The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 03, 1906, Image 7

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I Tciiicor, July ('::r.c3'Bay) ;
in ;
i.:oved to its ;:e'.7 quarters
Toiriaxri abbt:
hhi . "wr
B.ker... ..."E'B Vas Winkle"
Lyrtc "A Wire's UcrUk"
Bur .- "a. Mew
rillUH VouTllle
a '
. Btlyeu ' A Hlrstsl, mechanical engl
neers. with offices in ths Sherlock build-
; log, have assigned Ins largest dredge of
. Its kind in tha country, to be used in
. dining tha main canal of the Klamath
. Irrigation project begun by tha govern
. - ment Tha dredge la to .be built for tha
T who-have tha construction
-of the main canal,' 44 mllaa of which
will be 40 feet wide and feet deep, and
'. 49 mllaa 40 feet wide and faet deep.
- The canal will be one of the largeat Irri
gation dltohea in tha United 8ta.Ua. The
-' btg dredga will move 1 tona of earth per
J minute. Tt will . be operated br three
men and affects tremendous vingofl;
labor. ; ;.T' - . ,
w.-.rlw firms, desire to supply ths lum
. bsr, which tha government will e In
- the PhlllDDlnea. according to bids opened
by the United State quartermaster. The
' bidders were the Eastern Western
Lumber company and W. C. Barrett of
Unnton. The former agreed 10 suppiy
' 1,078.000 feet at IH per 1.000 and the
latUr firm bid IS4.I2S for the entire
amount desired. r to furnish l.6t,ooo
feet lor 123,260. Tha bids will be for
warded to Washington for acceptance.
. If tha nMramnt decides favorably, a
transport will probably be sent to the
port of Portland to convey me cergw.
" . W. A. White of New Tork. a former
, partner of Beth Low In the tea lm
Dortln business, was a Portland vlsl-
r-torysterdaT-snd departed last night
. for Seattle and- Spokane. He Is a man
of larva wealth and father of two mem
bers of the firm of If of at White,
: backers of the .Willamette Traction
j company. The firm is planning to make
. the Portland-Balem electric Una one of
the moat i modern eonatrueted and
' MuitiMd . lnUrurbaa railroads (j the
, country. They are planning to apend
about $1,000,000 la properties- owned
'by them at Spokane.
''. The regular meeting of tha Portland
Admen's, league will be bald .Thursday
at the new home of W. J. Hofmann, HI
"!T"MnooekrAll members who And It
-nin are Invited to meet at Third and
,1 Tsmhttl streets In tlnis to board the 1:41
car. There wUl be no aet program, me
X meeting being devoted almost esoluslvsty
- to tha. 'transaction of business. The
cntnst"cr th ay uf meeting was made
from Wednesday,
because it was the
LL Major harlei K. M cDonell wllibethe
delegate f Portland lodge, u. r. u. ju
to tha Kike' convention at - Denver on
July 1 4. - Other local Elks wbo will attend
tha convention are Charles A. saaiarney,
O. Bummers. US. H. Spranglar. James
Anderson. Joseph M. Healey and J.
Thsnera. The O. R. N: wUl run a spe
cial - train" from -Portland " to - Denver,
- leaving Portland. - Saturday morning.
July 14. ' It is expected that other Elks
will conclude to mass me trip.
There are many 'people In Portland
. . lookina- for business and residence prop
erty. ' If they call at Us Second street
' B. Lk Cate Is obliging and willing to
' give them the beat of advice In regard
ta location and srloes. It is a well-
: known fact that Mr. Cats Is eonversant
with the different locations ef-4as-slty.
If ha haa nothing toat suns your-raswy
h ta broad enough to direct you to io-.
. cations that will meet your raquire-
' uents. Phono Private Ex. 70. r
. - : 'a." Welch! nreaident of tha'WUlam
' etts Valley company, with offices tn
. " ths Fenten building. Is confined to his
room at . Oood BamarlUa - bosplUl.
where he submitted to, an operation on
one of his lower limbs. He passed the
' ordeal safely and la expected to be able
7T tTrrr"fm within the Tiest
; xe oaya. . -. v ;; r.
- ".' Cow-Comfort? -Tog buy It h gallon
cans, apply It with a sprayer or ciotn
onca a day Coats leas than He a day
ner cow and gives them great comfort.
aa It knocks tha fllea. Aak for Child's
"So-Boa-So Kllfly." at Portland. Seed
: company, Front and Tamhlll streets.
