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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1906)
crxLA:.D. cAirr.DAy EVEinuo. julV r. 1::: rv. L 1 'SUMMER RESORTS. Inntl tuWriW ) ess la Ik leuraal aa eale M BeaeUa. Leag Beask H4 Htwpnt A iilt rlr dalijary will be aeiatalaed. Oreee '- Street frwn i el UM aetata and ha. will ttad ynMeeUy to de. .LOBO BZACH iaole Oohea, agent Mwtui Ilweee, Wui, De. Uwry to ell yo'nU ea e J"b. ., UAaiSS A O fcjaABBABT ' W. ft. Wnltmaa. eseatl aaaaouartare et lewis Oe.'s drug steie, l.eiiae. Dr. Salivary to u feists to . teach. IflwrOBT A TAftTTTWA Httt JMvelalaa, a.wa eea Canaille A lutan teilreed, aaaat. Kea-, - eoarWre at Mewpert, Or.- Delivery to - U potato an the beach. W1I.B01T aPB-IHOS I. V, MaLersa, . aeeat, Wuaoit, Or. ROT LAKE Hot Lake laajtaitaa 0a eeaot. Hot Lake- Or. . . OAiOADK, . WAAiC Taewiae Koffett, oolumb mtbtbax snnros, wash. - , 0. X. Baiohar, aaat, OoUma, Wash. roxioxrs munm, ......... 1 Tt flood- Wara Twaatjr-aaa." ."Hlp'Vaa Winkle" "Waaa ,,We nomiaj aacrinoa;; ......a....... .......'A Maw As. at Pantuea .......................... Grand Vaadevule Mora than 1(0 aait aid telephones wer put out of eommlaaioa yesterday .. ' af ternoon (or about six hour bjr the dredge, belonging to the Port of Port land running Into the cable connecting the telephonea to, the main office. The - big drdg waa working In front of the Inmajv Poulaen ,Co- mill - when eh picked up the cable and tor oft sev eral yards of Insulation. The accident ' happened' about o'clock and It was ' not until o'clock that the trouble de- pertinent of the telephone company waa , able . to restore servloe to the dlacom- flted oast aldera The cable was one . of three that, eonencts the seat side with the mala office and branches .over - a large portion of the business and . residence districts......,;,,,. . X K Devere and F. J. Smith, rep resenting tbo Open -River association for Portland, left today for 'Wasco to at tend a mass meeting called by Sherman , county farmers to form an organisation i of wheat growers.' . Xt la said the farm- - era will propose to establish sales dars - for wheat, and Inaugurate a movement . to Induce the state of Oregon to manu facture wheat sacks at the state pent- - tent 1st y to be aold to the farmer at a nominal profit, - as 1 don at - Walla Walla for the wheat growers of eastern - Washington. The Portland 'delegation will look after the transportation side of the question In the Interests of Porta land and the Bhremaa county people. Brills.... win U Bakar.,.., Star.. Collins Hot Mineral prtnrs hotel, : moat beautifully situated on the north - bank of the Columbia river, la open for guests the i whole year. The mineral water 1 especially good for rheuma- - tlsm, stomach, kidney and liver trouble. - Will guarantee good - aooomtnodatlona. Easy of access either by rai or boats. AU boats stop at Collins Hot Springs. O. R. N. local leaves Portland at 1:15 a. m arrives-at Collins at IS: a. m.; only- two- hours ride on train. ; Steamer, Spencer and Regulator lin of - eteamer lav "Portland nt-fv-, daily. C. T. Belcher, proprietor, will welcome yott alt,, Suit for tll.000 damages from the North Pacific Terminal oompany - waa filed In the circuit - court yesterday ' artemoon by Bernnard Hageman as guardian of Paul Cremer, a youth 1 '-yeafa oId7It U aUeged "that " while , Cremer was attempting to cross a track , on Northrop atreet between North Ninth -rand North Front street, h waa caught between the bumper of two freight car a, and badly crushed and crippled for ' life. It la stated that there waa no . watchman or flagman present, and that BO warning of any kind was given. v In a grave near the southeast corner t of Lone Fir cemetery the body of old Julius Caesar waa Interred yesterday afternoon. Rey. O. B. Jackson, pastor ef the African-American church her. read a noera which had been writ tan tar I FTncnaiv dressed in a presentable ault of black and a roe bad been placed la on of th lapels. A number of men who have known th old darky for years accom panied the caaket from the chap! to th cemetery. ... . ttailation ofoff leers to serve for the ensuing six mouths waa held brthe0,0" -hi,h.V.Jt Portland Society Unnea last night la Willamette hall: President, Charles Ek; vice-preal- , dent. Miss Emma Nelson; recording sec retary. Miss Olga Olaeon; financial sec retary, N. Faleen; treasurer, . B. Hel mer (re-elected) ; master of oeramonlea, David Aim: librarian, M. Udell j aaelst- . ant librarian. H. Hakanaon; truateeev GL F. Aaderson and Werner Patterson. . . Trolley Excursions onO. W. P, To . - morrow To Estacada, on th bank of the Clackamas river, a cool and re freshing rid of Tl miles, 10 cent round . trip. , Dinner at Hotel Estacada,. Tl . cents. Cars with trailers leav First and Alder streets, ?:0. 