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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
t:: cr.zcc:i daily jcur.::.M; rcnTLAND. catueday evening, july i. SUMMER RESORTS. leeraal saseeribere sea asd Tbe ImimI m sale at hMllt, 1l aaok ul nwt, A malar ear rit ItUncr wlil ae aalatalaad.. Order dlreet (not ni t(Hl at Uhn palate ul W will attend promptly to e J-OaTj BEAOH Lmls Ookea, al haadaaerteta at lima, Walk. I) Unrj to all palate aa the beaoh. SAUDI AMD OAAAHAsT PAAi W. B. Wbiunea, ant; keatanartsre St Lawia A C.1! 4ru( stare, faaatda, ' Or. Salivary to eU palate ea tae . jrzwroiT aid taquiva inn PiTelblas, B.wa aceat Corvallle- Saetera railroad, aavst. Head quarters at Newport, Or. Salivary to ' ail points aa the an oa. . WIUTOIT MAIHOa J. W. KoLeraa, . uut, WUkott, Or. , - XOT I. AX C -Hot Lake Saaltariaa Ce., ' stoat. Hat Laka. Or. . - CAJtao. WASH Mineral prlngt Ho tel Co., iU. ' CASCADi, WAIX Theme Keffett, oollixi imrzxAL nmiaoi, win, ,0. X. Beieaer, aaat, Oellias, Wash. TOXIQHT'l AkTTJtOKXTA. tr Being .. . ...Buaao to ClTIltii Rnatlpaaa ."Uncle Toai a Cabin .."Ilia rathar'a Sin' piar . ...."The Two Jacki raatages ..... Grand ....... .a.......... ..Vandevllle ..Vsndeellle William Williamson In tha circuit court tb'ia morning 'pleaded guilty to tba . charge of obtaining property- by falae pretenses. Jiftlge Oantenbeln announced that ha would pronounce sentence Tue- . oay morning, willlamaon was charred - with sending a boy to the atora of W. P. Fuller aV Co, with an order for five , paint bruahea valued at fi.' saying they . ware for tha uaa of T. O. Bands. When questioned by tha ludse Willlamaon aald ; ha bad aerved A aentenoo of nine months - in tha county jail about two-years ego. following a conviction In tha circuit court of larceny. Tha advocates of ll-csnt and ll-cent ?HJPPr!NLJtojaUi-J treat cnmmll- , tee or me council vesterdav afternoon. ,The R. W. Colson franchise ordinance was amended so thst tha company shall pay tha city 1 per cent f the gross earnings during tha lira of the franchise. xne representauvea of tha Colson com - Pny-Intimated that the t5-cent' gas xrancnise or Thomaa McCuaker was not bona fide. Mr. McCuaker denied this emphatically. - Tha amended franchise will be presented to the council next Wednesday. Judge Oantenbeln of tha .circuit court this morning granted a divorce to Slda W. Palmer from C C. Palmer on tha grounda of deaertlon, beginning In Sep : tember. 104. while they were living at Fulton. Mrs. Palmer, was allowed to resume her maiden name, . Slda Da I Mer.- She testified that aha waa tha wioow of an officer of tha Russian navy 'before aha. married Palmer. Walter O. juayea appeared as her attorney. Trolley Excursions on O. W. P. To morrow. To Eatacada. - on tha upper Clackamas river, tha moat picturesque VM. in Ik. - . - ... - - - ....!,-vwiwio roiroomng, 10 cents round trip; car leavea First and Alder atreeta 7:I. :0. uo. :40. 1:44. 7:lt. Dinner at Hotel Estacada 71 centa. Tlcketa muat be purchased on in wauing-room. , , Michael Karris appeared befora Judge num in ma united States district court this morning and renounced allegiance to King Haakon of Norway, and at the same time awore to derend and uphold tha constitution of the United States. Harris is a carpenter and haa been la ine unuea states six years. r-Trolley Trip Trolley Trips on d. W. lomorrow to Oregon City and Canemah Park. II centa round trip. A delightful ride of 10 miles: flneat .!.. i grounda In ilia vicinity of Hortttna7Tp1 t-ara wnn open trailers leave First and Alder atreeta on tha odd hour and every 40 mlnutee. Tlcketa muat be purchased. vais in Wkitlng-room. C . ' water thmnvt. . . ... . - I ''yarda or sidewalks, or washing porches . r winaows. must oa paid for In advance ana uaea only between the houra of I and tim, and and n. m rt nmi I not o him lor sprinkling atreeta If contrary to tneee rules, or wmste- ,uuf,n wm n snut a. - Cow Comfort Tot, buy Via gallon cans, apply n with a eprayar or cloth once a day. Coats .leas