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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1906)
,;i:;a, july t. FOn EALSKEAL ESTATE. PLACES TO BUT. 8tv UNI ail m.xtA rich, land. 1U Blll from Vancouver oa (ln srercl ntl .and bt - ' ClCi BS(n. A an- rWml halauoat alaanea. lofcea and U nalture: fenoed with moot " fencing; ale nsw (tor. Willi Uvlns rooms " evsrhead; (uo4 wall: B. ' t. D. mall; flue falcbborhood) wall stock of merchandlee. C auld a(ur th saw bars, bow nuilcr outt ; (Unction, la built, 1 1,20. 11 tore, all nice level land. ICTM nnrler ood atata of cultivation. 1 acra In Marin .' orchard, bslane elsshsd and Beetled to pee ' tur a! nnder (sod (an; cabin Ml 18 s (oo( wiu ox waier a l Boneej a om iwa Ik. V n mall aiaA laUllkABt fct OLaCC. and 4 . Billes from Vancouver, oa fin revel road. ' 1b tdaal bona aliet, (1,100 lacledee crops i Bow ra th plc. - , . 40 scree, aU fine lsad, 33 scree cleared ' IK ima fin arran timber, balano cleaned - nd seeded to paatura, all onder tenco; . llvln watar. family orchard; Vi tolle front ' country town, atura, creamery, church, echool, . and 10 MM from vensonvei, r" 'a.lanhnn Una br nlacel Drlc. If auld Sooa, oola tl.500. and wlU allow tCOO tot the tluihe If (nyr floa t want ut earns, una Mtln anil In erori. 40 SCrea WOT SlaBbed, : and' NM ' to meadow) . balance -fine s era saw timber: two ta of cenfortab e - farm satldlnssi . sood orchards. S wells a,,,, Mvina tratm! nlao ' f eoced and eroe- , f enesd; 6 miles from railroad aad river tow and 10 tulles from Vnncoovsrj pries only (B.BUU, or wouia ssir spvca, luauai Implementa, ate., reasonable. . lao eeras, food aotl, 40 a era clesred (free km atumiia and rootsi aad In eroD. balance ' of- land U paatar dud (Teen Umber, plao , fenced and eroaa-faaerd; living watar; nice ( room two-story houss, Uria tiara, arsnsiy. chickes-honses, ate., gn family- orchard of . aiaorted finite la f l bearing, good wall ',, at boua and flna aprlnf water near barn, an , lrleal stock snd dairy fartai 1 mile from (ood v country town; fla mUaa from railroad and i, rir towB and Id mil from VancooTert In clude th following: T milch cow, team of aood marea wagon, baraaaa plow, eultl- eator, aic, ana au crupa. a t.-t ' (10 acraa,. all fin creek bottom land that . doe mot orerflow, ISO acre la caltlratlnn, . ' 100 acre beaverdam land, 7 -room boo, fin larga bar dairy, rtUeken-aooae, atc.l flna .- tmni atreaa tbronah tba Placet m mile a ni 11 mllea from Van' . I coaror, on (ood graret roadt only 0 per , ,' CAaamfila f 'war plaeee, call or write tor : farther In formation. , If yoa are woaui( tor . bom can aara yoa moocy. .-- . rmrth " and Main atreeta. Vancoarar, Weak. BeferaDoai - Vaaooarer Nationai Bank. fc-ROOat Boe. fralt abrabbery, Bleatr feoced, i 1 block from ear; it at beaatWul MontaTllla .and treat map mt no, uw Iy It e worth tX.XM, aad eaa be had wlU -. caah, balaaoa 110 per month, - . po yoa want alee ahady place wlfh 100r ' lit feet 1 groood aad 4-room boo. block from carl Good graded etreet; price only 760t yoJ Brest (t-era alck U feel wamt HaW tkroaa "wtw booaaa ea eetl 7J f-J ' the aamo a reott they axe going Ilka hot- ai in ka anlandld imeaa modern borne. i"; half block from a earltnea. In flrat-clant aelrliborbood, with all fin borne; term. " 14.700 for ana of th eary beat-bollt rme " ta tb eltyi If room, OTory thing atrletly , modern, gaa and alectiidtyt aU lgant home la taia neignDornooai rerma u oeairea. Do yoa want lota on th naay pajment plaa no aa r tbei The Homeaellera. 180 Morrlaon at. v BAEOAJN M caah; -room booee. pantrr. Cleat, wooaaaea, caicaanHwoa mo m . flooaen aai nlt tree: lot 40x100. near arheol aad eharch. Moant Boott car line. Be x faro; for eal by ewoar. a, car af Jooraai. FOR SALE FARMS. i2T ACRU, nicety al mated; 1(0 aerae la eaW HnHoa lia ecrae a la ah ad ' and newly fenced for goat or aneen, abeat 100 acre open land In paatura; farm Join lo.ouv acraa of tree rang a th weet; good eenool eoe-eoartar- mile (rem heoaai ( baraa. on la - newly ahdded en ' (idea; graaary; black amtth ahopi dwaUlag houa. on T-room ' a4 ana a a-mnm hooael woadahadl mok- been. beahomna, and new ehlekenF boaaaj eroeka ma throagb th rerm. tw Bide nnmeroua aprkafa; TH mllM-to oovnty ' aeati 4 mtlee to railroad by county road . ; ad Ijg mllea atralgbt aerona afoot. term fa vail fenced and croat-fanceai aofl - rich Mack loam (eon better), and- the r ' farm bad to In blgb atau of enltlTatlon: vatrh amar InU. fnat laat reari bad th " beet crop around bare, bare 00 bead cattle and 10 calm: Z14 bead ' hp and 00 ; Umbei T bead af boraee and I eolla; -;atoaa ei t., - , , , fmrmrng Implement- 1 binder, 1 mower and rake, eeedrr. 4-bor atoel brr, rolling dlak harrow, wagona. hack, hay rare-, griao ' atone. nlkr Blow and 1 old walking plow. 14 Inch, clod amaaner. bay fork and ropea aad palleya aad carriage tor track In - barna, 8 garden nearly all planted, early garden ready to nee: they are both picketed la from tow la; healed M load of manure .ee Urg garden- thU. aprlngi 4 acre t orebud, applea, peare, plain a. pranee, eher rlaa. eranae aad ria wild blackberry patch en farm: lane maDl acad tree la front of boueel are milking 10 cowa at praeaatl telepbon in the nelKbhorhood. nan eooB-ct any UmT"crocMi in u aud luk 0a;ipet ' anothar haaiwa aeon. Price tlCOUOt UtM another baaner crop, rdca l,0WO; torn - tn ault parchaaar. . 