1:10, 11:10, 1:10, 1:40: 1:44. Till. Tickets must be purchased, on sal In waiting room. , -Druggist, attentlonl -The ti S. P. A, , this year go to Newport, leaving Port v land Tuesday, July 10. Only 110 round trip, all expenses paid. Tickets good for either east or west side and can be seoured from J. M. A. Lau. local seo- reUry, 11 Second streets, near Morrl son. Com with us, also bring your sweetheart, wife and babies. ' Outings by th Trolly Tomorrow on th 0.-W. P. -To Oregon City and Ca nemah Park, the finest ptcnlo park la the vicinity of Portland, II cents round trip.- Dancing afternoon and evening. Cars with open trailers, leav Flret and - Alder atreeta on th odd hour and every 40 minutes. Tickets must be purchased. onsftle Injwaltlng room. B. P. O. Elks. Th member of Port land lodge. No. 141, are .requested to -. meet In th lodge rooms tomorrow (Sun day) af 1 p. m. sharp to attend th funeral of our late - brother, - Ben - J. , Heajey. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. By order of the exalted ruler. JnOk. JBwfiofreyjBecretarr. '. Suit as you Ilk tham unique la design, ' well ' made, earefully tailored and up to date In every respect. The ere the kind we turn out every day. We make any suit in th house to order for IIS no more, no lose. Unique Tail oring oompany, 101 Stark, near Sixth. . Charging cruelty, Rosanna Williams has filed a suit in the circuit oourt for a divorce from Leigh Williams. She .allege that. her. husband failed to sup , port- her, and threatened to stab her . with a large butcher knife. They were married In August, lit. .v The Toting Women's Christian asso ciation will have tte ."Sunday at home" out of doors again tomorrow. From 4:10 to t Caloric Mr. Jacob Kamm has granted them th privilege ef using th rt rove tack or hap r'3ene on i o- ,a tr't at tae hel of L'Ui trei. 4 A rare treat I la store ta an address by a popular Booton minister rrom oiaagow, T. A. Forest. The I. at. C. A. Olee club will sing. A light lunch will be served. Ben Williamson, alia Brant, waa ar rested last night by Detective Hartman oby a charge of obtaining goods under false pretense .an-i forgery. The prta oner reaisted bl) taken to the olty prison and it became neceseery for De tective Hartman to us considerable fore In subduing the fellow. It 1 al leged that Williamson secured goods to the value of 111 from W. P. Fuller Co. by means of a forged order, to which was algned ' th nam of T. O. Sands. Complaint were sworn to this morning en both charge and William son will have a hearing before Judge Cameron next Monday. - According to the polio Williamson baa served, tun iA th county jail . , ,. ..r , jr Edith O. Ball has begun ault in th circuit court for a dlvoro from William H. Ball charging cruelty, 'drunkennea and failure to provide, auppcrt. Mrs. Ball alleges that bar husband repre sented to her before their marrlag that h waa able to aupport her,, but that soon after their marriage ah u com pelled to go to work and support both of them. She ask 30 a month alimony and that her maiden nam, Edith Luoaa, b restored to hsr. TV . T7""""' " ' Judy Klump, a youth residing at III East Third street. North, waa fined lit by Judge Cameron this morning for throwing firecracker In a atreet ear. Klump' was arrested on complaint of C. P. . Clemonson Of llO Mississippi avenue, who claimed that th boy threw a cracker through an open window of a car at William avenue and Weldler street, striking Mrs. Oemenson In th face and 'setting fir to her clothe. . ' The will of Olive Ana Brennan waa. admitted to probate In th oounty oourt thla morning. . By th term of th will a son, Gordon Reyburn, of Buffalo, New xork, la bequeathed 15 and