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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
THE- 0REC6:i DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAND. SATURDAY JZVZ::ii:Q, Jgy 1. t . , 3 - tnr.ip EXPLOSIOfJ Conflagration on Scow at Astoria '.Waterfront Was of Acci- - t '.' dental Origin.' . v ' MAN WHO DISAPPEARED -t . HAS LOCATED HIMSELF Ellas Col Returns H6rn After Short Trip in Search r ot Work, but 1 Henry Nickett Hu Not Vet Been Discovered. . ' Tk Jaamal Km. ensneS I scrlpt'os bureau . st - 430 Commercial street, ; AMwIt, b any buelueee with the? Bspet t Mr be transacts. Phone Mala SSM, ' Journal' Astoria BureW"Jly -f An examination of the promises today ; by the authorities warrants lb suppo sition that th firs which consumed the ' aoow of. V?'Ul'Wln tha water, front at an early "hour yeaterday morn' ing and cremated tha old man was ths rasult of an accident, probably ths ex plosion of a keroeene lamp, Thars ara bo Indication that.. in Duuaing deliberately Artd by Wilson with sui cidal Intent. When ths firs department reached ths evsaa. after responding to an alarm that waa turned In shortly after mid ' night, tha cow was found enveloped la namea.- Agonising, screams . were heard within. Tha flra had than reached - ruch a . star that It was Impossible ' to enter ths place and when extln- ' Bulshed sad tha , place examined ths body of Wilson was found lying on the floor in a partially nuoa condition ana badly charred. Ths ore ..was. first no- ' tleed br neighbors, who - wars : at traetedythajKmMuns-i)tlejild man, - but- ths names wars then so far ad- vanord that rescue was Impossible. -' Wilson was about 60 rears of ass and feeble from long stcknesa. He has been a county charge for a number of ' years and ths day before ths terrible - eoourrenoe It was decided to send htm to ths eountv hospital for treatment. CREMATES IIU " He" ha4 resided.- to Astorta-tormanr years. - Haply Xooklnr o Work. 'Ths mystery surrounding the dlsapr pearaaco of Ellas Cols, ths young mar ried man who so auddenly dropped . from view, after tell in his wlf that he waa going to the stable to feed his horses, has been cleared up. Testerday ; Cole walked Into his home with the explanation that be had been to Ooble looking for work. Henry Nickett, the other man who disappeared., la still missing, but it is believed that hs ami- . (rated to escape hie bills.'" ' Good Chune Anticipated. ' . Much interest is manifested in sport ing circles in ths baseball game that is to take place next Sunday between the ft epkss s. 1 lah,Br""Be; 3g'""eiflBJv4jsJt champions of tha lower river, and the Schiller team of Portland, which claims ' toe -championship of that city. The vis iting team la known to be a strong aggregation, but ths home team will -be erv the long end hre -with the snorV mg fraternity. ' . Says Dslaad Xas Xovsd. - -The bearing of testimony 1 lnf the Washington-Oregon boundary dispute -peafllngbsfors the United gtatee upremo ckourt was resumed before the etomtalsaion ln this elty today. Tester day a number of maps were introduced - end rural witnesses testified retraining ( tna changes that have taken place at the mouth of the - river since - the boundary law was framed a number