40 aeeaai mtlee af Teetmil M Clear and In culttratlon, land K. It good family orchard, foil bearing: 4 acre beaeer 4am: rood (.room bonaa nearly, now, lxf( with kltckeel ennd barn HOieO and oatbnlld- ' fnga: niater at bonaa and bam, alao llrlng . water ra paatar; plenty different ktnd of .' fralt, ale berrlea for family ana; email naeek : . ' threagh tb place; land gently aloptngv tooit Dottom lanaj fiu crop wciuaeo. rrio e,uw, too ion u Kiana n kivi -flf,, H bardmflwaH.bnd:. nan- bonae, . good orchard, large barn, 10 fine cowa. 1 bore, aom machinery, on nua mna roar, - H, r. D. mill and phone, rlnee to a tor and acbool i fa Waablngtoa aoaaty, Oregon. Price 480 acra bench land. Bret elaaa. z-S tmt A all oan b cultirated whan cleared; aome , clear) a (ood T-txiom boaee, t borne, a una 11 1 creamery and all the nrtaree, on a nice . trem throagh th place, hot end cold tth-grade achool mile, B. W. D. mall, v phone la tba bonaa, oatalda rang nallmlted; '' on wlU nell 100, (20 acraa or, all to ault barer, with er without ateekj S-l caah, balanc Voor time. Krar rate ef Intarmt: i 'bead cow, ( yearling hetferovt heifer eelf. bead bora, f (a work bone and haraeee. a lumoer wagona, nop onggy, piowa harrowe and all aeceeaary tool! 1 4tt-ton , platform arala, 1 email eeale. weighing 000 pound; good baybarn and other ootbaild tnee; bath In hoaaT t mile from liver and ralh-oad, M mil from Portland. (0.000, two third down, th balance can ataad ( par cant par aaaam. ' fan lot 80x100, on' roathawrt oorner TJnlon . arena and chuyler, (l.ouu,.,. 1 rail lot (0x100, comer Oolng tad Kakry ta., ftoui larma. 0 acre fb-et-claaa laodi SO acre In rultl. . ration, Inelndlng d acre- aeeorted orchard, full bearing; place well fenced and croee feaeed; on a good oouaty road; 10..all from dtyl On (-room aouae, brick end . cement bmnt, water at houa. 11 ring atreema acroea th place; a On barn, new; - mUkboue and ehlcken-houee. B. r. D. mall. rtoee to acbool; land Ilea nice; 4 mllea to Bt, John. Price (3,000; (1,000 down, balano at 6 per cent W. W. ESl'fT, tip Commercial bldg. -. Com Sd aad Waahlngton at. . . lrOR BALC OR TRADB (SO acre agrlonltoral , toad, S mllea from railroad a array, ( mile from Prlnarlll, Crook county, and adjoining tjla A IhMhnhtf Ilatln IW Kl lUwb X AyBnechel, 11( second at. rARMB. rARMB. FARMS. M,,kn(, tmmmm amall aa la naaaal afc i i ' land or rat, you hoc Id not fall to taTnatl gate my itr-natr Hat of bargalna. - P. rUCHS, B21U Morrlaon t ' ., ' I " ' . InVPouglae county, Oregon 100 aa eider, (,000, 000; mil from logg end xounttod;. aommand, only Br and atng atraara daftnlr acoeaa to . large area bodr timber adlotnlnci 11.200. , Boa low, Vaneourer, Irltlah Oolambla. rARM BNAP. (B.0O0 nrtTi bny, to aettla aa eatate, (IS tcree, all choice rlTer-bottom ' land, aU level and fenced; fair hone, good, larg aew bam, frulte and barrlea; 100 eeree plow land, baU aaco part la paetnre. part In bruab and tlm beri running water. 1U mllea to B. R. town of ( ator, aawmlll,. creamery, Proteetent ana Detholls churchee, 'acboolhoua at corner of farm; would take Portland property a part pay J thl la a bargain. BENKLI a: HABRT80N,. -' (IT Ablngtoa bldg. , I ' Wji CH la TamhUl enuntri eery bt -t ef land; 1(0 acre la aaitlratlon, all well fenced, on county road, near good reboot J!10 per acre. la good InTeatmenL Henkl i Harrlaon, 117 Ablogton bldg. ' - WOTHlJta RBTTKB FOR TUB MONET. IS acre, tH mllea ooutb cad of BeaTertoa, about It acre ander plow, all fenced; 4-room ". bonaa, I barna and ether good autballainga; ( - - eowa, B belter, a nan of Enreea, 1 wagona. all Implcmenta, for 00; flOuO eeea,- aelaaea long time. ' OTTO CROCK ITU . , . , awtfw, Waahiagtoa at, " TCI CALI-I N. V a. aa a i , (3.500 TO acre. t nillea from weeboBfet, Clark county, Waab.; U acrea cleared. cr rl acra grvea tiuibar, balaiic aally cleared, all fenced, oua ar bearing orcbard, Tarlely; llvlug water, good 0-rouui houee, - large barn. a none and bumf, harncaa; 20 bead of cattle, aeraral mlleh cowa. 100 hnat of aoll: i 1 Bailee from Columbia rlrer, near achoui, . H mile B. r. D.; give term. . . . (XaoO o acre. 13 mllee eeat of Vancen- r, A mile from Columbia rlrer; SO acrea cleared. 10 acrea alaabed and seeded, balanc flu wl aaally jarl, aU level: 40 acrea leocea wun e-narri wirei new lH-atory Tooin noua, amait ataDie; amau crock, (ood w - at door; mile to acbuol and church, R. P.. telenhone In houae: on eoontv roadt horae, ( head of cattle; all cleared land aeed ed; glr teruia, or wUl tak part Id eachaiu for city property. 4H acre, (U mile from TaacouTw; alt -eianreu aaa in bearing unit; a-mom boat lorel. fin aolL i (700100 acraa. IS mllag from Portland, naaii crvaa, mi tee rrom uoinmoia nrar asally cleared; glr term. t ,- " - (3,000 OS acre. lu mile from 'Portland. on fine gravel road; 44 acre In flo tat of cultivation, no atumpe, all level,. 0 acrea . baa rarda m. cleared, all nnder fnea! (-room houa. B barna : ' U kL a craa mtmA aitat ar. -chard, baarlng ; mile to achool, 1 mil tori raiiroao atauoa -ana a tore : on eroam route; . ther will be 60 ton of 111,. acrea oate. - t acre cpuda; tin crop, no better; good . team, wagon, harnaaa, top btujiry, aaw mower t aad rake, plow, karrow, all klnda of awall . tool that are needed on n farm, cream aen. , era tor: 4 fin cow. 1 doiea chlckena: tola - t a beautiful place, fin location; th beaO Day on tna maiaet; (uarantaad aa adrertlaed bo bettor (oil. 330 aeree. . 10 mile eeet nt VanconTee: Clark county. Watb., 1 mil from Columbia rlrer, mile from good boatlaadlng, oa good gravel road: 00 acre cleared, aom ttm- ocr, o acra clashed, taally cleared, all level, . all fenced, amall creek. 100 acre fin ewale: . new a-room houa, new hern OOiftO; 144 aerae . Deanng orcna ro, variety, fin crop:. U aowa, 1 bull; 14 mil to achooL 1 mile-to tb aew railroad; R. P. D.; only 37.fi0 par acra; (lv food terma: flna location, - XHB WAflaiNOTON eV OREOO.f RKALTX COatTANT, 2HSM waablngtoa at., room IX Portland, Or. And BOO Main at, Vascounr, Wab. FARM FOR BALK 100 acraa; SO nndbr eultl. . vauon, w more aiaened and eaay to clear at leant. 