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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
c: DAisr jzzizz.-x, i cTtAiw CATraAY lveiiiijo,- july if. x::i; H DIES ;Vg, mi . 7' . ; Wooraal Special aWrvfee - ' - July II Unlvral regret la 1 "praaeaa throughout art elrolea otu ,r th death la at weak of Julaa Bra ton. th famous painter, at At reeldenc in ; elty, aged 7. i Julea Adolnhe Afnta YaMifa Rnlna w born Mar 1. 1117. at Courrlerea, Paa de aiais. - worn or humble but highly re- spectabl parent, ha conceived In hit ".youth a keen devotion to Ma birthplace , and ita environment, and he became a diligent student of. tha type a, tha coun- try and tha atmosphere, Drolling and F. DtTlpii ware hla tutora In painting; and they rare him a teohtnqua whloh "nabled him to limn with remarkable v naeuty tn genre typea or hla youth. It waa In 1865 that ha first attracted , general attention In tha universal ex hibition at Pari a, with hla "Lea Qlan- , euees." "L Lendemaln da la Saint I bastlen," and "Petite Payaannea Con- , auitant Lea Epla." - Ibarra prloaa hare bean paid In tha ? United States and alaawhera tor Breton - canvases, and. for mora -.than 10 yeara . ha haa bean among tha t oremoat painter 7 or the world. Among hla widely known worka are U Bened lotion dea Bleey ' "La Rapped daa OlaneuaeeV Xe Bolr Lea Barcleueee," Coneeratlon da : 1'Egllss d'Oignle,'' "La Oardanaa. - da PUBLIC-GRAFT If! GREAT BRITAin No Fust Is Mad .Over Monu I ', ' mental Ste ai byJPromInent j . Officials of England.' ; CEYLON PEARLS TO BE - GATHERED BY SYNDICATE , Deal Waa Completed Secretly "With out Competition Being Inrited and 3BMcdonedZhr-th-L Colonial Sec retary; 'Wlaanial amrf a.i !. London, July II. Aooordlna to a re port aablad from New York a few daya ago, Kianop rnrmr artntiaien tiie i uperlorlty of Brltlah political aaathoda erer thoaa in vogna In America to tha fact that Kngliahmen waahad their dirty linen in private, while Amer icana performed that operation la publle. That there la cood (round for thla view - la afforded by tha reoent laaalna; of tha Ceylon pearl flaherlea to a private ayn- - dlcate on tenna whloh make It eertain that tha eapltaliata will reap' an enor moua prom rrom the tranaaotlon, while tha eolony wlU loae a proportionately larga revenue. ... Oonld Mot Oootu Kara. . Had auch a dlaaraoeful deal bean eano- tloned by any department of the federal government at Waahinrton. It . would have caused a prodlgloua acandal. The whole matter would have been threshed put In tha nawapapera. and the official! raaponalbla for tharaeklaaa aaoiifloa of publlo lntareata would have been ex poaad In a fashion that would have put 'a quletua on their political eareere for noma time to coma, anyhow. But here tha natter attracta hardly I any notice, althourh the facta may be ascertained oy anybody who peraaea tha "Blna Book" which haa bean laauad on tha subject. "No official loaaa hla job. . Mr. Lyttleton, who, aa the lata eolonlal eaeratary, la chiefly raaponalbla for mak ing auch a -bad barrain for tha eolony, la confidently aeeklna; reelection to par liament, and will no doubt bo returned the first time a vacancy occura la a .Tory atrona;hplLi.. , . sTtate SConopoly. ' ' " - Tha Ceylon paarl flahariei have hlth- Larto been a atate- monopoly worked for tha publlo benefit under official auper vlaion by dlvara wheee remuneration waa a abare of tha oyster lifted. Until recently the reeulte. were variable. Thar were fat and lean . yeara, and omatlme an entire failure of the fish ery. From 181 to 1(01 an abnormally long aucoeealon of barren aeaaon waa xperlerffced, aod In tha -latter year Sir J. Weat Rid away, at that time governor ef Ceylon, enraged tha services of - a eouple of