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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
. f .In THE OREGON DAILY -.TOUSNAU PORTLAND, SATURDAY V EVSinirS. - JULY , i: l a-BiMliiMiMittMi H . -. r 1 I S I .'.,-- I v . . ... . , i 1- , , T i ... i , ' " t. North Beach 8pcUl Cotrpon1nt f The Journal.) . North Beach. Wash., July 1J. The Intense heat of tha paat few weeks haa bean instrumental In inducing- peopla to close their city homes- earlier than usual for tha summer and to seek the cool and comfortable atmosphere of -the beech. Although the season is yet in .its Infancy North Beach presents a very lively appearance. There are just about twice aa many people down here now as there were at this time Uat year. . Every day treat crowds throne the decks of the X. J. Potter, eagerly waiting- for the rope to be thrown and the plank lowered to land them at Ilwaoo. The business of getting settled has ' occupied most people up to the present time, but as everyone seems to be mak ing special preparations for. entertain ing, an unusually gay social season Is assured. ,-v. ' s- - Mrs. I. H. LIpman entertained num ber" of young people at a beach fire on Monday evening. The cleverest story heard that evening waa told by James Roeenfeld. who la an adept In the art of story telling. As this Is a great fea ture, of a successful , beach fire, Mr., 1 Bosenf eld la In constant demand At such entertainments. -.v.v A bathing party which consisted of a swim In the tank at Long Beach, fol lowed by a dip in the surf, lots of fun ' and plenty of good, -healthy sport, was ; enjoyed on Monday by Miss Lee Bing ham. Mrs. Tennant,. Raleigh Trimble and F. A. G add Is. , Mrs. Isam White provided rigs tor eight merry people last Saturday and rave them a delightful time at North Head. Among her guesU were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Meier. Mrs. L N. LIpman. Mra Hyskell and Mrs. Rosener of Ban Francisco. ' ,- Dancing lr always enjoyable and peu- pie will dance when they cannot M In duced to ' do anything else. - Baturday Bight la looked forward to as tha beat of the. whole week, tor on that night '' there la a dance at Long Beach which verybody -atteml-and-thoroughly-en- Joys. The dance last Baturday night was "particularly enjoyable, as ' the ' crowd was such a congenial one and the musio exceptionally .good. . , , BzeeBeat Bathing. .'.' ' ',;-.' Peopla who' have been coming to this ' beach for years declare that never In ' ' their experience has the bathing been ao One. The water Is so ' deltclously - - ' warm and the beach so perfect that the ' temptation to venture In more than once a day la Very great to tne eawusiaauo ..-.''bather, i '-.-..-.".' ' .- .- Mlsa Lee Bingham gave a marsh . mallow .roast at her quaint and pretty ' . ' cottage on Friday night. Her guests were Louis Williams. Mies Flora Flelsohner, James and -Arthur Rosen- l.IOiO. a ahort vacation at the nark. V . Mr. Boeecbon Is ' entertaining " his aranddauahter. Mlas Alda Burke. . Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McPberson and . children arrived last week and aire now comfortably settled la their beach eot-j taae. .-. .'.' 8. A. Matthews la enjoying an outing at tha Dark. - Mr. and Mrs. aL-HV HaKWoTaTTa , their oottaxe ready for occupancy. A party drove from the Breakers to ' North Head on weaneaaay. jars. rt. &. Clarke. Mra. Weed, Mlaa Weed, Mrs. K. Jorgenson and Mlas Jorgenaoa were r among the number. . ' , t Mr., and Mra. Warner, who have a -cottage at Tioga, .