80 acrea ideal fruit and berry land In tb beat fralt belt In tb (tate; aplendld water and delightful cllmatet near town and - daily maii at door; a lovely country norae; good bnlldlnga aad plenty fruit and berrlea. Aoareee ltoc 17, . woodriu, Oregon. FOR BALE Twenty-five acre fruit farm lo cated la Clarke county, .Waablngtoa, within 4 mllea of Vancouver. From 20 to as ton of proa now on tree; will Ball . cheap tor caan. aaa in os. 130 acre,-- S mllea from river town,- 40 acre ander cultivation, about a.000,000 feat ef string and aaw timber can be logged Into ' rirer ; good B-room houa. good nam, granary, beg and chicken. bonae; (ood orchard; living water; epaa of h or ere, B enrt, S heifer, 10 ' bead of boa; all Implements; enough bay aad grata to run plaa for year; prlc f.iwu term lr oeairea, . (ever a other good farms and reaches. J OTTO CROCKETT,. T. - , ORnBAMTIMBl OBRTIFIBD crlB. nr viae nleeent pncea, W, U. atowou, Dos caamoar as uaa- (,800 ACRES yellow flr la Oregon, convenient to good logging rrvn ana naroor; average ,wv,wv; aow price, n a, rani garub 1,400 ACRES of fir to sell cheap; no agents need apply. kocB box .oa. junction my, ur. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALS Team, (.000 poundsi 1 team. S.S00 pounos, ana i cneap nor, Phon Baat S84S. Sa Koaaall at. BORBCa AND COWS of all kind for vale at .very reosoaabls prloan. laqulr 1TB groat at. ALL kinds of borer and warana for aal or blr at reaeonable price, aoe rroat at. WANTED To boy medlnra-elxed truck or low. down wagoa. uraaa atotu uo. raona main lags. ...... rlNl bar horae. alao bnnr Montaviiia carun. a. u, lonnas. FOR BALEJ. HORSES ( food V about 1.400 lb. 801 (Mat oak. FOR (ALB, CHEAP mnlng wagon, ready to : go ramping, turner aeeona aad atata at,. atania ex joan wica. -' - . . TWO WAGONS. (H-lnch: cheap; wlU trade for (-inch on.-B8S Rodney are. JL . TO EXCHANGE.. KXCnANGO , r?.lm' "Sif. I valley, e wanted to exenanre. aom cnotc una. im. d. clo to Portland, aa flna level road. Jgrge tract of land, well located. In the r. amiable lor a atoca raaca. What i yoa offer r HCTTRXa HARRISON. SIT Ablngtoa bldg. TWO-SEATED antomobll m (ood condltloon to exenaage ror real aeiai. 014 bldg. alaln 1M0. LOTS in city ta exchange for cottage la rent- abkt location, at car journal. FOR sals or exchange for farm, general etnr. good valley towa; mrgc atom Building, iec- tne Uinta, reiennone; cneap rent; au new muJI. Oama. 11 iA MM Xnaaaaaal "-'tANOie A number of farm a for eal or Win exehenre for Portland mldene property; win pay aaa oirierenee. writ or aau aa Warm (Utor, McMlnovllI, Or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WI prtat year name oa 00 calling cord, peeper aad atyw, aoe; znv nminoao came, si. riaaiaa-onmsflawri FOR (ALE A a e lex ant hurra circular a how V raaq, ai eo aa i ranwir an, uiin, appij in Mr. o. n. Lwwitc uoiaen aagm, luia aaa Xamhin Bta. . - - BOLDEN'S RHECMATIO CURB Sum i for rheumetlam. Bold by all dragglata. BOOKS bought. Bold and exchanged at tba Old Boo ator. X2V gamma at. BILLARD AND POOL tables for rent or for sale en eaer payments. -TUB BBDrJSWICK-BALftB COt-LtSDER 00. . , . 40 Third of.. Portland. WESTERN OREGON MININd hflLLINO CO. beedooartera; a toe a for Bale ann larormaaoa at an first et Pbon Mala IdM. , WR aeod fnmltere and win pay fun alo. Phone Pad Bo TBS. weetara selvage v. 427 Wuhlngtoa at. BHOWCASRS AND FIXTTTRES mad to order ; aeeond-hand sonde for aal. cerlena aj BAU atrora, (SO Conch ati - Pbon Clay STL SHOWCASES, enuntera, flxtarea bought. Bold or exchanged, weetern naivaga vov, aii nee lngtoa at. Paclfl TPS. , ARTISTS matsrials, ptctrrre and framing. at. Moor noma u., sis Aioor eu BANDSOMB wall Caere, 14 feet, 11 feet, S B feet. Weetara Salvage Co.. tit Waahlng- toa at. " -. SALB WINDOW SHADE CO., SOT Balmoa St. White Sewing Machine Co., R. D. Jones, ZM Tara hill at. Phono Mala 0102. TYPEWRITER, (nod aa tww, at lew ttiaa half inquire Bos vraanmgton at. . . OOTID JEWEL gaa stova for sale, cheap. (74 aer Biinor rt . ... . . FOR 8AI.B Oow giving S gallons, (20. Pbon t 4(7, i - IV I R B A LB 4 doee tbornuxhhrad Whit and Brawn I(born hens, TIT Amherst at, Pbone Eaat M6. ' BOMTjRS FOR SALB Mated birOa for en neb rnii see mast b oid, Chari LoedJng, eilham ., (It.-Tabor. .i. ;l PERSONAL. htAKB MONET BAST, " Tteceme a foot apedallat; get 0 d1pVnuri nar mall rear In chlmpedy - voeatem f firar lecture. Foraralaa, Inatrnctlone and our method of removing eorn. bunion, cal lueee, lngiowlng and clubbed nalla, warte, molee and all evoreeeucea of tba human foot. By mall, (28; 14 down, balance eu easy pay. menta; after first lecture It will pay for 1t elf. writ for full particulars. Address Wee tern Correanoadedce (ebool of Chlrop. ody. Alisky bldg..- PortUsd, Or. MOI.K. wrlnklea, "kaperflunua hah removed. Let me tell rou hew. No eherte. Mr. M. n. UXU, Salt L SeUlug-Blrseh bldg. PaolO UO, rzr.-c:iAL. (CITS preeaed w1e yl waft, f- Ladle ealrts preae. 1. bc. Gilbert, 10 -4 BUta sc. next ta wuvue. i bobo laeia ANT man, or woman ran bo etreog ed beoey er aeing nexine nua. tae great peniei enae si a Box, Boxes an, wits run gwaraaiee. Address or call all J. aad T Ctoinoneoa. druastei mhlll auk, s-ortlaad, Oa. PETECTITB AOENCT Confidential rareetV yetlo oa; report mad eo any Isdtvldaal bast. Bees er property; atlaetng leiatlves Vacated; bed debts collected; cbaigea reeaoaablei osr 1 reepnodeaee eollclted. Oregoa Detestlv ' Service, offleee 3VS-204 Fleldner building. 