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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY , JOUHNAL'. POXTLAITD. ' MONDAY LVI j'jlv ::. i;.;. xrsw today. 'OUR : MONEY! 5; PerXent Are v5u rettlnr IL er vou dividing It with a middle manT Three or (our mm . imn m n m inn m m in diuui. You can set both the Interest paid and the profit anaae ty i raiuu.w with equal er better security, through the Per rent. live Year First Mort rape Gold Bonds aold bjr tbls company, which eornblne liberal, unquestionable safety and caah availability the three esemntUUS or tne iau .nvwn.tiawu.. -Thla la a elruple and Ume-trled prop a matter of safely in- 1 vesting your money lnatead of loanlnE It. Wt muti direct oonnicunn oi the man who owna the money and the man who uaea L ' Other Institution loan your money and divide the latereat with you. We inveat your money In ilh-olaa rtrat Mortva on Income properties ana puonc uuiim ... I per cent. We aive you the lrpt return eonaiatent with the fullest se curity by engagintr your money directly in the moat profitable eonservaUvs, ap praised properties. . . Tour investment la safe aa long as Or ton la on the map. Thee securities are negotiable, tran ferable and convertible Into caah. They are non-speculative, non-fluotuatlne;, as a-ood aa (Old principal and Interest from date of Interest to date of matur ity. Theae are the securities banks buy. Call for Information. . ' , 7V ; I.crthwcstcrn Guarantee , and Trust Company MMf. (Beooaa rioor; LAMONT& HARRIS PHONH MAIN lOlt. 17 H SIXTH 8T. $1CC0 Fnll tot on Multnomah, near E. lth at: cement walks, elegant site. HoUaday Fane Addition. $1253 Ten lota faoln( two streets, two blocks from ear ' line, Arbor Lodge; one third cash. tfjtin Full lot, Ittb, between Northrup , immint and Overton at a; a snap. $2653 Pull lot. Northrup. between ltd and tSd et. $$60 cash. Another on J id, near lxivejoy. Still an onther on Marshall, near Sid. nM run lot. Hoyt, between ltd and 4th ata THIS PRICH HON DA T ONLY. Another one on 14tn, between Johnson and Kear ' V ' nay. . Fine location. t Caah, will net SO per cent on In ww TMUnint, balance long term, $ per cent Income $1,400. .. 7-lf". Mew 1-room modern honse, ln sf evv eluding; elerant new furniture. Kearney, between 1 2d and SSd; inveauraie. I (0x100 on 11th, between Flan ' dera and Ollaan sts. 11.100 caah $7500! will sell for 110.000 in leas than three months. Few days - only. Iont overlook this snap. Enjoy yourself Sunday, come and look ever our Hat early Monday, as we have a great deal of both resident and busi ness property we are not allowed to ad vertise. - -Ofrther-Improved Methada at ' dotmr bnslnsss near Huaa BS yara ago, when this hank was first arena- - Each sncesedlnr year this bask has sd .Tssced with ths tlsaea, heramlng aoonger Bad mora asefnl yearly. Today t stsnds reedy with erery feature of nandera bsnklng sad trust company bnalBsss te assist you backed by reeouroes of : erec ci Ann nnn ; B. 8. e. Sd ao4 0k t. PboM Ex. Tt. BKKJ. I. OOHKlf .ease sajtttllt essee ITMldMt K. LJtB PAOXT Secretary . J. 0. OOLTRA.... ....AaslaUat Becretary For Building rive you the DrlvHesre of re paying same In monthly Installments coverfnsr a oerlod of from two to ten years. 111. 14 per month for 80 months repays a $1,000 loan, Including Interest Bee us about It. Columbia .Life & Trust Co. . y ' Xinmbes Sschanre BuUdlnir. . Water Front Tot Bale 400 fet, near Bt, Johns, with piece of land for mill; fine sawmill propoeition; deep water. One of the , beat mill sitae on the river. '.Jaddreee, for particulars, F tl. Journal. Holladay Park ' The beat home that enn be bonajfat In this beautiful suburb Is now for sale at IS.toe. Close to Broadway car. Modern- In every respect. Ilartman & Thompson Chamber t Oosnmeroa, IMPORTANT NOT I G E A special meetlntT of the Eleotrleal Workers tonight at f p. m. at hall; ao count of death. Local No. SIT, I. B. K. W. ADMINISTRATIVE SAL1FT To close the eatate of Nathan Cohn. I am authorised to sell thai three and third acres on tbe corner of 19th and division afreets, a few blocks from lanu Aouiuun. - ahs are now selling: In that vicinity for 111 80 and SU a lot Will sell all of It for M.iOO. Inqulr of B. I BROWNI SS Union avenue, corner r"'B STTW. fc , g" UARRIAQE LICENSES. P. I. Wllla 40: Marr t Csrehes, So, Jaooh it. PnffT Pert Blseeaa, Orsfsa, d0 Santa uoiam, ea. Ht Oaves, Trsaldals, OresoB, 48) Klefer, Be. ' Weed!" lie ewes, h.o., ear, W. O. Bmlth Os., WhsB. Peerth and Weshlstea sta lastoa Weeaae snd celling cards oners red . er k. T. BaeBtoev, 8ei4 Wasalsgtsa sc "s Bertha Harris, SIB AMsfty bids. S 11 m iaa Blrsa. WORTH Ill I Wa I nnn I , v - purposes Weather report. A trough ef low prsarare extend front Brit ish Columbia south la Artsoaa. Light rala is reported to Baa Francisco and shower bars secure la soalkera herada, sou mars nan northern Arlu. . ntl N ar klemico. A Smsl low pressure ana Is central star Arkansas, snd a titer una orarliss tne laks region. These eepreeeloos hers caused llht to moderately Beery rains la Texaa, Luutalaua, Arkansas. Kaa ess. Mlaaoart, Illinois. Mk-iilgsn. Indians and Obi aed local rains save fallea at scsttsrsd places aloof the Atlantic cosat and In Mlnne suia and tne Dakota. It leV sltrbtly cooler thla atom ins Is wsetara Oregon and slightly warmer 1s sastsra Oregon, eastern Washtngtua sad Idaho. -The Indicstlaaa srs for cooler weather la this district tonight ssd Tseeday. with pos sibly shewsra la Washington snd aoruiara Idaho. Oussrvattonr takes at a. m Pacific time: . , . , - -, Tsntp. - Ktstlons - . .ii.i. Mh. Prsclp. Baker Clt. Orosea.. M 4 . .. .6 Bostoa. Maearhtuwts .... SO M .10 t'alcaira, IIUboIs TS . 4 , l.M DssTor, CMorauo .......... M - M .Ot Kasasa Cltr. Idlasoarl W 0 ..SO Las Anralas, Calirornls. . SO 4 Kaw Orlcasa. Ienialasa BO '. 7S Now York, New York M M Portland. Orasoa.........'. ft . M : .01 Rewbsrs. Oroana M M j. . .0 1 .0 .0 8t. Laub. UlMOurt ...,.... Salt lk: t ub.... ...... M Sa FTSsHaco. Calirornls,. 