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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1906)
r . j:: ,L:1 Group of Multnomah Club Men at Sunday Low JwsPnctograph by": tlcAlptn. r. iy . DR. IIILt GEOSUIIES TIIE OlilGOIilMllllOri PORTLMID'IS : FOR ATTACK OH CIlfllSTIAniTY TO CELEBRATE Declares Such Opposition Is Great Compliment to Religious Belief j ,:t ." -Declares Such Theories in Paper Injure the ' ' Pacific Norttwestr? i : i!r The, following letter from Dr. Edgar F Hill, paator of the First Presbyterian church, of Portland, waa printed in mi ! , morning's Oregonlan. Tba letter will be of lntecest to people who do not read the - OTegonlsn. as It , sets forth ' clearly the doctor' news: N Portland, June 10. To the Editor of the Oreeonlan I had hoped to be soared the necessity of referring again to the- course of the Oregonlaa in Its : treatment of things moral and religious. -1 am well aware of the brutal abuse i which, the mildest protest -la -aur. to forth. Hut I una it tmpossiDie to -art calmly by while the gospel of which ' I am. a bumble ambassador la being so : malignantly attacked and tba thou nds of people la this Pacific northwest tdentlned with churches,) carbolic aa , well aa Protectant, are being so per- sistently held up to publio eoorav ' r in your editorial of a few days ago, ..entitled." "The Vacant Pew.-- and thla (Saturday) morning.! bearing the eap "Jtlon. "What Bhall It Profit V you fling aa mean an'tnault Into the faces of the Christian constituency of your paper aa y,T aver saw in the columns of any newe ' paper that laid claim even to- halff - . ceney. - Ton aay that the man. wno at tend .church are either hypocrttea or people of inferior Intelligence. Call, If v you please, tha roll of the agencies for i a-ood In ibis northwest or In any other iTart of the civilised .world, and ' started and are supported by the peo- rple vrho attend the churches. - There ara tha . hospitals. Who rounded themT ' There are the' coUecea Who founded themT' There are tba Toung Men's "Christian Aasoclatlona and all the - rloua Institutions and organisations tor the eoneervatlon of" the homo asd the .restraint of rloe. . who maintain them 7 . To aak such questions is - to give tha answer. President Rooaerelt, who la -alad to nail hlmaelf a Christian, and - who la found . among Christ's follow- jrtiaejarBftblfathaUted pubUclxaama ' , time ago that but for the work at the churches our western cities and villages . would soon fall back Into ' barbarian. '"'And yet you nnbluahlngly charga those ''who attend churches with being. lunatic or dishonest. . ' What Ma' Sastera ataa Xast aprlng while on a trip to tha ' oast in the interests of tha Lewis and Clark expoaltlon, it waa my priTilege to confer with "a college president who easily holda rank with aueh educators ' ' president Hadley of Tale. Tha 1 con yereatlon turned to the. religious situs. tlon on tha Pacific coast. As faithfully ! aa I could I explained to him tha ylewa . of tha Oregonlan aa they have appeared : aa-aln and as-alm with monotonous iters ' tlon t e tha Bible la only a record , . of - Hebrew - history, full - of - mlatakea; tha raiioua stories related In It ara. only myths; Jesus' wss merely a Jewlah re former: the -world aa we see- It la only the resultant of natural laws, ate The " president listened to me patiently and ' v then said: "That editor evidently: waa ' .thrown high on the beach by tba tide . of materlallstlo evolution i which awept over the world II years airo, but which " ' has long since subsided." . Then , ha . added: ."Christianity wss i never - so : Strongly : entrenched In tha minds of -'-thoughtful men aa It la today." - Professor Romanes certainly knew aa : much . about .the advancement of sci ence as most men, for he waa Darwin's moat- ardent and able exponent.' - Ha too, was swept off his feet by tha tide ft materialistic evolution. V He also de ' elded that tha Bible Was a collection of ": myths", that Jesus waa merely a good :,' . man and that tha Idea of supernatural is a. dream of weak. mlndsv- - But .ha managed to get off tha aands. r He came to realise that ha had made a hue-e .-(blunder by trying to explain thf , world as a resultant or natural lawa He ack nowledged his error and became a de vested folower of Jesus Christ ' No doubt you would have called Professor Romanes a moat intelligent man dur ing he time ha opposed Christianity, but k fool, when his further study led hlra to the feet of Jesus Christ. The son of Edward Everett Halo, whom you often refer to as a man of superior wisdom, is professor ef English in Union college, Schenectady, New York. He hsa alwaya held seme such religious viewa as the Oregonlan seems willing to tolerate. Recently Professor Hale was led to- make a more careful exami nation of the claims of Christianity, and 1 liiliiii THE POLICy-HOLDERS 'COMPANY, . - When you have a policy in the 1mSm V a tk r,,A ell to that you are an owner in the company and the profits of the busi- nets go to you. " :.'.-T; ri .:X..V'' .:'P M HOME ' OFFICE, COMMONWEALTH BLDQ, SIXTH AND ANKENY STS, PORTLAND. OREGON. V .: .-,1. :.. v.--- -,vT -.. Vi 'A.'l;r.:iLLS. Preeident' :I ':'.N : '''.' :. - .