- have -deserted the " beach for a vtalt to the Chautauqua. Mra. J. - Holmes, Mlssea Annie and r liolita and Master Edwin Holmea are . camping near tho Breakera, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd la entertaining Mra. John Kollock. Mrs. lAdd haa the Mackenzie cottage for the season. . ' . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kloaterman are with tha Zlmmermana at Bea View. -r , After a winter of hard etudy In New , Tork City, Btuart MoOulra, the proinls- tng baritone singer of Portland, is re Ueuperatlng at the McOulre cottage near Centorvllle. ... Tho family of Charles Mastlck are , ..' again found In the cottage which for several years haa been the scene of much hospitality on their part. - Harvey O' Bryan came down last week ',.' to Install hla family In their cosy borne - at Bea View.v ' ' - Not far from the Breakera la the ' D. W. Crawley cottage, considered by everybody one of the - exceptionally handeomo-ones on the .beach. Mra ' V. Crawley spends about six months of the ,- year at the. coast and the flrat summer ,. swi 'ieywirwtr''1 i 1 'I lAlVWI fit a ' a. la . e lei - 1.l!t.,WU'VJIU' II I f . I K JI -I 11- I -I t. I ; - b Hi I i . " 1 1 AJ)UJ . ; f ' r....wi4'' visitor .usually flnda the artistic green house tenanted no matter now eariy. in the aeaaon he may arrive. Misses Knith and ' Bene noDertson, daughters of J. H. Robertson, nave entertained a number of their Portland friends since their arrival at the beach. , Mlas Pauline Flthlan Is the guest of Alice .Macintosh at tha Macintosh cot tage near the Wlllowa " - A. Elliot of Walla. Walla haa . built fen elegant summer residence not far from the 8ea View station. Daniel Kellaher. a member of i the Portland city' council, ,1a spending his vacation with hie wife at Bee View. ' : Will Bnjoy the Beach. ' Mra. K. E. Lytle, Miss" Helen Lytle and Harvey Lytle r arrived at ine Breakers on Tuesday. ; They intend to remain until Beptember . and brought their driving and riding horses, with the expectation of having a thoroughly enjoyable outing. .' : ' Avis Testes or . ' rortiana ana. ner stater. Mra Richards, from Mtaaoula, are gueata of the Honorlue cottage. ..... Dr. Herbert nicnois ana . ramuy are settled' for .the season in their cwm fortable houae at Tioga. ' .. : Mlaa France Sheehy is . hostess to three of her girl friends in the Bheehy cottage at Sea View. Mlas Luella Height and her mqtner arrived at the beach last week. 1 Miss . Frances dill was among the paasengersvon the Potter laat Wednes day. Her destination was Ocean Park. Misses Helen and: Margaret Bates ana Harold Bates will be at Tioga during the month of July. ' Mrs. Margaret Allen Is at the beach. resting, after a strenuous year of school work.-. -'v- - l " No family Is more widely known at North Beach- than that of Emll Bchacht of . Portland;'"'' For years their cottage haa been the rendesvoua of the young people and their houae Is noted , for cpen-handed hospitality. - a-. Finding blmaeil unable to cope witn the strong waves of heat which have enveloped Portland lately, E. A. Beals of the weather bureau haa fled to Bea view to keep eooL . . Raleigh Trimble haa opened tha fam ily cottage at Long Beach. -.; The automobile owned by Mr. Irwin of tha Breakers Is the lonely and only one to be a -en hero." .With no blue enated -coppers ' to aay It "nay," It may be aeen