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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1906)
;.:lv jw rcnxLAiiD. catuhuav znz:n::o. tjly 7, 1:::. V - m TKANSPOKTATlOIl ,T QWM mi tale Spedd Ateka Excursions' 11 B IS VHAT YOU WANT - You tacit come to nt sooner or Istcn why not now? R.fuM to tntfer any -longer oa promises of others r ESTACL.ISt.ED. 2? YEARS IN POHTLAKO OUR FEIS $12.50 uneYer absolIjte guarantee j AO Piawaiew Men lnvit4 to Call an4 Be xajnia4 Free ' . Oettage Otty, My la, IT. , Otty ef Seattle, rely SO, - swa aw w. AtotrTDTrerr-a6TrirD" nonaxon - ' STZXT DTI SATIa - ,' Former Bella of New York and ; Pink Pyjama Girl Engaged : to Wealthy Men. . otrnoAgrxx alaa bovtb. tveai Beattle at a. m. far- KeeehniaB. "". aaagway, Walts Befae, Daweea aad tab-beaks . . I & f. City ef asettle. 7ns M, nly 10, an, s. . Hoaihekic, Jeiy Is. Is. . i- Oettage Oty (vU Sitka) Jsa SB. 7 sly ST, ,. , , , , , . . . . ... . .... ; , ' 4 vom B0VTB. . ' ' ThW safllng B. B. senator sbeat laly.'U. fOB BAB yiAlfOIBCO OtBXOT. -' Irea) Seattle at a. av CUT e fasbls, efwety VCW - r r-v - - "f-r- -a .: --!- VerBaad Ofiee, BM Weaatngwa . ;' Mala .BfcTV ' m. U. Ill, taea. V. Age. a D. OUMAMM, . P. A., ' 1C MsrkH St.. San rraaasMe. ACTRESSES LOADED DOWN Vl'' WITH OEMS AND JEWELRY 3 Trains to toe East DaOy-4 kraemB Panmaa eraadard sod tomtit wtses. ' WtaT.Sf W Omehe. Cbiesso, pek.wt SJ' siewlssare Aally to Ksaaae Ctu. Holr. to Iwteohii Millions to Wed th. Kut unf eaauwars tsssts free, UwmSZ""9 Welle. 'V.-1 ,v OrZX SJ?0' d'e'eae mZi ''V 1 CSr etweea Blgga . and - - ' - feettaad, dell,....." 8:1( , Mm rFootliht Favorite as Soon m He Becomes of Age Despite OppoaU '.'.'. Uonrnal Special Servlos.) ' . i London. Juiy T. I ' have the '. bit authority for stating that both Edna May, who la now appearing la "The ' Bella of Mayfair," and Paulina Chase, tha former "Pink Pyjama Girl." who la now also aa established footllght ' fa , - vorlte here, ara engaged to ba married. ; Moreover, Mlaa Chaaa'a futura husband. - Nloholaa wood. - ta aotually a mllllon- ' air.- whlla Joseph L. Uwlaotin. who is -' Kant an : en ok t net YMn. Vf a v hla wife. - will coma Into something Ilka 1 1.000.000 "' aa loon aa ha attains bis majority. Tha - latter ta the eldest -son of the lata ; Raphael Lawlsoba, a wealthy London stockbroker, who was closely associated wlth-tha Rothschilds, and also with Webraer. Bait Co. ,. ,..,,.-,.;.:.....-... '. ?i K OppBtia Wtom Tamily. h. Meanwhile heaven and earth ara ba Tag moved by young Lewtaohn's aris tocratic family to break off his asso ciation with tha former "Belle of New ; Tort"; Thla began It months or more ego, and soon afterward "Joey" Lew . laohn, as he la known to bla friends, was bundled off to Bonn university, where ba coanmenoed to study law.- His , father's death, however, brought, him . back to London where be almost Im mediately recommenced bla attentions - ' to the American aotreaa, and despite the - frantic opposition of his "relatives be now. asserts that ha and Miss May will . be married aa soon aa he attains his majority, which, will be la about ifht ; saontha. '..i-,i,.;;!.'i,,',-i-. The present Edna May baa received '.. from Lew laohn ara worthjr of a quean. He showers gift upon her each day. His latest presentation, two of tha new - flexible diamond braoelet, wnloh can ' . ba worn ba any part of tha arm de ' aired, have coat ,000 apiece. They ara . the very latest thin in jewelry and the ' Idea has oome from Paris. . Miss May wears them nightly la -The Bella of ; Mayfalr." Mr. Lewlaoha - was , quite HARRISON BARRETT . Exposes Tricks Used by. People ;.Who Profess to Be, Exponents ;S;;r;pef Spiritualism. 