' I j GOOD EVE III IT G Fair tonight and Friday northwest . winds. . V..; VOL. V. NO. 1C4. 1CC3.--SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. r nr -t . t,.i Villi M MUST ALSO RAY FINE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND COSTS OF THE SUIT v v ; - " ' PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY 1 EVENING, JULY - 5, 1C3.--SIXTEEN PAGES. ,.-; : l- r ? -1 c s Mil YEARS' OF FIVE OF OREGON IS 000UED TO PI THE PEIIW Prisoner A wompaniedj byf HisoiFand His 1 Attorney, ' Faces; Judge ;:W6lyertori and i Is Sentenced;Aftr.V-.U WStrorig?? : . Freedom : to Confer; i Htnrjr- Haldrum. , formrljr ' Unlttd utea aunrayor sanaraJ for Orm. jnuat pvnd thraa cars at bard, labor on Me Nell a Inland and par flnaa aggrgatin tS.160 in addition to tha eoata of bia r ttiaL - Buoh " aa -tha aantenea -paaafd I - upon blm thla -anornlna- by Judy Wol eourt aa tha sanalty for forcinc land affidavit and publlahlna; forg-d affl- . Tba" prlaonar appeared In court, ao- . companies by bia aon, Don. If eld mm of .-Oraa-on City, and Ma attorney. Richard ; . W. Montrua, r Whan.akdUf ha bad anything to aay why aantanoa aheuld not.ba paaaad upon blm, Meldrum ra- plied that It waa hla daalra that bia attorney (bould apaak (aw word in hla bahalf. ' , ' rv . - Mr. Montagua mada an aloquant ap peal for mercy. Ha dwelt on tha hlsh oharaetar of tha offender's family -eon-Dec tl one and bis., public aerrice . bef ora ha wandered from ; tha path of doty, j hhe eourt waa . Informed that at -an early age Meldrum bad beooma addicted to tha use of Intoxicating liquors, that thla habit brad a reckleaaneas foreign to bjs . nature and that the wrongful thing a ha did were dona not aa a. oon splratnr with atbera but alona and while he ' waBtnJls cupa.' No great crtmi , hadT'oeen committed; pleaded Mr. Mon tague; no man had lost anything by ' Meldrum's' offeaeea;'. tha ; goyarnment had lost nothing. Ha had aided In build ing up tha atato and time would ahow the frulta of hla work. ' " ' . V Brtstot Als sjpaaks. .. - United BUtts District Attorney W. C. Bristol then spoke for the govern - menu . It was deplorable.- ha said, that . a gorernrnent official should forget his . oath so far aa to go outalde tha law, but congress had provided for tha pun; Ishment of just, such of f enars and -the public good demanded that tha penalty " should be , severe enough ' In the case at Isaue to deter others from following Melrtrum's example. As ths, represent. tlvs of tlio government the district at-I .torney suggested a penalty of Q days' Imprisonment on each count, and added that If - Meldrum had " been convicted KOREAN EMPEROR PRUR Japanese Troops Refuse All Lib. -X ii't rty to Oriental Po-jA; -i-v-i ;-vtentate. y'iVliM) (Jearsal gpecisl gervies.1 . . T Naw Tork, July . A -cable to the un from Seoul says: . .; :', - Ths - Japanaaa , have virtually im prisoned ths emperor of Korea within htn palace. They have established spe cial guards and henceforth no ons will be sllowad to enter or leave tha palace Without an official order. ' Tha Japanessssy the atep was neces . Sltated by ths emperor's constant inter eat and attempts to invoke foreign aid against tho- Japanese snseralnty. v i Tha emperor has steadily rsfuaed from the outset to surrender his inde pendence. Lately he ha a vainly aaked to be allowed to take refuge in , the Amsclcan legation. : - ).y CHOLERA IN PHILIPPINES - CLAIMING MANY VICTIMS ; ... (JeaBsl IdmU1 tervlet.1 - Manila, July I. During ths tt hours sndlng at t o'clock thla morning there have been- It eases snd tS deaths of cholera" 1rT this" t1ty.aTtrthr- pt ovlnoes It eases and five deaths are reported. FORCE TEACHERS TO .. : REMAIN UNMARRIED DURING SCHOOL YEAR Jearat! SpeHel Servtee.f ' Wllkesbarre, Pa July t. To prevent ' disorganisation and embarrassment .f of the public schools by ths marriage of teachera during their terms of employ ment ths board of sducatlon has taken the unuaual atep of requiring alj .teach era when not already married to abstain from matrimony until the end of tr-e ' he school year, ' A great majority pt L With Attorney ? v : on only me count the government would have aufgested a fins of H0. .