thsn tkalf U cent a day per cow ara givea them great comfort as it knocks tha files. Ask for Child's 8o-ftoa-So Kilfly." at Portland Seed Co., Front and. Tamhlll streets. . i . I l nniri i incorporation or tne I'Xambert-Whltmer company were filed in tna orrice of tha county clerk this ' morning by A. W. Lambert, A. W. Whit, mar and Curtis Sargent. Their objects are to carry on a general Insurance and real eatate busRieaa. . Capital stock fg.OOB. . . M. Korn. a merchant of Chi'co. Cat. Ifornla, Is In the city on a visit to his son-in-law and daughter,- Mr. and Mra Bwiraky, at 110 H Seventeenth atreet. Mr. Korn will spend a week at tha coast Derors returning to his noma. . -An unuauany - interesting nrorram ' baa been arranged for ' Sunday evening at tna nooney Avenue unnatlan church. It being the occasion of tha Installation of the T.T. S. C E. offloera Service begins at 7;lo o'clocx. . Cool and Breesy Trip. A splendid river trip Sunday. Round trip to Cas cade Liocks. steamer "Bailey Gatsert" leavea Alder atreet dock a. m.; re turns about 1:10 p. m. Tickets 11.00. Phone Main 14. " To the Oaks tomorrow, first - car leaves First and Alder atreeta at 10 a. m. and every II minutes thereafter. Alleging deaertlon beginning In If ay, !. Mrs. U A. Wyatt has begun suit is not an ACCIDENT BUT AN ART F.W-BALTES & COMPANY TWO DIRECT LINES BOTH MAIN 100 , FIRST A OAK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON perfect Tha devil Is a 'dandy whan It comas right down to work. Therea nothing that'a too mean for him, no dutv doea ha ahlrk: And the generous human family loves to nei 1 n tha Chan ainnr. Juat aa if his heart were gladness and ma noaom nilea Wlttt song. One bears from human voices that "George Mitchell did do right." And Others shout that "Esther should be atruns up out of sta-hf: And Satan eaya, 'I'm glad to hear- my people aay tnsse things, For I love the heart of venom and the tongue that a full of stlnga." As for us, the peaceful laundry life Just suits us to a T, ' Removing from the shoulders of the world its drudgery; For. we'd sooner scatter aunshlne la thousand thouiand hnmu. i Than be one of God's creation that de- .. lighAS in human groans. ; ' - UNION L.AUNDRT, TeL Main HI. Second and Columbia. All family waahlns; and Ironing le lb. -4n the circuit court for a divorce from George M. Wyatt. They were married at Vancouver, Washington. In - April. lilt, in an affidavit Mra Wyatt de clares that her husband was In "San Francisco, when she last heard of him. E?neat Bolt, charged with assaulting Ldia LAvero with the intention Of kill Ing her; was brought before 'Judge Oantenbeln In the circuit court thla morning to enter a plea. He had no lawyer and on that account Judge Oantenbeln extended the time to plead tin Tuesday and appointed Walter H. stivers to emend him. " .. Benefit moonlight excursion, steamer Bailey Gatsert,, Tuesday evening, July it, s:iv anarp. Columbia singing club on board. Tickets on sale Portland Trunk Co, Id and Pine St, 19? th Bt, Dr. Brougner's last Sunday before vacation ' at White Temple. Topics 10:10 a. m.. i'Resf: Miss Ethel Shea soloist: 7:41 p. m . "Pleasure Seekers nd the Oaks"; Mra. Norton sings. Municipal Engineering Man Co. office 117 Commercial - Bldg.. phone Main 4111. Engineering and surveying in all ita branches. John A. McQulnn ana i-nas. ituuman. jsngineera Oregon City boats, ' . -15c round trip, leave Taylor -' t Street 1:80, 11:10 a. m. and 1:10 p. m. 25o round trip. Get out on -The river for cool trlp. - Any suit In the houae 121 no more no leaa The largest stock In the city to select from Style, fit and work manship guaranteed. Unique Tailoring Co., I0 Stark, near Sixth. . Concrete Construction Co., 701 Cham bar of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete stone blocke.- Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel Main 110. "The Non-Sectarian Creed," Rev. E. S. Muckley'a subject . at First Christian church. Park and Columbia, I p. m the second of "Non-Sectarian Serlea" Launches to the Oaks from Favorite Boathouae, south slda bridge, foot Mor rison atreet, every, few minutes all aft' ernoon end evening. TeL 1401. Get our "Anti-Trust" ' prices before ordering your printing elsewhere. Key stone PresaIOtH Second street. Phone Main 1411. - , . ; Milton A. Nathan, attorney, 1000 Stejner streets. Ban Francisco, Commissions promptly executed. Bank references. Go to Richards' for your Sunday French dinner; 1 per cover, with wine; to 1:10 p. m. - .vol tablng, packing, shipping. Tel. East lilt, Woman's exchange. 111 Tenth street. , , ,mtk . . ... lUDva, frw . a. ....... LASGOW PASTOR TO DELIVER AN ADDRESS Rev. A. F. Forrest, pastor of the Renfleld- Street church. Glasgow. Scot land, will speak at the afternoon meet lng cf the y. M. C A tomorrow. In the morning , Rev. Mr. Forrest will D reach at the First Presbyterian church. Whin rorrest was a young man he was a clerk In a book store located near the Renfleld church, where he became imbued with a desire to be a preacher and to have for hla church the one be now occupies. He waa a poor young man. but overcame the handicaps that preaented them sel wee and finally, after years of ministerial labor In all parts el SesHawdi rseelvea a sell te the Glas gow church. At that . time the church was run down and It waa only after considerable debate that the trustees decided to is sue the call. . They were on the point of disbanding the church. However, they finally gave Rev. Forreat the call he had longed for so many years snd a result It is now one of the strongest in Scotland.' Its location In the business district Of the city has made it peculiarly a man a church and Rev. Mr. Forreat has developed himself as well aa his church along men s lines. until today, there Is no minister In Scotland more popular with the- male asx than he. TILLAMOOK FAIR TO . BE GREAT SUCCESS E.' T. Hal ton, treasurer of the Til la mook Development league, was In Port land yesterday In the Interests of the Tillamook County Fair and carnival. which will be held on August 11, 14 and 18. Through Mr. Hal ton. the Tillamook Development league Invites the busi ness -men and the general publlo of Portland to attend the fair. Tillamook Is a leading cheeae and butter making section,-there being SI cheese factories In the county. It also raises fine stock and contains one of the finest bodies of timber In the world. The fair will be In the nature of a street exhibit of the. products . of the county. Persons making the beat exhibit will be awarded prises. The Tillamook people are hope ful of getting a railroad through their county in the near future. During the fair there will be a dally steamer serv ice from Portland, landing at the Tilla mook City dock.. Travelers may also get to Tillamook by wagon road via Forest Grove, Sheridan and North Tam hlll. Tillamook City is a town of some ,000 Inhabitants, ... . . Location Wanted. , One of the largest Paolf lo coast bouses desires to locate in Portland If a suita ble location can be secured. They re quire room space of 10x71 and would like to have it on Waahlngton or Mor rison street, or on Fifth or Sixth street It Is a very desirable business And will be located permanently. r Address, T 14, Journal. , Mitwauki Country Club, , Eastern ' and Seattle noes. Take Ball wood and Oregon ClUr ears at First aal Alder . T.CGOTT PEOPLE REGISTER KICKS Declare Streetcar Service le In adequate and Demand Im mediate Relief.' WANT MORE CARS AND ' 'OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Manager Fuller States Senrlca Will Be Improved When Power Station! Are Completed Line Hay Be Double Tracked Soon, He Say i. East Sloe Department. ' - - The. residents of the Mount Soott district are angered to. the mutinous point because of the 'apparent Indiffer ence of the Portland Railway, Light and, Power, company to their appeals for additional atreet ear , faculties. Prominent members of the local Im provement club are' Investigating the subject with m view to bringing their trouble before the county