Of. years ago. . Captain M. D. Staples, who haa PUotedahlpe in and out over ths bar for ths last 40 yeare, stated that Band island is now. fully three miles north of where it was when the nonn channel was In u CLATSKANIE FORMS w . V " COMMERCIAL CLUB ClaUkania, Or, July li-A meeting of -the bustnaae men of the elty was eai ieq Tnursaay-tp-consider ths new railroad that Te about tole built through the town. After some discus sion an 'organisation waa formed and named the Clatskanle Commercial club. , The business men of the town have united in order to look after the busi ' nesa interests of ths town. W. K. Tlche nor, a member of tha Tichenor Mill com pany, was elected president; 'C H, Stockwell. cashier of the Clatskanle Ex. chan re bank, secretary, and E. D. Kings ley, president of the West Oregon Lum ber company, vice-president. Heart Palpitation Indigestion causes thsstomac to sxpapd swsfl and puff up r' affsjnst ths bsart This crowd v. the , heart and interferes with l ..its action, causing shortness ot brssth, palpitation of ths heart eta .. .... - '; Kodol 'Dyspepsia Cure SIOtSTI VBAT TOO EAT - takes ths strain off the heart, and contributes nourishment, etrsnsth n(LJaalth to evsty rgmn of th body. Cures Indi - (sstion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- ach, Belchlnf.TJsi on StomscBT . and aQ Stomach troubles. . Denova,"Towarr ' Tore year ago I was afflicted with Indigestion so much that I was In contlanai pais. After ' eating my heart was affected and I had smothering sensations. - Iw hottles a Kedol enred sssr- - -f ALEXKT LAKJC. ' CA eWsr eeaSstos H ' Um as atacS as tse Ms or S9 aim. Pnwi ml tas tasorassiy tl . a. c Dtwtaa Ce,aeiM tt sTKXSVOBa DBVa CO. A.BTD - ELKS' COfllEIITIOIl DENVER Preparations Complete to Re - celve Grand Lodge and Fifty Thousand Members. - CITY GAILY DRESSED 1 ' IN PURPLE AND WHITE Electrical Display on Streets at Night 'Governor McDonald to Welcome Antlered' Herd Grand Parade Take Place on Thursday. to Oanrnal Soeelal SstTlce.t Denver. Colo.. July 14. Although the grand lodge of Elks does not meet here until Monday, all prevloue records are already broken in attendance. ' up -to noon today fully 10,000 had registered, not including those accompanying the members of the order. The local com mittee expects fully S0.000. visitors in ths city by ths first of ths week. ' The boslneee section of the elty is gorgeously dressed in purple and white, the official colors of ths Elka. The electrical display at night Is said to surpass anything of th kind attempted before in this country, ' While trips' te ths mountains and other diversions are furnished the visitors, the delegates al ready here are canvassing the situation in regard to ths election of grand ex alted ruler and grand exalted secretary. T, be formal opening of the conven tion will take place Monday evening la the Tabor opera house. Governor Mo Donald .will make an address of wel come, as will also Mayor Bpeer. Grand Exalted Ruler Robert W. Brown ' of Louisville will deliver a short address, and Perry Clay, one of the most elo- WiXjmJL Colorado., will deity address of welcome on behalf of the reunion committee, and thars will bs an elaborate musical program. It will bs ths first . tlraa that ths Elks hare held their convention opening la the evening. ' ".. ' "' . . , The parade comes on Thursday. Tha parade will probably be the grandest pasuant- of Its kind that ever has moved through the streets of an Amer ican elty.' : Scores of bands have been engaged, and another feature will be the natty uniforms of the marchers. Beautiful and eoetly prises ' wlU bs given for the best appearing delegation, the largest delegation in Una, the lodge bringing the largeet number of ladies. Ths prises will bs paid in gold and sil ver bricks, secured from the mines in the vicinity of Denver and melted In the new mint hre. While the dele gates are engaged in their bualness sessions . many . entertainments have been arranged for other visiting' Elks and their ladles. HEIR OF HAWARDEN ; CELEBRATES MAJORITY (Joaraal speeUt Serrlee.) ' "' London, July U. Hawardert was sn fete today in celebration of the coming of age of William Charles Gladstone, the favorite grandson and heir of tha famous statesman, William E wart Glad stone. The birthday f estlvlUes will ex tend ever several daye and -will Include a tenants' dinner, a garden party for friends and a children's treat. Toung Oladstons la ths possessor of s considerable- fortune, - Inherited - from his mother's family. The historic Ha warden eastlo was captured by Dafydd. brother of Llewelyn, Prince of Wales, as far back as 1 IS 3. Centuries later it was dismantled by parliament during the civil war. when it became the prop erty of Sergeant Qlynne, . from whom it descended te - the late William E. Oladstons 'through his wife. . - Toung Oladstons has been finishing his education at Oxford, where hs has achieved distinction ss ons of ths. best speakers .of. ths famous . Oxford .union. Although hs is master of Hawarden castle, he te not the chief of the Glad stone family. This la a dignity which belongs to ths famous statesman's nephew, Sir John Gladstone, a retired officer or the guards. . - REGULARS AND MILITIA lTCAMP AT LEBANON ' irjoaraal Special Serrtre.) Lebanon. Pa- July li. The cams at Mt Greta, one of the alx summer camps to be maintained in various parte of ths country this year for the practical training of both the regular army and the militia of the several states, was opened today and will continue for three months or more. The ML Greta camp is regarded as one of the most import ant of the six as it includes the states embodied In the vast territory known as ths department of the eaat and which embraceo 60 par cent of the entire cltl- sen soldiery of ths country. General Frederick ' D. Grant, com mander of the department of the east, is 'in command of the camp and will conduct the maneuvers.- The - regular troops from ths various army posts hroughotrt-the-east-wiiraeslst in ths training of ths state militia. The ma neuvers will in many rsspscts partake of ths features of ths United States army maneuvers formerly held at Ma paseas.