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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1906)
THE ORECOIJ DAILY JOUIIAi; PCl.TLAIID. CATLV.D.. LV jODAY'S .i)0L U0VE,1I SIllLJEilVV Large Number of Small Lots Are ' Offered for Sale at Cur- V - rent Quotations.-- vv COME CHITTIM BARK ' IS AGAIN BEING PEELED '.' ;:'-:".-'" y jr Temporary Shortage fa Lemons Fails " to Affect: Pricft-ior Several . Cart , AreJDue to ArrWe' Early Coming - WeefcEggand Poultry the Same. ef the Portland wBoheale market "" ,r' ," . ..wkMt " . ',.' Hosse chlttlm Bars U P"- -. . Tomatoes r rather acere. - ,w . r j.. "Teinperary ehere la leBJena. . . . Better eupplles of crapa vr. :" -" Artichoke eosie from Aurora. - : - . Kan and pooltry anchanre. , Klne ahlpmoDt Hewall.a rlueapple. Still a acirrltT of oes Bet. . t ' - - Uoo4 BHirmnt la old petttoes. - New soeeaWwtatoea tomin " Plum ara eomlB from 'Tbo Belle. 4. lsaaberrte are I Better aoptV. ... ... - i Waal awirt Stm ssv. V, ' The antmt of wool ,ln ,ey. Alt. -o Ur Wa taval - during the. t t taw day, a VSStH mrmber of dU ee here beee . and la tl ereregati ilk P" t?-2! : fully aa liberal u th if .Ble wwe oa. In tie mala- preaeot prtcee re J"" ! .boat tha earn aa tboa. rnUa dotlnf tba latter aalee. TS-ra U a otapoalttoo among th. (rower, to look th. aUuatloa tha . and th. generally raaolta. I amwt. nmH bo mora Ult o( a " hvyet. All eetera Barter. psrtlcoUrly the from Beaten, taolcata that -Ua-Jocai tra ta pajlns Ui ten notch ot prices. hai Chlttlm BaA b aatad. Altaoush tba trada baa raraU adrwd .ctiTbLarT PHn, of rtUtl- tark aaaaoB, eooalderabla aaMoat baa alraadr f ln cat and a bcgluilac to mtom to arktt. Prlna tor MX bark ar. aot Bar aa bLfb aa prrWa bad axpwsud. bat tbla la dna to tba irt aecamalatm. at old bark ta tta baada of apeculatora who could sot aall tbatr aap. pllr. it latlifactorr titan Uat .Beaaoa. " Moma tbaae apacnUtara paid aemral timet what tba bark la worth aa tha epaa arkt v at tba ta-aaaat ttma aad moat ot them wouljj tx wUIIng to gat from BBdar if thr nld. - ' laaaranot ehargca cooUBoa to pile op; Ilka . wlaa atoraga ehargaa aad totarjjat - oa tba mmwr Inwatrd. rt tbcra U hardly a bo dor who would not b willing ta let go at a amall kxa. '.,.-'''. ' : 1 ' ' ' Tamataaa Ara Boro,Taday. -Ruppliea ot rlpa tomatoaa wer rathar amall " today. A amall ahlpmaBt arrlTed from atla- "lialUMl. bat-H-dld aot mora than fill a martar of tha demaad. Boma taw boxaa arrlred from California and a few from Mexico, but geu erallr apaaklng thera la a deficiency la quality la both. Soma flna botbouae atock from local pelnta aad soma out door -trow a from Tba Dallaa were- reealred and brought tba top flgaro. Better aappllea of aeedleaa grapea ara abowa .frora California tbla morning. . Prleaa ara a - trifle fewer.-. ' . .' . .. Blng aad lambar .auarrtea-froaa weal aotnta "la batter aupply, bat all report lndlcata that prlnea kara aboat reached tba bottom. Home amall ahlpmeata of ploma were. r eelred from Tba Dallea tbla morning, hot did aot bring aatiafactorr prleaa OB account . ot being of nnralubla onallty. ' tMraabarriea war Is better mpply ' tbla morniBg aad tba price waa ahaded la moat Inataucaa. Baapberrlra ramala In eery liberal -eurpty -wttb- demaad fair and price oocbaogtd. Thera eontluuea a ery good . moremant at Id peutoaa at former prtcee. ' Offarluga ara beary. New local poUtoea are coming eoa- elderabbl faater. Prlnea the eame. Tbara waa a ehlpinaut uf plnaarpf fro el Bawalla thla morning. Price ; and demand h, above thoee- from the aoutk. Artlrbokee from Mtramonte farm at Aarara hive made their appearance aad are of batter quality tbaa tboee from fha eoutb... There la a ehortage temporarily la anp .' pile, ot lemon, but price remain Bachanged. Serera! can are due from the aoutk early la ... the eooilng week. . ..' armor Seta ef arloaa Uaea. Egg are )uat holding their owa with fuallty aot aatlafactarjr and receipt fair. Hena remain rather dull but bo acennralatlon la abowa. eprlBn atlll la excellent call for large - alaea. Pack and geeaa ta aa err-upp)y with price a fractloa off. Still a acardty la auppltee ef diaaaid meat v en account of tbd unfavorable weather for ' eblpplBg. Demand for both fancy teal and - block boga excellent. The trada paya the following prleaa a freBt tract. Prleaa paid, ablppera are lee regular OiajB, noar nad r4. - flHAIT BAGS Oalentta. HKffWHc .. BVHRAT- Club. fie. led RuaaUn. TO;blue- tarn. Tc: aalley. TlT2e. ' B ABLET Feed t2a.0U; rolled. t2a.00O2g.00i ' bre wine. (24.00. - COR.N WnoW, tMA aracked, tasO pet (on. .. . .. . i " BTB ei.BS per rwt. , OATS Producer" price "a. 1 . white, 128 00 : gray, 2R.00.00. FLOUB New eaatern Oregna patent. M Bn0 , S.tli; atraljrhta, $JI.40QS.60i export, .1.1BO3.Si0; valley, tS.M; grabam. Ua, S.(w; .whole wheat. 3.7H: rye. 0, g.1.00; bale. 3.7ft " UlVLMTCrn Bran.-j17.B0 par tra mld dllnga, tm.oo: abort, country, . $30.00; elty, (JBon: chop. fl.00(2l.60. HIT rmoHieer' fric Tlmofnr, WITlametta waller, faecy, (1X00; ordinary, 10.00t 10 B0; eaatera Oregoa, 10.Onei7.0O' mixed. I10.00Q 10JS0; cloTtr, , grain, , tf.S0CJa.Mi cbeat, ' t7.004IS.O0. .. .. - Batter, Igga and uHtt. i. - t ' BITTTEB FAT a. . b. Part la ad iwaal ' eream. 