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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURIIAL PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINO, JULY U MZZ. j TIVO -CO TO OMR (Continued from Pag One.) w THE PEOPLE. V3. THE XODDCIU :' A: -(. & 1 ' IIMIlMW , ' " "" ' I WKAT tA TM SMAtt MA WITH . I JSvV ' i-trftbkerl CROCKER MAHSIOn SITE IS 6IVEH FOR CATHEDRAL Ground Occupied by Nob Hill ' Palace Given to Episco- '. v - pal Church. lu Pranolaoot July 14.- Bishop Wll- lUja 7. Nichols of (h EplBooMl church mti that th alt f th Crookar man loa oa Mob hlU. wlU b rivn to tli : dlooaa of California for tho buildlna; of a palatial eatbedraL Bishop Nichols la not yst rsady to (It out d stalls of ths , prvssniauon or ms diook oounaea or . ' Calif ornla. Taylor, Baeramanto and ' Jobs strssts, for ths arsetlon of ths srsat ehuroh, but sari that arraDr- :-' bmU for ths transfsr ara bslns; mada v Ths lot la probably tha most valuable plso of rsaldsnca property In ths city. as it is ths mast sit in ths moat sx -.clostT dlstrlot sad oommands a Tlsw - of tha bay and ths entire city. It la there that the famous rssldsnos f the lata Charles Crooksr stood before - the Are, .with It art treasure, wealth Mt rurnlsnlnjra H was a point of interest to travelers and on or tha landmark of San Francisco, MAYS MUST FACE TRIAL ' (Continued fro n Fags One) ' in the organisation of the State senate, , whioh, considering the fight for the . presidency of that to4yjwaarathsr strenuous work for a sick man. Early in the session he disappeared In the dl : reetlon of California, remaining in that tat during all of laat year's trials of - land fraud cases and until he was shak en out by the earthquake.' He came back ' to Oregon and quietly slipped away to ' bis ranch in Tygh allay. At ths time of Maya return land fraud defendant ware of the opinion that Aaslstant Attorney Hener, . who , Drought aoout .Xhelr lixllotmeat, - was . about to trrBtnger Hermann In Wash ,'" lngtotrKBd .would, not be in Oregon for , several months. . Laboring under thla delusion, indicted persona informed ' their friends that they were anxious to be tried at once, but when Heney dropped into Portland about 1 day .- ago ne reuna that tha clamor Tor a AS YEARS GO BY the popularity of the famous Xostattar'a laaeea Bitters Inaraaaea. Thousands tinon thousands of slcklv nannle In n parts of ths world are now .using it 4 -eases of Stomach, Liver or Bowrl dis orders with splendid resulta Try ea bottle of , , Hostetter's Stomach Bitters the i next time your appetite, is poor, ' sleep - root less, bowels cos tive or blood Im pure and be con vinced of Ite won derful c u r a 1 1 ve power, it cures WAVBMA, CBAirrs, 1 taJam0aCt I mininoi, STsranxt, ot -"", '. flTl aad Aavm. ' Take a bottle i Foar ' aeattoa to ill efTects of strange eating ana eVUkk With Explanatory Diagram h sarin bad simmered ' dowa to the cnariea r. ixtrd. - ' Aaksd for -Postpoasatsat. . . Ths calUna of the district ooutt cal endar laat Tuesday found tha attorney for Maya tivlns; notloe of a motion for popiponsmeni on ins pita rnai uiaenent was seriously UL Thlnkln that Mays' ailment was no(h!n more serious than fear of consequences, tha rovernmeat hurried Dr. Alan Welch Smith, a former surgeon of the marine corps, to Tyh valley -armed with- a letter from United BUtes Dlstrlot Attorney William C. Bristol. . Dr. Smith made an examina tion of Maya and the fact that the joverament is lolnr ahead with -it preparation to try the excused senator makes It srtdsnt that his report la la I line with the ausplclona of the proseou- Uon. r - - v . Friends of Mays atlll insist that he Is really 11L They aay that he Intended to remain In Salem