7:"??J "liXPLAINS i MYSTERIES OF - ; i FAKERS' MUSIC BOXES - ' - -. ; Qhraa Amualng Anecdote Explaining Bow People Are Made to Believe r Their See Things Which Really Do " Not EzieV-Schemes .Made Public. '. r t' ' v : .. ' 0 " " ':' ;' : Aa organisation of Cajta .tne Jluma, ex niln thmiiihant thai land, who buy their Information f ronr' doteoUre . but reaua at so much per, who support Tmaaufaoturlng houses of paraphernalia . for tha mystification of Vie dear pub- lla, who crowd cellars full of healthy .'spooks, who resort to countless .forms of trickery to capture the medium la tlo . dollar-thla la what waa charged by Harrison Barrett, president of tha Nay - tlonai Spiritualists' association, at a publle meeting la 1b:AttdlUfium yee terday afternoon. ; '-. . . Mr. Barrett did Jnot-oentet-hrmself with general assertion He went Into details and, one after another, exposed ' Xnatarlallaatlon. trumpet medlumahlp, Independent slats writing and aplMt pho ' tography, explaining by what maaaa and . bow each fraud ta perpetrated. la there X soma genuine spirit phenomena? Mr. Barrett thought there waa. but tha high ' jinks conducted by commercial mediums he characterised aa tha rankest fakery, . mystifying at first because clever, but easily and shown to be the aballowest charlatanry. - . ' . Mr, Barrett said la parti " : ', "There Is aa organisation of fake n dlums la the United States, with head- clues, naring orancn oinoss in aeany all Marge oltlea throughout tha land. These offloea ara bureaus of Informav ' tlon at which facta with regard to ear tain lndlTiduals ara gathered and then , told to tha members of, the gang at a '; certain 'price per year. ""LjU' . f VSoir Some So ta. " It la at these bureaua that counter feit trumpet mediums,' matertallslng mediums,' -and their kind obtain their so-called tests,' to ba exploited la bogus seances. Wlnana, One of the recently .exposed rascals who acknowledged bla guilt, carried hie toggery In a secret . drawer in bis musio-box. Cheesecloth, " ohosDhoresoent ' lights, falsa hands. wigs, beards, eta, eta, were carefully. concealed therein, to be taken out by the jnedlum' whenever he gare a seance. " "Frequently simple persona are hired outright .to1 play the 'spook.' At one of Hugh B- Moore's seanoea I saw eight spooks on the floor at one time. Bvery - one waa a paid confederate, inyestlga ; tlon showed a trap door underneath his sitting room carpet, where none 'would ' ha avnaitad. and under the floor Waj found an.jxcavatlon about It by 1), In .which all 01 the spooas- were piaeea ' before tha seance opened, under In- atructlone i to : appear when Moor and bla wife gare tha algnaL , : , , :. Worm ma Crowd Iras rooted. : "An amnalng atory la told by on of these frauds, who operated In Mlnneap , oils years ago, on himself.- He was to give a seam. under atrlct test oondl- tlona at a certain place, heaoe had no chanoe to take any paraphernalia Into bla cabinet with blm, or to hire any one bring it ta htm.-Ha decided to naT no manifestations at-ail, and eiaimed ' that an honest failure waa half proof of his honesty. ' He went Into his cab inet, and as bis shoes were hurting bis . feet outrageously be removed them for comfort's sake. A pillow- had been laced upon the chair oa whloh be was alt, as4 la mavis urn the pU- nous --' , , " ' 'I v 'I : . ". , i - '. ' ' i V 7 ' v. . .?x J. i - - 1 i- . . , -J Edna wnUnf to marry Mlaa May before now, but aha la desirous that he should cel ebrate his majority "before dolna; so, aa she feels -t la Important that tha "set Us meets" ahould ba arranred satisfac torily and i that he ahould ba .legally responsible for all bla aotlona. ; . Xlas Xnaas'a riaaoa. "V ' " Mleholaa Wood, to whom Pauline Chaaa la engaged, la reputed the rich est man la Birmingham and baa made moat of his money la motor oars. Three of tha moat magnlAosnt "cars" In Eng land are at present la tha possession of TELLS HOW