The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 07, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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. .'V , .,
' ' I I y ' '
Mi Longworth Aitotiishea Europeans yJtter Viforout Tump Htndle" '
f , Shtko. -' , :
(Joarai! Bprdil BwrVa.)
Parts, July T. Tn Petit Parlin
. publishes an-editorial severely crlticls-
Jns; what It calls the "pomp and preten
tion" of tfte Long-worth Journey to E)u
rope. Says the writer, apropos of the
president's daughter nd. her hasband:
, "The manner la which .their time will
' be employed is noted In advance with a
precision which could be equaled only If
, It were a sovereign, accompanied by her
royal - husband, . who was. encased In
making- a tour 'outside her own states.
"This display seems excessive, and
' the young woman who lends herself to
' It with such easy grace does not seem
."' to be overwhelmed . with any( of the
ieovocratio Jdeas ot her, nation. i
"It Is a good deal to be the daughter
' bt a man llke- Theodore Roosevelt but
Jt is not enough to warrant this young
i ; - 1
person receiving any mona tiomage than
is due any other equally charming mem
ber of her sex. -
"Mrs. Longworth would show a nobler
sentiment la being merely proud of her
father Instead of seeking the flattery
consequent upon personal grandeur. Bhe
seems to forget that In three years her
father will return to private life, and
will probably end his days In the digni
fied obscurity which has characterised
the declining years of the majority of
the American presidents. ' A wedding
Journey conducted with less ostentation
would have been la-better taste." . i
Bad Stomach f.l&kcj - -
vv-v.:. '-" .' Bad Blood.
Yoa ean not make sweet butter In a
foul, unclean churn; The stomach serves
-as a churn la which to agitate, work up
and aiatntegrai our loou as it is being
digested. If It be weak, sluggish and
foul the result will be torpid, sluggish
liver and bad. Impure blood.
The Ingredients of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Dlscoverr are Just such as beet
serve to correct and cure all such de
rangements. It Is made up without a
drop of alcohol In Its composition; chem
ically pure, triple-refined glycerine being
used instead of the commonly employed
alcohol. Now this glycerine is of itself
valuable medicine. Instead of a delete ri
'ous agent like alcohol, especially in the
sure oi weaic stomaca, ayspepsia ana ins
various forms of indigestion. Prof. Pinley
Elllngwood, H. D., of Bennett Medical
College, Chicago, says of it: ;
la dyspepsia It serves an excellent pur
pot. It is one of the beet niaaof act
: and "products of the' preeent -time in its
action upon enfeebled, dlHordored stomach:
especially If there Is ulceration or catarrhal
fraetriUs (catarrhal Inflammation of stomach), t
t Is a moet efficient preparation. Olycertiie
and excessive saonrtc acidity.
chronic Intesunal dyspepsia, ea
It is useful la
tally the
will relieve many casus of pyrosis (heartburn)
a. eiDec!
flatulent variety, and in certain forma of
tory snd excrei
chronic eonstlpattan, stimulating the secre
tory snd excretory f unctions of the intestinal
glaous." - , ' '
When combined, tojust the right propor
tions, with Golden Seal root, Stone root,
Black Cherry baric. Queen's root, Blood
root and Mandrake root; or the extracts of
these, as in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, there can be no doubt of its
Breat efficacy in the cure of all stomach,
ver and Intestinal disorders and derange
ments. These several Ingredients have
the strongest endorsement in all such'
-case of such eminent medical leaders as
Prof. B. Bartbolow. M. IX, of Jefferson Med-,
foal Oollece. Chlcasoi Prof. Hobart A Hare,
M. D of Medical Cepartanent Cnivsrslty of
Pat Prof. Laurence Johnson, M. p.. Medical
XMpartmenS Cnlverstty of New Torki Prof.
