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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
CPLCNID -CHANCE TO CUY YCIO CICUmJMICniNa CCCZO A7 CL'J SECRETLY WED AT PORTSIOUTH r ; .' . ; A v ; TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT REDUCTIONS ON ALL OUR ; . Ranges, Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves, Enameled Ware, All Kinds ol t ' i ? C Kitchen Oterisils, Lamps, Dishes, Glassware, Etc ; y; (No reductions on cutlery, carpenters' tools or builders' hardware. Our prices on this class of merchandise are too low to admit - ; of any scaling.) . - v ; ;-(,vN ,"";-,:'.:;'. ; ? . v v . We are soon to remove to our own building, recently bought by us and now being fitted up for the home of Portland's best hardware establishment. ' It shall be stocked complete witb-new house furnishing goods throughout, and we art selling stock on nana at i9 per cent ot actual values. Jrurst nere geu the pick route salesmen, prompt service. ! V. A JV lr?T7'-:7-r- .Vrrr.'M;v .. ,-i " 'f Ooeraal IpMial aervftje.t : Portsmouth. N. H., Julr 14-In aplte ef denials It la a fact that William I Payne, the aotaa, better haewn ao Le Payne, and Carotin Louisa Dudley of New Tork. who la Mrs. Leslie Cartar, ,. tha etress. were united in marriage . here resterday in St. John's Bpleoopal f , church by tha rector, Ray. Hanry Emer i .son Hovmr. Oreateet eeoreey we-eb ' served about tha matter and Kiss Dnd- lay. or Mrs. Cartar, was heevUy veiled. ;,Last Tuaaday Mra. Lealla Cartar, ao , companled by Mlaa Munro, W. J, Dean, WlUiara Courtney, Morgan Comen. W. I Payne and Jack DeVereaux. with two chauffeurs, valet tbraa malda and mobiles, arrived at tha Hotel Rocking ham, ' . Wedneeday William X Payne called on City , Clerk Moran and took out a marriage license. - He rare - bis name aa' " William ' 1 paynat occupation etudent, y age 11, residence New -Tork; father. Alfred It. Payne of New Tork, artist. Ha rave tha bride'e name aa Carolina I Dudley, residence - New Tork, as 10 rears; father, Austin Dudley, of Chicago, occupation lawyer. : Payne than called on Rot, H. H. u""r ana '-"fTinta for tin marrlaae, whloh took place yaterday Tha Cartar party slipped away from Boaton and started for New Tork la automobtlea this morning except Payne, who remained and- denied abeolutely the--marriage. , jHa-waa shown the lioanae copy aa evidence that ha married a few hours before to Mra, Lealla Carter but refused to walked away.. :.:.. Telephone Main 1382 Tlrst tzi tola StL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP HARDWARE, GARDEN AND CARPENTERS' TOOLS AND CUTLERY, iQffiil Pleasant to tahe and does not gripe or nauseato ... . ...- . ... j Cures Chronic Constipation, S Troublo Stimulation Without Irritation. -OBrjLaxatiTe-Fnifri6Tras-aV-new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas- , , , . , 511 ' - ! ant o ui&e. . xc win not gripe or Bic&ea. It is much more pleasant and effective ' than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, V as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. . .;AA;Xonstipatlone A' A'A; Oxcro Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit haying been derived. The condition4 of the patient remains un changed. The RtomachJLlYeraiidQgel? have not been stimulated and in few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give ' permanent ; relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. Omho Laxative Fruit syrup is the enly preparation that really acts upon ; all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all ox the digestitfi organs can not cure Chronic Oonstipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc For Biliousness and SicK . AA Headachsa - Take Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bewels witheuf irritating these organs. Clears tha Complexion. : " Okoro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate the liver and thoroughly ; cleanses the system and clears . the complexion ot pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. l.efuse substitutes. V OUR GUARANTEE PREDICTS iDEATH OF FORESTS Gilbert Rogers, of - Indian Forsst ; A Service, Makes Startling y ''-: .'Assertion.