speeding along at a terrific rate, conaclous of Ita freedom from speed limits and proud to bo the fast est thins on tho beach. " T""" Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Brady and daugh ter are busy making their Tioga resi dence habitable for tho aeaaon. ' ; 'Bolley Ckajtlar Fopula. The skating rink at 'Long Beach has proyod an Immense- success. - People love to bo -amused and when the rink opened on Friday night there was a crowd attending which would do Justice to the launching of some great and notable enterprise. , The William M. Ladds are In their spacious house at Seavlew and will probably entertain . in .their usual, hoa- Mrs. B. Harmon and daughter Helen are enjoying a atay by the sea. Miss Helen la Just recently from Tarrytown,' New , York. . where she attended school during the winter, Captain- Pope and -family were among the first to leave tha ' elty for the beach. Mra J, F. McDonald and family are at Beavlew. Seavlew la the liveliest place along tha beach. .Tha hotels and boarding. houses are well filled and nearly every cottage In thla flourishing summer set tlement Is occupied. Great crowds go . wnmt the daily hoat, which never falls to bring a largo number of . vis itors to thla popular' station. Among Portlanders who have opened their cot tages with the Intention of remaining all summer are the families 'of F. 8. Meyers, A. N. McKlnney, C W. Rey nolds, A. Rlcharda, - N. Sinnot, J. H. Bhoulderman, O. Btout, C. W. Stoat. C. W. Bcarett, P. J. Btout,' C. Stinger, Thomas TrautmanT" C. " A. "Tremble, - H. H. Turner, T. B, Wilcox, T. P. Wood. J. H. KlOdtermaa C. W. Lelck, V. V. Ladd, U. Mlddaugu, J. J. Moore, W. G. Zleglar, W. B. Redman, Mrs. A. McKln ney, J. N. Berdman, Mra 8. Butta, Mra. Martin. J. Bcherner, Mrs. J. O'Neal and H. E. Manning. - . Zdfo at Oeeaa Bark. ' Signs of life are to be seen In tfr cottage of Judge L. B. Steams. The family la down for two montha ' - Mra K. B. London and Miss Dorothy Gill are visiting at Ocean Park as the guests of Mrs. J. B. Montgomery. The family of Frank Palmer , of El lensburg have opened their cottage for the eummer. - One of the ' prettiest summer homes of the park la occupied by B. F. Clay ton and family. 1 -' ' - Jack Bean' and A. W.' Gray arrived the early part of the weekv Guy Allison Of Spokane Is spending J. B. Smith and G. M. Brown are guests at the Prague cottage. . Mrs. Joseph Roberts and her mother, Mra - Hansen, who have . been In the Roberta cottage for two weeks, will re main the whole eummer. Frank - J. .Strelblg of the firm of Strelblg ft Jessup, baa taken a cottage for the summer for himself and family. Mr. Strelblg is in poor health and will take a long-outing. - - ' .' G. A. Cable and family are tenting at the Outalde Inn. - Harry Haseltlne and family and Mra Ogleaby - Toung and daughter are also occupying cottages. ' - ' A the Motels. The Driftwood Mra A. L. Mitchell, Alice B. Taylor. B. W. Dlngman, Mrs. E. li.Sperry, Mrs. H. W. Lencke. Mra n w f:i;K: W. 8. Halvor. Master Alfred Lencke of Portland, ' Sue - Breckenrldge, .Albany; Mary McCormlck, Lebanon; Lulu Lev- erett. . Ooldendale. Washington Annie Ewlng, Oswego; Agnea Wllaon,- Corval lla; Delia Woods, Huntington; Olive Gruver, Pocatello, -Mr. and Mrs. Dech Hale, ; Boston, Mra R D. - Matchon. Minneapolis; Flora L. Muston, England , C. C. Dalton, Seattle: H. C McDonald, Spokane: T. R. Kershaw, Belllnghani; L. O. . ice, Oregon city; a. a. i