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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
Tim OREGON DAILY JOURNAI. PORTLAND. SATURDAY ZVL::i:;3. v LI 1 !, 11. CA"2AATA TH2 ZULU CHIIF. 'S Dressed . Meats to Ce Profitably Chipped to Market at This Time Should Be in Very Best of Condition When Sent and Shipped Quick.' ffiOll LIIWKEI AT JOURNAL'S DAILY : CIIAOGE OF VIE17S LOCOLlOIIIIEGkiriS If fJElV YORK Bis Advance Noted With Heavy Buying by Post and nag.;. Price Up Five Points. -TIPS ON MARKETS 87.50 A CASE BY WHEAT TalEU d At th moment ' thar la but little doing' In tba potato market d It la true that locally tha dV tnaad la quit rood but tha ,- d aenca of a ablppina oall cauaea d soma dullneaa. Receipt ara bo dy . cinntna to tncraee but price Higher Prices Being Paid by the European ' Situation Becoming are holdlnc up. Th aeneral Im proaalon aaonf th trad la that thla year will show materially better valuea than .th pt a aon. Thla 1 on account of th overflowlnr of th river land aloo-th Can " Joaquin and Sacramento rlvra and California where moat of th "river" ar raised. - Important Factbr-i-Traders Watch All Newsw SOMETHINQ ,S WRONG Famished Trade tor rruix ot i"';,rrr-;Any-.:Quallty. WHEAT VALUES DROP BANK STATEMENT ADDS TO THE BULLISHNESS V - ONE CENT A BUSHEL : WITH RUSSIAN CROP ODAY MARKETS Jain StiQ Maklnc Offers for Float ,' at" Threa Dollars and Firt, but . Miners Want Ten Cents More Hops Reach Eleven Cents for Beat mat street, iy it PJPf' ; of th. Portland wholesels smrbet today arei Lemon market at ' fsse. Kipected watermetoBS. fell rT . tar cantaloupes to; another u do. Cer hiikm -ia i ported tow. Wheat raark.t lose a Bl. 'offers bat fkur business i. .' , Hop contract, reach 11a for - . General scarcity ot fruit aloaf etreet. , Beet t sseets to aw" . w WlrliM .rice. Poultry awrkat la nwre setlvs. - '"' bail Mark at tT.8 a Cess. ,; The kl -ark -la tha hands of dealer as anticipated heavy , " ..... about BO c aromi 88 s "J?, aeM them very eestly at $8. There was encs raSuid for th. blgk-eHeed -tb-t . tha dealer eold aU I. supplies before ' !TialMtarara of It rA - ooMoagenc wa m,tob"y.-s cheeper svadee beck atTtte -name blah figure, a, cat arrlT4 to lata yea Erde bul ra bo soeser unloaded before IT th? ..tjl- orders to this aiarkat for aw SJ ears ZmZ. rhleh k. -wnttlng for aoBM Una. uallty make "'""T wVm price, will oral care ars das to arrlro la oa Monday. : Weteemelesa Tan to Oome, This morning thara was mm dlaeppototment alone Front afreet a account, of tno bob-"- arrtTal of to two erpeeted eare of waterswlons tw tha aoutb. Juat wlwra tha tba rallroaa of MeUhj ara aaaMa to aa. Th Bur peaalblr arrtTa to latar la tha dir. SaTaral aora eara ara daa to arHra lo oa UT. A. ear of eaataWmpoa from CoehaUa waa aawoc tha Bioralot'a arrlnla froai th aoath. Iklala tba laat ear doa froai CorholU for thla aoaaoa.- A ear from Inparlal Talkr ' 4na. Demand ia naek baarlar thaa aappUe with frlea ary flra. ; Wkaat aTarkat taaaa Ooat -Oonttoao Ilqoidatloa br tba wbtat BMrkata of tha eontlaent, .no aaparlallr tboaa to th faat. baa eaaaad ado4 woakacaa la tha Portlaa loarbat ao prleto ara 1 a boabel lowar oa . (T.4M tOO.T. - . Ordara for flour frota tba ttrlant ara nrf ""irarc; but t a uwtluBaaaa al -blda at - inmmr nrlcaa frota tba Japascaa whkh th . trade bar win aot eooalder. Prhraa oa aaport tr.oe aero wiu aot eooaiatr. rrr w . kraada are flraily bld at IS.U, bat the Jap . wlU aot offer aaore thaa 13.00. OkHttai Bark la Sottar Damaad. - Tim la aiaek lajproraawBt la tba drnaBd rhlttlm bark aad big br prle are blo paid. The foliowiBS apodal aianatch to The JaBraal explain the Ito.ttoa to Waahlaatoor "Cbohalla, Waah., July ia Tha annual peel to of caeeara bark la eaetera fawla eounty la wall under war and away W km of bark ara bolnf hauled late thUl'marktt ach work, the eompotltHa fur bark tkto-yaaa H Brack Bore krtak thaa