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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
- THE OEEGOII DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENIKO. JULY 11, IZZ3. n ... ISN'T IT JUST LIKE A WOMAN? for rs:jt iiouiri K2W TODAY. FOR RBNT-4-room eottag. with bath an t. Fultoa carllne, 410 par month. laqslre lee : ort. J2th tr , Copyright. . a AsterlaxsJminsl-axaartM. FOR RENT 5 room eottag, bath, S70 Bast Irving st. Phone Bast 4v7. MtMMIMIItillllltHIIIHtllMIMIIMMIMHHMMIHHHMmilMMMhlhMi M ill M M M MM Savings Bank FOB BENT CHEAP. - A deetrable a-room houM with SB Bodsrs . Imsroeemeou; lot 86x100, fruit tree, small bans No. 44 Eaat 11th atv N. F, M. BATCH K LOB, 004 McKay bldg. ' ' "T OB" THE r)R RENT Newly papered T-room hosse and bath. 420: beet rondltion. Fred Vlrack, Eaat Third sad A ah sts. TITLET GUARANTEE. & TRUST COMPANY FURNISHED HOUSES. Pays Jnterert as Follows: FOB BENT Nicely furulaned boas. S roam. . cuBeedlently located, good neighborhood, S car Hum. 734 Northrop at. Phon Facld xtt. -4 Per Cent FOR REXT Neatly turn la bed cottage or 8 er 4 rooma of Mm; vary- reaeonable to deelrabl dulu. Apply 668 Guaaa at., corner 17th, eg INTEREST, ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS ici. aaaia vuu. FOR RENT FLATS. AN npper flat wltk plenty of room and every, thing handy) will rent cbeap if ranted Boon! good chanc. Call 870 lltb L Interest Compounded Seml-Annually B-ROOM flat for rant. Inqutr st SO Bast lltb t., corner Stark. j p ' Faya i per cent on Certificates of De posit. . , Pays 4 par cent on (Jelly balances of check accounts. 1 Banking hours ........ I a. m. to 4 p. m. Ssturd. ys . ,. a. m. to 1 p. m. . Saturday evenings. .4 to , o'clock 240 Washington Street v ' Cora soon- a, ' - Portland, Oregon MORTGAGE LOANS We bare ample funds to loan in any .-amount on Improved business and reo- 'tdence property' la Portland and rtcln ....... ity at lowest rates. .. - - txtub) nravmas. ABSTBACTfl The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. "." ;'mo vinnriifoi bt. " Corner 8econd Bt) v Portland, Oregon BaaSG 4-roora modern home, lot 60x100, on Irvln is street n 30th; fumeec "and flrp places; liberal terms of -pay- B34O0 t-room houso and lots, oloso to car; easy terms. flBOO 7-room. near, "modern ' home, on Mount Scott car line, close In; lot inoxiew; easy terms. flOOO Quarter biockt on Hawthorne ave. fSOO i. Lota on Hawthorne avenue, 60s 74, on easy payments. 800 44 acres on electric car line IS miles from poitland; half cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. OH Acres Within city limits, at 4424 per aore. ; 100 Aeres Convenient to Portland, with S.000,000 feet of timber. , Price 41,000. Half cash. ,. pots jrf cholcareaidenee districts on . easy i monthly paymenta Stevcnsbn-Brown Co. ' no atxoovB mm. , Water Front ; 460 feet frontage by 1,200 feet deep, near Peninsula Lumber Co. Moxon-Valentine Co. : ST. JOHNS onviRinnuiT. 12,260 Modern 4-room cottaire, - on corner, 46x100, Fourth atreet; flne view. $2,D0 Modern 6-room cottage, gas, , water and ; bath, Blxth street, near , Sherman. .-: . 41,600 Modern S-room cottage, on a - very valuable lot; Ideal - home; easy -walking distance. Fifth street $3,600 10-room house on full lot, - Fifth street; easy walking distance. , v 46.600 Fine 7-room house and t-rooia cottaire, corner Sixth, close tn. KAOZMAZfXf ft SACXAJU, . ' 1 IMfth tree. Farming Lands L'NIMPROYCD. LANDS" IRRIGATION LANDS GRAZING UNDS ' UMBER LANDS 4.000 acres of level meadow land, sub - fnigated; can divide into a mailer tracts; railroad will go through this. Also mail and'iargs Improved farms. Oregon Farm 4 Homeland Coi ' OPT atoEay ldg. Third and tttartr Ota. aaasxatistaaaaasaxasjaaaRaaaaMaaaaaxaBH Water Front For Sale 400 feet, near St 'Johns, with pleee of land for mill; fine sawmill proposition; deep water. One of the beat mill sites on the river. . Address, for particulars, T 11, Journal. '..". Fractional Lots ,. Northwest corner 26th and Northrup. .'."-sr. 7 4010 for 42.600. 40sl4 for 4MT4. R. M. WILBUR, 110 Second St. H A WTtlORN A VBINUB Charming little 4-roora .house, with bath, cloaa to Hawthorne avenue, on ITth atreet; Hreplace. In parlor, corner lot, aireet improved, sewer, gas, olectiio lihts $1.100 half. cash. IIAaTMAN O THOMPSON UUMWR OF COMMJEBCB. Bargains in Real Estate St. Johns 1 1. 