nc, Oregon. City; Mr.. and Mra. Paalay, Pen dleton. . ... . ' Hackeney , CottagarMra , ward. phena, H. 8. Teraen. J. D, Howard and family, J. T. Hamilton and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davis. Miss Lottie Jacob- sen. Mra D. C Richards,. Miss Avis Teates, Mrs. P. J. Jennings, Mrs. Ted Wood, J. W. Watson, Miss Louise Wat son. B. Hagendom. C. M. Oilman, all of Portland; Mra H. P. Horner, Etnei Pheloa Bllm. -Astoria; Mr. and Mra. J. P. Cook and Miss Cook. Kelso; B. Brewer of Walla Walla. - ,: . The Brltt Miss Eva Klndall. Miss Alloa Cardlnell, Miss Ruth Cardlnell, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge . Bruaer,- "Maater Bruner, Mra. N. Welnstein and eon, A. M. Birdwell, Mr. ana Mra. v. .1 uioa- i-Z- a ' gett D. H. HendeejMf. and Mrs.' J. Bcbaa of Portland. -. -j- : : - . , The Portland Oeorge Bradley. Mr. and Mra E. 8. Altord. Lewlaton. Idaho; Mr and Mrs, Thomas McWllllama, C W. Lelck. O. L. Warden, Mr. and Mra oi' . ' jiTTfKiH A. Bet eon, miss John Barbey. - Robert Hamlsch, A., P. Hanson. Miss Sadye . Kindred of Port land. Mr. and Mra. J. F. Short ridge, Kansaa City; Mra B. C Gallin.and eon, Kaneaa Clly; . Mr.- and Mra Origin, Walla Walla. . . ..." ' Garden Orove John Roprlng, Joseph Clauson, Mra F, D. - Nbrthrop, Mlsa Audrey Northrup, Miss .Beatrice W11 kina. Miss Jdsle Brown, Mra A. E. Rob inson. Portland. .. : , ' The White House David Solomon. Miss Bessie Fisher, Portland; Mr., and Mrs. M. a Kalker, Dayton;. Mrs.,, A. Dodd, Mra F. F. Fisher of Boise, Idaho; Mrs. J. ' F. . Brewer, Lulu , Mae Brewer, Adora, . .. 'i... ', s - The Breakers W. F. Shanfelt, Mra N K. Clarke, Mlas A lta M. Clarke. Mlas Beasle M. Clarke, Mfss Eva M. Clarke, N. K. Clarke. Dr. Oaray, J. W. Holmea Mra F. - H. .Page, Mlaaea Helen' and Frances Page, F. A, Gaddis, Mr. and Mrs. - Jay aSmlth, Mrs. Albert Richards, Miss Mlnnetta -A. Carson, Miss Avis Teates, L. E. Shields, J. T. McCabe, Misses E- and C E. McCabe, Annlce M. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Greene, J Walrath. Marguerite, Shlehy, Mildred Walrath, Mr. and -Mra. W. H. Moore, Mr and Mrs. C K. Kerber. Mr. and Mrs. R. 'a. Hawkins, J. M. Arthur. Mra E. - i - - if t ';-.: 4- if" '( V :'iUliti'ili"i'" ' Delightful Bathing at North Beach. E Lytle, - Master Harvey Ljrtle. Miss Helen Lytle, Miss Margaret O'Connor, Portland;. Frank wooaneia. u.- m. i Oreaorr. J. A. Brunold. Astoria; Mra. H. Brown. 8. A. Schuleln, Major E. Maek donald. Spokane; Oeorge W. Piper, Fred W. Piper, a T. Tarew, C C. Dalton, M. A.i Oansteln and family, Mlaa B. Pres ton.' Mrs. E. Morgensteln and family, Seattle: H. M. Branaford, H. A. Gibbon. South. Bend; Mra. D. . C. Rlcharda. Mis soula: T. R, Kershaw of Belllnghara. Mr. and Mrs. Janlon. Victoria, British Columbia; . Mr. and Mra.. R. H. Klpp. Clatsop Dtiach " (gpectai CorreelMadenee ef The )mraaL) . . . Clatsop Beach, . July - II. There - was Just an intimation of the season - gaiety at Oregon's famous resort this week Several evening parties and musical en tertainment e were held, and there ..were a few aoclal functions. of a more.preton tloua nature. In svite of tho fact that many of the cottages are open for the ... ' ;. W i :;: : Tillamook Head, a Pictureaque SpotWoodfield, Art Photographer, Astoria. season and the family boardln houses comfortably filled, there is yet UtU4 happening in the way of social, enter tainment. In striking contrast to what may be expected later In the