the remain der of the property, said to be worth 11,000, Is devised to th husband, Robert T. Brsnnan,- ' ,. . -- . -... r The 10 law-graduate ef th Uni versity of, Oregon rwlir hold a reunion Monday evening at 7:10 o'clock on th seventh floor of th Chamber of Com merce building. Th class consist of il mombera. It will establish a prece dent by forming a permanent organisa tion which will meet annually., Water, through heso ' for sprinkling yards or ldewalka, or washing porches r windows, must be paid for In advance and used only between th hour of and Ian. and ( and I p. m. It must not b ueed for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to the rules, or waste fully, u will be ahut off, v -; . Greet weather for j garden bos and lawn aprlnklers, and th quantity being old bjr-Adolpb A. Dekum, ltl-lU Flrat street, la a caution... No wonder, for he splendid assortment and. good. quality with reasonable price. Hi Fountain lawn sprinkler la a gem. . Rev. Henry T. Atkinson of Ep worth M. E. church wlU be In McMlnnvlU. a former pastorat. over Sunday, and will preach there. HI pulpit here will be filled by Rev. Dr. J. K. Hawkins of McMinnvlll, who will preach at both service at Kpworth. " . -... i . A report has been filed In th oounty oourt by Valentin Brown, O. F. Mar tin and John F. Bemford. appraleere of th estate of Pearl Phillip, showing that the property of the tat consist of money In- banks to the amount of 13,814. . v - '- ;- ' Th wUl of H. a Lone waa admitted to probata In th county court thla interning. - All the property 1 dwvtoed to Dora id, Nswman. - Lione waa a negro and was said to be M year f age at th tlm of hi death. ' - , - la ta Thomas,' a well knows Portland horeeman. . waa painfully ' Injured Thursday by being kicked la th stom ach. Mr. Thomae is better today and la considered out ox danger. Rev. F. M. Ralna, of Cincinnati, (X, Corresponding Secretary of the Foreign Christian Missionary Society, will apeak at First , Christian' Church. ' Park and Columbia, tomorrow morning. -P- tember, 1901, toren TV. Olovar ha ber gun ault In the circuit court for a di vorce from Genevieve Glover. .They were married la May, llll. - Oraad conoert by Stile's fun ore he e- tra at Observatory Sunday evening at T:I0. On thousand feet above the city. Height ear. Admtssion-lecr- ' For Kale A few second-hand hot air Incubators, 110 and 140 gg capacity 1 good a new; and will guarantee them' to prove satisfactory. Ill East Morri son; Phono East lltl. ' ; 5 - Suit has been filed In th circuit oourt by T. J. Kreuder against Walter W. Happ to foreclo a mortgage of 400 on a tract of flv acres In Stephen addi tion, v- ' , ' "Th Non-Sectarian Name," Rev. E. S. Muckley subject at First Christian Church. Park and Columbia, I p. tn. Th Flrat of "Non-Sec taxlan Seriee." ' Concrt Construction Co., T01 Cham bar of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete atone blocks. Contractors for all kinds' of cement work. Tel Mala 110, ' To picnic and pleasure partlee: Th large launch Eva for hire, will carry from 10 to. 40 passengers. Terms very reasonable, Foot of Stark street. Launchea to th Oake from Favorite Boathou. south aid bridge, foot Mor rison street, every few mlnutee all aft ernoon and evening. Tel. 1401. j MUtoa A. Nathan, attorney, 1001 Steiner street. San ' Franc lace. Cornmlaalons promptfy executed. ' Bank referanoea. Can at Shanghai Basaar, 411 H Wash ington, corner Lownedale, for Chin and Japanei f ancjr gurloaJ To. th Oak Tomorrow. Car leave First' and Alder street every 11 min ute from 10 a. m. , ,- - C B. Walborn. furniture rwpairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. Tel. East llll, -Leading dailies rrom an the big elttea. Carl - Jones, Fourth and Waahlhgton, Dr. J. H. Da via has gone to Seattle and Taooma on a short trip. ' Worn an "k exchange, lit Tenth atreet, lunch, 11:10 to t. '.jr-. - Panama hatter, 111 4th. Phon Pa. Ml SPOKANE INSURANCE RATES ARE RAISED Spokane, Waah., July T. A II par cent inoreaa In fir Insurance rates on all buslneas property went Into effect yesterday. . Th circular recommending thla-. Increase Is Issued by the Washing ton insuraaee association. - . .. mum ' oumv D Two Women of Ct. Johns Pain fully Injured When Horse . Becomes