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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
C: r.J DAILY JC"irAL, . : rCZVTLAJID, . CATUHDAV LVZIIIKO, JULY It. 1ZZ:. ; o;;iito .tfliniLS CEEI HERE Session Will Begin Tuesday T Morning and Continue for i '- "l ' r ' ' Three Oaye v,- J DELEGATES TO DECIDE", IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Degree of Honor Will Meet it Sam , Time, and Discuss New Assessment V Plana Supreme Matter Nanris Will B ia Attendance. ' . Tlit . regular annual convention - of 'the Grand Lodge, Anoient Order United v Workman, will moot In Portland tor a threa days' session ' beginning "next ." Tuesday morning. ' The workmen will meet In Knights of Pythias hall,. while the degreev of honor will convene at the same tint la the Selllng-HlrscS building. ' , Tha order In thle state haa 101 locale, the women'a auxiliary order, tha Degree of Honor. (I. About 110 Workman and 10 ( Honor delegates are expected to be in attendanoa. Tha order Is In a much batter condition In this state than It waa a year ago, when a special aeaalon. waa called for April IS for the purpose of adopting new asseasmant plana. The or der at that time waa In a critical condi tion on account of the Increase In tho - Mrs. J. R." Mann, Grand Receiver, ; Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W. .number of. members la the eighth age as frnnalstlnat nf members over 111 The younger generation foresaw disas ter and. were leaving the organisation, ! and It waa necessary to adopt new meth ods for the purpose of keeping the or ganisation .In funds. i : , '. - -Mao Work to pov -'-, . '' A number of issues will be threshed out by the grand efidge thla year. First will come the Question aa to whether or rtotto continue the guaranty fund.,' A 70HN"WltLIAM JONES WASJUS ACHIN TO BE last night. John. William Jonea Jour Keyed to the north end and there pro ceeded to quench a burning thirst. At midnight he waa standing at Third- and Burnslde streets,' one arm about a tele phone pole, the other making gestures worthy of William - Jennings Bryan. Also he waa explaining that In the po lice department of Portland there la no virtue. V U "Drunk' las' night -an' sis night," heJ proclaimed, jur acnin copper run me In. Can't get "lm dc It. Copper sleep. chin' get run In. Ain't been run ' In ' lately. Where's sat copper T" Out of a nearby resort came a friend af John WUllam Jonea. "To better git home. Bill." he said. Te'll be lugged If ye don't" "Jus aohln' get jugged," said Mon sieur Jonea- "Te won't'hev to ache much longer," aald tha friend. Then he departed for other regiona. . : . 1 . Monaleur Jones wandered down Burn aide street toward Seoond.- There he embraced another pole lovingly, while tears streamed from hie eyee. DIVORCE DECREES FOR . : : THREE UNHAPPY, ONES . - -Three decrees of divorce were granted by Judge Gantenbein In the clroult court - yesterday artmoon,-all on the grounds of desertion.- None of the suits were .contested and only the witnesses neces sary to prove desertion were examined. - Ethel Patton testified that she ' mar ' ried James K. , Patton at Ashland, Ore ' gon, in February, ltd, and that ha de serted her In April. .1901, and haa amce - refused to support her. . She said - she was assisted by an 11-year-old - son. Divorce was granted. .. Because of alleged desertion, begin ning In January. Ifr04, Juanlta McLaren ' was granted a divorce from Joslah Mo . Laren. They were married In May, 1991. Mrs. McLaren ws allowed to re sume her maiden name, Juanita Fox,' lAtdwlg-Beek-4eetlaed. that-hls wife. LTHE POLICY-HOLDERS' COMPANY ' j ! in no way connected with any witn any . subsidiary company. - it is a purely Oregon concern care fully managed by men of high repute. All profits from every source go! to! the policy-holders. " ' . " . ; Home Office, Commonwealth Bldg., Sixth and Ankeny Sts., -";'.'" l"";. '-Portland, Oregon r 1 A.- Li. MILLS. L. lAXIUBL, General Uanaaer. g:o m 10 UEXT Or. David Walker, Grand Examiner '. '- 1 ' A. 6. U.