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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1906)
! 1 GOOD E7EUIUG THE, WEATHER. - Fair tonight and Sunday; westerly winds. .-...., IK' J VOL. V. NO. 1C3. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 7, 1000. FOURTEEN PAGES., PRICK TWO CENTS. K , I r III ', I vX. 4 ' ' II I f I - -.- - II i i i . .saw l COllI! .Report of l Controller of Currency Reflects . Much Credit on Ore ;. gonBanking Houses Percentage' of Reserve In Local Monetary Institutions High- Portland Ranks Among Fore most Cities of the Country In f Financial Strength. - ' According: U the reports Issued by , the comptroller -of -currency baaed ttpoa tha atatementa received In ' reeponse to . the call , made June It, the showing -.. mad by the national banka of Oregon , la In keeping with tha vast Increaaea mads in all branchea of bualnaaa In tola atata In the year just closed. Tha re- aouroea have increased ll,S7Mt and the capital stock $428,000.- i -' . " The increase- naa been unprecedented ao far a known In tha history' of tha country and ahowa tha financial strength ' of tha atata. One of -the moat flattery ; ing showings made .was tha Increase of Individual deposits. At tha eloaa f business. May lj 1906, these deposits ' for all of the national banks In tha atata ' amounted to 10,I7,89. According to the statement made by tha comptroller 'i today the deposits at tha close of bust- ness June II of the present year were : a little aver lll.600.000, aa Increase '; of 11.620.011.- . ..;.....'.::-. ; The aurplua and undivided profits '. Jumped from I60MS7 to li.Iat.m,' an Increase of tm.0l for tha year. The loans and discounts, which amounted to 8.170.006 In 106, are now nearty $,., which la a tain of mora than 180,000. c i '. - - " Xlfh Per Osat of B.astvs. ;.'Vv Tha per cent of reserve for the year ending June IS Waa H. which la an ex. cellent showing for the state, and espe :v. clally so, for Portland, because of tbe fact that most of the banking business . of the sute Is dona In tha Rose City. . Tha law requires banks In tha central reserve cities - Serve or iS ner aari on a....... -u 1906. the rata for tha entire country wasl wni dj omy .si per cent of the proportion required. Banks located In other reserve cltlea are authorised to carry one half -of their reserve with central reserve city banka .' Thia ahowa thatfthe atata of Oregon , la far above tha average throughout tha country. None of her cltlea are .Included . In tha central reserve olty Hat, and even , without, taking advantage of the pro- yislonofthalawwhlch-allawa hat, to maintain but 1SV4 per cant of the re ' serve, tha atata shows a lead of over I per' cent above tha average of the ? country. '' c'-..' . .- . , ..; aaakm An Slated.' ' " ' -- Bankers In Portland ara elated with the report, which waa ahown to them "this morning, and aard that they were not aurprlaed becauga they knei? that -mia bU0lnaa -Of tbelr Individual banks hud grown- wonderfully and supposed that the same condition prevailed ontJnuednJPaga Two.J Leniency Shown by Court-Martial Is Sharply Criticized and .Member Composing It J -: Declared " (Joarael RpWlal Brle- jw.. Washington. July 7. Oeneral Fred arlrk Funston haa administered a severe rebuka to members of the court-martial In tha Armstrong cane for . undue len iency shown tha prisoner. - The court haa been trying Arthur Armstrong of tha Twenty-aixth battery, field artil lery, on charges of breaking out of prison at Aloatraa Island and forcing tha cells of three other prisoners and liberating them. - The prisoner pleaded guilty, and the court decided that he committed ho' crime- In escaping. and sentenced Armstrong to three months' GETS S2.4QO DENJAL FIRM FOR SWALLOWING-TOOTH (Jenrnal RpoeUI Service.) ' Los Angeles, July - 7. An opinion . handed down In the sppallata court af firms the -decision of tha superior court In tha damage suit of Alloa C MoQehee - sgalnst the. Bchlffman Method Dental company. Misa MoQehee waa awarded $2,400 dantHfcSv ' Tha plaintiff Visited tha offlcea of tha . company for .tha purpose f- having - aeven teeth' extracted. Blx . were; re '. moved successfully, but the seventh slipped from -the forceps and waa drawn -;lnto- tha right lung of the ptalntlR. Tha , dental company In making application ; - - v ' , ' L Warrantifbr Arrest of John D;; Rockefeller Awaits Magnate's Re turn From Europe Pagin Also In Ohio to Assist Covemmeht "Attorneys Tn Pre ". paring : Indictment 80 That Both Local and Federal Prose cution Comes on Anniversary. v ' Wearssl Speelsl Servles.) ' Cleveland, O., July T. John IX Rocke feller, the richest and most talked of man In ; tha world, will be 17 years old tomorrow. " As a birthday present Sheriff Groves arrived here from Find lay with a warrant for tha oil king's arrest for violation of tha' anti-trust law, prepared for au Indefinite atay, or as long aa there la any hope that RooKa- leuer till return. s Judge ' Banker, who ' would ' hear tha caseagalnst Rockefeller, la regarded as tearless. . A present 1 also awaiting Rockefel ler from tha federal government. Spe cial Assistant - Attorney-General Pagln arriveo nere nrora Washington today to assist In drawing Indictment against Rockefeller and tha Standard Oil com pany for rebating and anti-trust viola tions. )agln will also visit other clt lea Where Inveatlgatlona of tha Stand ard ara to be made. .. ,. ,1 Am Bad ta ttkt'fteaa.''t : ' Rockefeller'a birthday aeea tba cam paign against his system of aoulrtng weaiui in ran awing, witb'the prospect that an and will be-put to tha lite gal practlcea which have built up tha Stand ard Oil company and made him untold wealth.' V ' ' . . . "" At T years of age John D. Rocke feller la estimated to be worth ttOO, 000,000, according to tha flgwrea f care ful Investigators. Last year Mr. Rocke feller waa worth f 603,000.000, showing a gain for tha present year of $41,000,900. laJ800 he had only. 400,000,00. and JnJ tne year oerora tnat ne waa poorer still. 1250.000,000 representing his 'total wealth. In'll6 ha had 1100.000.000. In 1874 16,000.000. and In tha year before that ha waa virtually bankrupt, ,t ; -....' Jahav B.S Xaeome. . When tha huge snowball of Rockefel ler 'a preeent fortune of 1(00.000,000 rolls down the ; years, - gathering aa It goes, tha wealth of former Mldases will appear aa mora competences. His In come this year, aa above atated. la eatl-mated-at-W.000,000. Thia Is 84,000,000 a month, f 104.180 day. 84, 88 an hour, 1114.10, minute. $1.91 a eecond. And this la for every second of tha year. Tha calculation for SS years Mr. Rock efeller'a physician aaya he has every prospect of living to be 100 yeara old la startling. - If his millions continue to Increase at tha present rate, Mr. Rock efellrr at the age of 100 yeara will be WorthbWfT$3$.B0000.tl00TTBli-TS Almost three times aa much gold and allvor aa there la in circulation, In tCont In tied : on Page Jt wo. ) Incompetent' . . ... v close confinement for releasing tha others. -., - Funston-aaya: "Armstrong waa In prison for II yeara for offenses agalnat a woman, and la probably tha moat des perate and certainly tha moat despicable prisoner on tha Island. , It la evident that tha officers composing tha court ara Incompetent, and tha court la hereby dissolved." - '. The members of the court ara Major Abnar; Pickering. Cap tain ' George Bom ford, Captain Lawrence Curtla, Lieuten ants Marry Graham. John Baker, Ed ward MoCommon and Edward Tarry. FROM " , .am icu ill tllfj nvf II genre on the part of tha company ex tended only . to i letting tha tooth, drop Into tha mouth of tha plaintiff, who, having control of her muscles, waa re sponsible l for drawing', tha extracted tooth Into her lung. Thla Claim was discredited by the fact that Mlsa Mc Oehea was under an anertthetlo at the time. ., .- The court held that the defendant, was negligent Jn .letting tha tooth drop Into 'the mouth and falling to recover It, end that tha question of how It reached the lung had no bearing on -tha case. . .