during; ths lestr ses sion of tba legislature, but his physical condition i mada- that impoealble and he went to Oakland, California, where he was under treatment until tha earth quake. Further, these friends say that Maya has not been in his law offloe for II months. This, to them, la eoncluslT rldenc that ha la ill, aad they do not neaitat to aay that no seport of a phy stolen employed by the government will r.hmnn their onlnlnw- SEEKS FOR BABY BOY (Continued from Pag On.) all advances (friendship on the part of the women In whose car it a been placed.- .."' Legal complications form another In teresting phase of the easa ' Ths Carter ware married soms rivsyears ago but separated, it is said, two years ago, the mother keeping posseeeloa of the child.- They have not obtained a divorce, though it is said the cass will be taken before the courts immediately In order to settle the question of ths custody of the child. . ., . , , Child Went with Moths. ' Vernon Carter, the 4-year-old boy. the cause of the contention, went with his mother, to Portland when the father and mother separated. He remained In her cars constantly and though the father ha visited ths youngstsr on numerous occasions has never ex presssd a deslrs for his custody. Tuesday he ' mad ' another visit to the child and its mother and requested permission to take the boy for a walk. Permission was readily granted, but a precaution the mother sent her little niece along. The man with the two children walked about the streets for a time add on reaching Third and Washington sent the little girl Into a store on a pretext On her rstura the man and boy were -gone, and aha .re turned, home at once. Attorneys declare thar If 7 the child had been kidnaped and taken to soma other section of the state In. which the kidnaping occurred, the mother might regain possession of him by legal means.- As It Is, however, they dsclara, the child must remain In . the euatody of the father. Carter .Is -sngaged In . ths slot ma- chlns business in this section ' of the stats, ' making Chshalla hi headquarU era He declares that no will retain possession of tha child at all costs and that under . no circumstances . will he surrender- him, , UNCLE JOE PREPARING . FOR COMING CAMPAIGN - . Jeaial gpeafal. Bento- Washington,. July . 14. A letter from Speaker Cannon, who la supposed to be resting at his home in Danville. Illinois, ordsra copies of records and statistical abstracts, showing that he Is preparing for his congressional campaign, Ths congressional committee Is to us him in Urge centers where the- Republican nominee . are attacked. He will psy particular attention to Samuel Gompers and raise the cry of "bosslsm" wherever th federaUonlst attack- tha nominee. frf 'Tchdas: best bet By POTTED L A2? SHOHTS XOUTX 7XAXV , fffWP VAN WMKLL dTTSX Mam HOT WEATHER KILLS TlNir$ADDLE-HORSE ' IBmcUl Btanatefc to Th. IssraaLI Forest Grove, Or. July 1. Thursday waa tha hottest day in tha memory of tha oldest Inhabitants hsr. - The thr mometer stood 191 la th shad with' out ths slightest bit Of breese and a a result one bora dropped 'dead in the street; one man. John Price, was prostrated and - several laborers . quit work. The horse was a fine bay, steed be longing to John McNamsr - aad ' was lylddsn by him In the grand parade here animal and one of the best in ths county. '. JAPANESE ENGAGED H v ; WRECKING AT 'FRISCO (Jearnal Mil Bnla.l .San Franclaco, July 1. Interesting light on, th Japanese invasion , is shed by the fact that under the name of the-Japanese' - Realty- and Wrecking company several wealthy Japanese have gone into tha wrecking and salvage business and are now engagsd on sev eral contracts in ths burned