpaay. ran from v-41 1 fraas apm ll Tra- vatore' aad from "KloltM - will ae siraa by Raasa, supported by- Baasla Taaaahlll sad the Kendal eeaapany. SmU are sow aelllnf for tha entire weak. Pictures st the Baker." Tha Ban franclsce Dlaastar eoapeay win Ble aa aathantle aaorlnf ptctors dtarrtptlaa of the Baa rrancatce aarthqnaka aad (Ira disaster at tha Baker tbaetre all tbla waak, (fins two Junta dally; matinee 1:15, sad amalnce 8:1s. Tbcea are the only aatbcntle bfllas Brnthers' rtrtnras. and rani .sent taa (net oisaatar ae. rnrataly aad vividly. Lactnrei.aad siaale ae eaapaay the plctaree. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. , A Soldier's Bride." The abarsilnB eeawdy .drama. "A seldlsr's Bride." eosatltutea a vary attractive ehaase la the MM at the Lyrle. Tbla efferlaf will, aa i til baaame rtry sipnisr 9"", ear real weab.., ; At the Orand. Three maalcal Keltens bead the saw vaade villa bill at the Grand today. These people hare aae ef the beat maalcal sets la valuta- THE BAKER TODAY. TONIGHT. All. WBEK. ' BTatlaee Dally. Bvenloa, .IB. . , . allUCa BBOXHEBS- Moving Pictures of the Earth- ; 4uake and Fire. Moat Complete . Disaster Show Intereetlaf lieetare. Twe Pletnne st Seme Time, Boowtng arenas ' - - Berore ena alter. MATtKCm.... ......Ine KVENlNdS.. ...UeeadSoe The Grand ' The' Three KVaiOAT, " KBXTOBB. wrrx or roxT is. Armatreag Holly Klltea Dawssa Oe. HILd.Vr.n4 Vlrlaa Mlaa Biaeaae Dmea . ' , Jar. Janes Burke Orand isoope, Three perfnrmancee dally, ' at l:M, T0 aed S:s p. aa, ' Prlese ramala aa Banal. JLYRIC THEATRE Week BeelaalBg Mssdsy, Jaly IS TBS CHABIIIKO COMEDI DBA MA "A Soldier's Bride in tbkbs Acta Adml.eloa.10e. Baserved Beats. SOe. THE STAR 'ELaVKNTH WBBn? STAB STOCK CO. "A QUI2T FAMILY la Connection With a Fine Tandrnila Olio, Headed by kuaem wsnaa e bkis- rated Coach !. NOTB THB TIM R Performances dally at 9 0 and T:W) and :80 p. m. - villa, ead the little gtrl, one at the trie, Is s remarkable drummer aad dancer. , At the Star. Thle- te the day the fttar Banc company ensnare Its bill aad presents "A Qntet Pea. Ily," a reoatac farce which la anything but Suart, aa the title raria. BaUdtBsT Ths following permits have been Is sued: William Ryan, one-story dwell- in a, FJet Klavanth. between Alberta end riorenca streets, coat-SJOO. Elva Xing Kendall, one-story dwelling. East Ninth between Shaver and Beech streets, cost 1100; Mrs. Abble Jr. Cowing, one-story dwelling. Esst Madison between East Nineteenth and East Twentieth streets. Good Bread is Bound to Be Imitated BUT IMITATIONS, AT BEST, ARE STILL ; ';.. ;; :Zi-. IMITATIONS .:. B otter-Nut Bread, because of its delicious eating quality, its finenesa of texture and general all around superiority, is ' imitated, though never equaled, by a host of others. Now, whatever is most imitated must be best, so why not have the best and be done with it? Costs no more to you. Say the name plainly and accept no substi tute. . V J " ,r '., ' . ' " ;' ; 5c Per Loaf AT ALL GROCERS. Ererr loaf of -Butter-Nut beara this labeL None) genuine without it. . . rft-. t . : The Cup That Cheers bufl)ces Hot Inebrkte 9 MMNTOXlCATING rr- AAPPETIZINO A1ND 1 REFRESH INQ Jl GINGER BEER FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED v Phone East 5313 WE ALSO MAKE THAT OLD Joplln, two-story between Eaat coat 11.100; W. T, dweUlna. Clackamaa Twenty-third ' and East Twenty-fourth streets, cost tl.00; Mrs. M. J. Q. Smith, two-story dwelling, Bavler between Eaat Twentythtrd and EasrTwanty-fourth streets, cost tl.SOO; Mra A. B. coulter, two-story dwelling.. Waeoo between East Twenty-firth fma Eet Twenty- sixth streets, cost li.000; E. W. Ames- bury, two-stnry dwelling. Bchuyler be tween East Twenty-i ou4 aad East Twenty-third streets, cost II. t ' Amanda Reed estate, shed. Market I tweert first snd Becond streets, eost (. MifwaukiaCc- ' 7f Eastern -sad , Beettie r ellwood and Oregon Cry ( aa.1 Alder. Tot e- r Sf V . t i IT