8h leads , mistletoe .and t the conversation kissing . M MM t t't iM NEW TODAY, $1000 120 ACRES Fins timber land, cruise 1,000,000 feet: worth 12,000.. Must be sold quick. $I800--7-IV.oom House This house Is nearly new and nicely located on lot 46x100, in St. Johns. - m. a. skocot, so rim. an. FOR CHOI It will imlt you to Investigate our Hat of DroDertles. investments and business chances. ' ' ' wniicx si DO- ' - 510 lumber Xxohaaga, td aad ajtark at. COOS DAY BELMONT ADDITION ' TO EMPIRE CITY.. AU lota 60 x 100. Inalde lots 1100. corner lots 412. - Good view, near bay. . Yot full Information see . j. WTJiracx co . j. B10 Lunbo Bxohaaa-a, ad aad Stark Its. WEATHER REPORT. It Is 10 aecreee eoekw Is Portland thki atem- la, dar. Meter at Bak City. i e.tM1 cooler at tuaemrg. aaa s oasraea eoowr at km Hiuti. KMnrhtrt treat or tM Many SMaataias th. chans ea In teaiperatare bar ba.a aalm aortaat. A thnoder atnria orarraS' mrly this awralns at Poeatelkt,' and local ralaa har. faUea la weatara Mavada, Aliaoaa, Colorado, Montana, u. Mkotasi aortawMtera Mlnneaota. the sail atatea and aoathern IHlnnla. 1 1, i .tumov. in. sreat mt wniea aaa aravaiiM In tin north Parlfte atataa dnrtns th. last few aays will prooaoiy eaone Tnnnoar atorma, wits llcbt (alia of rata, at wldelf eeattetwd plaeM iiuir lonisni ar nana. in .astern uregon, eaalera Waabliurtea and IfUho.- tmt wltbont tannine mora than a temporary exiling f 4he afnaphar.. la weatera Onsoa and weatera Waahlnstoa the Indication ar. for generally fair weather tongtht and Hoaday, wltk slightly lower temperaturea Buaday. .. Obaerratioa ukra at I a. Paelfle Hatet . . Tamo - Statlnra Max. Mln. Pradi Baker city. Oreaoa. po a Boataa. aliaanliiiaiilla : T8 63 .0 t'hleare, llllnol..... .11 . - 70 . Deafer, Colorado. M M .04 Kanaaa City, lllmari ! ' 4 .0 bos angeiea. f anrornia- ex ... as, rr New-OrtattM, Xonlnaa..., S4 New York. Srw lark 3. 74 M 64 a ea to n 04 , to 70 .SO .0 .0 .0 .t Alt .0 Pnrtl.nd. Oncoa M owbors. roe.. ...... .,100 Bt. ImM. MlMnurt M Salt lke. Utah...... M Tnuetmm, Ctlltornta.. 4 Rnokan W.ahlnrtna . . . . M fTeinna. TMhlnxtoa . . . . . 90 W.lla Will., Wtani(tne..l04 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 " Jobs A. Olien, bora Kelann. 11 777, Itooearalt atreM, ST; lags- Joe a. Cafe, Trent dale, Oregon. CI: Cmaaa L. Cole, 40. Harold C. Kan, tit Rodney aeeane, . SB; Maud M. tl!W, S. John W. Wllllta, Lenta, Oregon, Mt Anna U. A1IUMB, U. WMdlhf Urda. W. O. Smith A Cm., Wm. Ingtoa hide., cor. roorth end Waahtngton ata. Wedding and ealllag earda Mgraead - a adated. K. T. Raabtoa. S3SH Waahlagtm at. Mia. Bertha Martin, room SIS Alteky kldg, taaiplng and One needlework; linul gieaa. BIRTHS. ATKTNHOM Ittly T. to Mr. and Mm. Artaut Atklnaoa, 41 Tlllannok, a girl. Cf'HKN Joly It, to Mr. and Mrs. O. Qoaaa, 7U rirat, a alrl. AKt-HTRALO Joly t, to Mr. and Mrs. t. U Arehlhald, ' MonUTilla, a alrl. Man, June M. to Mr. and Mr. John D. Mane, 88 Vancou-rer arena., s girl. jo'iN'SO Joly a, to Mr. and Mrs. Arrtd John. sea, city, girl. . . ' "itmaN one 11, to Mr. and Mrs, P. W. Swetman, city, a girl. -jL- deaths. !OI.B In this city. Joly - is. 100, at Eaat Third at., north, Rmell Engl,, aged 78 yra, stonth and ,Sz daya, beloead mother, grandnotber ' and great-graadmother . of the family of 0, B. Praeeawder, ' runaral nottee hereaftOT'. . GRAVES Mra. Minnie 1. Oravea, died Joly 18. at fteaeiew, Wnahtngtnns age 4S year. THAI!! Joly It, Sarah V. Train, TS years, SM Raat Unrnside. cancer of tonime. RFICHARn Jnly 1J. Chef lea T. Relckard. St yeara. 1741 Eat Klcventh, polmaoary taber- euloal. Ki"ii,;r Jaly IS. Alice I; Koeoler, 4 years, MS Twelfth, enterltl. CKKRrtHINO Jnly 13. Chtaepp Cerechiae, SO year. tM rront. ealmlar heart dlaeaee. - tT t.T Joly It. Ulna U Lily, 81 year. St. Vlneent' Mnltarlam. pulmonary tnharenkiala. M-'Ul.LVIATJnlr IS. Jiapoleoa B. McOUi- vray, xss roorteenth, seat, nraemi. FUNERAL NOTICES. UNDERTAKERS. Daanlng, M-Entee A Ollbaagb. aadeetakan and eiabauoere; axdera la erery detail. Sevan th ad Pie. Mala 40. Lady aaalataat. ' A. B. Heinetnek, sndertakar and Mhalaiar, Eaat Thirteenth and UanaUlla a. Phoae Ball, weed 71. Brickaoa Undertaking Co., ambalailna. 40S Aider at. Pbos. Mala 6188. J, P. Plnley A Boa. Third aad Madfcnm sts. Orte. of eoooty aoranar. Phone Mais S. Edward Hohaaa. sndartaker, S20 Third atreet. Clark Broa for lewara. tUTXBTUW OZMITXBT. ttagl grave fie.