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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
THE .ORSGOII DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY .EVENlKO, JULY It. IEKS SLAYER Uncle of Little Ellis : to Hear Story of Boy's Death and Goes r - I to City Prison to See McCallig. - . 1 1 : want ' to so -the mnrderer who killed my little nephew." wu the un ' usual request mad to Sergeant ' at rc hedquertrg this afternoon by" Al Jacob, undo and ' guardian of Ellis Korklln. the lad who wu run ' ovhr and killed br an automobile driven by wuilM J. McCalllg. ; Trembling with auppressed emotion, Jaoob Imr parted the Information ' that he had lust heard of the matter and the glitter la hie eye boded 111 for MeCalllg In -the ' event of a meeting-. He. waa ln- " formed br the sergeant that MoCalllg 1 had been releaaed on bonds and the preliminary examination on a charge of manslaughter waa to be held next Monday before Judge Cameron. Jaoob requested full detail of the lamentable affair from a Journal . representative and" waa visibly excited by the recital One , of , -the - moot pathetic featurea'. In .' connection with the ease waa the homecoming of the dead orphan boy-e uncle. In Ignorance DOTH KILLED III SATJE WAV 'Buliet Entered Mitchell's Head ; Nearly Same Place He Hit Jr i i. rf Creffield. ' - taped MspaWb te The eral) '. Seattle, We July 1C That cUorg Mitchell waa sane at the time he shot apostle "Joshua" Creffleld la th opinion of the surgeon who performed the au topsy upon - Mitchell's - body at the morgue of Bonney, Watson Co. late yesterday afternoon. Mitchell's brain waa removed aad found to be well de ' veloped. The convolution war almost perfect. '" The surgeons, among whom waa Dr. Loughary, expert on Insanity and form er assistant superintendent of the state asylum for th insane at StelLaooom. declare that If Mitchell bad aver been Insane his brain would not have been In such perfect condition. It waa per fectly normal. ' . - Within one Inch of the spot at which the bullet -from George Mitchell's re volver entered Creffleld's head, that of his sister entered hla. Esther Mitchell declared that aha Intended to hit net brother at exactly the same spot that - hla bullet hit Creffleld, because she knew hla death, would then be certain. The bullet from her revolver enured Mitchell's head on about a level with the - center lobe of the right ear.- The bullet - that killed Creffleld entered .about aa Inch higher to a straight Una. , The autopsy showed that the bullet tore through the ekull and lodged In the "right Jawbone.' The carotid artery wag cut and death resulted from a, hem orrhage. The skull was badly fractured. I VEATHER report shows PORTLAND IS COOL Weather Here Comofrtable When Compared to Other Cities of the Wert. resole wee compulsed of the weather raster- 'day didn't Mop t think bow eooi It u. Where th tharaeeeaeter reewtered only e decrees t Portland, It re1tred 108 t Preitio; 100 t Lewleton. Idaho: 101 at Phoenix, Arhuee) lot at Bed Bluff, California) 100 at Soothers, ..10 at Well Walla and 103 at Tema. 1 i And th aetenier who acoff at the rmla - Portias Is credited with hoald look t the weather resort aad Mod there that, while there ; waa sot a trae ef rain la Portland yeetorday there was 0 tech at Oalre, IUInolei at Oalvestoa. Tesaaj 1.09 at Haroa, Booth Dakota; 1.14 at sloaphU. Teasoaeoe, ad .80 at Hew Aad"if yea waat to f eel real cool Just etoo . t caaatder that yeatarday th minimum tnv - 64. while at Barter villa, BrltKh Columbia. It wa oofy 44; atCal gery 43. a Han. Montana, 41. and at Prlae Alhert. Saekatchewas, 40. . The rarreat wind veloelty at Portland was only 4 sill per hoar, while at Baker City th "" breeee whipped along at 1st at Oalrertoa, Texo. IX; at Jachsoavtlle, Florida. 13; at Mo ana, Cub, 10; at lepy Philadelphia 13, and at Yuma ana eeveral ether place a. The greatest rle la temperature yesterday . was Kbedaled t North Platts, Nebraska, where the thermometer Jomped S degree; end the maxtmam fall la temperatar from th day : before wa at Havre. Moatana. where th ther mometer ekowed a decline et Id decreee. The kottaat pUee la the CnMed Bute et ' e'eloek thle morning was Phoenix. Arlsona, . whore 84 degree waa (roistered. Th enoleet . place at the eame hoar was Havre, Moatana, where It reelatered only degreee. The effVUl reflatratme at the local weather' :, of floe today wa a follow: a. D)-, 68; ( ' t. m.. M; T a. m., ; a. m., ; t s. m., TS; 10 a. m, 7t: 11 a, au, 80; 13 m., 81; 1 HER IS KILLED BY-A TRAIN HEAR PERRY ' :'f?i - - - ' i - J- , I ' (gpedat DUpetrti te The Jonraal) - L Oread. Or., July 14. Esclneer D. V. - Orew wee killed at S o'clock thle morning sear -' parry, foar mlle weet of her. While waltlnr - for dtlartd tram No. 3 to eo he coold ran dowa with a lumber train, he fell eeleep at ' the side of the track. The trala approechlag ' wake him, and la a deaed conditio he walked . directly ente the track hctor the train. HI arrk waa hrokea and hi head amaebed. He leave a wife aad fnnr email children - wlwt are St inmost te the hill -ea a -vamping trip.. - WILLIAMS DECLARES ROOSEVELT WILL RUN -' ;.y vv ' : ' . . Jaral gpedat gerrlr.) 