teat year, aad a. a raaalt prteaa are better. About three, eenta a pound waa th. to price ta W08." but aals bare boea n.da enrtn the oeet weak at M.12 a bundred. Lewie county la produrlna kusdreda of thooaanda of poanda of eaerara bark aanaally. Thla weHt the Northwest Chlttlm eompaay ahlpped two earlead to Taeom frc shipment - arouud tk Bora. The bark to billed to OeraMay. Sep Ooatraet Baaah Zlevoa Oeata. . Bevea eenta la bow offered for bop eeatratta oa heat trades by eame dealers. The ooatraet ' sttBattoa la aauch atroager oa aeeouat of tk -. eontlaued peer proapoeu for erera oa tk eoav 1 tlaeat. Crop reporta froai WlUamett valley aad Waehlactoa points eay tkaf tba bat weather la rather eeTr.oa the vlaea aad a eoatlBaatloa wwald very likely reanlt to daa(. , Ne late alas have beta raported. realtry Karkat I ater Aetive, : The nurket of poultry la atore active today. Seralpt to ao Hae ar aa treat aa aatldpated aad tkla la kelplnt the deaiaad. rtealera aeeas ' wet w1111nft Iniy aroand prs m at otot toaa. XT willing w my ""M I wn qootaiiDoa. I j, The tree teat ebortage ebntl5BM IB Una apilugs I aad tor thaa prlcea are vary ftrav Kvea dueka I aiarket at etlll eoatlnt ta bed ahap with valuea Jest beUlat tkalr own around oa aosoaat off tk Frio a- Oeasaaty butter I dull anfaearahle weather. Cbeea la firm but rather slow. ebangad. For faaer dtiasid saeats deasaad eeaUouoa toed, but eoaalderabla poor stock la arriving and alonat every day soasa ahlpowat ar dunped oa aeseaat of Improper eondlttoa. The trade pars the fnltowlnt ptore to PYont mess paia skippers ar was regular " wratot yiaar aad Veafw ' OR A IN BA08 CsleatU. lnffHH. WUKAT Onb. Tfle; red Vasal. a, 7e bto. teej, 72c: valley, TOQ7K. BARLTT ed. 24.Wi foued. f28.00a2a.00i racked, f2S.w par RTt-II H per ewt . OAT Producers' price Ke, 1 wklta, $2P.OO Bjw.w; grsy. im.wig af.oo. brewing. 24 00. OOaS VVTjola, 124.50; Stou. . 5: riXUB New eeatern OrnroB patenta, $S oo aTraigDia. as.avvia.ou: sapnrt. S3. IB; valley, 8.66; graham. Urn. f3.R0; whoto wheat. I MltlilTTJriS Braa, 117. RO per ton; mid f ' rfllnas, f2S4)0: ahnrta. roantry. 120.00) city, ; - tls So: chop. 1S O021.60. -' j , HAT Produexra' vrlea Timothy. WHiametta I - valley, faoey. 111.00: ordinary. tlO.00010 SO; t eastara Dregoa. laoOffrlT.oo; mlsed. 110 00 (I l-W: eloTer, i grain, Ti0.a0; cheat ; f7.0oag.00. v Batter. Sags aad realtry. j ' BfJTTBB FAT T. a. k. Fortlaad fwoat eres, pic; soar, lSe. V BUTTER City eraasaery. fmJ aarsld t- fnc7. isaaoai ordinary. 1TH store, A2VkA ; . liIOS Ka. 1 fresh Oregoa. eandled. Sic. ' ' rRBBSB New Toll cream Oata, 12ai2V4e: Tonne Aeierlra, lROlSHe. ' . POLXTRT Mlisd chtrkena. ISHQlSe por b; faacy kena. I3 per lb; reostrrs. old, lou per lb; at.ra, nQlIHe per II.-. fryers. lMlte broilers. 11T p-r lb; old darks. lftQloe per , lb) aprlng ducks, lte par lb; sane. sulOc pte . lb; turk.ya, lr per lb; dressed. Sue per lb; squabs, fleuai.00 per dos; plgeaaa, 2 00 Mf wV01 , Xepa, Wool and Bides, - ' ' HO PI Ton tracts, ISO crop, lot par lb: 10 Oreeo. 101 lie. 1 W txiL llto clip Tslley. oaarse asedism. J Dr; ne, tee: eeetara Oregosv SOaXle. MOHAIR New, seminal KHkCrSKINa Shearing, 10090 each; abort wool. Ssej40cj medium wool, tOfKoe each: . , meg wool. 7ocl.00 each. AUOvV-Prlma, par lb, H. S and . ares, SaH. ; rmrriM ftARs: leng stock, eH per lb; It, id., tc nor Ik. HIDKt Dry, He. t, Id Aa and an. Igue ITa per tb; dry, kip. No. t, t to 15 lbs, iVci "err ealf. No. I. uixlor C lbsv lsV sslted hides. eteer. aoand, SO lb and over, lOfcl le; cow. A I .,11., - m A W.lta mtmA .A... l . . IS la SO Iba. Sc; ealf, soand. nader 15 lbs, lie; gra. oeaalted, 1 Ires; raits. It per IS la; (nri., sailed, eech, 1 Klfl.TSt dryroeh, Sl'-10; colt tlK 2!