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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1906)
t ' fir-i ' r-r ? a . rr , r-.t: ft' ; ' - GOOD '-EVE II III G; Jonn!jC:rc"i:::n Vm,mt!w OH A -w1' . J " . : ri r- . si i M il r -r - w w . w . -w w c ii : ; Tlllt 'WEATHSX : , ' ' , Fair tonl,btj ' Saturday' partly ' cloudy) and cooler; westerly wind., - VOL. V. NO. 1C3. n n i rr vf i i 1 V ; v X ; . Senator Edniond W.'Peftus. r ! IS85 Ofdatt 8oator, StHI Vfjorout Milton-ls Preparing to Go Befors the People for r - Indorsement as Candidate for Reelection. i - , . . " : riMiMl tHHil Wiblna ton, July Gnerl Edmund , W. Pettu of Alabama, tha oldcat marabar of tha United' BUtea aenata, reached T hli " lMy-nrtll birthday today. ; Ha will ba 17 yaara pld whan, hla praaant term ex piree; but notwitbatandiner.tbia ;faot ha ha aanounoad . bla oandldacy for another term. ' Hla eolleague. Bene tor Marfan, who la alao paat hla elfhtleth year, la Ukewlaa a eandldat- to ' ayooaed ' hlmaalf ' Ambltloua poUtlelana la Alabama ara already, laying plana to All the ahoea of tha anerabla aenatora. but' tn tha opinion 'of official Waahlnftoa the atate wIU have a hard time to And mora able upper branch of eonfreaa thaa tha aared laeumbenta. .' Oeneral Pettua haa had a career that would have fuAilehed plenty of axraee for retirement from active life manr.yaara ao.. Ha aervedr aa a lieutenant la the Mexican war. 4 He made a journey front Alabama, to California on horaeback la 1141. , He .returned tn.llSt and waa made a Judre. Ha aerred throuch tha civil war, flghtlne; In many bat-' tlea, and Anally becoming a brlgadler-generaL ( He then went back and , lcedlaw untlf at tha age of 7t la now eervlna hla aecond termTT General , Pet tua doea not -consider htmaelf too old to aarre hla atata ,' and hla record beara eat hla opinion. He la now planning-to bo a can didate for a third' term In the' aenate and wll .go before. the people for . popular Indorsement. Hla. colleague.- Senator. Morgaa, last month cali brated hla elghty-aeoond , annlvereary v , 'lt .:, , . . n , Crooks Succeed in Getting Through to Pool- frdomfaisec -; Up i Fortufie in SfibrtOrderMrf Tjo0rMrpt'Bi.r--r New fork. July 4 la wire-tapping game worked jrealerday on ' tha Ula graph conectlon with Windsor track In . Canada, the tappers were successful In getting through to the poolrooms all over the country a falsa deaoriptlen. of tha aecond race, whereby those In on the swindle were able to clean up on a horse, at odda of 7 to 1 aa .a winner, while, aa a matter of fact tha horse ran aecond -ta' the farorlter-- . So wide reaching waa . tha plot 1t must ha va ' required ) considerable bunch of crooka to operate lUr Tha full extent of tha swindle here tha pool room mea ' are ' averae to discussing. S MADE. HAVING HEARTTAKEN ' "-(Jownar IpeeUl awrlea.) ' tog'Angelea, July . C. A. McCart ney of South Pasadena, whoea heart and lung ware torn by a buck raka. waa able to walk on the Fourth of July, thanks to the skill of Pr. Thompson of Burbank, ' who ' only three years ago graduated from Rush Medical college at Chicago. ' ' v- 1 ' 1 McCartney waa , riding a motorcycle In the dark and collided with a huge rake sticking out from a passing wagon. A prong penetrated hla body . seven flf W W Ai l A wid Hejalthy, Turn Another tevin.t or loyal TrepreeanUiima' Im Uia X ba waa aiectea to tha aenate. h , . -' -. . - . r but hls reported that tha amount la about $10,000. ; " - . , .