court in case the railway company continues heed less to - their appsala, . Tbe congestion of t raffia ' on the morning and evening cars is said to be so great as to make It almost Ire pos sible to move about on the cars. . The people of this territory claim that the Mount - Scott tne la by far the beat' paying branch of the com pany's system and that It Is the. most neglected. Tbe assertion Is made that young women, worn out after a day's work In-(he city, are frequently com pelled to hang onto a strap or stanchion for the entire trip home. It is said that men walk south from Alder street along . First- street and meet .the Incomlns cars, acramble on and fill up the seats so fhat "when the cars arrive at tha Alder street station there are no seats left for th women. C. K. Butters, of the Columbia Life A Trust Co., . in discussing the in adequate service on the Mount-Scott line this morlng, said; Tho-sitoatlon was bad enough before the hot weather came, and now It Is simply Intolerable," R. A. Harris, of the Mount Bcott News, said:. "The company has" made some little Improvement in the - ser vice In the paat few weeks, but the re lief given is far from sufficient. President F. I. Fuller of the Port land Railway, Light and Power com pany, speaking of the complaints of the service oa the Mount Scott line. Said:.-- - "The real solution of the difficulty on this . branch will come when the power problem at Casadero' la settled. We are now putting in a sub-station at Lenta, which will help na out ma - - i terially. , We are also putting In two addition turnouts on the line, which will allow two additional cars on tha run. ' ' 'As soon as practicable, we shall doubletrack this line, but that is a big undertaking, and can't be done on abort notice. Our poller is to do everything poaalhls,. in keeping with business prin ciples, for the convenience of . our patrons. - Residents of ' Irvlngton are some what In the condition of the man who begged for bread and was given a stone, or perhaps more nearly akin to . the thirsty soul, who cried out In his an guish for watsr, and . had his thirst slacked with molteav lead. : A delegation of Irvlngton residents called on the water committee a few days ago and demanded . that an In- crekaed flow of water be provided for their district. A great wau is being sent up from Irvlngton that their water haa a sediment at the bottom and a scam on top. l-hey promise-that Jf BullRun la again turned Into their mains, they will be good, and no more expect the overworked water committee to fur nish a hundred per cent demand wlthS a fifty per cent supply. The Montavilla board of .trade haa Issued invitations' for next Thursday evening, to celebrate the suoceesful outcome- of -the- fight - for annexation - and Bull Run water. Mayor Lane, the city council and other ' olty officials have been invited to the banquet that la to be given at Woodward halL It waa a 10-year fight for annexation and better water, that ended with the victory In June. A portion of the cltlsena of Monta- .iii. wirs rrrd n.n.. preferred to try a local municipal fovernment. Insisting that, greater bene Its would be derived from the expen diture of home taxes on home Improve ments. But. it Is said, the opposition to annexation have ' become reconciled and will Join with the victors In cele brating. One of the chief benefits, it is hoped. that will be derived from Ita presence of the city officials st the banquet, - Is the opportunity that will be afforded the city officials to become aoqualnted with - the residents of the newly ac quired territory. Mrs. S. M. Jewell, matron of the feeble-minded school- st Vancouver, Washington, for the past 10 years, has resigned and will make her borne on the east side. Mra Jewell was a most valued employe of the state of Wash ington. She endeared herself to the scores of unfortunatea who came under her rare by the kindly. Intelligent way lit- which she discharged the respon sible duties of her position. The loyal women of St Johns will meet this afternoon at I o'clock In Odd Fellows'- hall, that city, for the pur pose of organising a Women's Relief corps. It Is urged that all women Interested In auxiliary O. A. R. work be present T. R. Wisher and B. L. Snow constitute the committee on organisa tion. ' " -. .