FAKE FOOL THE PUBLIC 10wnttl)T6smaHHlanieeiohanoeo; to . move tha cabinet curtain at the same moment There, ' there I' ev olalmed tha sitters, the spirits ara com ing. See, the curtains --are moving I' These words gave him aa Idea. Seis ing tha pillow slip, ha draw It over one of bla feet and atuok that foot out be tween- the curtains. "There's a1 spirit! seel It te all in white.' He moved bla foot a If bowing to all 'of tha company la turn, and then withdrew bla foot 'i Mb Breath maned woes.. "In a few momenta be put It forth again and hetdr It In alght steadily, la it for mef asked ona; for mar for mar and so on around tha room. Final ly ana old maid asksd timidly, 7a It for mar . The pretender "nodded his foot three times. 'May' X oome up to the oasineir ene asKea. . " Tea,' said tha foot. - She approached tha cabinet awestruck and asked la trembling tones: 'Charlie, It la you-u-u-ouf -r--xea,- idr the Toot. Question after question, answered al waya by yes" or no followed, and the weeping Woman waa ready to take her seat. - e " "May X kiss you, dear before X go oaoxr an aakea, in a oho King voloe.. . " Tea, nodded the foot. She stooped over, kissed the pUlow-oaaed foot, and break, to bar seat. : - "Did you know It was Charlie T aaked her aympathetlo neighbor. " "Oh, yea, indeed!' ahe . replied be tween her sobs, for bis breath smelted lust aa it always did when I kissed him la life1" ... .. j . . ' All of Them Fakes. '. X have attended not lee than 10 trumpets seance and can account tor every manifestation 1 wltnessedr"at 4 of them upon the ground of Simon-pure fraud. At' tha remaining eeanoe the facts given were absolutely correct and remain unexplained upon any ether than the aplrttuailstlo hypothesis. ' "Ventriloquism will account for much that la offered by the trumpet humbug, especially , when the trumpet la beyond his - reach. All trumpet seances are held in absolute darkness. The sitters are told to place their feet la a certain position upon -tha floor and not to move them until the seance Is over. They must then-join hands, tight hand over the neighbor's left.' to use the vernao ular of tha seance room, after which tha Inevitable musts box, - with ( all of Its flsndlshnesa, 1 .wound up, a prayer offered and the show ta open. While the musio box la operating or the sit ters are singing The Sweet Bye and Bye,' 'Nearer, My God, : to ' Thee," Shall We Gather at the Rlverr or soma ether familiar hymn the medium deftly slips from the bands that hold htm, and, minus bla shoes, moves softly about 'the room. lie has the trumpet within easy reach before the llghta are put-out and know Juat where te AaV4- ' Independent Typewriting Fake. "Within ' the peat IS years another phase of medlumahlp, closely allied to the above, baa made Its appearance.. It la called .Independent typewriting,' and la often alleged to be one of the gifts of the trumpet trickster. This mani festation 1 .trickery. jt Hitrankest . kind. The typewriter la manipulated bykwlres or by soms confederate or by atrlnga. . .... v "Spirit photography reejs Its claim for recognition upon the worm of Wll-Uara-Marnier, wboee name wa a fe rn 111 ar one la every Spiritualist family 40 years ago. He submitted to test upon test. Skeptical photographer used their cameras, and brought plates that bad never been exposed to the light, yet,. If Mumler was In the room, face, would -appear , upon thoe plates, that were recognised aa relatlvee by some- of the people present. Mumler enjoys the distinction of having proved bla elalraa la court during hla trial for obtaining money by false preteneee, . Jn many . Instances faces would appeas upon platea aaed by him of people who Bevtr h4 bad their pldtuie takes la. Kyr Mlsa Chaae-resents from bar fiance. The bridegroom-elect la thla oaaa la a much