Idwla If. Hale. M. IX. Hahnemann Hedlaal
OoUejre.QhicaaoProl John M. Bcuddar. M. D.
and ProL John King; sL D., Authors of the
American Dispensatory, and scores of others
among the leading medical men of oar land,
Who can doubt the curative virtues of
ft medicine the Ingredients of which have
inch a jmfetriotuU endorsement ?
Constipation cured by Doctor Fierce'
Pleasant Pallets.' One er two a dose.
Suaday School. XJ-.IB p. B. elasi SMttlBg. :80
S. . - v ' - I
Sunaylde Bart Tmhtn ' street Betweea
Thlrtr-Atth sad Thlrtr-elxth itmla; Bev. T.
?.. Ford. At 10 e'clors a. bl, Bnnday acboolt
1 e'elock a, a., preaehlas service. bDtlini
and TfftUm -ef- SMaibeni S:40 p. m., Kp-i
worn jfn avouoni rotinc; s o CJocs
D. m.. ssrmoa. "trbe Xeana Mam oa the Scan
ef DMolmUoo." v .
Tarlor-Btrtet Dr. trancls ' parsett ' Sbort,
pastor. - At :S0 a. n., tlaaH: 10:80 a. in,
ermont 21S p. m.. Buaday school; 6:43 p. m.,
Kpworth L(tii T:4 p. B., Ktmoi; In
Paul Bader will preach both morning sad avan-
'"psttoiK Wehfraa swans and Carpenter
trevti Bev, MelrllU T. wire. - Prearhlng by
Revr sf. A."-8ellon attta."nEaad t p.-m.j
Sosday school it 10 a. sa. Kpworth League,
f a. m. . -
Kpworth Teraaty-fhtrd and Irving streets;
Rev. Henry T. Atkinsoa, Btrortiy srheol, 10
a. m.: aennoa by Bev. J. K., Bawalna, 11 a,
B.; Enwerth Ltasae, M 9. B- Samoa by Dr.
Uswkios st T:e8 p. m. ' i f . ... vv .
EPIS00PAL. ''"!;. '
Bt. Pial'e Woedmerer ? L. Parker, lay
reader la charsa. Morning servlcs, 11 oVVx-k;
rnln( servlc, 8 o'elock: Bev. Thosias N.
Wtlaoa will aitmlnlatar the holy eonunaoloa
and praach at the morning service.
Trinity Nineteenth and Everett streets; Rv.
Mt a, A. -Merrlaoa, rector.- Holy communion,
( e. m.; nxirnlus service, 11 o'clock j evenls'g
serrlee, o'clock.
Good Shepherd Settwood street and Taa
eoever avenoe: Bev. Joha Daweon, nctar. Sun
day school, 10 a. m. ntoraina- servlet, 11
e'ejoch: evening eervlce, S o'clock, i
at. aaarew-e vnivcraity rara; aev. w. K
Poweu, ' chaplaio.' Berviee V and aaravaaj " J
Dr. N. J. Fulton
1 Baeceaaful to the word that beet describe her
'career since eomiuf to Portland Bneceaefnl la
.curing dlstaaea, kucceeafol In bulldlnf op what
n noaar ine urren exaos pracucs er any
doetor In the city.
She Cures the Sick
r y-Thtr ts why-Ssr ertces are at iH Hmea Iran.
end that people soaietlmes wait .for hours to
see -her. . ' i
If ion have any ailment, ehroole er acnte,
:, Soc as rbeamathm. la srlpne, bronchltla,
goitn, catarrh,- etoauch and bowel troubles.