3 Rsokane. Waatilnaton 4 Hi ' M 4 M - TO ,.o : o .0 .0 Tacnma, Washinton ...... M waua Walla, WaahlDf tea. .101 - waaointToa, u. v......... ov .01 BIRTHS. HOFTNCE Jnly 10. to Mr. and afrs. Janes 0. Hoffn.r. 107 Wast Park, a boy. aURBTT July 8. te Mr. and Mrs. Charles Msrcrt. Mliwsnkla a dot. BRAUBB-Jalr la. te Mr. snd Mrs. A. O Braaar, 01 Borthwlck, a lrl. DEATHS. HOOPLB Jul 14. Aasls Hoot la, S3 years, Moore, soar Jarrett, palnonorj tvborcalools. 1 n O t I1J 1.1. 11 EM. Ill u uood Banwltaa aospiui, acmorrnafa ox Innra. ' ENUfiLr-Jnlr M. Emclls Kngsl, W years, tS uii nira floru. oia an. TKtlITT July IS. Henry Trnitt TS roars, Bt. Vlncenrs ssnltannm. baart failure. WHITTIEr.D July 12. Georte B. Whitfield, ST years, Kaat intra, toMroausis. ' UNDERTAKERS. Dssnlsr, McEntM Ollbessa. asdertakor sad etsbalaiera: asndera la arsrr datalU Bareath ssd Plas. Mala Ml Lady assists st, . B. Bssastoefc, andortaksr aad ssbsls Bast ThBrtssath isath ssd Uasatllla ass. II. Brleksoa Undartaktnar On., ombalimlaia. JOB Aids st. Psoas Mala 018a, . .- J. P. Itnler A Bona. Thtrrf and W.nana mtm. Offlco of eoanty eoronsr. Phone Usui 9. Bdward Hot bus. sndsrukar, sstO Third street. ., ' 4 StTTZmTUW OnPtTBBT. fmurle arsass tie. Pamllv lots ITS fa. ana The only earaatarf la Portland wMta ssr- Crsslly Mslnuins ssd ear for lots. rr roll rorassttoa apsly le W. a. Mirkmsli.- War sootor atock. ally. W. M. Ladd. snolioet. FUNERAL NOTICES. HA RTVAN July U, 1808, Mtos Johanns uartmsa, sgsd SO years, dsaghtsr sf George J. HsrtBun. Puasrsl will uka place from residence, U N., 11th St., Tuesday, July IT. at 8:48 s. m. ' thence it the Cathedral, ISth sad Davis sts., at 8 a. m., where re vulem uses will be offered. Interment, Mt. Calrary cemetery. Prisads respectfully Is eitsd. rUNKiAt, IBBTICIS ef Mrs. A. W. Parks wtu use place at 0 e'slook a. m. Tuesday, at Pinlsy's chapel. Prlends and so tnalntaacae raspecttally Invited. Berrioes st the srevs nrleate. . BOUOHTON la this city. Jury IS, loot, at tba luuuiy resjoanee, mm cornatt arrest, diaries Hosghtoa. aged 88 years, hssbsnd ef the late Bliss Rouhtea. father of Mra. R. Martin Jr.'. Brrbart J . " , Pa p. anl Grace M. Bonahton. . The funorsl serrlras will ha bold St the shm residence st 10 s. m. Taesdsy, July 17, uai ttueo ni s frava) priTSTe. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Lotus P. Bene sad William sad Bertha. .. . B. Bsllls to O. BlMwanger, west 40 " feet 8V. Inches of 1st 1. block 10, Couch's sddltloa ,...,..$12,800 C. J. snd Bath M. Decker te Besngeune . Preelnad, lot .1. buck "a." Fulton Park , 1 Kathrya 0. Tart and W. H. Tsft to H, B. Kohls, lot IS. block 0. Ptrland.... 600 Prank Richard and Mastsmlna liusrnere to Jobs D. Hewitt, parcel or land as ' Qui ncr . street , 1 United States National bank ef Portland ' , ts W. T. Griffith, east H ef lots 8. ' 4, block 48 BnUlrsa's addltma....... 823 Multnomah Bssl Ketate aeeoclaUoa to , Viols Price, lots t, 8, 4, block SS. Wlilsmstts sddltloa 1.000 S. B. Portland Bssl Estate sssocisooa '. to John Henry Meyer, lots 4, 8. 0, 7. ; 8, 0, block 10, rirat Babdlrlslos of McKlnley Psrk .... 604 Bon Belling te Llssts and Alice Wlbsrfe Bailie Jack eon end Annie P.-Borgaa. -v -block ST. Bast Portland 1.800 J. V. and Agnes O. Beach to B. A. Pesrlna, lot IB, In Melrose tract ' 1 A U and Blla McCally to Leonard Carl- son, lot S8. block t Orssmere , S00 Bsrmsa And Leas Klsetsch to Nannie Pngh, lota S, S, block ISO, Wood- atock 1,800 6eor(e W. Brows te Blla Millar, lot S, block 8, Chicaae , 1,940 Mlssoarl snd Caleb W. Bsnmgsrtnsr to -A. P. OsBaasdarrfctB. block 4, Can- trsl AJbina 1 Dell M. aad George H. Shtaa to Asns enddea. kHa 8, 8, block a, Bhlna s sddltloa B. B. and Ida at MrBwsa te Samuel and Mary Nelll, lot 18, block 58, Ver non Dadlsy snd Nellie Ersns to J. 0. snd Charlotte L. Woods, lots IT, 18, block ' 8, Brans' sddltloa to Alblns 1,000 eso 1.EB0 Alice hL and D. 0- Tomsslnt to John' A. Dorr, lets g, a, lu, 11, bmck . . PsrrsU's addition BOO Mirmle K. Peulssa te Mrs. Theresa BCBBalO, KX S, UOCB ' S, rt JMOBB VlUs 800 1,100 tens ssd George Miller te Wllhelm Ross-- msa, lot T, block 4. nor is irruirton. . D, O. and Assnaths Kogers to U H. Bnr ton. lot a. ana oor reet mt s, owes IT, James Joha's First sddltloa te Bt Johns - - Set year Insarsace and sbstrscts to reel estate from the Title 0nsrsntse A Treat cempsa, 840 Wsehtngtoa street, corner serosa. " MEETING NOTICES. BAWTHOBNB LODGE. NO. 111. AJ P. A A. M. Ata ted eommsnics- , tlon this I Monday) eesnlng at S o'clock. Work la the M. M. de gree. All Master Masons wel- XmtC B. MTLLBB, Beeretary. i M. W. A, Oregea Orsps Cantp. Ne. 6,978. Mos days. . ITth sad Msrsball) rial tare wsVresss. M, W. A. BVBROBBEN CAMP. B4A0, meets Wednesdsy rrenlng. Ausky bid--. Third sad Morrlsoa sts. NOTICE. The asderslgnsd will recelre esslsd bids for a stork -ef msrehsndtss -e -the tnvetee veins sf $14,000 er thereabouts, trie other with fixtures amounting te a beat $1,200, located at lone. Morrow esnnty, Oregon, ap to X o'clock aooa of August 1, 1808. A eaah deposit of 10 per sent of ths amonst bid must accompany each after snd the right Is reserved to reject sny snd sll bids. Ths Ineentory may be seen st my tfflce and tbe property may be Inspected st one. . ""S 7 Front and Aaksny streets. Port la sd, Oregon. PORTLAND. OR.. JULY t, 1 000. Sea led Mila will be rscelTed st ths office of ths school rlerk, city hsil, ap to U m. Thandsy, July 10, 1004, for tts work, wronght Iron Work, salrankted iron and ether sheet-metal work for tks Bsst Portland high school .bulktlng. Plane sad snsctncstlons for same ess be sees at ths sfflcs of the architect, 884 Bast ' Third street, city. All proposals mast he sccompsnlsd by s certified check for 10 per cent ef the ssvmat ef proposal, Ths J school hears reaereee rha rlefil lo rmjmr anf I sna sii Skis, inomss J. Jones., arohltset. hlils. Thomas J. Jones, PORTLAND, Or., July 18, 1008 Seeled bids Will he rsoslred st the office f Ihs School stark, city hall, ap to IS m. Taesdsy, July 81. land, for plumbing snd drainage, etc ; for ths Bsst Portland high . school building, plssa aad specifics Hons for earns ran t sees at ths offlc of ths architect. 