-W.r1rr- number of' Jurisdictions 000 tribute to this national fund, but a number of them do not,, and there la some opposi tion among Oregon Workmen to paying anything if they have to pay more' than their ahara : ' - . - ' Another , Innovation- - proposed - and already paaaed by the supreme lodge. Is the creation -of .the 1(00 certificate. Thla measure 'will undoubtedly be re ported favorably by the Oregon workmen.- It la expeoted that its operation will swell their ranks considerably. . Still another change. Introduced from Rhode Island, ia the proposal to ad vance the age of admission from 41 to ((. This change Is favored by brand Master Workman Bertchold. - ; -' - Other gubjeota for Xebae. - In ' addition . there will be a number of strictly home questions, .which are aet forth by Orand Master - Workman Bertchold as follows: V t. , "First., the advisability of having bi ennial. Inatead of annual, -sessions, fol lowing the precedent established, by the supreme lodge and a plan bow gener ally adopted by the new rate jurisdic tion. Second, what attitude eball we take la th matter of the national fra ternal sanitarium T... Thla question waa discussed In the supreme) lodge, favor ably recommended by a committee, of which one of our representatives la aa honored member, and. . will . douTftlees reach this grand lodge In the form of a recommendation - from vthe supreme lodge. J bird, shall the grand lodge continue 't insist . that subordinate lodgee pay per capita tax on sij pended members T A most Important &esUon, particularly to our largsr lodges. ' "Then there Is the periodical!? recur- ring and moot Important question of extension work; - the making of a new contract touching our offlelai organ and -- of which' must be fairly and kquarely met and declalona reached aocordlng to the menu of each.' A distinguished visitor at the meeting of the grand lodge will be Supreme Mas ter W. M. Narvla of Muscatine, Iowa. special rate of one and one third fare for the round trip will be accorded the dels gatee by the Southern Faclflo and Ore gon Railroad at Navigation company, RUN IN," HE SAID ; "Won't m me la," he eobbed;"aa' I n Juar achin." ' : -Whatcher achlnr ferT aald a bad man, who came around the corner. - - "Jus ecfcln' be run In." sobbed John William Jonea. - a . "Ain't ye eraay wld da haatr . V : "I'm Jus achln'." "I'll .make ye ache if ye don't shut up.- - MT11 who f ttnmrimA Tftnas ' N He released the pole from, tender grasp and squared himself la front of tilt 1 wrttttQMT' "Te can't make me ache," aald John William Jonea . -.. "B Ood, I'U show ye," said. the bad "Cut yourself loose." said John Wll 11am., " , .-.. ' Ths bad man did. There waa a dlasy whirl or two, a dull thud or two, an oath or two or three, and then a gent In brass buttons and' blue clothes de scended upon them, and to the Jug they went. - v- . f --' -jr ' "Jus achht'," aald' Jonea aa tKe doors of the city prison closed after him.- Rose May Beck, eared more for other men than shs did for htm, and. left, him in. Jane, 190(. They.' were married Jn stay, Ave... jutatvwv - mmm innitu, . BEARS ARE EATING FRUITtOF FARMERS (Raecial Dumetek te The loeraaki V Foreet Orove Or., July II. On ac count er the lack or wild berries and other ' food In "the . mountains around here . a number - of bears have ' sallied forth - Into- the "valley and' eaten;- the green fruit and vegetables of the 1 far mere. Up near Oalea Creek the other day the game wardens got ' a line on an old bear .-and her ouba In a prune tree.