aerve tronblea, etc., etc., joa would do well
- a conault her. . Kh -.can care .yea.. f
. ' I nBxatoiruu or psoras tra xai
.. CUBED.. , - :'
.1 " . 1 ' Poland.' Oct. IT," 180
T wTioej H May Concern:
"f off fed a long ttme .with eerioaa stoeiaefe
, ' tiwaMe, the SlKeaM iharinf proareiHed ta far
.-" that I wae enable te retals rar food, and Snally
.( found water te ease Basaea: la abort, - mi
entire sratem was In a scrloaaly depleted eon-
- r dltien. - Ob OT-abont Isly IS laat I edrleed with
r. : ttr. Kancy . mitoa, of thta eltr, and ' was
Induced to take treatments from her, aad after
. taking the twelfth 1 wa dleeharsef. I can
sow et anything I deetre. feel perfectly well
and' am mnataatly gaining streagth. Tbl
marvekn change 1 eaa truthfully ear la 4ne te
Dr. JTaltoa. . . -ftYDB VACQ0N, ,
"noma, Jef fereon. Or."
Hots Mr. Tang ha can be cmnmank-ated with
1 at Jefferaos, Or., or hie father. Kit Vangha.
:.g-'aa be seen at tb Kew Grand Central, eornar
Third snd rieadaqL thai city.
. .: "October 1908.
, T whom It May Oonenra:
"It affords ..ane great pleaenre to write t
- wnrd la eniaef Pr. Jultoaw 1 eafleeed afld
Sgnny Cr-f one week with pels in ay whole
. body. My hoaband called In whem we sap
poeed was ene ef the beat phyilrlane la the
rtty. He was ant eere, . bat thaaght I had
aenralgla, or It might prove te be gallatone.
. left medicine and thought I woo Id be better
next day; bnt I' graduallr grew worse; got a
relief from pela eirept nder eptatee,. Having
' beard of Dr. raltoa through frieada ef eere.
We decided te eali ber In; ee my haaband went
- . -at -eaca aad braaght her to the house, tpoa
: etamlnatloa ahe proaouneed It a eaa of acnte
Saamue, ana aiier one treatiaent i we able
set no. dreee atraelf aad se a boot me
. poeaehold auriea. I-bave eow takes s Week's
treatment and certainly think" her the moat
weaderful dorter I ever met.
: rCTSf.--
HMm rrtfl't forget to tscloee postage etamp
for reply arhea writing te esy ef my patient.
Br. N. J. Fulton
''': ; ' Kf-:j. WATiniOPATX. J,
Wt Clay, nee block trees tJ ear, eae frees
IttS sceet arr. g from Jeffersea CSS.
-..- . ZtawUsM lUlg AIM. ' v- t,
Uoant Olive geventh aad Everett streets.
i-rvauaing e u av-sar-aa B p. at by-fcev,
J. W. Bmlth. . r,..,
. Ht JAha't W- m k T . fle.
schoot , 10 a. m.: preechins, 1) -a. m.1 J Mt
F reaciiing. . . -..
Third Vaaeouver aveaae sad Knott; Rev.
Jv B1Jfc t 10 s. Sunday school;
- P- preeeung; . x,
Firat German Foarth and Mill streets ; Bev,
"Ja- rreaeauig. 1U:4S a. as.;. B. X,
P. V..1 . m. 7 .
Becoad German Rodney svenne end Morrbj
-"-e. t. . noeermaa. rreacblng, 1 , p.
a. and T:80 p. m.) Sunday school, :U a.
. , iuunc reopie a meeting, e:40 p. m.
Bwedlin Hoyt and Flftoentb afreets; Bev.
Erie Braeretfom. Preaching, 90:43 s. a, sod
" BBar school. 13 m.
:0 p. .
Highland arberta end Sixth streets. Preach-
ing, a:w p. m.. by Bev. X. M. Bllaa; Sou-
icwm, o:ov p. m. . '
Calvary Kaat Elahtb and Ori
Rev. A. Lawrence Black.--At 10 aBi Bible
ecbool; 11 . m preaching; :80 p. m., Bible
class for voaag mea; 9 Hi p. m.. Xooag feo
ple's service; T:8o a. a., preaching.
Meant Carmel Fourteenth and ' rianders
ireeta; Bev. A. i. Bhephard. nunday school.
13 m.; preaching. 11 a. m. snd S P.m.
