The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 07, 1906, Image 8

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10 o:;i OEiiiiiF
And he had exploded with Indignation
A Mourn AGgQ
j. Thomas Gulnean Tells
Chinese AccussCVof Murder Tells
Every One Except Ministry ResV
Izes That Uprising In Proj "
v ; v rest Is 8erious. y
Ciory of Daughter's Married
Ufe With Oscar Stone.
Story of His Trouble to
Judge and Jury. . ;
Alao Disposed of Her Jevrels Then
Asked Her V Parents to Produce
More Said He Wat ReUtiva " of
Becretary Hr Had Prospects.
Denies That Shs Was Ever Slave
;-Girl and Offers In Evidence Huge
Defection la the Army Is Spreading, ,
th . Coasackr Are Disloyal and -
tha Oendarrnes n Ars - Unreliabls
v vxn i -:--- .
Chinese . Document to Prove It-
Prosecution Contests Its Admlsaion
. J- '
1 j- ..
H After be had read witn amaiement tne American beef
' packine scandals " v 'V-'L -v ' 'f':'- k v ' '
If'" - . . ... .. . ':. - j . ' , .. ;'... ; .' '..' "
If. . . . . f . - 1 1 t. , t e . - ., v - - ... .... . . -,. T-y
j v::v.v;.. :- ;- -. ' ' '.. 4 p-v :.'"'-; .:.:- -v...1-
It- - I m A. d. aaaw - . . asa . a '. -. " v ' - r C "W T1.
(. UKKibLtii rrr. va;v- yss
Si iiif fe
"Stone told us he was a relative of
ecretary of tate Her. end would take
ny daughter to Washington. I -wanted
to appear well, as 'w bad num
ber of friends from California at Wash
ington, and I gave my dsugtiter an ex
tra vacant trousseau, which Btone laur
left at a "hotel t-atlefy beard bill.'
teatlfled Mrs. Thorns Oulnean before
Judge Oantnbln, in the circuit court
this morning at the bearing or tn sun
of Beaale May Stone for a, divorce, from
Oscar C Stone. "T- '...'.,,.-
"I also save any daughter' a number
of diamonds," continued Sirs. Gulnean,
"aril ahe bad about 11,606 worth of her
own. ... Stone ' sold the In- Bpokane.
liaay of the diamonds bad been alveii
rap by my husband, and there was one
pin that I bad merely loaned my daugh
ter till ahe cams back from Washington,
All of toes were sold." , 1; . . ,
Also XM ' Brick rrospoots. ' ,
Then he told us If be could get
to Arlsona he could establish himself
ss the law partner of Judge Moorman,
ro we sent them' down there,- and set
them up In housekeeping. . I gave them
a piano, a typewriter, besides - house
furniture of all kinds. The next ws
heard was that " Stone was compelled
to leave Alisons. He collected some
I Hla' for Judge Moorman, appropriated
the money to -hie own, use, and' told
the Judge he had been unable to col
lect them. We sent tor our daughter
and ahe came home.
"We sent tickets tohsr at different
places. ; We were afraid to send money,
for fear Stone would keep It My daugh
ter came boms to use five times' with
out her Jewelry or clothing, and each
time we bad to replenish her wardrobe,
fjton lived off the Jewelry and clothing
we gave her, and for four years of the
six that she was married she lived at
home.' i. .. -.-(!..-. -
i. Wests WOm Sine raid.
"There are lawyers bothering us now
trying to make us pay Stone's bills and
notes that my daughter signed with
him.":'-- - ' '" . -,,"',
Mrs. Stone teat Wed that her husband
had been In trouble In all parts of the
country, end had been In Jail several
times. -"He always promised me he
would reform." she said, , "but he never
. did." . -i ; . ... v - ,
She teatlfled that: her' husband -was
arrested In Butte, Montana, because he
would not par. a hotel bill, and after
ward when he came back to Portland
he located people k fraudulently en tim
ber glalma, and had to seek safety from
arreat in flight i She eald that while
In Klamath county he became angry
because her father did' not send them
money and knocked 4 her-, down r and
choked her. -.:-. ' ;
Attorney ClA. Dolph testified that
he had acted" as Mr. Qulnean's attorney
and had paid many of Stone's bills. Hs
said be Induced Mrs. Stone to return to
. Portland from Nevada, where her hus
band bed left her In destitute circum
stances,, and had told her It would be
lesa expensive to her father to support
irr st home than away. He said Stone
' 1 now under sentence "to the penl ten
Mary for an Indefinite period, having
been -convicted In Umatilla county of
-ntaining money -under false pretenses.
iJivorce was granted. They were mar
ried at Bpokane In Jane.' 100. v
- Brlgadler-Oeneraf Flnser said today
that none of The dates had been changed
for the encampment of the Oregon na
tional guard this summer, as announced
y other Portland papers. Tbs soldiers
-will spend It days at American lake,
'Washington, commencing August 11.