- . Reub Stevene and - Warden Nichols gave her and the children a lead reception and the prune growers around Oalea Creek, and vicinity have a half .dosen-leaa baafa to contend with. other life insurance .company nor President CLARENCE 8. EAUUEli Att Mgr. :;'Fufi:i8.:.j!0u:i! (Continued from Page One.) As this, was the first request for a warrant under the ordinance, Attorney Fttsaerald read the wording or the law carefully, . and auddenly. startled every one 'In Clerk . Hennessey's office by bursting Into a roar of laughter. When asked to explain- . the cause of bts merriment he . point out the - fact that the ordinance provided that . no auto mobile should be driven faster . thaa a "walk." ' ' . - - ' . . "How old .la vAnnr Is easy aa com pared to a solution, of Ihe problem of "How .feat doee an automobUe waiar declared 1 the city prosecutor when he had regained hie .breath.. ; . Aa examination of the state laW waa made, "Which developed -the fact , that both orulnances were In direct connict with its Drovlalona - - The .attention of Deputy District At torney Haney waa called to the -matter and he has issued a complaint under the state law. ' The - offense complained of by Craddock is to, the effect that, one of the chauffeurs ' who race their ma chines up Washington street -haa been In the habit of turning . up . Sixteenth street at a high rate of speed. Two car lines Intersect at this corner and acci dents havs been narrowly averted.-, r- ... -'.What tnaaa Z Bays. ' ' An act to -regulate the use of auto mobiles on the oounty'roada within the state was filed with the secretary, of state on February!!, 1805. Section II dealing with the speed of autos follows "No person, -driver or. operator In eharge of any automobile,- motor ve hicle or motorcycle on any public road, highway, - park or' parkway, ' street or avenue within- the state - shall - drive, operate or more or permit the same to be driven, operated- or moved at a rate cf , speed faster than eight . milee. an hour within the thickly settled or busi ness portion of. any villags ' or olty within thla state, nos faater than eight miles an hour In the . country - when within 100 yards' of any vehicle drawn by horse or horses,, nor outside of such thickly .settled or business portion of any city or village on any publlo road, highway, park or parkway, street -or avenue at a rate of speed faster than one mile in two and one-half minutes, nor over Ay crossing or crosswalk within-thr llmlta-of any crtr t-vlllage at a' rate faater than, one mile .In 1( minutes when any . person la upon , the seme." '-T";- r,,- - , . ' .'- - Section 11 of the act fixes the bail in all arrests for violations of the provla- j tons at the law at (i0i .-, -.. y ' . . Fulaaafcla ay riaa.. ; , 8ectlon-ll recites that, the.: violations of any provisions " of . ths act shall be deemed a misdemeanor, punishable by fine not exceeding 2( for the, first of fense, nor exoeedlng-(0 for. the-eeoond offense, nor exceeding f 100 for any succeeding-offense. .1. .- - . .-",.".' ' If, as la the. consensus of opinion, the city ordinances are Inoperative.- it de volves ' upon ths ' district ' attorney to proeeente all violators of ths law, and In view of the- lamentable - killing- of little Ellis Korklln by an auto driven by William MoCalllr. It la believed that a vigorous." prosecution will be waged against- chauffeurs who exceed - the speed limit '.',"'.!'-,?. H0PGR0WERS WILL : - HOLD SOCIAL SESSION i (SeselsHWieatgk 9 IM'lwritl.) ' . -Salem, Or.,. July 14. A . social event of more than usual prominence le ex pected to take place at one of the big hopyarda near Independence next week. The date of the event has not aa yet been decided -upon. - Just at which of .... '..: ' t 1 Mrs.' John E. Madden, divorced wife of D "-i'w(if,vli..T I VJ 3 '!A.f-'wv. 1 ?x iiii .111. . 1 . an vpj ' 3 . -.- I g .sawai m a mm ws e sewss t ' zsir W naturopath ; S tl Ssmssfbl Is the word that best describes br JJ. ' ; fJL eareee alsre eenilng te Pertlaed. Sneeaural is fN 1 (J earls dletee, aaceestfal la ealldlng sp wsst pf Q Is tuday tbe largest effice - practice ef say I ; r ' I She Cures the Sick " S$ ' ! -' r'-'hs IS Tnsi Is wby ser offlwe are et all timee foH. U ' I fS end that people seoetlnee wslt for sears to JO ' . V - IK see her. , 13 . ft-,. if jon have say silment, efcroate or seats, ' , ', ' ' L each ss rbeamstlsai, la grippe, broBebltla, fx ' - ' W goiter, estarrk, etoBMea and bowel traables, .' fv - ,, . ' fcj serve treeblee, er., etc., poa woald 4a well K to eeasalt ber. She esa care yea. -- been notified by bar former husband that he will no longer pay her. 2S0Tm"onthr lulmoiijr.r",'' .