Bellwoud ICIevecth sad ( matllla streets;
Bev. George A. Lean.' Bnnday sctool. 10 s.
bl; preaching. 11 a. m. and 7:B p. m.
Ualverslty Park Bev. Joha Ben tales; gnu-
nay ncnoot, iu a.- m.; prearning, 11 a. m.. by
Bev. Charles A Bart; preaching, T:6 p. m.,
by Bev. W. B. Pope. i ,
' Arleta Bev. Jobs Beatglen. Bandar stvonl.
10 a. m i addreea, 11 a. a,'br UW" Carrie
smiastMBUgf n. its cat ssrriTirT er n . d ti
T ? J . ttl Pa" wlU speak ea " What
aad Where la Sataar"
Immannel Meade a nd Seen l.jtretet Bev,
.-W.- -0110111; - arvta,"10.80 s. m. snd t:4i
p. m.t morning suMeet, 'A Can te Advaaea";
evening enhject. 'Tb Knd of Pninmat."
"race jaontavi;ia: uev. oilman Parker.
Preaching. 11 o'clock a. m. cm 'The n.iio
of Moral Cripples"; In the evening, "The Home
Coming of the Prodigal."
1'irat White . Temple Twelfth ' aad Taylor
streeta; Dr. J. Whitcomh B rougher. At s.
m4 Bible school st Barter afreet branch; 10
. m., oov ecoora prayer rove i log in tne snores
parlor; 10:SO a. m., morulag . worahlp with
preaching by the aaeiatast paator, Mr. Sweet,
aubject, "Room"; 12:10 p. m.. Temple Bible
school; g:S0 p. m.i B. T. P. IT. meeting; 7:4s
0. m., popular evening eervlce with preaching
or. The Fellow Who Is Goodr-Goody- snd the
einw nne js -jut te in uooo.' " . Special
Central Kaat Ankeny ahd Twentieth J Rev.
'. T. Jordan. ' At 10:BO a. m "rhrutl.e
Ooeverse"; 8 p. ., Today's Crisis"! Suaday
school, IS ra. .
Second Bast Seventh ' and Raat AnVanv
(treeta; Bev. Staatoa C Lapham. Morning
eervloea at 10 -.80, sermoa ea "True and False
Humanity-'; ine evening eervue at s:o e clock
will be a servlcs of soag by the qaartet, and
the following numbers will be rendered:
"Light ef the World, We Ball Thee" Serin)!
"Parlor, Breathe an Evening Bleating'1
(Bchnecker); "Ashamed ef Jasas" (arranged by
Parka): eolo. L. Wladom: the aaator will erra
a abort address ha "The Musis of Ufe"; bible
school convenes at Boon; Young People's Itnlon,
6:5 p. m. . Midweek grsysr aerrise Thsrsday
.renlne . .
Bnnnyalde Beat Taylor and Bast Thirtv.
fourth streets: Bev. J. J. Btanb. Moraine
aerrlce. 11 o'clock, eermoe, "Bed-Rock Facta
er a Spiritual Ufe"; evening eervlce st S
e'rloefc. sermoa. "The First . Element of ftae.
jNaa"; Sunday school. 10 s. m. Senior Chris,
tian Endeavor. T p. ta.
Haasalo-eMreet Feat Seventh ssd Haasale
streetst Bev. B,-K. -Hem,; paatnr. At 10:B0
a. is. aaersiag-worsnrp, snnject, -Belief ea
t-. . .. J . , . . n . - l . . .
.u pin in vwi , 1 Ul . , .uuo. wra'Min M U
p. m., Chrtatlaa Endeavor aeetlag; 7 :45 p. m
eonjeet. "Regeneratlos."
Mlaalaalppl-Avense Mlaalaslpnl avenue sad
Fremont street: Bev. William I Cpahaw. Sun
day school, 10 s. m. ; morning worahlp. II
e. m "What Will w"e Do With III Echoes
From the Fourth"; Chrtatlaa Endeavor, T p.