axperta, who, after making a thorough inveatlgatlon, reported that If proper methods of oyster culture were adopted, tha produotlvenea of the flan arte could be vastly Increased and bar ren yeara avoided. Soma ateps ware taken In that' direc tion, and the remits qnickly Jnsttfled . Only M Tear Old.' "I am only II year old and don't ex pect even when I get to be real old to fee) that way aa long aa I can get trio Bltura," aaya Mra, B. H. Br Eleo- runson Of LniDiin, ua, t Dublin. Oe . Surely there's nothlna ?fsa kaepe tha Old aa young and makes be weak as stronr aa thla arrand tonla medicine. Pyopepata, torpid liver, In flamed kldneya or chrontif constipation are unknown after taking Electrlo Bit ter a reasonable time. Guaranteed by S. Qs SkltUnor Oo osugglata, frlo 16c M PAPJS AT , - mm- IP 3 J 5 ' ' S . . E', ""an 8 'VV li'.a,' "air,-1 Mil UliJX-' -.'mill..--.,--, - - i rv r Julea ' Breton, tha noted French lP"Jnter ajidtwo of his maaterpiecea. ; The subjects of. the pictures are: On the left; "A Sifter"; on the right, Song of the Lark" y" :... the axperta' forecast. In 110! the Cey lon government draw from tha flaherlea 1171.000; In 1104, 1150.000, and in 1101. 1711,000. These figure assuredly fur nished atrong reasons tor retaining auch a velneMe mum n revenge, with it poaalbllltlea of atlll greater expa4eion7Tn tha handa of the government. ... In .1101, Sir Wast Rldgway retired from the governorehip at CaylonwHll salary a governor waa 111,000 a year. He saw that h might make a lot more money man mat out or in pearl iianer- tea, He kept hie eye on them.: . In 1104, when the fleheriea were beginning, nnder Improved management, to yield a rich harvest, he Initiated negotiations with Mr. Lyttleton, then eolonlal secretary, for tha granting of a leas to a ayndU oata. H flrat proposed that the lease should be for SO yeara, at a rant of 7Cc vvv per annum. - ennniiiniended Aegtanna. Sir Henry ' Blake, who had auoceeded Sir Weat Rldgway aa governor of Car Ion.' recommended that the offer be ao- cepted. Bnt while tha matter waa pend- lug, iht T'lwfs th r-""rd flshnrr of 1105 earn in. Than Mr. Lyttleton ex parleneed om qualm of oonscleno. It truck him that aa the pearl fisheries for on year had brought a net profit to the Ceylon government of 1711,000, "thla proposed rent of 171,000 waa not as much as the Ceylon government had right to expect.' He accordingly aaked for more, and the rental waa finally fixed at 1100.000 a year for. 10 yeara. That satlafied Mr. Lyttleton. As secre tary of the oelonles he agreed to a all for 1100.000 a year a business that waa bringing In Ceylon a profit ef 1718,000 a year. .-' " , . roast sua &tuas. By profession Ur. Lyttleton I a law yer. It la' hardly eonoeivabi that he would ever- have mad such a bargain on behalf of a private client If he had It la oertaln that the private client would never hare given him another job. But John Bull, In hla national capacity. ! far mora lenient When the Conaerva tlva party returns to power Mr. Lyttle ton will probably receive anotnor anug eabinat billet If he doesn't It will not be the Ceylon fisheries job that will prevent him from getting It On of the eondltlona of the agreement la that the ayndlcate ahall take the gov ernment aha re ef the present-year's f lah ary. The fishery season last about six weeks. The profit for the first II day have amounted to 1400.000. -That la to aay. In two third of tn aeaaon tn ayndlcate obtains enough to pay for four year' rant Small wonder that Sir Weat Rldgway prefer being a director or the Ceyloa company of p earlf Inhere to being governor of Ceylon. Waa Sacral Affair. . On slgnifloanf feature of the die- graceful . bualneea, - whloh in America would alone have auff loed to arouse