--!' SEVENTY. YEARS WILL SEE END OF TREES Canada- and United Sutes Will Bt Without SUnding Timber at End of That Time, He Sara, Unless Pra ' cautions Are Taken. - v Gilbert Rogera of Enlsnd, for . II yeara In tha Indian forest aervtoe, made the atartlinc assertion today that tha -tprests la Canada would be worked out In TO years and those In tha United States In about tha same time unleaa radical action was taken by tha aoTern .menta of the two eountrlea for tha 'preservation of tha trees. He aaid that In 10 yeara tha value of timber In the , uwiea Biai.s would increase ZOO per cent, and that thera would not be good timber to be obtained at that price It tha present devastation was allowed to : Mr. Koaers is m skins; a tour of tha loreste or tha United States In oompany with J. Garvin Peters of tha United States ! forestry . service. They have traveled from tha Atlantlo eoaat to tha Pacific and after a visit to tha forests ,of Oregon will to Into British Columbia , and return east, through Canada. , BUtmora - and other famous private , reeervee In the eastern states were visited by tha foresters and the ..state .reeervee throughout the south as well , as tha government landa.ln tha middle west and California, In speakln(p! forestry, Mr. Rogers said: . , "There Is one advantage America has , over India In tha - forestry. Tha aoll , baa wonderful rejuvenating -' qualities .that are not found In India. With such .conditions It will be comparatively aaay -for this country to rebuild Its forestry areas. In India in tha past; year tha expenses of tha governmentIn-, main taining tha forest reserves exceeded tha ravenuea by 16,000,000. Between I and 10 par eent of the total land area of the country Is devoted to forestry, while In this country bat little over per cent Is devoted to the earns purpoaea. - "An Interesting feature that I wotlTd Ilka to aee followed In this country and Canada la that of munlclpalttlea owning and operating reaervea. Mora than per cent of tha reserves in Oermany are owned by tha cities and the revenue .yielded- by-tham- net -only-pay e-fer- aha . maintenance of the forests, but for the upkeep of tha roads and a sum of money to tha tresaury. Only an amount of timber equal to that grown each year Is rut, thus Insuring permanent forest a This would be a great thing for tha western cltlea to adopt before they find themselves In tha aame condltfoi ae the eastern atatcee .namely, .no state lands rs ama all Umhaa auW , . COURTHOUSE EMPLOYE CLAIMS- : HE INVENTED "TWENTY-THREE" ' There haa been a lot of . conflict of opinion over tha origin of tha expres sion "21 for you," and different author itlea Bat up clatma that It can be passed out by -telegraph., by , telephone or by word of the mouth. It haa been beard on a phonograph, and one fellow who saw ' two mutea talking pn their fingers asserted that tha baleful words hsd been translated Into tha sign lan guags and that one of tha mutes was giving tha ether "11", with much force and directness. - But no question will be raised as to ine origin oi ine that la abeolutely Infallible. , It dlf fere widely from any way previously known of telling your tormentor "18 It was invented by Walter Hay, an ob- stracter at the courthouse, and he Bays ha figured It out when he ought te have been doing" something else. Maybe ha did, but ha obtained aa exeet solu tion. . ; ' Here la his formula:- . 'Thla for you.