vinore mature person than Mlaa May's. According to the latest accounts the wadding la to take plaoa la London before the 1st of August -Miss Chaaa, who la still on tha right aide of Is, is noted for the discrimination and judg ment aha has always shown la regard to would-be suitors. Whan under 17 tha all-Important fast' was that they should be rich.' She bad bo time to waate oa "duffers" who had' no poaltioa nor money.' life. ' Mumler baa had rqany so-called successors, but the "prepared platee,' ao well - known In photography, - will ex plain the work of nearly ail of these pretenders, while the "composite plat will account for that of the o there." It was announced yesterday that tha Spiritualists would go Into camp meet ing at New Bra for a month, beginning tomorrow. The hotel and grounds have been Improved and there will be dally meetings and leading Spiritualist speak erg from all over the. country, among them Harrison Barrett. Tha publlo will weioome to tb camp meeting.. WIDOWM'COYIS.ON GUARD . I'ITH SHOTGUN Linn County Court Encounters More Trouble In Opening . f Sweet. Home Road. (Sceelat Dtonateh e Tka Tnnrm.1l Albany, Or, July T. The widow Mary MoCoy of Sweet Home, who It was generally supposed had accepted the propeaal -of-tho-county court In regard to tha establishment of a county road across her property, ha again oom to in ror. - .... .. When matter bad reached a eruolal stage in the controversy Judge Stewart made a special trip to Sweet Home and explained to tha belligerent one. After much persuasion aha agreed to aooent tha damages allowed, her hy the viewer and tha court. Shortly afterward tha new road was laid out and peso reigned, A a thunderbolt out of a clear sky oome the new that the widow has herself labored and fenced an the road during tha night Her waa another dilemma, the road waa fenoed up and an Irate woman waa threatening dire and calamitous deeds should , anyone undertake tha removal of her barricade, . ' Bh ta a resourceful Individual and somewhat unique In-the manner of pro tecting her property from Invasion. On large stump la front of her resldenoe she ha mounted her battery, consisting of a double-barreled ahotgun. Each morning, noon and night she holda tar get practice, consisting of sighting and nrtha? across the - pleoe - of - disputed ground, also In tha direction of the re cently placed : barricade and obstruc tion. Whether with the Intention of Impressing the enemy of her ability and earnestness of purpose or for tha pur pose of . becoming so proficient a to enable her to eater some contest ' of markmanahlp 1 a Queetion difficult to determine. At any rate ah hold the fort and seemingly rule her domain. Tha next movement of the court is anxiously being awaited. What their plan of campaign will ba can only be conjectured., ."..-.v- JXauhtheaibes. Kendall Company Tomorrow. Tomorrow stternooa end slant the Keadell Basic I eempsny retarae te the RelUg theatre aad elngs "Wang." Robert Pltkia will re cite, by reqaeet DeWelf Bopper's great see. "Casey st the Bst" ee a spreUlty. at bat .the uim1s. seetsssisssse. atsaSar, sly eeeors the grand epealog of ."Cevauerla BostlcsBS, wita the (rest teaar, aases. the Mil. repsler ariose, -. ' i -"Wang' Tomorrow, r -., ; -- Twe eoeeial serfnrsieaoeeef' Wsas' will 'be flvea si the Beillg theatre, reorteeeth sad Waehlnstoa etreete, tomorrow. Jaljr a. astlnee and evealag, by the Kendall statical eonpeay, During the epera aooert nitia wui reette De Wolf Bnpper's greet ssetese, "Oesey st the Bat" Popular srloee. , " tThcle TomVCabfn," : "Tnele Tom's Cabin," S aissnlfleaat sees. tsealar- nrodoetloB. win be ttie btU In ths eloelag week et the Baker theatre ttoek sea soe, eeenlng tomorrow St. the loader astl aee, July a The eenuad far eeets Is ee large that there will he twe