20e; eour, Ibe. kilJTTKR City creamery. HViC! oatatde faaoy, Wa'jni", ordinary, 17Ve: atore, 14c. ItGOS He. 1 freed Oregon, candled, 2Q tsuc. - ... -- "". HSR Hew rull cream, flat, lltieUCi loner America, 12',4!H3c. . pol'ITKV Mlted cnickeae, im per lb; - fancy kna. HVil4c per lit; rooater. eld, 10V4e lb; alar. llttUK lb: fryer, ItlctlTcl bro li ar. 16Q170 per lb; old duck. ICAld per lb; ,.; aerlag ducka. lac per lb; geeee, saiOc per lb; . thrkeye. IBeiper lb: dnaaed. SO . per' lb: aricab. tJ.60.0 per Vl; plgeoB. - IZjOO per doe. Hop. Wool aad aTldea, " HOPB Contract. IPOS crop, lUe per tb 1105 Oregon.' tlXKlOVi'"- WOOI iw clip alley, eearae te l u tSc; fine. 34c; eaatera Oregoa, SO021. v MOM Al l -Jew nominal. r PBKKPXKINaV BBrartua. 15120e eaehi abnrt ' wool, tftX40c; medloa. waoL SOe7Ce aaehi ' mng wool. TorCrtl.OO aaea. . ' ..; TAUX)W-Prta, per la. IHateai Be. t aad anaee. zi2ic 4 CHITTIM HARK 1803 atock, 6Mi pet tbU lOl tlim Ik l HlDgH Dry. ha. t. llrltie and, aa, IdUdl fe-re"1.; cfrr-rrrffTtO. I. 5 t M lha. lie; dry rait. Me. L aader t lha. lor; aalted bldea. - etaer, aonad, 40 lb aad erer, I0llrj eowa. . miy; atare and bulla, aoand, oaici kip, - II MM lb. Be; ralf.'aound. aader la lb, lie; '" nneen. eaaalted. I leaa; eulla. e par lb lee. "; Lonehldee, aalted. each, l ZHtl.Tt; dry, ear. ' ii.Kil.tO: eolt bMe, Saetioe; poet ekln. common, each, aOd)ls; Aafora, aaca. 2mcO aiJi...... ' . ... arniw bm Taajemaiva. "tWATreltaaT' aorTed," tfl(6t)B per Back; dueere prtoa for car Iota, 40jO par ewt: SATURDAY PRICES 'IN THE WHEAT MARKET dddaddd44d d d d db July. ' Bept . d Chicago f .71KB ' I .Tl e 4 New Tork.... , .... 1,4.V d ' St. Ixulg .... ab LlTerpool . a MA 7 & e - Wlnnrapotlt. .: , ' . ) d HUwaukra ,7IH .... .7-d ' ' - a MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY . TIPS ON MARKETS There la another' ' advance shown In tha BTaln bag market d) b today, tha ton Drtca now belna at' 10 Wo t. o. b, Portland. , Ao- ,d d ' cording to prominent train bag d d ' manufacturers and dealers,' tha ' 4 present high values ara due en- . tlrely to the Brest shortage In v iini,ilea of cloth and Calcutta, d ' and advanced prices - Baked for - d d this by manufacturers. - In some , d . Quarters tha belief Is that there 4 a. will be sufficient supplies to suit d all. requirements, but soma of d d the most prominent handlers as . d e sert that there will be short- e d age, and that no mors arrivals , will be shown In Urns (or the . . present harveat ordinary, ' S0Q4A; producer' price, new tanionila, ai.ou; oferon, i.w)i.ou. . ONIONS Jobbing ork-e Texae. per lb; new California, red. tl.60: slleera. tl.78; garUc. grtSe per lb. 1 . FRB8H PBTJITB Apple, tl .60a;aW apple. orange, aledlterraoeau. M.TB4; banaaaa. 6a lb; lemon, choice. e.JJ5.M per boil fancy. par box; llruea, Mex ican, Tte per 1U0; tanrrrlnee, 1 pineapple, t2.7St3t.e0; tlawallaa, tS.60; atrawberTi., 12.00 m i. per crate; gooaauai i n . or per w, cUerrle. 4H0c lb; plum. . 1.2ftL50 crate; apricot a, tlorz.00; peach,' fcicUll 00; logaa brrrlea, tl 441; eaataloopea. 2.Kljl.7o; raepbeciite. tl-BO; black ag, tlM. Ahi.t-l Turnip, new. tl.80 per each; rarrota. 1.75 par aack; beets. tl.W par aa.rk; paruiipa. $IM. par aack: Oregna radlabee, 20r doe; cabbage. Oregon, tl1.23; bell peppers, Mr lb; Mexican tomatoes. 1175; California. tl.TIt; local botbouae. tt.TS; MlaalnalppL J1.7ft2: para nip. POcWtl; atrlng beana, Oregon ttJ4c lb; cauUflower. tl do; peea, 3miSH; lb; boraaradlab. t7 per lb; artlcunkea, 73 per doa; Mparagua, Oregoa, 40 50a per due buaehea; Will Walla, tl.00 par box: agoaab, 114 aiilnacb. .tOr . per box; grace onions, TeiroB. per uo morHa, wmw bera. 4fi(760c per fV celery, tl-00 per doa: greea corn, 33 doa; summer eqnah, 75cJ fl.oo box; exrplant, . 40e lb. I4e per lb; apricot, ,14 per lb; paacnee, I t 12 &e ner lb: aacka. Ue M lb leaa: wane. to to 40, Be; Ue drop oa each airtaantb mailer at: ftga, California Mack. 0Vt 'hi CallfomU white, IfeOMe per lb; da tea, (olden, TVs par lb; tarda. ll.40Ql.80 per 14-lb box. Orooarl. But. Eta. . BCQAB Beca-baale .Onbe.- to.0; puadHed.; rait granuiatea. an. in; ery granaiateu, 5.(16; rant. A, ta "; beet graonlated. waatera, 4.85) Han alien, fa. 05; extra C MM; goldea . t4.45; O reliow. bbla. 10c: U bbla. ISe; box, bOe adranc aa each bla, leaa 26c per cwt for caaa, IS dayai . maple, ItQlH r in. Above nrtce aorlr te salaa of waa tha ear lota. Car lot at apcll price aabjeet te Buctuanon. . hunit-pi., par crate. -COFPEB Package bread. I16.SSQ14.TB. -RAI.T Onars II a If around. 100a. SS 00 Bar ton; 60a, t 50; Uble, dairy, CO. $12.00; 100, 111.75; Imported Llnrpool. 60. tl7.O0; 100a, tlt.tO: 224a, tld.OO; extra an, bbla, a. Sa, 10a, t4.&tiQB 50; bulk. t20 lba, tt.OOQS.OU; aacka, turn, 65080c: Llrerpool limp rock, - fit JO per ton: 50-Tb rock. t.00; lOUa. t .00. RICK Imperial Japes, Hv L Bel Ms. t, f(I5H; New . Or lean haad. Tc AJax, , te; Crtole, 814c... . BEANS Small white, t4.HI; Urge white. i3.B0; pink, M 75; bayoa, t.TS; Umaa, t50; lexlrau red. 4 He. . , ...... NUTS-Paanata. Jumbo, ta per lb; Vtrgtnla, (rcac per lb; seated. tSHe par lb; Japa- , , uin7v, ruwiw, w79v iw. w, rw. not. KtigUOe par dqa; walnata, 15Q15H lb; ptnannta, lOffllHe per lb; blckory nnta, 10c per lb; cheatnuta, eaatern. 