General Flnser also ' denied that the
xifle tournament at Salem would be- a
try out for the national match at Sea
as official announcement had been made.
, The reports sent out by the other pa
pers have caused no snd of trouble at
the . adjutant-general's office, Soldiers
have been calling up the office over the
telephone and appearing In person to
find out whether a mistake had been
made in the -official -orders-Issued la
pamphlet form a few daya ago."
... All of the men who will atttend the
tournament at Salem are there, mors
than so in all. The men competing will
consist of 1 teams of four men each
and one alternate. In addition to these,
there , will be on man from the regw
mental staff, one from each battalion
staff and one from the ordnance.- The
teams are divided ae - follows: Twelve
from the Third Infantry and four from
the First separate battalion.
(Spadal Dtopateft to Tk JaaraaLI
Asotin. Wash, July f Fred Slang,
en of the three burglars who escaped
from the county Jail here on the morn
ing of July 4, and who was shot near
Rlparia Thursday night 'when captured
with two confederates, died " on the
steamer Iewlston yesterday while being-
brought her. . - ' . ' . .
- Before dying dang confessed to the
officers that . his real nam . was
Frederclk Blom and his home waa In
Frede'ricksted, Norwsy, ,.; The robbers,
who knew that Harry Drapers, blood
. hounds war huptlaa-thm lntd-
take their chances with the river In
tad of a chane - across th country.
It was a shot from Drapers 44 Colts
that - Blom the mortal wound - In
the left breast. When th prlsloners
were searched last night before being
ssaln tjut nt Jail the sole of their
shoes were found lined with saws.'
""- tJrairaal ftwrtal ai fU e.V
Washington, "July - 7.-Conaul t Ids
cable the following:.
"W. It Hart died of cholera July 4.
.'Tntiry ,, Llsal. Peppard at Caldwell,
liaho. ' Ther Is an Improvement In
ilia altuatlnn, there being 11 cases In
' It bour endlns at 1 a'clock July 1.
tie dally a vera r has dropped to about
-ilf the wiaiorlty mentioned of caaea
ynd dak" , -, '
And e had denounced his friend Sam in scathing terms
, fc C- 11 11 .mm s (;-' ' V
Seattle Woman Finds That She
Had No Right to Marry ,
' i- - - Portland Man. -
fSneelal DtsDatra ta Tea leeraaLV
- Seattle, Wash, July 7. After mourn
ing her husband as dead for two years
snd a half. Mrs. Frank C. Black married
John Ma xlstad of Portland only to have
her first husband appear -within, a weak
after th second manias; had been par-
formed. The woman- told Judge Tall
man this morning she had read of her
first husband's death in - 10I, some
months after ' h hd dssrtsd her - -fn
Lincoln county, .- For . two .yrs . shs
mourned his loss.. . ..
Then she married her second; husband
on October 21, llll, m Portland. When
her first husband appeared sh told him
that sh was happy In her second mar
riage and bs disappeared. Her second
husband persuaded her to get a divorce
frotnih flrsthUBliand. This she did
on 'the grounds of cruelty In August
10. This morning sh appeared be
fore Judge Tallman and asked him to
annul - th second marrtag on th
ground that sh - had - no right to -eon-
tract it because at the time her first
and legal hiiftbend was living.
Th first of th free summer concerts
will be siren by th Park band tomor
row afternoon in th City park, com.
menclng at 1:30 - o'clock. Manager
Charles u, Brown and Associat Direc
tors DeCsprio and McElroy are aiming
to bring out the best band ever made
up of local talent and having engaged
the beat musicians available, they feel
certain of success. Rehearssls have
been held for soma time and a fin pro
gram will be rendered at . th opanlng
concert - ." " i . - s-
In th main th band Is ths earn that
played under Director Decaprlo at th
Lewis and Clark fair, but ths organisa
tion has bean strengthened-materially
by the -addition of about It players, so
that It now contains full Instrumenta
tion. .- "'
(loarnal RneeUI Servlee.l -
tAS-.ABgeleav Car-July-4,a-Thr local
credit men's association Is making an
Investigation' of the welching insur
ance companies defrauding their Ban
Francisco policyholders, and declares th
boycott of such companies will be gen
eral her. It la estimated that $20,000.