Frightened, v MOTOR CAR DRIVER 4.7.;.. ;. D0ES NOT GIVE AID After Cajiaioc Accident He Speed Ahead and Make No Effort to Give ABalatanc--Womea Unable to Ob : tain Norsber of His Machine. . - Mr. 3. H. Mills and Richard Snap herd ef St John war painfully In jured by being thrown, from a run away carriage near Maegley Junction on th afternoon of - the Fourth. The horses attached , to th rig became frightened at a , passing automobile which struck the rig aa it paaaed and which' waa aald to be running at high speed. Mr. Shepherd was thrown from th carriage aa th borsee bolted , and rendered unoonsolous. - . With tha Una dragging on th ground th frightened team dashed down th road with th women sitting helpless in the carriage. Mr. Shepherd escaped unharmed, while Mra. Mill waa badly Shaken up and her back eerloualy in jured. It U said the driver of th au tomobile made n attempt to alow up aa be paaaed th frightened horees, and after striking tha carnage, causing the runaway, he continued on hi course. not even looking around to e U the ocoupanta of th carriage needed any assistance. la th confusion following the bolt of the horses the number of th maohln was not noticed and th Identity of its driver la not known. Th friends of th injured people are Indignant at the brutal Indifference shown by the driver and occupants ef th automobile. ' - Th resident of Vernon, a' suburb aaf'of Woodlawn, mat Wednesday night at th residence of J. D. Ogden and de cided toi make an effort tohav their water serrioe Improved. A commute is appointed to see th city water board . and aak for immediate relief. It waa developed at th meeting that on July I not a drop or water was to d had from I to 11 o'clock la th even ing. . Much actual distress waa reported. epoIally among young children. Every afternoon for th peat 10 day more or less complaint has been heard from the residents of this aecnon over tn ran- ure of their hydrant until now -the people pay am woiuuuu'uh vwwww uu- barabla, ' ---r- : . . A resident "of Tjpper Albina" suggeata the following aa aa explanation of th water shortage in th evenings of th recent hot apell: - "In my neighborhood th law regulating th lawn sprinkling hour la continually violated. The ordi nance says that lawn may b sprinkled between th hours of I -and .o'clock. I have noticed that several of my neigh bor begin sprinkling their back yards regularly at about 4 o 'clock; promptly at I o'clock they put the water on their front lawn and keep . it going until bed Urn. If th law I violated In on Motion of th city there la reaaoa to auppoa that It ta violated la th earn way all over th city. I bar noticed fur avial yis' that' but llttl attn tlon I paid to thl ordinance., with this condition of affairs w cannot ex pect anything else tnaa a water short age with very rourrtng hot spelL" According to Councilman Kellaher a mistake wae mad whan th council cam oel ed th proposition to make th Eaat Stark itreet All pending the build ing of th proposed aubway under the Willamette river. He think that a long tlm will Intervene bfor thla aubway ia built, and tn tha meantime aa Important east aid thoroughfare will remain closed east from Union avenue. Mr. Kellaher la afraid that the move ment to hnnrove East Stark street from Grand avenne-to- Eat-yortieth treet.'l that waa started nearly two years ago, wlU b now hold In abeyeno, waiting for th completion of the aubway.- He feels keenly th disappointment for th reason that he ha bean an ardent sup porter la th council ef th Idea to open up East Stark atreet from th river to the city limits. . . The O. R. N. Co. la having bum three large oil tanks oh the riverfront below St Johns. - These tanks will have a capacity of 10,000 gallon a. They are to be need for atorlng fuel oil for th us of th eompany'e river and ocean going craft. A pip line and-pumping station will be built to facilitate the handling of th OIL Th Marin Iron works, a nsw St Johns enterprise, haa tha contract for building the tanks. . 7 ? Oregon City River Tripe. ' ' Cool, comfortable and refreshing; take Sunday boat from Taylor atreet dock. Leavee 1:10, 11:10 a. m, 1:10 p.