- realty tet T( t. 41.omv Th Mly 'eemetery la Portland Which Bar setnally Balatalba and ear for lota. Ear fall laforaurlon apply to W. B. Meek, War eeet block, etty. W. M., Ladd, praelaeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 1. B. Martla te Hamoel Okwn. lots 87, " SS and 2tt. block 30. Park View. S 1.100 i B. r. rrastraaa te i. J. Kaaaedy, 1st t, . around to 2. And aha looks at the man aha la talk ing to In a way that would drlva any man, to diatraction :'. .W M1 4M M M M MM MMM M tMMf REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. block L Alblna Homeataad armeaa Uaack te i. tK Kennedy, lot A, block 1, Alblna HotneeteeJ Boawell V. Lamaoa and klchard W. Mon- taa-ve. tnuteea (or Helen . Lai Crary. to Tbomaa Papworth, aoulh H of lot S sad north of lot S. block SO. city.... , Georg W. sad Call Kenney te Alfred Thompaoa, 14H acree la aaetloa 10, townahlp I aoata,.rang. S east........ 0. P. aad Loala nVhrooder te Joaeph Ooaaler. lot llhtock a, Original Town sit, of Alblna May B. Swlnrt to Albloe L. and flora. , A. Quint, lot , block 1, eubdlTtelon of waat aao feat of lot M. M. Pattoa's tract . 80.000 4.000 738 S29 htsr B. Rwlgert to Cbarlea-ir. Bona.- 1, (ubdlTlaloa of met 0X0 feet of M N, M. Pattoa'a tract...-. John and Sybil M. Bala t. I. N. Wit llama, lot 6. block a. Srrnaa' addition to Bast Portland baa. N. and lea belle Williams to Wllda BOO 400 Brrnea' addltloa to Bast Portland. . TOO William Bow. te Wllda and Blma Back man, lot T, block S. Byrne' addltloa re Eaat Portland ;.. Moor. Inreatment - company to H. 0. Lleaar. lot a, block 34. Vernon J. L. and Jeaile O. Hartman. B. L. and Amanda I. Thompaoa and H. L. and ' Jeal T. - Power to Ger trade O. Wrlaht, lot it aad 18, 'bkeek 10, anb dleUioa St. Johna Helghu Beeale B. and H. Tarpley to W. M. Killlngawortb, atrip of land la aectloa f. towaahlp I north, raagel eaat..... Lear and Allen Bhaw to Albert Orabec TOO BOO S.S0O let Z aad SO, stock 1, Boaelawa An- leOO riiiv UHniatf. m i rnwi cooipany to William T. Joplla. lot I" and Mat H er let a. Block 14. Holladay Park ad dltloa .... .......I.. 1.08S 00 Tfeo Violet and Bea Hlllmar te Lore L. and Florenre B. Okrrer. lot . block s, Tork addlteoa Charle M. and Mary J. Treat to F. W. Tnrgler. lot 10 and 11. -tilock 8. Del- . nw Wiiiii'i J im(T siaTflon Oeorge H. Balleray et al.. to Darld Me- Keen. lot a. block 130. Eaat Portland., L. L. MrKeea to Darld McKaen. lot 37 block 120, Beat Portland (mad to 4.750 Point View Seal Batat company to Tina PhUlppln. lou 11 and. liTTbeh-a; Point View J. PY Brady to B. M. Cotllea. lot 8 sad . block S. aa laid et and platted la the weet H of lot L, M. Pattoa'a tract May B. Vwlgert te Tracy O. Harrtogton. lot 8. block 1, In eabdtrmlon of weet 380 feet of lot If. M. Patton'a tract... SCO 629 too W. B. and L. J. Mitchell. to Cyatbia-a- , lotrT"iiJ 18, block 08. 811- wood 1.000 Bam ol B. and Blanch. A. Smekrr to ' George K. Howltt, lot 8 and 4, Mont- . Till .. .-rrrvTT.Tr-B.a00 Clyde B. A Itch km t If. P. Noren. let 17 and 38, block 4. rolnt view....... art Pred W. Hashes to Beed. rielde A Tym company, lota 17 aad 18, block 3, Kara Prk S10 Caroline Ladd Kwtag and Joaephla. Steel Warren to J. A. Coon, lot S and 10, block 4, Edendan 1 Jeme. MranaH Steel to J. A. Coon, lot - and 10, block 4, Bdendale 1 Beelyn - a. and Hrry M. Waltbem - te i James A. -end Hellte-A. Own. lota n and 10. block 4. Edendals S80 Jama and Oecll Pnnlap to A. W. Brick- . ley, S acre of Hector aad Ollee Camp bell' donation land claim, N..41, seo ttnn 2S, townahlp 1 ontb, rang. S Mat : TOO Daetd M. Payne to William H. Payne, lot 11 block 17, Multnomah addltloa.. I B. T. and Cera M. Sodea to Llda B. ' McKltrtck. lots IS to 34, Inclnale., . block 5, end 'lot 8, block T, Oakdal . . l,M n. McKltrlck. andirUled U of lot 8. block 31. Raat Portland 1,000 Antorne ana Kimanera Meyer to w. 4. Patron. 14,315 enoare fet of land ts ecttons 4. 6, 8 and S. townahlp 1 ' aonth, rang 1 eut 1,000 W. D. Bmlrl to Mand Orlfflth. lot 1 la north block S. Corambla Heights S A. B. and Phebs A. Cnmpaton to J. L. end Bea Scott, lot IX black IS. Mil ler' addition to SeHwoed 400 Q. and Nettle Baletnger to Jacob Bender, kH 10 in Terrier A Woodcock' enb- dlvialoa block B, AIMna HonMatead... S04 Emm L. Con) to rrad Noble, parcel of -land on snath aid of , alleyway kted Ing from Mcdm atreet to Mwmlll panr la Booth Portland 4,000 John D. and N. Mabel Hewitt to B. W. rieher. north 100 feet of lot A block 4. John Irving' Flrat addltloa 10 Oat yoar InenraBC and abtraet to reel aetata rm Toe ntie unaranu. iraat eompaay, gee waaatngton areeei. MEETING NOTICES. " f. W. A.. Oregon Grip Camp. No. 4.S7S. Moa 4ya 17th aad Marahall; vMtor welreme. NOTICE. BECEITEB'S NOTICE la th circuit court of the atate of Oregon for th. county of Molt, nomas BImbot OlmetMd. plaintiff, V. Th. Trader Inmmae eompany et al., defend anta. Notice la hereby given that toe ander lgnd baa been ppolntd by the above entitled--enort la the above entitled can re- I celrer for the atat. of Oregon, of th. dfmd- lint. The Trader' Inanranc company of Chi- 1 oago, Illlnola, and that by order et the Mid court all persona having claim agalnet the said defendant. The Trader' Inraranc com pany, arlatng on pouclM leaned Is Oregon ar requtrad to praaaiu lee M me To tn. ander "tgnd. at th. addree below glrea, ea e be fore th. Slat day of October. 