-'Virginla. Rifle, cannon and carbine practice will receive more than usual attention and the stats rifle range will be used for that purpose. ,t. ,, MILITARY CAMP AT - INDIANAPOLIS OPENED Uoeraal Bpeelsl Serrtre.! Indianapolis, July 14. All arrange ments -ha va been completed -for the great military camp at Fort Benjamin Harrison, ths nsw military post near this elty. -Under orders from ths war department the regular troops which are to take part in. the maneuvers are to leave their present quarters tomor row under orders te march at least lit miles of the way. During the eummer the maneuvers will bs participated In by ths regular troops from Fort Sheri dan, Fort Thorns s. Fort Wayne, Fort Brady,. Fort Omaha and Jefferson bar racks, In addition the states of West Virginia,- Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and Kentucky have been invited to send their state mllltl to take part . ; . ; FAST HORSES TAKEN - TO SALEM STABLES La araade. Ori July 14. Bin- high bred trotting horses belortglng to N. K. West of thte city were shipped to Balem last evening where they will be put in training for the coming state fair. These horses are all young end!1 , , -a. . - ,,, . - . ,.-r- area, i ami wiu na on me iraoaa in training from new until , th fair open v.-,' ..... .'.., CHURCH SERVICES ' : aurrwr. Marat Olive Seventh end Sverett streets. I . Ok S04 SB. S. D7 'i J. W. Smith. ' . x St. Jutaa'e Itev. B. A. Leonard. Sunday school, 10 s. m.i Breaching, 11 a. Si.) IM Third Vanaouver svenoe end gsott etreet) Rev. a. K. SUse. At 19 a. m., BanUy srhools 'Swedish do'yte nd fi fteents etnetst tev; Srle Scbentrum. Preaching, .10:46. a. m. sad t:J0 p. m.: Snndsy ectaaol, "lj m. RuutUvUle schuslhoiue. Sunday School. :0 B. ss. - v' Ulf fclin4 Albert and SUfh streets. Pmirb. Ins. : p. m.. by Kev, S. M. Ullssi Boa day school, l:M p. m. . Sfoont ' fft, mal ri.tHnth '. ,mI - n. nil.-. strwlsi A. I. Sbechard. Bundiy scboul. IS to. presrhliis-, 11 a. m. snd S p. n. Bev. Oeote A. Leers, gasday ecfaool, 10 s. Si. : Breeching, 11 s. ss. snd T:48 . n. rirst Tho White. hmnlkjr-.lnh " Tsykw , streets; Bev. J. Whltconb Broesher, D. D. At S s. ., Bible school et clavier, street branch ; 10 s. 8a., one ecrord pray-r SMotlnsi 1U:0 o'clock, oanrning worship with preachlns; by the paatoc, subject, "Rest"; 13:10 p. imps Bible cebool; e:SO p. m., B. I. P. V. nMtlns:.T:4S n. aarrtra with presehlnf by DcBmashec, subject, "PUasnra tfk" and 'The Oaka" Cantral -tart Ankeay and Twentieth streets: Rv. W. T. J or da a. At 10:80 s. m., i "Love's Trlbote"! it I D.-m.. "Loved. Tct Lacklnar": Sunday scbeol, 12 an. (irac uormas-rxwrts era sun srreerst nev. ' Krstt. Preachlns st 10:45 a. Sa. and 1M p. m.i B. T. P. li., T p, av Bacond Oarmau Rodnar - evenae end lforrls street; Rev. K. Bacerman. Preacblnc. 11 a. an. snd T:S0 p. Sunday school, 8:4i a. sa.1 B. T. P. V :4S B. m. - , h . Unlvtnity Park Bev. Jobs Benrslesv Son. day echnoL 10 s. m. preachlns. 11 cm, es -The nrct oirt"; sermon. T:3 p; m., by Rev. Clarence t. Tevrea ea The gate Ven tura. . - Arlats Bev. Jobs Bantslea. Bandar schaol. 10 a. m.t sermon st 11 s. Bar. O. V. Tovrea! 