884 B. . Third shy elly- All propoeale mnet he sc eompsnlea by a certified check for 10 per ceat er tne smount oc proposal., ins scpooi hoard reserves ths right to reject as and ejj Baessss . sense, arcaiietla NOTICE. NOTIt'B OP BTOCKHOI.DEKJT MBKTINtl The annual sveetlua of the stockbokiers of the Coaur 4'AatDO OOTslopDient aunipany, for tba election of s board of directors for the ehau. Ins rear, and for (ha transaction, of eucn other buatneaa as may racnlarly come before tara, win no nam at tne ornce or no ca panr. ronma Ml to 804 Chamber of Commerce Uf., nrniM urecon, a AU(W a, aevo. si ai e ctoca a. m. - . riRriitnil r rtOt.MAM. secretary Cot or d'Aleae Psrslopment Ooo Portiani Oresoa. July It, IftOC ' BOTlrB OP BTOCKHOM1BR8' MBaTTIKO. Notice Is hereby aires that the snnnal aieet Ins of the stockholders ef the Mldwsy Oil com pa try will ho held st the office of Lsdd Tllton, Portland, Orefoa, st 8 e'closa p. Ok, oa Wedneeday,. July 18. 108, for the purpoas of elect! nff a beard ef directors ssd tor the trenssriloa ef such ether business ss mar come hefnre the meetlnc. WILLIAM M. WHIDOKN. Beoretary. LOST AND FOUND. THB party seea taklny s package trots the cloak and suit department of the Uoldoa Eagle department store Saturday eretilng re- - turn immediately and no aneeuoas sssee. LOST 88 reward, no anesttosa ssked, for re turn of box printed matter tsiea rrom rront of 118 Becond St., June la ess. m. anoon. LOST Gold warok with leather fob, st Be- enth snd via rewsra st rorusaa aotei iim ..... HELP ; WANTED MALE. WANTBO 100 hoys for ppren tires te esrrs a Amerlcaa steasners. iney win occupy uie ; position of petty officers' ea beard. Must be American porn aoa ever jn j w -. - .1 auinant shall be three years. ' Wares M per month first year. 30 per month second year. $e0 per month third year and a bonus at the end ot the third year sf (200. Per terms snd conditions apply to J. Homer rrltch. secretsry ateemsnip aeao elsUon of Saa Francisco, 110 Hast street, Baa rranclsoa, CsL v ',' ' ' 500 TOtTNO men for Bremen sad bra a men OS leading raiirosos; experience iap.,aar7, Bremea gat 8100, brakemea 880 rapid pro motion -to engineer or conductor st double the salary; positions now opes. Address neer eat office. Nsthmsl Ballway Training Ass's., THO Psxtoa blk Omaha, Nebraska, er 881 Bldge bid.. Kaunas City Mlsssurl. , MBN AND WOMB If to Issra bsrher trade Is Ight weecs; araaueiee earn tram tim aa ev weekly: erpert Inetrwetora; estslom tree, molsr System ef Colleges, M Maria Pearls St.; Portland. lALEBMBIT te Introduce the world's wonder Is trolts BUTDSna S eew uioneieeo piua. (Miracle). Choice ef territory. Cssh weekly. Address Wsehtngtoa Karsery eompeay( Top penlah. WsshlngUm. ' A0IMTB WANTBO te sell snpsrlor, blrt-fTaoe aaeeery stock) eompleU outIt furnished free ' cash weekly! write today for-choice sf tat. rliory. Capital uty norsery istwur, neeeau. wtynm a mvmHh. reliable as rapidly growing reel aetata M rears and eO years ef age) ability and character tas ernsrioai urnuiug not apply. X SO, ears Journal. WANTED Tonne ansa to lesra telegraphy and railroad accounting; salaries 875.00 to .800.00. For free catalogue address Moras college ex Telegraphy. 308 12th St.. Oakland. CaL WANTBO One flrst-elsss sarrtareemltlii twe nnt-claaa earrlageamlth helpers; beat ef wages. Langs at Mulr. aas saunoa st. WANTBD 10 wideawake sslessisa for sfty and road; good salary saa commiaeioa sou per manent position te right ; parties. Call or write at once. W. B, Taylor A Os, 8 Labbe bldg.. Portland. Or. - ' WANTED 8 e wAre In brick snd aewec- nine faetorr. Apply U effke Diamond Brick Co., foot of Ankeny St. WANTED Man for brlckysrd. Vereteeg, Oor Brick Co.. aist saa xiusmoss ata. tv i STTT Ttni or three flrst-elsss, all-s round u.hlne laaal lieenBuesi saeltltei. seed Wares. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Msesdsm road. I WANTED A good milker, wages 80; as farm WOTS. rjea Kayieu, Tsylor et.- . v ' WANTBD 8 eiperlenred linemen, S dynsms - tenders, 8 Inside electricians. Apply Mr. Btoas, Vsa Noy hotel. Third and Pins 8U, 11 s. m. to 8 p. na. PHOTO RuTOrcCHEB-Cemmereial work Bt your borne. 81 . iUlelgh bldg., Sixth aad Wsahlngtoa sta WB est work for our mem berer special aeem bsrs. $2. X. M. a A, Fourth aad YamhllL BY OCR abort and esay system yea esa leers lu uperste moving plctare sischlnse snd esa ears from $2B te $00 per week: terms res son a tie; posltloBS secured; toed operators la great demand. 14s St 8th SL. noma 1 and A PARTNER la pleasant profitable business, fine chance for sctlrs man. small capital. , Apply today, 28 North Front at. - STEADY work for steady men; 10 kelpsrs want ed. Apply Columbia Engineering Works, loth - and Johnson sts. r - HOTEL HELP Ohod positions awaiting stew ards, cbefe, waiters, sooks snd similar hotel help. Write or call 347 N. 12th, room 81. COMMERCIAL ABTIBTB Taks work heme. SI Raleigh bldg., Blxth aad Washington ata. WANTED First-class Campbell A Pearson ma chine operators. John Clark Saddlsry Cei, 104 Front st. - - viirriD Bnv snoot 17. ' stead North Front at., corner Davis. RELIABLE sal let tors snd collectors for estsb 11a had Psrtlsnd bastness hoassi opportunity , for big money. .Apply room S, SvlVi Mor rlsoa st. WANTED Boy about IB or 18 with bicycle te deliver light packages. Apply 412 Bsst Clsy. HELP WANTED FEMALE. , HANSEN'S LADIES' A0BNCT . : WANTS MONDAY SS wsttreesee, for betels, rsstsarsnts, resorts snd springs, city snd country and bsschse, $J0, $M, 8.n snd $35. with some fares paid; 1 waitress to work from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m., JS8, room and board; S restsnrsnt wsltrsssss, H n week; T chambermaids, S honseksspere, 108 bouseglrls, for cooktng and general work la prints families, I 'JO to $36 a month) 8 rooks $40, 1 cook $a0 seamstresses, anrse- ,lrU' HANBHN'S LADIES AGENCY, 843 H Wsahlngtoa st., corner Tts. spetatrs. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work ea shirts and overalls. Lessons gives to inexperienced. . Apply at Standard factory Me. aVJlraad sre, snd B. Taylor St. HANSEN'! LADIES' A0ENCT, 84SH Wsahtng. tea St., ror. Beveatn. npsxsira. rjraas 2002. Psawle help wsatod. WANTED Girls ts maks slls st TB First St. "Boss ot All" svsr- 0IBL8 ahoot 18 years of sre te work la fac tory. Apply at ence, Amss-BarruvNsTllls Co., Fifth and Davis eta. THB HOME LADIES' AOENCT, Female kelp furnlabed free to employee. , Beglstrstlna Free, 18814 Fourth at., apstolrs. room Bt. MalaBfaB. WANTED Help. Union Laundry Co. Beaoad and Colnmbls. - w WOMAN, ever Sfl, fair educe t ton, some BtMlnsss knowledge, most dress neatly, to take position at ones. 28 Iwte bkig. WANTED Otrl, steady work. .Call at BB North Front, corner Dsels. WANTED A psntry aromas at the Hobart Curtis, 288 14th at, near Jefferson. WAITRESS wsatod at ths Hobart-Cnrtls, 248 5? 4th st Bear Jstxareoa, ANTED 8 Ironers. 1 msagisrs. , Portland WANTED O Iris In shirt f actor rt ano erases. steady work. Apply Oregoa . City Woslsa Mills, Oregea City. Oregon. LADIES BTBRTWRERB earn seas and hand some prsmlsms sailing ear Emergency Cases - to their frlendaf ae rsnrssslng) permanent work. Write J. H. Car pen tar Co., - Boston, Mass. r1----'-. --r- WANTBD At' once. housework 1 small family. see asta, mm euis. I '. , ..- ..... - i HELP WANTED FEMALE. UOTRL HBI.P ttood Dositlona swsltlag hoaee keepers, chsmbsruialns, wsltresses snd slme lar hotel help. Write er call 3M M. 12th, COMMERCIAL ARTIflThV Taks Work home. SI Jtsielgh hldg.. Blsth snd Washington sts. OIRL WANTKI-ro de shop, 148 Psxk st - light work la tailor WANTBD Worn a a who esa speak Germ a a as nousexeepar ror elderly couple to suburbs. t all Tamhlll. Main B41S. MALE AND FEMALE HELP HELP wanted aad supplied, male ef fa stale. B. (i. Drake. SUA Wsahlngtoa st, PsclBs 1870. WANTBD S rronere, IS mangls hands. Port- en nwat uunoxy. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BLBCTBIOIAN who aadsrstsnds commoa bat tery, general system snd priests esrhsngs teiennone worn, ezpensuce la canie tssupg. wianes a positloB, T IV, ears Journal. AN experienced Japsasse boy wants a aosltlea to do bones work .or pastry work, . speaks r.ngnaa. 1 a. eare journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED middle-aged aarse. wishes care isrsiia, old ooupie or tone pereon : wining to trsrsi er leers tows, rhone rscnw usu. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agentst something new J good seller; big wages, sue atenay siog. BIO PAT te one agent la each eoanty working ror us investors- uuias. Sil Msnjusm OMig., PortUnd. Oregon. MAN of good address, every city In Oreron. to take sgency Aocment Insurance, to., ss.wo, t00 capital: large commlaalona. Geasrsl Ae sldcBt Co., Mobswk bldg., PortlSBd. Oregon. LADY agent oa salary or commission; success certain, cau at nzi BiDOara st Moatsvuia, ot phono East 62BT. : , - A BARB 0PP0RTT7NITT for expsrlenced met re utile sslssmea In er oat er Portisna. Call thla weak. 318 Ore ran! an bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portland Employment CoBOO Marrlsea st, rnoae racine gaw. BAN 8 KM 8 PMPLOTMENT CFPICB -'-!' rOB MEN. ' U M. Becond at . Phone Mate IBM. BIO POUR BMP. AGENCY Help supplied free. IS north second st. psoas nam lwia. -WANTED REAL RESTATE. WANTED INYB8TMKNTS. -- $80,000 er $00,000 te Invest la good Income. hearing huslneas, real sstats. or will Invest In mortgages; ne objection te sgenta except members of combination exchange beard. Ad dress Y SO, eare Journal. WANTED-r-Lot la sxmasge for eanl lty ts 8 r T4osb Boeee. none nst sou. WB WILL BELL roar property. BO matter what It ts or where located. Bead description sow and we will do ths rest. Investors' Onlde Co.. SU Msrqusm bldg, Portland. Oregon. WANTED 80 to 40 acres Bear depot, Pslrview. wnst bare you 7 Address with run parncu lars snd pride per acre, 0. 01 Vaughn, P. Q, box 197. . ' , : WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Bosses, aorta ires, fists. stores, orticsa. rooming-nouses, ate. uu. lords will do well ts csll oa PORTLAND TBDST COMPANY OP OR BOON. Phone Ex. 72. A B. Cor. Sd aad Oak. WANTED Bms 11 cottars e furnished ksettng rooms for isuy sna s small children at Bssslds: state price and particulars. Ad dress 680 Sixth st, Portland. Or. WArTTEI.t5- eatton tor private rooDilng-nonse. T 8, ears Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED$800 to epea ap sew copper mine; will give aa extra seed opportunity aad In ducement. . Cell la Sbssqbbb Jones' Bosk 8 tors. 291 Alder st, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BUT. Ein.T.-Ont-TRAWI-ANY-O'P THING. WESTEBN . SALTAOB CO, 827 8W WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TVS. WB WILL BUY your farnltare say eld time. was tern salvage ce azi wssainfToa as. PAINTING, sprayuuT and whitewashing trass, be eotn en ts, barns, docks, etc. Isrgsst gasoline praying outfit sa the coe8 M. O. Morgsa A Co., 822 Untoa are. Phoae Bsst 817. Mala BOSS PTJBNITTJRB WANTED a FOR POT CASH. POBTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. All First et. WHO It M. O. MORGAN A OO.T WANTED Ts buy msdlom-slsed truck SS lew dowa wagon. Crane Dottle Co. Phoae Mala ' 228A - - HIGHEST cash arlee Bald for seesad-fcaad goods. Phone Bast 80T7. 128 Unlea are. WANTED S rowboats. Apply 1S4 Third at. U10HET prices hand clothing. Ei Id for all kinds ef sla 4200, 213 Front. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THS R1CHELIB0 Sgft NORTH SIXTH BT. Klecsstly furnlahsd, steam bsst and baths. THB OBAND, 48H Nirth Third st. Booms Bar gentlemen $1.20 per week snd ap. THB BENNETT. 