-. " v It waa ' gonerally surmised that tha swindlers did not make, a strong play for . tha New York rooms, but did their heaviest work In getting down beta In Buffalo, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, Washington 1' and - southwestern oltlea. AU of these. cities-are more Inclined to play. Canadian racea than ara tha ramb lers of New York. ' . It la understood that. tha. leased wire waa lapped eahort distance from Windsor track. - The Journal aaya It waa tha greatest wire-tapping acherae aver engineered In thla country ' or anywhere and netted tha orlginatora $180,000,- . , TODAY AND: SEWED UP Inchea, tore the tower lobe 'of hla left lung, broke hja bronchial 'tabe, puahed hla heart four Inchea out of position, drove a alx-lnch aeotlon of hla fifth rib Into hla back and spilled ao much blood that two and a -half quarte of aallne solution had to be Injected. Though Dr. Thompson held tha man'a heart In -hie hand for eight aecond s to wash It, after IT daya McCartney waa able to get out of bed. though every one thought tha undertaker -wagoa would cfll for him long age. . , ... , , PORTLAND. OREGO, FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 6. PAIS a. v' Aa a reward for being a wit- 4. ness for tha goyerament. Judge A. H. Tanner haa been pardoned ' e for tha perjury ha committed In an effort to prevent the Indlot- 4 ment of hla law partner, the lata e Senator Mitchell, for complicity 4 In the land frauds. . When In- 4 dieted himself . Tanner pleaded guilty and . turned atata'a evl-. a denca la tha Mitchell trlaL .' ,-, -. And Loves It t B u r K t n g-TA ffe c 1 1 6 n That He Would Ever vKeepIt Prisoner;': Harvey Scott lovea tha truth," Ha' ad mit It himself, devoting columns of tha Oregonlan to reports of tha progress of tba grand paaalon. that hae com to him lata , la Ufa, . Tha vows, the oaths, the furnace-like aigha pour forth so like a play that a paaaing traner might tnlnk that Romeo, grown old la nether worlds. bad come to aarta again,- And sun the aged awaln who maketh hla abode In a Tower of BaWle-doth hold a secret Tt This: Ha loveth Truth so well that he would ever keep- her prisoner. A Utue more than two yaara ago Har vey loved worldly gauds more- thaa truth. Ha waatad tha United State aenatorahlp for himself, and waa weak enough to think that tha glittering bait had coma at last within hla reach. Tha bait surely glittered.- for It waa a gold brick carefully gilded by that eminent artisan. Jack Matthews. After tying up the leglalature In a deadlock, Matthewa waa'' to bring about a combination that lata In tha game would spring Scott aa a compromise candidate and put hlrn through with a rush. The game looked good to aoott, ana, with the disinterest ed epliit that mark hi every move,- ha declared nlmaair In. - ' Jommal Jagjieaed Coaaptraey. Long before the time aet for tha deal Tha Journal exposed the plana of tha eohaplratora, but truth-loving Har vey declared and Inflated that there was nothing to IheTtory. Tna"Iaafnlght of tha session rolled around. Harvey W. Scott'a name waa presented. Ha ex pected all of tha acattertng votea and alao tha aupport of the leglalatora who had bean voting for ex-Oovernor T. T. Qeer,- With theae he waa going to stampede tha force' of Charles W. TTul ton. who had been leading all through J tha deadlock. Scott felt aura of tha outcome. Seated In hla daa here tn Portland ha had vis ions of what was happening la Salem and wrote an editorial, tha content of; (Continued oa Page Two.) HERMANN Congressman Granted His Wish -to Be Tried for Land Frauds ' Apart From Others V. Indicted.' Congressman Blnger Hermann haa cut loose from hla associates in tha land frauds game. . He wanted to be. tried alone On tha Indictments returned In Oregon Involving him with others, and thla ha haa accomplished by tha etlpu IatIoh"thal he IS not to ba brought to trial here until the Washington. D. C., case has been tried. Trial on the latter Indictment cannot b had before Decem ber 1, and by that time tha cases of Hermann'a fellow-conspirators will have been disposed of In, Oregon. Aa a re sult Hermann will not - be tried here untilthe spring term of the district court, and h will face Justice alone. Thla pleaaea him because he thlnka a Joint trial would lessen hla chance- of beating the Indictment. The stipulation referred to waa ob tained by Hermann'a attorney through a atatemeft, made In open court In Waahlngton last month that they had heard that Francis J. Heney,- assistant attorney-general and special prosecutor, would bring - issuos Involved' In the Waahlngton letter pressbook raas Into the Oregon caaa and would - therefore Impose, hardship upon tha United States attorney of tha District of Columbia by taking all hla wltneaaea acroaa tha continent -Hermann'a attorney of. fared to agree to a continuance provided Heney would atlpulata that the Waah lngton .case, should ba tried before the Or on pase. Th United Statea attor- ' THE TRUTH Confessed Perjurerand Former Partner of the Late Senator Mitchell ? Is Granted Clemency President Granted Pardon on -June Twenty-Sixth, ' but - An nouncement Was Not Made Until This Morning, When F. J. Heney Gave Out the News. Judga L- H.