- Judge Wolverton spoke of tha pasa Ing of sentence on Meldrum as an un pleasant duty. To familiarise himself with all phases of tha case he had gone through the records carefully. Thla In vestigation bad oonvineed htm that the Jury waa Justified In bringing in the verdict it did. He had not presided at tha trial and this would have a bearing en tha aeitstnee Imposed. Tha fact that tha offender had rendered .valuable service and waa a man of good charac ter prior to hla downfaH-would also be taken Into eoneideration. -v Beaaanoe Is Tmpsssd. - . . . There; were X oounte In' all. and aen- tance - waa imposed as follows Sixty daya' lmDrlsonment at hard labor on McNeil's tslsnd and. tUO fine on sash of the II forgery counts; fits fine on each of the three counts of filing forged affl c7et a ol davits. In addltloa to these penalties the drum, v J..-VJ!..' ..F.?T,:i n j Attorney- Montague asked-that rths prisoner be allowed to go at .liberty on bis preaent bail until next Monday. The reason given for the request waa that the defense dealred time 'to decide whether it would file a writ of error. Judge Wolverton consented to make tha dealred order and Meldrum waa tempo rarily released. Prior to- this the prisoner had mads Use of a pencil and paper to figure out bowmuchba .owed tha, government-gad how long he would be a resident of McNeil's island - The totals show 16,259 In fines and l.OtO days' Imprisonment. Juat It days short Of three years. v Meldrum waa convicted November 17, 1104. In the court of Judge Bellinger, now deceased. On ths plea that only the Judge who tried the case could pass upon a motion for a new trial, tha de fense recently made a determined effort to make all previous achlevemeote of the prosecution worthless, but District Attorney .Bristol mat th . contention 1 with a long list of weighty authorities I and scored a decisive victory.- Judge Wolverton decided that ths point urged had no merit. SWINDLER OF WOMEN KILLS '.1SEIF BEFORFTRH Frank D. Callan, Head .-of Chi ' cago Realty Firm, Escapes J r Answering for Frauds. - Chicago. July 5. Frank TV Callan, tha . head of a large real estate firm. committed . suicide this morning to escape, it Is alleged, prosecution on a dosen .criminal charges; ' A case filed against blm by " Miss - Nellie Alpine, charging him with misappropriation of funda Intrusted for investment, wae set tor trial a few hours aftsr he died to day. - - r --v ' .- ' The claims against Callan aggregate 1100,000. It Is alleged that hla vioUms were -women wage earners, the largest claimant being $7,400. ;... . i Callan first tried to end his life by asphyxiation, but the family prevented htm and called i a physician. - Callan thep shot himself dead, while . the doctor was preparing medicine.!- He broke bis leg two months ago while. reaving ths eovrt room, his other leg having previously been amputated. - X Old Soldiers aQlar Up Stakes. , ; Meeetal Dtecetf te Tee JoutmI.) ' Foreet Oroye. Or., July I. The old soldiers are) pblllng np stakea and leav ing today. - On Tueaday to make camp Mfe TeiiBtttrthjf-wetit on' a foraging expedition snd secured many provlalons. the teachera are young women and soms of them are confessedly engaged. , There waa a. strong protest against the new order, but the board waa firm, believing the beat Interests of the schools Justi fied them In sxaotlng the pledge., The wmbarraaalng feature of the order is . that . It bet rare - some sweet-secrets prematurely, refusal to sign the pledge being taken to mean there Is an engage ment. - - ,--- ' - -. -. Julius as a Mascot. FIFUgl Bjeggar In Ufe, People Who Sup ported Him Will Bury;Hirh, All Because He Made 'M ; Them Laugh, Vv A beggar In life, old Julias Caesar, dead la to .be burled with all honor. Tomorrow will see a funeral seldom squalled in any city. ; A drunksa darkey will be burled at the. expense, of the men who knew him for years, who gave him money, who accepted hla presence unquestionably. And why? Simply be- "T" " '2J" . vnw no doubt that Julius Caesar was known by sight to mors people in Portland than, any other, maji Gover nor Chamberlain, Mayor Lne,' Judge Willlama and a host of others are not excepted. -. The sloucby "old. negro seemed to be long to the town. And the town will wthat hsjs dead r'Tho news that Jullue Caesar bad bean found dead on the dock at the foot of . Aldet streeupread. rapldly.ovet, Jhs elty yesterday afternoon. It waa.the most Interesting .'piece ofnewe of ths dsy. ' ' Death Xoaestly lCouraed. v . -; . - "Poor old Julius, ao he's- dead -at last," waa tha general, comment . And hla death waa. really - and honaatly mourned by hundreds of man' la every (Continued on. Page Three.) i t , Fair Instructor 'SaysThat . Her Superior Almost Squeexed the Jl Breath Out of Her When 'Sur reptitiously He Put His Arms '-. About Uu-rxXX':- jtXtr . .