-m.; leavee Oregon City 10 a. m., 1:10 and 1:10 p. m. Round trip 15a ' X. . " -' ' ' 4 .5 "Entrance Fee Dropped. -' To ' thos who loin th T. M. C A. before July IS th entrance fee of It will not be charged. THE Jennings' Big Removal Sole Is 6a in full "'61 a t. Come tonight for special bargains. We move Info our 'blgr new quarter block September 1st. We don't want to take a piece of furniture or a yard of carpet over there. Help us get rid of the goods at your own price. Henry Jennlng & Sons, the house fureishers, 174 first Street. COLOR SCIEE TO OE EFFECTIVE Terra Cotta Work on WeUs-Fargo Building Will Present Many ; Origins Features. : EVERY FLOOR TO HAVE' ITS OWN DECORATION Eleventh and Twelfth Btorles In Par ticular Will Repreeent the Pacific ' NorthvMatMedalllona - of , Wella- Farfo Trademark Part of Plan., .i ..Now that om of th terra eotta for th Walla-Far go Co. , buUdlng haa been received an idea of 'the color euheme for th building can b formed anj that th color will be handsomely striking l evident. . Not only buUdlng be th larg st and beat appointed In th city but It wlU outrank any other for architectural beauty and coloring. While th color are rather brilliant they are so blended that they ar in perfect harmony, and as th ooior scheme doe not start until above the third story ths distance will glv that tono that will be pleasing to theey. -. v. - In designing tha figure for the terra cotta and the coloring many of them wlU be emblematlo of the Pacific north weat The eleventh and twelfth stories of the building promise to be strikingly attractive. Around all the wlndowa are massive borders of term cotta, which have been worked Into cluster of pine cones, the model for the cones having been actual cones aecured in the for eata of 'Oregon. Thee cone ar In dark buff, on a background of blue, Which brings, them out most effective ly. This la only en of th many color schemes, '.- 1. ..- ..-. Fearax on Xvery Floor. '"'.'t:, . Nearly every floor will have aom feature in.. colors. At various points oru. the struoture will be' large medal lions, which promise to have a most ef fective 00 lor scheme. These medalliope are actual reproduction gt th wall known Wells-Fargo trade mark, being worked Into green, red and blus, th am as th trad mark. - Architect Schadt today olosed bids for constructing the new building for th Royal Bakery at - Tenth and Everett streets. . Th building Is two ' stories In height of th alow-burning typ of Construction. , It has been design ad after model eastern bakeriea and the sanitary arrangements are one of Ita pronounced featureai The contract for J constructing the building will ,. be awarded In a few dare. - ' Mra. Belle Benbrook will build a two story bom on East Washington street near Kaaf-Thirty-sixth. It win be seml oolonlal In typ and will oot about 11.000.. . ' WlU Build Bungalow. X. A. Teres, president of tha American Investment company, la going to build one of the moat attractive bungalows In Portland on a tract of ground, compris ing about 10 acres, which he recently purchased near Mount Zlon and cloee to the new trolley road to Counoil Croat It will be located on a crest of a-hill, which commands an exceptional view over th city and th Washington coun ty valley. The atyls f th bungalow will follow doeely th lines of th Spanish mission houses of Southern California being surrounded by a broad roofed porch. It win probably be built of atuooo ' work, colored brilliantly, to carry out ta Spanish idea, A. a HU1 baa awarded to Nash Bros th contract for the construction of a two-story house on Broadway between East Seventh and Eighth atreet. It will, cott pearly 11.000. A bungalow coating between 11,100 and 11.000 will be built by H. w. Lyttie on Falling street near William ave nue. 1 After having a difficult tlm In plao lng - th - foundation for th Oearin building at Thirteenth and Washington streeta, work on that struoture Is now progressing rapidly. .Th contractor Inputting n the foundations ran across a Very-thick - atrat f-Uding sanJJ. which It was eifflonlt to control until the foundations wsre In. - Now, how ever, all tha walla are up, the first floor columns . In plae and workmen are new busy putting la the Joists for tha flrat floors. MEDICAL SCHOOL IS BEING REMODEtEDttto,",l The aoedioal department ef th Uni versity of Oreg-on la remodellns th bulldlcs occupied