851 H Morrlsoa St., 1 block from Pottland Hotsl, ander new msaarsment -He mode led and refarnlshtd; nice pareslsla . hatha ssd hot water all tbe time; rooms by the day, week or smnth, slngls er ea suits, st popular prices. Phone IHhS. WELL-PTJRNI8HED rooms, with board, $22.50 per month snd - np; slso dsy board $4 per week. The Chryflor, 880 Taylor st. $1 AND DP Nicely furnlahsd rooms. 208 12th. MTCKLY mrnlshed rooms for rest at sssdsrsto prices. Apply 88T Bsst Coooh St. 180H 4TH, over Wells-Fsrge, S large rooms . for rent, clean aad good) ess thsm. TWO front rooms, with piano, ehesp, close hv raone aaat eui. t-ROOM boat horjsea, furnished, $4 per swath, Phene Bsst 601, UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ' POB BENT 18 anfnrnlshsd rooms, slngls silt good loeatloa. Inquire at 808 Sixth St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, Flanders sad SeeeBth Hocma, boesekssplng sad trans ieat; soe venleatl prices ressoasble. ' LA BOB ehvgsntly fnrnlshsd awueskseptng . rooms; rss ran ye. runs log water. Tbe Lowes dale. B&Vt Alder at. S1.2S PER WEEK Large. Sleen, fnrnlshsd honsrkeeplog-rnoBm! Isnndry and bath. 184 Sherman. South PertlsasV $1.00 WEEK IIP, clean, tarnished boneekeen. Booms, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath, far Bscs bsst. SOSSt Stanton at. U sir. THB HALL. 414 Fifth Furnlahsd hoasekceplng. rooms. Tourists welcome. THB JEFFBBKONIAN, B14 Jefferson st Nicely fnrnlehed suites ef two er urea rooms wita all conveniences; cheap. $ FCBNISHED heosekeairfng-roovis 818 Rpsncsr et., Montavilla. Phone Beat 8474. $12. tarnished hoesakssplrar - . n . . nu nt KflMia- enrtV WM. SOT Mississippi ses.'. Lower Alblns, 1 HOI'SEKEEPINO- rooms, low eat ratss. eleetrle Tlghta. phoae Included. 801ft Water and Columbia. TWO furnished housekeeping flats. S ... each, $ and $10. 632 Sevsnlb st. PLBA8ANT, neat, central hmteekseptng rooms cheap; , eems snd see, . Phase, batfe and jUssdry, 82 M. Uth SU -- - Is Iso double hsrasss aad term wagon. 134 Third St.- . ........ ROOIT3 AND BOARD. " 'JI at WANTED Board for lady ' snd twe (Iris st IS snd IB, oa farm near Hood Blreri sltltnde 1."" feet or aiore preferred: slats torais. a , care Journal. TWO TOUNO LX.DIES can bars please nt bed room lu family of twe, with good board, aes of bath snd pbone, 84 per week each, $3 with eat hiach. im Union are.. Ivor to, cornel newiiwa csr. BOABD AND BOOM, tl lo nee week, ftae emek. lug girls st Volunteers of America Boms, wre mmm anHny at. , poons assi SOI. TS FOR RENT-STORES-OFFICES. OPPlCfJ rooms, aafurnUued paoma aad sauipts " anew, fcoousuags BIOS. Apply sie- PABT ef shop te rest, saltohla tor as lata at plumber. 80S Poaxth St. - POB RBNT Lsrss brick storeroom end hai ment, suitable for any kind of bosloees; good oceiion; cneap rents, inquire at 488 Wll- Bie mrw. nnnuawtu. POR RENT Nice little efflce. Third aad Mor- neou, euiiBDis oops, real estate, inquirs wwi , tinoriuge) oiag. HOUSES FOR ' RENT FURNI TURB FOR SALE. POR SALB All er part ef new furniture of n-room moasra nouss, cneap rest: owner leav Ins city.. 844 Beach, st. Tel. Seat bXUU. . FOR SALE Purnlrurs ef four rosma for $70, nrai s'o. vnu 11s norta aera sc. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDSHLY TBAN8PBB CO.. prompt and re liable plane aad furniture-movers) sum stor age. raooe Mala loan. Uloce lie n. Thira. $T 4-ROOM bouss, shlckea park. MoaUTtlls car. Mam 4&w. POR RENT A 8-rooa boose, 4 block ef ground, au in rruit. inquire er nr. anigut. 1 us west uarnngtoa, at. jonns. . POB BENT Small B-room houae, three blocks rrom eariioe. mt, uantenbela are. . POR RUNT 8 room eottaae with bath on ths raiton csriiae, 41U per montn. nqoire 109 nortei jtn lu . . .. - POR BB NT 8 room cottars, bats, 870 East irrmg st. rnons essv ovi . roi rint nniCAP. A dee treble S-room house with all asodern Imprsrsmsnts; lot 80x100, frnlt traaa. small barn: No. 04 Bsst 18th st.. N. , P. M. BAT0HEL0R. - 804 McKsy bldg. NICB B-room cottars, modern tmnrevemsnta fine location. Inquire at BOS Bast Eighth. or pnons kssi oiuu. POR BENT 8-roora cottars, nice location, 16th ana sivsrsK. inquire st premises. TWO 4-room eottsges. with stables aad water, rent pa sna p per montn. on st, Helens road, 4 blocks from esrllns. P. D. Smith. Phone Mala 8088, POR RENT 4-room bosas. 840 St., Montavilla. POR BENT 4 room bonse, seer Palling at. Can 800 Cemmsrelal bldg. Msto 048. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOB BENT Nicely fnralshed boose, t rooms'. euavsnlentiy located, gooa aelgbMrtmod, 8 ear 11 nee. IM Northrup st. Phone Pari he 821. POR RENT Neatly taralahed eottsge or 8 er 4 rooms or sams; vsry reasonable ta orsirshls sdults. Apply BBS Ollssa St., corns 17th, er lei. Mala auu. POR RENT PURNISHED Newly furnished cottage, hath, gas and wood range, very chsap. Mala 437B. - 1 - f6r rent flats. B-ROOM flat for rent. Inquire at 80 Seat lath at,. Burner Btark. BRAND-NEW S-ROOM FLAT; modern sll ths way thfoags; aesirsms corner; T-mtnuts car service; esst aids; $18.00. Good B-room bouse. $12.00; earns locality. Portland Trust Com. pany ef Oregon, Phone Bx. 72. POB RENT New Binders 8-room per month. - Phone Esst 8162. - flat, - $18 AUCTIONS) 60 Horses 60 t will sell without taaeris 'or iimltT- Taeedsy, July IT, at 1 p. m. sharp, st ths Union Stockyards. Portlsnd, Oregos, two car loeda ef alee, smooth rsnge horsse. There sre soeoe fine yeung hotaia In this Vt snd ' good mares to salt fsrmsrs. Corns and see . me. . I will sell them quick. JOHN TWADDLE. Auctioneer. BUSINESS CHANCES.' WHITS as en Irk a boat recent Important ee velopments ef the Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal Co. 1 bay stork before big advaaes. I. P. Hurst A Co., SOS McKay hldg. DO net keep Idle money. A postal card will bring you In formation bow to get the la reset rstarns oa aa ahsolntsly ssfs tevastmsat ef from $100 to $VW. J. B. Balky, BIT Lamher Exchange, Portland. Oregos. . - - THB hosasesskers' sscsrslea to eaatera Oregon, seer lend, will tee re about flrst ot July. Csll lOBtt rourtB at., roem n, no IMM wif n .ki q sttepd office! " We transact a general real sstsls and and collect, etc.; owner