8 s. m- sermon ea "What and Where Is Helir Immannrl Bseend end lira da streste: Bev. O. W. Orirnn. Barvleea. lo:0 a. jn. and T:4S p. m. , Chinese Klsetoa 348 Beeond street: Sunday school and service, T :80 p. m. Calvary Beat Eighth and1 Bast Orsat stiWts: A. Lawrence Black, pastor. At 10 a. St.. Bible school sad kindergarten eleaets tor all .area; 11 s. m., sermon, "The Mas Amonc Thieves") .w p. d.. . kl. mm nwnni OS ,M , iar churches In Hawthorne park, Bev.' A. Lawrence Black of Calvary church will epeak on the subject. "The Uninvested LUe," and Charl.a Hart, tse suisies evengciiat. wm eonaoct tnr introductory aervlce for yoons people, topic, Dm. zu:i, "now van inveei my urer- Second test Seventh snd Ankeny streets: Bev. Stantosi 0. Lapham. servlcee, 10:80 s. snd T:46 n. m.: Bible school. 11 rsvi leans People's TJnlon. S 80 p. m, . . immannel- ac io:so a. m., sermon, rne Chrlstlaa's Assurance of intimate Victory," by Bev. F. A. Arir et Great Falls. Montana: T:45 B. m.. thrTxinsthan Sweet ot First Baptlat church will speak; Bible school, 1 m l Xoong People's meeting, :4 p. aa. : n? OOXaBKOATtOVAl. ' v ' Bannyetde last Taylor sad Bast Thirty. fourth streets; Bev. J. I. Btsub, paator. Morn- Ins service. 11 o'clock, subject. 'faith In Ae tlon"; evening eervtce it 1 o'clock, enbject, "IBs Beat Xmsnclpatlon": Sunday school. 10 a. m.i Senior Chrlatlaa Endeevor. II. n. Hasealo-Btreet East Seventh snd Hasasle Streets: Bev. B. K. Ham. Morning worship. 10:so o'clock, "A Wise Prayer"; Buuday school. IS m.& Christian Endeavor, 8:45 B. m. ; evening service." T:4S o'clock, sermea oa "Modern Blgh- rirat Tafadlsoa and Park streets: Bev. B. L. House. Morning service with eermoa en "Ths Attractions of ths Cross," by Daniel Stsver; evening aervlce of song, cantata entitled "Ths Qslileaa. T:e o'clock; Sunday school, U m.; X. P. B. C. B., S:4S p. m. Ulaalasippl-Aventie Mlaalaalpjpl avenue snd Fremont street; William L. C pshaw. Sunday school. 10 s. m.; morning worahlp, 11 o'clock, "Should Christians Go In Debtr't ChrUtlaa Endeavor, 1 . m. svsnlnr service o'clock. -ts It Ussy te Ov to noul i" . .r,.,-r.-T-.-..v-.- zraoopAt.. -x .r Btc Matthew's First snd Caru there streets! Rev. W. A. M. Brack. Sunday school. S.4S s. m.: aervlce and eermoa, 11 a. m.i sarvloe and address, :45 p. m. . - St. Dsvld's BsstTwslfrhr- sad- Bolmrsrt streets. Sunday school, 9:45 s. m. ; sostlns with sermon by Bev. H. O. Chambers st 11 o'clock; bo evening service. " Good ' Shepherd Sellwood street sad Van couver svenae; Bev. John Dawsoa. Sunday school, 10 s. m. morning service, 11 'slock bo eventns service. a - Trinity Nineteenth end B-ierett acteetst BeVr-1 Dr. A. A. Horrisan. Holy eos communion, S a. m.; morning service. 11 o clock; evening service. S e'eiocs. panrs woonmersi c L- rarser, isy reader in charge. Trornlnf" Service,-II TTsr venai mnioi evr.icv, o v cm;,. St. Andrew's University Park: Bev. W. B. Powell. Bervtee and eermoa, 11 a. m. Bua day school, 10 a. m. St. John's. Memorial Bellwood; Bev. W. B. Powell. Sunday school. 11 s. ss.; service snd ssrawn 1:45 p, at. . - - XVTHXBAB'. " : ' Swedish Itnmanuel Nineteenth snd Irving streets; Bev. C. t. B'nhsrd. Servlcee at 1O-.S0 a. m. end S p. m. Bundsy school, 11:15. St. Paul's gersaaa Eaat Twelfth and Clinton etreets; Bev. A. Kroaee. Annual miaaloa festi val la Hawthorne Park at 10:S0 a. m., servlcee Bt. James' "English West Park snd Jeffereoa streets; J. A. Less, paator. Services st 11 s. m conducted by ths pastor, theme, "Liberty Thragb Truth"; Sunday school st 10 a. m. ; no ovenlna service. . as. Bev. J. Richard Olson. Ssnday school, S:t0 a. .; services, 