-n:i goat aktes, n-iesiia, eaoh, lotjlftc; Aagora, Mck, SScfl TraJk) aad Teyetaalea. pOTATfiea Kw. avail Ml per ssrk pre dec' petee fne ear lots. aiejSO per ewt. .Ioa ynMtlng prlca Tcsas, fl.SS e "ewt; sew rallfurala. rd. SI. SO,- stlverst SL a, ;se r is. PnAS rsfi ITS New aeritea. Sl BAOi n BteSilerTiaess. ae.isga.ovi , seiisase. i. ,u it., i ai aoaae va m wv. fancy, 7 pss'koa.; Ilsoee. Mriicsn. jTsB per luv; i tssgennes, f pineapples, sz.iajs.w; Hawaiian. SA.AO: onbrrlc. oe per lb: cher ries, 4QWbe; plume, fl.SSAI.fio per eraie; berries, il.ftfl: csnUloupea. S2.75tlS.00: rasp. berrlea, Sl.40ei.s0; black fla, Sl.ftO; grspea l.SAjl.50; wild bUck berries, lSe lb; wster- meMns. a4a in: aorioocs. ai.outxx.uu: ssacaea, fini.iu. VEIiBTARtXS Turalps. new, fl.M par ear; carrot.. SI. 75 nee aaek: beets. S1.50 per esrk; paraalpa, gl.50 per sack: Oregon radishes. Sue per ddi: eabliege, Oregon, fl.OuOl.Sfti bell pep per, zn por id; u.uran tomato, ii'i California. 11.00: local. Si.O0fl2.25: hothooaa. SS.0UXSA0; Mississippi. Si. 50; paranlpa, POrl SI 00; atrlng beans, Oregoa, 7c per lb; eaall Sower, S1.O0 por dos; pea. meSH; horse radish. a7e par lb; artlchokea, 73 per dos; asparagus. Oregoa. toe per doa bunches; Walla Walla. SI.00 Bee boa: souash. 114: spinach. SO per bos; gross onkma, Oregoa, 12 Ss per dos bunches; cucumber, ostivic per aoa; eeiery, S1.O0 pee dos; green core, 20U26 par doa: sum mer eqaaab, 7&ckl1.00 pet bos.; eggplant, 40c per lb. DRIED rTtriTB Apples, avsporstcd. 1SQ 14c per lb: -apricots, 4c per lb; pearhea. 12lSUe per lb; sack a. H per lb lees; prune. 50 to 40, Se; He drop-oa each 1-1 amaller slset gga, California black, 4fVe per lb; California whit. lHe per Tb; date, golden, Tta par lb; tarda. fl.0Jl.M par 16-lb box. -wraosriaa, Vuts, Xt. grOAR Sack baalaCnbe. Sa-SO; powdered, SS.15; fruit grannlated, SS.15; dry granulated, SA.OB: eonf. A, SS.oK; westora Pr C, .f4.S: .a C,,; eatrs 0, S4 S geldes C. S4 M; D yellow. S4.6S; bbks, lues H bbls. lite; sole. 50c advance aa aaek baa la, less 25e per ewt for cash, 15 days; maple. MOUM par lb. (Abov price apply to sale of leas thaa ear lots. Car lots st special price subject to Snctnstloos.) . HONKT SS.S0 per crate. COrTBB Package braode, fl ' ALT 'oaraa Half ground . 100s. SB 00 per ton; BOs, SS.B0; table, dairy, 60a. SHOO) lone, 51 ITS; Imported Liverpool. 60s. f 17.00: lone, S1S.BO; 224s, Sid 00: extra to, bbls, 2a. OS, Ms. S4.004T6.nO: bulk. S20 Iba, 4-OI5.not aacka, 50a, 5QHc: Llrerpool lump rock, f ltxoO Vr ion: no-Tb rock. SB. on; 100s. SO. 00. RICE Imperial Japan, No, 1. 6c: Ka. t. SI5Ve: ' New Orleans bead, 7c; AJaz, be; CefOlw luil BKANH Smn wblt. S4.: largo white, S3 SO; pink. SS.TB; bayoa. f4.7S; Limaa. 80.50; Mexican red. 4 He. NIITS Pcanata. jumso, ne par ra; eirgima. aiepee lb; roosted, SHe per lb; ispa- , 0TAW.e; roastea, Tmtc per io; cm . SBflSO per doa; walnuts. 13llStte per lb; plnennts, 10n)12Vie per lb; hickory ant. 10 per lb; chestnuts, ..tem, 15g 16c Pr lb; Braail aula. 14J18e par Ibi dlbart. 144J18 par lb; faacy pecans, Ific; slmooda, 14017. rsiats, Oaal 00, Xta. ROPE Pur Manila, 14e; staadsrd, Ue; ul. lie. . ; .... COAL on-aarVstoal-CsseB a14. pet gal: water white. Iron barrel 14c per gal, woods 17e per gal; headlight, 170-deg. caeae rfAHOUNE d-dcC ease 24 H par gal. Iroa bbls le per gsl. . RKN7.1NaV-4S-de. caaa xSe per gal. troa bbl lVe per gal. ' , .. . TURPENTINE la cssss toe par gsL wooden bbl Me per gal. WHITB LEAD Toa mts, t per zoi aw-is lota. Se per lb: leae lots. Se per Tb. WTRPJ NAII-Preoent basis st Sf 25. I.I.VHKED OIL Pure rw, to S-bbl lots. SO: t-bbt lot. Met n. ale see : r;sutts kettle. boUrd. es. 0c per gsf; S-bbl lots, Btobbl let eoe per gai; growno ca, jr par toe; less thaa ear lots, 630.00 per toe. afaata, Tlah aad rreviaiena. - mrun MEATS Front street Beer ateara. Rains Injure . Grain There Broom. hall Eatimates Smaller World's - Shipmenta Quality of New Amer ican Grain Excellent. ' BtLATITB WHEAT TALMi. Cms ivos. -I .Wi .f .i a, .642 .as'! . Ls Ir 14. 0014 00 ll 004 00 ' Closs , Class " f : JulT 14. Jul IS July...