will guarantee you"TDroimyc'Wlgtu88l aud sulk It a ahra at ysar 8300 a month: this bnslnees has tabllahed 20 7 tars. Cell SsSVft Stark st. $10,000 WILL hoy 80x188, eeatrslly located. Income $2,100 per yssr; pays per eeat os $38,000; this property should treble la vahte In tbe Bsxt 10 years, being better security thsa any bank, and three times better thsa loaning money ea real eststs. Mrs. Boaads, BOftty Stanton, comer Cemmsrelal, Alblns. GROCERY-FEED STORE, good loeatloa, cheap rent. $1,000, er larolce. - 881- Woreestor hlk. FOR SALB Stork ef groceries, ttnwars end crncksrywsre. Is good vslley town; lavolce : price. P 80, ears JoaraaL ' IP yes are looking for a first -elans enhnrhaa grocery store, sddress P SI, cere JoaraaL POR SALB General store la the richest part of Wlilsmstts vslleyi 150 feet of uepnt oa main line af S. P. R. R. ; good business! ne competition; ne drsysgs or dsllveryi ne city tsx. Whltasy Bros., Irving,' Oregon, OFFICE MAN can make $200 a month ss part ner; fiue lonuusu; - sans reraraaees. ws 248 14 Stark at. WELL estsbHahed mamtfactnrtng hnslnsss thst will stsna lnrastigstion tor ssie sc a oar ffsla; $1,800 required. U 80, cars JoaraaL 1 WHO IS M. O. MO BO AN A CO.! - MEAT msrket for ssle cheep; 888 Union see., north, ooing gooa oasiness. $178 REAL EST ATE business; snsp; owners , going nor in; one 11a 1; gooa nueinees; -anisi sell. Price $178. T 21, cere Journal. ' SMALL drugstore Is country tews for sale; ne com petition; spienma mcstioa ror s ooctor. For refersnce apply He Botermund, . Grants Pans, Oregon. CORNER saloon, old-estahllihed, first claim In every- wsyvpsying; siesness csase ex seutng. Address T 18, esre JoarnsL SALOON doing a big hneln ss, long Isaae and Cell rMStt Stark low rest; price gi.auw. sthset. RESTAURANT aad lunch counter la rood loss - tloa, with lesss, for sale. V to, eare Journal. PAYING NEWSPAPER aad -lob efflce in growing Oregon town at a barf sis. ' Isveatl. gets. V 81, Journal. POR SALB Fine lot nf shelvkif, all or part, ebesp. Phone Psclflo 2267. SPECIAL $700 with sar1cs wHl secure ln , terest In a vsrr rallsbls bnalnsss snd pay , rou $1M a Bvmthl duties easily Issraed, Call B48H Stark St. POR SALB CHEAP Cigar aad confectionery sloes doing a good business. 11 H Merrlsns a. Owner lea ring city. Fidelity! Lead Cev A RABB epportanlty for experlsarsd mercantile saleemstt. tn er oat -of Pstaaasd. Cell this SIB Orsgoalae bldg POR S A LB Flrst-elsss grocery doing flae bast. Bess, wsll located; real $20. Y TO, JoaraaL SOMETHING rood for sa enterprising ' msai will guaraatee yna through: $80 required; arm Allaky hldg., Third and Morrlsoa. BUY HflfRBT-B WITCH slock from ewnsr: save broker' a enmmlasloa! sell 200 shares or sny psrt 4t eoaipaay prices M, ears Journal. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Moat sxeellsnt blfh-rtsas bnslnsss. suitable for sua or woman, u.ouo, part cssa best reasons. , V 87, csre JouraaL 88-BOOM spsrtment bouse, la fine loeatloa: $ car lines; pays 80 per pent Bet profit ss In vestment, If yea wsnt a good huelneea Is- ' quire about this. 1 bom peon A Usgs, BIT - Commonwealth hldg.. Sixth apd Ankeny. Phone Pacific 2480. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. K. Peterson. R. W. McNatt McNUTT REAL ESTATE CO. Cornelius , Oresoa, Wsahlngtoa County. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. , . Una im.i klai um In eultlestloB.' , BOO seres bottom land; Sue Buildings, stock ann impiemeatst glnUhV c . H acre, house snd barn. $300. TO acres. Na. t fern, S8K Bees. 80x200 lot. Foreet Crura; Bos sou so aad . pars; 81.000. -.-' . 4Hfl acres, $7B per sere; No. 1 farm. - lnJl aeree llll u, are! eaod land. 100 acres, $80 per acre; $00 with stock; 7 scree, $5,000, ea WllUmstU lsndlng i S bsrgala. .. ' . , . V 8 acrss. $328. ' 40 seres, 81.800: Sna plscs. ' , TO seres, 870 per sere; flne lnnd. .00 acres. $eo per acre; Ne. 1 farsv ., , ' 85 Bcres, 84.2IW; flns fsrm. , '''" ' 48 scree, $3,100; Beer Forest Orove. , ' - t 2 lots, asw bonse, Cornelius. $800. 40 acrss, $1.3U0 Improved. , UO arM S?K n-w ma4 land. 1 . lot! acres, $18.SS psr scrs; partly Improved. ' ';. 100 seres, $1.U0; stock farm. 218 acrss, $6A psr acrs; firat-elsss lav . proTementa, , - -...,-;.--- 270 acres, eemnlete, $T,7B0. .,.";. ', ' 80 acree. 8fi .rtOOi a harsain. - Tl acres, 800 per scrs; $100 pat acre with atock snd tools! A-No. 1. .... 80 scree, $6,000; stock snd tools. ., ;. , 130 acres, 8 000 000; $1,01)0. . , ,8f)H scree, 81.200: good farm. -' , 120 seres, $10 per acre. . " . 6 acrss, new bouss, Cornelius, $1,800. ' S acree, 2 bouses snd barns, $628. 40 acres, 400.000 feet, $000. - ' v ' BO un, SlSnWIt Mn f.rn A.Nn. 1 - ,' 180 seise, $1,200; 1000.000 fset trs Bad - saner. - 4T acres, $1800; houses, barns: a One piece, v 8 acres adjoining Coraellns, $1,000. 80 acrss, $i.00o: A-No. 1 fsrm. , ISA SI anil elae mine, mod timber. IB sores adjoining Forest Grove, $80 per 4 lota la DtUsyi houss and herns, well! $400, to acree. $4,000: la Cornelius; A-Ne. 1. SO acres, . mostly, bearer dam. Improved, pz.nuo. i .. CerrsspeadsBee solicited. - ' - ONLT FruItRanch FB0M POBTLAND. 81.800 d acres. 414 In t cultivation, rood . B-room boose, 1 acre la strawberries. 200 , cherry tress, ISO pesr trees, Boost variety, 8 blocks from station, trains erery hoar; terms. . MOTCMaUSN WtKIU, SIS Allsky hldg., Third and Morrlsoa. CHOICE HOMB AT A BARGAIN. "' S rooms, conservatory, bath, gas. eleetrle lirhta. -hot-watsr heallns: lot BSxlOO. rmlt trsee; bars; easytrrmss northeast comer of Bast 18th snd Darts sts. . . P. M. BATCHRTOR, - . 804 McKsy bldg. FOpf SALB A cbol re piece ef Columbia river front property, close in, gooa mm sits. Eldredge A Merrlfleld. 