.: evening eervloe, S p. a., "What Kind ef
Place le Hellf'
First Madlaoa sad Park streets: Rev. -T.
Rooee, D. D. Morning service with eermoe
by Bev. S). 0. Oakley, 10.S0 o'clock ; evening,
service with sermoa by Bev. B. O., Oak lev,
J;4Ss'lock;. Sunday ,arhoolr- IS Bv W; - t.
Scott. aqarlntenient;,X. C. B., S:aS
p. . . , ... .
.-..' ltXTHOinBT.
flraes Olaraaea True Wllana. I). t.
Flee for Pre-reee," n:S0 a. m.; T to S:1S a.
there Will be held a anlna twtlleht u.
lee. the Bret half boar conducted by the mane
oeooUl br..WUeoa will dellrer lh s J
a Sersts el Lectures ea "VaraiUae Sdeea"i
St. John's Memorial fl ft wood ; Bev. T."-Hi
Powell, In eherge. Sunday ecbool, 11 a. nv
service snd sermoa, 7:S p. m.
St Matthew's Ftrat snd Carothers etrsets;
Bev. W. A. M. Breck. la eharge. Holy com
munion, T-.SO a. m. ; Sunday school, B:4S a. m. :
service ana sermon, u s. m. 1 service ana aa,
drees, T:S p. m.
St. David's Feet Twelfth snd Belmeat; Bevj
Oeorge B. Tea Waters, D. D. -Holy communion,
S - a, m. ; ' -norain g prayer sad "-eermoe, 1 1
o'clock; evening prayer- and . sermoa, f :M
o'clock; Buaday school, : s. m.
V- -; '. ParBBTTXXIAP;. "- :
Iflspah Vary ssd Powell streetst Bev. Je
rome B. McOlade. D. P.l preaching. 10:80 a.
m. ssd 8 p. m. ; theme of evening sermon, "The
Bible's Portrait ef the Model Woman." - -
Piedmont Cleveland avenoe endi- Jarrett
street; Bev. L. Myron Booser. paatnr. Preach
ing at 11 a. m. sad T:sS p. aa. Babbath school
St 11:18 p. m. .. ' ,
Third East Thirteenth snd Pine etrsets;
Rev. Andrew J. ' Montgomery. i pastor. At
10:90 s. m., sermon, "The Cause of the Board
of Church Erection"; 7: S3 p. m., sermoa. "The
First Services Jonwrrew st JO: 80 a. m. snd
Leas ef Porte Bice will apeak. In the even.
Ing the paator, Bev. Edgar P. Bill, D. D.,
will deliver the fifth la the sertea ef ad
dresses e the holy land, tonic, "Sheehea
Where Jeans Sat Oa the Well." , '
Calvary Corner Eleventh and Clay streets;
Bev. Ban-Ears B tiles Ely Jr., D. D pastor.
Services, 1" M s. m. snd T:S p. m.; morning
subject, The tnrd's Fsag Hots"; evening,
lbs Test ef a Tssts." ,h
Grace LenU; Bev. H. O. Henderson.
Preaching, 11 a. SB. and S P. m. Tonng Peo
ple's Alliance, 7 p. m.; Sunday ecbool, 10
a. ta. . . . t -
First German Church Tenth snd Clay streets;
Rev. Theo. Schaner. Worahlp snd sermon,
10:48 a. m. end S p. m.; Buaday school, 9:80
S. m.i T. P. A, :1B p. as. .
Ftrat BngHab Raat Birth snd Market streeta;
Rev. A. Stewart. Prsscblns at 11 a. m. bv
Bev. H. . Hornechnch ef Belllngtiam. WaahVJ
-rngron.- sulijei t, "tn me owiers nake": com
munlos st ths mornfng eervlce ; preaching at 8
K. ta. by Bev. G. W. Plnmer of Salem, Oregon;
anday ecbool, 10 a. m.; Xoung Peopls's Al
Uance. T p. " " " - "7
: ' V- ..''.. '.'"';' M188I0BS.' '.