-.....,.f ,T7 a .Ttta. September.... .Tdkl .7H14A 1WVB0W..,., -PU4fc .au siay MIL M Cblraeo. Julv IA The fvaAa ia khtalne e wwt aiav wn inw m niirm ium the European situation Is becoming aa ImperUnt factor. Heavy ralna have injured wheat de cidedly la sonthera Boaala. Broomhall eatl- mstea ne world s shipments at S.O00.0O0 bush ala toes tbas tbey hare been running for aom Week. Daat. There la e anenl4MM th,t aeh of the falling oft la Is Russian suDollee, Our Wboat la of excellent enallte and tmrera will waat It the world oeer. Official adrlce to Washington tndloate loO.OOA.OOO buahela re duct loo la the Eurooeaa wbaat . production. Ele rotors snd mills all nrer tha country are the beat bur res of tb cash article. The specu lative aiarket eeema to b a lltUa varsold. : - . Hvuisss ta Oata, There Is a little reodene toward kavlnaa la corn, du to to somewhat Improead weather to he la a safe sositloa la case of a mack Improved map by tha first of ths ,wek. A St. Xionl leader wired that sets In that vicinity, which shewed derided Improvement after tha rains s fortnight ago. ara now going back vary faat as tbey approach harvest. The provisiona market wsa craiet ana sngnuy Thla la strictly packers' market. Official aootaUeaa br Overback. atari at Cook company 1 WHEAT. Hlrh. . ' Low. ' .7 0 Onen. July.....t .7 epi .B2V .MM Dee..... May..... Jury.., " Sept..... De..,. July... " Sept..,, July..... is no Sept...., 17 .SB Jan-.... 14.SS .8014 : , S3H . CORN. V IATS. .SSt, .' Mi. : Sou ' Cloae U .6214 M ' JIIVA ! , ,4 i ..4K i MESS POBJt. M - July.., Kept., .r 10 July..,., BepU.... Oct...... t.4T 42 S.lf IS. S3 17.S5 ' 14.88 ' LARD. a.T .10 S.1S BHORT- BXBS. 0 47 , 6 42 y- a.4 ". .S7 ;t .is - a.iji iam 17.30 ' S ST SOT .1 ' ' , M '- .86B taaaa 17.S0B 14.S8A ftTA . S.12A S.12A 40 SJ7A a oee Bi koea. fancy. aRe ul lti SH.c ordinary. THtie; poor. Igll per in; bull.. SOSH Pr ; vai. exxra. ie r m Be per lb: BBttoa, lambs, is. aerifnare. Ac nr lb bama, 10 to 14 lbs. le per lb; 14 to 10 id. 16M per lb: breakfast bacon. 1(1320 per lb; ptcilca. lie per lb: eottag. 1H pee lbj regnUr short clears, aaamoked. lle per lb; tanked. 12.e per Tb; etoar bseka, nnamoked. 1114 per lb; amoxeu, ize wr , v " -10 te is lbs: nnamoked, tc per lb; smoked. e per lb; clear belli, nnamoked 11 per lb; mohed. 12e per lb; ahoulders. 12c per lb. I LOCAL LAB i Kettle mat. '"T;. bV oe, 12W per lb; o-Tk tin, llH PJ Jbt team rendered, 10a, lie pet lb; , 11 IS. a e.aejaHBe! lfH BUP. CANNED SAleMONOolumblS river. 1-lb tan. S1.S0'; Sn talla. SX7B; fancy, l ib data. Sl.SOl AlawtKe tain, pib-w wij-js, f-"i tin, 1 nwi P18H Rock cod. Te per To; ,iJJZ?. Tb: halibut. 6c per Tb; "aba. Sl-Bfl 1 per do, atrlned baa. lHe per lb; cattish. e per lb. ::,TT iv.i.M. .in ehlnook. 6e see Tb; steel- buds, T per lb; blnebacke, Te par lb; herring. 6 per in; eoire. or per :os -u, iui, r-. lbt-preh. 6 per lb; btock aod. T per bi tomeod. Te per lb; llver .melt, Te per ft; Ehsteea oer lb; fresh mackerel, 6 per lb; crawfish, toe per dos; shsd. 6 per lb; turgeon. OTSTERB lrholwtr bay, per gsL f!2S; per 110-lb sack. M 00. ... . . LAMS Hardshell, par box, fJ.Oo; raaor clams, S2.00 per box, SITUATION IN HOG MART MUCH IMPROVED ; No Arrivals at Local Yards Today Help Tone Sheep Are Firm. : v , y.-''v - Very 1 Portland. Unlou Stockyards. July 14. Live stock receipts: . . . Hogs. Cattl. Bheep. TM.y .100 450 Week ago - InS . ... Month age...... ....1...... US ' ' 2S 1- PS Zear ago is Z47 Th sltustloa ta tba bog market agala shows ss Improvement and prlcea are somewhat firmer tndsy, but thus far valuea remain anchaaged with the high mark at f7.SB. Thee I try evidence, however, tb.t the market will do bettor la the near future. Cattle remain very dnll at tha decline of 28c In prlcea mad reeterday. Bbeep remain IB the very beat oosltlna with resterdar'e rise of SAe eastlr maintained during today' email trading. Official llveatork quotations: ; lines Best caster Oregoa, ST.SBCT.Sot blocker and China fats. So. 00; stacker ssd feeder,. 