-' Select any number up to t. Multiply tha ' number so selected by ; remove the left hand digit from tha product; add IS to the remaining - digit, and to the sum s obtained add the number first eelected When the vlotlm has performed al these arithmetical gymnaatlca ha la ln- hewest methraroTvamine Bunrrontea SPRAYING POTATO PLANTS TO KILL 'BLIGHT Method in Use In New York Will Be Introduced in Willam- s ara.VelUv 7 -- - B praying potato . plants ,to J. protect them . from blight Is being lntrodueed Into the Willamette valley by . Profea- or A R Cordley of theOregoo Agri cultural college at Corvallia, and the Nflrat .spraying will-'be done by, Fruit Commissioner -James H. Reld next Mon day afternoon on the farm of Charles Rlaley at Oak Grove. Potato plant spraying haa been proved a success lti New Tork state. It la claimed that the spraying will prevent blight,- and where no blight la present will cauaa tha production of more pota toes of marketable else. It la Bald to have a stimulating effect on the planta Bordeaux mixture Is used In spraying, and the cost ia about tl per acre. Thla Inoludea material for tha mixture and labor of man and boraea to do the spraying. - The formula for the Bor deaux mixture follows: ' ' Dissolve 4. pounds of blue vitriol in IS gallons of water. Slake i pounds of lime in' Just enough water to Blake It, then-addLle . gallons ofwater. Mix the two solutions and the spray Is ready for application. Ordinary spraying im plement are uaed in applying the mix-. ture.' - . On .Wedneeday afternoon Mr, Reld will spray tha potato- plants on the farm of. Charles Cleveland at Ores ham. In tha large potato flelde of tha east parts green is added to the Bordeaux mixture, and thus the spray serves to prevent buge aa well as blight.'. Bleeesa. . ' " . - SpwUI rttapafh te The learntl ' Weston. Or.. July 14. The directors of school -district No. II have elected the following teachers for the ensuing term: : Thomaa M. Bowman, principal, salary, 1100 per month: Mlaa Luella B. Cralgen and Mlaa Anlce Barnea, as sistant salaries fSO per mohth each. MrsT'Lllllsn Robinson, primary, salary 19 ( piOBt,.ij with the newest I slang for "aklddoo,' and the one nalng thla method ia relieved of using an ex pression that is ; already eomewhat worn. -It will be observed that'll ia eon spicuous in this formula, but Hay says ha uaed - it - beoausa science . demanded it, and not because of any- desire te make a strong hoodoo. i A .Wonderful Record. Aa made up by Improved and exact Dr. Pleree's Favorite Preecrle- en ia a aaeet adleiaat iMlf tor laMng all the weaianly (unotlana, correct ins dlsplaoaaenw, aa rolaaema, ante ver sion and retroversion, evereosaftur aalafnl penouB, busing ua ue Berves ana erinf -Ing about a perfect state ef health. It cures the backache, neriodleal haasa... the dragging -dawn dutress in the pelvis rogioa, un paia ana lenaerness over lower abdominal region, dries up the pelvle catarrhal drain, so dtsacreeaMe and weakening, and form ef weakness lacldaat te the ergans distinctly feaslBlne. - . . 'Favorite Jfraaerletlon la the only medicine for wemea. the makers ef whloh are not afraid to prtet their formula an the bottle wraever, thns eaaing taeir paireas BM Ben tun eon Doence. - it u the only women, every Ingredieai ef only medicine for Ileal ef wkiah ku the stroageat poeeible aiWoraesaent of the moat eminent nadlcaJ nrtMJilnn.r. and writers of our day, recomneodtag It for the dlseaasa for which "favorite Prescription ie aaed. It is the only 8ut-up medicine for - women, sold i rough druggUu, which deea set eon tain a large nereenUge ef alcohol, so harmful in the long run, sspsefaUy te delicate women. It baa mere geealns enree te IU -eredl than all ether medt elnes for women eemblned. hevwia saved thensanda ef sufferers fron the oeeraaing Meie aa the sureeen's bsMe. it naa reawrea eeiicate, weak, wi strong and vlgorona health aad making moMeraooa pe was barrennesa before. Ing and making happy many thowaaads ei names ay tna advent of little ewes to itrenathen the marttel bends and add (naeaine where gloom and dssasudsucy had relgaad baiore. Wrlu to Dr. E.V. Pierce. Ha will send yea good, fatherly, prefeaeienel advlre. In a plela, seeled eavelena abaobtale, fre-Adareaa hi-a at BajfaU, NTiW . Dr. JereVa Keeeeat PeTieis do not gnpa. laey eneetaeJlT eleeBee the aya UA of aoemlaaa Imparitiea. Tha People's Common ease Medieal is sent women te health aad virility, i possible, whose there ure, thereby brighten- Aaviasr, oj ut. rieree, loop pagaa, tv wm ncwui .1 saaaiBa e pay OXBOBM Of mailing only. Sand SI oae-ennt for the book In naner eovara. or St for the cloth bound relume. aa sBtre tampt stamns JuUrost Tahe ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you are not satisfied your money will be refunded -re)prdenly by FOLEY dk CO-. Chloas. IH. v. : ';. 