- " - - Arrangements have been made ' by non-resldsnt capitalists to establish a furniture ' factory at St Johns. The proposition will be presented to the Commercial club at Its meeting next Tuesday evening. Those who are fa miliar with the proposition are satisfied with the responsibility of the promoters and will urge the club to meet the con ditions, demanded. . The steel fire bell recently ordered by the St Johns eouncil arrived yes terday morning ana was unloaded at the city hall. The bell Is of steel alloy. composition that is said to have the clearest tons and can be heard the greatest distance or any ben made. It weighs about 1.000 pounds and cost at the factory In Hlllsboro, Ohio, $110. When the new city hall la completed the bell will be mounted In a tower directly over the center of the building. Potter Sailing Dates.- Leaves Ash' street dock for ' North Beach, touching at Astoria, aa follows: July IT, 11:44 a, m.; July II, 11:40, p. m.: July 11, 1:10 a. m.; July 10. 1 a. m.: July 11, 1:10 p. m, . HELD BY FOG OFF , TIIE MIIER Steamer Comerio Reaches Here a Day Late From British Columbia Coaling; Port. UNDER CHARTER TO LOAD LUMBER-FOR 'AUSTRALIA Good Luck Follows Big Tramp and for iionthe She Haa Been Plowing ; Her , Wa Through Mirror-Like -Seae Waa Here In September. As suspected. " the ' British steamer Comerio, Captain McGill, waa detained off the bar by the dense fog that drifted In from the sea Thursday morning Or She would have arrived hers 14 hours earlier. With pilot Al Bette on the bridge she . reached' the harbor at o'clock this morning and went to the mills of the Portland Lumber company to. load lumber for Sydney, Auatralla. s ' Captain McGill says the fog was so thick it- could be cut with a knife and he did not dare run too close to ahore because It was Impossible to see ship's length. The sea waa calm, how ever, and there was no particular rea son ror standing far Tout, in this con nectlon it might be stated that "the Comerid'haa a peculiar faculty for keep ing out of atormy weather. According to her officers the big carrier has not encountered anything worthy of being called a storm for the paat four months, fine weather with smooth seas having followed her from port to port. ' After delivering a cargo of lumber at a Chtneae port, the Comerio went to Mororan, Japan, and took a cargo of oak railroad ties to Guyamas, Mexico, and umbla. All of this time she did not ship a sea and most ot the time plowed her way through a mlrror-Uke ocean. The Comerio was here last September and took away a cargo of lumber. Now, as then, she Is manned by coolie sailors who are well acquainted with the red tape of tha customs and Immigration servloes, - They considered It a good Joke this morning when lined up to be counted. J. J. Moore A Co. of San Francisco" Is shipping the cargo and It will be sup- piled by the Portland Lumber company and the North Pacific Lumber company. It will measure 1.160,000 feet. WANT PROTECTION. Port of Portland Will Cancel Policies With Six-Bit Companies. - "The Port of Portland will have noth- lng to do with six-bit Are Insurance companies and as soon as possible poll clear held in concerns refusing to pay ud dollar for dollar will be canceled. The matter waa discussed at consider able length at the last, regular meeting and a committee was appointed to se cure a Hat of companies in the six-bit class. If discovered that any of the com. mission's policies are held In the six-bit concern they W Ul b 1m mediately-can-1 oeled and turned over to companies pay- lna- un losses In full. Considerable In. surance Is carried on the equipment of the port and the) commissioners believe In having protection that protects. : The matter of .carrying marine insur ance