-';' - . '' ". ' i: ; ' . " . - ; j . . . .. i..- ; the dancing pavilion a In and about the hopflelds near Independence the "high Jinks" will be pulled oft haa not been agreed upon, but no real difficulty ought to be experienced on that score. Every one connected with the hop Industry Is eligible to receive an Invitation, whether he be grower-- dealer,, buyer, seller or prospective purchaser. The Jinks will be held for social pleasure: alone, but some business affairs are to be consid ered at tha celebration, presumably for the welfare and enlargement of the bop Industry n the Willamette valley. BREWING COMPANY IS -: " BORING FOR. WATER - rsnerlal ntaoatrk to The Journal. I -Walla Walla,. Wash , July 14. The Beta Brewing company la expending ll, 000 in an effort to develop artesian wa ter In the rear of its brewery, the corner of Third and Alder street a A big drilling plant lias been, at-work for nearly a week and a depth of 1(0 feet wae attained yesterday with good pros pects, of .striking artesian water. . KX- perte interested In the gas and oU pros pects found In the Walla Walla valley arc closely watching the' different geo logical formations as they are encoun tered In the well, with a view of apply ing the knowledga secured In drilling oil wells that the Blue Mountain eoen pany w(U lnk this f all. The Blalock Fruit company haa the only successful artesian well In the valley. Thla well was 'sunk on the -company's' big fruit farm ' weat of the city and la nowlng at thp rate of ,110 gallons per minute. Ar tesian water was-etruck at a depth of ((0 feet ;-".- ..' -.; NEW BURLINGTON LINE : - INip BIG HORN BASIN ' ' '' .-:' ' . - V '. (Journal Special Serrlee.) Denver, July 14. Regular train serv ice was Inaugurated today over the Burlington route's nsw line 'of railroad through the heart of the Big Horn basin. The new line extends from Toluoa, Montana,' on the Billings main line, 119 miles to Worlsnd, Wyoming, on the upper Big Horn river, the center of a rich and extensive - Irrigated re gion. The line - haa . been. - rushed to completion to accommodate the rush of settlers for ths opening of the Shoshone Indian -reservation. Worland la the principal re gist ration point for the res ervation opening.-The new train serv ice provides ; for .- direct connection at Toluca with the two daily trains from Kansas City. Chicago, St. Louis. Omaha and - Lincoln and the only - dally train from -this city. SEVENTYFIVE CASES :r ARE AWAITING COURT .-.' " -" "- '?' -' ' (gaerlsl Dtspstek te The-gusissXt - uiii.kAM n Jul, u.ThA eirctlit court convenes here July 10 with Judge T A. McSride -presiding. There are 1 -...-. nn. IK. AntVt 11 af which are divorce suits. Many of the cases are jury xriais ana win so w until the fell term.- . ,-. - : - SCHMITZ GRAFT CHARGES . , WILL BE INVESTIGATED ' ' , (Jeerasl Special gervlee.l San Francisco, July 14. It Is reported that the district attorney haa decided to Investigate the rhargee made by Police Commissioner Reagan against Mayor Schmlta 1 Reagan accuses the mayor of irregu lar methods in dealing with the saloons, French -v restaurants and disorderly houses. Reagan waa. summarily -dis missed from office, . the millionaire turfman who has juit Tiic ,W, C- rMtoson . 