season. ' Ths morning and evening trains from Portland eontlnne tn he Wftll patronjied, enJ Sid. presenta eTbu.y en. when the trains pull Into the station. During tha laat few days the traffic has In creased perceptibly, and the visitors for ths- most part, will . remain for. an ex tended period. ' . -, . The first of the out-of-door attrac tions Is billed .for August 4, S end's, when the Arlon Musical society of Port land will give an open-air concert In the park. - The program la well; filled -with special and concert numbers, and artiste of known ability are to take part. An enjoyable concert waa given at Locksley hall. Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. L. Butterworth and Mra Miller of the Westminster choir of Portland both rendered seleotlona ' Mra. Butterworth also gave several readings that were much appreciated. . ' ' 4 t r j , . Bathing Popular. ""'; ' ' . Bathing haa , been particularly "fine, and a large number -took-advantage of the fine weather and smooth sea. .. At Locksley hall a lifeline has been ex tended about tOO feet in the eurf. . . Fishing from the see pier in. front of the-Moore hotel te the -latest popular fad In the amusement line, and large crowds continue to angle for the festive sea base .from Its heigh ta Sea fishing haa been popular from, the day the pier waa completed, but It seem that the ... nil 'yp w?r "-4 'A x ' ' r "Vv; -W"'kW f4J ' A' to. OiiO- popularity Increases aa the day go by. LMany of the vlattora apend the greater part ,ox tneir umi me epors ami much rivalry exlata. In the evening the consBStantaa-ather around - the hotel lobby,. where some wonderful fish stories are told, : ':: ..." y '.-,' " ' . Lawn tennis le furnishing amusement for the .lovers of outdoor- sports at Locksley hall, where games may. be seen. In progress at almost any hour- of the day. . Considerable . rivalry exiata amdhg the players, and some Interesting contests result. . '. ,,'','''"."': "-'. ","' TOM Ftw Xoaaf-' - " . v Emll Sehacht. the' architect, haa sub mitted plana for a new thrpe-atory hotel at Gearhart park, .for Theodore Kruse. The new btructure will be 100x119. and will be equipped with ateam heat and electrlo lights. The new hotel will be ready for occupancy by October 1.- - Rowing in the plctureaque 'Necanh cum Is a pleasure sought by many 'of the summer visitor. Boata are for hire at reasonable hums, and especially In the. evening skiffs may be aeen floating over the smooth surface of the river. . . There haa been a noticeable Increase In the UUla colony at Kruae Beach hotel it T ' a. and Gearhart park this week. ' The work of clearing the grounda la going aieaauy forward. . Among the other pleasures which Mr. Kruse- haa - planned for hts guests Is the building ef a dam across Neacoxfe creek,' forming--a .' little lake upon which electrlo launches will be operated, i A number of promin are building summer cottages at Gear hart park. Among the number la Hugn McOulre and T. N. Stoppenbach of the Paclf to' Paper company, J. D, Honeyman. 8: B. Llnthlcum and W.'J. Burna.- Some of these summer residences will cost as much as ts.000. - ; ' - : Brw Bane for Bark.'