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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1906)
J- THE ORECOIJ . DAILY JOURNAL,: POSTLAIID. SATURDAY EVLlTHaC k 1 - TODAY, r We Pay A '; INTEREST CN SAVINQS ACCOUNTS THE Savings Bank ,.' OF THIS . ';vv TITLE ltARANTEB& Vrm Pr canton Certificate of De posit. '.";.""'-'.; ::';"j".r' ; r- ' Pays 4 per osrtt on aavlnfa tlntareat compounded aeml-vaaouaUy).. . ' r- , Pays t per cent oa daily balances of cheek account. . ;-v Banking hour . j.l a. m. to 4 p. in. Sa.turdi.ra ..........I a. nu'to 1 p. m. Saturday evealnsa........ to I o'clock 240 Washington Street .' Oonaw ooaa. . ;' Portland, Oregon MORTGAGE LOANS Wa have ample fund to." loan. In any amount oa Improved bualneas and res- tdence property In Portland and Tlcin-.-I:;..;, ttj t lowest rates. v. . ; abstbvactb rvauranxs. TheTitlei3uaranterr& Trust Co. rAnnraroaT . ;. . . (Corner Second St) ," Portland,: Oregon t " Apple Land nr xotm aim nvxr bs&t. - re Five miles from railroad; . 18 acres cleared, balance easily put la ' shape for orchard; plenty of water; on rood county road. To be sold lor 41.600; will double In value in next year. Two (rood Bone In fine realdenca dis trict, oa Eaet Taylor atreet; one eight room and on fir room; trlctly modern, with fruit and flow ers; atreet improved. Price 44,(00 if taken in 14 days. . Sew aix-Soom moose in Sunnyslde, on . Belmont street: a ale place and cheap at 41.100. o'-v-' tow 60x100 on Belmont and East Twen-te-ade-hLh. streets to be sold on rour T own terms (provided yon build) for SLvoa eacn. . .. eu.a auk tar lota ' on East Tamh 111 street, near Thirty-ninth; only three left, you wui nave to come quica.. Xoase for Bnt property of all kinds for sal. - ., . . . T.:-;' .. Patterson & Stewart . Tte J. N. DIairCompany 315 Abington BIdg. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate city and suburban. 100x125, 100 feet from Union Ave.; 40 bearing fruit trees, good slx- room house.' :! Phone Main 6758. rWantTimberrtands Water Front - feet frontage by 1,200 feet deep, neac Peninsula. Lumber Co. Moxon-Valentinc Co. ST. JOHNS FOR RENT IK Center of Jobbing District 1 Throe-story brick, f 4x106, with na ture complete; lease, cheap rent, or will rwnt any part. Write B 44. car J V-S6 UevS-eu. . , BOiD BANtWT Jf Wrhoa A. H. METCALF, TABOR M.-.k, tiEW STORES and OFFICE fUn&FOa-RENT- . 4t. . ear. Third end ktatoa. Analr Estate of D. P.' Thompson t first street. FUNERAL'NOTldES. Minitnri-.i. Hiwi.mia rl j.i. a too. slrrtfc M. Crsd-iork. assd 8" 7n. Oanirhtw er Mrs. lil'tiw of r.t.raon. Wane., 4 ! ef Mr. H. T. Denrca of UaiatlllL f. rrtMi .re hiTUed te td fae Mrira, - !" wlif ae bK t ' Eiw iUw t.aiaiPiy ; aM?, jBr. a.- at 10 a. k. rewil will er (res 'tela? a catBel St. I a. at, St Johns AreYou Going to Build? ywywirra4-.trsi 4hflAifPTr- WEATHER REPORT. The praaaare cos tin um nlatWaly low erar waatara soruaa ! Ua lialtaa Btatea ana taaada. aad UM vaacbw Mil of tli Rocky DMKuiutna la euatralM hy Imeteu bl(h piw are araaa central otic Iowa and ilia Now KaclaiHl atataa, nspacllml. SUuwwa hara aecur4 la N.w M.ilce, lex. Oklahoma, Col raao, Borthers lii.u and aoutbaraatara lOaoo. and thuadar atorma, with Uaeaa t rain, are iwa ia waatrra rt.rada, aorttiara Ualiroiv ale aad eartata Waahlnatoa. tv tomparaturaa eaaUaue sink la tiie i'acile atataa. A aiaxl- aaai or lott dci.i waa reorlad ratarla7 at Nad Blaff and lu drareaa at Walla Walla. Kaat of rfl Koky sraontalaa the taaiaarataraa w. iwTijir dpmiw aormai. - Tba tndicatioaa are fur fair waathar aoadar la araatara (Araaua and weatara Waaulnirtoa. aul for abowvra and Uondor atorma, wltk lower toroparatarea, aaat ef -ba Caacada Baoanulaa iiut couiaDt or cojMiaj.- - , uueervaiioaa takes al e a. ., Paeuie tlnut f. T.IDD. latloU-, . . Max. lira. Pr In. mbot tjiiy. uraoa. ih ua . Ikatna. . alaaMrbuaatta.... M M ' .0 Cnlcaira, Jllluota...... ., . 60 , ..0 Kaaaaa City, IHUmarl. T (14 uat anaitloa, California.,., hh eo New Orloaiu, Loulalaaa.,.. i - 7 Now York. Kaw Xurk...... 16 AO. PortlaBdV-Qreaoa .... .,. . a. b - Roatbura, Orraoa. ......... M , M ,'. .0 8t. Louta, Mlaaoorl..,.,... K3 i 2 - 0 alt !-ak. Utah , M .-. M T. an Praaclaco, Callforaia... M nO , 0 txkana.. Waahlartm. ..... s to T. Tavoaaa. Waadlnatoa.. . . . ... S M Walla Walla, Waabinfftoa.. 104 Wahlntoa, D. C. ........ . 7 T4 M BIRTHS.- EEKD Juna IS. to Mr. and Mr. Lewis Baaa. sh urand arataia. aorta, a bor. . CKKEN Jana U, te Mr. aad Mra. Cuarlas A. Oraan. 6XU Miliar araaaa. a bor. VON B1CROKN Jul . to Mr. and lira. Ao- oraw toe sarfoa, xini Kaat uorriaoo. a eojr. BLOM Juljr s. po Mr. and Ura. Charlaa Bloat, T Eant Akler, e firl. BOBBIN July 4. to Mr. and Mr. W, A. Bobbin. 5S0 Kaat Twaotiatb, eu-L LNTZ-Wnly t, to Mr. and Mr. Conrad Lenta, B0T Borthwlck. e flrl. ' . . WAI.8H Jul 6. to Mr. and Mr, at. J. Walik, 415 Bt Twelfth, aorth. a bor.T LBWIS Jalr 6, to Mr. and Mr. C. Bant Law la. o MBetaaatn. aortn. a bogr. ; MARRIAGE LICENSES: , aVamt Joha Watobnr-. M Xorth Third atraat. ,- Hllma Bako)a, 33. Edward Aadoreon, IT3H Beat Oak etraat, Ml jcnnie rwrnoa, JU. John a.- Abraham. M;. Ann B. Bnrtaa, as. rndarick Bcbwar. 44: Laa Ik-blatter. Sft. la K. Nrlaoa. T3 Baviar atreat. SO: Anna Ajd.II " Larson. SO. : , Bobart McLaaa, reesU, Wmaa, 40; Mollla Mcmtrra, . , . Joha. B. Conninfham, Orlant, Oragoa, ' M; onaia. 0paw, it. - , Mo ill.., au. niw puiaTi . .. Jacob Jacklar. OaraaUaa. Cfaaoa. 