47 First Street PROSPECTOR DROWNED IN SHALLOW WATER w . ; - (Special Dlapateb te Tbe JoumaL) Klamath Falls, Ot.. July 14. Mike Moore, aged about 48. who waa pros pecting on Feather rirer in California last winter, recently euttlng shingle boltg for BUI MeCollom below Keno, earns to Klamath Falls Monday even ing, riding from Keno with Oliver Head. They left the team at Alexander barn and went to Blehn's aalooa and had a drink together and then atarted back to the barn. , - ' - ,- 'V '. -, Moore returned to the aalooa and continued drinking till - late In - the evening. Next morning he was found naked In shallow water at the bath house . near the barn. the water over his mouth, but not over the nose, his clothing laying outside aU wet. The coroner's Jury returned a verdict of 'accidental drowning while In aa In toxicated condition" late yesterday af ternoon and the body waa burled In the evening. Moore told McCollum that hie people lived in Illinois. He told Oliver Head he had relatives la Cali fornia, and had written them - from Keno on his way here. He also told another wltneea that he waa from Kansas City, Missouri. ABERDEEN WILL HAVE TWO PHONE SYSTEMS (Special Dispatch te Tbe Joaroal.) - Aberdeen, July 14. This city Is soon tahao two telephone systems; the council at Its meeting last night grant ing a franchise for an Independent line to B. C. Ftnph. Mr. Bands, the repre sentative of the Sunset company, was present at the meeting and made a strong proteet -.---' - TUTMOaiaxs or rxorxx sn ius - VVBSD, - Portlsad. Oct. IT. Itoa. To Wheel It May Coseera: T saffered a kwe time with serloos etbmaeh troable, tbe dlaeaae baring pmsTna, d so far tbat I wae aaeble- to retala ar food, and 108117 nran, watvr w . , i .mi, bj entire trateas waa In a eerlonily depleted eon- eitloB. oa or sMat jaiy 10 last 1 sariaee rits Dr. Kaory 1. Knlton.- ef tble rttf, and waa ladeeed to take treatments from ber, aad after taking tbe twelfth-1 Wae dlaeberred. I ean now eat earthing I desire, feel perfectly well and am eonatantly galalne; trenftb. This marrelona ebaage I eaa truthfully ear la dne te Or. raltoe. . - , CLYDK VAtOHN, "-Home, jerrereon, tjr. Koto bfr. Taneba can be rommanlrated with eaa be seen at tie New Orand Oaatral. eomor Third ana riaDdera, taia eitr. "October .Jk..480e. TririiManrihjr fVmeern: "It sffnrde ate areat plesmre to write a emrd is prslee of Dr. rultoo. I eaffered antald Sfnny ror one wees witn pais in sr wnoie bodr. My ;busbaod called in wbom we ana poeed wane of tbe beet pbralrlane In tbe city. He waa set aorc-t Ihensnt t- bad aeuralda. or 11 miant nrore 10 oe intone left medicine and ihouaht I woald be better neat day; bat I gradaallr grew woreei snt no relief from pain except oeiVr ortlatpaBrt( heard of Dr. raltoe Ihroafh frlestle of ears, we decided to call ber In; ao my bnanaad weat at enee and brontbt ber to tbe boaia linos etamlnatloa aba pronoaneed It a case ef aente taetrltla, ana alter one treatment 1 was anle e et an. dreea mrself end ao about me neaal beneebald dntlee. I bare new takes a week's treatment ana certainly tmna aer rue moat wonderful doctor I erer et. "MKS. u. . HUTSOI, 'tPfl Tenth at.. Portland. Or." ' Kete Don't forret to Inclose postage etamp fot reply wbea writing te any ef my patients. . Br:N..rF0Iton ArmtoraTK. 315 TWELETH STREET Corner Clay, eee block frees TJT ear, eoe from ua street ear, a mm etTeraol oa ear. . , releebeae Mala alas. MEANS PIPES OP -THE - PROPER SlfeE SO THAT THE PROPER AMOUNT OF AIR CAN FLOW THROUGH THEM it means that they're made of tin, instead of papier-mache that they're all covered that the furnace is located in the right place, to avoid long and crooked runs of pipe and a thousand other details - that it fays you to pay for when yoa buy a furnace. You only get a furnace about once Why not the best A PERFECT? EXDOIY OF REMBRAKDT IS Three Hundredth Anniversary of ' Great Artist's Birth Is 1. "Zc. Celebrated. - :....:. ' (losraal Special Serrlee.) . Amsterdam, July 14. For the next three or four days the attention of all Holland wll? be centered In the cele bration of the 0th snnWerwry ef the birth of Rembrandt, the master painter. In all the principal towns of the king dom there Is to be some sort of com memoration, but the most notable of them take place at lieyden, where Rem brandt -waa born, and In thla city, where he worked and died. .. . - The celebration at Lieyden - bema today with the unveiling of a hand some bronse monument