- i (Joarasl aprelal eervW.) ; New Tork. July .No end of a com motion haa -been cauaed by the' now famous hug Principal Oeorge M. Lassell of the Rtdgefleld Park school Is alleged to have given Mlas Ollvs King,, one of the "-pretty -school teeehersv - Many stormy seaalons have been held by the board, but a report hag been adopted whitewashing - the superintendent . snd increasing. the salary of ths teacher. Before the board Miss King told the story of ths surreptttlous bug. ' - "Miss King, we do. not believe you Know" wftaT'e, htlgMs. 'Xludly descilbe Mr. Lasaell's bug," said a member of the board. "He hugged me ao hard that ha al most squeesed ' the breath out of my body.", replied Mlsa King. "I propose to return to the school In ths fan." said Miss King, "If for no ' Calif ernias Feaad Bead. tJoemsl Special Servke.t ) 1 NewTork, July I. Antonio Tovlch of .California, . who , waa en , rouie' to fOurope. waa . found dead 'this morning rt a rhalr In hla room la ths Interna tional hotel. , ' C w.. A A , 1 ; , ,' PRINCIPAL HUGS PRETTY TEACHER F. J: IIOEV :VV:.'.v. :.-.'r--'-':-' r"A x; x . ., ... - X ' Says; He Doesn't Know Which; Land Fraud Case Will Be Tried First In Conduct 'ot Coming T Trials Heney Will Work, in Conjunc tlonWIth Bristol, Whose Reap pointment by President Roose yeJt Was Announced Today. 'Frsncis: J. Heney, forfnar United States, dlstrtot Attorney for Oregon and noted . prosecutor of land thtevee. - ar rived in Portland- shortly,, before- 1 o'clock todsy on the belated inorning train from California. He came alonet and wae met by United- States District Attorney W. C. Bristol, with whom ha will be associated In the prosecution of land fraud casea yet to be tried. Heney declined to make any extended statement - Ha said that he had com to town to take part in the work still to be done In the land fraud cases, but whea asked whst: rase' Would be "Tried first he answered. "I don't know." Other Suestluiia BieTWtth th T response, "I haven t anything to say."' -' Xermaaa Fro sahly Ttm.' ' .'. When Informed that Henry Meldrum had been sentenced, Heney asked aa to ths penalty Imposed, but made no com ment. On leaving the railway, station no went direct to the Portland hotel. his usual abiding ' place . while - In the City.,:"-' . 4 -r- It Is the general belief that the case of Oongteeamaa Dlugar Haiuiana will be the first of the pending1 land fraud seek to be tried, but no admission to thla affect baa yet been made by any one in' authority.' A month ago It waa predicted that the series of trials would be under way at thla time, but it la not likely that a beginning will be made for 14 daya or more. Judge Hunt, who is to preside, la still in Montana, but Is expected to arrive before the week enda, TWia Work Wtth Bristol. - In the conduct of the coming trial! andlnthe presentation of new land fraud cases to the federal grand Jury, which ' is soon to be convened, Heney will work in conjunction with United States District Attorney Bristol, whose reappointment by the president was an. nounced this morning. Newa of Bris tol's reappointment haa been expected ever since eongrese adjourned last Bat- ro-oonflrm hie original -appointment,: bis term of office expired with the adjourn aaant. , President Reesevett- made-known soms time ago his Intention to reap point Bristol In ths event that he was not confirmed. ,:' It Is the evident purpose of the presi dent to retain hls appointee In office during the - land fraud - prosecutions. Numerous Indictments have - been se oored sines Bristol took offloe and hla v(Contlnud on Pin Two.) Miss Olive Klnf and DUgrsln Show- : f ' ' ""'7 f , ' " " '' j . ; . , , ; , , J- - - J - A-sWaVssiW''-'"'-ii ''-' Mrs, Mary O. Hartjs TO CarmnaLErjoseU ; dal Defense Ready; to . Produce Not ; - ' (Jooraal Special Service.) -. Pittsburg. July I. There was no holi day yesterday lor ths- district attorney of Allegheny oounty and the attorneys Ths district , attorney la busy arranging for. criminal proeeevtioaa against certain parties concerned in the case for conspiracy, perjury-and' subor nation or perjury, John B. Robot first aslatant district attorney, who has charge of -develop ment in the Hartje case, aald: it U f vldenjLJreJiagbeejrLAIgAnJ ugjivu.!.!; u uwv, ; . ths guilty- parties-- are cannot be - told now, but It Is evident to every unpre judiced person that certain thlnga have been done which demand -the attention Of the pubtto prosecutor. - - Fyoto 'sWtters Forgeries. John Freeman, one of Mrs. Hartje's oounsel. said: 'TV"e are prepared to prove the letters submitted to tho court as having paaaed between Mrs. Hartje and Tom Madine, her coachman, are forgeries. At - the proper moment we Board White-Washes V Superln X tendent and - Rehfres Teacher With aj Raise ' in Salary She "" Will RTtum to Show That Men Should Be Careful in Hugging. v t other reason than ' to ahow that man that . he should be very.'- very careful about hugging young women teachera of hla ' school. Sentiment la with me and I really believe that the matter will end with the resignation trf Mr. TJiasalt'"','w",,'T'Tr' ,Ths wonderful procedure of ths school board alnoe the hugging eptaode first arose waa' further accentuated at the meeting by the pasaage of a Teeo lotlon after the vote sustaining Lagaell had been taken that the testimony of Miss Edith Meh-rhof- tha only eye- TVKnesa erTFeliug7be?aken end made a part of the record. . This Is an- en tirely new wrinkle In . the taking of testimony and - It Is now - altogether probable that there win be suite ( for defainandii 'Of ehiractar and that "wit nesses who have hitherto held off will be subpoenaed. ' , ' . - Alton Case Fostooaea. ' fJeersal Speclel hnm.) ' ' Chicago... July - L-The. Alton ' rebate case and Dowle eaae were poatnoned to day oa account of the sudden deati of a cousin of Judge Landla, ,, ,, . v. , v ''- '. : and Her Two Children, GET A E will present evidence which win settle this beyond a doubt . We are allowing the other side all the latitude - it : de sires In. ths queatlonlng of wltneasea The -more -the attorney a queatlon. the mors they bring out." ; - The defense la understood to be pre pared not only to prove the letters were forged, but to produce the forger and give evidence to show the circumstances under which ths forgeries were made. All Pittsburg is ' Interested ' in the divorce auit of Millionaire Augustus n.bl... .. . w - coachman, Thomas Medina Numerous UUeradeetartng -tmdymg- affection. pur ported to have been .wrtteen by Mra Hartje- to 'her hired man have ' been offered In evidence by the huaband. They are pronounced forgeries- by ths wife, who asserta that Mr. Hartje paid Madine Jf 5,000 to perjure himself, and that the entire story Is a fabrication. Ths husband, on the witneaa stand, dented emphatically that' he had offered a' bribe of 15,000 to Coachman Thomae Madine If he would testify In tha trial that he bad aeen- Mra Hartje in the same room with another man. Medina, who waa In the courtroom, shook hla head reproachfully at' his former employer.-' ' - ..... - , - Mrs. Hartje's testimony caused much humiliation to Mr. Hartje and his at tomeya They were laughed at by the audience because of the revelation by Mra Hartje concerning the manner tn which the . deteetlvea - had . been , duped, reporting to Mr. Hartje things that mads him gnash his etteh. when In fact they had all ths time been following Miss Hslen Scott Mra Hartje's pretty sister..