by th department on Twenty-third street, between Lovejoy and Marshall. Aocordlns; to th permit Just Issued th work will cost 11,000. - Permits have also been granted as foUowa: Dwlsht Cheney, cne-etory dwelllns, Klrby, between Simpson and Jeesup, cost 1100; Mortgac Guarantee A Trust oompany, one-story store. Third treat, between Market and Clay, cost 11,000; I T. DemorMt. two-story dwell inf. East Twentieth street, corner Alberta, coat 11,000; Burt Hicks, founda tion work. East Stark, between ' Cast Second-and East Third, coat 1110; F. Vetter, two-story dwelllns, Mallory avenue, between Shaver and Mason, cost 11,100; Corbett estate, tear down build In;, fifth, between Yamhill and Mor rison, cost l,000s Corbett eetate, ex cavation for offlc bulldins. Fifth, be tween Morrison . and- Yamhill. " coat 1,I00 IX M. Dunne, ahed. Rooeevelt. between Nineteenth and Twentieth, ooat 1160; Raleigh estate, repair to store, waahlnrton, between Sixth and Seventh, eoeVIIOO. - :,. . - i INTEREST IS SHOWN IN PUBLIC FOUNTAINS W. t.' Shanahan. sacrstaryeY the Or-onHvunpe society,- reports prog- rets in the work ef Induain g roat-men to pay for the ereeUoa ef public drink ing fountains about th streeta of Port land. - Three fountain ar already promised. On buslne man haa agreed to erect a ILOOO fountain provided two others will do the same. In addition, two phyelolane have agrd to pay for the erection of a fountain each aa soon aa tha designs are submitted and ther can make aa Intelligent aelectlon. The designs have already been or dered from th east and wlU be her In a week er two. . One style of foun tain Mr. Shanahan haa la mind for Portland Is a combination drinking fountain for man and beast The beast nd of It oonslsts of a bowl which, when let down, automatically fills. , When not In use It Is raised, the water empties Itself out and the vessel la always el Milwaukle Country Club.- ' Memphis end Louisville race. Take Sell wood and prtgog Ctt ears at rirsi 4 - T i '- "A Cotrvatto0Cuit9dt" IliEMIfi r SAVKGS DATri , Pye 4., per cent interest on savings accounts, compounded . semi-annually. Pays 4 per cent interest on yearly and - S per cent on six months time de posits. : - ;;",;-' "Call and tee us at our new banking rooms , in the Labbe . building, corner of Second and . Washington streets, for further .particulars.-.;;-':, ,'Vi . 'OFTXOZXS AJTD BZBWTTOMI ' ANDREW C 8MITH President. DAVID M. DUNNE. Vice-President , LAN8INO STOUT, Cashier, C. B. BE WALL Assistant Cashier. . , JOHN PRISCOU. AND Si C. . ' ,, OODXARD. ' KIEULAN r.lAY GET FIIIE RErTliTTED Executive ; Board Recommends - i.. ...... That Patrolman's Pay Bev ; . Restored to Him. : PUNISHED ENOUGH fFOR- HI3 0FFEN8E Justice Court Fine of Two Hundred . Fifty Dollars Believed by Police . Committee to Be Sufficient I sak- son May Get Back on Force Slight mitigation of the punishment of Patrolman 3. A. Klenlan for his par. ttolpatlon in the recent fight with the petty .officers of the cruisers waa rec ommended by the police committee of the . executive ,board . yesterday after noon, ante immeaiatsiy aooptaa ey tn board. . ,'i . By th report of the commltt en jun II, Klenlan was' fined' his pay for June, as well as receiving a reprimand. Sine th committee made It report, Klenlan has been fined !60 In th Jus tice court. . : "W ask that ths fin imposed by th committee be remitted,' and that "th whole report be retunSvd to th com mitt for reconsideration." aald T. O. Orn, chairman of th committee, at th meeting of th , board yesterday aiternoon. ' - -,'., Zsaisoa Kay Oe Back. ' . It Is possible, but hardly probable. that or r. isaxson, -who- was dlsmlased from lb fore for th aame causa, will be given his position again. He now has an appeal before th civil rvic commission. C.