' ' Beacoa tight Mlealoa 11 Ftmrth Street,
north. Preaching every Bight sad Suaday
st 8 p. m.
-Olive Branch Vlaaloa S First street Bear
Columbia. Preaching every night at 7:80;
Sunders, 8 B. m. ; Bnnday school, 1:80 p. m.
St. John's Holiness Mlaalon S25 Becood street
Beer Main: Bev. Jobs F. Glaeco. Services
eyerj) sight ssd Sunday st S sad T:B0 p, m.
Tnrrrzo rvABOixrcAx.
Ockley ,Orees PTescbrng 11 . m. and 8
p. m., by Ony Fitca raeipa; Bnnday school
st iv s. m.
Second Chnreh Fargo pad Kerby e treeta;
Rev. J. Bowereos; st 11 s. m., preaching on
"Ttia True Blches." snd sermon st S n. m.i.
Bnnday, school st 1 a. m.t K, U 0. B, st
1M p. as. ' ':
ChnrcB ef Onr rather TamhlTl and Seventh
treets: Bev, W. Q. Eliot, Jr.,' mlnteter; Bev.
T, U Eliot, D. D.. utnlster emeritus; service
at 11 s. St., auhlect ot sermoat "Materialists,
Orthodoxy sad Christianity." . ,-, ,
bioh.' -' ;" .:
rhrtatlaa Catholic Chnreh la Fine AHakv
hall,- Main and Morrtjrnr streets r Bev.' Charlet
Hoy. elder. Bible study, s p. m.1 8 p. m.
text,1' "laid ef Ood," Pssuns 78:1a.
" " IATTKR-DAT SArRTS. y. ' :'
Rhnrch ef Jeeos Chrlat ef Latter-Day Saint-.
Rail 400 AlHkr building. Third and Morrlaoa
streeta; services 11:80 a. ss. snd T p. s. Sua.
nay scseoi at iv a. as.
- '-- rr1- OSnCB Ot -w01V- '' ' '
T rjianel 480 Hawthorne a rennet Rev. O. T
Real. Berrleea. 3:80 snd 7:80 B. m.1 Bandar
school at 1 p. m.
rJi - U
-i . : , ( -
; Anidl . Get a ,CooD (Breeze :
' Electric Fans Make Life More Worth Livinq
. .. -
- . The Electric Fan Brings Cfjmfort
sy-yht ji-- '
v . tTn.VPBUJ.Vt.
First Splrltaal Society Artlaans' balL Ablne.
toa ballding. Third near Waahlngtoa. Jobs
Slater will speak ea "Immortality1' st 11' a.
i. and' at 7:46 p. m.; his theme will be the
Phenomena ef Bpirltuallam."
ADTIBT. -S" !'". ,
Advent Becoad street between Han and T i.
rolni Brr. Charles Beffenden. - Sunday erh'ool
lO SOa. m.f preaching, JJ :80 s. m.f service)
' ' ' ' CHBIgTTAJf. ' '.'-- '-' ,
Ceotral Haet Twentieth snd Selmoa streetst
Rev. 1. .T. Obormley, D. D. Sermoa, 10:4.
s. m.i Ths New Corenent": S p. m., "(fared
By lone": Bun.lay school. IS avi suoi r
aeevar, 8:48 p. m.
- rtret srs ene uotaBMs, srestsr Bsv. If. R.
aUssiey. At 10 AO a. kC ker. t.U. alas
get the benefit arid comfort of Fan Service.
'.' ',, ' '
A 16-ihch FAN can be operated at a cost not to exceed r
;ONE CENT AN HOUR, and a 12-inch FAN can V
be run for even less. Ten hours oi comfort for less
than 10 cents. ' " .