804 Fourth at., Vsa- euorsr, wssa. POR SALB A suburhas horns, 178x100 feet. good 8-room bouse, ears, csowe ocarina rrait. berries. Inquire 812 H Alder. Will sail cheep if sol POR SALB 44,800 Best bergs In ts dty. bssl. neaa nmoertr. Ban Boa Bar montn. uatl Bt once. 80S Ablngtoa bldg., room SOS. ,. Mala 841. Frank Williams. BABOAJN 8-reom hnnse, quarter block, water aad gsa: price sa.ouo. inquire sus rouria. SPECIAL INVESTMENT Close-in flats as a choice corner; they rent for gizo a moots and ws can sell them for $12,800. Westers Lead Co., 288 1, Stark at eon. SALE -4-psora suburhen oottage, 8 Mocks to beat csr-Bcrrlce In city: splendid iocs l lty; lot 80x100; SSOOt ewnsr here for few days. Address T 28, ears Journal. Sl.flnn WILL bsy 1 acre at Laurelwood: this wtlt-pjiske hits; ws lia aa SiM klsiafc Ajft11aanV 'T Ual TTfep lytvwpsi f down. $10 per month; this will figure eul SLOW ror yon FIDRLTTT LAND CO . ; Phone Mala 1034. BIT Oregon tan bid. FOR SALB Two Jnts, University psrk) flae location i terms. B. Best, usstoa, uregoa. T-ROOM. choice, modern booae, hsU. doable per- nr. - rnrnace, 8 Brepiaeee, peso ment, eiecrnc lights, porcelain bath, msntele, etc.; 100x100; choice frnlts. Sowers; on csrllne; a heeottful horns and cheap, only $2,800. Heakle A Hsr rhvm. 2JT AblBgtoa Bids. , " $5.000 HERB'S A RAROAtw. Fmsat Voresr os Missouri see., up-to-date 8 room hones, grounds lOOrloO. all ni flowera. shrnhhsrr snd Iswn. Csll soon. Frank Wit- - hmr 808 AblBgtoa bhlg. Mela 8041 FINE Income nrupstty on the Borthwest corner Mississippi avs. ana uesca as, appiy is jsnss atyan. ... f inn CASH aad $10 a month bays a beautiful jot Dtisiou, neat awin i . hi, ,,n- provemeats In pries $690. "Cell 193 H 4th. POR SALB CHEAP 4 sad T-room banssat omd rs: Dart sasB. STS osrsein srs. lass - Wsodlswa ese, Phone Bast SBds.-.-- POR S A LB S-raom dwelling, ea Irving et.. Bet. E3d a no ssta. Asorees u ss. journal. HOITSES bntlt ea Inetallments, lots If desired. SIS Commercial bldg.. Mais ivso. NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY. -208 Goodnough hldg. flee. W. Turner. . - H. W. Mills. patron ere. SBLLWOOD LOTS. $8 dews aad $8 a Besets I from g'B to 82O0. Beiiwosn Towasire vaw H. d. Palmar, staaagsr. Phoae Bast 4704. v $18 Lots In GARDEN PARK TRACT. r $8 esah snd 82 BO per stonrb. 4 blocks from Ualverslty Psrk SUtloa, High, le re I sad sightly. Good neighborhood. -- " Correepondencs solicited. BEAVER REALTY COMPANY, Phone Msla SU61. , 424 Lamher Etchings. S-ACRS tract, dose to eleetrle Ilea, 10c fare; choice location; $lx psr aore. Address r 84, care JoaraaL QOOD BARGAIN Hoase aad lot for sale; good pisstered hones, a rooms aownstsirs ana s apstslrs, with or without furniture: pries $1,800. Inquire 888 Umatilla are.. Ballwood. 10 LOTS for sals m Oregoa City , csrllne, nest Osk urors sts tloa. inquire st sua voiass- Ma st. ,.-... .. ... POB SALB '""""""I 10-room hease, Bmasrn, etuino mt, gf.nnn. Par Rant 'or Ssle 8-room bouss, 12.200; Bust be sold to settle eststs. Apply te W. B. JACOBS, 184 Bsst 84th st. POR SALB Lot and 8-room hoase. modem lm- provsmsBta, sesr stssi onags, essi siae; Be agents. T 18, eare JouraaL BBAL'TIFUL COUNTRY HOMB - Uooa 7 -room rssiosnce, , s nss torn, at Gar rale. Oregoa, Bear Woodbarai abundance of trait snd Sowers, lsrge hers, chicken. koassi mnet be sold this month; owner going esst. Csll 221 ft Morrlsoa St., room S. FOR SALB Big bargala for qnlrk sale: s-rona suburban cottage, ground looxiuo. lest, rruii snd shrubbery ; by ewaer. O. W. P. Town side Co.. SIS Alder sL, la O. W. P. A By. waiting. WB have a firs-room sot firs on Ravsnsrlew dries, Portlsnd Heights esrllns, wits a charm ing tsw. Including Mt. Hood, bat not Ore goalsn towr; modern Improvements; Bull Bun water; will be sold for. $2,N00 If taken st once; a chsoce te secure a ehssp sad charm Ing home la the coming fashloaahle district i SU minutes from First st. - AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO .. . B6S Sherlock bldg. . ' MT fl -roots bona to he seerlflced to get moasy quick; is sll compietea except papering; x lots, BOslOO ssch; smsll shack, young frnlt trses. gsrdsn snd flowsrs; located is Ports mouth, ene block from csr line; csll snd see this If you wsnt to make some money; taks St. Johns ear, gst off st McKsnna sts, sts. tloa, walk north one block, "ssk for Little, or see A. W. Barley st Portsmoatb ststlon; my price Is $1,880 cssh; Is worth. If pspsred, $1,800. Think et Portsmouth's tutors. FOR SALB Modem, new, S-room honse la HUfniana. inquira ewnsr, aw nasi sixts, ri. too FABMr.8triirvrsctrnd lets; bargalna as O. W. P. electric line, O. B, Additoo. Lsats, Oregon, Tske Mount sontt car, 8-ROOM HOCSB, S lota, hearing fruit trace. near Cltyr nargeiB si ..ewi terme, u, V. Baathsm, B2St, Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES, T miles front Portlsnd. sear the 0. , , . k-ia i ..i., . , W, a i r,liw. , a .a, ,Hiuav,, per acre: beet hur In ths county 1 n, UUxd ast 10TH jiU St, . - ESTATE. $2,A0 8-UOOM house. Bear 2th St., only 100 faet frvta car line;. $30 cssb, rsmalndsr monthly. 107 H Iblrit' $2,00014 ACRES asar Orsgoa City, 20 ton bsy, teem good young bones, buggy, wagon, hsrasss, mowsr, raks, plows, sic, pressn. , crop. - Terms It desired, . 107 tt Tnlrd sL BARGAIN $3,800 buys comer lot 80x100, so $C. Seventh St. near Buraaloa: old buildings) rental $28 month. . Csll 221 Morrlsoa SU, - room 8. j - ; FOR SALE FARMS. 0AUF0RNIA BARGAINS Near Bee Lomond. ths popular summer resort 820 seres wood land, with aersr-fslllng creek through It fine sulphur spring, 8.000 cords wood; good road! , 24 mile out; $7.80 psr sere If aold within 80 davi ; worth much mors. 80 acrss fins land. M mils out. 8-room fsrm house, smsll barn,' 800 hesrlng apple trees, fine wsod land, spring water, piped, on sprinkled county road, excellent sail for trees or vlnea; $8,000;, terme. Addis J. A. WaUsr, Uss Lomond. Csllfornla. - 40 ACRES of land, alee bars, fair hoase. chick, ea-houseei creek, spring snd wsll; timber on (lace, large orchard, gll klnda of frnlt; price 2.800; 17 miles from Portland; one hour by train. Address Bos 18. Boat 4. Sherwood, - Oregon.- . ... - 00 ACRES ef lend in Tillamook county; nun , drede of acrss of outrange fur cattle or shespt pries $8 psr acrs. Address Bog IS, Boat 4, Sherwood, Oregon. FOR SALE TIMBER. .