-A- .Cogswell wh. ha Just returned from an eastern trip. Inquired the price or oituiitnio pavement in Portland. He was told It was around 11. - 'T read In a Baltimore paper of -the acceptance of a contract by the Warren eald net-It -would- seem thatJPoj-tlandKr "iy ' k ' neonle are arettlnap eiiwhaA . I 1 1 Thomas Mulr waa awarded th con tract for constructing the new east side city barn at the foot of Hancock atreet, his bid being IS.Kl, ths lowsst received. There was Just I cents difference between th bid of J. R. O'Neill and the Conorete Construction company for th improvement of East Tamhlll atreet. CNelll bid 11,107.10 and Mr.. Wiles' company bid 11,107.11. Tha fir committee atlll has the old trrmble of the log raft wader the Bnrn atde atreet bridge on It hand. S. B. Cobb, secretary of the Standard- Box A Lumber company, owners of th raft always kept In this location, declared bis company I willing to meet the com mittee mora than half way In providing for the protection of tha bridge.. The committee will make another tnvastlga- report BURGLAR IS CAUGHT BY DARING WOMAN peelal Dtepetca te The tearsalt Che hail a. Wash., July 7. Before Judge Rice yesterday Edward Connlff pleaded - guilty to attempted burglary and drew a two-year sentence In the penitentiary.. Conn IS attempted to enter th house Of C F. broenke In thle city Friday morning and waa met by Mr. Oronk with a loaded revolver. HI capture and sentence followed. Mrs, Oroenke la the wife of a foundry man bare,, .. COUNCIL REFUNDS g r- MONEY TO SALOONS (Special Dlapatck ta The Jooraat) McMlnnvUle, Or.. July- 7. At the regular monthly meeting of the eity counoil on last Monday evsnlng I1.0II.I7 In saloon licenses waa refunded th alx saloons and hotel bars In this place. which ar closed on account ef the elec tion. , . . . ,. Two proprietors of saloons hare have crated their fixturea and ahlpped them away, but It 1 not known what th others intend doing with their. s tbovbu xm Maldrum'e big vacation U amounts to Just three years '-On th Inland ef MoJfelU e bright ' and fair. Will be leavened bv repwntenc bathed in bitter, scalding tears. With companions who ar living, in despair. -- And now corneal Mr. Puter with - two years to spend in Jail, And a fin of seven thousand at Its and. Oh, It make a fellow ahrver and tne - - eiouieei naerie io Quaui ' t. To think what's sur to happen te hi frland. , . -. . .. t The wofnan's day Is coming and she'U wlsh-ane nad neen 'straicht. And like girlies In the laundry she had worked. Fearless of the future cte forebodings , ox ner ia Ooneoloue thai n) duty-bad ' keen . ahlrked. .- ,. ,- . tmiOM LAUNDRY, ' . Tel. Main III. Beoond and Cplumbla. AU family washing o pound. A S A RULE you can bread the form of food wita w-a tr.ty are most familiar. Their Judgment Li intuitive ' a question of taste altofether-not warjrt J nrlA t theories, Hot influenced by advertising, not ham : eered by reasons. They like it, Or they don't like It. That settles it And. if they like It, depend on It that that bread is good bread. , Butter-Hut bread is liked better by children is eaten every day by - more children than any other bread baked in Port land. The loaf is unusually v attractive to the eye. But".. ; it Is tne taste-quality, tnat attracts children the supe rior sweetness that is pe- .,. culiar to Butter-Nut bread. Beware of imitations, and ..' accept -'; none i without our blue label, as herewith re- ' produced. ; . TlieXup That Chccre EDWARDS NON'iNTOXlCATlNG THAT OLD STYLE , GINGER BEER FAMILY TRADS SOLICITED - ' Phone) aUst 52 1 3 ACADEMY Portland Oregon - ;. uta tsajs wzxa orar sm. it, , ' Fits boys and glrla for Eastern .apd Western oollegea. Includes a primary and grammar aohooL , - . .-: .-, ' , . - '. . Boarding hall for glrla affording tha comforts and care of a refined home., Office houra during the Summer front I a. m. to 11 m. .-. .-. For catalogue write to the given above. address EI1LITARY ACADEEIY ar Manual Training, Military Discipline, College Preparation.- Boys of any age admitted at any time.- Writ for Illus trated Catalogue, ' Df.J. W. HU-L, Prop, and Principal Fall Urn will open Sept. II, UOi. ... FOBTXVaJTD, OliMI. . lp.ii(il:ii3;ili?F' IWI.IMmVI! ill Mil;. at'- PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS aba. SAkAZ OWHrSXlI.anr, Lea Seaeh, Vs. Good Meala Horrre Cooking NEW BOOKS FOR THE -LIBRARY. . BIBLIOGRAPHY. Marot Helen, comp. Handbook ef Labor Literature. Welsh, A. ZL English Masterpleo Cour. - - PHiLQgQKrr. Bosanquet, Bernard Psychology ef the Moral Self.. Hyslop, J. H. Enlgmes ef Psychical Reeearch. Lodge, Slr OTJ. Life end "Matterta Critlolam of Profaaaor Haeckel's "Rid dle of the Unlveraa" . .. . SOCIOLOOY AND FOLK-LORB. i j Compayre, J, O. History, of, Peda- Hearn, Lafoadle Romance of the Milky Way. Klrkbrld. F. B. A Sterrett. J. E. Modern Trust Company, Its Functions and Organisation. Kropotkln, P. A. Fields, Factor! ea and Workshops, i Taylor, H. C Introduction to th Study of Agrloultural Eoonomlca PHILOLOOY. ' Cook. A. S First Book In Old Eng llah. Ed. I Rsv. Rhyfe, W.