15(81- per lb; Brull auta,- 1415c par lb; flrharts. 14Q13 par lbi fancy .aacana. 15c: almond. ldQITe. . ' Taint. Ooal 011. Zte. B0PB Pare ataalla, 14oj auadard, 1IH1 tmal. lie. , - COAL flltc-Peart or Aliril Case. 1SV per gal; water white. Iron bbla, 14c par gal wooden, 17e per gals beedllgha, llo-deg, aa, 1 Ue ner eat. GArWUSt SS-deg, caaas MM Pr gal. troe Mna. 18c per gaL BKnZINB SB per tral. area bM !8U,e Dee cat TCRPCNTINB la te per sail bbla 0r per gal. WHITE LIAU Ton let. T4 Dee lb! lOD-Ik lot. M per lb: leu let. IU per B, WIRH NAILS Preeent baU at tied, ' L1NHBBI. Oily Pnre raw, tav 6-bbl lot. Brt t-bbl lot. Me; case. Me per gal; genalne kettle botlrd, caaa. 0c per gal; S-bbl lot, tdes l-btl kit toe per gal; ground cake, ear Iota. $20.00 per ton; leaa than ear lot, t'to.00 par ton. If est, riak aad Pmlalaaa. ' PRB8B MEATS Front treet Beef ateera, 4Q5e per lb; cowa, bl4e per lb; boga, faacy, 8UKic: ordinary, 7Uyitc; ooor, TJ7 per lb; bull. l3be per lb; real, extra, 7a per Us ordinary, ec per lb: poor. Be per lb; mattes, fancy. StJRHc per lb; lamba, be. BAMB. BACON, ETC Pectlaad pack Herat) bam. 10 to 14 lba, ISHe per lb; 14 te 1 lba, lCUe per lb: brcakfaat baeoa, IdaaOe per lb; picnic, 12c per lb; cottage, 10 (4 o par lb; regnUr abort clear, anamofced, lue per lb; amoked. lle per lb; clear backa, anamoked, lOHe per lb; amoked, 11V per lb: Union butt. i to JS lb; anamoked, 8ff per Ibf amoked. So per lb: clear belllee. Basmnked. lie per 1B amoked, 12c per lb; shoulder. 12c par lb. . LOCAL LARD Kettle lent, 10a, Ue per lb; ta, lZVie per lb; CO lb tiaa, llHe par b: ataam readered. 10. lie pet lb; pa, life per lb; compound. 10a, tU. CANNED SALMON CohiwbU lieer. 1-lb talU, tl.SOi 1-ib talks, tx.75; faacy, 1-lb tat, tl o; Vt-lb faacy Oat, ti-13; faacy l-lbjTki. la. 75; AUaka talla. pink. 84tiOc; red. tl.60; nominal as, tall, tt.00. tlHH llwk red. Tt pet B; SmunM. "Be. pee lb; halibut be per lb; crab, tl.CO per do; trlped baas, lUVje par lb; catfish. Be per lb; saloioo, Columbia tlrer eblnook. te lb; ateel heada, Te lb; bloeback, 7 lb; barring, te lb sole, te lb; ahrlmpa. 10 lb: perch, Be per lb; black cod, Te par lb;- tomeod, Te par lb; tlleer emelt, Te per lb; lobatera, ) per lb; freob mackerel, Ac per lb; crawflab, aoc per doa; sbad, ;ic per lb; rtnrgeon, 10c per Ha, - OT8TEBB aoelwatr bay. per gal, tllti par II li-lb aack. M 00. CXAM Hardshell, per box. IZ.00; ' raaor sUai, tl-00 par boa. . , LIVESTOCK RECEIPTS LIKE - A YEAR AGO - - Just , a Few. Cattle Among Ar- rivals Hogs and Sheep Are Quoted Firmer. Portland nmoa Stockyards, t July T-LIre- tot-k reealptat . ' Boa a. Cattle. Sheen. Thday-. ...................... ,168c, ... Week ego,. ................. .. ,' 24 . ' 48 Month ago,...,. ....... 00 2t i'. dOT xear aao.. .. ......... '. an How much like that of a year age I the livestock market is anewa today in the er rleala. Today 163 cattle came ,la with do er rleale of bogg or abeep. A year ag there ward Bo boga ner eheep la the yard, bat M cattle came In. Hoi end abeep are firm. Cattle only fair. Today '21. horses arrlTed. Official qnotatlora: Hoe Beat eaatera ' Oregon, . t7 eT.St: Jjiluch. aad China - siexkeig -sad leeocra, 4.uu; imi, 'm-otf, , Cattle Beat eaatera Oregna steer, I3.TB: brat ew ndtfer. .3H; etoekars aa feedare. tt 00; hoU, 92 50. Hheep brlln. dQ4wl Umb. te. . v CATTLE AND HOGS STEADY. UfhtArrlrsls. jSaowBtotse SBse Skroar. " rbkage, Jaly T. I.leaatock rec1pts: ' ' ' Iloan Tblcage, 11,000; Haneea City, J.500; Omaha, t.ono. ; t'aule Thlcage, 1.000; Kaaaaa City. 100., Pheep Chicago, t.000. ' " Hog are ebw and etady. Bscelnt a "year go were t.ouo. Left orer yeaterday, t.orio. Today' prices: Mlsed. t.Otte.77i good and hessy, d.er6.7A; rmrh aad beery, t.26J 6.41; light. t1.noJ.T7H. tJ - i ., Cattle steady. , . Sheep Btroag- - ' .'. V, - ' 01TLA1 BABK STAHipyT. . ClaecMB balance , i,. . . ... i ..... . M. ITM.IIIW.45 BU.WS.8I Ueerpeel Cot baa market, . Mrerbonl. July T. Cetloa furare cloaed ateady I ta f sotaU up.. BpeQ; tad t poiuU PRICE SACRIFICED III WHEAT PIT Bulls Have Too Heavy Load to v Carry and Bears Have Full ' " " "Swing In Chicago. OPTIONS A HALF TO ; v I . ' SEVEN EIGHTHS LOWER Fin : Weather t Reported From "All ..Sectiona and Experta Acre Crop 7 Will Be Very Heavy Good Buying on Breaks In Corn and Oats. BirTTVB WHEAT Y ALU EE. .-:v - Cloee ' -; ..-,' . July T. May.,...i..,.t .7SHBt .T juiy September. . . ,, ,80 December Cbkage, Jely T. Wheat ball. If there are ay left, bad to mach of a load to carry airala today, and price bad to be eaerifleed. Nothing eoald be more perfect than the weather which prd all orer the wheat country -oa both aide of the Canadian line. Leader hi the Borthweet are wiring here that p eontlnuattos of present condition will Insure a bumper crop. The whiter wheat country continue to eel) freely. It wa eatlmated that Chicago boeee bad acceptance oa to cloee 1,000,000 buabela eeer Bight. Tbla wheat bad to ba hedged la the epaa market. Thla kind of eellere do not run aa abort do when the market turn etrong. It la barely poaalble that the bearleb eentlmeat la little, toe ananlmou at tha pree ent time. ---, - rr Bear . Shaw Iteapeek ' - The con market appear to be onlte s differ ent pronoaltwn from the wheat at preeent. The bear ehow conelderable respect for the market eren ea th break. They helped fore price off a little tbla morning with wheat, but bought freely on the rally.