18.00; hulls, 12. 50. Cattle Beet eeatera Oregon ateara. fS.SO; heat cow and heifers, S6.001 stock! ssd feeders, S2.76; bulls, 12.60. EASTERN HOGS STEADY. B. Chioar araa Bettor Toas aThp aaaat Zr'Waak.-' " ' Chicago, July 14e-4Jvsrnrk reeetptoi . . .. Hog. Cattle. Bbeep. Chicago , 11,0m) TOO 2.OO0 Omaha 9.000 ' ... 600 Kansas City S.fiOO ' BOO - 250 Hoga are ateaoy wits ,noo ceipt rear ago ware 11 allied. Sn.45eBOi mod ttMto4T4.46: llaht, f60.STn - .eitie ereany. Sheep Weak. . " niuiT exAix - MOTOonrr. ' " ftilnaao JUIr 14 - fTtmarT reeelntai - . . 'Today Tasr kg Fnan. rlu.h Wheat 4 ....BM.0O0 ' Ml.onn Corn tlO.OOO - 461,000 Bbipajents, - , . Wheat .................... ..HT.OOO 413.000 Cora .-v.'. .. , .22. 000 9M.OO0 Total learaBeaa: Wheat. 121. OAS buanelal corn. 7S.41S buakolai ssts, 1,000 buabela; flour, lO.Mt barrsls. v.v . ... .;. 1 Some Corertnf of Shorts It a Help to Market Values Somewhat . Easy Until Statement Appeared Loaaea Generally Smatt. '- . NET GAINS. N. t. Central...... U Loeomotlv ...... .21 Fed. Bmalt., pfd....l Norfolk j, H Pennaylvanis 1 Presa Steal Car..... K Reading .. Rock Talaad.. .SH Southern Railway... V, Unkm Pad fie ii V. a. Bteel. ........ H 00 presenwa.,..., tb V, I Cotton U I Bout be tal Texas C Nortka Oil......... SI ra Pacific.... U a Pacific H ra Paeifle.... H Aaaeshda Atchison V Car 4 Poaadry Smaltar S Baltlmor - V Breoklya vanauisn k Chsaapaaka v, Colo. A Booth or a... 441 Denver.' Brie U Illlnota Central IV Msxicaa Central Z wnlB NET LOH8KS. Amalgamstod ..... Bt. Paul..... Katy ............. do preferred., ... 'Wall Rtrear- nTaw Tark. Jul 14. The bank figure were aa good ss sipected. bat had 11 1 r le tm a. errata tm nrice-maaina. except poaalbly to Indues moderato buying by the short iitiHtt. ia - latter mi a xaesoe- u-wui hare to be reckoned with la eaa the big sob abonld decide to gle the market aa up ward atari. The better claaa of securities are helae aneeehed oa tha downward movement according to well-defined report. The market evened firm, but after the flrat half boor It be came dull with Irregular price luoreaieot. Amert- can Locomotive waa roe acrenn iranaa, - Taocicg nearly fire points from yeatarday's lew level aa seavy ouying 07 rwi ' Ptm wm aaanawhat ahaded antil tha bank statement appeared, but after this the too was Official a nets Hon by Overboek, Starr , Cook company 1 Thfi 'late rebel chief, Bambaats,' with hla warrlora, who caused the British ao much trouble before his death. .- He was a born general of the Do Wet type, and was conquered only after hall of his med bad turned trait- ore and deserted him. If he had i not been killed It la more than likely that England -would hava had to .tface s general uprising in Zululand. SnCaUPTIOM. .xirexrooi. oratji xabizt. Lrrsrpoot, July 14. Official price! . WHEAT. . . . Close ' Close . f. July 14. Jnly IS. July 14. July Oa 7Vd aeptombsr 6 4ad .. . . f CORN. July ! September 4a Td run as t ud 4 Td ss THd V,d d CXICABO CASH WIliT, , ' Chicago, ' Jaly 14, Cash wheat: - ........ Jaly 14. July IS, Ne. S red , .TSV, f ,7 No. i red 77V4 ' .77 No. 1 hard ' .77 il .77 No. f bard .71114 . .78 No. t northern. ...... .......... . .mvh .90 No. f Borthera ... JK ."Vs P g 'I'iii i-t1 TCfr .7 sab rsAjrcisco lmrrjfo ucxAjros. ' Saa lsesKO, Jnly 14. Official prices: Bid. I Bid. Belmont ,.....f 4.76 trm. tai.-va...s m Cash Boy. Golden Anchor. Jim Butler..., MeNamara ... -66 Mldwar ...... 2 16 Montana ' S.77Vi Nona star.... Mt Ohio .27 Toa. Extea.... g.OOA Nevada ., 18 50 Wet End A 80 Adama ........ JM Atlanta ...... .17 Bluebell ...... ; .12 Booth Xt Columbia Mt.. .15 Con. Quarry... - ,.12 nismondfleld . A4 Dixie .07 OoM field ..... XX Jumbo ........ 1.I7H do Exta.,.. .18 I Kendall ....... ,W Ignna ....... ' .17 May QoB.... j .10 Mohawk ...... 