61: Mlnala nawaa. Ml. .,... Una On Bide.. lactoe roartb aad Waahtnctoa at. WaddlBaT aed calltaaT ' earda aaarawd -ar srfatad. K. T. Baahtna. SJi2t Waahlactoa at. Mia Bavtha Mar tin. roota til bide. ataarotea; and Baa saadlaworkr aMBoa flrta DEATHS. OSTHorr Jatj t. Law Is Oath off. M year, 8S Bowdoin. beat atroka. MILLSJnli' 4. Marde L. Mill. U vaara, Good samaritB BoaDitai. enopmaunia aoitra. MAUINNia Jnlr , Winifred W. M(IbbIs. 14 rear. jo Eaatt rutaanta. aorta, srfanle aiaeaae ox aaart. LKHB July e, Oaend Lebr, 8 raars, Oood Hamaiitaa BoaoltaL aaturr ta cheat. JENKEN July (, boa Jeesen, -M yaars, Seed Hamaiitan boaDltaL aDoendJcltla. - HEALT-Jnly i, Bernard J. Heal, 41 Tear. M flanden. - - OOODNIOHT Jaly . Mary 0. Ooodnifht. TO yeara, sis uoaca, aaat fanasuaatioa ac Kid ney. Bl'v NVAWJuiy , oitv H. Branaaa, td veara. 2h8 MorrhwjB. cardnoata. BR IE It la this alty, July T, lm, at the reel. eraea of Bar danghter. Mr. Smith, TM Utn tllla are., eornar of Baat Slat at- Mary B. Brter, aged M years. 6 moo tba and 24 day, Burial at brest brer. UNDERTAKERS. Dotmlnar. MEatee 4V Ollbanrh. andrrtakar m TBwiiiiimi a ..-( h i twt j v.m,.. nmi. and Mae. Mais 30. Lady aastetaat. A. B. Benstoek. andortakar aad eibalai.r. eat TbJrtaaBUt and t autllia aa, rhoa aU. Tl.-. 7. P. rinlrr mt Boaa. Third and Madlsoa at. Oflea ef eoentr eoraasr. Paoaa Mala t. BrVkaoB tladartaktaa Oo eaabalaitna. to Aldar at,--PaoB Mala (IS. :- - Bdwa I Holasan. aadartaker. ta Third street. Clark Bras far Sower. M Mi ilea atiaafc umniw cmrrxBT. . Blaaie erave tia famll. tota STB a tl non The anly caawterf la Portland whlrh per Betaally BMlaUIn aad carve for kit. Tar fall lafora-attoa apply to W. R. Markeaat. War. caatar block, city. - W. M. Ladd,- proaloaat. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Brraard WnUatna to peter H. A. Raldt. " let S. Biock (, WUlUaia addition t I nrtiaa imt fjoa-pany or oreaon iiA. ---a vuitk. i k.i Portaaaoatk Villa Extended ltd 440 WO -MB Philip A. Bncle and wife te Mary 9. raiea, ax a, duck u, ttraiBard's ad dltloa te MaatavUla O. J. Aadrawa ta Joha B. .Walker, aa- dlTlded Vi ef .waa ef eoathwast hk and aoatbwast ef aortbwaet of aeetloa 2S, towasblp S aorta, naae B want Martb B. Baeba te Clyde rerxuaa, lot - 11, aleeh a, Stewaet farki Matilda W. Bacae te Clyde rerxosoa. 1 1. LL L M a. . Ij k . . W. L. Greene and wife te Victor Land"" company, lot 11, block Id, Ooiambia UeicbU 1 kraaae Boot to J. A. MeChv. lota ST and 8a, bkx-k 4, Smltbaoa Land eoav " paay'a addition 600 Benry O. Bebada and wife te Joarph a, ' Harrey, eaal I OC Jot a aad 4, iiaw tbome Park d... 7.... ' . 1 Iokana Maaa and beabaad te R. O. ureer, jots I aad Ji. buck 98, Bell weod . BOO A. B. German and wife te John fl. Mo ' MUia. lota 1 to a tne-aadTa, block 'A, Konb Portland , A20O I. I, Oowllabaw t Mr. 8. L. Dart. Jot - IX block S, Btratford-Bldney addltwa. I lW A- Lev aad kasband t Lanra no ana j. urlner. sortbaaet H of let 1, block S4, Jane Joan's addltioa te St. Jouna son fbeba A. Brows aad koehead to Lanra twee, mta J 4. in and u, and atnp 10 ' feet wide off ld M of let 17, all ' la block IS. Point Vlew....i... ...... RdO Partlaad -Traat Company ef -Orefoa ta " ' H. Nash, tots T and 4. block W, Tre- V BMmt Place ion W. L. Tlarnden te Emma Genmiera But- ... - terrield, tot S, biork O, first street ' Terreces, aad part ef lot 7. block K.. S0 Pranees O. Scbnelder te Bmma 9. Bat- . terrield, lot 4, block D. I"lrat Street Tenaoa. and part lots 4 and T, block T D AMI Pred Hiram Btron( and wife to J.' M. ' retereea. tm s ana 4. block S, Walts' CktTerdal Aanaa SOD J. Belabeck aad wife te Heary Olenel- ioi at, Bioc , awiaa Hum, atead a Edmoail B. Gas and wife to -Emma Austin, lots 1. s. and 4, hkx-k RO, -Carotber' addition te Ceratbers' adiil. ' tioa sane u. a. raxterson to ioaiaa uieeaa, lot Portland . asa 4, r. nimpson to aisry norsrnaT. par cel oi lano in sections 41 ana J ' tosrnstahi 1 aoatk. rant S nt. liw vaTia uoooaeu ana wue - w rrank O'Neill, lota A and B, Portland Helsbta ' l.Vr T meant cona 10 imnian naiiway com pany, cert a la a trip or land 40 feet wide and 867 feet la ieee-ik n aactioa A iuwiiahlp 1 aajlh, rap a 1 aaat - L A. l'.rex- et al. to Portland Railway aompany, atrip 'or lana so feet la width and 4M.4S feat: la lenrth, . throairh lande la .sertioa t. township " 1 sooth, rears 1 east B. E. Kessey et at. to Portland Railway , company, that certain XTf land . 30 i-wi ia winin sna I,...')., I I I w , lenirth, throoah tends la aaetlnna ( ' and i. township 1 snath, ranre 1 es.t. . Jennie Matscb.k to HenJewilB P. Sher wood and wife, lot 8, block 44. Sonny. a41a - . 1,800 Maria C. B. Strana and haabaad te Etta H. Orabim. lot 1 block 1. Obrst...i TOO Oet year Insnranea (ad abarrict ta real aetata Tfesa fke Title )aarsatea m .Treat ensjpaay, as waaainftoa street. Boras smss, I .WiltiiigiaiWantid- 'j '.':''. ' ' :'.. , . . . . . "'. v ' v,, , : V ' Is only a moment's work, and incurs but a trifling expense, rand' does the -work every : JlX" time,'.