-' The fine weather belpa te create bear aemlment. -- - In 01. te tba corn, th buying Is ef a good character on the. break. . ; , , . ; Prarlalona Ara Tina. ' The pnrridon market abowed a firm, tone and eame gam for the day la all product. Th etrength wa largely the result ef a limited ran on boga. : ' . , , urneiaj qaaratioaa ny . UTerDec. biatt t Oaoka eamnany WHIAT. f Onen. . Cloa. ( .7iB May..,..$ .78' July..,., r ,7S If ESS PORK. July 1T.OT Beet:,... 18.9T 1TM IT 80. 1.0 , 14.70 IT. 0B ' 1T.12 14.70B . S.88B . 0.0OB o oa ' ; on - 9.41 0.2S ' f" 14.T0 LARD. .- S.8T . tot . BOB Jan....,, 14.70 July..., tT .00 B.oa B.88 PT BepU.. Oct....... July..... eptve Oet. 0.00 SHORT BIBS. BJ .4t .1T .sa ' P.B9 P.48" B.SB - 0.22 ' B IS zxmPooL obaib xaixxt.. JnTy T-OfflclU prleest WHHAT. Cloee Tioe Jaly. JulyT. ' . JuliT. July '.........j.... ft BHd September .......... fvd December Be Ba a 84 d da B',d Td 1. a T4d 4a Td 82 d CORN. . July d THd septtmber 44 sd v . 0HIOAOO CASH WHEAT. Chicago, July T. Cash, wbeet: v -11 . July T. ' No. S ted i .7H : No. t red. ,TB(4 No. t bard................... .775.. No. t hard..,., .74 No. 1 Northern. ...... ......... .824 No. S Nortbarn....,,.H. ,82 Ne. spring..... .77 ' , July 8. M ,.82 -,7 CHI0A00 OBAIB CAB LOTS. . . Chicago. lnlJLTirrGrilncr .loU: - - .Care. Grade. Bat 1008. Wheat 114 17 28 Cora 2AS 24 2BT 426 Oat nd ' 20 - P4 - 140 Wkeal car today; Mlnaeapbllt, 188; Tn rnta. 04. . Tear age; sUnaeapolls, OS; Duluth, . SAB TBABCIBCO aTOinrO STOCKS. aa rranclaco, Jely T Official eh ma. i Belmont 0.2.1 Slelnway Cash Boy...... .17 A Golden Anchor.,: .87 Home Sk Jim Butler.... 1.10 M ar Kainara . . .TB Midway ...... 2.174 Montana ..... , 2.85 North Star, , 1 .44 Os),w;'JT'.: Toa. Extea.... . B.62V4 Nerada 100 Went Bad..... .0 Adam ....... . .08 Atlanta ...... JT , Bluebell. ...... .12 Booth j .88 Columbia Mt.. .' .IB Con. Quarry..,. .12 Dlamondtleld . .88 Dine .f Ooldfleld .88 Jumbo ........ 1.20 do Plxtea.... .17 Bendall . . . ., l,aguna .18 Con. Cl.-T. Oplilr S.B8 ' Mexican .67 Caledonia ..... M Exchequer .... , AO Norcro ...... .88 ' Gold Crowa.,.. ,10 Great, Bend. ,,, Jin Reerue ijl Rlack ButU ax .08 Tramp ........ .BT Hold Belmont., Montgomery Mt ftunaet ........ .88 .,14 .12 .28 .OT . .17A Sceptre ' . Mauhattaa 8y. Uompray Dextey Graany Gold Wedge. .. Tyme Star.,.,. Gt Bend ex.. II ' .I4A .08 .10 . to do Annex... Crescent ...... . .11 fVwM. ea May Onen. ... . .IT Deneer Annex... fit -Bulla A Bear. ! .08 Black Bock.,., ,OJ Nlcon ......... ,4 N. T. Cenanl.. .70 Moiiawk 1.48 Red Top , , , . Randaterm Ollrer Pick.., St. It.".!.... National Bank Deneer ..,.. .44 .47 Mttl Joe, .04 Mayflower .... Jnmplnc Jack.. Red Top AB... Bell Prog Mia. .2 .224, 18 Bell llnae ....... Gold Id Bar. O. Ball .It ' B0ST0V COTTT XAmXXT. Boatoa, ' inly T OffleUl eloaes '' - Bid. Adrentar -..$ d.iK) Rty A Hone SB.BO 01. A Aria... Arcadian ... 8.00 Phoenix Bingham .... tt.M ' Qulacy ....... Calumet ..... 6X0 00 Royal .i..,. Centennial ., . 20.00 Khannon Bid. 8.7S loom .o 88.00 IT.OO . 8.B0 Cop. Range. Iip.nn ri a ma race Daly Weat TraniTla "7.TT. Greene Coa... Oraaby .,. Maaa. Nerada Coa., North Butt.. East Butt.., tJZliiDlltrdJ rth .. 22.00 Victoria 10. 87 Y, Winona ...... 7.00 IWolrerln .... MhOO 10. S.. Mining. 8S.3TH Parrot i o.oo ,i . TOO 4 2.1 . 188.01? BBBO' 20.00 . ' TBTTID STATTS OTIBBXPTT BfilTDS. nrrewTorg JnV J tJorernmaat bond: Date. Rid. Aak. Two, ratiatared 1(XX1 d empnn, .... ........... 10"8 Three, rexUtered llK do eontaia... .,....,,,.., 10uS 10V4 1"2 !2 1084 lot 102 Twee, amall booda...... Penra. rtrletared do roapon .......... ... roar. rltred.....v. do eouMm . i.i THatrlct ef Columbia.... Pblllpplb 4... ... llxiT ..." 10iT ... 10SS ... 100 lir21i' 102U lWVi 190 1"4 130 BtW T0BK BAVK STATKMBBT, t New tork, July T. Bank sutemeat: v - i Deerbaae. Ri'aai'vs T .,,,.,,, ,.,... ,$.1,B1o, 878 flea.l ., Is B. B.nM2.feVI Loan........,.., 0,!Wl.8O0 Sped ..., A.. B.PO3.500 legale .............................. 8.O11B.0OII roit , Clrculatloa .., '71.2VQ Cloee - Clnae Loaa July d. 1U05. . July T. .iv .bs n'a 'JWU : .Satf .UOL .tai .oo liOW. nept... .,. .ana. ."1 '.