districts. The eempany rlaltng tf within call 1.00 msn who can be placed at Worx at once should th neoessity for any such numbsr arts. , It. contracts to do work either en a percentage basis or at a lump sum and pay th highest markst price for all salvage. BONES OF MEXICANS ' v SOLD FOR FERTILIZERS Guadalajara, Mexico. July 14. Bonea of 117 men, lit women, II boys and It girls have been taken from grCvss In th Municipal cemetery her during th laat week. The leases on. the graves had expired. . The . bones have been tacked in a corner of the cemetery and will be sold to a purchaser from ths United States. Many carload of human bonea are ahlpped out of Mexico annually. The bonea are ueed In pre- pairing frtHlsr-iir-the United States NEW ZEALAND TO ADMIT AMERICAN SALMON FREE "IJorl 8pfdrilr1cs.t Christ Church, New Zealand. July 14. It 1 Is understood Sir Joseph ward. the incoming premier, proposes to ad mit free American canned salmon and printing paper. America, in return, on the reciprocity basla freeing New Zea land or wool import and kauri gum. This . would, - it is thought, Injure Im portation into New Zealand of Canadian' paper-e ne -aalmonr..w hlca. r no wpr ef -erentlally treated. - . , ,T AMERICA TO COOPERATE WITH MEXICO FOR PEACE flearaa! Soeclal iwilw.! ' "Oyster Bey, July 14. It is ann6unced here today that no suggestion aa to the method of mediation to lnaure peaoe In Central. America will be made by thla country unless overtures come from either Guatemala or Salvador. Tha president Is ready to - cooperate - with Mexico on any feasible plan. In ex tending the offer of mediation the pres ident suggests no program. MONSTER COUGAR IS KILLED NEAR-DOTY (Rpeela! tMeeeSHI t Tbe Josrnat.) ; Chehslls, July 14. Chsrles Taeoelt of Doty killed a cougar "hla week. It measured eight feet and three inches from Its bead to the tip of Its talL Ths animal waa pursued by Mr. " Taepelt's dog, but turned and fought th dog-back until in bight of Mr. TaepeiL wbn the sailor auuea u snimsjh I I KnrwH MRAM IT J C I 1 - .-" .- -. - i t w B-?foba We result of . f gKt. Cvkeft fcofrc nowtfcmk MftctTntft r be found of ttf tW Owtr. FAMINES IN CREAM (Continued from Pag On) - The- manager of the Portland Dairy association said: Wo ar abl to aupply our " own customers today, but we could dispose o 1.00S extra gallon of cream to to cream manufacturer If wa had It. The short re come on account of tha faot that with tha hot . weather th supply from th bows shrinks. . Than the oraam ours quiokly, even before It yeaoha our agenta In auoh a ease-It not be used for sweet cream. W accept it for us In butter-making. Thar is - ten time a much lo cream being used to day aa there wag three weeks ago." - The manager of th Oregon creamery professed to be well supplied with cream and to be abl to fill aay demand mad upon him. ' f Th ' manager , of . th -' Washington Creamery - company stated - that - orders ara coming in for ice cream which can not be filled. By heroio rforts the firm-1 abl to supply it regular us-. tomsrs. but, outside parties . must go without A considerable number of smaller Ice cream parlor and retail vendor of th delicacy will be entirely out before -tonight, and will hav nop to serve tomorrow. - - ; . . "W could very easily sell J00 gallon more If we had It," said th Washing- ion it eiaaiu . - v Oaataloapes Are Soaroe, " ' If you had mad up your mind to eat a Juicy and well-flavored cantaloupe for breakfast, and went from store to store and couldn't, get one, and then had. a commission man Inform you that there were no cantaloupes In tha markst say. wouldn't it Jar yout - It Jarred several people yesterday. Ths day before there were centalouncs in abundance, yesterday