-Jf-you mail. a want ad to The TournaJ at midnight, enclosing prir; in stamps V ' or coin, it will be printed the next afternoon, and probably answered the same even- ' , i ing. If you would try this want-filling method once you would probably find frequent - use, for it afterward. That's the case with others. " Journal want ads never disappoint NOTICE. RECEIVER'S NOTICE I the circuit court ef tea ataie ef ureaon for u county w aiun , noulab Eleanor Olmatead, plalutut, T. Tb 1 -radars' lnaurance cowpany et el., defend ants. Notice la hereby aires that tb aader- slsned baa been appointed by Ua aboee en "titled court la tbe abora anUtled -cause re ceiver for tba state ef Oragoa, ef tbe defend- - ant, aria Traders' Inaoraace company or in ' IllLoola. and that kor order at the aald ' court all persona ha Tin- eUfme asakaat tb t, aaid awfendaat, Tb Trailers' laeurence com pany, arbuof oa po lie lea Waned la Oretoa a re . require te prsssnt we same w iu. mwn ' .iraed- at the adilrsss below siren, oa or be fore the Slat day et October. 11M8, aad If not eo presented, tbe aame will sot partlcl . pate In tba dlattibatloa of tbe fund of the aaid defaadaat company, la tbe Sanaa ei toe ' receleer. - Notice t fortber stews that all retara sre mioma will be eompoted from tbe 6th day ef May. IKOe, the date of tbe lneol'rency of IDS aaua 1H inwwn ,u.ui.u, wu.... and all aollcy-boidara ef tbe said defendant tyiMlf ,. sew m- w r ' not already done so. and to present their claims properly verified promptly to tbe re i celeer with tbe aarrandar of their policies. Forma for proof, ef claim may be Bad from tb seceteer or from tbe former agent of the company. - Dated June 28, -1004. . . 5 A. H. BIRRFLL. Receiver. ' A. P. FLEOEL AND tiBACH A SIMON. - " I-- Attoroere for BecelTer. Address r ' McKay bids.. Portland, Or.. PORTLAND, OR., Jaly t, 1904Belrd bid will be reeerred at the efnc of the school ciera,- city nau, ap w a. w.. . -..- , July IS, 1P0B. for tla work, wroosbt lroa work, aalvanlstd lroa aad other sheet-metal . V . T. 1 , hl-k -aM wors aor xne avawa . .-.. - bulldlne;. Plana and epectneation for aama can be aeea at tbe ef Ilea of tbe architect. S3 Kast intra atreet, city. pv most be accompanied by a eertmeo eoer . .a . a ah- .nwmnf nf ' uronoeaL The achool board reserTea the rlsbt to reject - any and ell bids. . - . . . . jr i 1 ii . a y in a-DAUia 1 JnKtlt. Architect. THB unrteraWrned wlU rlve-sealed bids for aloes ot peaarai anercnenaiuae, aww. aide, urefoa. er tne mTentory "lu"1"" " S5,71T.B. toavtber with flitnrsa, 4J-i " OIB OI I m, bdui as voata imtvm --.-ii, -' A0-. " --'i. - .v. .aie a caan aoposia oa aw iiw - . offered 'moat accompany each bid. aad tba . . . . . A. . . n 1.1 neat as reaei ?eu vs iujwi mur .w -' Tbe Inrentory may be aeen at my efface and ia peafiaray- w awn . - , . , . n . i a- a ai lona aasQ ei rivuaita, w., ...- U SABIN. Front and Ankeny at.- NOTIC1 OP BTOCKHOLDBBB" MBBTINO. NoUce U aaraey slrea taat in annnai aseet a. n fh. .torkboldees of the Mldsrav Oil ' company will be beld at tb office ef Ladd - a. riitnai fnpTii.M iteearoa. ai a vetoes p. , a., ea Wednesday, July IS, lnd, for the - - .i . a S 1 1 i .tin. mmA rarpR. ava nniina wain for tbe transactloa ef anch ether baatnsse aa aaay come nefnre tne meertnf. WILLIAM M. WBIDDEN, Beeretary, THB ajmnal aaeetlnc et PrineTllls Land A Livestock company, tot ins eieeoon. oi a board ef directors and suck other hunlneea mar neotterle eoms before, tb aaectlna. " win be held at its office la this city, corner Foorth and Oak ats., an July a, iwsj. at a a. a. . UtO FBI SOB.. President. KOTICB Tbs peblle la warned that I win - la ne way be responsible for say debt con- .... a s. A. a- tlT ki. IT..-tmm liaciaa oerwaa t r POBIBB, ' Portland, Orcton. Jaly t, 1S04. KOTICB te Wooiboyere The Bddyvlile wool pool or X.OUO aeacea wui o swra ' - food, at 6 o'clock p. a.. UOd, eealed Mos must be aecompanled by, certlSed cheek. Rifbts reaarved te retect eny errt bd af W. Bisjtiiantr, aj-sr. s s MEETING NOTICES. . IXBIHA LOIX3H. Ne, 1M. A. P. A A. M. Stated communication tble (Satnrday) e-rulnc t S clock. Work la F. C. eree. VsalUne brethrea cordially lnTit ad. By erde W. la. A. J. HAN ULAN. Beer. . W A. BVBRORRE74 CAMP, S,40. meats Wednesday ereulax. Allaky bldf Third aad Morrlaaa eta. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Lady's told watch, st Ksst Waahlns- - .a alhane Lrw-a I Jaiiae SO: Initials "U I." ea case, steward, retara te bed Belmont St.. aftsr Jaly S. LOST Between Portland hotel and Bltna Court, a ettckpia. rnror-oe-iia aiamoiMi sec in. us eral reward if returned to Journal office. LOST Oa cast side ef Rermldebrtrise. chart tf Bast - yortituio: naaarai iawa ta re turned to P. a. t. Co., 7t aad Alder. tST Monday nlrht, taa leather pocket-book eonUlnlns aeveral receipts aad two O. W. P. Kasea and money. Betnra to Journal since, berai reward. LOftT Watsnnan foantata pea, (old bead wltk Initial L. V. B. Laasrw at cousin casrs s office, court bouse. HELP WANTED MALE. WAJTITD Toens men te peepers themselTes jot aoosseeper. em . ruu. , uu- Sept. 1 wel hare bad 475 appllcatkms from bustneea men; darns' this aame period we bare placed 2A4 In posit tone. Open all the year, day and nlfht. We will place yoa is s position when competent; enroll now. CeUtosue. . Behake-Walker Boaineaa Collaae. liUAllvn "n, v ' 1Z :- , keeper anu, ..via Iu- dnstrlona ana wiiiin ts wwb; bv veu saDna. Box 66. Bearsrton. Or., er B 60, ears Journal. FIREMEN and brakemea ea Oreana ssd etber ratlroana;- erpericnc ununwi j , aar-mm $100. become engineer and ear 110 monthly; brakemea 474, become conductor and earn 4150; position awaiting strong, competent voenf meat etate age: send sump; nam position orrfarrsd. Railway Ass a., Dept 44, 1W Geary t.. Ban Fraactace. MEN AND WOMEN te learn itareer tra l elgnt week; gronaie ears weekly; expert loatraetor; j eat a logs free, Moler Bysuai ef Colleges, SB North. Peartk -a Inl.4- --..' St.. Portland.. SALESMEN WANTED Per OS of tbe asmat aurseriss na too ww 7 ' good tsTrttnry open. Address Washlaagtos Naraery Co, Toppealab. Wash. - AOENTS WANTED ta aell surisrlne. hlgb-Tde aarsery stork; complete eutnt faralshad frs l li., .