-. T.A v n spRip snimnT uvn arti.n All kinds ef lsnd scrip wanted sad for ssls. ', . (nciuuing spproesa rorssi rsssrvs saa rsurosa land scrip, . for surveyed., ansureeysd, tlin- ' , bered and pralrls lasd: spproeed United .Staff, military bounty lsnd wsrrsats; rs certified soldiers' sddltlonsl homesund scrip. H. M. Hamilton, ths Portland hotel. PortUnd, Orsgoa. ..- . - CERTIFIED serin, sue elae prices. W. Q. Howsli, 888 Chamha et Cea , maces. - 8,880 ACRES yellow Br la Oregon, eoovsnlsat ' . to good logging rlrsr snd harbor; srersges 8,000.000; low price. S A care Journal. WANTED Timber lands, mast be good staff, . either oa railroad or stream; ewasrs only 4 dealt with; don't waste a posisgs stamp .. unless you csn deliver deeds. Address Cap ital. V TT. Journal, , HORSES AND CARRIAGES.' FOR 8AI.E Tests. 8.000 pounds; I tessm.- 8.808 puuBds, snd I cheap herss. 1.200 pounds, Pbous Bsst 8S4A 2J8 Rasssll et. ILL kinds ef horses aad w a rone for ssle hire st tsa eona bis prices. So Front St. WANTED-i-To bay msdlnm-stsed truck er low. dowa wsfua. Crane Bottl Co. Pboa Main 2288. J 1 GOOD team, harness and wagon tot gala. In quire at 80S Columbia at POR SALE 1,200-lb. team, camp wagon, har . BBSS. 8100. Matched sorrel team, ' l.loo lbs.. $278; 8 ' years old; also sesersl bngglss snd wag ana. . 420 Hawthorne, cor. Sixth. FOR SALB A new Oolnmbns top hoggy. with , hand-mads hsrnees sna d-yesr-sld mars, at Bast 41st aad Holgste.' Pheaa Voloa 402L J. L. Psttsrson. - TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE A number of farms tor sale or will exchange lor Portlsnd resldsnce property I will pay cash difference. Write oc call on, Wan-en A Bister. McMNmvllle, Or. WANTED TO eicheng alee residence property ta rarest urees ror ronming-iaoasa m Port land. . Y 40, esre JoaraaL . - EXCHANGE 107 acree, wsll Improved, f miles rrom vsnensver, vssn.) vaius sr.auo. vau 107 tt Third, EXCHANGE S food lots for S er e-roon) re. I denes ana pay cssa airrsrsBce: tots are Bear L'nloa ave. 107tt Third. . rrOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print your asms ee 80 calling cards. Bias aad strte. Soc- ftO healneee car Fttoa pVOPstff sards. 81. tlaad. Or. ' A. W. Sebmsle Co.. 228 First, Portia ad. WESTEBN OBEOON MINING A MILLING CO. headquarters; stock Tor sale snd Informs tloa at 208 lint st, Phoae Msla 1828. - FOR SALB As slagsat urge- etreslar shew esse, st SB extremely low rtgare. Apply te Mr. O. H. Lowitt, Oalden Bsgls. Third ssd Yamhill ata. HOLDEN'S BHECMATIO-CVR raeusssiuax. aoui ay sii ar-Jggmia. BOOKS booght, sold and exchsngsd et ths Old boos store, xzs xemniu st. BILLABD AND POOL tables for real ar int. sale on esey neymenta. THB BBUNRWICK-BALRB COIXENDBB CO. 40 Third St.. Portlsad. ARTISTS' materials, pictures snd framing. ri. hootbouss at ts., sis sioer Bt. . WB seed farnltare sad will pay tall value. rnone ferine TPs. . TV sstsra naivafs vo 82T WsshlngtoS st, . , SHOWCASES AND PIXTHRES msde to order I second-hand goods for sale Car lens a asu strom. 288 Coach St. Phoae Clsy S7L SHOWCASES, counters, Sitaros boaght. Bold or esrnsagea, w cetera sairsge vsk. eif aaw Ingtoa st. PsclSe TBA White Sewing Machine COaaH fl Tnasa IT T" TiIII at. rhooe Wain 8102. TTPBWBITBB, good ss new, at less thsa half cost price, inquire acta wasaingtoa as. - POR SALB Hay la Betd: 40 tons cVteer. 20 limotnr; nil or psn. ueorga n, rrouiere, second Piece north kw reservoir. West sre.. Mount Tabor. FOR SALB. CHEAP Cow, fine milker, gentle! earner issvtBg city. 801 siM. let, m. soo. KALROMININO Specie! prices; hot weather dnesa't hinder: ws tusks resga wbiis sna sera Jobs a special attention. A. A. Church A Co., S0 Taylor St. PsctA 1BS4. POB SALE 18-foot . .launch, vary chsap If token at ence. T SB, Journal. -a- 0. R. BLACK. Contractor and Builder I have some fair-ground lumber left; win contract cheep bonees snd sirs lime as pert at ma terial. Phon Wood lawn sod. MOVINQ-PICTUHB mschlnes, views, films, song slides, gss mschlnes, phonngrspns, etc.. soia, bought, rented ssd exchsngsd. 148 tt 8th St., Aewman a motiust . riewaie-vsv- HAY 3 acres est. S acree timothy and plover k,am navine no naria room, win nei all standing for JO, iaos, u negaa, am- . ton re 11, Or. - . STEAM msrry-go-ronnd Bow at Gold Hill, Ore- yon, ror ssie cneap. appiy to a. uaae, Clacksmss, east aids, city. FrtNITURB of six rooma for ssle, $128. Call No. V Bsst Tnira st. PERSONAL. ANT msa er woman eaa be strong snd happy Bp Being sexins nil", i" "i." - 1 7 bis." boxes $8. with fell iresrsate. Address or call A. CtorBCBsoa. druggist, tor. Second sad Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. DETECTIYB AGENCY Cos fidentlsl Investiga tions; reports rurnwneu aa ui.i.i.ia, wi. chsrscter, reennnslblllty. eto.l bsd dsbts coL lectrd; missing relstlvse nested; charges ressonahlsi correspond. nee snllcltrd. Oregon DetecUvx Service, offices S08-2O4 Plledner hldg., loth and Wsahlngtoa sts. Pboa Mala B81A , : LA Dl rfft Turkish, baths, msssags, hrdrlstrl perioral Strict ly erwT--ia-a awn iter -" Mir. Flat A. 881 Wash Ing to a St. hetweea ISth aad 171b ate. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Botmrts Nsrvs .j oiohnlea. Oas month's tree t ment, (Si $ 4 months. JBl sent aerurelr eeslril hy gas", fi agsata, wsoosra, vuirit m v, . , wa. ,i BALM OF PIOB for all female diseases. SSS I Bast nsrciom. rem CITS pnssad while yen wait. 80s. LsdlseS klrta preeaen. sue. wnoeri, ivet ea Beit to Quells, rhone 1 ssiSe 088. , irSM nUIIT." A Oar Lothario. ( - 'TUnry ef sBhrve," ''fsesr Hlll.'Agse." 1 "Womes ox rim, " bus eacni ws uaa, m I W. Behmsle Ce.. 828 First St. SfeXINB PILLS cure all forma ot Bartons et mnseaiar wsssneee. per men or womew, Pries SI a boa, $ ho rss $R, with full guaraa tee. Address or rail J. O. Clstneneoa. drag- t' gist. Second ssd Tsmhlll Sts PertlnnA Or. HOLDEN'S RHBITMATIO COBB Sura , got IbsasMiiam,, aula By m ara$f snsx J. V FOR EALC-R i . A