"v Judge Sears In the circuit court this
morning granted uiiian norrman a at
vorce Hum WHllasi Hoffman .on the
' ' grounda of cruelty. It was alleged"lhat'
. .Hoffman treated his wife cruelly.
. falsely aoeuaed her of Infldelity, naming
"""Ms butcher's boy as corespondent and
that he beat the children with a rasor-
Btrop. The strop was among the ex
hibit! at the trial. They were married
at Astoria In July, HIT. -r;
" Races July 4. ' ' i
Irvlngton Track. " . "
Riverside Driving Club. .
Admlasion tto.
Waters through tor sprinkling
yards or sidewalks, br washing porches
. or windows, must be paid for In advance
and used only between the hours of
-'and I'a. ra. and I and t p. m. It muatr
( pot be uaed for-sprinkling streets. If
need contrary to these rules, or waste-
. fully, It will bo shut on. . y .
' Special Rates on ths O. W. P. To
morrow. To - Oregon - City, . Canemah
. park and Oreaham, It cents; all points
' saat of Greeham to and Including Es-
taoada, 50 cents rouhd trip. Ticket of
flee snd waiting ,Toom First and Alder
streets. w Tickets must be purchased.
. Judge Sears this morning decided that
the circuit' court has no power to pre-
- vent tne cuy making uoiiaday avenue
II feet narrower for seven blocks than
-. It Is the remainder of Its length. - Suit
' was brought some time ago by the Ore-
' Try sores of our hot weather Ua
derwear fchort sleeves and legs, .
I cotton- mesh, linen mesh, . naln-
sook, llala, . ;' '.,!;-- :T.-'.
, ' :. riTTt am v - '.'..
Ilewett, Bradley & Co.
Haberdashers 344 Wsshltoa St.
Th New Horn of thov
The east aids Justice court has been
moved to the one-story frame building
Juat east of th Burnslde bridge. The
building Is located on the north side of
the street and ths location is considered
Ideal. It is within convenient distance
to the west side and to attorneys who
may have business In the court, while
at the same time it Is In as accessible a
place to residents of ths' east side as
could be found. ' -
. The destinies of the court' during the
next two years will be In the bands of
Judge Fred U Olson, who was-elected
at the recent election. : Upon him will
devolve the duty of settling all rows.
"Our flrsnessbn. gentlemen, wTITTMl
a quiet-stroll to tha top of Mount Hood
and hack.
I ThlsMs whatrths members of tha
Hundred Tear club will hear from, Pro
fessor Flynn, ths promoter of the club
twhtch -i-teachea how - to be " healthy
though hot , -
The management, of the club,, Pro
fessor Flynn, Mrs, Mcjntyre and Mlas
Letsoa, will . leave Portland In a few
days. . Before he leaves, however, the
professor has offered to give some in
structions in the gentle art of how to
walk 20 miles on one breath. : For the
first lesson he has suggested ta amble
over towards Mount Hood, all the way,
in fact, and then back again." ' - "
inl nnlwlw ta to hide an automobile
la ths
city limits, either. -
Mr. Flran's , contention is that very
few people know how to walk properly.
He believes that the members of the
son Real Estate company against ths
city and . the Warren Construction com'
pany charging- that the. street had been
narrowed forawven blocks by ths coun
cil - for . the " purpose of deducing ths
cost of -its Improvement, In order to
secure the consent of ' the - necessary
number of property owners. - An . in
Junction '.was Issued temporarily re
straining' the improvement work, but
this waa dissolved by Judge Sears this
morning. i z-.r....i. . ., ";,7,(
Trolley Excursions on - the O. W. P.
Tomorrow. To , Estacada, situated In
the-4e-4imbarsonUiebaiiksof ths
upper Clackamas river. It miles from
ths olty, aO cents round trip; Dinner
at Hotel Eatncada, 71 cents. Cars with
trallsrs leave First and Alder streets
T:ll. f:S0, 1:10, :. 10:20, 11:10. 1:20,
1:40. 1:44. 1:lt. Tickets on - sale In
waiting room. .
A gravel-oar of ths Portland Consoli
dated Railway company, which was on
a siding at Twenty-xourta ana oavier
atreets last night, caught Are and was
dssuuyed befere aaalatanrfa arrlvedTbe
fire la believed to have been caused by
spontaneous combustion. It started nssr
the front end of the ear where a quan
tity of .grease and rags had collected.