-i .... .i... Ellis Korklin's Late Homo) and Some ot the Playmates Who Wen Present BY AUTO Twelve-Year-Old Ellis Korklin ' Run Down and Slain by a ' Touring Car Driven by ; , 1 William McCallig. J - ' In tha city prison, William MoCaJUg, chauffeur - for the Piddle Automobile company, FtrteenttLvAi,d Alder ' streets, la held on the. charge of manslaughter for.- driving ' & ponderous touring oar over UUlo llysar-o)rt Kills ICorklln, killing tha lad almost Insuntly. Ha will be given a preliminary bearing on Monday. ' . . Coroner Finley Impaneled a Jury and began an lnqueat at 1 o'clock thla after noon. ::!' .:' f'-SH In connection with tha affair tha po- women, one of whom la said to be Ida Knutson. occupantat of the car, who may prove Important witnesses for the prosecution. Tha unknown man and two female companions eacapeu aa soon aa the accident occurred, and the driver haa failed to reveal helr Identity, claim ing that ha doea not know them. - - - - - soak, few. So Ugfets. The accident occurred at 8:10 o'clock laat night at Hood and Sherman streets. Tha car was iraTeling aouih- alonx- streets, bound, it. Is said, for a drive along tha White House road. . It waa at dusk, but none of the three lights on the car was lighted. ; Policeman Stew art atopped the car va - short distance from the scene of tbe accident and cau tioned tha driver that the llghis should be turned on. The driver. It- la said, explained that the carbons w,ere not In , un nooa street near unerman mere were half a dosen or more children at rl Tha. a r. r..M.n. n ka T.alah ouarter. iittle Russian arm Tnllah tvnva and girls. .2 Some were play - 'tag,'-' while others stood on the street and . gat on e.neAa, -ara tr-h In . Ih.m 'I. . .ha awMw of plsVera waa Ellis Korklin. a 11-year-old orphan who lives with his slater. aira. wtJua A.aoiin, it i urant street. Struok Sows la ay.T ' ' r Absorbed In tha rnm. th, mA In tha middle of the street watching in " tagging" eacn otner. The huae car mrA nnlui.i.iu .. him. - There were no warning lights and those who witnessed the accident declare that It gave' no warning sound. ., i was apparently only waen the car was . Immediately upon the child . that the occupants saw him., tor tha women screamed and attempted to spring from tha car. - . . . -.- .- ..... .., - - Struck heavily y-the front end of tha car. tba lA waa -- ... ground a ahort distance tn front and iruni wneeis psssed over hia head. The driver succeeded In stopping the ear before tha rear -h.,i, .... . - trmwmw VTr him. - ; . -s.-, ... ; . SktUl Orttsbed by Kachlae. ' Almost lnstanilv thaea mtmm m of weeping oltlldren about tha machine. The boy waa serried to the sidewalk and Dr. Dammaach aummoned. . - The iaa waa eaa on hia arrival, his kull havlns been eruaha . hw . t h, ,. weight of the machine.'- ' Policeman Stewart arrived soon sfter and. notineA Corenes Finley,.. Or, the advice of Chief- arrest and ia aeerrhlng for the three guciqnnirvi- ncara.wolscapea in -the confusion. - - . . V : -f- The Korklin boy Is survived by three (Continued on Page Two.) eetmeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeseee CTl "7' 1 1 PvnS more attention today to W. J. Bryan, commoner,, of JhC. v' vv Orl(j Am". and Nicholas Romanoff, czar, of Russia, than to all the -', , , . ... ""othef men in It, and for that reason The" Sunday Journal has' made them features of its nSgarine tomorrow., Bryan writes for The Sunday Journal . the story" of his tour of the earth; the czar's horoscope is given by one who has made history a life study and shows that the, rule of the Romanoffs m Russia is about over. For every- uoay, ior in tastes, iuk - younff .ana.,0 q nere . . ..something of interest , The Big Automobile That P1IL6EIS JUS flOlClilE taiidlfeudiKing;S learis jn CountyJaijnd to Pay JFnejgf : Seventy-Five Hundred Dollars; ' "I got a doaa of medicine yesterday; that's all I've got to say." , Thla la how 8. A. D. Putor of land fraud notoriety feels about hia latest experience with the busisaw of Justice. Ha went before Judge Wolverton of the United States district court late yester day afternoon hoping, for a light i sen tence for conspiring to defraud the gov ernment out of Oregon laads to.wha