pop ular clamor for aa Inveatlgatlon, waa the secrecy with which the affair was carried', through. The lease was not thrown, open to publlo competition. Dur ing the negotiation, extending ever a year, In which the eolonlal office, the crown agent and the Ceylon govern ment were engaged with the eyndloete, not a whisper of what waa going on reached the people of Ceylon the own er of the flaherlea. It waa not tyi the end of 1101 that seme rumor on the subject got about and by that time vary thing waa praotloally settled. . . Ordinance Waa rssd. One of h -condition' of-th pro via- tonal contract with th Syndicate was that th leas should be subject to the approval of tha .Ceylon legislative coun cil, "he paaalng of the ordinance con firming the agreement though perhaps not absolutely neoeaaary," Mr. Lyttleton wrote, "seem desirable, and I hop that th draft enclosed will meet tha eaaa." Tha desired ordlnano was obediently paased. No other reault could be ex pected front a body, constituted as tha, AGE OF 79 J ""3 , 3 3 -a . 3 Dlndone." "Un'Orand Pardon Breton," "Lea LavandIeraa,'1-"Jeun Fill a Bardant daa Vachaa," "La Olaaeuaa," "La Bolr," "Laa Communlantaa," "La Via do, Tra rail." "L'Etolle da Berger" and "IM Darnleraa Fleura" -: M. Breton carried off a medal of the first class at tha nnlvareal exhibition of HIT, and tha medal of honor at the exhibition of 1872. Ha reoelved the rib bon of "tha Legion of Honor In 1111. waa made an officer In 11(7 and became a commander in 111. He was also a member of the French Aeademy of Fin Art, and tha Fine Arts Academies of Vienna and Stockholm. Tha painter proved that he paaaeaaid a facile pan and eonalderabl literary talent when ha published .a volume of poems. "Lea Champa et la Mar." Thla waa followed In 1890 by Ala autobiogra phy, "The Life of aa Artist. Art and Nature," whloh tnelndaa revlewa of the work of hla oontemporarlea and a com prehensive study of . the art movement In Frano after tha revolutionary period of 1141. '- .r ' Julea Breton s worka vere greatly ad mired and sought in America, and groat uma . war paid for them. , Hla owa country, England and other nation hen- ored him with medals and election to artlatlo societies. . . - RISH OPPRESSED BY SWEATERS Worsted and Lace Workers VI o- tlms of grasping Employers Who Swindle Thsm. EDUCATION SUFFERS BY . TREASURY PARSIMONY Scotland Treated Much Mors Qener . ously Priests to Be Taught Agrt cultural Pursuits Efforts to Make Galway a Port of Call (Jooraal peelst 14. Ai glowing acoounta that have been pub- llrtTd of th relief afforded to the peaaaniry or iraiana by th develop ment of th oottago Industrie It Is dis heartening to learn that th workers themselves are often th victim of a moat atroolou system of sweating and are wretchedly paid for their toil. Before . a departmental committee of the home office th other day a woman inspector from th north of Ireland mad come shocking revelations con cerning the oppreeaed people, partic ularly th worsted workers in county Donegal and tno laoe worker of county Down, Having described th miserable novel in wnicn most or these poor women Jive tn inspector told how they are auppliad with worsted by th truck masters . In . th towns, out of which they knit long stockings, such . aa sportsmen wear, socks, ta For these they arc ' allowed three cent a pair In th ease ef stocking and two cent a pair for eocka. Th extent to which they are swindled may be Inferred from th fact that In London these stockings are sold at from fl.10 to 11.10 a pair. But they don't. even get th money they earn. They arc paid not In eaaa, but In goods, such a tea, sugar, flour, etc, and In - th exchange they are swindled again, th good being rated at far above their real