1004, aad If aot ao preaaated, 'the Mm will not partici pate tn the dletrlnatlen of the fond of th Mid defendant eompaay, la th hands of the receiver, -Notice I further glrea that all return pce ailam will be eompnud from the 8tb day of May. 1004, the date of th. Insolvency af th Mid Th. Trader' Inanranc company, .and all policy-bolder -of -b. MM defendant , enmpany ar arged to relnesr. If they bar sot already do, ao, and to praaeat their claim properly verified promptly to th. re ceiver with the Mrrender of their pouclM. Parm for proof of claim may be had from th receiver or from 4h former agent sf th company. - . ... Pt4 Jan 38, 1404. A. H. BIRFFLL, Reoatver. A. P. PLBOEL AND nnACH A SIMON. .:. Attorneys for Beeelear. Addreea: McKay bldg., Portland. Or. Th anderlgn4 will recete eIed bid for a tork of merchandla. of the hmrlr vain of 414,000 or there. boo ta. toeether with fltture amounting to about 11.260. located at Ion. Morrow county, Oregoa, op to 13 e-rlock noon of Angoat 1, 1B00. A Mh dcpo.1t of 10 . par eent of th amount bid mnat accompany each effar and the right I reeerrvd to reject any and all blda. Th Inventory may be ea at my offlr. and the property may bf loapected at lone. - Dated 4t rortland, Oregea.-ftl- Ittl 4U ef July, 1004. Y R. L. SARIN, fraat sad Aahenf strMta, Pertlaad, Oragoa, . . . " 9. But when opportunity oirarea v.. 7 " :v-: v M M M t M M M t M M M M M H NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MUKTINO The annual jnMtlng of the atockbolder ef th Coeur d'Aktn Delopmeat company, tor th . ictlon of a board or director ror u ntu Itiv veer, and foe th tranractloa of uch other bualnaee an may regularly com befor them, will be held at the ornc or tn. com pany, room B01 te 004 Chamber of Commerce bldg- Portland. Or., on Augoat 4, 1004, at .10 e eiocs . m. - . . , OEORGB P. HOLM A K, Secretary Coear d'Aleo Development . Conv Portland. Or., Jnly 11, IS08. t KOTtCB OF STOCKHOLftEHS MEETINO. Notice 1 hereby given that the annual meet tng.jnt.aba atnrkbolftiT nt the Mldwajr .ot - eenioany will he held at the office of Ladd r A Tllton, Portland. Oregon, at 8 .'clock p. m.. oa Wedncday, July 18, lOnd, for th Iinrpna. -of electing a board of director and or th. tranaactkta ef aurh other haalniaa ' as Buy come befor the meeting. WILLIAM M. WHIDDXN. Secretary LOST AND FOUND. STTtATBD OB STOLE! 1 roaa sure, weight k 400, 11 yean eld. Notify 480 Hawtbora ' ar. and twelve reward. LOST A So banting dog, nam "flnorty." Be - turn to 844 Umatilla ave., . Sellwood. Ba ward. . '- - ' . . i ' LOST Oa Willamette, enatgn lag from lunch - Violet. Finder pleas return 181 Union are. A. A. Unruh. LOST A para. eonUmtng about f is. Finder re tarn to New Tork Bakery, Xl Grand are., and receive reward. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 400 boys for apprnt1ees to aerve on American ateamera. To ay will occupy the 7 poatttoa of petty officers os board. - Muat b : America born and over 18 year of a fa. Th ; term of engagement aha II be ibne yeara. Wage 430 par month flrat year, 830 per month Meond year. t0 p mooth third yew and a bonus at tha end of the third year of . 8230, , for terau and condition apply to . J Homer mteh, eretry Steamship Aaao- elation of Baa Fraaciaoa, 110 Eaat atreet. Ban FrMChveo, CL AUTOMOBILE dilteis, eiltmnrffBrff and oQiera wanted all ever th country; SO .000 maehliM trallt this year In United States . affording great onportanltlM for our atodent; cent day will qualUyyoa for good wagoa In thla growing field. For full partlcalara and on free leason. Including a dictionary - of motoring term. ddreM The Cornapnndenc School of Antotnonfle EngtnMrtag, salts 1474 VUtlro bklg.. Now Tork. tOO TOUNO men for Sremea and brakemen oa leading rallroada; experience aaneceaaaryi . Sremea get 8100, brakemen SH0; rapid pro- motloa to englneee or ' oondsctor at doubl th Ml'ry; socltlons now open. Addrem near- " Mt office. .. Natloeal - Bellway . Training Aaa'n.. 730 Pa 1 ton but., Omaha, Nehraaka, or 3i Kldxe stag., aanea tur WANTED Tonng men to prepare thmelve for bookkeeper and tenorphera. Sine Sept. t w hv. had 474 application from . baalnM man: daring thl Mm Period w. . h.v placed SS4 In poaltlon. Open 11 th yer, day and eight. W will place yon la s position whea competent ; enroll bow. Catalogue. Behnke-Walkar BualneM College. FIREMEN and brakemen en Oregoa and ether rallroada; experience anneceaaary; firemen 8100. become engineer and earn 1200 amnthly, brakemen ST5, becom conductor - .1 ha, wI,Iam .waiting ,lwin ID. wmrn K" " m, competent young men; tat age; Mnd tamp; nam position preferred. Railway Aaa'n., Dept 44. 