. After, the present season ' Gearhart park will exlat In memory nly. aa the name is to be changed. A prise will be offered for the most suitable name, and auch .one aa Woodland. Beach, Beach wood. Ocean park and Beaveruse have already been suggested, . C 8. Loveland and wife of Boise are at Kruse-s Beach hotel. ; . . v Hugh McOulre and T. N. Btoppenoacn were at Gearhart park a few daya thla week. C. CCaplei and Mrs. Caples of Port land were . at T Locksleyhallf or, a few daya ' ' - ; . . . " ; . "' William Gedaoy was aowa xrom Ion ian d for a few daya t , B. Van Dusen and wire or Aatona were at the Hotel Moore this week for a short stay. ,'.','.. ' x ' Senator Jonathan Bourne and Mra. Bourne spent a few. days at the Hotel MooreV '-. . .. .;'.i'' ' .- Mrs.' W. D. Fenton and . sons, were at the Moore thle week. - : Frank .Woodfleld.. the , Astoria pho tographer , haa been at the beach collect ing views. . f. - - - , - 8.' C. Beach of Portland apent a few days at Gearhart park during the week. - isecteterea at the atotelfclI ilL'.. Hotel Moore H. a Hall.'. Portland; Mr. and Mra "B. Van Duseiu. Astoria; Miss A. Connelly,' Portland; -Miss Heus ton. Portland; Dr. Jennie Colllne, Port land; Mra. E. R. Woodward, 'Portland; Charlea E. Hardt , and - Mlaa . N. I Hardt, PorUand; Mrs. A. B. Miller, Portland; Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Sargent, Portland; Mrs. John Devlin," Astoria; - Benjamin Lata, Portland; L. Ackerman, Port land; A. M. Btuart Astoria; E. C Smith, PorUand; Mr. and Mrs.. George Cramer, Orants Pass;M. W. Llllard, Portland; Mr. and Mra W. H. Steel, Portland: Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ketchum, Portland; M, A. Lowe. Astoria; E. Ivalmberg. Astoria; Oeorge H. Keene, Portland;. MMe A. M. Jamea. Portland: Miss A. Blsckmer, Portland; 8. B. Coff, Portland, William hi)m. Portland: F. N. Smith. Portland; J Mt.. and. Mre,.Ct W, Avery, Eureka; Mra I jnay.aetia, roruauu, m. . w. Wilson and C. M. Wilson, Fortisna; Mrs. W. D. Fenton. Horace Fenton and W. D. Penton Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stone, Portland; , W. O. Packard, Portland: Frank Woodfleld. Aatoria; I. Burkholder. Portland: - Mrs. A. H. Weber and Miss Weber: Portlsnd. '" Kruse s Beach hotel Mr. and Mrs. C a r a nniu ur nA 'Mra flam iai-' Werthelmer and soni Portland; Mr. and Mra Leo Snyder, Bolae; S. q. Beach. Portland; Hugh McOulre and T. N. Btop penbecb, Portland; Mr, and Mra. M- Hi French; W. D. Larrabee, Portland: Mra, F. - D. Alley, 'Portland; Mlaa . Roaalle Qreffoey, Portland.- Locksley hall Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Caples, Portland,; Mrs : Burke and chil dren. Portland; . Mr. and Mra William Hall. Portland: Mr. and Mrs. John Abra ham, Portland; , Mr. and Mra,' H. Me Conaughey, Portland: William Gadaby, Portland; W. F. Roberta, Portland; Mra. Nina Larowe, JPortland; W. O. Haines. Portland; Mr. and Mra. A, L, Hugglna, Portland; .Mr., and Mrs. B. C. Hara. Portland.' . . ; '':'"-. ' - (Special Cemapeedasee ef The Joaraal.) Newport Or.. ' July ' 10. Newport has put. on its summer 'garb. The. hot spell has driven many Portlandere here -to enjoy the cool aalt" breesea. The hotels are well Tilled, nearly every, cottage. Is occupied and "during the week there has been considerable entertaining. This promises to be the greatest seaaon In the hlatory of Newport, for the eharma otj. this resort ' are being more widely appreciated each year. . t . No one could pick out a more delight ful place to apend their honeymoon than Newport That la what Mr. and Mra. C W. Holderman of Astoria think, for they are here on their bridal tour. Mr. Holderman Is private secretary to United States Senator Fulton. . " ' The Grand Pacific hotel opened