- Tannr,who' committed perjury in an effort to save hla law partner. United States Senator John H. Mitchell, now deaeaaad. from iadictaaant for complicity In land fraud, haa been pardoned by President Roosevelt. Executive ' eieaenay was -' extended una If, but no announcement Was made at the time. Francte J. Heaar. assist ant attorney-general and apeclsl proee. crrcor or land out tha new thi morning. ' .' The action . of. the preeident waa not unexpected, as both Mr. Heney and Judge Gilbert of tha United Statea dis trict court had recommended that Judge Tanner ba, pardoned. Tanner had con fessed... and , given . valuable testimony for the government in tha trial that re sulted In the conviction of Senator Mitchell, and in to doing bad. In tha language of "tha legal profession. 'earned tha equity of a pardon." ' ; . - ' . How . Offense Was Ooaualtsea. .The offense of Judge Tanner waa com mitted before the federal-grand- Jury-la tha spring of 10S. Tanner and Sena tor Mitchell, then partnera In tha law business, hd made a written agree ment In 1901, providing that Mitchell waa to have all the feea for eervloea performed by him before government departments and before oongresa. Mitchell denied that there waa anysuch document. It developed later that Mitchell and Tanner divided tha feea equally In consideration of tha fact that Tanner obtained ha business In Oregon and sent It oa to Mitchell In Washing- ion. During the . grand Jury Inveatlgatlon Judge Tanner, while . a. witness, . waa asked If he and Mitchell did -not have an agreement. He answered la tha af firmative' and - offered to produce It. When hla offer . waa ' accepted " he brought before the Jury an agreement other than tha ona aought and swore that It waa tha original document , ex- '(Continued on Page Two.) WILL BE TRIED ALONE nay telegraphed tha newa of tha offer, WHhout giving ay detatla of tha court proceedlnga, and Heney oonsented to tha dealred etlpulatlon.t , . .-' : Mr. Heney waa asked this morning about tha Stipulation. -It I had known about their atatement aa to tha letter pressbook laauea being brought Into the Oregon cases," he .said, . "I would have agreed to leave such- laauea outt Aa a matter of fact, I - had no Intention of bringing them -up out here, as they ara neither- competent nor material to the Oregon caaa. Not knowing what objec tion had been raised, I eonaented'to tha atlpuiat Ion, . figuring .. that- if -the- Her mann caaa were not postponed Jt would delay all the Oregon caaea.- In response to other queatlon. Mr. Heney aald: "We expect to get through here early In September. ' The Hyde-Senaon-Dlmond-Bchnelder oases . are to come up la Washington on the third Monday of October. Theea . will take some time. aod wa- wUl- wot reach -the Blnger Hermann caaa until about De cember 1." v - . ' ;..' Aa to rater.' - The outlook for S. A. DVPuter waa tha next aubjeot of Inquiry. do. not know when ha will, be sentenced," aald Heney. "That la a matter yet to be de cided. I cannot tell what will ba done In - regard to the pending Indlctmenta. Puter waa absolutely-square with tha government up to tha time of hla dis appearance. I have no douht he would have atayed hare If. ha had not got Into trouble with the state. Tha agreement when he confessed was that If ha kept faith all through tha prosecutions the other Indictments would be dismissed. No order- of dismissal haa been made and we can go ahead. If we so desire. I have rot made up my mind yet - Reelly I Puter good faith waa to b evidenced, 1908. SIXTEEN t PAGES. msmm m4i With new warranta for Auguat a Andersoiy and John and Joseph ' Black, who ware recently ac-- quitted of land fraud chargea ' Involving Oregon . property. . e . United Statee Marshal Thomas a B. Raid of Milwaukee arrived at 0) Shawano, Wisconsin, thla morn- 4 Ing. - Marshal Rata 'took the- 4 prisoners to Appleton, ; where e they will be examined. .