- H. " P. Ten Thousand Words Often Mispronounced. - Trench. R. C English Fast and Present. . '-.-.'' .. . SCIENCE. 1 ' -:.-- Sslous, Edmund Bird-Watcher In the Shetlanda, 1101. - Wells, H. L Text-Book ef Chemical Arithmetic, 1101. . - " . USEFUL ARTS.-" ' Baldwin. W. J. St 3 Baldwin en HeaUng; or, Steam Heating for Build ing Revised. Barrows. F. W. Practical Pattern Making. 1101. Butler, D. B. Portland Cement, 1101; lad Ed. Rev. Thurso, J.' W-Wodf!rTUTtrtri tloe and Water-Fower Plaata, 1101. V LITERATURE. Colaon, Elisabeth Children's Letter! a Collection of abetters Written to 'Chil dren by Famous Men and Women, LAtham. Edwaro, uomp. no. aaia thett A Dictionary of Famoua sayings With Their Soure. . Masterpiece of Greek Literature, Teata, T. O. Del.- L'er I,'orpn Commedl In Dae AtflL TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. ' ' lby, - Charlae China and Her Popl,, IT. --- - ... Horn. O. C Normandy; th SceBery and Romance af It Ancient Town. Khan. Oasanrar Alt wilt) th FU grime to Mecca. .' Leroy-Beaullati, P. P United State In th TwenUeta Cantnry. - Llttl. - Mr.- A. H. N. (B) Round About My Peking Oe-rden- BIOGRAPHY. 0offrln, Mme. M. T. Qeofxrin, ila f&loa- ( 1 R. Vadame l-jf i PORTLAND T TTT T illLL rely on children's tit'.j U V i Vvv but Does Hot Inebrktt 9 APPETIZI1NO RBPRBSHINQ S3 lath aed The HeUijj Theatre Fa kWl Waahlnate -. Sasiay Aftara.ea, Seaaay Vlsks, Jaly , r xwvaXjL ' YUSlcaL coatraJfT b- SaWalf Repser-s Oaatle-Oyaaa saasai " WANO" rOPUtAB rRICia MaMnae. lSe ead K Svaaiag, lfle SSe, SBc, BOe esd Tse. lata aad Ti. n.-..- Weaalastes IIIC UCUlk) lUCftaTC Maw a, ANKOtTNCBIIKNT BXTBAOKDI!fABT Weak Bextaninc Hoaday. Jaly S afattaae - ,. wedneeday and Betnreay . t The laaiaee Italiaa Xeaer . .-. XVSSO ..' ;-'- -j IB Kaseatat's Sraat Kaataryieae ' "OavaUarte XuUoaaa" POFtTTB rKIVia Evanliia, See. S5. S0 Tee aad Si. Matisse, He ead SOe. 14th aad Waealactea UCIII$ IUUX MauJU tpeaial-rriae . Matiaee Xeaay. teat Tune Teeiakt SiU. A 0. OOODWDt. f Tkla Afteraaea "The ttaaiaa." -TaaUrkWWaaa We Wen TvsatH)ae.w MATIN BB rBlCrS 1.50, li, TOe, aOe. Bts 'Sad See. NIPBJCB O. I1S0, TSe, See, STr LYRIC THEATRC; " BeslBslat Meeday. Jaly . ISO. BTery-Artemoee M -aTteausr rertlaed'e Papelar Stock The SiaaaHnaal Mektereaw. -A lVCaAN'S SACCITICB- In rear Acta. , rottew the Crowd, fanttsaoua Admiaalo 10. Beaarved Sects Sue. Baker Theatre Ofesa Tkaakw Cm, r. . Faeae Mala 1SST. TONIGHT AU. WBBK ' i, Baralar Mattaae Batarday. The Popalar Baker Company ta a Grand Bevhr et leeepk J.fferana a ImaMrtal Seeceaa, mrr tab wnrxxx.- TENT) rRlCES SSe, SAe aad SOe. MATIMEB PRICES 10 aad ta. Seat aad test Week "Vaele tea's OeMs." PA NT AGE? VOVBTR ABB siAjjcrr' ,.,,," ftoe Appeaiaaee COLVaWA MALX SOABTtT. ' B.aoa MyaUrt ead Miad Beadar. ateaiaal Brewa, Jaaa Wll.aa, kuie Baaary, S. X. StaaaSeld ae taeBewety Af. waaaaa, auvia rienue, Partorsuacaa dally et t:aO. T:SO aed It' Adauaitoe, 10. aad SOe; eeiea. See. La aad eblleve take ear eeat at weak -day k saea foe 1 aaata. THE STAR : Bteth Week ef T" TBS STAB STOCK COMPAWTV "" la. the Maeleel AWardlty "A NEW AQENTV I eeaneetlea with saleeled vaedevtll T - laeladlag -eesg aad atevta ataearaa. Qrand Asae RaaOlte Miae Cora Xr. Veal olaay, Haid rsnMABr eieaelsoepe, - BOTB Obasged Una! Paste e, aa. rtrat snow. T.80 a. i abew. S:M f. si. . . .; scruizrv KABBt1 VWJ Art, tie Mta . taeoM. Caaae aad eelUHa.- B.aetaatafad turn a -H 't arlleaadera- rwraaDDa ereere sraatw attaaea ea. Utl CBS K(i3 FOT- r-LAt.O OR2 oou- 17l-lT7t; by Janet Aldls. ' Rusktn, John Blbllosraphlcal Contr button to the Study of Rusktn, by I EL Jameson. - ...'' ... Scott, Sir Walter Sir Wslldr tec by Andrew Lang. (Literary Live). HISTORY. Corbett 3. aV-Bngind to the I: " Urranean, I " ; . - . Hatch. L. C Administration Amsrloaa Revolutionary Army. FlCTICrf. ' Adam. Asdy C" r Ieeeiler, L A. ' cu- "g, m. a-. . rt l a, ro, ' 1 IT . . . r.- wxxx eg . roxT BU., L..aa aad Laaaa. Taimae,