1.S2H Bed Top 1.22Vk Sandstorm ..... .67 . Silver Pick.... .24 St. Ivas JIT National Sank. .48 Dnvr 1-66 Ecllps ....... .60 Gold Bar 1.02V, 0. Bull Frog.. .IS Stolnwsy .28 12 Optab? .50 iMeilcaa 1.12Vilcaiedonla n.cuiaer ..... Norcrooe ...... Gold Crows.... Gnat Bead.... Rescu ........ Black Batts Ss tTTmp rriold Belmnt. . MootgooMry Mt tluneet ........ Sceptrk Manhattaa .... Say. Hamprey.-r Dxtr Granny ,, Gold wedge.,.. Loo Htar . Ot. Bend Be... do Annas.... Crescent . , , 1. Cowboy iienver Anses.. Bulls Bears.. Black Bock... a. N. T. Conaol... Mancoa Mtlle Jo Marf lower .... Jumping Jack.. Kea Top Annex Mnslag BuU frog Mia. t.50 .72 .62 ' -.40 .SO ' AI .OS 1.00A .SB -.61 .11 .2 .00 IT .4T .11 .07 . xm .08 .08 .10 .08 .11 .02 .02 .25 .70 .04 M JO .08 .14 S4 . B0ST0B, COFWOt XARXXT. Bo toa, July 14 Official eleeet Adventur Alloues .. Areadlaa Atlantic ' Bingham Calumet Bid. .4 5.00 - S2.2S .... 8 00 .... 18 25 .... ' 25.50 Centennial . 16.00 Copper Rang. 66.00 Tmly West.... 1S.2A rrsnklln ..... law Granby Mae Mlchlg Mohawk ..... Nsvsda Con.. North Bull.. 10.50 50 10.78 BS.00 62.00 VBIack Mt.;...S T.8TV4 Old Dnmiama. 84.00 East Butt S.7S Ely ..ewt..... 6.50 Osceola Parrot ......, S3 M Phoenix ...... no Onlncy Royal Shannon ...,. Tamarack .... Trinity ,j... TTnlted Cop.... T'tsh victoria 16.T5tWolvrln D. S Mining. WOO 16.00 8.S7V4 as .00 T.TH . M.2V, , ox. 00 . 800 1S6.00 BS.00 irrw toss cottob xaxxit. oats. New Tor. July IA Cot torn fatoxM closed t point Bp to T points lower. Official quotation by Overback, Starr Cooks oamoaari Open, nick . .. a. sua . 2no k 4,500 (eft ever. Re 18.000. Today's prWe 2 WJO.,PO, rSI 0STTJUrB SABS rTATXatZlfT. Clearmga Balaaeea ...fSIS.RIrtTS ... . 8S.S1S 0S ew Tsrk-Leadea lu'eav. J.nusry .. 10.51 . 10 Jl 10.48 rebrnsry.. ..... ..... kfsrek ..... ..... i.i. mwr ...... ..... August ... 10S1 Hentemoer. 10. 8T October ..riO-AO" NoTemher,, Deotmber.. M.48 . 10.81 10.M "10.41 i0 47 Low. 10.4 10.50 10. IT 10.28 10.88 10.S8 ..... 10 88 10.44 10.44 10 28 10 85 lost Clnee. Julrl. JutrlS 1061 1061 1062 10 26 ; 10.80 loss 10.42 10.41 10.4T ' OkTZTARY IZCXAXSI SATZS. New Tor. July 14 Exchange rales'; Ster ling demand. 486.00; 80 days. 461.87 V,. .Ham burg, txt 11-16 1-S2; Psrls, S18 J-4: Aut- do preferred Central leather, com... do preferred......... TJ. B. Rnbber. com.... do preferred ......... TJ. 8, Steel Ce., aom... . do preferred ......... Wlconsln Centra, ems. do preferred......... Western Colon Tel.... Wsbsah. com do preferred ,.. Am. Woolen Northern Pacific 2 ioi sou 225 ftSVi WVi 128. 1101 115, 71 158 Anaconda Mining Ce.....225U Amal. Copper Co... 84 Atchison, com ..fSBM no picron oa . Am. Car gonad., com. SS do preferred.......... Am. Sugar, com........ 129 Am. Bmalt. com. 142 do preferred ...11514 Baltimore At Ohio, aom..lll6. ao Brererroa ..1 u Brooklyn Rapid Transit.! 72 Canadlaa P settle, com... 158 Chi. A O. W.. com....l 16 Chl Mil. dt 8t Paal... 1784 OhL N. W., com... Chess peaks Ohio 544 Colo. Fuel A Iroa, com. . 46- Com. noatbern. com. ...J u do 1st Breferred.!.!.!re7" Delaware Hudson I. . . . Data.. Lack. West.. .150 Denver K. o, com... I 8 14 do prsfrrd..........l Bo Erie, com M Co prererren. m no 1st preferred...... i T ininola Central I... Louie-cine Naahvlll.. 14014 Metropolltaa Bt. By.... 1084. Manhattan Railway 14TV, M.xlcaa Central Ry,.. 20 Missouri Pacific SOU: if.. K. T.. com...... SI do preferred... ..;,-; :r."v New York Central 128 Ana. Co ft oa Oil I.... Am. IOcomotlT,..,.,.. 06 Feoerei emitar.u, , ,,j Norfolk A Weet., com.. 88 do preferred...... North American 81 N. TOnt. A Wet... 48 Pennaylvanis Railway.. . 12S P. O. L. 0. Co Preeeed Steel Car, aoa.. 44 do preferred Pacific Mail S. S Co... SIVt Reading, com 11TH do 2d preferred..... do let' preferred ..... - , - - Rep. Iron A Steel. 00m.. I 2414 Back, island, com t tx do preferred I st Sontkern Railway. com.. 88 do neeferred. ........ .1 08 Sonthern Pacific I 65Vi Bt. L. . r.. zn pra..i st do 1st Breferred 1... at. L. A . W.. com.... 14 Te-r.a Ar Pacific ...I 80 T.nnsaaes OialJtronl. -t 141 Tol Bt. t. A WTcom.t gavi sesit 8V4 PS14 do preferred I 44 4411 44 I 48, Cntoa Pacific.. com....fliV!-il'iu'iii-" 14014 ioai 14TH 80i Sim 140U 102 Si 14714 rlH Be 81 Vt 129 V, 08 V4 884 81 U 46 Vt! 126V4ll24Vi 44 sivi 118 81 ol pn B9S! 10114 8SUI 814 100 V 'ion 23! 22 88T4 oyu I o J 6o4 100 lino SOW 1108 S.1af 88 10014 lioott 22KI r" MV4 PI 1ST, 44 V, 88 1 1OTi-il1Ms.ll97V,llT Total tolos for dsy, 208.100 shares. TrflTTKS STATES OOvTBsTatXVT B0X9S. ' Mew York, Jaly 14- Gorwmment bonds! Data. Bid. Twos, registered. ........ 10 104 do coupon ......e 1008 104 Three, registered 1008 102 do coupon 108 1024 Two, small bonds .... 102 Pours, registered... .....iv.r 10OT-iea do coupon loT 1024 rean registered 1028 126U -do coupon 1828 12SV1 District of Columbia , ' 11714 Pblllpplue 4s - .... 100 Ask. 104 V. 104 Vj 108 103 Vi ios'vi 108 2 128 , 130 M, BXW TOSS BAJTK WIATEMm. New Tock, Jaly 14-Bank atatamoat: r Inerasss. Baas rv (.. .....4 8.866,726 Reeervs, toss C. S. ........ e.....v 8.0ftS,T7S Loans -r. 14.844, 701 flpeele 1.660.800 -reals 1.6O2.BO0 Deposit 11,411.700 Clrculatloa ...... ....... 1SQ.0O0 sax imsjicisoo tbcAt Stocks. Saa rtancisco, July U. Official closing: - ' . Bid. Ask. Contra Costa Water................ 57 07V, Borinar vaner water. sna z Giant Powder........ SO Hswaiiaa tiommercwi 00 . Honokea Sugar IS Hutchlnsoa Sugar... 144 Ma ks well Sags. ....i.rr.... ...... 86 Otwmea Sngar. ............ ........ 82V4 Paaiiha Purer -. 1 Alaska Packer' B7V4 Paclft State Tslepboas 82 88H ra -87H -T XJrSSBOOXi POTTOS BLASXXT. Uvsrpool, July 14. -Cottoa fo fores S to 4 potato off; spots changed, . . - REAL ESTATE DEALER ! IS HELD FOR MURDER (Journal Special Serflee.t Raton. N. AC, July 14 L. D. Bolton, a real catat dealer of Clayton, Nw Mexico, waa bropght her today accused of killing: Carl Oils, a wssJthy abeep man, who sought to prrv pae whn Boltoa was fighting; with- Goorg Hob son.' ,V- . -,. .' ELOPING. COUPLE ARE . i:-r FOUND IN PENDLETON (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) Pendleton. Or July; J 4.-An lopln coapl from Th Dalle -was arrested at thla plac yesterday, and th two war hold In th custody of th rcordra of- flea thla afternoon. : Harry Hbnr ta th nam of th rnaa In the esse, pnd h give hla as at II. whll th girl 1 Helen Watt, 17 year of age, '. - A 000 rd lug to accounts, th eoupla ar rived In Pendleton several day ago, after having run away from Th Dalles. Th girl ta th daughter of Jsmes W. Watts, an old-tlm and honored employ of ' th railroad -company, who la heart brokaa over th affair. H waa olty yatrday, - and after locating th runawaya appearad - bfor th district attorney, to prefer a chars against Heb ner, and aa Indictment against th young man waa flld. ;,.v 1 , COMMENCE FILLING V " DRY CREEK TRESTLES (SpaHal Dispatch to Tb Jowmal.) . RllgBTd, Or, July 14. Two carloads of horses and scraper have oom Into Hllgard for th Paetflo Coast Conatruo tion company, which ha th contract for filling in If of tha high, trestle crossing . Day creek. On hundred laborer have also pltchad camp there, Thsy hsvs k a uboon tract-Wit h tha" com, pany for drivlns th dralnag tunnels which will -provide a new ebannel for th creek. Tbere will bo four tunuot and th eontrant price ta $21 tha lineal foot In addition to thla it la th inten tion or the O. K. dt N. Ca to ballast th roadbed between Ia Oranda nod Huron. I imVEfilEfiT CLUBS TO COIISIDER.OWL CARS , 1 Crusadt) jFavoring AII-NlghtervlcBeIng Taken Up by Citizens ,..4.; in All of City's Suburbs-w-Send Your . Coupon : to .Th -:;. . . Journal With Narrie and Address. ' FREIGHTERJS-NOW OREGON WHEAT KING (Wpeclsl Dia patch to Tb Jsunall Lm Grand, Or, July 14. A, B. Con ley la th largest