00 Ilf policies will be cancelled within
six months and 110,000,000 within a
year, 1 .,.....:.
(Jonraal Rpertal Serrl-e. ..
San Francisco. July 7. It was
learned this morning that the shipown
ers havs at last decided to arbitrate th
sailors' strike and that a' meeting to
this end .will be called by th mayor
Monday., Aooerdlng to th report -th
owners , aiked the mayor to prssent a
third letter asking arbitration, which
tney considered favorably, 4
t K
Wouldn't It
Members of Washington State
Railway Commission Holding
. Important Mjsetlng.
Conference With Railway Officials Is
7 Being- Held in Worcester. Block
, This Afternoon' and Will Continue
-Until Late Hour This Evening.
if ..... ji . 1 -. . -
Members of th Washington : state
railway commission arrtved In Portland
this morning and are holding a confer
ence with trafflo officials of th O. R.
tt N- Northern Pacific and Great North
ern railways today for ths purpose of
diaousslng th. proposed new-distance
tariff schedule for Washington. The
conference commenced at o'clock
this morning In th Worcester building
snd will last until let this evening.
Th new distance tariff schedule was
th subject upon which ' ths testimony
was taken at Walla Walla last week.
Th object of the meeting today was
to go ovsr ths testimony and prepare
a new tariff tabl which would mean
a reduction of rates for the entlre-aytate.
Th . details of this table -and .' th
amounts of th reductions will not be
decided Upon todsy and will - depend
largely upon ths outcome of th meet
Ins of th trarno - managers Of tn
railways all ovr th United State at
their meeting in Chicago nest montn.
Ths new tabl IS not expected to be
prepared befor September 1.
Those attending th eonferene to
day are: H. A. Falrchild. chairman of
the commission: J. C Lawrence and J.
8. McMillan, th remaining members of
th commission; J. W. Lysons, assist
ant aenretarw of th commission Snd O.
O. Caldsrhead. rat clerk,, 'The railroad
officials attending wore: 21 a. Miner,
eneral freight agent or tns u. n. m .
WTE. Bhlnner, assistant general freight
as-ent of the O. R. N.i O. J. Wood
worth, trafflo manager of th Northern
Pacific, St Paul; Henry Blakeley, west
ern freight agent of th Northern Pa
elflo. Tacoma; H. M. Adams, trafflo
manager of th Oreat Northern. SVPaufc
' tJeerael goeelal Barrtce.l
Chicago, July 1. The attorneys for
4hwGMe-A -Alton
Ing declared It Is th custom among th
railroads to pay such rebates' as tbs
Alton Is convicted of giving. Th court
said that If such a custom can b proved
he will mltlgat th punishment Prose
cutor" Morrison said If this Is proven
ther will be more prosecutions. - Th
cats was continued until Wednesday.
It Is expected that Morrison will soon
resign ths district sttorneyshlp to go
to St. ' Paul In th capacity of special
attorney for th government to investi
gate the standard Oil company,
Preferred Stock Oaaae Oeods,
Ailes A X-ewU Best Brand,
If he suddenly learned that
the same thing
Dump Him?
Treasury- Department Preparing
to Buy Land for New Pub-
r He Structures. :
(Waahlagtoa Bareas e The Jsaraal)
' Washington, D.- C July 7. Senator
Heyburn and Mlm secretary, ' Addison
Smith, wilt leavs for Idaho next Wed
nesday. W. B. Sims, on of Heyburn's
clerks, Is a candidate for th Indian
allotment agent . H will go horn Fri
day. Senator Dubois Is working up th
Irrigation congress to be hsld In Boise
ln-septemberand has promises from
Senators Bailey, Patterson, Carter, New
land and others to b present Dubois
goes to Idaho on July It.
Th treasury department will : -open
proposals for a sit for a public build
ing in Eugene, August t; Moscow and
Lswlston, Idaho, August 7; BaUlngham
and North Taklma, Washington, Aug
ust I. .. . '. '. "
N. A. Sweetland, an 18-year-old boy.
employed as a clerk by Cowan a Broth'
era, wholesale neckwear . and hosiery
dealers, at Fifth and Stark streets, was
arrested last night by I tact Ives Bnow
and Relalng and booked on a charg ef
larceny.- It la alleged that Sweetland
stole nearly IL100 worth of neckwear
And sold- the goods to second-hand deal
rs throughout th city, realising about
tot as th proceeds of ths sales.