10th ana waeningtoa eta. Mala WHO. LADIES Turklah hatha, maaaaaa. hvdrUtrl 1 parlora; etrictly (rat-claee place fuf lad lee r enlr. F1,t a, S01 Waaalaaioa ft, betwee 10th aad ITth eta. MANLY vigor rawtorad bg Dr. rtoberta rterv uiooaiea, oa moata'a treatment, aai . moatha. (S: east eacairalv anavlad bv Bai . . Agaata, WoodardCUrk A Ck PartUnd. Or. XBS. Palm Tablets make yea aleep perfectly! . they euro ajervonaaaaa ssd make yoa stronat price SOe a hex, 0 boxes (X50; geeraeteed. All dmgglats, er addreee Broohe Drug Cm 47 noria 'intra au, rortiaaa. wregon. SBXINB PILLS cam ell forma of mnecular weekneaa. For mea or wooveu. Prlc (1 a box, ( boxea (S, rrlth futl gueran tea. Addroe er call J. U. Clomeneon, drug '- gletv Becond and TamhUl III, aMrtiaoo, ur. BOLDEN'S BBE0MATIO CPBB Bwa oar far meauatism. Bold By all arnggmta. HUMAN HAIB SWITCH 15S Pay after yoa ro celvo them; send a aampl of your heir and - wa will eend yoa an of oar (1.00 awltehe, ,S4 oa a lncbee; examine It; If a big bar- fain remit: If oof 'return. Addreas ladler Hair Kuporlom. . (24 Dearborn at., Chicago, 111. ',,-." ..." : . DR. O. KBTCHUM euroa promptly prtvata ?, a hi oar, nervoua, esin an ffperHi emela troublea. Call er write. Office 170JA Third St., or. Yamhill. yhon Pacific (330, TURKISH BATHS, MO Oregonlan bldg.t todies are, geatiemea slgat. atal lea. "FORBIDDEN FRUIT," "A OayLothar Story of a Slave." "Teeny Hill." "Agaoa." Wome of Flro?' SOe each; lists tree. A. W. Schmal Oa.. BzP Ftret at. , DOI L'S HOBPITAX Repairing and dr earing. SSI Yamhm at. BALM OF FIQS for all female i Baat Balaaoa t. Phono Baat 40B4, DISEABR8 OF WOMEN Private .maternity hoapltalj an I at location and pedal car, vt. Atwouo, s.vim Morrawa (m room a. Paelfle 1TM. HOLD ON Tbr la no thing thnt wil car rflenmetlam. ask your uruggiei ror oara . tool or addreee or call J. O. Cmmaqaiai, drag. - slat. Portland. Or. WB MAKB a arwcialty of euperfloooe hair. - akla refining, ecalp tovlcoraud, maalenrtng. hlemlaheo removed, beidneas trealeu ; wars guaranteed. Boom Sua , Uoodnouxh bldg, YOUNa lady gtrae adcntlSe masaago, manlcur. ing ana pedicuring. , im bixib eu, pes. aiorrlaoB and Alder. ' -' MAONETTO treatment given tree of d br eomnetent healer from th eeax. wish to eatabllsh a reputation vT curing patUnta . of their allmapta. 0fflc hour 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Is Bevanta at. . ctrr this flrp. ' Bar th bablee with Tomlmsoa'a Dead Shot Bur Com for cholera morbua. cramp. colle. cholera fnfantum and all bowel aom. . plamta. For aal at 138 Qrand ave. and 129 . irirat au . - alTSS FJTHKL WARD, face and scalp maassg. manicuring, calropidy. Boom la, ia oca. aURRIAOB PAPKH Incorporated; 10th yar X.OOO. worth sioo to aioo.ouo: sueeeaa a cured: send 10c. lav L. lUv Box 1000, leeavor, oeiorado. AUTOMOBILES. COVET COOK Motor Car Co.. fifteenth aad Waeningtoa Agents for Oadllla, pure. Graat Arrow and Stovn-Durya motor-car; rnachln rented, repaired aad atorea. ART EMPORIUM. PROFB0SOB B.. MAX MBTEB, B4S Aldor. Portrait and 'vadaosp artiat Bad teacher. LRSON8 In arawtag, painting - and model Ins; oraer worg a specialty, tw Marrraam mag. ATTORNEYS." A. H. TANNER, attorney. 400 Commercial bth. tteeond and waablngtoa ata. raona mam aaa. ARCHITECTS. M.-MBNOBW,- Arcbltact, IIS Seeoad at. ASSAYERS. OARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO- aad Montana Aassy ornco. urn BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BVTf (Va arw. 10 unr rv a isrs am ax ( aaa s a uaaia -vw tts itw rv a y i as v vibuabj iks sis Blank Dooat mannrctnrra.t afwOtai for 40mm jinproTsKi voom 191 aHiaTr ui bvw Kurvks mr. tn Mat an ttva MarBax. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES.' , RIRKENWALD CO., S04-aOS Everett St, Largest bete hair owpply baeei av4ha ataat BATHS MASSAGE. XtHlNO lady aim vapor, alcohol aad medic tad hatha. rarior ST, BOSH Stark at. Bheumatlam enred by maaeag by young Ger man lady, zoo ft Btark. XI -xz Taeoma uouaa. TWO yooilg tsdits gtvs rnamageLtnb snd vsror Mua. nut sourtn au, oor. wusningaoa. 1U8S B0BERTS01T, ed entitle maaeeuea; vapor and too Detna; rneamauam eurea oy aaaa- mbblng. - IOI14 Third at BASEL WEST, 3SSH Stark, suite 10, Ta corns none, meseago ana magnvii ireexmenx. THE 8K0WDBN BATHROOMS, EST Alder it, hetwaea in ana ota aun ana vepor oema. maasaga, electricity, raona Main owsa. ELECTRIC, magnetle and oateopathlc treatment given oy young iaay ai rrasDingua au, room S. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLF.8ALB crockorr and aaanraro. negeie o., 100 a in firm. osr. trrara et. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. . A. GTJN8T C0 . Daetrihatom of -V FINB CIOABS. "TSTT Portland. Oiagua. raT CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICDRINO. Kra. hL TV Hill, ault 1. Belllng-Hlrecn Blag, ferine iso. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASftBTTBN S) IXOYTV-kurpenter, Joiners snd cnrrleg work, as 6th St.. Pbon Paclne XI oa. 0. CARhHCHAEL, on tractor and pulldert store ar.d oOee atungs, . a Iiita sc. raona n SuB. B. HENDERSON Carpentering and fobbing promptly attended to. eeioence non mil- winkle sr. - Bsst SOW.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BTBRDINO FABRRlJa, produce aad eommle. lo mercnanta, iw rroat ata. rsruaae vs. rboss Mala ITB. .CAFES. THFl OFrirflt-(as Waablngtoa St., pboae Mala TT1. Bemael Vlgnonx. -- CARPET CLEANING. STAN DA BD Carpet Cleaning Co,, largeet plaat on tb roast, tarring ssd Hernias am., teia pnone Eaat ("0 Carpets cleaned. reStted, ewer aad laid; both a teals aad latest com. preeaed air prececal renovauag aiati and feather a apoelalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction and com. areaeed air comnioea: carpata cieanea pn boot without removal. Mala BAM. Mala U0O, HUNTER. ' steam oarpet aad matrreea- (00 daffamoa. Pheao ataia ai. COLLECTION AGENCY. DO-, ANY ONE 01 Ytr MONEYT WB , CoLLrcT RA D DEBTS OF AI L KINDS. M)UIHWPHl'Il LAW A COLLECTION CO., It OHANli AVS-, ROOMS 14 AND 15, CITIEEXS' BANK BLDti. CUT THIS OUT. PHONB BAST 0040. ' CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. A WONDERFUL AOTTSEB. I ,'.f TRT CLAIRVOYANT " raxciiiu rAi.uiST - PSTCHIO PALM1BT AMD BPIBITCALIST ? - FBOF. SHELDON (baldon 1 acknowledged from ecoea to - aceaa aa a maater In occult work. '. . Do yoa wast to make a great and perma- ' Bent auoeeaa ef yonreelf f It la your to do tbla if yon but will. All yoa seed to be placed apoa th right track.. Tula (heldoa caa da fur yoa. If yoa have been nnlucky and ananereesfol thus far your own reason will tell yoa