value, tea of an Inferior quality, for inetane being often, priced by the rapacious, truck masters at 7$ cents a pound. ' Women Are Cheated, ' v' Th lac workers of Donegal,' ac cording Is the inapector, are subjected to the eame eondltlona. Their beauti ful and artistic product are often exe cuted amid th most squalid aarround- inge, and although they are aold at good price In retail shops, th poor peasant women get very little for them. They, too,- are paid not In eaeh, but In goods estimated at eonslderably more than their worth. - Unfortunately these outworker do not oom within th scope of th fao tory ana truce acts, and unless some 7 : . 1 ' council la. Thsr la a-majority of II official member, and of th eight un official member, all of whom are nom inated by th governor. Only four can be deaorlbed aa Independent representa tive of th Cingalese. These four spoke and -voted against the ordinance without avail. - it was this discussion in th council when the scheme was passed which gave th publlo In the eolony th flrat authentia Information about ' th leasing of the " flaherlea. ' The eonsc queno ws an outburst of Indigestion la Ceylon, which haa paased nnnotaoed bare. If England should adopt th American method of washing Ita dirty linen la public, there 1 no doubt th reputation of Us officials-for Integrity and lofty devotion to the public lntareata would nf far. hut it is eauallv certain that tha taxpayers would greaUg benefit, aunHaaaajv .iiiiifiMif ffii if riiaiiiiii i. . m v I Co mm ercial Value of Good Health ill vu- Lost We aw Tarleooele. ary droeele, - gpeoifl Blood Folsoa, aTtrtotnre. FUea, BUAaey and Sladde Dis eases And ail- OosavU aaed aad Ohionio Sle aaaa of DLMM OsTLT. stored. Iiook around yon, see the fail ures upon every hand, and, upon Investigation, you will find that a majority.' were caused by reason of the promoter's lack of COMMER CIAL HEALTH. Therefore, as business proposition, it PAYS to have GOOD HEALTH, leaving out the question of the PLEAS URES assodsted with its poises sion. 1 ' ' . -. SO HASTY SCATS) Many Specialists us unaclentlfla treating theit patlenta, which reault only disappointed, but loae their money. not getting skilled treat! ment. aaramln cures" end aeeklng a euro by soleatlAo methods, only by whloh you will likely ever be r cured 7 WRITE, If ron aannot call. All oorraapondenc atrlctly oonfldential. and all replies sent rn plain envelope. No namaa. oaaea, letters or- photograph of patients published or exposed. Inoloee t-oent stamp to Inaure reply. HOURS I to I, T to 1:10 Dally.' St. UEDICAl Louis SURGICAL ooBsraj, noosm ajto taxkxu lEb Doctors - Wat TU1T AJTD CTjmH .. Catarrh and stomach ' troubles, nervous diseases, kidney dlaeaeea, bladder trouble, heart disease, . dJaaaae of the stomach and bow els, bronchial or lung trouble, blood dlaeaeea, special dlaoosca, disease of th prostate gland. eororuia ana au lorm or nervous and ehronio diseases (that axe curable). CONSULTATION Twank taiii uk wjuiju. Bom otrus srr xaxx. ' Do not despair beoaus you live at a distance from the city. Our l new sTatem -of hum hi ram1 I , MENT makes ,lt easy, to get ex pert advice' ana treatment at . nocne. . Their new symptom blank . covers every symptom of disease, whloh enable them to diagnose your case and tall what your trouble la, what can be done for you and what th coat of a cur will be. WRITE for their new symptom list and take advantage or in jrtuuru AjiaiiKiAiiuxi. Whother TO not th advi u take treatment or vioe costs you nothing, , ' If you auffsr from any of th weaknesaea or diseases caused by ig norance, exoeea or contagion TO U ARB THB VRT -PERSON - ws - WANT TOJTAljr , r" WAX vran ctwn W euro you flrat aad then aak a RSASONABXJ0 7KB whan you are cured. Tou can depend upon our word: thouaaada of patient hare in dorsed us. NOW, WH WANT TO CURB TOU. with th distinct under standing that w will not demand a FKH until we cur you.