on the dredges waa also taken i for dlsou salon. ' Heretofore the dredges and - tenders ' have not been Insured against loss by sinking, stranding or collision. I SAILOR SEEKS SHIP. Man Amxkms to Seonre Berths on the Oerauut Ship BmQte. Captain Williams has had little trouble in getting sailors to take the German ship Emllle home. He signed the last two men this 'morning and will start on. the long voyage tomorrow morning if a towboat la available. While sailors are scarce these days, little trouble was experienced In get ting men for the emllle because she goes to Copenhagen and Hamburg dl rect and aeveral Danes and Germans were anxious to take a trip home. By signing on the windjammer they not only' secure free transportation, but will draw 121 . per month wages, so they will reach their native country about ITI tu the guuil. The crew was taken - on board this afternoon The vassal is at anchor In the stream. TO CARRY FUEL OIL' Kataon kTavlgatlosi Company Will Bring " ew Steamer to the Ooasa. Chlef Engineer Barker of the Matson Navigation company will go to New York to bring the steamer W. 8. Por ter around to the Paclflo coast. The Porter was purchased a few weeks ago by the Matson Navigation com pany for the purpose of carrying oil from the California depots to Portland. The W. 8. Porter will be, the largest oil carrier In the trade on the Paclflo roast With the new - steamer added to" the-fleel Portland lUll be able to .boast of occupying more oil carriers than any other port on the coast En gaged In the trado at present are the steamers Atlas, Asuncion and Whlttler Kitsap were tested yesterdsy after- CHURNS WATER AT DOCK. Machinery of lieuDM Kitsap ' Prepared for Trial Trip. Tha oil burners on the newA. stesmer J L Kitsap wars tasted yesterday after noon and tbe machinery set In motion. Everything worked - as well - aa could be expected, and the propellor kept churning the water for several hours In order to et the machinery Into smooth working order. The Intention waa to five the Kitsap a trial spin on the river today, but carpenters arestlll at work on the upper works and It wss not deemed expedient to interrupt their work. The trial run will not be made until next week some time. The engines will be kept turning every day until the boat la ready for her trial run. - ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The steamer Alliance sails this even ing for Eureka via Coos Bay. The gasoline schooner Berwick Is loading stores at the foot of Couch street' for Rogue river. During the past six months Inspeo- During the paat six months inapeo- rlvae steamersv tha aggregate groaa ton nage of which waa 11.071 tona " The British ship Csrnedd Llewellyn finished loading wheat yesterday and ill probably leave down Monday. . The steamer Redondo will leave, for fan Fraaclsoo Monday, night with a "Jf Comsmruattv Cuitpdtan," SAvess. BAra Iye 4 per 'cent interest on avingi 1 accounts, ' compounded semi-annually. Ptyi 4 per cent interest? on yearly and 3 per -cent oa iix months' time de poiiti. ' ' Call and at. our new banking rooms in the Labbe ..building, corner of Second and Washington itreeti, for further particular!.' , oprzcBM jjn BTJaaoToaai ANDREW C. SMITH. President DAVID M. DONNB. Vice-President LANSING 8TOTJT. Cashier. - C B. BEWAIL, Assistant Cashier. ., JOHN DRISCOLL AND K.- U ,' . OODDARD, ' -v CITY PARK BAUD COhCERT COP' AFTERtiOO!! DeCaprlo Will Conduct It and Program Contain Some Ex- cedent Selections. ' Bandmaster A. DeCaprlo will eon duct the band ooncert in the City park tomorrow afternoon. He has selected a heavy program,- Containing such works aa the grand selection "Menatofele," Psderewskl's "Celebrated Menuet." I mpa" overture . and "Poliah Dance No. ' 1" -by Scharwenka. . Bandmaster DeCaprlo was the leader of the Admin istration band at tha Lewis and Clark fair and la associate conductor with Messra Brown and MoElroyt of the Park nana. The concert'beglna at 1:10 o'clock and following Is the complete program: "March de Cortege," opera "Don Car los" (Verdi): waits, "Wedding . of the Winds" (Hall)t ,i overture. "Zampa' (Herold); "Celebrated Menuet" (Pad- erewskl); scenes from "The Sho Gun" (Luders). - Intermission. Grand selection, "Meflstofele" (Bolto); "Polish Dance No, 1" (Scharwenka); paraphrase. e Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon' (Kappey): fantasia, "Musical . Scenes From Swltserland" (Langey);- march, "Salute to Bt Louis" (DeCaprlo). DeCaprlo, director.