why. It . yoa Bat atop o think. lou have Been worn. ang nnuex in aiaaavantage or ignoranc. If on know, h la aucceeafal. Issorance la the eauee of failure. But Sheldon ta competent to sdTlaeosandl give yoa us anowieags yoa aeea, : , Tronblo arises In avery esss from lack of full and eomplet kuowledg and fora- . signt. . Am von Awalrona of knewlns whom eon caa Implicitly trust! Am you doubtful aa ' to the faitbfulneea of some onet Sbeldos wlU sell yon the nanus, describe aud -Identify your tru friend end your raja menoa. lie win tu inis wiiooax ou aanmuiuiing xr . srou miuaoug oa weua, (1.00 REAOINOo-ai.OO i' If yoa are plunged Into a mass of per. ' plexlty regarding any matter of whateo- ' aver nature yo owe It te yourself to see Sheldon about It. Yon are doing yourself sn arrant Injastic to allow doubt r prejudice or anything else to Interfere with your consulting Sheldon. If yon do not de rlv full sstlsfactlon from his readlnga yoa am out nothing, for b never accepta a tee 1 qaiaaa perieox aauaiacuon w given. PBOF. W. A. SHELDON, ' '.' ; - Coamoa, 208H afosrlsoa at. ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. . PROF. B. KHIMO. ASTRAL P!AD TRA14CB t'LATRYOYANT. NO CHARGE IP NOT SATISFIED WHKN RmriiNfi in oven von to iB jtdok. I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGRKB AND OUARANTKB to make no charge If I fall to call yoa by name la full, aamee or your ' friends, enemies or rlvale. I promise to tell whether your husband, wife or awaet heart ta true or false: tell yoa how to win the love of the on yoa most desire, even though miles away; bow to aueceed la -bnaineee, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the on of your chokes; how to resale youth, health and vitality. , Remotes sell innueacee, cur- drink hablM.l 'locataa treaaaroa, cures all I will do all others advertise to do snd a exeat deal reor. The entire world be I V been etertlad with the nower of the nn t-'2 a - -a. .A : Taa, m Kfn tuRaa a ain.v au awMuw. w ... kealtato, delay la dangerous. Coma at ones and find out. .: . How oan 1 have good InckT How eea I make my bom happy f How can I aoTOeed In, boalneea ' How can I marry tba on I eheossf How caa I marry well I r . How caa I conquer my rrralT . How caa I msko anyone lor meT How caa I get a good poaltkml s How caa I remove bad InfluanccsT Xl,a. m, T Mnntrnl nmnit - How can I make d latent one think aOnaT a' ... , a , xtow van a avua saj uumi-i , How caa I bold my butttand's lovT Ttnw can T bean mv wlfe'a loveT HOURS. 10 to S DAILY AND BTTXTUY, Pcrmaaaatir mcated in nia own noma. PROF. KHIMO, - No. SSS Fifth et., or, Madleoa St. .. A SPECIAL (5 REAPINO FOB SL ST. GEO BOB ORMONDE. -' BOTAL BiGLISH OTP8Y. Oansnlt blm oa mvo, buslnees, eh an res, msrrlsgs, dlvorc; tell asm, dates, ac crate, bow to gst well, bp msgnetlc, physically aad mentally vigorous: overcomes bsd habits. fives good Inch, cures vital losers, evil In oeacee, spell, deefneee, absent treatment for all etrkneea, locate missing rrienaa, buried treasure, mine, ere vein; tolls yoa exactly what yoa wish to know. 110U FOURTH STREET. W. B. OOBNBB WASHINGTON STREET, MADAM ANNTJYBL th wonderful cUlrvov. ut snd trance medium; consult her he Tore en gaging In any undertaking of any aarnrs; past, prenrmt-and future given: palmistry reedinga, zsa, lot wan rara au. Morrlaon. COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FCKL CO. Dealer la ordwood, coal and greea ana ary aiaowooa. a, h. ana Alblns bvm B blocke oast of ferry. Baat 674. STEEL- BRIPGB F CEL - CO Deelaes la-eoel. ordwnod aad dry alsbwood. Phoas cast z. 0REOON FUEL CO. All kinds of coal aad rood. S84 Aider at. Phono Mala Bo. BOX and planer BismHru Wiaal Car lmmodlato deUvary. Phoos East S3 Id. 4-FOOT cord wood (S.B0 per cord: cawed, fit TS Bad (. 488 Commercial at- man s. bibs. .PORTLAND SLAB WOOD CO. Blabweod. (1.80 na wood, 1.7 inaioe. m; ary. Mam B110. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland (team Cleaning A Dyeing Works; prao- Ileal batter in eonnoctloa. XI 1 ta. racme aui. CLOTH BB tleaaad aad arsased -d- Cnlque Tailoring Co., B47 Wssblagtoa at. B. W. TTJBNBB, pmfseamnal dyer aad cleaner. ouo eerereoB ex. iiono mam sots. - DANCING. LESSONS la dsnctng st your boms, or at my rosiasaea. v. r. amita. racinc ilia. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PAC1FI0 BLECTBIO CO Rrarlnoera, contra e. tore, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. B nrit, or. Btark. Msia sob. k. h. lata, mgr. FURNACES. BO YN TON warm-atr furnace eav fuel. J. C. Bayer Furnscs Co., SOS Becoad. Msln 401. J '" " 1 '' 111 FURNITURE FACTORIES. OBEOON Fnrnltam Ifsnafsctarlng Company, Mannrsctarera oi lumitom lor to iraa. Portia ad, FTJRNTTTJRB mans factn ring and areclal orders. la, Bavonskys fnrultars fsctory, 170 Front st. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS MS Flanders St.. cor. Third. Phono Main Boon, , GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocer, msaa. ractarem aad aommtaaion saercaanta. wourta aad Oak ata. ALLBN A LEWIS, entnoitealoa sadproducs I mer. ehant. Front and Devi am., rortisna. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES-1 STATIONARY and msrhjaf Llttl Special- L a online - leuncD, also; aeaa-naa aietuw laache and bulla. , . &BBRSON MACHINERY C04 ' 183-s-S MonisM SC - HAY- AND GRAIN. U COOPER A CO Potstoss. feed aad low. 1(8 Colon avs. Pbon Esst IS1T. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, Acseticaa plaai (a, (8 per day. BELVEDERE; Etiropeaa plan;ttk andMdef fttlnximlcaLlstrltlgn and. alxntaf sliX HARDWARE. Portland Bsrdwsra Co, solicits optwi Innlty ta ouete prices. 1U lat St., oor. Alder.- Mala IS94. HAT FACTORIES. RATS cleaned, blocked, made tike net for Odei ear Plaa. xpert Panama bleacher. B4 Third, I Broach, (84 ftret. Paclfi 18. MONUMENTS.