for the season last Monday under the man agement of B. D. Butler, formerly of Loe Angelea " Among the early guests were Mr. and Mra Philip . Metschsn, proprietor of the Imperial . hotel at Portland, v ' " ' v' V .' George M. Good, a mm owner of Dal las. U enjoying Ufa here. : :'- ' , Mr. and Mrev J. 8. Cooper Yf - Inde pendence are among the gueata at the Grand Pacific. Mr. Cooper la on of the largest hopgrowera in Polk county. . Mm and Mrs. H. B. Thlelsen-and their daughter. Miss Millie Thlelsen. of SS lem are among the gueata at the Irving house. ... - y '.' ' Quite a number of eastern people are here for the early season. ' Among them are Mr. and Mra. H. L. Stewart, Mlaa Florence Banks and Mra. Leo M. M alley of Lexington. Kentucky. " - William Scarth, a banker of. Toledo, "1 I Mi i I I I Oregon, la among the early visitors to Newport . . v - Mr. and Mra. J. L. Weatherford of Albany -: are registered at; the Abbey house.' Mr. Weatherf ord la a well- known ' attorney and vlce-preaident of the Corvallts A Eastern railroad. ; A. T. Hurd, a prominent mill owner toTnoreiice, . is enjoying a short season here. He Is accompanied by Mrs. Hurd. i Eastern Oregon Is represented at' the Abbey bouse by O. C. Kenkle, a mer chant at Irrigon. ; . . , . Registered at the Abbey house Is M. M. Davis, a capitalist oi.vorvauia. Among the legal UghU enjoying the oool ocean breesee are C. E..Wlllson of Corvallis and B. F. Jones of Indepen denca -r-. .-. . Those registered at the hotels are: -"Bay Viow Mra Frank Brown. Salem: Mr. and Mra Ira MaUory. Granta Pasa; Mlsa Sadie B. Cohen, Albany; M. . K. Watktns,. Portland; W. B. Starkweather, Portland; L. 8. Goldataln, Portland; J. R. Wyatt Albany; Annie B. Baker, sa- lem; i Alda Cannon. Salem. 1 y ,. Ocean House Mr. and Mra T. R. Graffe, Seattle; Mleses M. S. and L. Jones, Pendleton; R. u. loung. 1 fort land; L, O. Ralston ai4 family, Port land; M. and Mrs." H. D. Griffin, Port land; Mrs. E. D. Thompson. Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hlggln, As toria; Mr. and Mra: F. E. Gelser, Fort land; R.'Q. Frost HlUsboro; Mr. and Mra Louie Ennls, Hlllsboro; Louise and Anna Hauser, Lawrence, Kansas; O. B. Lamb, Clinton, Iowa; Ti W. Ellis, Clin ton, Iowa-, Mlas M. V. Toper, Chicago; W. H. -Toper, Kelso. Washington; Rev. Bishop Castle, Philomath. : . Grand Pacific Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holderman, Astoria;- George ' M, Good, Dallas; J. 8. Cooper, Independence; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metchan. Portland; William 'Scarth, Toledo; Charles A. Boy ce.. Portland; L. Hartstetn. Mtlwau- :ssssxssssrtxsxsrsaics: The BREAKERS HOTEL ' .'t;', AMERICAN PLAN. : ,y-.,. y:-. y ;.; . ,; . V-. a. ...S ' j.caH-etk.- 1 , . x,ZAsnro stracicaB bbsob of kleetrte Llgit, Sie.w. 'Hot aa "old aalt Warer In Tjh.Buy Tlcketi te.Breitera, !. Paeiee Ceaaty. Waah Poalofftce Addreai. Breakera, "Wart. " ' " ' ' ' ''"' "'' " . ; ' kee, Wisconsin; E. B. Wilsoii," Corval- . lis; H. H. Billings, Eugene, ' ' , .' Abbey House T. F. Lauren. Astoria; Mra A. L. KlrkUnd and family. Port- . land; R. M. Pratt. Eugene; D. B. Reea, Centralla. Waahington; Mr, and Mra A. - T. Hurd,- FlQrence; L. S. .Rutterfleld, Florence; -L. ,1. Butterfleld. Florence; ' M. M. Davis,' Ccmrallla; B. W.-Monroe. Medford; Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Weather. ford. Albany; L.-A. Newton, Portland: O. C. Henkle. Irrigon; R. C. Bhlahler, . Harrtaburg; B. P.