- This ap- -plica to lost vigor, organio weejtnens, spermatorrhea, vsjioooel. dla aaee of the proatait gland, contracted disorders, strictures, etCL, eon tagloua blood poison and ALL WBAKNKSSES of men. AttTMEpiCINE. FREE UNTIL CURED Consultation and advice FROT by letter or In parson, CALL OR W RITE. , omo Hours I a. m. to I p. m. Sundays and holiday. II s m. to It. . Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. THB LEADING SPECIALISTS OF THB NORTHWEST. Ofltoee tm Tan STcy KotelLMHAlrASWJrsyiFert1sait, Cra, special legislation be devised that will meet th case little can be don to protect th poor peasant women from the narpiea - wno prey upon mem. n la evident that th material condition of th peasantry will be little improved by th growth or cottage inausiries un less It Is combined with com co operative system by which th worker themselves will obtain tha bulk of what th public willingly pay for their prod ucts. . Tiearatng TnotenS. From being a civilising aad educa tional agency throughout . Europe, Ire land has degenerated Into the lament- able position of being a country where learning, even In an elementary sense, I woefully deficient Enthusiasts like Douglas Hyde are giving their lives towards resturtng Ireland to th posi tion ah one occupied, but even h has to admit that the task la almost an Impoaalbi one. Dr. Btarxie. tn resident commissioner of education, whom no Irishman will aecua of any thine; approaching sxtravagant sym pathy with Ireland or th Irish people, I honest enough to tell us-that the Bngllah treasury la SO parsimonious in supplying funds for primary education that a number of schools whloh require to be repaired or rebuilt ar at th moment actually dangerous : to th health and Jlvea of th children who at tend them. Thomas ODonnell who was a teacher In an elementary sohool before he be came an M. P.. and who claim the distinction - of being th first man to address th hous of commons tn th Celtic tongue, must be regarded aa a man who knows what ne is - taiaing about on Irish sdocatlonal matters. "Tsar by year." he aay, "th educa tional inequality "between England and Scotland and Ireland become more pronounced. The Bcottlan . education vote la now f 100,000 more (nan It was tea year ago. whllo the Irish vot In th same period has Increased by only mo.000. This rear-. Ireland has naa a paltry Incr of il.OOO,'' ' Frlest fcaara Farming. t Although th great majority of tb Roman Catholic prieathood of Ireland learned their first lessons In th potato field there ar few of them who can claim to have' any' scientific knowledge of a art culture. Th moac nev. vr. Healy, th learned archbishop of Tuaro, is aow commencing to realise that th priest ought to be aomathiag more than a theologian ana a apiniuai aaviser. The. Btahoo I on of those practical mea who takes the .world ss It Is end1 1 does , not allow bis judgment to be come warped by any aspecta or me IfaaaUcism whloh Is aa attribute ef the ESTABLISHED 25 YEAKS IN PCTLCD Our Fee $12;50 For Any I'ncompIIcated Case -v Examination Free . To assure you that you are financially safe in deal ing with as, we wilt give you a written contract guar anteeing s cure or refund every cent you pay us. ; Power Restored "'P. Functional Weakness We are positive the treatment we employ in the cure of this derangement is the most potent,- rationalr direct and -eertain - whereby . functional activity of the parts can be re ' Did you ever stop to think, my friend, what GOOD HEALTH meant to you in EARNING POW ER? The arteries of commerce are