Individual owner of farming land In Union county, being assessed on 10,111 acre, every foot of which la -first elas tillable land. A llttl over a Quarter of a century ago hla principal Btock In ' trad - waa a freighting outfit about aa - poorly equipped aa any on the road.' Mr. Con ley's rise la. due principally to wheat raising,-but the advancing value of farming land in th paat few years ha Th ' movement for aa owl streetcar sorvlo will be taken up tonight-by the Woodstock Improvement association. Next Tuesday night It will be consid ered, by .the MontarlUa board of trad. Charles Hyle, president of th Monta vllla board ' of trade, today xpresed hla Intention to bring th matter before hla organisation,- -. "Montavllla ought to have a car run ning all night," said Mr. Hyle, The board of trade will meet next Tuesday night and I Intend to bring th matter up at that time. I am satisfied, too. that the body will , take favorable ac tion! - People . want to com . out br latar than they ara abl to do ao at present. Tske the case of a man going with hla family down town, to th the atre, to the- Oaks or to aome other auburn. The chance ar h leave th other" sffburb "Btt th last' car Into own and of course mlaaea th last car out thla way. -, ,. . "There la alwaya a good crowd oti the last car to Montavllla and I am aura that latar one would be well pa. tronlsed. ' later aenrle la BaeaaSarm for tha people who com in on lata trains, too. I have been caught down town... myself after the last ear - and have been unable to get .home, x have eoma In from Seattle on a late train, ar riving after th last car had left, thua being put to much Inconvenience." Portland people who ' wish an awl sorvics are- given an opportunity' to express themselves by the coupon printed herewith, ftfanager Fuller of the streetcar company has Intimated that If the demand la aufflolent the servics 'will be put on. . Cut out tha coupon, . sign It with your nam and address and mall It to The Journal. ' Re member to writ ."Owl cars" in on corner of your envelope. '"" ' To tltt J1llnr of the Jowrnali I am In favor of an all night . atreet car service for Portland and ytcinlty. a , . ,,. . ' ' . Address had a' great deal to do with It He Ja generally known aa "Eas tarn Oregon' Wheat King." r... ;. ,w JAPAN-WILle-FIRMLV- MAINTAIN OPEN DOOR ' flonrnal Rnocial Bervlce.i - Washington, July 14. Japanese Am-, baaaador Aoki aaM todays "Japan iffl keep th open door In Manchuria, Muk den and Antung and where it la al ready opened. I can't Bay exactly when th remainder will be open to Interna tional competition, but probably by Sep. tember. ' W will fairly and , firmly maintain jUtotpw24 4loor-;- r-' 1 COMPLAIN OF METHODS FOLLOWED AT CLEVELAND - (Journal B pedal Bervlee.) Waahlngton. July 14. A myaterlouS complaint ha reached Commlaaloner of Corporation Osrfleld : from ' th IndSi pendant OH company of Ohio of tha manner of the grand Jury Investigation In Cleveland. H referred it to th da- partment of Justice official, who say they will Investigate It. They declare there 1 nothing aensational nor aertoug ia the charge. . S-ref erred aTtoek Oasuked Oooda, rhi : AUen dt tetwia Best Brand. WHAT'S THE USE? DOES IT PAY? . rCbeyrtgha. lsoa. by AJsnrlcajKlismil tkaitoi.l :' I tMtlllMIltllMMHMMtMMMtllMIMMIlttlt)lltllttHOHHttMltlMliMM i- 1. Yon ara mighty araud f your son anal hair. - ; S. year artar ysar yu sava, .and yi aava, T ard ysu have a right ta Be, far tha sen of awoh '... 1 and yon aava In o rr that yatisynay havs tfva nao T I; father must naodg a afrriar .-ordinary oWL aaaary funds tn oywhlrn ;s aolla 51-1 StMW Mm m .y " - ' r g - ' - - -- " I Tl s. And durlna all thaa yasrs yotj delight your "heart hy dreaming af Ma future graatneaa. . 4. You aand him ta collage. Tha cllsg tuma T aut amthlnfl Ilka thla. Say, WHAT' THE Utir DOES IT PAY 7 UiiiliJUillti i! I'm ii if it i t m i H i t't I