- Bill A KINOSLCY. na First st.. Portland's madias; auubla aad granite varaa, INSURANCE. AitBRICAN CENTRAL INSCBANCf CO. the (Incorporated ItWI paid 100 oouar srter me noetua. Chlcaso. Baltimore and Baa rranclaco flrea. - Mot tar V McKlnale, arente, 3HO-210 Commercial blk., Becwad aad Waablngtua ata i'aclaio 237. a ISA AC U WHITE. Srs Insoraas.' (00 Deknm .. bidg; - . . r J AS. Mel. WOOD, smployer' liability and to. dividual aorldent anrety boads of all klada. Phone 4T. Ata McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. . MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Hty property or for building purposes, for from I to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loaa after two years. Loans approved from plana aed money , aavaneea as nuuaing progresses; mortsage taken Bp and replaced. FBED H. STRUNG. Finanelsl Agsaa, ' BIS Btark St. i - THB STAR LOAM CO Any salaried employe, ware-esraer, aa (st on sis Bote, witnoat mnrtaage - - - Month. H Month. Week, Mnntn. H Moora. vveeat. to a (18.11. or ( or (S.M to ns ( (.05 or' (8.80 or (l.M to aa ( 4.00 or (3.00 oc (1.00 -lo.inawrtaaey co a ; sn.tio Jtepay I1S.00 ltaoar S10 McKay bldg,- CONFIDENTIAL tsana ea eaUrtea. Insurance ' policies, piano, furniture, warehouse r. cvlpte. etc.; any deaervlsg person may eecur g llberel advance, reneylng by eeay weekly er mommy inauiliments. BW BRA LOAN at TRUST COhfPAHY. -- .TOO Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE ., And others upon their eern name wlthost memritvt ehearwaal eanaa . naatna navmastst offices la B Brtaclpsl cltie: eave yourself money oy geiTins our terme nrex. - IW,r a. . a, auaa . . i . .u ad, aw,-al i v. lu , , ato aaiofwa eu., j,ivrr ,m HEADaaAR'f BJRB FOR BALARf LOANS Money can be borrowed on easy psymoat ' plan, toweat rates: strictly eonndentliL - - . CRESCENT LOAN Ca, - 42S Mohawk bldg.. cor. Third and Horrtsao. MONEY to loan on reel, personal and collateral security; special stteatloa to ensttei morx. : gage; not benght. C W. ' Pallet, B04-1 rentua Mdg., as nlxtn et. HIGHLY respect-bis piece Where ladle sd (en can borrow money - en diamonds snd .Jewelry. Collatersl Less Beak. SOP Wash. - lngtoa at, Pboae Black .Tl. - MONEY to loan on flarkamss county land. B. F. and F. B, BUey. 008 Chamber of Com- LOWEST rate on furniture end pianos. Rest era Loan Co.. 440 Sherlock bldg. Parfd alia. MfWET TO LOAN on alt ktnd of aecuHty! William HolL room B, Wsshlngtoa Bldg. TO LOAN Sam to suit en chattel security, JLrA. Frame. (14 ths Msrqusm. , Jlcaev to Loan , : From private funds on Improved are peaty. j, u n uu., ,, 04 Grand av. ' TO Idll-Monar la amall an ma a reel aetata very reasonable. Addreas p d, earn Journal. fONEY loaned selsrted people on not; cbeapr. ot rats, r . a. r,wcon, eat aDingwa oiag. WILL loan (R.OOO or leas, S per ent. real es tate. Amwleaa Adjustment OOm (IS Featos oiog. ., - MACHINERY. THB H. C. ALBEB CO. Becoad-baad machinery. aewmllla. etc S4S oread eve. Bin PITT. Y A UTERI, machlnler snd sli tHclans: slectrle elevetors. sleetrlee! maehln. err and (asolln engine a specialty., S34 Oak at. Pbon Main 18S0. B. TRENKMAN A CO. Mining, aawmlll, log. fine machinery; hydraulic pipes, caa ting; all Inda repaired. 104 North Fourth. PRINTINO. ft THB MODEitN PRINTE BY Artistic printing M Russel bldg.. Fourth aad Morrison. Pbons Psdflc 1620. , - . . ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, llthosraphlng, blaak booka. Pbons Mala sxei Aiaer au MAGNETIC HEALING. BFJXIIAL dieses of both men aad cured: consultation fro. Mem 4178. J, Diamond. L. B- Heart, ISO Seventb at. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. pnnll f SEYCIK, violin teacher. Btuan iw Bixtn. Tel. Mala 800s. )RIENTA17RUGSr ORIKNTAL RUGS repaired and cleaned by satire ei parte; w as tb original rare table dre esahmsrs wool ror our repairing; ill WorTniaafirltWS; fill Op OflfnUTTlnglla- peh-lng Co.. Pacinc BCO. BeeH wean, eu OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NORTH RUP, 410-I0-1T Dekam bldg, Third aad WBshtngua ta. fsoos Msln (40. Bxsmloattoa fro. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint CO.; window-giaaa aaa (taxing. job rm . su .Pboae 1M4C RUBBER STAMPS. P. 0. STAMP WORKS, 840 Alder St., pbon Mais Tio: ruDDer stamp, eesie, stsaciis; aeggag, Trine cneca; aeud ror mtawgua no. an. ROOFING. )F1NQ. ransriHg. rsMTrmg od genars: Xhblng. I. Loell. SIS Jeffersoa SU PLUMBERS. u u DONNERBERG A BADEMACHEB, NBSsrad to No. S0 Baraald su - FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers, T31 Second, bet. Msia ana uuaos. vrcgoa rnonw sasin auui. FIN NIG AN BROS, A CO.. SSS Third St. Pbon Msln SoOO. . Plumbers aad Besting engineers. SECOND-HAND GOODS. ATWATER A CARL furniture house Highest prices paid for second-hand rurultar. aja Becoad at. Psoas Psclfle 43. SAFES. PORTLAND BAFB CO.; sols agents for HER. RING-n ALL-M ABvlN Bates snd MANGA Kk'HR Steel Ssfa Co.' Bank Bafaa. "PS Tta at. DIEBot.D Mangan snd fireproof safe; ene- -ceasrul progreea axalnet burglar and fire; loch ,outs opened. Mr. Bnper, mechanical expert with jr. c. lis vis. SO Third. Phoa lofts. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of ovary deecrlptloa; bank, bar --and atom Snorea mads to order. Tba Lath n,U.I,VLIH Va-., IU1U.IN, B. H. HIRPSAI.I, deelmar; a rent M. Winter Lnmber Co.. T Hsmlltoa bldg.- Msia SBSO. SUMMER -RESORTS. (-ROOM cottars. Long Beach. tat or rent; sais price rsssonsnis a, ma BEAYIEW 8-Toord ' cottage, completely far. , nlahed: every convenience: etrictly ap to date; for eal a cheap. Address R 47, Journal, SIGN PAINTERS. fint.n strive wiaiSoav wrtaaana, i.i w. kinds n-ade quickly. Foster A Blslssr, Fifth son avaraiu f none aaxcaaBgs oa. W. P. B-RGCU A SON, tM Ysmhlll at. Signs of all kinds. Pbons PscISc 833X - STREET PA VINO. WARREN Cooatructloa Co.. treet paving, side walks and ereealnge, TIB Oregonlsa bldg. tun Barber Asphalt Paving Co. af Portlaad. OfOce 0BO Worcester blk. TYPEWRITERS. - BEW tTpewrltere, all makea. rented, anld snd repaired. Coast Agency, Sal (lark. XaL, 140T, FINANCIAL BAN II UBTTXO ITATZS VATIOVAX. BABX OF f 01TLABT). 