Trolley Outings Tomorrow on the O.
W. P. To Oregon City and Canemah
park. II miles from the city, It cents
ouad-trlsr cool snd refreshing. In ths
shads all the time.- Cara wlthopen
trailers leave Flrat and Alder streets
on the odd hour and every 40 minutes.
Races July .
Irvlngton Track. -1
.Riverside Driving Club.
Admission Mo, . . . .
Dr. F. Burcette Short, pastor of Tay
lor Street Methodist church, "leave to
night for - Tellowstone National park.
Rev. Paul Radw wUl preach at Taylor
Street church Sunday. On Dr. Bhort s
return he will deliver a series of lec
tures on the national park. .
Raosa July 41 .
Irvlngton Track. . :
Rlvsrslds Privlng Club,
Diamonds, watches - and Jewelry on
easy payments at lsss than elsewhere
for cash. Ws give you possession whsa
making first ,paymnt, demand no se
curity, charge no Interest, i- Marx
Blooh, 74 Third street
Our motto la, satisfied customers, by
giving people attractive, perfect-fltttng
eyeglasses at very reasonable prices
The Little Optical Parlor, 121 rourta si
To plcnlo and pleasure parties: . The
large launch Eva for hire, will carry
from 0 to 40 passengers. - Terms very
reasonable. Foot of Btark street.
For low rates east can at the Chi-
oago,.MUwaukee ' St St Paul ' railway
erf ice. 124 Third street," corner 'Alder
H. 8. Rows, general agent
Races July 4. -- - -
Irvlngton Track,'
Riverside Driving Club.
Admission 210.
'1 '
A. J. Armstrong left yesterday for a
trip through the east.Hrwtlt bs gone
about oqa month. '
tAunehos to the Oaks from Favorlts
Boathouse, south side bridge, foot Mor
rison street, every few minutes all aft
srnoon and evening. Teh 0402.
Milton A. Nathan, attorney, 2000 St el ner
street Ban Franclaeo. Commissions
promptly executed. Bank references.
Because Frederick W. Raybom told
his wife she would leave him If she had
any sense, Lottie C Raybom decided
that -he was right about It and has be-J
un suit In the circuit court for a di
vorce. Additional charges are cruelty
1 .t i vUs names, Raybom la said
East Side Justlct Court.
deciding all cases of litigation and deal
ing out Justice to those who have vio
lated the law in that vast district on the
east side ofs-the river which comprises
almost those . fourths of ths area of
Portland. - - - -
Judge Olson will be assisted In per
forming the duties of the court by Con
stable. Charles Mauts, who was also re
cently elected. George Qui man. a mexn
ber of the local police force until Juno
l, is clerk ox the court. - .
Court was opened In ths sew quarters
this morning. The first - case to be
heard by Judge Olaon, however, will not
come "to trial until Thursday morning..'
Hrid'edTear7club should leant-how.
Therefore he haa mads this offer to
the men whom he has been teaching
the use of the dainty dumb-bell and
the manly art of bow to He on the floor
and stick your legs straight up Jn ths
air. -
There are now nearly "100 members
of ths club. Some or thess are over 10
years old, but it Is expected that there
will be a large attendance at the Mount
Hood performance.
Nearly all ths prominent ministers
of Portland are enrolled la the Hundred
Tear-club. It-is expected that these
will be among ths most enthusiastic
pedestrians. ; v-r --.---
The date of the walking lesson wtll
will be given Profeaaor Flvnn and hla
companions at ths White Temple to
night Here f elicatory speeches will
be made and new members Initiated.,
to be a brakeman in the employ of the
O. R. N. Co. Mrs. Raybom asks the
custody of their three children and 120
1 munu aumony. v-r .
Races July 4.
Irvlngton Track. -
Rlverelde Driving- Club. .
i Admission ttc - " '.
i-Krausa, a business man of this
eity, has Just returned from a several
momnr visit to tns east and Europe.
'Call at Shanghai Basaar, in Wash
ington, corner Lownsdale. for ChiB
mrniiiw isiiij curiesi i,
Watches at a bargain.
Jeweler, 205 Alder street
Beck, the
' Dancing afternoon and evening. Cedar
rmrm. juiy a. nss waitX,
Woman's exchange, 12S Tenth street.