About two weeks ago th detectives in
visiting several of the ? aeoond-hand
stores found that the young fellow wss
selling neckwars commonly sold for l
snd 7t cents a piece at th ridiculously
low flgurs of (0 cants' a dosen. They
mad an Investigation, and upon finding
nt Sweetland was regularly mpioy'
a dark at Cewen Bros,.' decldi
that he had no authority to ' sell th
goods st th low flgur. : 4-
W. r. jenktns, ' tne msnagcr ez tn
concern, upon hi return from a bust.
ness trip to Montana, discovered that
oonsldersble stock was missing, and no
tified the nolle. Sweetland' arrest
followed, snd he now occupies a cell at
the city prison.. It is expected that th
majority of th stolen goods oaa b re
covered by the polio. .
Bpeelel Plspetefe ta Te JssneL) 1 ' -Pendleton,
Or., July 7. It continues
hot In eaatern Oregon, registering 11
yesterday in th shade. It is not so
high todsy but very sultry, it raind
a Utile during last night Peopl In all
part of PeqdtstpTV whojgan are sleep
ing in tents, or on cot out" ofdoors.
It has been intenaely warm for over a
week and ther 1 soms suffering.' at
thoush. ne prostrations have yet bees
reported. ..-
" (Jneraal Ipeelet Service.) ' "
Washlnste.- Julv 7 At . OrMnsboro.
North Carolina, July , Secretary Taf t
will speak, sounding th keynote of the
congressional campaign, , ,
his own packers' were doing
v. ,....,u,ll.nav.n.a
Insurance Societies Are Getting
AH the Premiums Possible
Before Expose. -vy'V
''.' (tarsal Spedat Servles.l '' '.' ''''
. . Oakland. July 7. SUrtllns develoo-
menta are expected at th meeting of
th insurance adjusting commute of
It ' and ' a committee of flv of th
dollar companies called for Tuaaday.
It Is rumored that action la to be taken
.removing th "six-bit" companlea from
tn sub-committees to stop delay. '
It is reported on good authority th
dollar companies are preparing to check-
mat thoae paying no Ban FraneUse)
losses, but who are cuttlna ratea heav
lly and writing throughout th coast In
a desperate effort to amass premiums
befor their axposur by th Insurance
- Washington, July 7.-Oenral Corbin,
wno is ner 10 reorganise th aenerai
staff, said , today It will soon be dob-
slble to greatly reduce the force la the
Philippines. He thinks a permanent
fore of 8000 man la sufficients There
are U.tOO men there at present He
emphasise the need of free trad with
th United States. To show th pro
gress under the . American relsn he
said 100,000 children ar ntrd In th
Philippine public schools. ,
London, July 7. Th reported ngag.
mnt of Jean Held is denied authori
tatively. W, J. Bryan Is passing th week end
with th Relde at their country hous.
whither thy drove In automobiles this
morning. . .
Jersal SpeelU Serf Ice.)
New York. July It Ochr court, th
horn of th Ogden Ooslsts, on th cliffs.
waa searched from garret to cellar th
ther day for Mrs. Robert Ooelet's pet.
that rare all whit 3cotch colli. .
Mrer-OoalaW-had 3ust returned from
giving her pat a rid. Hs played about
th lawn and then suddenly disappeared.
Th servant of the his bouse, from
jtl Nun, on trial la the circuit court
for th murder of Lee Teck Lee. tea
tlfled In hi own. behalf this morning.
H said that h was working In a Osh
cannery-in Alaska -when his wlf was
stolen by Lee Teck Lie. He cam to
Portland, he said, to find his wife, Kwal
Heung. and waa told by friends that
L Yeck Le would kill fain If he tried
to locat hr.
"I heard sh was tn the hous ' at
Third and Pine streets,-; he said, "tend
went, ther to find bar. When Z got
ther I Teck Lee waa coming down
th stairs.: He started to draw his re
volver, and said to me, 1 will kill you.'
Than I .draw my revolver . and shot
him." '; '' -: '..
Ju' Nun said- h had no intention
ef Killing lie Teck L when h went
to th hous on Pin street and Would
not havs shot had not the ether China
man started to shoot him. :
An elaborate document In Chines
characters was presented by Attorney
McGinn, but it was objected to' by th
state's attorneys, and Judge Fraser re
served a rulin-on its admission till
later.- It la supposed to be th proof
of th marriage of Ju Nun to th worn.
an he says la his wife, A translation
of th document is: . ' - "
. Translation of Poeunsmt "'.
"This document le grven by Lou Wut
Shung. His little daughter. Kwal
Heung. , and Ju Nun have a creed - to
marry. The two families are friendly,
therefore, w. -. th husband and wife,
daughter to Ju Nu to be bis wlf.