- .a.- fn .koiias aaf tee- m . T 17, a.. r J - rltorr. Capital City Naraery Corn pa ay. Satis. Oragoa, ... r Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH ITT. - t-l- . D m SI 9H MAT board $4.60 np) ' Anderson, proprietor, WANTED 1 er t men aa partners ia alcohol dlatuiery,,, f,, ri 1 1 naau .'., OOVERNMBNT POSITIONS TentuJ - wanted to prepare tor ieiwrriir way B.all clnrk. West Coaat CorTespoodeao School, 6U McKay bldg.t open eranlnna. WANTKD 4 energetle, reliable ealemen or Sapldly growing real aiare outre, oetat. Iir years nd 40 year nf re; ability aad 'character tb criterion; drinking Baas Seed not spply. X So. care jonrnal. WANTED fiellora for - Europe aad Beetb America. Cau st Bauorr noma aanono ana O Ilea a ats. A TOL'NO man who wishes te be a deteetlva. Address M zn. car joarnai. . WANTED Mee at Brickyard. Sereath ssd Russell et. Jams Aidren, WANTEIV-A partner In efflce baslnsaa. wltk $mq; ainst a wining to wore s Boar dsy end glr reference: eiperlence sot Beeeeesry. Cltlsena' Baak bldg., Ursad room ie H, uresory. v WANTTTD-d "'ef" 4 gonfl machine banda for fnrnlture- work. Oretrna rnrattur Masa faclaranc Cev. sUcasast te4 . ) ' HELP WANTED MALEV PISUWASHEBS WANTED Also dlnlnf-rsom boy.: H N. 1ZIB et., near aaarsnsu. raoaueoa. COOK AND BUTCHER WANTED Apply Hotel Northern, 12 ta aad afaiaBau, room oi. COOK AND BT7TCHKB WANTED Oood Blace Apply Hotel .Nortbera, ista asa Maraaau, oa. .... . - , - WANTED Aa industrious and capable mas in each county la the northwest; permaaent . position. w. aa. a ayicr aa aa., rwau. ' Labia bldg., Portland, Oregon. WANTED Toons; maa te laara telegranby and , railroad accountings salaries 175. 00 te $90.00. For free catalogue address Morse Oallege ef . xuiegrapnr. sue uta a, ysaaaae. uai. . WANTED Hrpnotl ubecta. B as, JoernaL WANTED Toanc tan; steady work. . 48 Freat, earner imtis. . v . , , DISHWASHER WANTED 247 N. IStb St.. seer Marshall, room el. WANTED All-around printer, at once; pay $13 per wees, uoiuaioia ategaaier, oaanisr, ur. TWO boys snd one yeaaff aia wanted lor lacnory. ooa aaat auai atv HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED Operator pgr work ea shirt ad overalls. Lessons given te Inexeerienced, Apply at Stsadard factory Ke. X waad ava, -' and B. Tayior t,- HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S43H Waablne toa St., ear. Seventh, npstalra, Pboae Mala BoSZ. - Feaaale help waated. - - WANTED Otrla te asake "Boaa ef aUa st TS First at. OIRLS about IS years -vf age to work la fac tory. Apply at ones. Anaee-Harrie-Nevilie Co., Fifth and Deris st. , .. -WOMB T.lDTESr 'AflENCTT r Pml belp fu ml abed free to mployr, - Besastratioa Free. 1K Poortk at., upatalra. room XS. Main 6S28. WANTEt Help. - and Colnmbta. I'nloa Laundry Co., Second WANTED Mlddls aged woman for chamber maid. Hotel oebern, orand avavvana K. Aata. WOMAN, ever 86. fair sdncstloo. some business (sow ledge, must dree neatly, ta teas poaluoa at aace. SS Lewis bldg. WANTED la a pries taa boarding bouse, a wo- maa to ee cnamoerwork aad bels la.kltcben. 18 Fifth st. . ...... . t WANTED Refined, middle-aged ' woman, ar ealet steady girl; light work sad pleasant noma. lei. msaa avw. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTEIV3S raspbarry pickers for- Sunday, est ttaa Line roaa, at tne riiue Han, H niiie from end of MoaUrllU earUne. Mrs. M. B. Obrletner. ' BELP wasted aad supplied, male er female, li, - 0. Drake, toSS Washlngtoa et. PacUV IS70, WANTED Husband ssd wife to work la as 1U at Oregon City. Fbone Weodlawa ST. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. OFTICB WORK A Married New Yorker, Ta, neo experience, ineiaaing Banking. lira Ma gna res, finest refereae, looka tor employ aaeat. Address FXL. 0. Journal efface. HONEST, rsllsble vaona anas of IS Keitica wBere there is enance te edvance er sra good basin t a B TS, car JoernaL WANTEDPnaittna t do chores' for board and room aad small pay by maa of good balms. WHO wants awt I want work; am good sll- , arc and eook. Barry tbe Cook, r, . O. Boa W1T. . a Wanted agents. WANTED Agent; something Sew; good saUaar; Big wages, sua aicaay .ica. BII PAT te one agent 1b each cos sty working for tb lavestor' ttuiae. su atari nam tag., Portland Orafoa." MAN ef good sddieaa. eaaty ait ly ta OrecMl. te take agency Accident Insurance Ce.. $4,000, 000 capital; large eommlaaiona. Oeaersl As cideat (a., Mohawk bldg., Portland. Oragoa. WANTED 10 good live agent for city and can be 'anode. Apply $60 Aldar et. , EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portland Emnlormrut Co., 206 H Morrises St. Pboae fa cine saw. -HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, " FOB MBN. N. Secood at, Pbon Hta 1S2S. BIG FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help supplied t la Berth Bssend at- raea aiaia mia WANTED REAL ESTATE. TO 8 -room hones, aorth ef - Weshtngton, wast ef Park; IV. boo to .Z"o; siso escsnt lot, WllUmette Helghta.