'V. ;' ' . i SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY . ' ; ' ' ODARDilJUtgBcbAND" AND SKIDMORE DRUO CO. H ' ! , JUST CANCEL THIS MARRIAGE LICENSE,'- SAYS UNHAPPY YOUTH T want this marriage license can-1 :Thadeputy-eplelaed fhst a Jlcense celed," said a young man who earns into the county clerk's office yesterday afternoon with lagging f ootatepa and a look ef complete unhapplneae on . his faoe. ? ' -i "What la the matter old man?" queried the deputy who had been ao coated. -:1 -Just a little allp between the cup and the Up." aaid the unhappy - one wearily, and he would say no more. He admitted that his. name was Lenual A. Jones and that be secured a Uoenae last Wednesday to marry Christine Ten nant. . . i . ... ,; , . .. : oould not be canceled nor the fee paid for It refunded, but he turned back to the affidavit book to the record of the license and wrote at the bottoov-"Mar- nage not eonautnmated." "Very weU." ' said Jones, aa ha crumpled the worthless lioanae into hla pocket and walked elowly out of the courthouse. The reus shone brightly. but to him the world had the gloom of deepest winter, and aa he passed out of the building; he muttered again, half to hbnsalf. "There's many a Blip between the enp and the up." If - WM k . H(t-''H - - L II rC f I S I -B V ID JU J aexf I I els There la a fashion In vogue just now whlsh ' appeals both to the housewife and the would-be hoetcsa that of. serv ing - only eold dishes for dinner when the weather Is warm, -says Oood House keeping. Thla gives a chance for the family te grow cool and comfortable be fore the meat la served, and entertain' Ing becomes a pleasure instead of a bur den; while the dinner, if made up of courses really eold and dallcioua as they should be, le far more appetising than if It consisted of hot roasts and vege tables,, with perhaps a pudding to fol low. :' ' ' f ' ' A' eompany dinner may have a table set with a huge bowl of wall-opened white garden rosea, standing on either a flat mirror or a Sheffield tray. , The eandlae and shades may be white, and the little caket and bonbons on the ta ble. White decorations are alwaya .beat with a eold dinner, aa they add to the effect of eoolnesa. t ' With the exception ef Iced bouillon, soup Is now seldom seen at eold dinners. but fish. pourss follows the fruit ' Small cantaloupes Soft shall crabs with sauce tartare . - , Brown bread and butter Asparagus with French dressing Blloee of freSh tongue, with jmacedpine of vegetableo Pineapple salad with wafers and cheese Strawberry jeny cupa,.xuiea with ; . ice' cream . v ' ' : Cakes coffee - l I Africa, ' haa reached Khartoum, Bgynt Ia November she paaaed through un known territory where no white per son had aver before aet foot, - to Lake VlotortaNyanaa. This took twenty- lit flsTi mil mil) iwloe did she a European. Her eeoort eonalated ef a few native soldiers. ; ' The Empress Eugenie at one time owned a wardrobe valued at 11.000,000. Today aha spends aa little ae possible on herself and dresses invariably in black. '.':. Mrs. 3. O. Phelpe-Stokee, the work ing girl who married a millionaire, re cantly addressed ,aa audianoe of wall-to-do people on the wrong of working glrla, when she said that their physical and apiritual death la largely eauaad by the greed of employers for a few eents addition to their dividends. WOMEN IN THE WORLD. The prettiest hands In the world. It said, belong to Mdlla. Maria da Cas tellans member of the famoue French family ef that name and one of. the reigning beauties of Psrls. The coun ts! a. who gate her title through the dethroned' royal - family, long ago dropped the-tamlly .. ere at and went open the stage, where she la known by another