-, v' -a) a 4 Prratidniilmme diate Construction of Big Packing Plant and Stockyards Here r. Preparation ara being made for Im mediate construction of tha Portland packing-house plant of Swift aV Co. The government' packing-house Investiga tion and its resulta are not to be per mitted, by Swift aV Co.. to Interfere with or delay their Portland undertak ing. A force of engineers are staking out Uie grounds, locating building and platting a town alta to oa located oa he Vancouver . alough - waterfront at - tha point where the Vancouver Una of tha Portland Railway, Light St Power oom pany crosses tha Columbia rtver.- -Swift at Co. have appointed -Booggtn at Elliott -of Portland as their resident engineers, and thla Arm haa charge of the work of laying out grounds for the plant, tha platting of a town and tha drainage for both. Overtures have been made to the Port of Portland commis sion for eecurlng the uaa of a harbor dredge for deepening Vancouver alough to secure aehty channel and obtatnr aand and slit for Ailing the. lew land at the fpolnt aelected for the town alta. The application will ba ; considered at tha next meeting of tha commission.' v - . Own Zatrgo Asaoaat.of Xjaad. Swift at Co. own. It la aald, about 1.700 acrea of land ' fronting for mora than a mile on Vancouver alough. and embracing parte-of the; Force, Foster and Brown donation land clalma. Tba land extenda from tha new ferry landing of tha Vancouver railway Una nearly to tha west mouth of the alough. Vancou ver alough, from Ita Inlet and outlet into tha Columbia river, Is about four miles long. It ha a depth of water ranging from 18 .to40 feet. , ; - A large part of tha alough la already navigable for. ocean-going vessels, aa Ita depth . ran gee between IS. and $ feet. - Only a few polnta la tha channel aa ahallow aa M feet. It la aald that when the- packera complete their Im mense plana here they will have the (Continued on Page Two.) ' Will Not Face Oregon Court Un ' til the Spring TermWash- Ington, D. C.,' Case Will -' -- Come' First. by telling all he knew. :Aa far aa I know ho did not hold back anything." i ,, Branching off front the subject under discussion, Mr. Heney spoke regretfully of the Immense amounte-perjury com mlttedln courts and before grand Juries. "If I rwere a district attorney regularly In any place," he aald. "I would devote jthe first two years of my Incumbency to proaeouting perjurara, even If I had to drop all other business. Thla atate ment doea not apply particularly to Oregon. Instead of the community In Oregon being .aa espeelaHy-bad -oner I have found It an exceptionally good one. There are rascals everywhere. Perjury haa become a freat, evil, and It aheuld be atopped.".'. .' . '-.'. Confer With BrlatoL, Mr. Hensy ament a portion of tha day In conference with United Statea dis trict Attorney Bristol and Inspector Thomsa B. Neuhausen of tha Interior department - Court proceedlnga will be gin Monday with consideration of the bllle of akceptlona presented tn tha Wil liamson and Jonee cases. Judge Hunt leavea Helena today for Portland to preside at tha land fraud trials. Ha will arrive here Sunday and will be on the bench Monday.. Judge Wolverton today ordered an adjourn ment of the district court 'url til Monday and tonight ha leavea for Helena to take Judge Hunt's court while tha latter la In thi olty, . j , BEGUM PRICE TWO yMlONDS ON HEELS Mary Rosemary GIosz Has Slippers Adorned With Many Scintillating Gems Which dience, Where She Is Popular Cavonte. ' - -' ;,'v'V ':' : ' " -'X: , ;p;t-- "T. .' , . ;T"".7'-';?' : v:-:-i- '- , Mrs. Race