- ' i-..4',' ....j LONGWORTH AND BRIDE - i 0EF FOR SUNNY FRANCE (Journal Bpeelel gervtes.) - ' Ixndnn. July . Congressman and Mrs. . Nlcholae Ixngwortti- left thla morning for Parle. Tho leading Filipino residents of London intended '"giving them a banquet but the short sojourn of the couple caused theae pirns to fall. LOVE CAUSES GIRL TOLEAP-313-FEET-TO - DEATH IN GORC..1 Oesraal SveeUl sVvlee.1 Akron, Ohio. July . Dtaap pointed In a love affair, Alice runs, aged 12. wro came here a year ago from W coster, Ohio, stepped from a streetcar between the Akron and Cuyahoga falls itoday and climbing to the railing of a bhdge over tho I4tUo Cuyahoga' river , Jumped Into the gorge lift set below... Death was! WILL FILE ii 00,000 U t. Loss Lompany to, 'Place Approved B.ond in : Hands; of . Mayor f Lane Before "Night Ik-x: Purchasers of "United Railways Comoanv Had ' Not Reached vomprumis9 iin w. imnyie ; Evans This Afternoon Settle ment Is Expected Soon. : f : j -- Bef ore tha day closes, -the C SL t-oas company oi roruana ana eaa jrraaciaco will file with ths mavor an ennrovxl . bond In tha sum of 1 100,000 to seoure me construction or the jrront street railway and the entire aystem in ac cordance with the term of the United uauwaye- company- iraocniee,- unieae such a bond is filed., tna franohlae over which, the city counoll and many cor poration repreaentatlvea have wrestled for monfha will lapae with ths closing of ths day's bualneaa at the city ball. - It la poaltlvely sUted that the bond will w siijt .... . . . .. . Up to 1 o'clock thla afternoon the pur-' Chasers, of ths United RaUwaya atock had not reached a compremiae with J. Whyte Bvans, prealdant of the ' com pany, and John B. Yeon, who la aaao- though Mr. Bvaas haa receded material ly - from hla terms as neld out for at the beginning of the we, the purchas ing syndicate has not agreed to take over his stock. j. ,r . -.-... ; f ri'-jn sttn atoidg & tna. ' . V . : ' Aa a result he is stlU holding the title to the Chamber of Commerce building. and under advice of hla attorneya will (uee- to join with the majority stock holders In turning, over ithe stock and property to the Loss syndicate until they make terms with him or until suf ficient time elapaea for them to depose him- aa secretary and fight a lawsuit to dispossess him of the property. Con ferences were held today in the Cham, ber of Commerce building, and a final meeting Is in progreaa thla afternoon at which it Is aald ths xoaa syndicate rep- reaentauvea ana tne majority stockhold er of tha United Railways company will decide finally on the policy they are te pursue toward the minority stockholders. It la said statementa have been made that give rtae to mtaapprehenelon of the facts in ths preaent peculiar situation regarding the Front street franchise. The terms or tne orainanoe muat be oar- ana uie caty a price- lor the- rranohlae must be paid by whatever ' Interest Pnra.l In mnjt fiirnlMha th rl t 1 ia carry the project forward. 1 There is said to be no truth in the statera ant. that the stockholders who are disposing of their franchise for when all the facta are ' known- it will be found that they still retain their Interest in. the United RaU waya company.' : WD Bsoosa aoadboldstw. Ths Only difference will be. It la aald. Inatead of atock In the enterprise. . It la believed they bate no Intention of aev erlng their connection with Portland, nor ia it believed that the men who originated and carried the project to ita preaent stage came here with the inten tion of eecurlng a franchlae and barter ing It away, y --.' An unuaual v series of sventa. it Is. elri. - Amp - whlfth t hav naA ma MMtnit a - brought about a neeeeelty for change of their relatlonahlp to the en terprise. Theae events, covering a nrivu vi iuiw wniu. iiiv: i uumi ma Chamber of Commerce . building . fire, tho destruction of Saa Francisco, and complications In New Tork Incidental to an attsmpt to flnanoe the oompany's plan there, where it met with deter mined oppoeltton of Intarea-ts that were closely related to the railway situation la Portland. . ' Ths Loss - company will. It te said. elose the deal for tho United Railways company's stock this afternon and go forward within the next, 10 days with construction of the eystsm. A strong (Continued oa Page Two.) Instantaneous. The young plunged Into a foot of water a.' me. M Ing over in the air three t' -". " 'Whan, the body was ren- 1 f stream irwaa seen that .- both arms were broken. 1 . girl assert the aot was c. Hctnua gossip whl-b lln with that of a marrlet r 1 . the bouse where sue L , . . . .