0XS3CX fc Northweet Cecner Third snd Oak Street. ' ,u T. Traaaaoto a ttonaiml Basking Bualaeea. I RAITS ISSUED Avatlabls Is ATI f ' ef 0 CDIUd But and Kurope, Hungkoug aad Manila. Cullectmna Msis on tsverauls i.rne. tZSHu,"' C. AINSW0RTH I Ylee-Preeldeot W. R A. ITiI14":,- " B. LKA BARNKS j Cashier " B, W SCH t n.lcshJsr1.J...A. .MWKIGHTl Aa.latsnt Csahler "" ' BABKIRC LITMBlXMxi'S BABX Portlssd. Orsgoa. Corner Second aad Btark street.' Oommrell and eavrnge departmeat. ' latarvet paid on av1naa arovuntai Drafts snd . letter of credit tssned sva liable la all paru ef the world. Opca Bsiurdsy vsalu(a from I "f"t scuamoutloa of euetemere. f-n,". J1ELT0N Prealdent B. C. MEARS ..Cssbls foJfS ? SST"-??-1-""! I'ce-Preaidant H. D. BroKCT,..., Aseletani Ceeh.w JOHN A. KEATING Second V lea. President PLATT A PLATT. ..Generel Cmneel TU BANK OF CAUTOajriA Xatsbllaliad 1(04. Read OfCee. Baa Frsaoiscs, Oallfernhv 1 , Capital paid ap fi.6oo.000 I Surplus and andlvided preOts (0.T70 t J( s A. General Banking and Exchange Bnelneee Trauearted. BATING PEFARTMuM. interest oa tint deposits. Accounts opened for sums of (10 snd upward. .. - - - Portlaad Branch Chamber of Commercs Balldlns. ' . WTg. A. MACRAB .,.....Manager FrST BATI0BAL BANK (F F0BTLABD, OREGON. . . ( . ' , . Designs tad Dapoaltory snd Flna seta I Agent af tb TJ sited State. .. Pvesloent.. a. L. MILIA I Caebler J. V.-. NEWKIRK Assistant Ushlar.....,.,..W. C. ALV0KD f Second Asststsnt Cashier..... B, F. BTBVE.Ni Lsttara of Credit Available la Europe sad the Bssteva States ' ,t J sngs snd Telegrsimle Trsnafers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago. SU Louis, " 1 "keeks, Bsa Francises snd ths principal points In the Northwest. ' ' Bight and tlm bill drawa ta sums to ault oa Londa, Pkrle, Berlin, rrankf't-oo-tha BTlln. HonJluTu' "kah,sa Copsnhsgsa, ChrUtlaula, . Stockholm, St. petarahurg, Moacow, Zurha, ; LAUD A TaTO-f, BABXERS (Eetnbllahed ta 16.) - Traaaaota a General Banking Businsas. Collection made at all points oa 'favoe. .... 1 h' torma. Lttr of credit laeued arallahle In Europe nd all point In tb Hatted totoB. Sight Excbsngs snd Telrsphie Trsnafcm Bold en New York, Wsahlngtoa. Chicago, , Bt. Urate. Denver, Omaha, Bsa Frenciero and Montana and Brltlah Commhia. Excbaaga aoUf aaLondoa, Paris. Berlin, Frankfort, Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Hooolsln. ' MatXRCHAKTS' BATTOWAiTbABK. PORTLAND, OXEOOB?. ; ... -J. FRANK WATBON. ...... President- I R. U DURHAM. . :;,..,w......c-Preeldeot . W. H0YT.... ............. Caahlec f OBOBOB W. H0YT. ...Asalstsnt Csshler , traaaaota Oaaarol Bank lag Bualneaa. Draft and Letters of Credit Issued Available, to ' All Parts of ths World. Collections a Specialty ' 1 . .". . 1 "vt-,t r-rr---T I, " ' ' ' t g) ee TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TXusT CObTFABT OF OXEOOB "Tka Oldest Trust Oempaay-tt Oregoa." : RESOURCES OYER $1,600 000. flxersl banking. Eirhsnr oil all paru of the world.. - SAYINGS ACCOUNTS. Tim certificates, a to 4 per cent! short-call special aecttft cabm, (600 or over, SV to 4 per eeat Call for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. " Sostheast Corner Third and Oak Streets. Pbon Prlvsta Ixcbsng T2. ' BBNJ. t COHEN.'. , ...President I H. L. PITT0nt...... Ylco-Proeldent B. LEB PAGET Secretary J. 0. OOLTBA...... Asalstsnt Secretary SECURITY BAVIBOB A TRUST COatFABT Traaaaota B General Beak ing Business. Xlm sod Savings Aeeoants. Act . Credit AvslUbl la All tV F. ADAMB........ .'.....President I A. L. MILLS. .........Second Vice Prealdent I GEO. F. RUSSELL THX M0XTOAOE OUAXABTII A TRUST COMPANY BABX. Generel Banking and Trust Business Transacted. Inter ret Pstd on, Tim Deposit. ... CAPITAL. (100,000.00.. v 0. W. WATXBBUBY.. President 0,-W. MTLLKB Ica-PrealdeB S. LOO AN HAYS. , ......slatsot Beeratsry . ' :i 1 . Elks' Temple. Seventh and Stark Btrceta. Pbon Mala 1S4. ; 11 - - N OXTKWZSTXXB OUAXABTEB A TRUST lumber Exchange, 8. B. Corner Second snd Stark Streets (aecosd Boor). . rtorar. aficvr rna rtiRPnRiTiAVH. r ., .--r--- Btata, Cbuaty, Munldpsl snd Corporation Bonds Bousht and Bold. Now enterprise organised and financed. Stocks and bonda guaranteed. " . ' I lTLB OUAXABTin A TRUST COMPANY I - MORTGAGE LOANS on Portland Resl - " ' AbstracU JONDS ' AND IN M 0XXIS BROS. 188 First Btreot, Portlaad, Offer Ollt-Edged Investments la' Municipal snd Railroad Bonds. Writ or Can. D0WBTJI0-H0PXIVS COMPAXY EsUUlshed BTOCXS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought Privato Wire. , BOOM 4 CHAMBER KB t. a UI COMPANY 18-84 Lsfaystts . Brokerage Department ! Be Va Before Buying or, Bdllng Stock a OYcrfccck, Starr & Cooke Co. ' - 0BAIB7, PB0YTSI0B8, COTTOrT, BTOCXS ' ABB BOVSS. V- c " - , WI SO A STRICTLY COatbuSalOB BUSIXXBA. ' Contlsnoos Markets by Privets Wlrs. Qnlck Service. REFERENCES Ladd A Tfltoa. Bank. era, and United Btstes National Bank of Portland. J LOUIS Jo vWEBE: MUNICIPAL SCHOOL AND CORPORATION JBONBS - Hkbost Returns to Invsstors Oonelatent With , Absolut Safety. ' PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN HOME TELEPH0NB A TELEGRAPH SECURITIES. " TELEPHONES. THB only excraelre telephone houee. B.-R. P.lectrte A Tele.ibon Msnufscturing . oav pssy, tm sirta st. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap, (1 per mouth. Portland Lsusdry and Towel Supply Co., Ninth aad Oonch. Pawn 41 o. TrUNSFERNbAULING7 SAFES, plane and fumltur moved, packed rdr for shlnnln sad shipped: all work fur hippin( sad shippsa; .....ii. i..-. a aelcbt Sis-uiuuf wsxebons for storage. Office 2U0 Oak St. C. M. Ola en. Phono Mala 67. aava, aa,Mna,W a. nuTBra ira ,.va CA ana, aajawaaivfa, a wk..iui , . cor. Sixth aad Oak at.; baggage checked from hotel or reel dance direct to destlnstloa; pBgr therefore svold rush snd annoy, nam at depots. 