'Hew- Tarh, - July -14.--Before telling- today for teadoa to attend the Inter-narHameaterv ' peace ooafereaee, John Shire Wllllame aald be hellewd Preeldrat BooteTcIt Intended to ft ' s eaadldate Is IBuS aad that he I )ttt playing s the aomlsetloa will be-farotd upoa him.- " ' Oyster Bey. nif 14. Wkea howf rrniame statement,' BecreUry Loch aald: ' "Prwloeat keesevelt Bteaat what he aald. He wouldn't yea again. Hla deefctloa Is Irrevocable." YOUr.Q BAPTISTS TO -: MEET -IN SPOKANE Omaha, laty 14 The Baptist Tonne People'! mtee has eecMed t bl4 the enanal etaveaUes mrt re la aaehase, WeehmgieXi OF Korkliri Returns Home of the tragedy that had occurred flar ing hla absence. , "I Just returned from a trip to Puget sound.'' stated Jaoob. land upon going Into the house noticed that' every one acted rather strangely. I aat down to lunch and noticing that little Kills waa not la his accustomed chair. Inquired as to the reason for hla absence. Hla sister- and brother and the others In the house commenced to weep and told me that he waa dead. I waa so excited that I cam here to find out something about the case and to see t man who killed my noor boy." Jacob la a member of the firm of Jacob Bros., dealers la hides, tallow and wool, at ttl Front street. Be sig nifies his Intention of engaging coun sel to assist la the prosecution of Mo- Cain g. ;'. - ' ' '." "I spent If 00 to bring my dead sis ter's children from thela home In Po land." said the grieved relative, "and I will spend every cent I have to punish the murderer of little Ell la." LOSS C0L1ES HERE TO IHVESTIGAtE Head of United Railways Com pany Will Look Over Con- -v ditlons In Portland.-- 'To familiarise himself with every de tail of the local aituatlon, with regard te the United Railways company pro ject and rranohlae, C EL Loss eame M Portland this morning, from southern California. - He is th head of the Los syndicate that has taken over the stock of the company, and la well known railroad - engineer and contractor. -. . "I first want to Inform myself on every detail and phase of conditions bearing on the United Railways project This I have not yet had opportunity to do," he said, "I want to start In with a clean slate. When. I am 'ready to do this 1 will be ready to make a state ment for publication as to the plans of this company, it has no connection with any other railroad company or project and la an Independent undertaking, backed by capital that la not allied with other railroad capital, . "The Portland project of the United Railways company was presented to m aa a straight business proposition. It looked good and we eame Into It I ah all go to the bottom of everything pertaining to It and will probably be In Portland a week or 10 days. I expect to be In this, city much of the time this year looking after the progress of the work. - - - . "A number of men associated with me in the capitalising of the project will arrive la Portland next weak, and soon thereafter wo will hare the organ isation of the company arranged to suit us and will go to work actively to carry out - the company's undertaking; We will construct the city lines first Mr. Loss was not expected by his Portland associates to arrive here un til Monday. But he eame on ahead of hla schedule time to get a few days rest and comfort In a pleasant climate. He Is accompanied by his niece, and they are guests at the Portland. He -Is one of the pioneers in eleutilo rued building - In this country, although he Is eonsldsrably under years of age. Hla first electrlo road Construction was In and around Chicago, and being suo cesafnl from th start he waa con nected with the building of half a dosea of the line In Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. He built the electrle railway that now connects Chicago with Milwaukee. " At the present lima Loss Is engaged In constructing the Ocean Bhore and one -other road In semthers California and sections of a number of steam roads In the United States and Canada. He la a member of the committee of forty appointed by the mayor of Ban Fran cisco to clean 'up the city and reor ganise the sanitary system, and had charge of the framing of the contract to clear away the wreckage. ' DON SUTTON KNOCKED ' DOWN BY AUTOMOBILE Don Sutton, an employe of a local newspaper and nephew of Captain of Detectives Bruin, was knocked down by an auto mobile at the corner of Tenth and Alder streets last night and ' severely Injured. His clothes N were torn to shreds, and one of his knees badly bruised. The chauffeur, after running down his victim, did not stop his machine but raced