184 Oeery at., -Sea Francutoo.- MEN AND WOMEN to learn barren- trad to . sight wweka; graduatee Mrs from 418 to 834 weekly; expert Imtroctore; cat.lnaue free. Motor Syatent ef Oollegas. 88 Marts Fourth t., Portland. SALESMEN to latrodoe th world' wonder lu trait Pnrhank'a sew stonaleas plum (Miracle). - Cbolc et territory. Caah weekly. AddreM Waahlngtoa Nonary sompany, Top- i penlab. Weahlogton. AGENTS WANTED to sail aunerlor, blgk-grad sareery (tork; complete outfit furniahed fraei eaab weekly: writ 'today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nuraery Com pa ay, aalam, Oregon. - ' WANTED S energetic, reliable ealeamen or rapidly grow lag real Mtate office, between 36 yeara and 40 yera of sga; sblUty-d character th criterion; drinking sun need not apply, X 30, car. Journal. WANTED Tonng men to learn telegraphy and railroad accounting; aalarlea 476.00 to 400.00. For free catalogue addren Morae Colleg of Telegraphy, S04 11th at., Oakland. Cat . WB get work for ear membera; special mem ber, tx. T. M. C AH Foortb sod TamhllL WANTED 10 wideawake eeleemen for dtr and . road; good salary, and eommlealon and per manent poaltlon te right partle. Call or writ at once. W. B. Taylor A Co., S Lnbb bldg., Portland, ur. WANTED 4 me to work In brick and aewer- co!! p raetory. appiy to oinc vunaa ami , xoec oa aaaiar . . WANTED Men tot brick rrd. Vareteag, -Ger Brick to., ait na iiiismou m WANTED Flnt-1M batcher, for shop; w be good eattor and MSMgemakar. W, Irvln, Aurora, Oregoa. BOX WANTED) steady work. SB North Frost, cor. Davla. PLUMBER WANTED. Apply 144 Psrk St. WANTED Tws or three flrat c la, all-around machine men; permanenT puaiiion, goon wiiw. Oregoa Faraltors Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WANTED Planer fedra. . Eaatara A Waatar Lumber company. t WANTED A good milker, wage 840; so farra work. Be captain ax earner vara. iuw o Taylor at. ' ' 1 WANTED Tonng man, goer penman aad entek at figure, ror ciencai poaiTion, auaren V 44, can Journal. WANTED S experienced linemen, S tlysam. m .!.l.,n. Annlv lie .mm. , ...... . ... 1 . . Stonev S Vs Nop hetei, Third d P tee sts, II s. m. to 8 p. m. WANTED Good reliable men for stockroom; practical barne-maker praiarrea. Jens curt haddlery CM04 Front t. . . JANITOR wanted at S2S Abmgtoa bldg. ' WANTED Druggist. sVs who ran talk Oermaa, to buy kali 1 titer eei la complete orugetore. th. only on In rood college, ew a. Mnat taks full charge ef Ike place. 1 J4, Jownal. i ' :' , - ' -.;.v;.;:-: ,-.V.- takes advantage of tha nir ; .: .7.; . v 44M M M M 'Ml MM M MM MM HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED Operator to Work ea ahlrta .end oraralla. Leaaon give to Inexperienced. . Apply at Standard factory No. 3, Oread ave, ana s. layrar t- BANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCT. S8H Waahlng toa at., cor, Beveath. a pat a Ira. Phone Mais X0B3. rm.h help wanted. : WANTED Glrla to make "Boaa of 11 at T8 tlrat at. 8IRTJI shout 14 year oLjar te jrork la fae- lory, apply at once. ABM-aarri-cvui Ce Fifth and Darin ata. - THE HOME LADIES'- AOENCT. Famal - help furniahed fie. to employer. Jtegiatretlon FrM. 14SH Fonrth at., upataire, room S3. Mala aSSa. WANTED Help. - Unloa Laundry, Co.. Second and Columbia. . ... .. WOMAN, wear 3A, fair education, eome bneineM . knowledge, meet dree neatly, to take poaltlon . st one. . 38 Lew la bldg. WANTED Obi, atMdy work. Call St BS North rront, corner wtb, - -. .-.- WANTED A ..pantry woman at th Hobart- intn, sno ita i near jarrereon. . WAITRESS WANTED Good wages to good girl; experienced Jprererred.- The Evergreen Reatanrant, 484 Whlngtoa St. WAITRESS wanted at th Hobert-Ourtle, 268 14th t.. near Jefferaoa. - WffTBD-eA plain swr toTr"sttb ho' at once. rnon. woodiawa at. WANTED Girl or woman for general bona. work; amair r.mily, no children; good cook. Pbos. Eut 638. WANTED S '"11, eiaeflere. Portland Hotel lanndry. WANTED Olrl In ahh-t factory; good wage, teady work. . Apply Oregoa City Wool Mill. Oregoa City, Oregon. " WANTED Person to pick barrlM en abaree. roone Tinor ano, - WANTED Hand Iron era at Oregon Laundry, MALE AND-FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted aad nnplled, male ar female. B. U. Drake. SOOrt Wtohington at. racine wu. WANTED S olIHfG t male, 1 female; good . pronoaitton. good pay. iu at one su ! Fleldner bldg., 10th sad Washington. FIRST-CLASS - SERVANT for g.neral bona - work: good wage. Apply 691 Hancock as r Monday. WANTED S troner. 