teeming with human energy and force, The mast who achieves WEALTH and position Is the one possessed of GOOD health, his faculties alert, his brain GRASPS situations and conditions which, backed up by PHYSICAL force, reaches the highest goal of his am bition. . FA2XBB TO OS OTTOS, methods and resort to guesswork ' tn -man muii in uiv muir intrv aire wno aire not e their money. Have you mad a great mlatak m itment, being attracted by 'liberal'' offer of pay nd low price" of unacientulo speclallata, inatead of tn the many there are who are not Sundays, to It AND POBTUn, OB. OHM Sow Tee, Qniok Orue, trod aad araini e Treatment, van or writa Get back your strenrUv- energy, ambmon, by using &ASSCTTS NATIVE HMDS. Coats' only 1 far three months' treatment eoeleslaatlcal authority that obtains In Ireland. "Untll our prleats ar educated tn agricultural aolenoe, aa they ar In Bel gulm," saye th archbishop, w will never have successful Irish farmera." 1 Dr. Healy ha already put hi views Into practical shape and at th small village of Mountbellew he ha eetab Uahed an agricultural college, which 1 presided vr by a member, of th Franciscan Brother whom he has brought ' over from Belgium, Th col lege is a unique institution In Ireland Tb object aimed at I th training of young men aa skilful farmera who will remain tn th country and develop Its agricultural reaourcea. Chaiie Dvlli th Iiuah-Canadlan who represents th city cf Oaiway In the house of common and was re garded In Ireland with some suspicion beoaua at on time he wa in charge ef th Canadian Emigration department In Dublin, i new one . of John Red mond' most actlv and useful lleiten- anta In all matter .that affect th In dustrial Interest of Ireland. Bine-he entered parliament, he ha persistently argued that Oaiway ought to be a port cf call,- at laaat for American; steamer. Aaked few day ago what he thought of the prospect of Oaiway. he said,: "What can you expect from a country Ilk England, when It actually hands the malls ever to a German steam shin company beoaus somstlmes th White .. Star fin,, which is a Brttlsa- eompany, doe not e It way to run faat .steamers? 4 Complaint ar con stantly being mad that German good ar being dumped upon th Brltlah empire, while th British smptr i dumping It mall upon German steam era. I'm commencing to think that It I hopeless to argu with such- people. I am, however, going to keep hammer ing away even at th rlskof being eon slder4 a common uulaenoO flicn on ci omr Who Cure ISTf sr Mm I saoaey beck If I doesal cure. AlsO '" llsyf j I aScMs. AtDraggiaur M J r I (in black boxes tf not ' - , I ewl ins rSEg sy enee smaefAlT V I naajetl'i Kative UrW Co, 1 1 VI f rii ii tme,.. I mZiyt I irMca I r.7f J TRANSPORTATION. Spedcl Alsska Excursions eettag City, July It, ft, City . ef Seattle, Jaly St, . Jue SSS sees trip. ; "AEcnnrD-yroxT-somrD" xxotrscoss iruT yrrm pats. OOTSXASTZU ALASKA BOTTS. rrom Snttle st S a. m. far Ketehnisa, Tnaeaa. Skegway, White Bene, Dewaea aad rnlrtease . . ,. , . S. S. Ctty ef Seattle, July 10. SO, aogsst I : S. S. Homboklt, July 14. S3. S. A Cot Ufa city (vis Sitka), Jaly IS, 17. ; . SOUS SOUTS. Talrd 'aantog S. A Seaatnr abeat J1y IS. . ros sas rmssoisoo vzaxor. ( rtesi Seattle at t a, aw City et Peebls, MJT lfc ' . . . . yertlaaS Ofsee, St Waabtagtaa St S. It. in, .yaas. S Ft.Agt C D. DUNAMH. . r. A... 10 Market St. Baa Regulator Line Steamers THB EXCTJBBION STEAMER "BAILET GATZERT" makea round trloS to CAS CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving ruRiLANU at I a. m returning, ar rives I d.