up the street to escape, it Is said, con sequence of his negligence. The police have the number of the auto and the driver will bo taken -into custody. - WILL EXTEND LINE 7 TO TOWN OF MILTON Spate to Th Joarsal.1 Milton, Or.July 14. J. W. Morrow, general manager of the Columbia 4k Walla Walla electric railway, has been in this section Investigating matters for -the purpose of extending the line to Freewater and MUtoa. Milton is ssked to lend Us aid in securing the right J0f w ay Jand-terrains!. facilities. Mr. Bartlett will begin a survey at ones to , determine th moot practical route. ' : . , - , , . - - - WORKMEN KILL THEIR : FRIEND FOR SPORT (Journal Special WW flee.) .' Mow York. Jalr 14-llsht workmen arretted today ehargM with th death of traak Oataner. s feUow workman, whe was crashed te death In a atone ernaher. Th sriaonere eay for -s joke they tied him to the machla while he wplsg.' Th ajatiln started sseipeeMdly, BRYAN IS TO TOUR - ' SCOTLAND IN AUTO pcUl DUaeteh The Journal. Lew don. July 14. Brrte la t tour8ootlan4 In aa eatojnoetle a th goeet of Wllllem Me al Hop. a aemher f serUameat, who Is 8 ease of the Iram party. GilLLOriS'SIIlDOri OVER TUO noLiEn 4 ' Conviction of BotfvEsther Mitch ell and Maud Hurt Creffleld ' ; Almost Certain. NEITHER WILL MAKE DEFENSE FROM NOOSE PhvaicUna Remd to Testify That PHaqnerg Ar Not Inagng - Confea. siona Taken Dowa by Stenograph era Before Wtaveaaea. ' .. ' fgMdal Dtoneteh te The Joornel.) Seattle, Wash. July 14. Close watch la being kept on Mrs. Creffleld, who Is confined In the woman's ward of the county JaU. The jail officials fear that she may attempt to take her life. They are satisfied that Esther Mitchell will not make any attempt to do her self violence. The two women will be kept separated during thelf Incarcera tion In the county jaJL - That the conviction of both women on charges ot murder in the first de aree la eertain Is the declaration maas by .the prosecuting attorney. Greater effort have already been made to con vict the two women than any other persona who have beea arrested for homicide in Beat U a. The minute Prose cuting Attorney - Mackintosh learned that Esther Mitchell had beea arrested he rushed a staff of doctors to the city jail to secure Information upon which to baas their testimony at tne triai as to her sanity. These medical men eat in the omce of Chief of Police Wappntln - end heard the two women make their confes sions to the chief of polio. Although these experts refuse to discuss -r the Question of the women's sanity, under instructions from the prosecuting at torneVs office, they practically ad mitted upon close questioning that they will testify that the women were sane when they reached police headquarters. Both women made confessions wnion taken down by a atenograpner and read to them In the presence of witnesses; they were asked whether they were true aad when they answered -yes" the witnesses certified to this fact With. this preliminary work the prosecuting attorney's office says their conviction will be easy. Esther Mitchell said this morning: "I am ready to pay the penalty for what I did. -T VQeorge had to bo punished for kill ing Joshua, no one else could cet a chance to do it but me and I had to do It ' - ,v - "1 am sans.--:'' , 1 will not be defended at my trial. X do not want any lawyer. "I do not care what happens to me, My brother ruined me when he told the newspapers the He that cremeia naa seduced me. He knew It waa a lie. "He never was my friend. When I was a mere child he would not do any thing for- me. " 'T am glad he Is dead." . GLORIOUS FOURTH BRIDE - TRIES TO KILL HERSELF ; .-x .i '. After two weeks of married unhappl ness Mrs. M. S. Stanton, who resides at ' Grand avsnue and East Taylor street, threatened to end her life by jumping Into the Willamette river last night, according to the report of Po liceman H. C Bales, which waa filed at headquarters. The woman's husband, It Is sold, seised the desperate woman and prevented hes tress fulfilling her Mr. and Mrs. Stanton ' were married July 4. The officer waa unable to learn the - nature ot the 'woman's troubles, but ascertained' that aha threatened to commit suicide last night and that she waa prevented. Persons living In the neighborhood declared . thla morning that they knew nothing of the affair. I LORENZO JOSEPH DAME NOW IN COUNTY MIL Lorenso Joseph Dame has been bound Over by the municipal court to the cir cuit court to answer to the charge of polygamy and waa committed to the county Jail this morning In default of 11,009 ball. Whan seen st the 111 Ihls mirmlng Dame aeemed entirely recovered from bis recent attack of insanity aad was In earnest consultation with his attorney. B. a Pague, who had given him strlot orders not to talk to any one. The charge against Dame is that while the husband of Maria Rosetta Dame he married Myrtle Boston Kelan. The