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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1906)
v. Ml i . Y .' i ;4 ' ; l. itr f - f . i . , i . 't ' 'I ( : ; 7X1 -; . t . . ' i ; : ' -' rue nuiuc mm v-".-.'., So here eoes f or a clean-oiit of evervthine in the no new tags, but permit our friends n 11- a-i f - - ,',! t: iv -a Wefind oiii nnc, xac JDiuuing mcnumicu aoovc, auu uui a umiara-wui m ui um mu i'tv. :'v';'' '. :;.;'i'' - .... . SCHOOL TEACHERS Hugh H. Herdman ChoMn to B Principal f th East Sid .1 : High SchooL fcROUT NAMEITASStSTANT" SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Newbni . ! Chosen Prlndptl of 7 WocxIIawn ' School and " Ictttion Aklngfor RcfaUtmnt ot For- mcr Principal MOner Ignored, -r ; - K. H. Htrdmaa, formerly tcbr ( Eoxllah lltaratur ' la - th Portland acadamr. will b tha principal of tna iwt alla Ulfh cbeoi vhra it la Opened. Tha.aeaool dlraetora Totad him Into I Get your Serge Suit or ' jrour Homespun - Suit or what you wilL.'. '. ' Get it and have the get ting pff your mind. - , See our big display X)f Outi. ing and Three-Piece Suits. Special values for $10. - We've , also . Cool Shirts, - Underwear, Hats, ete.r.''. '. Store open tonight; dosed all day tomorrow..; . f& LIOM . W CsJKuhnPioD Men's and Boys' Outfitters. , 1U AND 1(1 THIRD 8T ' Uohawk fiuildinf. . ; , S .V 0 6 I E Arc You Ready? we - V - T '' ! ' ' ' '"VCj '' '-''''i.' present store absbliitely inaS : 4-''..''',."''t;'- ;-'..(-'--j. V.. ':'-r.. V-" .',,y.. '.t .-:'u ; : - "V -'-' it ; ', . . . . , , ,t , .i.rr. . f''-- ' ...r ARE ELECTED TO BR tha poaltloa raatarday bacaoae D. A. Onmt.' who had prarlonaly baan aalactad, waa .elected aaaiatant city aupertntenfl ant of ohoola. From t o'clock- yesterday afternoon nntll lata laat erenlns tha board of edu cation worked .erar . tha election of taaehara. ' . - .- - ,',' - I T. 3. KewtUlwho hu been acting aa Srinolpal of tha Woodlawn achool alnca L A. Mllner, reaUned aa tha reeult of a family row, waa permananUy alactad to the poaltlon. ; petition aaklns for tha reinstatement of Mllner waa on nle, but waa not eonaldarad by tha dl rectora. Mrr NewbUJ eaino to Fortland from Independence. ' "' .";.' . ', Boyd wffl aao rhyaloa. " F.SLV HarrlgahThavlns realaTiea aa lnatraetor of phyaloa m tha Hin achool. Hugh 'Boyd of tha H1U MUltary academy waa elected to flU hia placa. kUaa Carolina Bateaon of Ohio waa glren tha poaltlon In tha Rich aahool Tacated by tha raalcnatloa of Mlaa UrrUa HnnL....iJ ' C.N. Klrin. . formerly principal of tha Atklnaon achool, will so to tha Ladd achool to flu tha placa ' formerly bald by Mr. Grout. Ha will be ancceeded by Uopktn Jenkins of tha Holman school and Jenklna't poaltlon . there baa been Biran to R. R. Steele, an Instructor la tha I ilea achool. U. Bharwood of tha Fulton achool will be tha new principal of tha Peninsula achool and H. A. Uar ball of tha Lenta achool beoomea , tha principal of tha Fulton school. . In a few daya tha teachers of tha waat and east alda hlrh aoboola will be named, aa no separate lists war pre pared . laat . night . Three new High achool teachers were elected, Laura Chapman of tha Oakland High achool. Winifred