Whitney, or Roaemary Oloaa, aa ah I called on tha , ataga. tha opera alngar, who la well-known In Portland, where ahe spent laat aummar, la wearing dlamonda' on her slippers In Ioe Angeles, where, as leading lady at tha Mason, aha haa become a popular favorite, t Each heel containa 10 biilllanta. , . . ' ,. , . Regarding tha diamonds, th Loa Angalea Examiner aaya: Tloaemary Oloaa, who haa a Pritsl Scheff smile. Anna Held ahoul-' dera and a winning personality all her own, haa as well beela to her altp- X -vera la Mrs. Reacie Vanderbllt. X -"Monday evening of laat week did a little aong, lifted her eklrta a little bit and a great light fell on the . audience. In each heel (they are two- Inchea tall) aba had 10 dlamonda aet. In Just the seme way that Mrs. Reggie Vanderbllt wore them at a Newport dance some few weeks ago. - ' "Tou would hardly Imagine 'that with such little aUppara, such little heela and such big dlamonda, Mia Oloaa could emit euch a tremendoue shine. But aba doea. '. Tba blase of those heels la almoat as brilliant as JroygmilajndherJaxpanalva proportlona.. "There are 10 dlamonda of a karat-weight each In .each heeL ' "The word of the preea agent la given that they are real dlamonda. -and aa Mis Olosa haa her slippers locked up In the box of floe aaf -every night, thla time tha agent may be telling the truth. ' 1 . "The front of the slippers la dotted with . amethysts, ?Tha press -agent edmlt( that these are not diamonds, but ; they ; twinkle Just th earn. ; - . 1 ; - v . . - '''.'... ! f .; ' K ' - Xe4oo eeeeeeeee e ee . -', ' : - .., ' -v CancerioftGrief at Being 'L undiOut:Eating Out His Mind, His Heart ; is Broken .and V:: - v H i s'fe Ne rves: - hiatte red ':ji;4xv;. ' ' (Joarnel SpeeUI aerrlee.) Nsw York. July . Hidden In among th hUla of Westchester county, not far from' Briar ClifT Manor. In a pleas ant -country homo dedicated to restful nets and calm, Chauncey M. Depow Ilea atiicken, a cancer of grief eating out hla mind, hla heart broken and nervea utterly ahattered. ' 1 ' . In the, feeblaold man-auaatng hlmaelf laally In tha broad veranda, few would recognise the imposing figure f whose eloquence and counsel both In convention hall and committee room mora than once made or unmade leglalatora and politicians, and gave shape and direc tion to platforma-and national politics. T BABY ROCKEFELLER I .HAS BODY GUARD OF EIGHT STRONG MEL' (Jeoraal tpeelal Service.) ' ' Beverly Farms. Masa, July (.There la an awful dread In tha family of John D. Rockefeller Jr. that th son, John D. III. will ba kidnaped. Several lettera aaklns for money and threatening all aorta of vengeance In caaa of refusal have been received by the father of the youngster. - Aj first no notice wag taken of these threats, but the Idea haa gradually ira- pressed IJjmIX upon th feuUlJ that Uie &2 TO" CENTS. . JFl?!El . ' .1.;... v . . , MMItIMM 'V Dazzle Los Angeles Au .;..; . - . - - - ,- . Miss Oloaa came tripping on tha ataga, & f. -.-, ' The doctora who diagnosed th caaa aet It down as one af nervous prostra tion, an all embracing term which cov ers - ills too - complex for pathological classification. . They advised rest and absolute quiet . They bundled off the sick man, now aa docile aa a child, to tha very heart of tha wooded stillness, on the top of Green hill, and raft him ther ln the car of trained nurses. In a sapltarium Bear by ha alta gloomily, watching the v aunaet ..and - remembering other daya.' Doctora have forbidden htm ta read tba papers, but In spite of their effort the echo of criticisms of his participation In tha Insurance scandals' still rlni In hi ear a 1 . . - c ; , abduction of tha boy Is not !mpoaftK and so eight husky, lynl-eycil ye -men hve been hired to act aa s ever John D III, and the bshy of t csar la not kept under more .-. acrutlny. The family la apendlng Ihe iur on their estate near here end no Is allowed on the place wit:, -t ' been closely atrutlnisMt by t t who have estsMieimd a r picket and talfv.J a-": '. SEViEiLI i , j' . ; ' t.-r . v X