first marriage In said to have taken place In April, 1104, and the last on June Is. this year. - DREYFUS A CHEVALIER OF LEGION OF HONOR (Joarsat Special Berrlce.) Paris, July 14. The official Journal today published the decree of the Drey fus reinstatement and promotion and the Inscription of his name on the list of chevaliers of ths Legion of Honor. Dreyfus remains quietly in his apart ments awaiting assignment to hla regi ment when he will receive his sword and don a uniform. SECOND BULL RUN . PIPE LINE FAVORED At the next meeting of th city council Councilman John Annand has an nounced, he will Introduce an ordinance providing for submitting to a popular vote the question of laying a aeoond pipe line from the Bull Run head work to this city. If his plan should mate rialise bonds would be Issued for 1 1.809, -000 for the construction of lbs improve ment PIONEER OF GRANT - DIES OF PNEUMONIA "Canyon Ctty, Or July 14. Jorg W. MeHaley, one of the best-known pioneers of Grant county, died at hla home near Prairis City Thursday morning. Ths direct caul of his death waa pneumonia, contracted early In the week while irri gating en his ranch. Add Tiah Ored. , Hamilton, Or., July 14. At a special meeting it waa decided to add a ninth grade to the public school of this place. Two teachers will be employe Professor W. W. Austen as principal hsvlng charge ' of the seventh, elgth and ninth grad. The primary teecher has not yet been employed. The school term will begin September U EULOGY OF L1HII SON KILLED Will H. Thompson Tells 'of His Friendship With Late O. '' Meade Emory ) LAWYER BREAKS DOWN . ; WHILE MAKING ADDRESS Effort la Too Great for Fathar of Youm Murderer and With Tears Streaming Down Hla Cheeks Ha Is Forced to Stop. (gaeetal Dlepetch to The JoeraeLI ' ' Seattle. Wash- Julv ii-wm w Thompson, father of Cheater Thompson! wu iuui ana Billed judge- G. . Meade Emory tn the hallway of the letter's bouse last Saturday night broke dowa this- morning while attempting to pro nounce a eulogy upon his brother at-' torney and Intimate friend wham tie son had wantonly shot down. A 'meetlnar was eelleri h, th. vi' County Bar association to pay tribute v nayevi io tne ueaa jurist When the aged attdrnev. arose tn mnmm lawyers who had known him for years burst Into tears. Nearly every lawyer In the crowded court room waa weep ing. - - The murderera father h. i- ... of the moot eloquent speakers In-the state had hardly eomraenoed his eulogy upon his dead friend when' he collapsed la a chair. -. .. Lawyer Thompson started out he asking that no criticism be paased on the fact that he had come to pronounce an eulogy on hla old friend that hla son had slain.- He said soma f rtanda had advised him to make the address while . others had advised him tn rm. main sllsnt is then In detail told of his years ot friendship and close acquaint ance with the dead man. Us related various incidents to iii how close they were tn their friendship. The effort, however, was too great and wim tears streaming down his cheeks he fell Into a chair. Other members ot the bar paid tribute to the dead and resolutions were passed extolling his professional virtues and private charac ter. DROWNED WHILE BATHING IN WILLAMETTE RIVER I .Vil.V. Jossph KesetriL an amnlava af the Portland Iron j works, - was drowned while bathing In the Willamette' river last night near ths Banfleld-Veveev dock. The accident happened so quickly that his two companions. Jack Hager man and C -J. Harris, could make no effort to save him. - - , The three men entered the water near the dock and. started to swim to a barge moored a ' short distance away. Nesetrll waa not a good swimmer and his companions reached- the barge be- rore mm. it was their Intention ' as n aa he cam within reachlna- dis tance to assist him on the float The unfortunate man reached th side of tho4 barge and was about to crawl aboard when he sank without Warning. Hager man and Harris, alarmed -by his sudden disappearance, waited for Nesetrll to come to the surface. He ailed to rise however, and a long pole with a hook attached was necessary to secure the body. ;.: . Coroner Flnlejr was notified and the body removed to the morgue. Nesetrll was formerly a member of the Thirty third company of Coast artillery, sta- discharge from the army he resided in this city. It Is understood that his rela tives live la Cedar Rapids, . Iowa, and the coroner has telegraphed to them aa to the disposition of the body, r RETURNS HOME TO FIND - HIS HOUSE IN ASHES A, B. Cherry went home last night to - find - hie beautiful - residence) near Flrland station a heap of smouldering ashes. Mr. Cherry Is manager of the Independent lAundry company aad has one of the most attractive homeX In the Mount Scott dlstriot He and his wife are at the laundry during the day and are only at home of night a Tes te rd ay evening on arriving home they hulU- a