Hays of Iowa, and .Stella Armltaga Of tha Eugene High school. . v : 4 SJM of Teaeheta Blaoead. ' ", There are bow. It public aehoola la Portland, but tha teachers in tha Bra suburban aehoola admitted to tha dis trict by the recent elictton bare al ready baan alactad and tha election laat night affecte only -ilioee In tha SI aehoola already la tha city. . . Following la tha list of those eleoted: Frank Rlclef. city apatiatandanti IX A. . Orout, aaaiatant superintendent; Anna E. Knox, supervisor of drawing; Mrs. May Brans, aaaiatant guparrlaor of drawing; Myrtle Moffett, aaaiatant auparrtsor of drawings Robert Kroha, auperrlaor of physical trainings 8. to. Hunter, auperrisoT of muslo; W. J. Staadley, auperrlaor of manual train Ingr H. T. Wants. W. U Qreenleaf, M. O. Steal, C J. Lafoen, teachers manual training; Mrs. . A. ' A. Sanborn, super Tlsor.ot ae wing. , : ; Alnsworth School Principal, Efla B. XoBrida; asalstanta, Charlotte Crawford,' UmuIo Dooly, Mabel Winter, Mrs. Agnes Qlenn. .... " Atklnaon School Principal. - Hopkln Jenklae; aaaiatant, Ola- Denis ton, Nellie Fmwoatt, Kate Toang, Mrs. Carrie Mora- land, Helen- A. Klernan. Ella Lareneon, Mary I Perkins, Mrs. IaveUa Marshall, l.olu a. Campion, Emma I Butler, Kathertno B, Paddan, "Anna O. Dalln, Mrs. Isabel Baker, Opal Hall. ' Brooklyn School Principal, Alpha X tHralck; assiatanU, Sophia A. Wilson, Mary McKeowa, Llllla D. Thomas, Lydla Bmlthr-Edith Tldcomba, 'Br Fay leaven- son, Viola Howenetlne, Florence Bet tlngar, Helena Humaaon, Jessie Nlohol son, Mrs. Margaret B. West. , Chapman Bchool-Princlpal. W, , F. Conoyari aaalstants. r Anna I. Cory, -XT-fl , Tins 6nGo:i daily jour:?Ai; rcrTi::3;Tur:DAYEyz::ic. July, c. : -; '".'-'.-'.''' :V v ,-'', A'-'. -.' v'. ; ' - t -. Judith Ousleln. Sarah - A. Allan, Mary Rogara, Margaret Brehaut, fill 8. Ma son. Mary O'Connor 'Stella A. Fording; Edna Cameron, LaTah C. elsonT boulaa O. S trout. Bad Brown, Edna Harris, Francea I Estes, Mabel Stout. " n Clinton Kelly School Principal, I H, asstOfamj eBBlBfcaajtam"lrfTB TP. Be Wit' RtCfa1 ards,-. Charlotte Patton, Kin B. John son. Els hie, Delia-WhUhay, -Phoebe Balmanao, Emm KJenow, Maria V. Arnold, Ad Stanley, Laura Thompson, Helen D. PeUch. Edith P. Zlpf. Ollra Mlsamora. .- . Couch School Principal, 3, Burn ham; aaaUUnta, ' Viol Ortachlld, Mrs. J. Burnham, Margaret Protamaa, Medora Assistant Superintendent D. A. Oront Whltnald, Len Nealond, Estelle Mo Intyra, Mre. Dorothy Bingham, Amy B. Bauer. Mra. E. .1 Williams. Frances Harris, Ion Dunlap, KmmajCLRobln son, - Mrs. uiar ADuanuu, urrntiw Lamberaon, Berth Q. Reed, Mr. Kate Llghur. . . '. . Darls School Principal, Mr. A. Watson: assistants, . Gertrude .A. Orth, Qraoe Brltts, Maud Heggle. Failing School Principal, l w. Pratt; aaslstanta, Fannie G. Porter,-- Laura Peterson, - Helen K. Crane, Roma Me Knight, Mary E. Frasler, Florence Con, rerae, - Amy B.' Holt, Ellen Johnson, Madae .Hill. Johanna Cramer, Winifred Chanoe, Etta O. BaUey, Alice Hlgglna, Edith Campbell. Mrs. Josephln Llsher, Era & Rlea, May Kelly. Farnwood school Teaener, Ann mo Xonald. .' Fulton Park School Principal, -H. A. Dam all; aaslstanta. Ell Enmsen, Mr