morning there were still a few, but last evening they had disappeared, and eittsena Inclined towsrd cantaloupe had to Incline to other fruit for breakfast. Down In th canta loup oountry some cog slipped out of the machinery and let the Portland spoke drop out - of ths commercial wheel. Whereby the cantaloupe famine beoame a reality In the city. Add to . this the water Tsmine, and the ice cream famine of recent mention, and -the long-glova famine which women have been enduring, a well a th cool breese famine, and . the good-show ram in, and compared with Portland, India la a land of plsnty and northern Japan Just running over with good things, to .eat.. - , 'L.ntSri . -i. Slaetrlo, Fang. Soaro. ,. ) Several hundred . electric fang could be sold tn a Jiffy if - they wre only here. - So - aay , tha Portland alectrio aupply men. - ,- , ' W hav II standing rdr for fans whioh we are unable to fill," said the man in' the supply department of the Portland ..General Electric company to day. v"We have, been compelled to send an emergency order to Oakland and ex pect to. be. able , to fill all . order by Monday or. Tuesday. . Meanwhile, the people will-have to get along with el bow grease and th band fan." It waa reported on tbe street today that there waa a shortage In loa. In aulry from . th . Crystal Ice company and the Liberty Ice company, however, revealed the-faot that there la plenty of Ice for alL, E. W. Wsatherly, man ager of th Crystal, say that hi com pany has 1,000 ton of Ice stored in Its warehouse, ' ..Phillips, manager of the Liberty, declare that there I Ave time the usual amountbemg tsonsumed tHea days. - Hs estimates th total delivery today at 150 tons. ' - r - - Th long-glove famine, which started a number of weeks ago, though amelio rated eomswhat by a fsw small ship ments, still sxlit to a considerable as Unfc - .... Pirate Attaak Ship. ' .- , . (Joeraal gpeelal Servke.) Canton. July, 14. The British Shin Salnam was attacked by pirate. Dr. Mo Donald being killed and Captain Joallntf and four Biane-jnjurea. J Preferred gtoek Oaand , Alien If wia Best Brand, , Liesch.' former uperintndent of. the asylum for insane at Btellaooom. his former assistant. Dr. j, b. ixughary. a re, making th tests. They will study th two prisoners closely ror soms time to com la aa effort to discover the true state of their minds, but will not max a report until their teat ar com' pieteo. Bather Mitchell face her fat calm' ly, apparently having bo fear of the gallows, Mrs. Creffield axprsssed her anxiety at the possibility of hanging but say that life imprisonment would hav no terror for her,' a ehe doe not ear for her liberty now that her nusnana is aeaa. In speaking of her brother whom gh murdered, Esther Mitchell 'doe not show the slightest feeling, fine aay a that aa the law would not bunlsh him ror ms slaying or Creflleld she had to do 1U Creffleld, aha aaya. waa a holy man, while her brother wa defiled. Fathat la Saytos. - Ever known a a girl of strona wllL Esther Mitchell does not bells her rep utation now. Sh desire to shisld Mr Creffleld, and In all her Statements re garding the murder of her brother at tempt t take th entire blame for the Word corned' from "Dayton.' Wash- where Charles Mitchell, father of ths murder aad har victim.