--jaj . Dee Ai , -Kt ' - .82T , . .83Ji - -CORK. - July .M --H4 - .BOti , 81A Sept .BlU f .81 , JH , .Jft Dec...., - .ei ; "5 .401 .4j .4v - , .. : OATS., - . Jnly... Jft M '.5. v JIT14 . -714 , Spt......S44 - MS, n-M t. .842 Dee...r. ,Mik MM M MX Grain B&s An Aain Higher and Buying Is Heavy Despite the Increase in Values Some Dealers Say There Is Not Sufficient Supply. DilflKSTilTEfJEOTil : BEAR FEATURE Early Improvement in ; Stocks Cives Way to Losses' as Soon as It Appears. : SOME IMPROVEMENT IS f MADE JUST AT CLOSE Liquidatloa Xs Short-Uved With ths V Longs t Rctcue f Market North ern Pacific " Acts " Strong - Again With On and a Half Gain,"-- ' W.n mtrLmt 'New Tork. July T. The stock market continued strong thla morning; sad dur ing the first hour the leading stocks all ad- . . , w - , .. . .... . m a nni.r anrf whea the bank etatemeBt Bppeared Ita unfaror- able character encouragoa a new eearieu aiuc, which carried price down quickly, Tbla break. bowrr, brought out long stock and wa ebort lired, atock rallying again br"tb Ut fw minute ef the eesaloa and cloning atroong. The action ot the market waa aatUfactory to the bull aad eeama to proml aon thing battel tor the coming week. . -. OffleUl quotatkmp by O-earbeck, Starr A Cook eompuy: -t. f DBS0BIPTI0N. Anacond lllnln Ue... 231 Anil. Copper Co,,.... 1004 08 87 V4 Atcniaoa, com. Ml urrri4... ..... rllOO oa Am. Car A found., com. uo oreittrreu ......... 00 0044 Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt, com.....,., 131 145; 181 14Vi do preferred. US 116lll8 rr,, Baltlnior A Ohio,' eon... no do preferred. (. ...... .1 02 TB 02 Brooklya Rapid Tranalt.l T8 1 T4 Canadian Pacific, com... IIP H 160 IBS' 161 t hi. 4k u. w.. com...... 17 OhU Mil. A St. Paul... 174 Chi. N. W.. com..... IKS Chesapeake A Ohio BT Celo. Fuel A Iron, conk.. 44 IT 17SU 7174 ioh 18 198 BTVi f0 Cole., southern, com I 04 i B4 do 2d preferred..,.,. 1 49 do let preferred......! 48 VI , a ' t . 4t Delaware A Hudson 2134 Del.. Lack. A. Weat... ..... Deny A B. G., com... 40 2144 218 40' iivi io" TTi so preferred. ...... ...i Erie, com dl do sa prererrea......!... .. da 1st Breferred T7t is nitnola-OeatraJ. ........ 178 , Lonfarrine A Neahrlll.. lit Metropolitan St. Ry..'. ..... Manhattan Railway Mexican Central Ry 20V. Minn.. St P. A St. U. 1B1 , Mlwoori Pacific 01 Vi M., K. A T., com...... M 1T84 1TBT4 13 aVh'1 do preferred ....I..... New York Central m Am. Cotton Oil......... BOH Am. Locomotie,,, 08 Federal Smelter. 1 Norfolk A w .at, com.. I Wf 88 V. 87 V, do preferred..... I..... North American wl H. T.. Out. A Weat. i.. I 471 4t4 PatmaylTanla Hallway... 1 12 1274 I. U,, lu at C u....,.l ei, 80 4TV4' WlVal' PreMd Steel Cat, com. .1 4flV4 do nreferred I 08 48V, nn Pacific Mall S. B. Co.,.1 81 Vi 82 VI Heading, com Ud do 2d preferred..., ' do lit preferred 00 Bep. Iron A Rteel, com. 2T do nreferred.......... 08 oo' 2T Odti 2S'4 Bock laland. Com I do D referred ..,.1 z 82V4 02 84U 8414 Mt4l VS 8841 AB44 Soutbers Railway, com.. I 84 H oo prererrea. ... i Southern Pacific-,. .....I 8Vt do Breferred 1WV4 UOVs'UO it b. AB. F.. Zd ptd,. .... do lat preferred.,....!.... St. I. A S. W., eom... 21 21 I 00H BlHl'siVa do Breferred. ........ .1.... Tex A Pacific i .t tIM, Tenn. Ooal A Iron 11444 14BHtt48-1142 MIX THEIR METAPHORS. Amusing Blunders Made by Members of British Parliament. SYom ths Ixmdon Dally HalL ' Frequentersot ths fioueo, an au thbrlty writes to tha Dally Mail, hare for a Ions; time marked s woful de preciation In ths art of parliamentary speakltiK. Notable exceptions ara . Mr. Balfour, Mr. Chamberlain. . Sir Henry Campbell-Barnierman, Mr. Asqulth. John Redmond and T. Heaiy; the last nauned, durins an Irish land debate last ses sion, dellTered one of the finest speeches It has been my pleasuis tu lieAr; Curious enough Is the fsot that prob ably tba beat grammar and the most lucid and finished sentences come from the labor side In the example set by Keir Hurdle. , Only aa unfortunate but no doubt conquerable jerUness of de livery prevents the labor leader from being numbered In the front rank - of modern parliamentary Orators. The mixed metaphor sires many un suspecting members falL Mr. Aqqulth not long ago . amused the house with the phrase: "Our tongues are tied, our hands are fettered and we are really beating; the air to no purpose." John Burns Improved ort this by de claring;. In ' reference to the children's employment , bllL "I will now reseat what I was about to sap- when the hon orable member Interrupted mi" Then thera .was ' the wealthy manu facturer member, who, dealing- with the legal . position of trade unions, as severated that "the Interests of the em' pioyers ana employee are the same nine times out of ten nay, J will bo further, and ay ninety-nine timet out or ten.": ' - A member of the present opposition. observing; signs of dissent from a lib eral, exclaimed: "Ah, . the honorable member opposite may ehaJce hit head, but-he tnnot shake mine." - . "Sir," said Waiter Lona- on educa tion matters, "we are told that by th'f legislation tne neart or tne country will be shaken to Its foundations." The house of commons Is too hur ried, too strenuous, too utilitarian In these t1mesto er)cniir-yw ) frrtmental in oratory, moreover, every member in the chamber appears anxious to havs his say. Up to tbe present some 400 legislators out. of 70 have -delivered speeches during the nesston. These are regarded as the principal causes of the decadence of parliamentary style. Charles . Seymour, the elocutionist. Who coaches many, parliamentary-ewn- dldates and before whom not a few members rehearse the ' speeches they hope to deliver before the house, pro nounced the suggestion of a class for polltlcatnp Impossible. , . .