flro and prepared melr -wvenlng meal, after which they went to Port land. At about 11 o'clock the fire started and In less than half an hour the house waa completely destroyed. Mr. Cherry la a jeweler by trade and had a large collection of coins valued at $600, which waa (destroyed by the lira Loss on the hosa and furniture is estimated at 12,000 partly covered by Insurance. The Cherry home was the ninth house to be destroyed by Are in the Mount Boott country within the last three months, and a petition Is now be ing - prepared to get aa apparatus to fight the Ore, TO USE-LA GRANDE BRICK AT HOT LAKE - (Spwrfal Dtapatek te Ts gearaaLr Hot Lake. Or., July It. Walter M. Pierce has closed a contract with Oeorg Kretger of La Grande for nearly 1.000, 000 brick to be used in the construc tion of the new sanatorium hotal at Hot Lake. The brick will be loaded oh cars at La Grande and shipped direct from th yard wt of town. About 400,000 feet of lumber will be need In-the big structure. When this building is com pleted It will cost nearly 1260,000. -. ECHO MAN SWALLOWS ' POISON FOR WATER (special JMepeteh Untbeioornl.) - Echo, Or, July 14. Doc Palling, a young man of thla place was Seriously poisoned last evening b drinking a so lution of bichloride of mercurr; thinking the same wag water. The accident hap pened at th home of hla brother, John Failing. Immediately after he drank the solution he waa taken suddenly seri ously I1L He Is considered out of danger at this time. FAMILY MURDERED BY . UNKNOWN ASSASSINS . (Journal IpecUl Service.) Barbara Junotlon, N. C, July 14. laaao Llsrly, his wife and three young est children were murdered in their home, a mile from here, thla morning by unknowns, who Ignited the bed upon which the parent wr dead. In an ef fort to aover up- their crime. It is thought they wr killed with, claim. Two negro suspects have beea arrested, DIG i;MM)iCH SLIP QUIETLY IflTO TOUil; IIILL IIE1DS PMV Mysterious Tour of Inspection - Through the Northvyest Has ' Much NEW ROUTE PROBABLE , : UTHR0UGH LOLO PASS President Elliott of Northara Pacific :. Ona of Party Eloctrical Krifinssr Zhvcaticatinf Conditions in Ns w Field of Paulroad OparatlQna,; . "No, wa shall not go back direct to Bt Paul I era out with Mr. Elliott We will go sp. hero into the woods. Wsll, yes, we have other railroad proj ects. We cannot tell what they are. If we did there would be a string cf fellows out trying to buy the right of way in front of us." ,w . With th short but significant sen tences James J. H11L president, of the Oreat Northern ' railroad., responded guardedly to questions calculated to elicit information concerning the move ments -of himself and party on their present quiet trip of inspection in the Pacific northwest Mr. Hill was In a good humor as ha talked In ths lobby of the Portland hotel this morning.- H stood on one foot and than on the other and In every movement there was youthful energy end enthusiasm. He had pasted a cool, comfortable night and alept soundly. He ha adopted a hot-weather style Of haircut and his whiskers also . are trimmed close to his chin. The result Is almost start ling to .af qualntancss who have seen his face Jnly with Its more extended hirsute adornments. : , PromlaentXea in Party. With only the vague announcement givem In. yesterday's Journal, there ar rived at the Portland hotel last evening one of the largest and most distin guished parties of railroad man that has vieted Portland this year. Included in It were Mr. Hill. Howard Elliott president of the Northern Pacific; G, M. Levey, president of the Portland A Seattle; Louis W. H11L vice-president of the Oreat Northern: W. U Darling, chief engineer of the Northern Pacific; A. H. Hogeland. ehlef engineer of the Oreat Northern; B. EL Palmer, assistant gen eral superintendent of the Northern Pa cific, and Corry T. Hutchinson, a New York electrical engineer, whom Mr, H1U brought from New Tork to make an in-. enaction and report on th feasibility of the electrification of certain portions ot the Northern - Pactflq system In the Psolflo northwest ..... i- , It la believed that the Hill roads are to adopt extensive electrification and that a careful estimate of the cost Is now being, made. None of the of flelala of the party will give details nor hint at the probable extent of thla part of their calculations. sTew Boats Bumored. . It Is reported that-the Northern Pa cific will build through Lolo pass,' di rect to th Columbia river, and ahorteu th-preenrltn from.Hlaaoula another 200 miles, which, with the north bank route.) would give It a line from Port land to the east that would revolution lse present transportation route. In no other way, It Is said, can ths Northern Psolflo hope to compete " successfully with the proposed Chicago,' Milwaukee St Paul Una to the Paclflo coast It Is no secret that there has re cently been a serious clash of Interests between Milwaukee and Hill roads In the Lolo cou tola. Bines hlsTwaukee, after extensive surveys In that region last fall with a view to taking possession of the Lolo pass rout through the Bitter Root mountains, has abandoned that pass and taken another EVEHTS IN REAL ESTATEVVORLD Charles K. Henry Buys Property . at East End of Steel Bridge.