I-or Quality, Quantity and Qslokness
go 10 jaorris restaurant.
For Quality, Quantity and Qulcknaaa.
s w awn reaiaurant
. Xr.f S. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam,
Panama hatter, Hi 4th. Phono Pac tor.
3 .Potter Sailing Datw. "
J. no i. 4. rotter" leaves Ash - mtrm
dock .for Astoria and North Beach as
iwoTre: xussoay. July g. i.-$o a. m.)
Wednssdsy. July 4, 1 p. m-j Thursday,
July-oVJaS a.m.i Friday.. July. 4, j-.n
a. m.; Baturday. July t. a. m.
Particulars and Summer Book hv ask-
Dunr, ciiy ucssc agent.
Third and Washington streets. Tickets
Bor mtmo om seourea ax asb street dock.
Mitwaukle Country Cfub.
Memphis and Loulsvlns races. ' Tak
wiwoua us wrsgoa wiiy oars at First
X ;' Notice.
must do soia at once, In order to
cloee an estate, new Weber piano, stylo
Louis XIV, mahogank case. HO Alder
ireei. .... --i.. .,
vsaxTAmu koxrr trmmm
Crab SsUad, ICayoaasise J104
Boiled Halibut, White Baoee ..... 15 J
Corn Beef and Cab ban 1 kZ
,' Jr ....... .xom
OoU On Tongue, with Horseradish. 2 o2
hort Bibs Beef, Mew FotaOoes. . ..aoS
Oermam Wo Boast, with Boodles.. irJ
Carry of IVamb, with Bloe.. 15J
OoU Com Beef, Potass Balad ....1b2
OoU Boart Beef, potas Bated ....Hi
Bead CThoese, Ptsklod Beets f s2
Boast prlmr lams, BOnt amse..20w
Boast irMli rrssslng jit j
Boast Veal, with BMsaong 15I
Boast Beef, with Breoslag- ., igl
Bee Btew, with Vegetables .15-
Ooflefc Bread and Battsg aa INressoes
. ' with aU icsala.
-r-r sining. Boom for xadlsa. --r
. t. X. DAOOrrr, sUasfW. Beeslss, Or. -
CnW sew iMHiraiHt, rvnedelwl and sewly
rernlnhsd, etretrk- llhl. TrMb and ealt t.f
betbtBS. bnatlai. rwwn. rrMb milk aad areata
from ear owe o.try. rresh vsetlloa from ear
ewa lira, Rates) 12. M U ti.M pet Say.
tsedei rasa by the weak or aieaU. . ftw baa,
; Wnll:: Bef am " All My
349 end 351
v - - Vau will nlwavi find intr2rtinfir Drices. sdsa informntlffl
. Remember, this is the only place in Port
I land where you can get Coffee like thfo
-Fellows'; Blend Cosb Rica, per !br.....l52
Fancy Mocha and Java Blend, per lb.i..25d
Hoffman House Mocha and Java,-per It. 30
. Specials in Canned Goods J
? ran? P-xtm tanrlarrl Tnmatn.e.-. . . . . .2S44
2 cans Extra Standard Com. ......... ,.15p
2"CMsTaStandard Peaches TTi . . . .25o
1 can Pionefer Cream. ....rrr., ...... i.iof
1 can Eagle Milk. . . . . .'. ........... .
.1 caaSUrJQ-eamAlocwxej..
orxv iu
Qatsc? ttz(X Scsslde, Cresca
niMMi, m tha haaeb. overlooklns the
nnean. Hnt salt rriTlhT and surfjpath-
Ing. Recreation pier ror nsning. , sun
narlors. electric lights, fl replace snd
furnace heat Fine walks and drives.
Bsa foods a specialty.
Rates S2il tad $3.Ct Per Day
DAK J. MOORS. Proprietor.
Portland Oregon"
Fits bovs and girls for Eastern and
Western eouegee.
Includes A primary and grammar
achooL ..
Dm 1 n hall for ctrls affording ths
comlorts ana care ox nuwe aw
OfBoa hours during the Summer from
I a. m. to 11 ro.
'For cataloguo writs to the address
given above. . -
Schillers vs. ilop Golds
sV fast, snappy
abb VAtroBar
, - - Znoludlng
tM. I Basas. Bsa
rkene Mala lfor.
aniiiif irr
Special Peorth of Joly Katleee TesjanTsw.