- is visiting a son, that h will not return to Seattle for his daughter's trial. He aay aha Is under a hypnotlo spell oaat over her by th creffleld and that he can do nothing to aava her. v - An autopsy of the brain : of Georg Mitchell ha been made by local phyal clan. They state that they find his brain waa perfectly balanced and that were is no aian of mental weakness. Although th girl haraslf refused to admlr that b I unbalanced mentally or waa at tha time of th murder, At torneys Morris and . Shipley, th law. years who defended Georg Mitchell In Ma trial for killing Creffleld. hav is sued a signed statement to th affect that they bellev the girt waa Insane and asking that both - woman rsoejv Aside from th attorney th broth ers, Fred and Perry Mltohell, appear to b the ' amy peopi , in sympathy with th murdereaa. rrry Mltohall 1 com plsUly upaet by the death of hla brother and Fred . keeps constant watch over ' Chautauqua Trains. During th Chautauqua eeaaon at J31adston Park th Southarn Paclflo will operate special train between Port- nd and Gladstone Park aa follows Lisav Portland la th ' forenoon at T:4L 1:40, 1:10, 11:10; In th afternoon and evening at 11:15. 1:11, 1:10, 1:10, 4:11. 4;tf. . 1:14, f :6, T:l. -1: and 1:40. -'---' v'' ' -..' --. Leave Gladstoa Park in th fore noon at :. 1:10.-t:ll. 10:l: in the afternoon and evening 11:11.. 1:11, l:l, :l, 4:11, :10, :, T:l, 7:61, :!, 1:81. 10:01 and 10:11. Purchase round trip tickets at seat Washington street offloe of th South ern Paclflo company, where train con nect with streetcars for all parte of th city. Train do not arrive at er depart from union depot. -. MURDEREILOEJGIR TAKEN IN ADIR0NDACKS trtica, July 14. Chtr Oillet. aged II. of Cortland, - M. m, wa arrsataa In - th - Adirondacka thla morning, a' ouad -of th murder of - Ml Grace Brown, ef South Otaelio, N. whose bruised body wa taken in Big Moose lake Thursday. GlUst waa a nervous and Dhraical wreck when taken. He Submitted to th arrest ' and "admitted his identity. lt Is" Charged rthat -he took the girl to a secluded spot, struck her down with an oar, and threw th body into th water, It 1 exbeoted that tha autopsy will reveal the motive. OVERCOME BY HEAT ; ELECTRICIAN DROWNS Marysvllle, Cat. July 14. v! Brack- wall waa overoome by heat while re pairing a flume leading tor the motore of ' th Colgate - eleotrlo power- plant laat night and fall In. His. body was caught and prevented' from going to the motors,- but .hi head ( waa sub merged and death resulted. , - BEEF TRUSE LOSES . HN EXPORT CANNEOEErHiS ' dauraal Special Bervlee.) ' - Washington, , July : 14. According td figure published by the department of commerce and labor the beef trust lost in June 1118,014 to the exportation of canned beef alone, aa compared with June, 1I0S. "There was an Increase of 1,500,000 pounds of frssh beef exported. WANAMAKER TO BUILD HUGE STORE IN FRISCO , . . t (Jearaal gpeHat gervlea.t ' San Franclaco, July. 14. A deal was closed today whereby John Wanamaker of - Philadelphia secures possession -of th block occupied before the fire by St. Ignatius college, on which he will erections of, tbe.gr1 department atorea In America, , , , , , , , . '..." ..j : ' i ii ' ' 1 1 i ' s I ''' ,. Oalffornlaa Sent to MamafX"' " V ' " 1; , (Jesraal Bpal terries.! Oystar Bay, July 14, Tbe appointment waa announoed today of David Lubln of California aa a member of th permanent committee of 'the international Institute of agrioultur at Roma .'. the Public Attention is caUed "to, th ', opsaing of vat , .'. . '. niid-Summer Clearance Sale " Which opens on' 1 . ' ' Uonday. July . Store closed In th morning. Be: particular la Sunday' . . Jnnrtial. , 1 v ROSIMIIAL'S : Portland's Beat Shoe tfp To ill Contestants lor ! The Journal " Cdiolarships Widen Their Acquaintance '" - ' THE I rrBVLTB MAT SHANNON." itt Tsnlnd St; PortUnd. -T 1 i tinOirn A UTTT B-kXT III Ua1. S3 nA-f-njl rm, A K a a V , a wmjv4 em vv tuuvit elefey TF T'TTf KW . VI w . is v wsa,wss av,i I CHARLES GROSS, Y. M. C A.. PorUand. Oregon.... ...18,460 4 LILLIAN M'VICKKR. -St. John. Oregon .....14.111 ((OUT GRAHAM, Troutdal. Oregon 0.120 . CARL 6 HELTON, Forty-eighth St, Mt Tabor. Oregon...... 