- D. C Pelton, who recently purchased the sit of the Willamette iron Stl works, at the foot of Third street has already sold one half of his purchase, Charlea K. Henry having bought the east end, which Is close to the approach of the steel bridge. The property wss purchased by Mr. Pelton for itS,008 and It Is understood that Mr. Henry has paid about half that amount for half of the property. Mr. Pelton, it Is reported, will erect retail store build ings on the half of th site that re mains In his possssslon. W. M. Kllllngsworth. who as actively interested in Peninsula real estate has just purchased from L. H. Tarpley one of the strategic points In that seotlon. Mr. KllUngsworth's purchase la an odd- shaped, piece near.Maagiey Junction. On one slds It has a 100-foot frontage on the Northern Pactflce north bank line Into the city and on the other side a 100-foot frontage on the O. R. N. line, thus Insuring it excellent rail fa cilities. The price paid Is understood to have been between 11,600 and 14,000. George H. Balleray has sold to David McKesn a lot on Grand avenue, near Oak street, for $4,760. This lot ad joins the old Kadderly . building on Grand avenue, which has been trans ferred several times recently There are no buildings on the lot they had been destroyed In the big fire that swept that section of the ctty soma months m. -..-i i Frederick Noble ha purcnasea ror $1,000 from Emma L, Cole an Irregular piece of ground on Macadam road at the foot of Hamilton street There Is a dwelling house on the property. . L. J. Shell has started work on an attractive' two-story home on Flanders street between Twentieth and Twenty first. It will cost between $1,600 and $$,000 - .:..' Company Incorporated. s (Special DUtwtct! -- The Journal, r I Grand. Or, July 14 Articles ot Llnoorporatlon have been filed wtth th county clerk for the parr-aimmons company. The capital stock or tns company is $60,000, and tne principal plao of business will be La uranae. The incorporators are Qeorge T. Parr of Mora, C B. Simmons and B. S. Hunt. Ington Of The Dalles. Th onieota or the Incorporation, as set forth la the ar ticle, include the buying, selling, stor ing knd forwsrdlng of fruit and pro- duoor, to establish warehouses, buy and sail real asuta, . i distance south. Tho reason has not boon officially given out - ' Milwaukee Boad Beats,': . -Report has it that whoa the Mil Waukee's engineers cam to the scouring- of rights of way ft waa discov ered that they had been forestalled by the Northern Pacific This is said to mean' that the Hill lines propose to push a short out through the Cascade range from Missoula- to the--Columbia river, and that this seotlon of the road will be cleotrlfled. Mr, HlU.- when "asked today, con cerning thee matters, was not ready with aa - answer. He hesitated and turned the question away with a quail- nd answer.. He said the company had some tlm ago looked over that route, but had not found If to be what was desired. ' The fact remains that Northern Ps olflo surveying parties have been at work ..recently on the Lolo pass route, and Milwaukee englneera have moved southward, claiming' they have found a lower pass and a more desirable route through the Bitter Root range. Recent reports from the east have confirmed The Journal's statements that a dose alliance has been mad between the Milwaukee and the Union Paclfle, and that the former wllL unless a better opening presents itself, come into Port land over O. R. et N. treckatfrom Wal- lula as soon aa the Paclflo - coast tension pf ths Milwaukee reaches th Columbia, .- .-: . ; Cams Proa Montana. Mr. Hall's party cam from Montana direct to The Dalles yesterdsy in a spe cial train, which they left at that point and boarded the ateamar Capital City, on which they made the down-river trip. the boat keeping close to the north bank and giving them opportunity to sea ths work that is being done by construction man on th north benk lines. Portland officials of the Hill roads were uniter Instructions to keep quiet regarding their movements, and although the "tin" of their coming waa secured yesterday by The Journal no confirmation ' could ha Vrrtm jnw lnal ami Mr Vf ' 11 u credited wlththe statemeuT that lt ie 'the Intention of himself and associ ates to electrify part or all of the pro posed new Hill lino between Portland and th sound, also th tunnel through . T " Talk About wortUad. V ' ' . Regarding Portland's export trade prospects. Mr. Hill said this eity will be a great shipping port for flour, lumbar, agricultural