eras aauasse one Toesdsy and ea Tharsday, and ef euesee the regaiw stater aa ass Usee wiU se glTes, The Largest in the' City and WMi:-::Mbsi Reliable "' ':: . . Tarloooele, functional decline, contracted disorders, stricture, kidney and bladder trouble, rupture, plies, fistula, blood diseases and weakness of the . reproductive system. . .. , , . , Tss, It PAT8 -PATB BIG to hv good health. ' f '; How can you possess it? I'll tell you how. -Rarbor the-remnant you -bava left t look to. the eauees that have led up to your present condition: correct your errors of living and dissipation, and if caused by folly or ex cess, your duty la to abandon them and find aome reliable PHYSICIAN who will advise and counsel and help you to gain possession of tha great est blessing on Earth GOOD HEALTH. .- v Having spent years la the study. of Special Diseases, we have found that MAN'S greatest weakness consists of violation of Nature's - most potent lawa governing hla Reproductive system. Many of tha recent discoveries which have done so much to cure disease of the stomach, kidneys, liver and heart are exclusively used in this in stitution. We have the necessary capital for purchasing every curative agent Our physicians devote their hours to -study and investigation. -The symptom meana much to them. They will tell you how and where your disease has originated, and you have Our assurance that unless your dis ease has passed beyond the verge of hope, your abaolute health will- ba brought back. . v - ,. ......-' ..... WRITE if you oannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential and ' all replies sent in plain envelopes. - No namea, - cases, - letters , or . photo graph a of patient published or exposed. , ' :j . ,.: .,: .,' . ' -. : HOURS I A. M. to S V. M.; Evenings, T to 1:10s Sunday, A. M. to It noon. . .'.,.."'-. , .-., v St. Louis 11ED1CAL AND SURGiai oo: noon AJTD TAMXTXZi - Are You Seeldng Health ? IP SO, WE CAN HELP YOU FIND IT. ' We know bow to bring Aack the loat color to the face; now to make the flabby muscles firm gsini how to restore tone to the stomach, so .that - one gets full nourishment out of the food he ' eetai how to put sound flesh - on the emaciated bodies; how to But any man into condition to aoroughly enjoy life. 1 Itli very probable that we oan five vou this pricelesa blessing of ealtn for less money than it has ' coat you to let other doctors ex periment upon your system with out giving you the slightest bene- nt- ' ' - - WIU jroii-in vest I irate -owmeth--' odsT It Is to your Interest to ' do so. We make ouree every day soma astonishing, almost be yond belief. We treat men for all Chronic, Blood, Skin, Nervous and Special Diseases . v. Our wide experience enables us to assure to every sufferer the very ; beat reaulta that can be obtained under the highest medical aklli. If you have any doubt whatever aa to Our ability . y . . . . " VOU CAN PAY yVHEN CURGD Ton can deposit the price of a cur in ' any bank la Portland, aald amount to be paid us when you are well. , Or you may pay ua by week- , ' ly or monthly Installments If you prefer. Consultation free. Writs for. book for men only. Mailed In plain wrapper.. .. All Medicines Free Until Cured Our horn trcAtmnt U rery raooMf eurtnr Tn eomplleatd cvfl. All business CevcfSwliir oonfldantlaL W um plain mvslopa tor ali ir AOTTMPOldeMUe)k CONStJL,TATION PRBB Thileajilng apeclallsta la th Northwest Offlo hours ta I aad T to S. Sunday and holiday, 10 to It. . Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Ofooe U Tan JToy Xoval, SSH Third St, Octmew IMne, Vortlaad, Or. :. read etalng sight et atarday Bight, July 14. wiU he Ooodwin at HelHg Tonight m.. , - - a hte n w imnuv ef sUyers wUl present "When We Were Twes-ty-One" at the Helllg theatre tonight at S:1S slock. ThU will be Mr. GeoowfaVs last per. arasaaes ef the sceeeni eagasemeni. Ruaao Neat Monday Nlgtt Ths ft moos Italiaa tenor, Hiracv Demlnleo Basse,- will ee the attractioa at the Being tneatre su se w. - . . . w . - fc-H1rnl n r n.T.l- Wrta anstleaaa." preeeded by twe acts ef "The Msssei. ' asais wv - - - efflee ef the Helllg weaira, iwnimui aw waaungioa mra. x: '. '.Rip's Last Appearance. - - rt m be s toes ttaae kefbre the vabHe will fceve the rhsaes to ese ee good a sertormenee ef "Bis vss Wtakle" ee Edrar B.oae hi glvln at the Bsker theetre this week. rTe t. tha saU sDserronlt they will keve ef ...Ins this sottworthy unpeieoeetlaa. No en has ever pisrta ue pen aw w.u mi. Bausie, Joeeph Jetfereoa. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. V j "A Woman's Sacrifice." n. tnli stack eenmesr Is preeenrlng s wip-soteh bill fnr the earrent week In ofOrtns ths strong snelodrane, "A Wbmsn's aaerlnce," m : toot seta. - Notwlthstaadlng the warm weather, the aredncrloa Is attracting peeked , whlrh snnstltntes. eafAHent evlilcnre ef the "wi1tf the play.' The fflostrsttd' songs SB sievlna pletores srs sf the best. ' Pantag-c. , r nwia anS tmamt ere roar Iset ennnrra- nttlsh to see the fsstoes Oolnmbls aisle qosrtet. lines flret appesrsnee, Isst Mnaday, they bsv Bsae many (rlends. Bone of .the other good numbers eathe pporrsn i sre Ro.coe,r hypnotist, wke .needs ho utrodnctlon: ths Bowery arvle woman, who has aa eatertalnlng act, aad William Weevar, character . Impsreos- ator. . At the Star rna at ths Star esntinties aad today sad ts name will be the last ehaoce to ese the ab- ard fane, "A New A rent." This musical ar reagemant kse Pertlasaers langblng till they forges ue aeet. . jAttheJ&rana.,, Only a few mere Msrfnrmances ef wBets'en will, he shows et the Grand. The veeoevtlle srofrem which eootslns this eramstle eeneattos will se npesma sooigni sna ipsnnww lor ins but times, as a aew biU starts Monday after- Pi ef erred Stock OasaaAaoodaV Allan gt Lewi1 Best Brand, Dispensary STBBsrTsVmTXwajro, OUwOW. Dollar Package Man Medicine Free Tea esa aow ebtals a hwn dollar ata aarksse ef Mas Medici cine bee oa reooeet. u- sr-i-4 -am w- the loyfttJ estlstacttoa, the sales aad throb oi physics) ploasore, the kesa sense of men esass. iloo, the laxary ef life, bodr-power en body, comfort rrve. Ms a Medicine dote It. Mss Medicine cane msn-wsekneee, servone sMilllty, early daear, dlseoorsced maabood, fnncttoaal fsllare, vital weekness, brsta fsg, bscksche, pro. ta title, kidney trouble end nor v. eesnHv Ton sea cere rvU at heme by Msa Msdl. II no, end the fait else dollar escksge will be cIlTsrsd to yea free, plats wrapper, seaWd, with (oil directions aow to ess It. The fall slat Collar package frae, ao paymente ef any kind, Be receipts, as promises, so papers Is siga. It Is free. All we want to know Is thst yoa ere sec sending for It eat of Idle ciirtoslty, but thst yoe wsnt to be wsll, sad become yewr stroag aalarsl self eoce more. Mss Medleise will de whst yoa wsnt It to dot make yoa a reel mea, msn-llke. msa-powerfaL Tear asms end eddresc will bring ttt all yea bav te do te to eead and get It. W esnd It free to every dlsconrsrsd one ef the mas esz. latrstate Bcmcdy Oompeay, 750 Lock boUeV lug. Detroit. .Michigan, StomQth Troubles rosihvely Lured by "Nature's Owa Remedv, BaaaeU' NATlVt HERBS. or oasts you nothing 2Sc and $1 (contains Sight Draft ft ntiuin of your awrwy 4 aet aM Ai Dnsy twaf (at slash toemk TrM Boa mCS ke wnsns I Bassria Native Herbs Coapaay Cetambwa, Onto, or aaa riaaclsce, Ua CHILD'S FOOT BADLY"" INJURED JN.M0WER tMpsciaf Dfcrpetck to The eVmraet.t Brownsvllla, Or., July T Running ta front 3f a mowlhg machine, tb s-year-old soa of Will Hobb received a severe cut ia tb right foot, Th toot was -nearly severed; but hi. Kelly, who waa called In