name. It ia aaid that Mra. Potter Palmar revela in buttermlax, bacons, greens and apple pie. This has given tboae who Insisted she was constantly In tha care or a "beauty" doctor a . decided Miss Mary Hall, who since last June haa besa eulorlog 1b the Interior, of A PRETTY GOWN. A gown worn by an American woman at the French racee and commented on favorably by eeveral beautlfuUy f rocked Parisians,--wae a 24Ua-green moussllne over silk ef the aame ahade. It was embroidered In roses and wheat ears In bronse and greenlah-brown chenille. Two rows of velvet ribbon trimmed the edge of the skirt, -the lower one being Quite broad, the narr6wer row matching the bronse-green chenille - embroidery. PThe eoraage. also" embroidered, opened over a gulmpe of creamy lace.' aad the gown was topped by a ' Nile green straw hat, trimmed with Nile green tuUe and a creamy yellow bird ' of paradise. The head and breast plumage of the bird shaded from metallic green to dark and light brown, than to yellow. and laatly to the rich oream or pale yel low forming the prutne,- MAMMOTH MILLINERY. Very high hats seem to be much worn at present in Europe, often with rather oomlo 'effect- It le to be hoped that Dame Fashion, in har revival of paat tnodesr will not introduce the style of headgear In vogue during the latter part of the seventeenth century. It waa. often five feet high, so that a lady's face ap peared to be In the middle of her body. GLACE NUTS. Three cups sugar, half cup water; bolt, tilt Jt candlea, then add a little oream tartar, dissolved in water, .drop ltr- halves of walnuta, let them remain aTeW minuter.-then- lp- oot-one-by one and place en buttered tine e paper. Figs, datea or. sections of oranges are nice prepared in thla way. AS THEY DO IN lONDON.' In London toast and no handed through, .dinner, - and AretakkIresndaa&rAs slmHatirg feJtXriaielCefix-1 linguStaEMs1awhor Promotes DifcwtianJUirerfUr- ness andRestXontalna xiAer JWititi ynrfhhlVflPTHMSL if or Hino oTip, nWJks AperirxfRermrorCrjmBrjev flon , Sour StoswKDiarxhoea Wbrms Arrvulsions .Favrrish ntss endLo89 or SLEEP. TacSinila Srgnarure of NEW YD UK." It if BUCt. COftTCaWWaUSaVkV Forlnfiata indCMlirr-i. Tha Kind You Iluva Always Docht Bears tbo SigLmtore ail M mm am m a Uco For Ouor Thirty Year MW II lliill G 3. the end of the meal plain, dry biscuits are added. As an alternative to eoffee glasses of almost boiling water are offet'wd guests after dinner. These gl eases of hot water are served In a sort of stand in silver, with a handle, much like our soda water glaaa holder. GOOD THINGS TO KNOW. Wipe off the atove with vinegar be fore using polish to secure . a ehlnlng result " ' When- there. Is a Tain CShanter to be washed dry it over a dinner . plate and it will not ehrtnk. Whiting mixed with lemon Juice will bleach piano keys that - have become yellow, ' Use eourtplaater for anendlna- small holes In an umbrella. , IIofinn-nsad- instead ef aold will eauae' mashed potatore to be-far-snore appetising. The lulce ef half a lemon In a eun of black coffee la said to be a aure tot the headache. A Dlece of charcoal tm Into the ml bread" t Hrrrh-betHee -onlena wlU .at)ior. most tvm I v. ute eoora COLONIZING COMPANY ; BUYS LARGE : TRACT f. " eaaaSBaBBweiBiB ''' " , (Sperlsl Dkpatea- te Tk: erael.) Cove Or., July 14. The Eaatera Oregon Colonising eompany haa com plated a deal Whereby it secures tKe ownership of a tract pf land compfla Ing one hundred and forty enree ad Joining Cove en the north. The com pany bad an option on thla eoatrsot for seven months, end when learning ef Ita real value the deal waa sulckly cloaed. Tha tract will be divided hit eectlona of from five to ten acres ear-h. and ' placed on sale at prleee ranging from flftO te 1100. ra-Diosmo With Its eompanlona, heartburn, f lence, torpidity f the liver, r ttnn, palpitatlee of the hMirt, r headache end other nervoo. , sallow skin, foul to" . breath and a legion ef o at on-e the most wi st rue tire mala-'v S"" penple. The l.rhi-. i cure e'l t"-e t mm . 1 'V.T-