-' A large crowd assembled In Chap man square last night to hear the pro gram rendered by the City band, and was given a practical demonstration of the weakness of phonographs when they try to outdo a real live band. The crowd would not have known the phono graphs were running but. for the rasp ing walla that reached them during the Intervals . when. Director Brown's men were changing their music. .. The working men visit the plasa In large numbers and remained In. the park ltir0PV- XHJ.7'ni-. J night long after the last number of tbe program had ended. TWO FAMILIES MIXED UP IN DIVORCE SUITS Remarkable charges Involving- d two families In divorce proceed. S e Ihgshave been triads in the eir-) e , cult court. . The parties ara e Charles O. Foster, who la suing . ror a aivorce rrom nis wire, e Mattle L. Foster, and Catherine " e snider, who has asked for a de cree separating her from George Snider. Suit was filed by ' Foster charging his wife with Infidelity, naming William Miller aa co- e - respondent. This morning Mrs. e Foster filed an affidavit la tha e en it. charging her husband with inridellty, naming Catherine Snider as co-respondent. In the meantime Mrs. Snider had begun a suit for divorce from George Snider, charging cruelty, and in an answer Snider charges her with Infidelity, naming Charles Foster aa co-respondent. . from Judge Oantenbeln restrain- e -In foster from disposing ,f an e d Intereet he la said to own In the a e Model stables at Fifth and Davla e d streets, bringing him sa Income e S or about 1100 a month. : . . e BAKER THEATRE CLOSES FOR SEASON TONIGHT Tonight will be a gala time at the Baker theatre. It Is closing night for the present famous Baker stock season. The company haa been giving the pub llo splendid stock performances for the last nine weeks and will now lay off until the first week In September. . "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Is . the rerular bill ror tnia week, and will be the play for this' evening. It Is a fine' spectac ular performance or the grand old play. and tbe Baker company Is doing some extremely artistic work In presenting the characters aa they should be played. There have . been) two extra matinees for the women and the children. There are 10 negroes In the cast, to sing plantation melodies and represent plantation scenes. Altogether, it Is an appropriate bHl for the closing week of the best sock season this city has sver known. No one can afford to be absent from the grand closing jubilee tonight cargo of lumber: - She will not' carry passengers this trip. The steamer w. a. iiburn la due to arrive here tomorrow from San Fran cisco via Eufeka and Coos Bay. The schooner ..Alvena left Llnnton to day for San Francisco with 110,001 feet of lumber. ;. . . . t MARINE NOTES. Astoria, June 14. Arrived at T:I0. and left up at I a, ra., steamer Johan Poul- sen from San Francisco; left up at a. m.. schooner Ban Buenaventura; arrived down at I a. m., barkentlne Georglnla: outalde at 11 a. m., ) three-masted schooner. San Franolsco, July II.-Sailed at I p. m., Norwegian steamer Otta. for Port Und. Aetoria, June 11. Sailed at 1:10 p. m . steamer Thomas I Wand, for San Fran- stscoi.