of the great painter. Simultaneously there - waa opened a memorial exhibition ef Rem brandt's works. In . this city the celebration will be ushered In tomorrow morning with the ringing of church bells, followed by a grand procession past the Rembrandt monument. . Monday there will be com memoration eervtceg In the town hall attended by Queen Wllheimina and the prince consort. In . the evening - the prliicluafratrestsrwnt 'be TTlumlnated an there will be concerts in tne tneatree and publio' parka Another feature ot the celebration In Amsterdam will be the dedication of memorial tablete on Rembrandt's grare In the Wester-Kerk and on the house In the Breeetraat la which he died.. ,. The . aveal Bstaee Oolamaa eff The Tears! are Isleieallsg' to hayes and seller alike.. . PRIZES OFOREGONJOURNALCONTESr ' . - , ' y Conditions Upon Which The Oregon Journal Will Give Out ." Scholarships. ' Any person of aehool age who can furnish satisfactory references as to character and worthiness , of as-, slstance In the endeavor to secure a good - education may enter Tbe Journal's Educational Contest. The buelnese of contestants will be to Induce people to aubscrlbe for The Oregon Journal, if they are not already taking the paper, or renew their subscriptions by paying for as long a period in advance as conven ient. Ins vance tavments on eubecrlotlona whether solicited by the contestants themselves or paid or remitted di rectly to The Journal office, or through any of the regular agents or collect ora The value of sub scriptions -to the contestants aa to the number of votes allowed on ths .different editions for different perl ode of time Is set forth In a table In theee columna Patrone of the paper may refer to this table when making payments to contestsnts. Subscription votes ore not credited to contestants until the money to cover tbe eubscrlptions reaches The Journal office. The echolarehlps offered are for the peraonal uae of the conteetante and are non-transferable, exoept with the consent of the -management of the school a rtret choice of scholarships, or. grand capital prise, to go to the eon- - - POWER OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. Dally aad Saaday JonnaU irice ny Time : Carrier. Mall. Votes. One Teer ....,..7.60 $7.00 l.fiOO Six Monthe I.7J l.7 700 Three Months ... 1 S l.0 too Two Mont ha .. ... 1.19 ISO ISO One' Month .. .... .46 .44 45 Saaday Joarnal. . Price by Time . Carrisr. Mall. Votes. One Tear ...11.40 11.00 150 Six Montha 1.14 1.00 150 PRIZES OP OREGON JOURNAL CONTEST ' Scholarships In Oregon echoole of a total value of over 2.000, end $760 In oeah divided Into atx pursea are now offered to the contestants who flalah aa wlnnere in THE OREGON JOURNAL'S EDUCATIONAL, CONTEST. Additional echolarahlpe may be announced aa the content proceeda Those who are nominated ee Candida tee comply with, the rules. OfLlhe Contest De . partmsnt. aa from day- to day announced. Caah commissions on new eubscrlptions are allowed to- the contestants, by which they- itay earn ready money to meet Incidental expenaea. THE SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES. " Detailed Information concerning the echolarehlp prlsee will be pub- llshed from -time to Uaie, or furnished on application to the Contest De- partment. Academy of Holy Karnes, As toria . ,.$Jn0 Albany-College,- Albany... . . .-.$100-1 Behnke-Walker Business Col lege, Portland , -. $100 Capital Bualneee College, Salem, $100 Columbia University,-Portland. .$100 Dallas College, Dallas $100 Gillespie School of Expression, Portland IJJ0 Rill Military Academy, Portland $ra Holmes Buslnssa Collea-e. Port- ' land .$100 Holmes-Flandera Private-School, Portlana ; $150 Ibternarienal , Correapondence JJHE-CASH 1. Oaak to assist pupil . electing; to attend any state or private merit"" providing free tuition for a period of not lees than one year Another puree, same connltlone as above ' Oaah for Incidental eapeaoea, in addition to a scholarship lo t e from the above list..,.. Oaah for lac-Idea tal expenses, with second .choice ef Ths J ershlps , Cash for Incldsabal expense s, with third cholce-cf .T: .. - arehlpe , Cash for laetdeaaal argeassa, with fourth choice cf ' .