- B 40. ear JoernaL WANTED Let ta et ange for eaulty la 4 .er 7 -room hoaee. Phaa. Bast SMI. v WANTED Hon en easy 'terms. . Mala sw&S. $18 -GommercUl Blk. . WB WILL BFJLL your property, ne matter what It Is or wnere loestea. eeao oescriptaon now end we win do tbe rest. Investor' Guide Caw $11 Marqaam bldg., Portland, Oragoa. IP yoa want te sell your property, city er uburnen, improve)! or- snttnprovsa, see us tor buyers. R dft, esrs JoarnaL EB US We will aell your uiopaity or buanV Bess, or writs your nre insurance 1 hit win us. Thompson A Gage, 617 Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth aad Ankeny. i jL WANTED Houss and lot- must be cheap for cash ana not tee tar oat. . inquire iou svoat t city. -WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 4600 to 45.000 for investment In aa established paying, manuraetanng nuaineea near Portland', well worth InTeatlgatloa; em ployment if wanted. WANTED 8000 to ooea ee new enpper mine; .will llit as extra good oppoetuslte sod s . diicement. Call la tursaoea Joaes' Book Store, 291 Alder at. - MAN that has 46000 wants- to meet woman with asm amount, or even az.oiw to go In business. Will marry If both ar suited. I am la earnest. B 41, Journsl. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BBNT Houses, cottages, flat tors, ofric, rooming nouses, eta. ism lords will do well to esll on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANf OP ORPJOOlf. Pbon Bi. 72. B. B. Cor. Sd and Oak. - af ANTED Couple without children wish - rwa Best, CieSB, lumieuen unnaw.-wiiiiiaj must be resaoBsble. B 78. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BUY. SBLL OR TRAPS lKI loiim wraTKRN S IV All It CO- arr. d3BWASHINTO- PACiFIG-fBS. WE WILL BUY your furniture aay eld tliae, Westers. Saleef pu 437 Washing Ua et. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FAINTINO, gpraylag aad whitewashing aaasmseta, barns, dock, ate. ; largeat gaaolln aprtyana: outfit ea tbe aesst. rasi, aa. u. Morgaa a Co., SZS uatea raoae aaat BIT. FURNITCBB aad boaaebold goods. Ooa't worry, lose tlata er saoua. Jest paea Pa cine Tva, v . , .-.t Mala 6464. FURNITURB WANTED -' ". ', ..- FOB v , BP0T CASH. - PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. 'HI First at.- ... MaU 6eol WHO IS M. Q. MOBOAN Oat WANTED To buy medium -slsed track er low down wagoa. Crane Bottle Co. Pbooe Mala . aUse. HIGHEST cask price paid for second-hand guous. rnone aaat sun. las ueloa are. WANTED Te buy a Small dairy. . Address J, H. O. Johnson, general delivery, Portland. WANTED Washing at 1SS Bbermaa St., est- m. veaa- aac J.OU. WANTED 6 office girl; ae experience: wages e-iv per monin; no tee;, sens stamp par par ticular.. . i-oeioaTire noa a?, WANTED Good -alaed aeeend-baad refrigerator aiw camp ue nian a caaap nar osaa. I none Main 0611. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT NICELY famlahed front room; bet me- . ana coin, water, nam, poone, like, 44 bad- SS week; small Xamhill et. t. 434 THR RICHELIEU SH NORTH SIXTH ST. aviearssiiiy-- i.isi.sau, aieam ummx aaa sataa THB GRAND, 484 Mirth Third St. for geatacauen at. an per wees aaa 1 THB BENNETT, S61H Morrison St., 1 block from, rot l ia do noiei, nnder new maaagement Reiaodeled sad refornlahed; nice porcelain baths aad not water all the time; room by tbe day. Week a month, stnrl or ea suits, at popular price. - Phone 18&fcv- ..... FIVE furnished front roam, porcelain bath. $3 to $3 a week. Call 12S Grand eve. - CVZT alcove -room. 4s. dot 4th at. Paoaa Facias sou. . - . THB 1 ANKENY Booms eomtbrtabls sod ree- onaoi. sH Ankeny et. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS Would permit iik aooseseeping sor one er two rennea people; 10 minute' walk from pcatotfic, 447 11th at., between Market aad killl. - 1 ' ,m ' ' 1 1 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TBI' MITCHELL, Flanders sad BVeeatb tvoctna, BoaaeKseping ana gsnpiasti awa eenlent; prices waasaable. J . , LA RUB slessntlr fnrnlsbed rooms; gas range, running water. iae dale. 603H Aider at. "---v- fl.SS PER WEEK Large, elaea, furnished Mousekeepirig -rooms: lansory ana nam. as Sherauaa. South Portland. ' l.ta WBRK UP, ckaan, fBmasbed rooma, wits yara, perrar. isuaary. asaa. ise Baca best. . S03V BUatoa et- U ear. LINDA VIST A Sleeplag Bad keeptng. corns. S47H Fiftk t- TWO furnished housekeeping flats, S so snd $l. 'Oas Beventa et. CAMPING aeaaaa here. Cool and clean fnr- nlehed tent at LewM and Clan umpiaf f, rounds. Mt. Tabor. Pboae Baat 4128- S FURNISHED rooms far real IS Bbermaa el, cottage rear of WO. i. ! . THB HALL. 414 Fifth Furnished bssrsekeeplng. room. Tourists weloonas. . HorHKKEEPrNO-rooms. lowest ratea; electric llghl and phase laelOdud soivt water oa HOUSEKEEPING ssd single rooms, reasosable. Corner Corbett aad Bancroft. . MODERN anfurnlabed housekeeping-room. ground floor, csne is; very conrenieau . rnoa East 813d. , - NICELT fumlahed housekeeping reona; good toeatioa. suz janersoa at., eoraer iceua. THB JEFTEBSONIAN. Bid Jeffersoo St. Nicely furnished suites of two a three roe ma with all - convenience! cheap. lOOMSTTaNDOATrvJCT BOOM sn4 beard, home prlTlleges, 288 14th, Phono Msla la8d- . - , FOR RENT HOUES. - ' FOR RENT. Breeei flat ea Union aee, $10. near Orvelr sistloo. na SL Johns esrlin. one year for 4128. s-ronm bouse ea Sharer st. and Missouri ava, $-roos flat on Mlaalaslppt are... . M. B. THOMPSON. ' - Prions Weedlswa SOS. 848 Mlsalaalppi ave. KADDERJ.T TRANSFER CO. prompt aad r llsbk plane and iurnltBre-movere; alee stor age. Pboae Mala 1006. Ofnce 110 N. ThlrA FOB BENT Two 6-room cottages, SSS Morris St., Bear Cnloa are. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANX S4S STARK ST. ' INSURANCE. , RENTALS. SEB LIST. FOR Riwr lo-room boas, eeavealest for 2 families. 820 .Sixth st, , FOR RENT 8-room hooao. 461 Hoiladsy ava.t modern, Sna lecatlea and, saw. . laqutr 864 , Holladay, next door. FOB; RENT Nice 4-room modern beoee, corner .Second and Wasco. Holladar's addition. Ap ply sis caerry. Eaet a .wo. 7ft M.-Y. CAB 4-ronm sou as, cblckea-psrk, t7 avnth. Mala 6428. FURNISHED' amorn cottage. Tings, Long . Beach. Waab.i ealtsble S famlUea, Tel. X. 402. BBANIt-NEW modera flat ef 8 nicely finished room and - large baeement-room, head of Montgomery at.; H. G. ear.) reasonable. 402 Commercial bldg. Pbooe Padfle 414. 4-R00M COTTAGB Modern conveniences; tiara If desired. 806 Ola da tons; pbon Bast 2338. FOR RENT Small B-rentn bona, three blocks frees ear line. S4T Gsntenbsia era. NEWLY-FURNISHED COTTAGE Gs snd wood rang, vary rsaeoneble. Phone Mais 4S78. . , -ROOM HOUSE Modern, sir Iocs tioa, fm- tjal, Utrn. .Jntinlra 447 E..JPlna.,, ,, , , , FOB RENT 6 room ,Wl,,l1t ,', "F0R ENT FLATS. 10-ROOM tarnished flat, suitable for boarding S. P. ahop men, In good order, or S flats fur nished or not. Phone Beet 8056. MODERN B-rnesa.. flat.-steel. and gss rsnse, window sbsdes. large cement baaeroent. 200 Halssy. Mc Ml I lea addition. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR ' BENT Nicely furnished heuss, 6 reems, eonvenleBllv Inested, good neighborhood, I carllnes. 74 Northrop at. Phone PscJS 221. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB enema Bafurnlehed -mme sad -aample room for rest, ueoauoega nmg. appir eaa- vetoe. :1 PART of I ebon te rent, sultshle feg p slats ef Blsmbsr. BMiPeailh St. . - TU; '. FOR I. ALU KtW furniture and rnga, 6 rooms, ebaap. 000 aaat Aider at., ooruar men. FOB SALE. CHEAP Complete furnlablng af d-room bouse; all new and good; nrndera . n-cooia bouse for rent.: iBajaire Huiiedey GOOD FURNITURE. S room, close In; cbesp. aaatna jonneoo, r. u, general oeueery. AUCTIONS. - fly Next Horse Sale '"''.' at the ' PNION STOCK YARDS. PORTLAND, OREUON. TUESDAY. Jl LY 10. 1 P. M. SHARP. This la a better lot ef borsea tbaa 1 hare ever bad t any et my pr.Tlnos sales ; ' will rang la sis from 14 H - te 1H hand high; a lot ef good young aaaree the real thing for farmers; soma good matched pair will make good drivers. . . , .. . . ',- BemeniVer tb date and be ea time, a always ell- them quick, - -l Joan Twaddle, Auctioneer BUSINESS CHANCES. J WANTED, INYESTORS Ooiambia Deaatarlsed Alcohol Distilling Co. of. Portland, Or., ha been Incucporstsd with a ' capital atock nf , seeea koBdred aad Sfty thonsaad dollar $7BO,000). iBvastor who eaa be Inter sated la this - company with estimated proSt at , 41.000 per day should call on Harry B. Stall, ; Oregon, Waablngton A Idaho Finance Co., trsaaursr Vaiacoarer National baak, Vin son rer. Waahlugtoa. '" LIVERY BARN for sal, reasonable: doing good bualneas. located In email town, 00 mala Una . of a. P.l good borsea aad good rigs; good ; commercial trade and no opposition; retiring from buslusaa. K 68, care Journal. . IF yea want to get In some nice business, manufacturing or Want te get a grocery, con fectionery er barbee-abop, will enarantse yoa aometblna good. SOdjAlltky bldg., Third and Morrison. . S , . . - ,- . . OLD real estate company doing large realty builnees need .en extra maa, will lean you tb baalneaa and guarantee yoa a salary 1 SSuO required - for aa interest. For par - ttcalar call at SOS Allaky bldg., Third sod Morrison. - a. . Wit 1TB a eater shout recent Important de . selopmenta ef the Hurst A stoma tic Switch A Usual Ce.1 Hay stock befnr big adeasss J. F. nnrat Co.. SOdv McKay bldg. DO not keep Ml aaoney. A postal card will bring yoa in format loo how to get tbe largest return oa an absolutely safe iBveetmeat ef from 4100 to . J. B. Bailey. 61T Lambs Etchanae. Portland. Oragoa, , " DO yea wast to make some money t Her it in: a Business man or nignesc rerersncss will guarantee yon against loss of sn in vestment from 4100 Bat to eieeed 42,000. If taken Immediately, and yon abonld rsealve $30 for each dollar inveeted; thla la your opportunity. N 23, care Journal. THB homeaarksT etenrsios to eastern Oregon. eeerland, will lea re shout Brat ef July. Call leott Foartb St., room S3, tor tnforaaatio. IrO.OBO WILIi pet SOiiag, csnUally to-atedT . Income 42.100 per year; 0 per cent ee S3.ouo; tbi property snouia treble m rarus la the next 10 years, being better security thsn any bank, and thru time better thus loaning money ea real estats. Ura. BoaaOa, SOSty Btaatee. eoraer Commercial. Alblna. 4000 STOCK of clean, fresh gturei lea. in grow ing suouro, ooiog gooo lauainesa, no nee ss counts: four good llrlng-rooaii above atore. Address D 88, cars Journal. A 1 SaOOD 1 rmatnese man wants to bay mtn laooai tnaiuis; manuraetanng er wholesale business; bask references.. Address 8.4, ear Journal. . - , . v . WHO lSat O. MORGAN CO.I BASEMENT, dug and trading, geaeral hauling. c. a. rottage, ta commercial at. raeae Baat Bit). .......'. GROCERY atore for sale( price 41,200. or ra. volcei rent er store, . a linng-rooana aqd etable, 440: stock all new aad ap te date. H. W. Garland. IBS Fourth st. FOR SALE Oood sawmill, dally capacity 16.