-Jones. Independence. Irving ' House E. Partington, Emer- ' son, Ohio; Charlea W. Davie. Aldyl. VI r glnla; Mla E. W.'Wa tier bury. Wood- burn; - Harry .Wanderoth;- Salem; O. E. Maaon. Turner;- Annie E. Baker, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Flelechner. Albany; Charlea Welch. Eugene; Mr. and Mrs.. T. G. Halley. Genevieve Huiley, EllM- bereaneyT MTraiTdrMrsT-Hr BrThiel sen.1 Mlvs Millie Thlelsen,. Salem; Mrs. .. J. A. Shaw. Albany; Mrs. R. B. Shaw and son,' Mill City: Mr. and Mra Guy a. Willis. Portland r Mr." and Mrs. J. W. Van Winkle, Wendltng; J. L. Clark and family, Springfield; Mr. and Mra. A. H. Roher, Portland; Mr. and Mre. II. L. Stewart- Lexington, Kentucky; Flor- . ence Banks, Lexington. Kentucky; Mra. Leo M. Malley, Lexington, Kentucky. Julia K. Webster, Salem; ' Mrs. DanM Webster. Salem; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bheeley. Seward, Nebraska; Lula A. Bayne. Seattle; C A. Hodeon, New berg; Mr. and Mra W. 8. MacCrumb, Port land; Captain Shamers, Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge C "BhubertPort- , landi Mr. 'and Mrs. Arthur C. Boachen. Salem; Mra C A. flper; Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. C.;B. Winn. Albany. - ; - STEAMERS TAKEN OFF , SUPPER WILLAMETTE ' (Special Dlapatrh ta Th Joiirnel.) ' i.i r- lul. liITnll the advent of , 'the ( fall, ralna. wone OK inv -iars w.f wt f7 - i waters .of the -unper river. The Oregon t Cllf lrajisuuitallnw company hai tsjterrj the Pomona and the Altona orr the run from Bolem to the upper points and from Salem south the only boat running Is the- gasoline - launch Coloma. j Thla rune dally between Salem end 'Inde- P?Then water In the -WrilametteieTaet receding to the extreme low water mark and It Is probable that It will be lata in the fall before the larger boats are again In eommlaalon. .- , ?'- .. . On theWlllamette from Salem eouth, the river la elmpIyTJned with the ed vance guard of loga of Bpauldlng'a big drive and It la with' difficulty that the-UtUa-aasoJtne canoe can make her way down from Independence. ... ,. ; .. CORVALLIS REBEKAH . OFFICERS ELECTED (gpaeial rXepatch te Ta Jaernal.) -Corvallis. Or.. July 14. The Rebekaha of this city, at their laat. meeting, elect-J ed the following omcere: - ti. Misa Lillian Ranney; V. O., Mlaa Lulu Spang ler; secretary,, Mlaa Maud Mays; treasurer.- Mra Fannie Oren; conductor, Mra Flora - Hodea;. .warden, Mra Agnea Touna: ehaolaln. Mlae Belle Ranney; inside guardian, Mra. Ellen Mundy; eut alde - guardian. John Toung. District Deputy- Mias Mania , lxon waa the Installing officer. XnetaU Officers. ' : ' ; - (Beeelal Dlepatcb te The Joanil.t ' ' i Corvallle, Or., - July le.WThe Wood men of the World Installed officers Thursday .night-, aa follows: Consul commander. A. T. Orugett; manager. D. x. Oaburn; watchman, A. K. Rusa The lodge wee given a pleasant surprise by retiring Consul Commander G.V. Skel too. who treated the members to Ice CloudCapInii Oregon's famous mountain resort at .- . . snow Una ' . . -, - on Mount-Hbod Away from the heat of the city. ' The most delightful resting place In' the northwest r Full Information at the "!;--""; c;. o. r. i: v. . TICKET OFFICE, Third & Washington Sts. . PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS Sbm. SABAX CVBAkaLAUr, leaf Beaek. Good Msals .-, Home Cookingj BAOXriO BOBTSTWBOT. O .. V :'.. '4..'..' 1 ' " - - ,v' ; Seaiide, ,...,t . ... () . - :.' : -J,'-- '