,i -
Order; your FAN TODAY all; orders filled in rota- .
, tion IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. V .' ;' . ; l -:r,
a great combination for comfort in hot weather.i;
REDUCED RATES for current on meter basis.
The Electric Fan Brings Comfort
' ' '" ' -''-1 1
I - '
'rli' H
' r.'J
at OnelmmtL Ohio, aorree ponding secretary- of
ths Farelga Christian Missionary society, wfll
iMit: a .' m.. anbieot. "The Non-Seetarlaa
Name,' I 'l Iril of ths nnn-eeetarlan . aerlea;
iom sc- , . u:ie p. m. f uiruuaa ansvarw,
T P. bi. v -
iUdoer Avrhfie Bodney avenns snd Knott
school; 11 sa m eomraantos snd sermon; 7
I). m.,',T. P. S. 0. R.; 8 p. n., i "How It
iaay be Kaowa Tbat.Ws Are Cauistjaas.--
- ' ' T. x. a A,"
T. M. D, A Andltortum At S:89 p. .,
men's meeting, sddreeeed by Dr. William H.
ITeppe oa the topic, "ltie Greet Trensformer"
sll sea sr. eordiaily tavitedt special Btaale. .
. nn ianioiaai -.' .
rree krethodleh Beat Ninth snd VH1 streetsi
Rev. J. (lien; preaching at 11 S. m followed
by- bJstiraosy meeting. .
; . ,' cheibtiab" sctiircB. -
Second Chorch -Fits' temple, Stark and See.
enta sUsstsi Saodai svrkea. U a. m. sad
p. scbjeeSr "Baeramesf't Suaday seheo
U Lm.:t? , . t . ,
. V: '57rB"rriBSAtisT.' v
- Fleet Bt Couch aad Bast Blghth streetst
Bev, T, r. SntaU; It a. m., preechlng, "'Oeede
snd Creeds") ta S, Bl., Senday school. - -.
' Swedish Rodney sveeue and Stantna strs
Rev. i. Richard Ohwai Suaday school. 8:89
I ssrvluss, 11:80 a. m. aad S p. m.. ,
$10.10 Vancouver, B. CH $10.10
- Via the Oraat Northern route. Trains
ieave Portland 1:80 a, m. and 11:48 p.
making dlrsot eonneetlon at Seat
tie Union .depot with Great Northern
fast trains for Vancouver, British Co
lumbia, and j Intermediate . points. For
tisketa and Bleeping car rsservatlons
call on IL Dickson, CL P. aV T. A, 111
Third p tract, ' " " - - ,
' ' ' V - V
Newbsrg, OrJuly T. Ths f'ourteanth
annual session of the Oregon ysarly
meeting of the Friends churoh la now
la session at Nswberg, Oregon. - Dele
gatea from other states ar in attend
ance, notably Allan Jay of Rlohmond,
Indiana, on of the beat-known minis
ters in the denomination, and Charles
Replogla and -wife from Everett, Wash' f
ington. pioneer workers in that state.
From the Boise valley, Idaho, have, come
representatives and from all the various
churches belonging to Friends through
out Oregon.' Much enthusiasm prevails
and a very deep undercurrent of
spiritual Ufa and power has alrad,yj
onaraotsruea ' us opening; sessions, a
biglenVhas hsen erected on the grounds
a which dally svangellaUo servloes will
held,, Ths business sessions take
place, in ths Urge churoh adjaoent,
meals being provided in ths bneement.
Ths conference will continue a full week.-
Tokohomv-July- J-Amons; tha msr- sailing today on the Canadian
Paolflo steamship Bmprass of Janan la
Baron Komurs, recently appointed Jsp
snese sm baa sad or ta the Court of Bt
James. : Arriving St Vancouver, Baron
Komura will make a leisurely trip across
Canada, taking passag 84 icontrsal for
England. . ,
.' . - . ',' -' t