- 000; good eontract te go witn miu, AVddreas 'Fred Spires, Gohlendsle. Wash. r. r DO NOT MISS THIS CBANCB. - Half tntstaat In ex-handle .factory, dotng a coed business, for Sl.sno. V, . . . . - F. J-UCHS, 221H Morrlaoo St. 42.000 Country stare, with post and express erne, clearing over iuovnaontBiy. -42.000 Urocery atore ia Portland, a Baoaey- ateker. -' For a good BMrcaatlls bnalnisa from $1,000 up te $30,000. ee F. FUCHS, 821H Morrlaoa St. CIOTHKS PRESSING and repairing bustneea. wen eetsDiisaeo. sompreteiy equippes. inu reg ular enetomera; bualneas from Juae IS ia . eluded in price. 8300. - Beet A Vs Fosse n, SPlfe Morrlaoa st. A sew maaufaeturlns comnanv baa an acuta- leg far tbe Investment of eome capital at an euarmoas profit: email article oi antverssl as. B 84, car Jouraal. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. 48 00 8 room new aaodeia home, one block ef Hewtborae STs.. tmitet bat, fXHPO, with ( furasce, fireplace, gas aad electric flirurea, full cement basement with cement floor, walla ' donbla; without axceptloe nee ef the best built bemee la tbs city; Blwrsl terme will be glvaa ,. , ' W.etaV-S romTi boas sad 4 lots, 'close te caa; eaay terms... V '. '.- . ... ... St.TBO 4 tee ia sew hnaee na Bast TamhlTI; ' $600 dowa, bslsnc ae aaoathly pay men ta. ; ll.oOO 8 room aew boos, lot 60x100. ESS4thStv ' 1,600 T-reem aew boos ea Mt. Scott eer- ltbe, closs tni easy farms. ' SO seres wltbla stt limits at 424 per sere... . , ... .' seres ea electric esrllno. 400; half cssh. 4rpoo Quarter boeek en Hawthorne svs-t ' 4000 Lsts sa Hswtborne svs., 60x76; Uh ersl terms. , -',.'. '' "y A gi'uceiy bnilneaa for sals. - :;''- '''V'-.. : r ' Lets hi choice residence dlatrlcts for sst oa easy moatbly payments. v '-'"''"'' STBYBNS0N-BR0WN rO.."', -., 110 Becoad at. . '.:;:... ''i t - i. B. , . $tl60 HKASIDB cottage, 8 room. . v . $o0 Long Beech eottaga, 4 reoma $Sfi0 Center addition. 2 blocks from tar, $ room bona, lot 60x100. $3,800 S-ronm. boose, good Ineatlon, treat side; $1,000 lot; te worth the money. - . , $2,600 a-roem' bonss; 41,000 dowa; . near Ankeny car ; rood esrvtce . $850 M block eo Baat 21t 4860. . 11.400 4 on East 18th. 41,400 H block Bear Ankeny line, T-ronet houae. garden and fruit; earner leaving: city. 2.260 6-room cottsgs, Suanysld; $1,000. - BHOO 4-room eottsg on Mt. Scott Host We kara improved er recast property say , wheae you want It, 1 ' 2i4 Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrtsoa. - FOR BALK Ksay term; good little house, let 60x100: price 4860: small cash payment, ' balance monthly. Call Eaet Stb at. North.. HOUSES built en Installments, lots If deeired. , 812 Commercial bldg., Main 1940. 4 ROOMS, sewly painted, 40 varieties roe, $1,100; $ room, earnest wslks, close In, $2,000: 8 reome. corner lot, $1,600; 8 romna, large lot. " of fruit. 42,000; 6 rooms, pew. r 81.000. $200 tub; 4 room. 2 lor, $260 cssh. Hons built ea Installment; lot if desired. City Reslty Building Co., 612 Cornanerclal bldg. Main 1048; TWO GOOD BUYS. Fine quarter block sear Unlc are., with 7-roool modern bouae, fine fruit trees, roses . aad hrahbery, for 48.800; V)0 cash,. $26 monthly, with 6 per cent tntereet. $3.260 Fin corner, S blocks from Biirnslde bridge, bringing per cent; this is tbs best ''VbVticTIS, M1V Morrison st. FOR SAI.B Nt 1H story cottage, t large - room, gas, bath, toilet, full bssement, eon . crsts walk, flower and fruit: a banraln at , $2,000, part time.' Applr owner, 1110 Baat ' Taylor U Pbooe Bart 1306,- :al r:TATH FixoN park is now oa tue market; lot at acreage prices, ' according te Improrean.K. -v Lota 6na it k-'S, f'o, 4"o -Iota 1(uhi i i, $ ", I Lots BMIXavO $tuO. $HHl. $X) " The lots ar mostly ia rultlrattou, level and alghtly, on a good graded street, eke . te good 10-room -W.- it lami; 6 fare te any part of Portrand- water free; term. , O. B. ADDITON. 0WNKB. : Tk Mount ScoU Cat, -6c. Lenta, Oragoa. - BY OWN Ell Modem a-roon) cottars; cement aMesment, large porch ea, Sna laws, lots of , rosea and ehade trees; cbeap for cask, ar wlU (Its time oa 'Pert, lull Halght are. Phone Eaat 6032. Ke agent. FOR SALE Ntce S-foom modern boose, corner necoiie aaa wco, Hoiisaay aauiuoa. owner. . 416 Cherry. ' Kast ISM. MOW ia year ttms la buy door, windows. Sour. Ins aaa all klnda af bulldlne materials at a bargain. Apply te America laa. . Phoae-. Ferine 10T9. ' DO yo-avwant a ale modern A -room bouse; eo " nice corner. One location 7 If ae, call 442 East Salmon. Pboae East 1162. - FOB 6 ALB S-room dw.lllng. ee Irving St. bet ad and 24th. - Address 0 40. JouraaL CRKSTON; see it; go Bow. TEN acres, all Is cultleatldn. S mile from of Portland and 1 mils west af Clarkamee station; flu eprtng water piped to tb land under 40-foot preasar. Price 4200 per sere. - Fir terse at tba pame rate. . Fit scree 1 mil eaat ef Portland. , mile trepj O. W. P. .electric line. Fine soli ' mni.fT to rlaar. $76 per acre. 240 scree 26 miles north ef Portland, IOS , acre eery aaay to clear, aboet scree Iq : culUvatioB, all No. 1 land: price 420 per -cr for an or part.' - Will gl terms or ' might szchange tor Portland property. . For parti-.