- -"Members who honor me with their patronage," he said, "creep stealthily Into my studio; They would not have their mission known under any clr eumstsnnes. It la not shame; It Is shyness." ' . " ' " ' ' ; ' .. , rot1 Slok Btembetra. - -Th Brooklyn Central - Labor -union has purchased a plot of land on Long J land.-for the erection of a home for consumptive working-men, and ths min uter of the ety have pledged them selves to raise $10,000 for the erection MARRIAGE A F.lLir.Z, SO DniDH DESERTED According to the statements' of Nel son Smtlh In tbe ociroult court this morning, only six months were re quired to convince his wife, Anna A. Smith, that marriage waa a failure. "Her parents were opposed to the marriage In the flrat place," he said, "but she waa J uat aa anxious then aa I was. After we had lived In 8L Louis a little; while arte -got the Idea, Into bet head that she did not love me aa she oughUaad that it wag sll a grand mis take, Bo she went back, to sr zausr In Rockford, Illlnole. "I want back there and asked her to eeme aad live with me again, but she said It had been tried and waa a failure. and refused to come." Smith Is a merchant aad lives at IIT North Union avenue. Ue said he was married at Bockford, Illinois, in Septem ber. 104, and that his wife deserted him at St-Oeuls in March, ItOS, - Judge Qatenbeln granted a divorce, . FENDER COMMITTEE IS NAMED BY MAYOR Mayor Lane this morning ' appointed CouncUmen WUls, Wallace and Rush light as the special committee to Inves tigate the car fenders of the city. . , At the council aesslon Thursday even ing Mr. Wills Introduced a resolution providing for the appointment of aucb a committee, and he has now been made chairman, of . the committee. , ' v Some two : Bears ago tha .council passed aa ordinance which forced the oar companies to - furnish every ear with a fender. - It Is. charged that. though several persons, -mostly children. have since been killed by the ' ears. these fenders have seldom or never done anything toward preventing , aa accident.'. '..' "' It 1 now proposed to compel the com pany to put on fenders ? which , will really furnlah protection. A quiet In vestlgaUon of the moat modern styles baa -been under way for some time, but the committee will make no recom mendation until a number of different fenders have been tested. . OREGONIAN FILES ANSWERTTO SUITS Answers to the damage suits, aggre gating f 100,000, brought by F. E. Har low and Grace O. Pierce, were filed -In the circuit court by the Oregonlau Pub lishing company this morning. ' Harlowaaked 140.000 damages ana Mrs. Pierce 1(0.000 damages for al leged breach of contracts giving the ex clusive rights to sen ana asiiver ue Oregonian in this city. - " - . It Is alleged that a contract was inaae In im between Myron M. Bouthworta and H. L. Plttock, and afur being trans ferred to a number ol persons was r pudlatsd by the Oregonian Publishing company. ' - ' Tha answer eonteds that xne contra ot waa for the purpose of securing to Plt tock the persons! services of Bouthwortb and of securing to South worth the right to perform those service, and because at the end of the year 8outhwort with drew from the service the eontract waa terminated. . "-" .' v-- BRIDE LOSESWONEY K ' ON SHOPPING TRIP When Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blenls left their spartments In the Eldors, house, I7H Guilds avenue, thla morning Mrs. Slsnia took with her a purse containing $170. .The oola-was in gold and waa deposited la a small purse In a hand bag: ... They went into a candy store at tih North Third street and It waa there that Mrs. Blenis discovered that she ,had loat the purse and money. She Immedi ately report od the lose to the police. The couple were married a few days ago. . 7- . ': , NEED POWERFUL TUG15 TO RESCUE VESSEL ' (Journal 8 pedal Servtee.) Washlhgton, July 7. Dispatches from Commander ' Templln Potts, command ant at the naval station at Guam, says in tne report ue 'i nomas is saie wniie the weather la good. Hs tried With -the station ship-Dnpply to pun tierofr but failed, and says powenui tugs are necessary. ' - . The navy department waa notified to day by Admiral - Brownson ' on board tbe train at Banff. Canada, ea route to Puget Sound, of the death of Captain Joseph Woodward, the naval construc tor. . Woodward waa en route for the trial, trip of the btUlleshiptbruikaU died of heart disease. . COOLER TODAY THAN IT WAS YESTERDAY : r f It is cooler today than yesterday by two degrees, end the breese makes tt temperature less oppressive. lawn came with prospects ot a cool day, but gradually the thermometer rose aa the sua climbed toward its Benito, and by noon the mercury had reached tha 7 de gree mark. Wssterly winds are pre dicted tor tomorrow. . ' Following are the temperatures of to day till 1 o'clock thla afternoon: At S a. m., it; a. m., tl; t a. m, 68: t a. ai 04;, I a. nu, 69; 10 a. m, j 11 a. ta, 76; IS a. m., 711 1 p. o, li - SUIT FILED AGAINST WATERS PIERCE OIL : . f Joaraal StMCtal Sarvtce.l Uttle Rock, Ark July 7. Attorney-GeneraL-jtogrs filed suit against the Waters-Pierce : Oil . company today charging conspiracy to control the