10:80 s. m. ana s p. m. Norwegian so North Fourteenth street; Rev. J. M Kervlg. Services at 11 a. m. and J:80 Korwssisa Byncx) Esst Tenth and Grant streets; Rev. O. Hagoee. Sunday scbeol at S:S0 s. m. services at 11 a. m. and at I S..BV-,,. ., . VH1TTD tTAVOKZICAL. St. John'a Jobs and Ivsnhos streets; ' Rev. E. E. McVlcker. Bunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. rs.; Junior K. L. C. B., 1:80 p. m. ; anion services, I p. m. speclsl K. L. C, S. services at S p. m. Beeond Church Fargo and Kerby strsetsi Bev, J.- Bowereoa. Preaching st 11 a. m., sua st S . m. Bunday school at 10 a. m. K. L. C B. at T:1S cm. Ockley Oreen 1 -Bev. Gay Fitch Phelps. Preaching st 11 s. m.J Bundsy school st 10 s. Bvi loans rsonle's Ei ndssvor society st T p. Mi. t wtum uj it . v. v. roiius, pnnuHH of Wasters L'nioa eullege, lows, at S B. a, , m. ; preaching by Dr. C 0HBI8TLUT. Ftras Park sod Columbia streets Rew B. S. Muck ley. 10:80 a. m., Bvsngnllst t. F. Btepfa. ene win Speak; S O0 p. m., ''The Non-Sectaries Creed," the second of the Bonertsrlaa series; Bible school, 11:15; Carlstlaa Endeavor, :4A p. m. Central Kaat Twentieth and Salmon streets: Bar. 1 W. r.bormley will spesk st 10:48 s. m. en "The Fellowship," snd et 8 p. m. ea "FrutUof Fanatlclam Oref held "; Sunday school. is : 10 mi ren lor svoosavor, v:o -p, m. - Bodney Avenue Rodney avenue and Knott a treat. ' Bev. F. Elmo Robinson; 8:45 a. m., Bible school; 11 a. m.. "Ths Chrtettaae' Weapon and Wsrfsrs" T:80 p.' m., Installatloa of Christian Endeavor ef fleers and sermea te ywng people. f . : :- rBXSBTTlBIA. ' . Mlspabr Vary sad PowsU strsetsi Rev, Je- K. ate'iiaaa, u, preecsing as io;ao m.- snd IW a Flrss Barvteee tomorrow st 10:80 a. m. and T:45 p. m. In the morning Bev. A. F, Foreet ef Glasgow WUI preach I In ths evening Dr. Hill will give (be sixth la ths series of sddrasses In ths Holy Land, topic, "The Kuuat of OliVSa." :.. i m w OKRIBTLaJf BdlZMOB. First Church Srattlah R1U Cathedral. Uor- riaoa and Lowssdals etreets. aarvtee 11 a. m (evening service emitted); Subject of sermon, "Troth I Btmdsy sohool at Close ef asornlcg service. - . ' . SecooS charcB et canst, aciennss . ante- ass. rle. Stark ass ssvanu treats, Bunsay eemcee, I a. av and S n. as eublect. ''Truth1'! Sundar scbeol at 11 S, Pa. .r '1 ' ' ' j,, , ' ; ' : MISSIOirB. Beacon light Mlaalon 11 -11 Feorfh street, Bight sad fluaday north. Preechlng every itlas. vnrt nranen snanea srw nret street eear tSoltimbls. Preaching every night st.T:S0 Bundaya. Bp. m. ; Sunday school, 1:S0 p, m. St. John s Hoiinsss M lasmn rto Beesad street mm.r Main: Rav.. Juhsv.. F. . Glaaoo. JaarelMO every Bight sad Bunday st B and TiBS p. p. ASTXR. " ,-- street between Ratt aad Lincoln: Bsv. Charles Ueifender. Sunday school st 10:80 a. BL preaching st 11:10 a. m., snd B p. m. aTTKTHODIBT. , Tsyk Btreet Dr. F. Rurgftte SXort. StSS . as. slsssssr Mtt a. aa uZhe XaapsaUes omy (z Phone Private Exchanoe 13 t lmaf M:1S B, ss.. Buadsy syrhooltS: p. a.. Bsworth Isagast T:4S B. sv, lUastratsd lecture oa leilowatoBe rare Grace Twt e Twelfth and Taylor streets! Bsv, CTar. me Wilson, D. D., will Breach ea "The ssloa ef Jeeea" st 10:K aniea twl- ence True Oimoai lisht servles from T la 1:11 wiu