NoraS. Burney. ;v , r. Hawthorne Bchool Principal, j. . T. Oregg; asalstanta, Mary F. Hamilton, Anna E. -Gray, Hortense F. Greffoa, Harrietts B. Monroe, Hattl Btlllnga, WlnfflsT McKnlicht, "Mify C ATmlstead. Mettle B. Train. Mat Allen. . Irene Smith. Rachel Halllngby, Berth Han son Marie Bruce, Letltla McKlnnoa, M. Ell . Ansley, Maria 'Hackle, . oartruda Van Wlnkel, E. Cora Felt. High School Principals. T. T. Darls, treat alda, Hugh Herd man, eaat aide; as sistant. Mra. Eugenia S. Alt man, Orace Balrd. 'Carolina Barnes, Frances M. Bill, Oartruda Bomgardner, A. E. Breeca, Mary Buckley, H. F. Carlerbn, Adeline . - Twenty Tear Battla. ' v ' T waa a loaer In a twentr-rear battla with chronle pllea and malignant aorea, until I . tried Rucklen'a Arnica. Halva; which turned the Tide, by curing both, till not a trace rrmalne,, writes A. M. Bruce of Farmrllle, Va. Beat for old Ulcere. Outs, Burns and Wotind S6a --r-r . ; ,, 1 That's - All Ttee t S. O. Skidmors Co druggist. ;; to step in arid ''"': "V'; ,'; !'V '."'-' ."V ''.';' ':'r". ' ' 1 - .. ,1" " ' -1-.?. j Dawart, Mabel Downs, .Edith Oaddla, Jessie Ooddard; Emm Orlabel. ' Hugh Boyd, O. W. Henderaony H. W. Herroa, C Jj. Hoover, Caroline Bateson, Leona Larrabee, Christina MaoConoell, W. O. MandanhalL Isabella Mogaan, Mary B. Mooroirav-Henrlatt Mundt. Laura, H. North rup, J. H. Page, Cor Pattaa, Ruth E. Rounds. Gertrude H. Tagar. - , Highland School Principal. J.H. Stan ley; asalstanta, Oortrude Oraathousa, Lenoro McMorrow. Sua Jonea, Kdn .Collins, ' Dtbel ; g. Wakemaa, Cordelia Murphy, Bella Madden, Verline , Am brose, Flora oibaon. Myrtle Shonkwllar, Barnlea Church, Ann ' Gtaly, Laura Haiunan, Hasel PhUllpa, Mary BUllngs, Pearl Qoulet, Parthenla Dukehart, Maria Madden. -Nettle Klngery Wlnltred Haw- ly.- Holman Bchool PrlnoloaL R. R. Steele aaaiatant. There Baumgart, Edith Worthington. Mr. J. M- Potter. Edith Ogden. Jan Fargo, Clara Bell, Sara . Bates. . . HoUaday School principal. E. J. Hadley; aaslstanta, Emma Baretta, Ann Brannan, . Maud Ken worthy, Carrie Holman, Annlce Knapp, Catherine Lamberaon, Mrs; Kate S tea Tea, Met Brown, Ann - Donovan, Cor Sharer, Francea Martin, August J Andresen, Gertrude Cahalla, Let R. Smith, An gel L Grand. Eugenia Morse. Mrs. .Ada T. Beard, Grace Lamberaon. . Irrlngton School Principal, G. N. McKay; . assistants, 1 Agnes S. Brown, Era B. Catching, Flora Dunham," Mr. Jennie Bushnell, Ellsaboth Rlrette. Ladd School Principal, C. M. Hlg glna; assiatants. Kate Klngaley, Hannah G. . Schloth, Estelle Ingalla. Kata Cahalln, Grace Da Graff, Iry Robinson, Jennie Llmbockar.- Emily Roecker, Kate Protsman, - Henrietta Baum, Nora S. Green. Joalla Johnson. Edna L. Henley, Ethel Powers, ; Leda May Rica. Edith J. Young, Hasel Graham, Ella-N. O'Con nor, Mra. K. Fl Sloan, Maude Stockton. Marquam School Teacher, Ruth Crocker. r' r'. '., - f ... , - Midway School -'Principal Almlra Blttner; aaslsUnt, ' Ollra Halllngby. North Central School Principal. D. T. Van Tina;-asalstanta, Clara Demmer, - a4Iini i o. Rogers, Ellen 'Mecabe Carrie Mayaen,. Myrtle Keea, "Eva Joseph, Francea . L, Barnes, . Bessie Ohormley, Alice Taylor, Aim Wlkander, ' Beaala Jonaa, Madga Cramer, Halite