1,110 TCLAT JONES, -401 East Twelfth St, PorUand, Oregon.. .....v 0,770 - (JOHN BENSON, Chemawa. Oregon .............. ........... T.I40 .. . 0 ROT JOHNSON, 14 Division St. Portland, Oregon. ...... .v ... 7,685 . 10 MILDREO L.'CLEMONS, University Park, Portland. Oregon,. 6,716 1 11 BERTIB O. CHAN, III CUr 8U Portland. Oregon..... ...." 4,010 , 11 -PAUL NTOREN. 110 Eaat Third St .North, Portland, . Oregon 4,010 10-kMART B. POWELL, 417 Salmon St, Portland, Oregon. .... ., 1,760 14 CLAT CART, Salem. Oregon........... I,I14 -16 LOUISB SCOTT. Central Addition. Portland, Oregon......... 1,000 10 HARRT BRANT, 711 WUlamette Boulevard, PorUjwd, Oregon 1.076 17--IVT OWENS, Cedar MDl. Oregon .;,.-rr.-rr.:7... 1.100 ' ' 10 AILEJEN HACKMAN, Myrtl -Park, Oregon i ............. . 1.410 v 10 OUT JOHNSON, lot Grant f ML. Portland. Oregon 011 10 EDWARD L. KIN8MAN, Llnnton, Oregon ...... v. .,.,..,.... 40 ' 11 RUTH TURNER, 101 Kerby St. Portland. Oregon ..' 100- II W. K. OWTNN. 140 Eaat Thirty-seventh St. Portland, Oregon ' 100 tl GEORGE, D. KING. Kingston, Oregon " too' 14 AQNE8 EVANS, ,Latourell. Oregoa .........,.....,.,......-100-' o)MMM Two contestants changed place sine th last acor rut waa pubUshed. - Kd' ward L. Kinsman of Linn ton added 160 votes to his Boor and ateDned In front of and above' Guy Johnson of 100 Grant street Portland. Tha five leading contestant all added good bunohe of votes t their soora Their work wa so nsarly th am that thy did not gain much advantage over one another, but all gained an advantage over the contestants lower down In tha list and make themselves more eeoure for first ehoioe of acholarahlpa and for a call on th liberal, cash priaea. Never before In the history of Oregon ha th way been mada so easy for aa ambition boy or girl to get aa Inde pendent education. Many of - the atajwarta of th stats educated themselves) by staying out of school half of th year to maul - rails and teach -district school;- Th "Brm naaa of purpose and power to. overoom obstacles which ware developed by th turdy men "and women who provided for their own schooling hav contributed in great meaaure to . their uooeaa . la ltr life. - The Educational" Contest of The Ore gon Journal offers young people of to day th- ohano to help themselvee. It affords them opportunity to get out among people and learn how to Indue business. Tola la on of th most lm portant laaaona in modara eduoatloa and proper tha boy or girl for th practical duties of life, a most, people now 11 v by selling something. . It l th beat' salesmen In thla day and ag who reoeive - tha highest pay, whether selling their ' own produat or th product of others, - Th journal la bow off Ming about aa many scholarship a it haa eon tastanta. Th advantage ef working for high standing to tha Individual, eon- tastant la to gain first or near th first choice of cholarsblpa. The choice of the entire list of acholarahlpa Is de termined by th numerical order or rela tive position in whioh, th coatee tant i nmsnsa tnraoe. There is yet room for more contest;- anta. Patrons ef Th Journal will eon- far a lasting .favor upon deserving boys and girl to Induce them to take part in this competition for future tuition in the best schools Of, Oregon. . Th ob ject 1 worthy and th canvassing will b of great benefit to th young person. Letter recommending contestants will receive attention and be treated publicly or privately, according to th request' of the writer. patron of th paper- can glv to th contestant 1 to send them notloe to call for subscription or to send their subscriptions to The Journal office la favor of tha contestanta, Everywhere