'Privato BxchaBgo 88. d O. PICK, sfflca 8S First at., between Stark and Oak ata., phono obb; piano and rurniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious Brica wannous wita separate iron roouia. Tost and Clay are..."' 0RE0ON TRANSFER CO., 14 .North Sixths! raon rxsm ow, ueavy asuung ssa siorsge. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. 800 Wash. lngtoa t. Phoa Mala Boy. CUT rate oa bousebol4 good to all points eaat ; we neks ap carloads : special room for trunks whlls waiting. Oregon Aato-Deepatch, 18 First st. Phone Msln TIB. -, BASEMENTS dng and grading, general banting. aa, roiicii, aoe wuiiaienrMia aw a uvuw i WINDOW SHADES. GAIN WINDOW SHADS CO., SOT "ln pista snd rsncy shsde niaile to order. WIR2 AND IRON WORKS. BAST PORTLAND FENCB WIRB WORKS, lft at. vvster sr. rnone net nxi. A FROG DICTATES HIS DINNERS Batrachian Swallowed by Mis souri ; Man When - a 4 Boy -Thrives ... His Stomach. CAN BE HEARD CROAKING EVERY TIME IT RAINS Grows to Unknown Dimensions Dur ing Its Twenty Years' Imprison-: - merit and Is Very- Particular aa to .What Food Its Landlord Eats. . (Journal Special Service.) SL Louta, Mo.. July T. Ror la Re ward, a young farmer living- near Metx, fro; in his atomach snd,' according to hie positive declaratlona. It haa been there (or 10 yeare. having grown from half Inch In length to unknown dl- menslon. Seward is now It yeaxa old. He aay that one hot day In It he sum mer of IMS, w bet. he waa a, lad Of II, ha was drinking Irom a amall stream known da Reed' a creek, near Rich Hill, MlBSOurt. . He waa lying flat' upon bla stomach and while In tbla position a tiny frog lumped Into his mouth. He Instinctively clapped hla hand to his llpa snd oau(ht bold of one of the legs ef the ftog, but, Irog-lika, It' gar, aa- BCRTCHAELL. . . . AaeJatant Mans ger (04 Mtrrrlson Btreet, Portland, Oregon. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT.- Interest Allowed Trusts for Est a tea. Drafts aad Lettera. of Part at tb World. L. A. LEWIS. .First Vice-President , B. 0. JUBITZ..;.. .-. ..Sottetsry v Assistant Secretary COKPABY Pert las d, Oregon. - , . 40 Waahlngton Btreet. Corner Second.' Eststs at Lowest . Bates... ..Titles . Ineured. Furnished VESTMENTS. Oregoa. 1(08 BX0XIXB. and Sold for Cask and oa Vardn. of COMMBRCB. . Phenc- Mala (T. Bldg.. Portlaad. Oregoa. , . . H. W. Donahue, Manager. ' '. " or Bonds. Csn Alwsrs Bsva Yog Monsy. (Members Chicago Board of Trad.) 10S Third Bt McKay Bid,. 'Portlaad, Oregoa. Booma a. d and S La Fayatt bldg... cor. Sixth . aad Waab.. Sts,, Portlaad, Oragoa. DIVlflEND , BANK AND CORPORATION' STOCKS other Jump and " th next Instant had, alld down Sawaxd's throat, , ' WUtd aid attlvn. ; Thougrh it mad him deathly alck at ' tha tlma and caused him eonalderabla pain, ho was so frlghtanad that ba did ' not Bay anything- to his paronta about tha occurrence for aavral days. When ho flnally told them about It ther took him to a country physician, who quieted their fears by aaaurln( trrorri that the cirjatnrs Ootlld "not pos sibly live In the boy's .stomach. To make aasuranco doubly sure the doctor save tha boy Boms medicine calculated I trt put p giilMt.i. ,irn tha -.. .1. Xr0(T. ' But lnatead of dying; the frog, ao oordlna to Mr. 8 ward' a statements, waxed and (raw lat. i Twenty years have passed since the occurrence, but the frog has made" Its' presence felt more and more Ineistently, until now It dominates Its Involuntary master to the extent of compelling him to eat his meals refularly and, more than that, to oat the, things which the frof likes, There are many things which Mr. Bow- ar4 Ukoev bv- -eanriot eat, because nhoy- do not acre with the frog or because they and the frogjean't acre la com bination with Mr. Seward. : ' Croaks Attar .Bain. " But. more than all. the frog makes noise. Mr. SswaxJ eaye that It croaks most distinctly Immediately after a rain. Members of bla family corrobo- rate hla etatomcnt In this reayexiL TllBT declare tbey have beard It on numerous occasions, and that It croaks as vigor ously aa a frog of that age and circum scribed environment could . reaxstrnaDiy berxnected to dOalr. Seward la of a cheerful disposition, but If he la aome- tlmea dlarroaed to take a gloomy view of the natlon'e future and Indulge in a little croaking himself ha thlnka - he ought to be excuaed under the clroum (tancea '''. Mr. Seward haa been In consultation with Kansas City phyalotana regarding tha advisability of having an operation performed for the removal of the un welcome tenant mat ta Becoming men and mora dictatorial with the arrogance of long residence. It glvea hire a great deal of pain, he aay a, and If surgery can dislodge It he Is willing to try It, ; FIVE YEARS IN PRISON ' . FOR SWALLOWING ut.r.1 . (Joarnal Sncclsl Bervlc. : Omaha Neb.7 July T. Mrs. May Hayes, convicted of theft from a local jewelry store of a SIOB diamond, which aha la alleged to hava awaUowed, baa been aentenced to tlva years la the penitentiary by Judge. Sutton. Mrs. Hayes waa looking at gema In the Jewelry atore and when the clerk a . . back waa turned aha put a large atone In her mouth. Two detectives wb had ber. and aha allege It was her fright her, and she alleges It' was ber freight that made her swallow the diamond. CiW',1. BIG MORAL WAVE HAS - - i HIT, KLAMATH FALLS (Special TNeriatefe to Tse- Josenal Klamath Falls. Or.. July 7. At mW- i4vtah--4orrishjncra--wase an-s- tnte effect In Klamath Fella, Mnyor aiss Martin Jr. has leaned proclamation the effect that after the time men tioned no alot machines or gambling ef any kind will be allowed -la the town, and eltro that all saloons must obrv ths Sunday closing law. Barbers' Board Cxzrr.'.r.t-i Will ba in a1oii JfTM, rir- r" July I, 10 and 11 to ess" All those holtfng far i i for exrimirmtion er I. r i i ba, revoked. . J. T- r .