- m. Daily service- between Portland and Tha Dallea except Sunday, leaving Port land at 1 a. m., arriving about f p. nv. .carrying. freight and passengers. Splen did accommodations for outfits and livestock.. . Dock foot of Alder street. Portland; foot of Court street The DalleA Phone stain sit, roruani. TELEGRAPH ' ' . VasSaae an tha SUveot The only steamboat making a round trip Except Sunday Between - PORTLAND and ASTORIA - a- v- - - astd wat ponrrs Leave Portland. ............ -.7:0 a. Arrive Astoria 1:10 p. m. tav Astoria...... 1:1 p. m. Arrive Portland ........0:00 p. m. Mx-JJt SERVED A LA CARTB Pcrfland landing, Alder ntreet Sock. . Astoria Iisadlng, Oallcndee Bock. -B. B. SCOTT. Agent - Phone Main Sll. ALAS K A - PAST AMD rOPTTtAB STSAltSHrrS ;" taave Beettls .. . . "rrrrtTtSOW." 7nae SO, Jaly IS. SA , DOLHI,'jBly S. 18. SO. OAU.IXO AT Ketsktkasi. 7aaea. Pouxlie, Bihiee, 8kea vi, Oneaects with W. P. A X. teste tar Attta, Dnween. Taaaaa, Neaa. eta, - ' Per All ssetheastsra Alaska Parts. Can e send for'Trts to Wbederfsl Alaska. "IadUa Basketry," "Tiieel Pelee." . f . , TKS AZASXA S. A 00. Iraak Wsolaey Cev, Ateate. IBS Oak st . Portland. Of. C. GEE WO T1rPdrtlnrrs: 7 Widelj , Known snd Successful - Chines Medlcinsl, i Root and Herb Doctor Bis (aawna resiedlfa tfee IssTeSleats et which we Import Street (real toe Orient ta large snanUtles sad prepere aad set es "tn see la hbj ae-le-eete labetory. No aiitifl, poteens of drugs et aay kind aaed. Parely vesrtable. The Dorter treats seeeeMfsnr sag taarenteee to eare eU stoma re troubles, raUrrt. sstbnM. hag, tsroat rheuBetlnra, ail luessaea, liver, kidoer aad Vat Btaahood, . . rntaxs TBouBLys astj aix FArrAT He falss ar sttaleadteg statesteats te the Sleted. A eate aad laatlna cure la the eeJcs- eat seasiaie nas asa at tae nthl for ho&Mt treeteieet. If ru eaaaot Mil. write for eympwes Bias rise, imwse eesis in ntssfsa. OOXSUTTATIOV tXJX. " The ft See We Chinese Me4letae Oa ISBM first St., Oar. Merrlsaa, Partisan, Oa Ptoaae swaUoa this sapor. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Por IaflasisaaUea oeOatarrh of the klairl-nd Dlaaued KM- leva, asooassorar. uures nlrkly aa4 sarsweeBlir the rorat aaM at alsaerrbseai 4 Slave, as atatteret hew getaaalof. A eseiuieir rsilonn. Sold bv orajsurte. rioe Sl.fa. er by stall, asss ad, sue, s seaee, sl;s. TKEUrrAL-PEPSIJCa Par Sale Vy Waedard. Clarke A Oa. Every Vcsnan niunwunteaana nrjonra now eooat tne wonaarrnt M-UtVTL WBirtiacj Spray t sew vntanm ariwsa. MJt Mm sad aeo. bat 6iT. eaa M oat Ceovsulaat. Aak rear araeatat lar a. If be aannot aaraiy th sill KL, eoaept no other, but nana stamp for llliiatrntad book !. fall oaruoalara and llrimia la- vajuable to Indira. aVni. fCi. an n. und nr.. nmur ann. S. a. sxiuMOks a 00.. ui rviBO stbxbt, ASS WOODASD. OLABKB OO. For Kldntv and Eladitr Trsutls RKLIKTESUJ 24 Hours ALL URIXARY DISCHAR8ES XachCap- hi F ante hear. Ml tJ ma ai ana Per eale by all arartiaaa. gmosyaLatiiJ uaaagyyK i,,viMm. t. ilm. u orwatal I kr CHICMlt.1TM.K' BNVLU4 la MS and Cgld aMWIUa aaaai. Ma atta WatrikMa. Tahaaaaahaav Baraae Saasaiaaa Sahaiiataa aad Tama. Haa Pxf ft lt lirwm aaad da, ja mmm hf Paaia, Taiaiia"'ilB M L WMti JbrXa... Imr, W ra; fmrm laali. la.eae Tai.aiai. B-K ap SraafMta. 'Mnaaoor t. tai f aj ar. Meeleea a.ara. Pana.a. tZ 's-al Atw-'J ' MAI 3 B AtC AM mm bmA a tt,a WSi ' !-m. a iaiajint mv. rr PallB V re CMS ai to I I lea 1 C- r. Own. nr.. . ttmt A V Ibuim p..-4 .T -t CoIumbiaRiverScenerv n i.. alfAm ... I a, I J a4SjS7l" - MM aW 3 Trains to tbe East Dall7 1 n. ' ... . . ' . --e "unnauj nuoar eaa etaiint anna. ;"f SaHr k Osuka. Ohleas. SsehaMl lat sleaolat-aare eallr a laaasae 0. STTiit I!,"" " Pnlae Iepoi; - V-" Airtve. L" "A Haatlngam. rr. :ISSSB S O SS Wn.olLJ1'"'- ester. -. Walla. - ftOneur rAWav -i . i ' ' EI ."atwean nil(, M4 . ' IM- "v. . .Z..V...W7. u n am e e LTTrBiA eivsa mnsio!. - - .tZ?Lji!l aad way sotafe. emrseetlss wIMl Ilwaes and Norlk Beach, eteewai fPt Senear, Sarardev. 