-alare-eet BeverT- 404 Beat Alder street. Phone Baat al. FOR SALB CHEAP d aad l-raa mod. . era; part cash. S70 Gsrdeld eve. , Take Woodlawa car, pboae Beat S64L CBE8TON1 sea .lt; go sow. NORTH WEST LAND COMPANX. -. SOS Ooodnough bldg. Reo. W. Turner. H. W. Miller. Vrm transact a general reaj. estate ana bcokrg btialaeas sad solicit a inhere .1 your ; patroaas. , . ". SEIXWOOD LOTS. $6 dowa and 4S n month from $76 to $200. Bel I wood Townslts C H. P. Palmer, maasree. Phaa Baat 4704. BUSINESS PROPERTY Choice lot, fronts ea Grand are., near Alder t. bay sow - aad get - benefit of raise la vslu. UenkW . A Harraaon. JIT Abingtoa bldg. 4, TOn SALB Big bargain tor quick ssle; e-ronna ' ... suburban cottage, ground 100 tot) feet, fruit nd shrubbery; by owner. O. W. P. Town. -elde Co.. 213 Alder t-, Is O. W. P. A By. " ' siting rousa. CBE8TON; see It; go new. ;' . . 4125 Lot In t , . GARDEN PARK TRACT. ' i 1 49 cssh and $2.60 per month. ' 1 4 block frain) L'niverelty Park Statlea. ' High, karri end elebtlr. ' 1 . . . .' Oood -nefghbortiood. .- ' Cnrreapondencs solicited. BEAVER KAALTY COMPANY, Pbooe MalB 6061. 424 Latnber Eichang. WEST BIDS Fin lot between Hh and West ' Park, on Clay. Gocd location for home. . Henkle A Harrieea, 217 Abingtoa bldg. FOR sal or sxcbaag forearm land, three' L-eers tracts, hlrh and alghtly. near Odd. ; Fellows' borne, Kast 40th aad Holgate, Wood- stock car. ' .,s..-. ., v., : , . .,. FfR SALB Lot ea Clacksmss at., near 18th I will balld to salt purcbsser. If deeired. 664 8berlock hlda. .... ......... CRE8TON; see l4 go sow. FOB SALB Bast side bnase. S moms: SOiliSa, . nice lawn. Inquire 10 Best Ninth St., N. 'Phone Bast T17. - . . TWO nice eottsxes aa Brerett at.. In fin. bare. hob. do i a ror eu.uiai. -mess win rent r 7,' -". aauauaaosi bldg. - - J - -r- IMPBBATfVB SAliB One of the handaomeet , and beat koines Is Hoilsdsy's sddlltooi soar. : ter block on WeMler st anodrra house of Id awoma; price $8.500. Address B 74. Jouraal. S CORNER lots In' Columbia Heights, Wood. mwn; both fur $4no, from ewner. H. W. Notts. Phone Kaat 42a). . , CRESTONi aee It; go sow. FOR SALB. by ewner, a beasHful borne ea . west abira of Mount Tabor, V, acre, good boose, barn aad. bothoua. beautiful pro no tla. caoaca irait anu nruooery; meet ecu Ingntre st Mount 'Tabor drug store. , HIGHLAND REAL ESTATE! -BBALTT.'-RENTAt.S-INSCKASCX ' riM.LBCTlOKB..-. Bnslness entrusted to my ears will arountlr attended to. al. B. HI'IKK, rtUTAKI I I HIJU. Pbona-Wsodlswa $8. lORS Unloa ava.. North.. . Portland. Oregon. 42.708 BACH S Bice 8-rueai bouses; anodern. fine locality; $40O dnwa, 426 monthly. 888 Eaat Mala. Agents list this, Ksst 628. 4726100x100 sear L carllne; very beat : el . 4826 Nice corner. 80x100.: $060 Fine lot on Cook are., near Unloa see. , 647660x100 en Vancouver are., near Shar er at.; tsrms, $1U0 rb bslsaoe $18 ' 41,600 Tall two-story boaa. T rooms.' sice tmmiu. m, near car; reason we terms; airtct -$I,25V-"iTlI ia r splendid rbance for s sua ef moderate aia t secure a hoeief the hat Is worth $600: rooms, sn-, etalrs ant completed: 4-100 cash, baU aace tnontbly payments. .. M. B. THOMPSON. . Phone Woodlawa 202. 848 Mississippi are. FOB "SALE 7-roem, bona, bat 60x100. $ft.00t, er 44.100 for 100100; house la Just finished. , modern ; located ea Monroe at., near Ualoa are.; eaay terme; good brfslniWs hara bus fruttt fTTS bn IilxfTss yoa wish to yo. -W bar some fine bargalna in rlty resldenc - property, aim acreage aad ranch properly, Call 262 Russell St. - Phone Bast 1M7. . 48.000- W7I.L BUY s choice bit and large house ' en Mill at, near 7th. Henkl A llarrLsou, . '217 Abingtoa bldg. . WILL tha partlea offering 41.460 for property Beer Cedar park, St. Johns, oa July 4, tele phone Unloa 40841 THIS MIGHT INTEBEST YOU. It will If yoa are looking for aa Meat home, . close la, aad at a reasonable price. We bars a large modem cottage en a fine lot facing east on Fifth at., IS natnutss' walk, for only 44,400. . HAGEMANN A BLANCHABD, ' t ' . 91 Fifth st. An Unsurpassed View Corner, 46x100, and a lares mod sra 8-reons . cottage for only 42,260; price would hsnllr build tb eottsg: easy walking disuses, west HAGEMANN A BLANCHABD, i ruth t. WEST SIDB MODERN COTTAGB. , ' 42,800 8 rooms, modern Is svery way, ea V floe. tot. Sixth at., close In. V HAGEMANN A liLANCHABD. , 81 Fifth et ' ST. JOHNS. - ' $$,00014 lota, close lo, ea earlltiet tlia only bteck left la thla locality sad 4128 peg lot: cheaper thsa say thing In tb neighbor- ; fcd' HAOBMANN A BLANCHABD. . - 81 Fifth at. NICB LITTLB HOMES KEABTHB CITT. 1 acre on car line, fine bom M,60S 4V cresTl mile from car, fin bom. 1,768 . " 8 acre, splendid hems. sdJolBlnt tow- ...a 8,608 10-acre ehlckca ranch. B15 cWclanawl.Jo; M gcre a Oregon City car Una.... 4,800 . $u scree, nice boms', near Vancouver. 1,18 ' And several other good bur can be glre. aauaa av cnncKBTT. JKOu rt aaiiiiMjai .a. Pom splendtd homes sear earbsra ea St. Johns ear line; alee vaeant tots In same IO?wloTiota la St. John tot 4825: a bargain, v.-.i.t lota oa Eetacada line. Wichita u- -tlos, 10 te 1121 . . - r S46V4 Washington St. . " . THREE OOOD BABGAINS. $1 600 burs s very neat, well-flnlabed 4-reonf ajntUge, anodera Improve menta. full tot, good ' - locatlna, 41400 cash, balance time 8 per cent can be rented for a ysr st 415 per mouth and get 4100 In adraare. $860 bays aest cottage snd twe lots, well . fenced; nice grds. fralt. tree Just at bearing! good terme: Mount Scott cars. W bar sn excellent farm only $ miles tmm th courthouse, sear Mllwaukle. aearly. all rich bottom lead, level, with etoek. Int. lnasi ernps, ete. best buy In the country, oat and get price and particulars... c - . . fltrM)Y-MF.I.RATH CO. . 4BABI11. Ua.lsiAau asab ',''.''' 246 at Morrlaoa si, F02 cal: SI:' '