C. Thomae, Beptltm Ansley, Elr Dolan, Elvane Orenler. - . . , . v Ockley Green School Principal, J. B. Eaater; assistants, Mr A. B Utona, Winifred Packer, Blanche Ross, Mar garet Cham per; Carolina Bolton, Mrs. Anna Read, Emm L. Blrchsr. ' ' . . Panlnsul School - Principal, Hugh Sherwood; aaaiatant, Mrs. Laura Black, Florence Bollam. Georglna Bell. . c' Portsmouth.. Bchool PrlclpaV-U-E. Hughaon; aaslstanta, . Carrie t Meues dorffer, Maria Luders, Verdi" Monroe, Margaret. Monks. Daisy Laraan, Jessie Peterson, Era Jenkins, Mrs. L. D. Hoy - Sellwood achool Principal, C L. Strong; ' assistant, Estelle A. Hell, Grace McConnell, Carrie B. Hunt, Addle B. Naylor, Mrs. H. B. M. Rynearson, Alice. Ormandy, Clementina Bradford, Jessie Lucas, Laur B. McDonald, Mrs, H. R, Kerr, Charlotte Lucaa, Mabl Taubenhelmer. Blanoha Catlln, Madge O'Connor. ... . ' Sharer acnool Principal. J. L, Ton-oey;- assistants,- Belle Chanoe, Adelln Hammond, Jana Ferguson, Esther Segal, Olgsr Johnson,- Llssle A, Wllsonr Mar garet' Gleaaon, Elisabeth Dartoa, Mr B. H. Kennedy, Margaret Rica . Shattuck achool Principal, A. ft. Draper; assistants. Mary Millard, Loula T. Phtlbrtck, Mary Donohue, Nellie Washburn, Phebs Whits, Llssle 'Miller, Clara Maettlnger, Ethel Richmond, Ella M. Crawford. . Minnie Butler, Emily Toting, Kata M. Colburn, Thera Toeum. Nellie Dickinson, Ann M. James, I-uoy Williams, winnirred Moaner, Lutie Cake, Joel Davis, Jessl Murch, Ruth ,B. Watson. ".-.-' , , store For this sale we -help emse ' r-:-- t-'- .-v.-i'v;,';: & ww, suuu k m w Stephen school Principal, R. , H. Thomas; asalstanta, Laura s. Gee rt son, Ida F. Hlbbard, Mary E. . Fryer, Fera F. Stout, L. Effl WUllama, Helen Ben nett, Luell M. Knapp, Anna Rogers, Addle Flnnegan, Mrs. Teresa Jackson, Jessie Harklns, Alice Banfield, Mr. Fannla .WheelerrCharlotts Roefl, Ana O. Balrd..."' -:J: :: "7 " - Sunnyaida school UrtnclpaJ. E. JQ. Curtis; assistants, Mhy L Rathbun, Lena . Ayere. Mr J. Caney, Abble Wright, Elphle K. Smith; Edith Darling, Lucretl Allen, Mary Lou Beck, Viola Thayer. Annie Nelcken, - Male V. Peel, Lllla C KrnlL Agnaa Dinaen, Lena M. Drang. Ann Sorenaen, H. Jennie Han son. . ., .':-; . s' I .. !,. Terwllllger school Principal. H, N. Goode; assiatants, Otellle Petting, Hd- wtr-Bir.- -' --'-tj- .- ;- Thompson school Principal. O. " JO. Jamison; assistants, Laur Myers, MIna Tragallaa, Kata- I. , Porter, Ida Foott. Berdlno Merrill, Minnie Foot Beatrioa Anderson Edn Amoa, Graoe P. Burnett. Ann Pearson. Len Spinney, Matilda wetss, cardltne Bauer, Margaret O'Con nor. Tlllle C. Amoa, Mra. Carrie Ogla, una neante, riattia williama. Wllllame-avenue school Princlnal tL V. Downs; assistant Alice Munro. Em ma Whitney, Zelma Sharer, Mrs. Esther Kane, Jeaa B. Park, Mabel Hurley, Geor gia Way, Mary Caranaugh, Edith Wright Lorene Kabat. . Edith - Lelper, Mra. Cora Fralne. May Robertson. Irene Johnson.' Stall- VanVleet, Ball ' Joseph, Jean McDonald.. ' . '; , i - Woodlwn achool Principal, T. J. Newblll; asslsUnta, Emma K. Lamraera, Margtna Dunham, Elisabeth Oatea, Martha Sturchlar, Jennie Gray, Ella Nloholson, Mail Foster, Katharine M. Bock, Mr M. E. Wilson, Eprnt Klrk Patrick, Mra. J.