- left . upat- l:lpnw British steamer Comerio. t. Bt, Johns. June 14. Passed at Till a. m., British steamer Comerio. Astoria, June It. Condition of the bar at I a. nv, amootu! wind orthwesti thick fog outside RIVER EXCURSION T071STC... SUNDAY, JULY 15 Steamerlt PASTBST BOAT TO XT BTO SAW SBUHmrU.T BQVZ1TBB a OaUBMXjre) ruASVsa tmArr, Leaves Alder Street Voc Tr : land ,.f .........;,... a. Arrive at Astoria at ......... .. .1 p. Leave Astoria for home at S p. Arrive In Portland at... p. . Meals Served a 1 Oarte. Oarry Tour biaek If Ton Wish, ' ' A delightful Sunday trip a charming ride on the greatest river at, western America the' beat steamboat on the Pacific coast Polite atten. tlon-to everyone. ': r,-;---'r-rr;' ' - ' t-' r ,:. Sec the City by the Sea at Little Cost The Cup That Cheers NON-INTOXICATING THAT OLD STYLE , GINGER BEER " FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED Phone Eait 3212 iC Base Ball P r Comer Yaugha and Twenty-fourth PORTLAND vs. SBATTLB . Oames OaUed at SiSO p. m. Bally. .' . Oames Called SiSO p. at. arandaya. Sadies' ayr Prlday. ADMISSION 25 CENTS GRANDSTAND, tic, CHILDREN, 10a BOX SEATS, lie. ttaVnSo. The Ml& Theatre uKZ Tenlgbt. 1:18. Cvery Might 1 Thla Week afatiaeea Wedsaaday asd Saturday - Signor Dominico R.nsso la "CAVAI.LXAIA XTTsTICAVA." Preeadad kr Iwt Acts "THE MASOOT . T5 eM IV. -atanne. asranJ Koer Beats SalUBtf at Heillg Boa OfAea. Baker Theatre Ongea Tsaatte Oa, m. L. nakar. In Plane Mala 1S07. The Homa ef Kiak-Olsas Staek. Toalfbt. AU Tbla Week Note tba MaUnaas .... Tu Tkaraaar aad Satnrdav. Tbe Popalar Baker Ootnpany la - Wand ProdnctloB of "VmCLT TOat'g oAsnr Olaalnc Weak ef the PKICC8 ETenin. SSe. sue and Boa, Mat- Taalgkt. seavealrs ef Coapasy Qlvea Away, THE STAR INTB win BTaK stock compart "The Two Jacks" la CVmneetlna With s Fine Vasdevllle Olio. NOTK THK TIMS Pertarauaces dally at 1:10, T:M and I BO . . The Grand FAIAXSO The laatra- OV rtTLT Xllatrartk A taaley Oraoala Xkylor Actio Oa. Harold Kaff OraaAaaeape. suatal Thrao Berfaraenroe dally st I: SO, 1M id S:M p. bj. mcas reaials ss siusl. - PANTAQES Poarth and Stark Ita. inmiim TAiim no aid vaxt CIACUI, A Sevalat-M la Aabm.Tra. the ataarys. SetaUa. Jaaa Wileea. Paarlees Helaas. tayae BaAvIe, BlegraBh. Ooneral admiaatoa, lOej reearved seeta, Ke; bozoa, Me. Ladloa and eblldraa taka any seat at week-day matinees for IV eenta. Partorsa aneoa dally at a SO, T:M snd Ss.Sk Coa tlnuona Sunday from I to 10:411 p. si. Tho Portland . PORTLAND, OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. . ' Everything to eat and drink, and It eoste no more In the Port! and Hotel Ratbsksner than elsewhere In the city. Every weekdsy night from :I0 to 11. K. O. BOWxma. Kamage. rernUta. The following permits have been Is sued: ' 8. L. Roberts, one-story dwelling, Stephens, between East Thirty-second and Eaat Thirty-third, coat 11,110; D. Ryman. two-story barn, Eaat Everett, between East Sixth and Eaat Seventh, coat. 11.000; Seneca Smith, repairs to bank. Washington, between Second and Third, cost 1110; Charles Uunn. re pairs to dwelling, Tillamook, betfween Rodney and Vutoa avenues, ooet 1100, 1 AviseK - -IdrosJ '" 1 l 1 . 'ii ,' i 'i, ;r , a Sanding mm m. ra. m. m. Round J nfi Trip..v.l'UVU but Does Not Inebriate APPETIZIISO . -A1ND ' REFRESH I IN Q may IMITATIONS BUT ONLY ONB GENUINE ; h BUTTERNUT BREAD MADE IN OREGON You Will Find This Trsdo : Mark on Every Loaf. ; SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Phone Main 1904 SCHAIJEL BLAIR CO. MAABLl ASH woaxi. Arttatlr sa 4 nenta. aaaaeo krasia. CoBjotery end balldlas work Bjaasfaetarad from the east ef marble and graatte. and ereora proaisUy attondad t. Street BrM . PORT. LAND ORE. OON PORTLAND ACADEMY , Portland Oregon ita teas weu omr nrf. it. ' Fits boys -and girls for Eastern and Western colleges. . ....... Includes a primary and grammar school. . . i Boarding hall for girls affording tha comforts and care ef a refined home. Office hours durin tha Sununar from I a. m. to II m. . . For catalogue write to the ' addreeev given above. HUTARY ACADEriY A Boarding and Day School for Boy a Manual Training, Military Discipline, College Preparation. Boys of any age admitted at any time. Write for Illus trated Catalogue;-- - - Dr. J. W. HILL, Prop, and Prlachil . Fall term will open Sept 1. li. roBTivAjro, OBsaov. I LUirtU i?nfiifrc,f I I -aaaWs' J L HLL rri7TiT)isv;ri IMUII