Is - known as 11-7 township and waa given not' only. tha limit of Impriaoq ment. but almost the limit of fine. Two years In the Multnomah county Jail and 17,600, rtuti the sentence. , Therefore Stephen A. Pouglua Puter wfcxes wroth and declares that medicine baa been ad ministered unto him. Euter is saving his breath, but the few words that be uttera come out steaming. When asked .this morning low he feTTTie telf ealednftlOTiiaoi partment of the double cage, which he shares with- George Blodgett, .con demned murderer, and Ignored .the ques tion. .'' -' , -Kothlng,',-ha said decisively- ..JTye got nothing to say." . , ' , Anothsr question brought out the remark- about a dose of medicine. ' Puter waa sad and sore and. wanted to be left, alone. 'IThy Seateaea Waa Ssseaa. ." ' The aeverlty of Puter-a sentence waa due to "his tall from grace after becom- lna a government witness.' .Following his conviction he repaid the desertion of friends by telling all ha knew about tha land - frauds. Asslatant Attorney General Francis J. Heney, -then United States district attorney for Oregon, gave assurance that If Puter kept laiin with the government 4. ail through the proceedings against the- land thieves the three dlctirtents still hanging over bla head would be dismissed. - a promise either direct or Implied, was made In re gard to the erlme of whtcn ne naa al ready been convicted.' ' .- ' ' 'It i critical time. Puter, who - had proved a valuable witness for tbe prose cution, utilised the liberty 1 obtained on ball' to engage In a conspiracy to de fraud the state out ' of school lands. To escape- punishment for thla offense he took leg ball, fled to Boston, where he used a platol to prevent hia capture by Secret Service Agent .William J. Burns, doubled on hia tracks and gave the gov ernment no end of troubier-before he waa Anally run 'down and-xaptured in California The -result ef all -this waa that . Puter. who . by .behaving . himself might eventually ba-e won. Immunity of punishment,- got all that the law al lows save that 12.(00 waa taken oil the $10,000 fixed as the limit of line. ' Francis J. Heney had laid all the facta of Pater's service to tbe govern ' :-f " i V1 -r. XT f h f DUNDAY When the Lad Lost His Ufa.' Ran Over Ellis Korklin. ment before Judge Wolverton. Martin L. Pipes, , attorney for Puter, was In court when his client waa told to stand up for sentence. - There was no appeal for mercy.. Puter Informed the oourt that hia attorney would speak for him. Mr, Pipes aald: - . : ' "I think, your honor, there la nothing further to be, atated except that Mr. Puter baa been convicted some time. There la nothing to aay but what you know already." ' - ' - , ' Then Pu ter "was sentenced anTTaken back to hia cell at the county JalL By good behavior Puter can shorten hia term of imprisonment several months. As to his fine tbe government can collect . by - execution, provided It can find any property on which to levy. If Puter haa no property all' ha haa to do is to wait tn Jail until 10 daya after the pauper's oath. This . will set him free,.- Therefore if he haa nothing It ia not likely that relatives will pay 17,600 to aaya him . an additional 10 daya In- durance.' . t.i.i;r?v, ' Three ladlotmaata omala. v 1- He can be prosecuted on the three fed eral tndlotmenta remaining untried, but It la not thought that thla will be done. The question will not be brought up un til after all the other land fraud cases have been tried.- In the meantime Puter Is to be used aa a government witness. When he haa satisfied the demanda of federal Justice he will still have to an swer for hia offenses against tha atate of Oregon. Mrs. Emma Watson, one of Puters coconspirators, was also ' taken Into court yesterday, but waa not sentenced. Judge Wolverton expressed a desire to look-into , the records further, and sen tence will -not be-passed -In her -ease until ha returns from Helena In Septem ber. ' V-.; .'' v. '-.