out put and prices and asking damagss of 12,000,000. - , . SEATTLE MURDERER ' CAUGHT IN BUFFALO Dufftdor-falj f. Jnarph Ar TTuTTr who has scores or aliases, and la wanted most everywhere on some charges. among them being jail breaking at San Quentln. California, and the murder of George Brook at Seattle haa been ar- reetd here. , American Athlete Second. London. July ", J. P. Hagerman of Los Angeles won second place In the broad Jump In the international-championship contests today, - . Wateaias; Wsllmaa, , The great planet Jupiter la farther north now than at any time for the last seven or eight- years, and Is visible this month throughout the night The opportunities for studying the largest of ths planets are better, therefore, than they ever are, except at long Intervale, r A aVabot lave. , From the New Tork Press, " " Lady--Why don't, you, wash that baby's facet ' Girl On. he'll ery prettjr soon and. get J;;j.Q- LLuGiT u, .. Horace Wilson Makinx a Hard Rght for First Placa Nellie - May Shannon a Few Hundred Votes in the Lead. The count today shows very en couraging Increase in the score Ot Horace A. WUaon. This young man Is determined to hold first place within the next few day a... He makes a gain of nearly 1.000 votea slnoe the last count. . Miss Shannon holds ths lead and la also determined that the candidate who beata her score must. Indeed work very hard. Mlsg Shannon increase her score I.000 votes since ths last count, . Guy Graham of Troutdale wrests seventh place from". Miss Bertie 'Oban and Increases his score 1.190 votes. Miss Chan. now holds eighth plao. Guy Johnson Jumps from last in ths Boor to ths nineteenth plsee, and while this is not a very large increase. Maater Johnson tells us that he Is hard at work, determined to head tbe Uat in a few daya. There are a till 12 contestants In ths score and the votes are steadily in creasing seen oay. During the next few days It wUl be nio and tuok be tween several candidates for first place. Four or five are very .determined and working hard. No doubt we can look for several changes la the soore before long. , . .,. ... , , . . ' OOVVTTZOn OP OORIbT. ': First Choloe of scholarahlna. or arrand capital prise. . to go to the contestant t06t,MM,MM,,M6Mt000tM.MMM,6t,tt6tMA00t ; .; . .. the score i ;,y v '.1. KelUe May Shannon, Portland, Oregoa ........... ll.tio" . J. Horses A. Wilson, - Portland, Oregon ....... ..... ............ 11,0b ' - I. Charles Gross, Portland, Oregon . ...... ..10,016 4. John. Benson, Chemawa, Oregon ..r.,.. 7,710 t. , Clay Jones, Portland, Oregon.....,,..,.. 7.1H0 t. Roy Johnson, Portland. Oregon ............................. 7.V06 .7. Guy Graham, Troutdale. Oregon ....... . ... ............. ..... t.tto , .: 8.' Bertie G. Chan, Portland, Oregon . ................ 4,l!0 , t. Carl Shelton, PortTand, Oregon........ y, 4,646 10.'' Mary K. Powell, Portland, Oregon ....... -J.-. 6.170 Tit." Mildred L demons,. University Park,uPortland, Orgon. .. . 6,168" 12. Paul Nygren, Portland, Oregon .... .. .... .............. 6,120 It. LIUlan MoVlcker. St, Johns, Oregoa 1,770 14. Clay Cary, Saiem, Oregon ............ . ............. I,2( It. Louise Scott, Central Addition, Portland, Oregon ............ 2,000 , -16. Ivy x Owens, .Cedar Mills, Oregon ..................... 1,600' IT. Harry Brant, Portland, Oregon 1.226 IS. . AUeen Hackman, Portland, Oregon ...... l.iso It. Guy Johnson, Portland, Oregon tit 20. ; Ruth Turner. Portland, Oregon.. ............ ............. 600 ,'' 21. Bdward L. Kinsman, Llnnton, Oregon .... .... ............ 610 , 22. George D. King, Kingston, Oregon .... .... ,.,.V 800 . o5eeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeee4e having the highest score at tha close of the contest; second choice to the one having, the next highest score, and so onto the end of the list, the number ot prises, however, to be limited to 20 unless a greater number ef contestants shall have achieved results Justifying a liberal reward. - -' - - Contestants 'will be limited In their choice of scholarships to such ss they can make personal uset of, the scholar ships - being . non-transferable, except with the consent of the management of the schools. .-'v. " Any -young person of school age who can furnlah satisfactory references as to character and worthiness of assist ance tn the endeavor to secure a good education, may enter ths contest at any time before the close, September 1. The business of contestants wilt be to- Induce people to subscribe for The Oregon Journal, if they are not already taking the paper. ' or renew their sub scriptions by paying for as long a period In advance a convenient, thereby giving the contestants tbe benefit of the votes allowed on advance payments. - votes will be allowed on all advance paymants on subscriptions, whether so licited by the eontestanta themselves or paid or remitted directly to The Jour nal office, or through any of the regu lar agenta or collectors, but In all cases the money must -be in The Journal office before credit will be given for the votes. v. -i:,, '.,' ."-''. ':; S;- ; : ; ; ; cash., prizes ; :; r, ,v : .i.;., , Cash prises of a total of $760 will be awarded to contestants ea fol low: ;--' ' : -' '-'."';; v .