May. they . 11 v togetner forever and
never part or hav any disoord. Ws
leav these Instructions that hereafter
they may not forget, but be In harmony.
Keep this document for - a proof.
(Signed) Lou Wut Shung, Ngan."
Mrs. W. a Holt, wlf of Dr. Holt, th
Chine missionary, acted as Interpre
ter during the-taking of Ju Nun's tes
timony, and th courtroom was crowded
with a curious throng who were greatly
surprised at ths fluency, with, which
Mrs. Holt speaks Chines. Dr. and Mrs.
Holt hav worked among th Chinese In
China. and In this city for nearly II
,Jjt)W flenlsB'that his wlf had over
peea -a. siav. ana aara u ui eiory
told by her at th trial yesterday was
untrue. He said also that she had never
lived en Baker's alley In San SYanclsoo.
The.-cross-examination of "Ju Nun by
Deputy District Attorney Moser .I be
ing continued this afternoon.' '
Walter Guy, th O. R. N. switch
man, who waa brought to town yester
day with a broken back held in position
by a plastr-of-paiis Jacket la reported
In a critical condition today. Though
not suffering much he Is very" weak
snd may not re rain enough strength t
under s;o th operation planned by Dr.
Mackenzie for Monday. - . . - .
! )W
- ' 'j:.:i-4v.-,si;?'':r'!,':7 H.1: "
Robert Coelet and Her -Pet Scotch
th chef to the gardener," organised
themselves Into a posse, and every nook
and corner, even .to th cliffs, was
scoured. .
Finally the police ware called, in and
every patrolman waa notified to look
put for. a whit Scotch dog. Dusk was
coming apace, and a second 'relay, of
automobiles and. carriages ... this time,
iiutk ti, iuii . . r
V 'i , (Jonrasl Special service.)
Chicago, July 7.-Th Daily Nwa St
Ptersburg correspondent .' cables that
all axeept th ministry hav agreed that
a revolution has begun which none oaa '
tell wher it wlU end..
Today Warsaw, Tlfllsi Riga, Kiel and
Moscow report strikes, bomtf explosions -and
highway robberies. I
In th Kiel and Samara district th
peasants' administration foroaa met th
regular in battle, the government
troop being 'defeated.'.
Th defection in th army la sprad
Ing. 1 Th ciar is in a quandary for .
vsW' the cossacks ar disloyal and th
gendarme unreliable. . - Th caarina
has consulted a elalrvyant -.The army.
th people and th douma are feverlah. .
Th- woman and onuarra ere sent
abroad and ths-Jaws are fleeing to
America. -, r.. ., ..1
In response to an Invitation made to
him same ttm ego Charles I Snyder ef
San Francisco, secretary of th twelfth
civil aervlo district of th United
States, called at th office of th Port
land civil servlc r commission this -
morning. ; ' ;
Becrstary MePherson Is' abaent en
his vacation, however, and Mr. Snyder
wae unable to mak th Inspection of ,
th offic h desired. Though th city
responsibl to th government officials.
report published nearly three years ;
sgo criticised ths Portland - methods -seversly.
Sine that time many change
hav been made, and It was th wlsh
of th commission that Mr. Snyder see
for himself that civil aervlo In Port
land Is no faroai . i .
Mr." Snyder is on his way to th
sound eltie to visit th offlosa there.
While at Hocjulam h will hold th Ini
tial poatofflo examination of that city,
which has lately been admitted to th
carrier class. ; H will also eonduot ex
aminations at Port Townsend, Jul7 11.
' (Jeoraal Special Service.)
Sacramento, July 7. Mrs. Mary Spin-
man..-who killed her drunken husband .
Sunday, waa acquitted at th prelim
inary examination today. ' Th woman t
shot her husband while tns latter waa .
attacking her father, who was attempt
ing to prevent th daad man from beat-
ing his wife. - -
..' Bono'
(JobtdsI Hpsetal Bervles.)
Birmingham. England. July 7 Th
entire populace Is todsy celebrating th
seventieth anniversary of Joseph Cham
berlain'' birth
rfia srwok Oaaaea
Allan Lewis' Beat Brand.
V-H v.
Finally Mrs. OoIet"hrlfand Ma,"
Ooelt Joined th hunting party.."
Caaeau Plnard found the dog and a
young woman of tha cottage colony ef
colli snd rescuer lust inside of ths gat
of th Plnard cottage. Then Mrs, Oce
lot's pet was tsken to Ochre court and
his reception was something to be re- '
membered In hlg career as a society,
dog, -' - '
. . t . ' ''""'' ' ' ' ' '
.... , w
'-'- --'