- .IV. ' Mrs. Watson, unlike Puter, haa given the government little trouble. . Shortly after Pater'a Boston ' experience She wrote to Francis J. Heney from Oak land giving her address and aaying that she waa ready to put m an appearance at any time that-the government might summon her. It la btlleved that her sentence will be much lighter than Pu ter' s. v--:;,,.;C--.m V'" .-''."' -f joaaeaad Potter areat. The offenders next In line fop sen tence are -Wlllard M. Jonea i and Thaddeua 8.'" Potter, convicted of sub ornation f Tjerjury in" connection witn land fraudsk It waa planned to take up the bill of exceptlona In their case next Monday,' but Jonea and his at torney, Martin L. Pipes, had a balf hour's talk with Heney thla morning (Continued on Page Two.) - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesa --:--T' JOURNAL AnEMPT E1!S CO io prove 4 mm w . IHSI1HIIYI PRESIDED Thaw's Attorneys Not Able to Prove That .White's Conduct Jus tified the Murder Aged Mother of Prisoner Return. Ing to1 Aid In Defending Son Will Sit by His Side for Effect on Jury Accused Man Is Ex amined, by Alienists. . . (Joarnal Special Berrlee.) New York. July 7. It Is InUmated that Harry. Kendall Thaw1 a attorneys will be forced to abandon the defense of emotional Insanity and an attempt to prove the . defendant la now Insane. It la. admitted there la not one .bit of legal evidence produced to - substantiate the plea of Justification by . continued persecution of Thaw and hia wife by White. : ' ",. That Thaw la so far from aana thai bla counsel will be Justified In applying to the supreme court Justice for a com mission .to determine the. condition of hia mind ia the contention of those In charge of the case and In support of thlb contention the young millionaire waa examined at length In hia cell In tha Tombs today by . . Allan Maclane Hamilton, the well known alienist. The examination occupied more than two houra during which Thaw submitted to all tha tests employed by medical men for determining an Insanity patient. ' --At -thai conclusion Dr. Hamilton -de ellned to- divulge bla opinion, but a man In the confidence of.hta friends said enough had been discovered to give color to the hope that you Thaw can be freed7 from the legal consequences of killing Stanford White on the ground Of insanity or possibly may escape trial altogether. - " ' .' " """" Mother JUtnrnlng. ' Tha fact that Mrs. William Thaw, mother of Harry Thaw, sailed from London for New Torx , to assist per aonally In aavlng her aon from- the else trie chair, may be accepted a aa In dication of a serious turn in tha case against Thaw. ' In other words it may be i taken for granted that, the able lawyers In charge of Thaw's case have realised that in defending their cUent they must resort to that old but ef fective expedient of a spectacle of tha devoted mother sitting in the court be side her accused eon. - Thaw was informed that bla mother was coming to New York. Naturally he did aotintaitrfor now. in mo cold gray dawn of the morning after." he realises that hia affairs are not - the kind of things -for good women like his mother to mix In. He inslstsd that aha remain abroad. -: ' - White BlaokmaUed. ' The district attorney was" Informed of several astonishing blackmail plota of wTilcBrBntaTord White was ths victim. Tha motbera of at leaat three young , - (Continued on Page Two.) Camille Clifford, Beautiful American Actress, ; Parallels Story of Career of Celebrated . , . Madame Sans-Gene (Joorsai'gpeeUI Servicer) : ' London. July 7.T-m the face of hia father's opposition, Hon, Henry Lynd hurst Bruce, eldest aon of Lord Aber dara, haa become engaged . to Camilla Clifford, an American actreaa. . Thla lord's heir is only t years of age. Like tha story of Madame Sans-Oens. by Sardou, la tha tale of Camilla Clif ford's rise to fame. According to historians few women of the stage have success In such ahort time as Mlsa Clif ford. She atspped . from " behind the ironing board of a Boston laundry to an' importnat place behlad . tha foot- Ugbta. almost In. a night. Like Sane-Gene she. waa a laundress; WINDY CITY BABES : FALL GREAT HEIGHTS AND ESCAPE UNHURT V (Jooniel Speelel Servles.) - Chicago, July 7. -"Goo-goo-goo, gug gled BabK.. Providence Blanda aa aha waved her little arms and tried to tell a. gathering crowd how It felt to fall four stories and alight unhurt while comfortably aeated oq a hard cement sidewalk. 