- arehlpa ............................A , T k l Company AT THE THEATRES. Ruaso at the Hefllc. , This week baa beta a aweMraUe ese ta Bosieal circles, for tbe psinwsaiss eg Oaeal leria auetlcaaa at tbe BeUig tfeeatve hare sees better thaa anything the Pertlaad sabUe bad heretofore - foe tbe price. Tbe great Sean snd Beetle Tsanesill bars sons- theawetrea hits weal rame .. aaa we praeeauuoa er me Mueee" ee eartais releer by tbe esoaB Un tied compear bee sees a pleasant featare eC a rastly uttetestlsg aoable bill. Tonlibt and to BMrrow (Bjaaaar) algbt are the las Saw per fcrsissres mt "Oaralleria EaetlcaBa.' Seats sow selliBg st tbe Uelllg boa etnee. topeler prlcee. BeguuilBf seat aloaday algbt and eoa tlaaiag ell week with autlnees Weeasesay sad aatoreasv seesee trow 'O Trerafcwe'' -eM "Rigoietta". with row acW at "OUretra wut be girea. .:".,' VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Lyrio. With the aeer apereaeh e the itiistiig aer foraasces ef that entortonal BMlodrawa, Tla Fatber's. Bla," tbose wbe bare ae wltasaeed thla attraetloa sbeaid a rail tbeuiaereae ef tbe opportunity ef Oola( ee by attending thai svee lag sad toawnew afteraeoa. : '";,; At the QraadV. " ' , He surter how warm It star be aa tbe street tbe Oread Is always eooL This theatre at tbe place wbere people go of sa afteraeoa wbea they wish to feel ceaaforUble these bet ears. ': At the Star..: id I ' Toolfbt and tomorrow "tbe list eer. foraMoces ot tbe alde-epllttlng farce. "Too Two Jaeke," wblcb the Btar stock- eoatpasy baa beea efforiag all week.- " v. : To Star Far ' - rMpoelal IXaeetch to Tbe esrasl.t - - - -Pendleton, Or, July 14 Within ten days' time The Warren . Construction company will commence actual work paving the business streets of Pendle ton, and before next winter tha work teetant having the highest eoore at the cloee of the contest; - second , eholoe- to the one having the next highest score, and ao on to the end of the list, the number of prises, however, to be limited to 10, unless a greater number of cotsteetanta .shall have achieved results Justify ing a liberal reward. , Money for AH. '' A cash commission-will be paid eontsstanta on all new eubecrip- hem uei suiiajry.' or procured directly through their In fluence. Thua every contestant will have a chance to earn aome. pocket money. In addition to the opportu nity of winning 1300 or 1200 or a scholarship worth from $100 to $210, supplemented with a puree Of $100 for Incidental expenaea. Blank Toting- Ballots. Blank voting certlflcatee or ballots will be furnlahed on request to con teatanta or othere who may have uee for them. For each eubecrtftlon pre paid one ef these ballots may be filled out to correepond with the amount and length of time paid for. the number of votee due, the name ef the contestant favored, eto, to be voted at the eonvenlenoe of the sub scriber or contestant. The voting power of eubecriptlona will be In accordance with the. fol lowing sohedule: . Ball Joarnal witbowt araaday. XT1CO OT Carrisr. Mall Vote. Time 1 Carrisr. Mall ' One Year ......'..14.00 $6.00 Six Months 1.60 1.76 Three Months ... 1.10 1.40 Two Months . J... 1.00 1.00 One Month .60 .60 1,000 4ft 100 Ito 10 Semi-Weekly Journal. - V ... . Price by Time Carrier. MalL Vwteo. One Tear ... $1.60 $00 Six Montha ... .75 100 Schoola, Soranton, Pa.. ....... $11$ McMlnnvtlle College. McMlna- - vttie".- .rrr. ...r. I u Oregon Conservatory of Muelo, Portland ' " One pianoforte Scholarship, (too One Violin Scholarship $116 One Guitar and - Mandolin Scholarship .....$100 Paclflo College, Newberg $140 Paclflo Telegraph Institute, port la nd n-r. $11$ "Portland School erMlomestle Sci ence, Portland r. w. a. . .ie' Snored Heart Academy, "-alem..!1 St. Mary's Academy, Portland., .. I PRIZES.