The J
pmlarbeker Oewpany U a Oraad Bsvrial
tt ieaapb Jrfersna e Imnwe-tsj gaeeaas.
rrtTlTfO PBl(--a He, SAe aad OOe. .
UiTINri PRiriES lBe aad Me.-
Vest aad Uat Weh "Vaele Teas's OaUa.M
tAf .-J av M-Jt TV..
Wasuaitea C IIClil IliCftUl Him t
Isaight " Wed., Ttrara. Vlshtil
etls tfsthwe Teansiew
ggMDAIX Mt'BIOaX CO. ta PeWblf
par s ooaile-upera saeeees, -wsjiw.
Kxtrs pwrhwrneere . seit saiiar aftaraee
b4 nlsst. fifUt srleesi BTenlaga, lee,
Mo. soa, Toe; Mauaea, isa, SM.
mrrs x-s. ."yH w Fourth
Rriiln srk..l.1.(Ml .I1MJ tsl-. Is
0& Sirest 348 tzi 350
for Thursday, july 5
Astoria and Return
( LEAVING PORTLAND at. . . ... .7.00 A. M.
ARRIVE ASTORIA t...........l:S0P.M.
LEAVE ASTORIA at. .... .; .2:30 P. M.
Roxmd Trip Tidicts 51 .50
The Telegraph is the fastest steamboat In North America,
double deck cabins and most elegantly equipped. This ex-
Ti':.7V" "v;"'J.7;-; cursion Is ; -
.A Steaiabott IUi3 cf 200 1 for 150 Cts.
rtland-landinottalder strkot noeg-
r iA
' fx
asL-sal '
Phoae Mala 000 ' 1 -
Oarssx Tasgha sad reealjeailaj.
' vie- '
SeSMS Mled at I N p, av BsOy,
wSaaua OalUd i sO . m. aaadays.
taatse Bay. Friday, .
Svaasstasi, Me OhUSrea, Uet Bi
la the Kaateal Absaratty -
Is easnettlna wrn s
aabntsd vaadevflla ens,
si avertag ataaa.. .
tm w joxt s,
IMS aag Iim,
I s Owe I.mms,
Vui4 J..if. ..
HOTS Obaased UaM
. s. rire ebew. TJW
w s, aw. .
Anicay Strest
Some of your friends have probably told you
aBut RoselOtyr Flour ; best on the market
at any price, per sack.............. $1.15
Also a goodJIarcLWheat Fbutat, sack90f
v Note the following . -. '1:Lj.
-Hbv-Pair-Cottolene? . . . . . ......".......SO-
10-lb. Pail Cottolene......... ....;.5U25
10-lb. Pair Lard Compound. . . . . . , , . . , . .65
Gloss Starch, per lb. . . . , . . . . . . . .'.5
1-Ib; pkg. Cbni, Starch, ,,..i...s...5
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fendntr.
. ,i'v Poultry Netting, Etc. .
283 FLANDERS ST. Near TWrri
At Ilohsc's Park
A Woman' Sacrifice"
' '.'.' I FOrB ACTS. ..
feOnw Ike Ojsi 0tlas Perferaiasaa.
- AOsDsSlOW, lOet BSsavaa ssUTS, sue.
siat SALit Tcr:c.-uvc.v
BeUlg Tkeawe. MCS Sag WaaK, 10 a. a.
INat CI Goodwin
my get. r
t far. t i
ee. r v v. v.
rst I ' ('
t. t , .
I- t
We-win make r up an ex- ,
tra pair of trousers or fancy
summer vest to your meat
raw free." ')."
V Seven hundred suit pat
terns to choose from. :"
Two hundred . trouserings
' to choose- from. ?St V. 1 . ;
. Twenty-five ; fancy sum
mer vesting. " . .
' it press your clothes free,
for one year. . .
- the fcsKe
The part you do not ordi
narily see on one of our
coats. We have perfected
a "shape-retaining front
that gives an appearance
of finish and elegance-attained
by , no other tail
oring company on the Pa
cific coast. -' -
; Order one of pur coats
. with a "shape-retaining'
front andyou wflT" De
giverr: credit- for always
wearing a new suit. That
Is the way they look. .
TO Kccsnt
U to 810
Elks' Building:,;
Seventh and Stark
Everybody VfQ Co To
11 U lllLa