-. - 4. " m'i. '- A'yurw of $200 for the general wxpenses ef the winner-vrMle tending any publlo or private Inatltution providing free tuition. 2. A purse of 2100 to be used in : 8. A purse of 8100 for incidental T-ship selected from the following HsL X 4. A purse of 876 in addition to ' 6. A purse of 860 In addition ,v 4. A purse of 826 la addition : Followino; is the fist of scholarships, with approximate cash valuer of etch, offered st prizes. Detailed information concerning- them , will be published from time to time, or furnished on application to . the Contest Department, : ; . - - . ACADEMY OF THE HOLY fAMES, Astoria.. ...........f2S0 ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany. . i t f 10O I BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland..... flOO CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem.... r...V.".'...'".T.f 100 ' COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Portland.. ....;..... ...;,v.f 100 ' DALLAS COLLEGE. DaUas...... ....................... ...f 100 GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION, Portland...... .f 120 HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland..;... .......flOO HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland...... ........10 HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL, Portland..... 150 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, - . Scranton, Penntylvsnia flO McMINNVILLE COLLEGE, McMinnvUlo. ............... ..8) 40 OREGON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Portland' ,j One Pianoforte Scholarihip;,,.....,...,i..........,,.,..f 20O' One VioUn Scholsrship 128 v - One Guitar and Mandolin Scholarship...... ......(.flOO PACIFIC COLLEGE, Newberg.e...:..-..V.,............f 10O PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Portland. ...i.....f 125 PORTLAND SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE, Port- - ': ,. , Und (Y. W. C A.)... .f 100 SACRED HEART ACADEMY, Sslem ....................... 9 1 OO 'ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Portland...... ...f 200 M nMxraxxia&azaEBigaxaXoJcxgss5Jijas: Oregon Journal Educational : Contest y NOMINATING CtlRTIFiCATE . Kama of Contestantri.........,..,,.. ...................... ......m As.. ...... Address. ....... .............,....r....r.........v School last sttsnded or st prf sent attending ..Li........ ...4.. ....... .. ..........e. ..Orade. ....'.....'.a Reootamendsd try.. ! lttMtMtltltttMMl4MO.tlttOo0tia) - , tast.SweassssseAscossotsssoooteoesstfoSoeeooosso'aoeaeo.t.A.aiai i 'S r f f t . (DiiiiSl , KOSTXT FOB AXB. A cash commission will be paid eon testanta on all new subscriptions se cured by them personally, or procured directly through their Influence. Thus every contestant will have a chance to earn some pocket money, la edditlon to the opportunity of winning $100 or 1100 or a scholarship worth from tlOO to $150. supplemented with a purse of I10Q for Incidental expenses. ' ..-. Cash prises ot a Total of 1766 writ b awarded to contestants aa follows! 1. A purse of $100 for the general v penses ot the winner while attending any publlo or private Institution prove lag free tuition. .. ... ,; H ' ': i. A purse of I ZOO to be used la ths same mannsr as the above.. .. .,- I. A purse of $100 for Incidental ax pensea to supplement a scholarship ae lected from the following list. ' - . 4. A purse ot 676- in addition te ens of the following scholarships, 6. A purse of 160 In addition to on ' of the following aeholarshlps. , 6. A purse ef 626 In addition to ens ot the following aeholarshlps. , - ; X Blank voting ' oerttflcatea or ballots will ba ' furnished . on reouest to eon teatants or others who may have nae for them, For each- subscription pre paid one of these ballots may be filled -out tn correspond with tbe amount and length of time paid for, the number of votea due,' the name of the contestant favored, ete.. to be voted at tbe eon venlence of the subscriber or oonUstaBt, '. .. TOTZsTO B0nTriV2t. , The voting . power ef , subscript! on will be in accordance with the following schsduie: .- . r-.,,",-;;-i " Sally and sToada fenraaL 1 ?"' v-;, ' Prloeby .,.-- Time. - .. ? Carrier. . Matt. Totaa. One Tear ...... ., .67.60 $7.00 - 1,600 nix Months ....... 6.76 $.1t , . 700 Three Months M.. 1.66 1.60 , 80S - 10 jnontna ...... ; , , 160 ef una Monw , .t - g Sally Journal Wtthoat Svmday. , " : V:..l Prlcsbyl Time. . i Carrier. Mart, . Votes. One Tear ..86.00 ; 86.00 . 1,000 Six Months ....... 2.(0 2.76 460 800 ' 120 Three Months ..... 1.80 ' 1.40 Two Months ...... 1.00 v 1.00 One Month .60 ' .60 Bhuday JomrnaL Price by ; Time, .: " Carrier, MaiL One Tear.. II. to 61.00 Six Montha.. ...... 1.26 . 1.04) V ' . sMnl-WsakI Jonmal.- 164 Prtoa by Time. Carrier. MaiL Totes. one xear.. ......4 81x Months ...... . , soo . .Tl 100 t the same manner aa the above, ' expenses to supplement a aoholai. i , - one of 'the following scholarships. to one of the following aeholarshlps. to one of . the following scholarships. t ......... ,.........., I t)X a modern sanitarium , lit clean aa wal -a