1 . la. Arrive akoet I , ... MwH ihrna,.' Dartan, Oregon City an TemhtTl rtee C.Z?W".,,,"r; 'a aad tfoeoe. Aaho. Sea. " sv. r ?TiVn,..Irr't BfttTTB. ' Tkhat-OrSre. TMrJ 'Waahfagtaa SJL ..-' ' TfwfM, Mala tij. Wml Mri.f?I,,r!B' PlT TUM wat. MehfUBBAT,. Oeeeral Passaager Agent EASTv SOUTH fjatoa Lsertn Arrlra, ) Overusd St, i nan Tratas rar Baleaa, Boaahar. Aab- ; ' I jaad. gaareBaato, OgSan. r , : ' 'l 8aa. rranrlaosk Stock toe . . tos Angeles, Bl Paae, ' JJew Orleans nadthe eaa? ! ag: njj Morslag trais eoaaerej at . Waadbura dally except -Sunday wtth train for 4 . , Jfaaiat AaiSl, Sllvertoa. ' Branrasvtlle, - SnrlnsSelA 1 " ' Weadllog sad Matron...? : paa IMt ' rtugaee paaSMigar . eea. , earte at Wood hum with Mosat Aagel tad Silver. tpa Inral 4'ISaie 1:m Bag rtarvnllls paanaeiat. ...... T:I an : SbaHdas paaaaager....... 4 :fl pal 8 aal Porwrt Omve nanaensvr. tl:4S pet - ItlaWpa. aD,nr.- Itnaftr mwt Siredav. ' rrtPTgaaortrrRErr statioiv. Par Dallas aad tateisjedlnts points eafly, 4:18 p. an. Arrive Portland 10:1 a. a. For rime aa4 aard of Oswage auhcraaa trains aprlr at Ctty TVket OfSee, er station. Ticket to Seetara points and Bui app sis la pan. Chtar. Roaohira sad Ana tra Ua. City Tlrket Otaee enrner Third and Wash tngtoa streata. phoae Mala TIB 0. W. STi-roBH. City Biekat TIME CARD or TRAINS?; Portlands tea re. Arrtvea Part-Tana as C1t7-Sf Leets Snaatal ra ' Chehalta. Ceetralie. Olrs- . Dla. Urays Harbor, South - '- Baud. Taeema, Seattle, Spa- " - - ." kaaa. taxrtatoa. Butte. BJU -' 11 naa, Denver, Osaha. Ban. ana Cltr. St. Lento and - Sourheaat, Sally SaSSaal . 4M pa North Ooaal Limited, alee. , Sle lighted, for Taeaaae a " ' . toe, Spokane, ' Burte. -t-J. -- luneapeHa st, Paul sad . ' the Beat, daily S:0 pea TaWaa . Paaat loaad TJmttaA for Claraanoat. fealls, On. l trails, Taraana aad Seattle ... enly. Cany . W..J.. view ran pa nw Ta- .,:.. Twla City Bv nae ttle, Spokane. Plrlrea. Butter St. PaoL , inmeapelte, Xiaealn, St. j. . . -joesph. Kasaas City, fraae- " t ha. St. Laets. wtfhaet ehanse of ears. THreet awe. riftieus f at! . pMats ' - Beat and nnarriaaat, 0117. . n:es pna r:as pas A. D. CHAttT,Ttn. Aaahrmst eeaeral Paa. Kger Agent BBS Men lean aliait aaissi Third, tlaoo. Oregon. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Co Dodo - Lea an . Arrrra, Far Maytfra, Halnlar, Ctaf - kanle. Waetport, Cltftie. ' -, ' ' V Aatorla, Warreatoa. Tim-' aL Haaiannad. Par Sta. ' eaa. Oaarharl Park, Seaside. I .'09 asj H'JS aa Aatorla ana Siaihnra, as araea dally TC pat SaWpa Pnrtland-aMatda Flrer galea nap aal Issvae Portland S:l p. aa. All tretne daflr. I. a MA TO. a. P. sad P. A, Arterta. Or, CL A. STBWABT. Ooaantaraaai AnaaaV fSB Alder street Paoee Main boa ' TNCCOSarOrOA WAX j 2 Ovcrlisd Trt!s tisSf O TU Orlaatal UaaMag. the Feet MaS VIA SSATTLB ABB SPOXABB. Peilr. Ainva, fWrland Mane arhaSeas Ta aad rreaa Spahaaav -." It Paul. Mienaepolaa. . tiuleth and all satets " Bast rta Saattia SrStaaa Tiesssp UieSsai lisepai an fraaa Bt Paul. Mlnaeanalle, - Point, ' ' snd all poiaCl (aal via Bpekaee .. CrISpea SiSSeet Bteat BTeathera rMaaaaahrp Oa, Santug freaa - Seattle far Japan Sad China parte and Manila, earrytag paa Bear re and fralsht S. A Mlnaisats. Pair SS. , A ADakara, September A '. BITPOB TTSBB BAiSBA fJapea Mall Staaawbls Co,) A S. Taage Man will Bali trnea Seattle about July tl for Jaeea Bad China parts, earrrtag easeaee .sad frelgM. . . Por Hees. re tae. heath us sua ttana. ate., ran a a aieraes it Dtcssoi. a p. t. a. ii rs St. Vortiaad. Oeegee Ftaae aVaha a- Se Se aPa aA. a..'.. Par Cans Bay. P-K e4 f 1 : Pert aattrag fraji t ' Bast Sailing frn i i I ,1 P.T r-" i... FmoB Dodos yalleweenoe -:7'