products or any manufac tured product that can be produced from local raw material, but that eastern manufactured goods destined for Asia will be exported from the Atlantis sea board. He said:' "Tha statement that the tariff and the Interstate commerce act will kill ex. port trade to Oriental countries via Pa clflo coast ports Is not a new statement- -It ! been dtaouesed. sod Is a self-evident proposition. In view of the provisions of tariff and rate legislation. Eastern products cannot be brought her for export Tou might aa well try to stop the tide with a pitchfork." There is no longer doubt In the minds of railroad man that Mr. Hill means to take an active part In the development of Oregon. With lines already projected to Portland, the coast and the Interior via - tha ' Deschutes, a - line directly thrgugh tha Jnlo peak to Missoula would drain thla country to the east and glv a rout of easy ' grades and cheap haul from the east for manufac tured produota that would enable the Hllr lines to meet Panama canal com petition. ' The lumber buelness Is tha halt to whjch railroad builders are rising. It Is a certainty that the a tales of Oregon and Washington must supply the mid dle west with building lumber and all heavy timbers for construction work. H-famt-tfaal within ths neat few ysTa"tJi! tonnage will be enormous beyond the dreams of old-time transportation man. To reap a harvest from this business the railroad that has the east eat grades will be best prepared. TWO KILLED, MANY MED IH .V8ECK AT CtAWSOa Fireman Lockerman Is Dead and Engineer Stager Dying . Traffic TJed Up. ' (Special Dapateh to Th JearaaL) : Ashland. Or., July 14. Freight trala III was found by the first section of passenger II, leaving hare at noon, about one o'clock this afternoon' laid out in a ditch. Engineer Stager of the freight and Brakeman Lockerman were fatally hurt and Fireman Wiley and all other members of the train srew were severely Injured, - ... - The paaeenger pushed back to Ash land with injured Engineer Stager dying and Fireman Lockerman dead. It la supposed the freight got away and ran wild down the Siskiyou, and Jumped the track going at a terrific speed at CI aw son. Tha track is strewn with wreckage and all trains are laid out CORVALLIS MAN GETS . DRUNK IN DRY TOWN ' (Special Dwpateh to Th Jearaal.) ' Korene, Or., Jaly 14. The flret saa to be found drank eo th atreet of gages line prohiMtloa went Into effect ea July 1 wa Ed Lackey ot Oorrallta, whe wa yeeterday gives SO dey ea the street ea e drank end dls erderly charge. He sad a anart settle ef whlekey la hi Seeket aad eald h get It la gugene. He bed sees efferlng It ts sea a ths (tracts st 88 stats e drink. ALBANY WATER PLANT TO HAVE NEW FILTER J (SpeHiI Mapates" to The oeraai.'Sr " Albaay, Or., July 14-Th Willamette Tell, (onpeny, owner of the albaay alectrl Hsat aad water yeteai, ka tbelr sew filter reedy for eperatioa, and a eeoa a e eertala gaalltr ef sand eaa be attained free th bed ef the Sacra nth to river tn Oallfnral the eame will be placed Is operation, with th Installation f thla intern Albany will bar water eeeoad to boo n tb eoeat. ROAD HAS SECURED EUGENE GRAVEL BAR (Special Dlepatek to Th Jennet, I tageae, Or., July 14. The Soothers Faelfle eeausany he Jnet euied s two yoere' leeee ea airarel ber her end will at ear nd a for ef tnea to kalld a spar to th bar. The gravel will be seed la rebaUasUa. th reeapanr's aaala hue sad ballaetlsf tb Drain. Ones Baf Una. It le seeeeeery to seaatnet treat! roes the WUUmett river to reaeh the F. " r :" Ton are not properly looking eat fot hTo, 1 unless yea watah Che eTsaraal waa Ads. . i ' - iiECEm;ui: it irons Charges He Made Against Mayor Schmitz Substantiated by a; . Letter Written by Reagan. , , ' ATTORNEY SAID 'FRISCO EXECUTIVE WAS CORRUPT Was Denounced for. His Utterances -; at the Time Now It Appears He Spoke Troth When He Made Sen 'V eatjona! Political Speech. . ; ,, : ' ' - Tha charges of grafting made against Mayor Sohmlts. of San Franclsoo, by Police Commissioner Thomas Reagan, ona of his appointees. Tecall the fact ' that Assistant Attorney General Francis J. Heney, now tn this city to prosecute land fraud cases, attacked tha Sohmlts administration Isst Novem ber for ttS dishonesty and was bitterly denounoed in many quarters for so do- , ing. It now looks ss it the sensational Reagan, letter is a vindication of Uaney. It waa in a speeoh at the closing rally la behalf of John S. Partridge, who was the opposition . candidate for mayor against Schmlts. that Heney threw hla -bomb. Speaking of Jibe Ruef ' political creator, legal advfesr and supposed part ner or nonmita, ne declared that Ruef was oorrnupt, guaranteeing to prove It If he were permitted to conduct an tnvestl- . gatlon before the grand Jury, The dla trlct attorney showed no disposition .to stsp aside temporarily, and no th Ins- cam of tha charges