7 When the neighbors, who had heard of the accident, came to the Blanda home to help tha mother make arrangements for tha funeral they were amased to awa the la-months-old baby. Resigns as Head of United Railways Com- pany and; Another Is! Elected to Place :. Transfers jpontroJ ' Commerce. Building to C. E. Loss T Syndicate Transactior Nothing More Than Reorgan- ) ization of Corporation.'. . J. Whyte Kvans, president of - 6a f United Railways company, haa resigned. At a meeting of the new board of j directors held late yesterday afternoon ! at the office of A. C, Kmm'one, Chamber ? of Commerce building, Mr. Evana 'auV - mitted bla resignation tn writing and it was . accepted. W. L. Benham waa V alactad to aucceed him.1"": s . . , . t "Title to the Chamber of Commerce building has passed to C E. Loss, pres- i Ident of the C. B. Loss company, of San ( Francisco and Portland. The purchase t of the building by the United Railways ; company some months ago conveyed the tlUe to J. Whyte Evana aa trustee. -" Later it was transferred, to W. D. Lar rabee, .representing hia associates He now tranafera tbe same to C KLosa said Mr. Emmona "There ig-no further ' controversy ovr thla item ia the transaction.- so far aa It know.. "The rent rolls were turned over yesterday by Mr. Evans and he baa given an option on , hia holdlnga" pf ,atocx .in tha eon.-,..', pany. Action on the purchase of this . stock awaits the arrival of ,Mr. Loss.", : ' Bemalna en tha Board., A - Mr. Evans remains a member of ta ' ' board of directors of the United Rait-ways-companyThe- naw -diractory Is , composed of the following: W. Ix Ben ham, H. St, John Dix. W. T. Aiulr, J. Whyte JEvana.wLlX- Larraoea. Two members of the Los Angeles party. Mr. -, Taylor and Mr. Orlff las, -have resigned from the directory, but will remain with the company. Mr. O riffles VfirfitaTj Vhd Mr." Taylor an engineering ca pacity.'' The new president, Mr. Ben . bam, is a practical railroad man and contractor. He had yeara ot experience In the traffic department aa westdrta-' traffic manager of tha Great Northern; : and lo recent yeara he haa engaged en tirely In construction work, along lines of irrigation, railway and other develop ment - "'..-.'-.' Plana for rehabilitation of tha cham ber of commerce building have been spprovedbythtyow Jorfc. T'lfa Insue-- ance company, mortgagee, and a con tract haa been let to Moray & Wakely. The upper story, which waa deatroyed by Are, wUl be rebuilt for offlcea, and ao additional stories will be placed on the buUdtng. It la the intention of the C. K. Lobs company and their affiliated companies, tne united ' Railways com pany and the Paclflo Coaat Development company. - to nave tnelr -traices-In the rebuilt toi etory. The plans have been (Continued On Page Two.) : like Sardou'a heroine alao, It ia said, she owed her discovery to an act of kindness - committed in a passing moment. As Sana-Gene swayed m1n- : Istera and even an emperor, so Miss Clifford, by her personality, swayed manager and playwrighta and Ka poleans of finance to support produc tions In which aba waa interested. Ami like Sana-Gene also, she .la now to marry In high life.' . ; The actress first won a corner ef the hearts of London playgoers when she appeared In "The Prince of Ptlsen" tn the Gibson girl poaea. She Is a greet favorite, and In many quartera the heir ot.Lord Aberdara . Ja. .conkidered a,,r jr . lucky man. prattling to herself In one corner of th room white the visitors marveled at her strange eecepe from death. Leonard' Warner, " t years of a- floated from a third story window i 4S7 Twsnty-rifth street on s win screen today. The rlsht arm of i child was wrenched, hut this Was ! only Injury.-The-.llttt bnr wee t" to raloh a noisy bloody that r. agalnat the srreen, which fell, leaning on- the screen arr1' sidewalk without sbanga ef ' . , - - J: ..I !.. V. n