attendance-. But- bellsve fcv BrUl b abi to save It, . , FREE ColumbiaRiverScenery Realator Line Steamers , THB rTJtCTJRSION STEAMER "BAItZT OATZBRT" make round trips to CAB CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving PORTIAND-' at -,- m reluming, ar rives p. m. Dally service between Portland and The Dalles except Sunday, leaving Port land at T a. ra- arriving about p. m., carrying freight and passenger Splen did accommodation. ---for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street, Portland; foot of Court street. The Dalle Phone Main 14, Portland " TELEGRAPH Tb only steamboat making a round trip Except Sunday Between ' PORTLAND and ASTORIA AWD WAT VOXsTTS Leave Portland. ..............T:0 a, m. Arrive Astoria ..... ..1:1 a, m. Leave Astoria.. ........... ...1:1 p. m. arrive x-orciana..., .......r.s:ou p. m. MawsJJI SERVED- A LA CARTS ; Pcrtland taadlag. Aids attree Dock. Astoria Tiannlng. Oallenaer Doak, B. B. SCOTT. Agent Phone Mala lit. ALASKA . PAST AD POPULAB STBAliBHIFS Ueve Seattl r rrrrrtiOB," Job. k, oi ix. u. ' ' "JtOLtMIM," ly s. is, S. ,' . 1 ' .. OALLINO AT -'; Ketebiksa, Jonesn. nonglss. Bstsea. Sksg way, Ooeseete with W. p. T. iwaee tar Atlla, Dawsea, Taaaaa Mease,. eta ' Pes An Seatheaatera Alaaks Parts." V Can or esnd for "Trip te WVnaerral Alaska," "laCUa Basketry." "Xetel Poles." . ZKB AIABKA S. f. .00. ., ' -Frank Weolsey ' Oa,,- Afeats. tag Oak St. Portlaad, Or. DEWO Portland's Widely Known and Successful 4 . Chinese Medicinalail . Root and Herb Doctor Bla femoas remedlea, the Ibgredieata et which we import direct from the Or teat la large ejnsatltlae end prepare aad pat a, to see ta hie ap-te-dste tabetery. Me satreary, poieoae or drugs ef say kind Ssed, . Parely vtrrtabla The Doctor treats saeceeefally ssd gsarenrese to care ell etomorh troablse. eetorrh. esthsss. Inn, throat, rheaaastlsm. swviaasiss. User. kMaey..aa4V. lost, msnhooll. . rXMAU XBOVBtH AMD AIX PBXTATX ' DlalAUa,. Me- raise sr mleleedlng statements to ' the afflicted. A eefe aad lasting cere la the ealck. est aomible time and nt the lowest east soa elble tor boBoat treetment. If yoa cannot ealL write tor symptocs Blsak sad drcalar. tnclcae 4 ceata la stamps. ; . . oomidxtatiob ran. - ----- The 0. Oee We Ohiaese Kedletae Oe., 1MH Scctt's SmHtal-FepsD Czpsclss A POSITIVE CURE Vorlnflsmmetloa orOatarrkof the BladrfCTsad Mssaesd KldV am. aeovasaerAT. vares eeUkly aad permaaeetiy the worst eases of IHoiuhl sod CBseoe, ae metter of how Jm etaadlns, . A b e o I a t el y bumlese. Bold by dragsista. .'A testis TKEWXTAL-ftFSim Bstlstoatalaa. Ohaa, Ver gale by Weederd, Clark. Oe. Evory Vcnan inssrssiea sea sooaia anew . . Bhoni toe wonderfnl MARVEL WMrUacj Spray- w new vacsau srtaws. mfmf aa JlaWioo. Wavt gaX aooi coavoaienv km rum B'asiM hv K. If h. eannetsorely the aaVBb, so . other, bo I sand slenio for Illustrated hook ...I.s. Ml rail Darasalara and dfiwrtiona I. viruablstola1tss. MABVBt, CSX. aa i. aaa sr. aasiat. a. a. sxiomobb a oo ur'.nriBO sTaarx, avas wuouavau, m.asaa uu. ForKldnsy and EladdirTroublts EELEEVE31N 24Hour AU URINARY DISCHARGES Bach Cap- 'sale bear. thenemet- Jiawi e HSBliikHi' ror sale - r all dm stats, sawa ' CMiCMrarga'a cnlih . a wm a . . min n aiiwianq ta MS a v-J4 mini mm mm vS klaamaaa. TiMHaVm B .naae aei aa Seaattlwelaoi aad lwWs aaa. B.J tr fMr PraaslW. ar iea .. I MAK lit CCAU , 'Jtojaaas mat h-x mmm hoaasa na ,iuV l!', T$i? Oans taa. -a 4 t. Jr 1 a CGI m m W OV 1, CSV-J war wrr jx- rwf!w- tM.ff aa ta ai s a aai ubuaiBIA BITBB DIVlBiOIf. SmJJyvw. eessmrtta M liaau T"" ena.nsrtB nesoa. yept Saadsri gstnrdsy, 1 . sv. Arrives - p ai.. ac.ot Rasas. ' vAMTfru, grvr BATrnt ' me nafw.H r . . . .IrV tmmr" Both aad Medoa, Asht. eeek. a,?M-Iv" "V ly.cept gonday wator wss- fciday."''- " .