voluntary aaalstano i appreciated and especially so In newspaper contest. Raleigh W. Cyrus of Solo, Oregon. Is mad of the stuff which achieve suo- ceas - everywhere. He know what h wsnta and goea after ltwithout fear of defeat One started he continue to th vry finish and then aooepta victory calmly and 'dlspaaalonately. Buca la th report which floats Into Portland about this young man whs haa sntsred the Educational Contest In order to win th scholarship In Albany collage, the . excellent . Presbyterian school of Linn county. Toung Cyru haa Just graduated from theSclo High school and he aspire to or education: Hla-dsniplleatlon ana Intelligent hustling. M sosnded from stanch Oregon stock. His grandfather, William Cyrus, cam to Oregon in th early day and took a donation land claim In Linn county, aad CROP FAILURE CAUSES FOOD RIOTS IN CHINA (Journal Soeelal SarvlM.l Washington. D. C, July 14. Th government is notified of food riot In China on account of the acarolty of rice resultant from - flood. China 1 buying American products, particularly flour. .' FOUR MILLIONS MORE FOR NATIONAL BANKS v ' (Journal Speelal Strrles.) Waahlngton. D. C. July 14. Secre tary Shaw ha placed over 14,000,000 on deposit in the national banks and ha demanded government bonds security by Wednesday. , . L0NGW0RTHS GUESTS OF FRENCH PRESIDENT Joeraal SmoUI rvla.) ' Paris, .July 14. Congressman and Mrs Long-worth attended today the re view of the troops and celebration of th fall of tha Baatllss-They -occupied President FaUisr' box.', , , . CALIF0RNIAN IN RECORD : - TIME CLIMBS MT. BLANC ' (Jearaal Bpertat gerrtee.) ': v ' Geneva, July 14. Jorge Calvarf of California ascended Mount Blano today in th record time ot 0 hours 07 min utes. It is considered aa extraordinary feat of endurance. . ... PATROLMAN IS KILLED ; ' WHILE MAKING SIGNAL TnAtananofla Julv 14.PiMlmaa Doley . was electrocuted this - morning while, pulling a pox at tne signal sta tion Ths wires burned out of manv telephones and started a fir In th rarry aianuiaoiuruia oompany, wnion aximguisnea. ' Saltan Of Morocoo TO. r y 4 " " (Jobrnkl Bpeclar servlee.J Jv - Tangier, July 14. The sultan of Mo rocco la JU With typhoid fev . , , While Canvassing. v ,. SCORE th nam of Cyrus, therefor. 1 stamped foraver on th map of th Willamette valley. Raleigh' father la J. B. Cyrus and the family live at Solo. ' x .- Contestant Cyru hope that th pio neer families who know hi father and grandfather will renew the memory of. past aasoeiauoaa oy sending him their subscription to Th Journal, which' will glv him votes toward-the scholarship which he k. - .,-;.:' . ' Thla contestant - Intends to ' canvas Albany, Woodburn and tha T equina bay district, besides his own town, and hi plana ara .very ambltlou. He realise th value of personal and family ac quaintance la contest work and he will first make oaila upon th people he knows, v go It ia likely that there may be room for other .eootatant to work over that larg . aad populou region ot oountry. - - -, - ; t-r:--.-.5-.-.-:- " Jam eyiatchr, the" enterprising" it-year-old agent of Th -Oregon . Dally Journal at Roseburg, haa been In Port land for a wk picking up point as to th sal and distribution of newspaper. Th young man haa been Identified with Th Journal la Roeeburg from tha first year of this new paper' axlstenoe. He began ,a bualnes .career by. carrying paper for a new agent and soon con eluded .to .become a proprietor aad to anag a rout himself. ' Th summer Mason la hot the 'beet for th dally papere In Roseburg, a many resident . go. t their farms, to their mine. and. to , th mcuntaia and- aea eoast resorts. - Fletcher 'now serves many patrona,-but in th fall hi route go up with - a : bound, This make Fletcher quit a lucrative and Important bualnes and ha la creating for, himself a nharmntei. a kuiinM iu h pfomptneae la delivering th papar and collecting for thsm. ":- -, - Th Rosbttrg- agent sees th ' ad vantage of th Educational Contest aa a circulation builder and he . haa made himself master of th plan.. He aay he will cooperate with ths contestant at Roeeburg. Richard W. Qllvln. for th benefit of his own business Interest and to help Gllvln win one ofth scholarships. y Under the rules , of th contest no agent shall show partiality toward any contestant but give all th opportunity to - gather vote through subscription, and Fletcher ay that ha will live up to this ' rule. If any other contestant visit Rose. burg Fletcher will glv that on th sunt chaac to gala nw aad old sub scribers that h provides for Contestant ouvin. scholarship la the Stat university at Eugene through gathering aubaorlpttona la Roseburg. 1 about 17 years of as. Last year he graduated from the Rose burg High echool with high honors. Fltohr aaya that among, th boy Gll vln 1 knowif to play hard whan h playaaadto atudy hard whoa he atudlea Olivia la th son of a veteran ef th civil . war aad both he aad hi father are popular aad much respected in Roburg. la football aad In baskt ball Qllvln la aa promlnsnt a he I In his studies.- , In th war of tat Dubllcttv onvln first attracted attention aa one of the leading contestants In tha Presidential Inauguration Contest la which h On. lahed next to. the lead and earn very near the free trip to Washington City, uuvin naa learned tnat success la oon tst enterprise result from constant is .very anxious to provide for aa Inde pendent . education and h expect to mak a- great harvest la Th Journal contest ballot. CONVICTED MURDERER i KILLS HIMSELF IN CELL' - - . - v i , ....... Chicago, July 14. Ralph Leslie, con noted or the murder of Abraham Gold berg, sentenced to life Imprisonment was found dead in hi cell la - th oounty Jail thla morning, having ooav mitUd auloida, , . ; . r : BARMAIDS BARRED, Clevaland Chief of Police Declarea War Upon Girls in Boor Hallav ' Chief of Polio Fred Kohler haa de clared war on smile, say a Cleveland. Ohio.' dispatch. It Is not th amllsa originating- from-ordinary situations that ar to b xtrmlntd; tha hlf haa planned to banish the brand worn by the barmaids. , In other worda the 600 girl serving beer in Cleveland saloon aad cafe must gov - - "Girls shall not sail beer r 'other drinks la. thla city.", said th oh let. "There ara hundred of them hare. But w will atop . th custom If there 1 power tinder the law." Matthew Kraater, St Clair avenue, wa arreated for violating th waitress ordinance. A girl In log and -raffled aproa wa shuffling to tab! with trays f Isgsr. J "Ths eeee 1 a test ona." said ths' chief. "If we secure a conviction we'll ' arrest vry man who has a girl selling liquor In his saloon. Th barmaid .or waitress draws men to the saloon. Her mile sell drinka Morel, smiles, morel drinks; las smiles, less drinks. ; Thej smiles must go. ' . . - Th movement I another steo In the! chiefs tight to remove any cause foi criticism of Mayor Johnson's adm!nis-l trauoa.--" - : t-- r-- ; A Tillamook adltor Is running aa an tomobii over . to Sheridan beat the! stage. BAsasAXZi rumi - ajto fo . avacaatai Its-I lolJ Lonla J. Xrugar.'ax-champloalonadti tano foot racer ot Oermany and Hoi land, write, uot. n. 1011 "Daring my training of eight foot races at Salt Lake City. In Aprlk laat, I ueed Ballard's Snow Liniment to my- gratt satisfaction. Therefore I highly recommend Snow Liniment t" elf who art troubled with sprain raises er rheumatlara. lie, Iflo aou, iLOO, fold bt ,W.dw4 Parad P - V