oe ion ny lire. VVItaoau tha sastos's subject. TTia "Othea alary." ur. wiuoa isenrras ea Spiritualism; elsss caoei, U:eB a. m. ung at ;) UB1T10 PBBSB I TIBIA. " Chtreh sf ths Stranjars Waaeo street -and Orand sveneef Sev, S. B. DaBeta. Prssealng at sua SSBUS ! WW aaamnimuaf .1 aVIBITffAXJaVft, rivet Spiritual Society Artleaa fesB. 1SSU Ird street, near Waahlnston. iston. sorvieee at a. si. sns s 9 m.i ioon siaier, apsasar. Sia STAJTOCUaAlV ASBOOIATIOV. " Caress VntM aVev- B. O. HinSstliteh srsesk- .. ' ' ' ; Electric Fans Insure Comfort - : Thej Make Youni Place of Business Known to THE-PuikjC-AS A COOL AND COMFORTABLE .RESORT ' EXHAUST FANS are invaluable for;;remoy- ing ; disagreeable odors and vitiated ; air 'from res taurants; kitchens and overworking, rob Thejr will keep the air in stores and offices pure beset ting up a strong circulation.' , v "ATNoiteldWfi of ; little .value 2 unless your store is illuminated by. ther'ELECTRICXIGH able, by ELECTRIC FANS. , , ElectricXightand Electric ; Fans are looked for: by the public in all up - REDUCED RATES RENT, on meter basis, not an expense. hcinc , tng at 11 a. ta. andB..1 T. F. A. at ' FtosTsTaslBBu!tBlxth sndMket streetai Bev, g. A. Blfwert. Preaching st 11 a. ". and S s. ss. xoang- People's AlUasoe at 1 .tb. '" ----r ' JMTDTl TBU'l'K OWIIaV Mvtne Truth Chanel Ball, SOI Allekr mrlM Ing. Third sad Morrlsoa streets. Thsddeus fa. aflaard, Bssaori H. B Martin, BMaiaai dw rartor i.rvfcea at 11 s. aai this 1U be the lest service for the summer. Svwa Ifarhadlst CBiavati Bast Kfctta and MID streets. Prsaahlng st It a. sl, SoUewed ay elaVMme SssUbsob meeting, . . . " mtmxxmks. aUer.'' Vniannlsl Dawa O. A. B. balL Morrlsoa alreeta,- Bssvwss ai B:S0 B. as. . T. M. a A. AaBweteMesv ssdlharlsra, , 1ST VMrtfe streeti 4 - o i o . ' V- -a. . A to - date places of business. FOR ELECTRIC make, pur serviceman Seventh and w Bnaday, t:M p. ga,, sddrsas by Bev. A. P. Forrest of Glasgow, the great Bootes sreacnari soloist for ths afternoon will be fi. fnansssalss. Jr., baas mas welcome. 4 . m-n - BXW CirtTBCTH BOCTtTf, Bwedsnborglsa Knights of Pythlsa Vofldlnf , Bleventb snd Alder streets. Sua day school si 10 a. a.l preechlng st 11 a. as. g the Bev. M vast vseossaa w smrnou. . J- TmTABtA. ChThrcb ef Our Father TsmhlTt " sad BSrS'ftfcssV aF4aaVy eesaaVVe IV s SlBi-.Brlld," Brfv 'JfcsaVrV X. I Bllot. minister smeritns. Bervicee at 11 a. a., sublee ef ssrsoos, "Psastlclsai Its Osaae sad Care.'; . - y . , , . onrmoat or mo. ' : Onarea ef Ooa Chanel 4 so Hawthorne si Sam era at ISO sod 7:80 a, m. B uaday school st 1 B. m. " " ' VBTVaVBSAilBT, ' - -Fires Bast QMCk sad Bast BigTtfal W. T. Small, assies, Ai a, av, sarawa ay Bev. W. CUR econ- J Alder Streets J Etor, oa "Oosals Bedamptlssr-'l IS a. a. dsy abOSa, .-. -"'. XXTBTOTDIST BUUTB. Kowrs. Sunday school, 10 a. m. sarvlcea.l 11 a. m. I smworia leaguey i m. pres ss a p. as. Vweatr Tee BarlU,' . ... I - T was a loser In e twenty-year bsttW with chronlo Dlles and mallanant sorea) -rjntrtl tried-- aefclsti's - Arnica -flalve 1 whioh turned the tide, by outing both till not a l race re rosins. wrltss A. M Beat for tl Bruce or rarmvuia, va. Uloere, Cute, Burns avad Wcmndsv tid at ov gauamors uov araggistav c N fi