-George. : - Eaat Twenty-etghth-etreet achool Principal,' H. R Wtnchell; aaslstanta, Kathleen Leonard, Ad Meroor, Mlnlsell George, Estelle Marias, Dell P. Sharp leaaj , , . . ' . . , .. Glencoa school Principal. B. jr. Steele. aaawasBsBaaBaiaBBsaBasaBBa Prefenred Stoek Oaaasg Oooda. "---fi - Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. - ; i ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR - : ORDINANCE HELD OVER : Though th Portland General Elec- trlo company practically framed up the ordinance creating tha office of elty electrloal Inspector, now before tha ways and means committee of the council, Oakar Hubar, representing that com pany, yesterday afternoon asked .that decision as to Its recommendation be delayed, aa tha company wished to sug gest 4 hat ne or snore deputies be also employed. . -- Member of tha . Electricians" union and wiring contractors are willing to abide by th regulation of tha ordi nance, and It I haltered that th Port land General I adopting this means to thwarjt th plan. Mr. Hubar declared mat ona man cannot ao an in inspecting- to b performed la Portland.' Th ordinance was held over until th next meeting of th committee. BASMAXX. FUTiniS BACBMI AsTD FOOT Louis J. Kruger, x-champlonlong-dla tanoe foot racer of Germany and Hol land, wrltea, Oct. t7. 101: - "During my training of eight weeks foot races at Salt Lake City, In April laat, I used Ballard's Snow Liniment to my greateat satisfaction.' Therefore, I nighty recommend Snow Liniment to all - who are troubled with epralns. bruises or rheumatism." I to, tia and 11.00. Sold by Woods rd. Clarke A Co. -M c mm '. ansthing they .-x.kU'iat u?;:- The Hind Toa ITave hrmys in use for ovor 80 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations Mid M Jastw-good are but " Experiments that trifle with and endangrer the health of Infant: and Chfldr;ii--X3xpezletioe - against Experlmena , What lo CASTORIA " Oastoria Is a harmless snbstltii'e for Carter Oil Pare " goric, Drops and Socthlnjr Syrnps. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Oplom Morphine nor other Kareotlo t " entstance Its agv U ltJi"gitAraAteert deatroys WormiT' :And allays Fpverlshncss. It cores Dlarrhosa and 'Wind -V - ollc It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation i - . and Flatolency. ' It assimilates the Food; regolatea tha :. Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natoral sleep. ' - The Children Panacea-The 2Xothera Friend. .' . onrioiric CASTOR I A alvayo , 'j n .- J' .... .. . - . .... , v , . Bears tha The M You HaYO tays Bouglit In Ucd For Over 30 Ycarc. v SAN FRAKCISCO, CAL. .T- svTTara Airs aovax aTrmBBTS. EUROPEAN P LA N RESTAURAfJTandGRILLROOi.IInCOfJNECTIOi'J ; '.'. Telephone In every room. Hot and eotd water, ; ,-: 1 ': : '.-J' ; ' ". Bath. Elevator Mrrlc. . ''."!-. Ta Only Tlrst-olaas B"otal Kow la Operaatoa. Opened Ju 1, 1S0S. Tl. ntni in rvoora, $2.00 per Day and op AV.Qt5 So! $4 00 per Day up 4 1 ,-; OTTSTAT BLUrtT, Maaages. Streets A' ' ' " ' - ' Doagnt and which has bom v has borne the sl-rnature of ixnade under Jila-per-tl sonal saperrlsion since its Infancy. Allow no ene to deceive von In this. Signature of;