13 mangle bands. Port- and notel laundry. WANTED A hypnotist. T SS, Mrs Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BT young man a stenographer and typewriter: real Mtat ana noianat WcCKeJ,r 283 KlngaC j SlW'fce; .eeree. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE POSITION by reapectabl. widow lady a. bona- Keeper ror napeeraoj. wioowar. aai xoa. . 883j Grand avenue. -. v - BCifPECTABLR widow wanta poaltlon as booe keeper for widower. Tel. Eaat 4264, or 888 Grand are. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; emth(ng sews goat Mllar) big wage. 304 McKay bldg. BIG PAT to on. agent In ach county working for. tha Inreator' Gulda. 811 Marquam bldg., Portland. Oregon. MAN ef good addreaa, every city la Oragoa. to take agency Accident Inanranc Co., 44,000, 000 capital; large eommlMlona. General Ac- . eldest Co-, Mohawk bldg., Portland, Oregon. LADT agent on aaliry or commlMlon; sncceM certain. Call t 621 Hlbbard st Monuvllla, or phoo Eaat 6207. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland Employment Co., 300 V Morrlsoa at. . Phone Paclte 339. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB , FOB MEN. SS N. Second st Pbon Mala 1824. BIG FOUR BMP. AGENCY Hern enpplted free, 14 Morth Seeosd at. Pbose Mats 1S1A - - m.-aanWBawnwaqaBawanam waMaal WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot la ax mange for equity la 4 or T-room boose, rnon lublMk WB WILL SELL yoar property, no matter whet It 1 or when located, (lend deacrlpttoa sow " and w4 will do th rest. - InvMtora' Onto . Co., Ill Marqnam bldg, Portland. Oregon 448.000 CASH rnatomer wants snhnrban sere- age tracta. ttome Land lw., 10 mt at. I' bon 14a la 1420. WANTELWTO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Hon, cottage, flat, atorea, offlcee, roomlng-hona, ate. LandV lorile will do well to call on . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF 0REOOH. Phon. Mt: 73. S. B. Cor. td and Oak. WANTED A modern 4 or 7-room boo., far- . aletud tadulte); will leu. for SIX month, with nrlvllere of renewing for another all month rnor; reference furniahed. Phon Main 8344. WANTED Two furniahed room near Holla day and Union vea. alao lady's bik, Tel, Eaat - 43riR. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 1600 to 46,000 for biveatment In a . sear Portland; well worth Invert Ipatlna; em ployment If wanted. F IB, care Journal. WANTED 4000 to pen sp sew copper mine; will give an extrs good opportunity and ln . 4icment. Cell Is foriaoes Jones' Book Stare, ., 391 Aide St. - . 4. She la highly Indignant" NOW, THAT JUST. LIKE WOMAN? ISN'T ; i 7 .''.. . -,.. .? MM M M t t f ft WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BUT, SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD . TMlFiU. WEB IE BIT BALTAUa W, SX . 28 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 70S. WB WILL BUT poor fsraltar any old time. wMiera saivag vo., hi wawiagtos ei PAINTING, spraying sad whltewaahlng tree, be a. Kent, barna. docka. etc. 1 lancet saaolln ' epraylsg outflt on th coaat. M. G. Morgaa at v.. szs uama are. raone aast eii. FURNITURE worry, loa. tin - etfie TM. goods. Jost p pboaa Pa- Mala BBSS FTJRNITURB WANTED ' SpOt cash. . ",; - FORTt.AKD AUCTIOM IflAMa. ill Flrat St. . . - Male 8408 WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO. WANTED To- bnr medrnnvalaed track ar down, wagon. Crane Bottl Co. Pbose Mala eeno. ... - HIGHEST caah pries paid for eecond-haad goooa. rnons Baat sott. ias union ave. WANTED Farm bone, shoot 1,800, (haan: alao double harneaa sad farm wagon. 1M ITkl., . . T ... TO- bay an aotomobll that will carry a mora; If yon don't want to sell, dos't col ItM AUaky bldg.. Third and- Morrtaoa. WANTED S rowboata. Apply 184 Third st. WANTED Ftret-elaM Campbell A Pearsoa ma chin operators. John Clark Saddlery Co., 104 rront at. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TH RimELIETr-S8H NORTH SnCTTg ST. THB GBAND, 4li Nirtk Third St. I gentlemen si.zo per week sso . THB BENNETT. MSI Morrleos St., 1 block from Portland Hotel, under new management Remodeled and refornlabed: sic nnreelaln bathe and hot water all tha timer-seems ty tne eay. wees or awnta, aingi r a salts. t popular pneea. rnon. isho. . v ST NORTH 14TB ST. Finely fumlahad room ror gentleman, go per month. t WELL-FURNISHED room, with hoard, 411.80 per month -ana up; alee day soars f par wees. in. utryner, ass xaynr at THE PALM, 1H Third Comfortably for. lanra rront ana oiner ugni room, tranatent ana weesiy, reanonanfe, tt r: 41 AND UP Nicely furnUhed room. SOS lltb. NICELT furniahed room for rent at price. Apply 387 Eaat Coach at. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ONE large unfumtahed mom, with clone t, for light pooMkeeping. ttontgouiery 4 corner nrin. ........ FOR RENT 14 onfurnlabed room, single a (II; good location. Inquire st 894 Sixth at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL. Flandee and Room,' hnraokMpIng ana yenlenti price reaaoaabl. LARGE elegantly furniahed bona keeping room; caa ran re, running water. The Lowne d.l. 608V. Alder at. 41.18 PER WEEK Large, clean, mrslsbed hooaekeeplng-ronma ; laendry sad bath. 144 nnerman. Bourn rortiano. 41U0 WEEK UP, clean, faralabed keaeekeep. rooma, wits yard, parlor, launoxy, nain, tor, nan heat. XOJVi Stanton at. tj ear. THB HALL, 414 Fifth Furulaned bouorkaeptng. room. our lata waieom. THB JEFTERSONIAN, 814 Jeffersos St. Nicely rurnianea auitea .1 two or. tan. room, wits 11 convenience ; cheap. ... 1 , TWO OR THREE boaaekaeplng room for rent; nee or pnon ana nata. pur auasuMippi ave., Alblna. . TWO furniahed booaekMplng fut. S roema eacn. av and 10. . 033 avnth at. 4 FURNISHED houaekeeplnaeooma. 61 A Spescer at., Momavllla. rnon. Kaat S474. ill. ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED Board for lady and two girl of ja ana 10, en irm near noon ainri aititad 1,000, feet or more prf erred; atat torsi. P 88, ear JournaL . ladt would us to care for ehlld er two; uotneriy oare; rate roaabl. Inqnlr 443 uantennein at., Alblna. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB rooma, ssfarnlabed roam aad earn pie room fog raat. Oeedaoagh bldg. Apply ! eator. , . PART of shop to rent, eultable tor palntac ef plamber. mm Foertb St. FOR RENT Deelrabl a tor on Union avenne. Hartmaa-A Thorn peo, a Chamber of Com- FOR RENT larr brick torroom and ban. Kent, eultable for any kind of bualneea; good cation; cheap rente. Inqutr at 483 Wll llama va. Brounawall. FOR RENT--lc llttl off lc. Third and Mor - rraon, - anltabl hope, real Mtat. inquire room T t'ambrldg bldg, . . - FOR RENT HOUSES. KArtDERLT TRANSFER CO., prompt and re . Ilabkt plane and fnrnltara-movara; .alao tor ' age. Phon. Mala 1480. Offloe 114 M. Third. FOR RENT S new modern 8-room cottage, cornet Alblna see. end Monro at., 4 IB per month. Apply 170 B. Second st, N. 47 4-ROOM bona, eblckra park. Moatayllla car. Mala 4620. 1 FURNISHED bes la J Wood I awn st 414 per month. Apply 104 Waahlngtoa st. FOR WNT A S-eoom honaa, block of around, all In fruit, tnqulr ef-Jfr, Knight, T03 Writ Burlington, Bt. Johns. . FOR RENT Small 6 -room kona, thre block from canine. jeT taantenneia. aea.- ' NICE, new Broom modern booee. with large haaement, 601 Terrace road (head of Mont gomery st), 420 month, dot Commercial AUCTIONS. 7 :60 Horses tSO I will Mil without neeree ar Ilatt, a TaMday, July 17, at 1 p. m. barp, at the Union Stockyird. Portland, Oregoa, two car loa da of Bice, smooth range koraes. There ar oni (in young horaea to this lot sad good maree to ault farmer. Coat pad es me. I will Mil them quick.' ' , .. - JOHN TWADDLE, AucHonaer. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED, INVESTORS Colombia Denatariaed Alcohol Dlatllllng C.- ef Portland. Or., has beea tocorporated with s capital stork of ' level hundred and fifty tbooaand dollars (8760.000). Inveetora who caa b lu treated In thla company with eatlmated profit ef 81.000 per day abould call on Harry B. Stall. Oregon. Waahlngtoa A Idab. Finance Oa, treasurer Vancouver Kstlooal bask, ' Van couver, Waahlngtoa, WRITE a eolek-ahoat recent tmportaat de velopment ef tn Hunt Automatic 8wlth A niguai vo.r' way awe Beror nig J. F. nurat A Co., 304 McKay bldg. DO not keep Ml money. A postal card will - nring yon miormniion now to get tn. urgsc return, on sn abaolotaly aafa tnveetmeet f irom siw to sow. t. n. nauy, BIT Eicbange, Portland. Oregon. THB homeaeekare extmnlon to Mtoars Oregon, overland, win mst snoot ant OI jnly. Call looi- 410.000 WILL- bay 40x1 IB, centrally located. ncouiv 4,iw per revf p7 per nt OS 134,000; this property should treble ts vain 1 " v", v , Duia wiwr, wvaniy I than any hank, and three tlmee batter than ; oanwg money on rei earaT. sir. Beauwla, 3tul Stantom. aorner Commercial. Alblna. GROOERT-FEBD STORE, good locatloa. cheap rani, ii,ww, or ravoBoe. , 001 eroruats sis. FOR SAI.S Hardware and tmnlemaot 1 ny wnra, a, B. jaoomaw Bona, omrberg, . FOR SALE Stock , of groceries tlswsi sad 1 croravxTverv, m gooo. vuay BWB IBVOtC price. F 80, eat. Journal. IF yea r look lag far -a first-class sobsrbsa ' .. -grocery a tot. aare r si, cere journal. FOR SALB General ator In th li cheat part or wiiianwTTe raiieyt tow reet er neper, on mala llns ef A P. R. R-l good bnslsaasi n -compttltlon; no drayag or delivery; as city tax. Whitney Bros., Irving, Oregon. WELL eatabllabed ma rm factoring btansaas that ' win stand investigation ror sale at s her- gain; 41.800 required. C 40, cere Journal. FOB SALB Half Interact In dairy. ana ic cream manuiaetory, oomg nuainoM ef about 470 dally. V 4. car Journal. 