-.aIW....ewaa r I'' BtrgB botttb. i!2!..IZIrtn Ids bo, and way solars free, h-F eteamere Spokaee end Lewis. JJ? jee B:o s. m., or spaa arrival Ttala TOses. Offlcj. TMrd sad Wssbrngtoa en, . , Tewpbone Msla Tia - . ',' a.a?WiTi -1T' xicaee a sins, wm. afcMUBBAT, General raaseaev Agent. EAST VIA SOUTH Ptrloa BonoW - teave. Overl.nd giprsae Tiatna "aelees, EoMbwrg, Asa- "acTaDBSBBB. osesa, sa rraDrlaoo. flock ta loe AbssIm, Kl Psse, Ji.w OrWaas aad the east 1M egiBima Moratng train eowaecej st 1 Woodbara daily saeept ' i Roadsy wttb trsta for '.-' :-, Moaot Angel, Bilvertnm, . - BrownsviUs. ; Rpiietgeld, '. Wsadllng an Mstros.i.. HM m .,! Sat Bosaoe paasn,ar eoa BK-ts st Wood oars wttb ,'''..,;-?. U'--Moant Angel and Btlvev toa local 1:M ta Orvellle paearaaar. T:sm ' o 5m Hheridaa paasensw 4 -iu pal W Sal Porast Orovs namensw. Ilinteff em ' .UM am eOeJly. Ilrtsflv vcant Ban4ir. ' ' yrrriRsojc-STKrrr stattom. . ror Dsllas and IntOTmedlste points dattf d:lS B. m. Arrive Portlsnd 10:10 s. m. for time and card of towage enbcrbsa tasjas apply et City Tick Office, or ststloa. , Tickets to Ksstera points snd Baropet sis fspsa, Chlnr. Bonolnla snd Anstralla. City Tlchet Of tic comer Third, aad Wash tagtoa streets. Pkeae Main TIB . 67 W. BTTMOBB. Is. MrrrjBBAY. City TlrSet Aaes, Oee. rasa. ASat. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland! Leave. Arrive. Park-Basses rttv-at. Loats oseUl Chsballa, Centralis. Olym- -pla. Oray's Bsrbor. onth Bead, Tscoma, gcattls, Spo ils. LrwtstoB, Bntte, BIU Unga, Peaver, omsns. aaa- eae City, it. Loala aad ' loatheeat. dally iJSsm 4:SP pes North Coast Limited, else. trie I1ghtd, for Tscoma esttls, poksae, ' Botto, i MlBBespoU. SU Pasl BBS ' the Bast, dally t:O0 pm ffMacS Pncet Booed Limited, for t CUrement. Cbehalls, Ceo. . trails, Toeema aad Seattle ' only, dally d:Spm IBM.' Twhi City Cvprees tor To- enme. Besttle. -Bstto.- ttle. Spokane, Rrlena; Bt.-"aBtr- Mlnnespolls, LI: nenba, St. Iiiau Clrr. Oma ha. St. Leow,, wlthoat . ebsnse of ears. Wrest eoa- v '; " " i. . '- , ' necttoae for all polats - . Beet end aontbeest. sally., lltej em 1S.M pa, A. D. CHART. TON. Asshrtsnt Oeneral Pee, BMxror Agent, te Morrteoa street, eeraec Thlea, Portland. Oregoa. - - - - - Astoria & Columbia u River Railroad Co. Csioa Bvpet 'leave, . rw msyaers, avaiaisr, curs - kssls, Wottaort. Clifton, Astoria, Warroatoa, ria- .-'. : ' vaL Hammoad. Port Stao. ' "' ens. Oearbsrt Park. SMald. 'g0 sm lltSg aat Astoria aaa seeaaore. ea ncosa dally ................ T4C pm PHW se, "Portland a,ali1. rirrr" SaturtUr eel-. Isevas Portlsnd :H p. m. an wsin oaiiy. , .. v 1. C MA TO. O. P. and P. A., Astoria. Or. C A. grgWABT. Commercial Aaaas. Ba Aide street, Pbose MaU SOS. EM!! a I ' I 7M COfcUOfrTABIX WAY. , 2 Overland TralssDaOy 2 'Ike Oriental Limrssd. the rear Met VIA ggATTLB AMP gPOKAWg. ' - . ., - Daily. . rally. " Leave. . Arrive, Portland time erfcadnl Te end from Bpehase. . .. t. PsoL MlnnMnnlle. , .-'.-. s . Imlath aad all potato ' ' 'sat via Boettle I Mis T-essa r , .niti imkxOm. Te and freta Bt. Pael, f Mlnneanolla 1 Do loth ' . '- . -end all potato last " v vU Bpakane S 1 ,m Iwie Stoat Berthera gtoemaht, Oe, anieg from sttl for Japaa tad China parte and Manila, cerrrtsg pe -sengare end fralaht. g. S. Wrnneeete. ftv It, '';-"' B. S. Dk.U. aavtsmher MIPPOM TTSkV X Aid KB ' 1 fJspse -Msll tesmahl, ro V . . B Base htora wtll aart frr S.sttle sNrut tnif I fa lapaa s4 Chine porta, aarrytag Beamasere sad frslpnt. " " - Po tlcketa, rafes. to I tleaa. at., rail ea r sMrase X. PTCKSO. 0. P. t- A.. lit Tkrrs ek, BsrtlaaeV Orsa-an. raeae au'B S.;lF.Kilbnra ' Per Cos, Bey, Bor-ks eed Sea Prsaet-. Best eslllag (rem Portland, Taseda,, f Best sainag from (sa rrssHeea, Tr:., ' r f.t'fws'' ' dkeeawleb Iree ee. A 1 . Aajiw,' m 1 Ha. tTalea PsnoS .' I TsliowstBes ' -1 - . 1 t '