except denunciation ' of Heney. The grand Jury called Heney before It, but took no further action. " It was Ruef a boaat at th. tlm that ha had enough friends among the Jurors to protect his Interests. Hewever, aa Heney knew about the matters which , Besgan has Just made public, If Is more likely that he kept back more' than he told, not 'desiring to put Ruef in pos session cf ammunition that might be needed. for a future prosecution, gome people say that It la lucky for Sohmlts that Heney is now busy tn Oregon, , Ths charges made by Reagan are that ' Mayor Sohmlts personally tried to In-, duee him to take part In a whiskey graft . that would pay 160 a barrel, offering to divide equally ; that Schmlts Is th owner of numerous disreputable hous; that Schmlts took part In a conspiracy to destroy th reputation of Police Com missioner Hutton, - who was removed "for cause": that Schmlts stood In with the French restaurants, which had raised a fund of 111,000 to protect the lodging house featurea of their buslnsss. sad that Sohmlts Is now -vainly trying to Induce Andrew' Furuseth, leader of th sailors - organisation, to betray tho -cause of the striking seaman. . Reagan's letter was written In reply to the mayor's request thst hs rSsign. He declined to oblige, and after he had sent his burning reply waa summarily removed from office. . . i . CITY TO 810 EAST SIDE BARN AS PLANNED . Probability That Remonstrances of Property Owners Will , , Have No Effect Desplt the effort of Pmvti tr -ernieie to preveat It there nwnl so doabt that the eaat teety sera wlU be ereelod et-Bet SeToaib ad Baoeeck streets. The. three lot to be empled hare bees Burebaaed by the tty ea the recemsMBdattoa ef the .war aad Saeaa eoamltte of tb eooncll, ad selther BMmber ef th eaaHI sor of th ezeeetlve beard how any lacllaaUoa to delay the eeaatraetioa ef the hera. - The resaoaatrasc agalast - It erectloa' wa addreaaed to the a-eeatlv beard loeteed ef la ta eeaaeu. which. tb lesieleUv body erder the yorrhea et lty roe4rtr.- The I lenaooetraae - was preeeates to I be eosacii, however, eo s to iteeea delay, aad waa re ferred to th k iltb aad police committee, which Baeets Beat wees, ' v.; The SBMsUoajgr thoeseestlv beard alee we called ' to theieaaenstraaee filed with the eeaaeil. C A. Cesawel, who a ehalrmaa ef the atreet-eleeaiBg ostamte ef the board bad beea lBatnraeatal la Jtbe surcbeee ef the f round, declared that ao natter where the bare wa locaUdTEe'OtopeHy-oWBDH WASId pToUltTaW Kaet Seveath and Haaeaek etreeta wa a good ss aaywher ekw. . Th natrnetloB ef the bora Is ib-eedy aadef way. The city paid $1,100 for the property, had aelfhborlag property-ewner declare thla Is aa exorbttaat pile. It I stated by the fflelela, however, that the ground coold b old tar more thaa the etty paid William Seldt. It the renroaeWater make good there will be sethlng left for the city te do est te sell th property aad try to ecore lecatlo far th bora elwhet a tb eaat floe. DEPOSITIONS IN CLAIM CASE ARE BEING TAKEN ' Depositions la th esse before tb United Statee eoart ef claim ot Mormlle, yaetabeaU A McOret-or against the Halted State to re cover 880,000, claimed by tb plaintiff aa da them far eat tlce rendered ta th eonatractlon f the kwka and dam ta th Yamhill river ta IMS and 1000, are being tekea by P. II. Aeh. ford, representing the sovenunent,- aad Benja min Oerter, repreeaatlss the plaintiff. - Tb attorney nivd from Waehlnftoa er. era I day 4 ere e topping at tb Portland hotel, where they are taking the teatlmony ef Slmoa Mormlle ef Seattle end W. T. atcQreger ef Astoria, two of th elaloeaata. Th eoa tractor elalm that the smey Is da them eitre eempeaaatloa far extra time which they allege te Ear beea eeaeed by deler aula b eownment effkHam. There are many other claim eatnt tb government for extra work en th lock and these wiu prooabiy eooa e for sdjsdlcatloa after the preeent oee l deetded. - - . ' OaWaaeaaWSaaavamOmBSBa J WORKMEN SCARED OUT - BY FALSE REPORTS (8pelel tnapetcfc to Ta Jeorsal.) Klamath Pall. Or., July 14. Mea la vert asmber are seeded her, good wages ere paid aad tb very beet soera eaa aecomsioaacione mmM .Miaarf. The camne era heot la S perfect sanitary eoaditlna end Masos, Pari a C. are doiag everythlag poeelble to attract ad hold good bms. ead eeold glee siploymat to hsndred Ber, d suuiy workTag her will he able -threngb heaeateed entry, wbea the work eeaapleted, te aeror moat deelrabl keeies. " it le believed that tb Misrepresentations ao eralng the ewallpos altaatloa tnraed wear away wh war beaded thle way. There war bat S few ease here and they were eo takes ar ef tht today Health Officer ataetoa eari taer I Bet a ilngl caae la th count. MORAL WAVE WORKS :h IN KLAMATH FALLS (Soedal Waoetch to Th ioarnt.t Klamath Pells. Or., Jnlr 14 All eeloon were aleeel laat gnaday And open rambling be null, aadlet aaaahmee beea etaahs reeaeeed -i T