10 MRN wanted to hrrast 8160; yon will sot nave te wars srtex nv yr; nu stasa tn. -jeanjratka WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A (XX MEAT market for Ml cheap; 8SS UBlea ev.. Bona; oomg. gooq enaineae. 417R BBAL ESTATE bualneea; snap; owners going aorta; no liar; gooo ooainMn; nra -MIL Price 4178. T If, care JoaraaL SMALL dro gator tn country tows for eslei so -competition splendid location ror doctor. For reference apply to Rotermund. Grant " Paas, Oregon. . -'rr-r-.- Well located rearaurant doing good bualneaei . everything Is flrst-elu condition: mating capacity between 80 and 00 people; rent ' 444 par month; price S760: would take owe half caah, balance reaeonable time, er would Sonsldar ronmlng-houae In exchange, . OTTO A CBOCKETT, ,- r--- S46U Waahington street. -' CORNER aaloan. eld-cetabllahed. first ehus la very wavj paying; ilckneaa MOM of MlUBg. AddreM T 18, car JournaL OROCERT ator. at- 4 per eent below Irrvotce, or win romp orr ror si.xn; stoes an new and sp to data; 4 living room ad (tablet ' fin corner, cheap rant; good opening; mnat Mil at a Mcrlflc. Call 103 M Foortb. FOR eale cheap and on y terma. SB-barrel water power Toner Hour mirrr ad R., Box 34, EotarprlM, Oregon. BFSTAURANT and ranch counter hi good loca tion, with leeae, ror Mi. V 00, care J carnal. FATING NEWSPAPER SBd Job Sfflee la growing uregnn rowa st s Bargain, investf gats. V 41, Journal. SPLENDID OPENING for drngglat epeeklng German: eomnlet drasator. oak flxtora. marble fountain, alee store building with He. lng-rooms, - eieetne light and tele pa one I stock st Invoice, or will Mil kslf luteraat to one who caa taka foil charge. Might ex change for farm. F 38, JournaL FOR SALB or exebaffr for farm, block ef tore, aue about ss.nno worth 01 gooes in good valley town. V 64, JournaL ' Llttl confectionery, 1 cigar (tor, writes Feed plea. end eakeat nice little stand for 4260, with very low rent; building am lee aad ground: building snd stock eotud be bought for 1438; It I snap. OTTO A CROCKETT, , . . ; . 146 V Waahlngtoa atreet. FOR SALB Fin lot nf abetvmg, all ar part. ohMp.rbono Pacific FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. It seres ea car line, flret-elaee nil, run ning water, about 1 sera of timber) fair bouM and barn: tots of berrla; beat bar gain: near Portland; 44.B00. 4 sera, 1,800 feat from Courtney station, good small bona and barn, 1-aere orchard, all fenced; hone, wagon and harocM; chick, ana; aU cropai 43,000; terma. . ' OTTO CROCKETT, - : S48H Whlngton atreet. CHOICB HOMB AT A BABOAIN. - rooms, eonMrvatnry, bath, gaa, lcrr1 light, hot-wter beating; lot 86x100, frnlt treea; bars; saey terma; aortbaaat tot aaa of Eaat 18tk snd Dvl sts. ; v;--F. M. BATCHELOB, 404 McKay bldg. ton SALB A cbolc piece f OoramMs river front property, cioae m, gou mm . nia, EldredgV V vYerrlflald, 104 Foortb St., Van couver, Wash. - T-ROOM modern dwelling on Sacrammto at.. .. neer Union are, and s good school: 100x134 ground; cheaper man airi at a,wo. um quick or yoa will bw. it. Hartman A Thomp son. Chamber of Commerce. 4 acre ckiM to city, nearly sll under salt!, vattonr fine ercbstd, fair boo, oa good road; 41,160. Aad s largs Hat ef good farm near Porte land ean be bought ea good term ssd reaeon able prlcea. . OTTO A CROCKETT, ' 346 H Waahington tnt. FOR SALB A anburhaB bom. 176x100 feet. good 6-roem nottae, nara, eneice -nearrnc rruit, berrlea. Inquire 112 Alder. Will Mil cheap If old soon. " t FOR SALB 44,600 Beat bargain In elty, beet- nee urr'imi l J . peje "inra. viii once, too Abmrtnn bldg., room 80S. Mala 441. Frank William. A FINE hem for S3.6n0 1U acres st Oat Grove, ee O. W. P., 7-room nonee, hath and nantry. good water. 60 fruit tree sad ahrnb beryi 40 chicken to go with place, sleo year's supply apllt wood. Thn M SB Ideal plec; complete houeehold fnmltnrc If d a trad. 4160. Terms ssd sartlcolsra, Oragsry. Phn But 440L , . .