-,r clakz::c3 s. sauusu Asst. ur. .ha has now announced hla conviction that . Unltarianlam la- Impossible and that whjat la termed orthodox Christian-. tty Ir true. : Tou, of course, would have called Professor Hale a scholarly man when ha opposed Christianity. Now, however, you class him as lrabecila " Opposittom Zs Oomnllmeafc t During tha paat ten. -e;more yeara ofmy paatorau In Portland- I have been sometimes amoat discouraged aa X have - read your unreasonable and vituperative-attack - on -that -which thousands of, ua ,hold dear. Then I have thought of the Oregonlaa'a at- titaoe toward ail good things; Its cyn ical oon tempt for all who ara trying tO U .tlll) wnrll tw.H.r ; . Urn . ant aupport of almost every evil in tha catalogue; . also of -the fact that there Is no causa ao bad that tha Ore gonlaa'a favor cannot be obtained, and no man er aause ao good as to be exempt from its vicious assaultaTTlian: I have rejoiced In tha thought that tba opposition of such a paper la tha beat compliment Christianity could have. Just now tha people of this north west ara beginning to realise that your paper baa become tha chief obstacle lav. tba - way . of - aur - commercial - pros perity. If the attacks made In your columns en .our business men were honest, were Intended to protect the ppbUo and to expose rascality, all good men would hail your paper as a cham pion of tba oppressed. But every one! known yea 'Havana each thbughirTou are -animated only by Jealousy and re- venae. .Tour rldlculoua rage Is Ilka that of - a man la hla cups or oa tba verga of aeaiUty. . - Even tba working people, to whose use you now profess to be devoted, are not deceived, I trust I am betray ing no secret - or the lod geroona when I relata that at a recent labor meeting in thla city, at wblcb I waa present one of tba leading; labor Isadora is this state arose a ad said: -".L have been reader of the Oregonlan- for over . 1 years,. but I have become so disgusted with it that tomorrow I shall discon tinue my subscription - and shall not take It again until there la a radical change in Its policy.- And the nouncement waa greeted with a round Of applauaet ' Z .. - : y Tou ara Injuring' our city financially mora than can easily be . estimated. There Is no civic enthusiasm. Instead of calling business men to united and aeeda of discord. Capital la timid about entering . a community . where men, no matter bow honorable., are held up to ridicule In ' the columns of a paper, if they should offend the edi tor, by offering a contrary oolnlon on aay subject, political, educational or re ligious. One of our cltlsens wss In ths east recently and fell Into conversation with a man. Who made Inquiry concern' tng the Oregonlan. The Portlander tried to apologise for Its vagaries. W all.' aald the man, "I had arranged to In vest f 50.000 in , Portland, but after reading some of tha articles la the Ore gonlan I ; have . decided to Invent else where. ' I do not ears to do bualneaa In a community, whtoh, has., to ha put up wita aucn aouaa." ( .. .- , Now people are coming here -from theast. A asw spirit has taken poaaee- alon or thla northwest. - A measure - of prosperity la being thrust upon ua But tha prosperity of a community dependa largely on the newspapsrs, which must furnish publicity and--rally the cltlsens to new enterprises for the publio good. Tba city of Portland and tha state of Oregon will never fulfill their posstblll ties until you paper ' la supplanted or there la a readjuatment of your, editorial force. v 'i'v . kuqar p., Hiu T0H0N0R ARCHBISHOP Rl EWIf flC NPW flRI CilMC . eeejsr wi !. VI ifc.fc.riis w I 'v (Joaraal Spedet serriee. New Orleana La., July t. --Arrange ments on a moat elaborate acala have been made for tonlght'a publio reception in honor of Archbishop Blank, tha new head of tha Roman Catholic archdiocese of Now Orloana . The affair ia to be held In the French opera houaa and wUl be attended by .representative of - the clergy and laity ef the archdiocese. Ad dresses of welcome will be delivered by Governor Blanchard. -. Mayor Behrman and former Mayor Paul Capdevielle. ; ...1 ,jv Oregon Life you hare one con- rheVikr rnmnanl,, -' Jfri mAAit-inv ... n . Sports, Z Picnics and ami tea. v) I--I,. J-J tN d---m v ments Included in Program of .V the Day's Doings. MATINEE RACES WILL ; - BE HELD AT IRVINQTON Picnic WD1 Occur at 'Exposition GroundV-Eztra .Features at Glad- stcme; Parkfit. John WiU Have Parade 'and QU-Fashioned Fourth. ' Though there Is "to be no grand cele bration op the part of tha city of Port land, aiaa-boom-baaa day will be gen erally observed locally tomorrow, - The theatres vwlll present special matinee fulimi th.r, will k f Tn.ln ton. baseball at" tha league grounds, aldea, there will be a number, of Inde-1 Catholics will srlve a hla- nlonlo at the fair grounds, tha Modern Woodmen will oe represented in tne earns wmy sc toe Oaks, there will be Independence day feature at Oladstone park, while St. Johna and Eatacada- will make all tha boise they can to prove their patriotism aa municipalities. . ' .V'i .. . , , At f Irvlngton the ; Riverside "Driving association- will present a matinee card. Many valuable prizes have been hung up and the beat- horses lav town are aa tared with their drivers. a - The local vaudeville houaa will run continuously throughout the day. The Portland leagrae team le at-Sea' tl thla week and a gam will be played on the league grounde tomorrow by two amateur' nines, Tha Schillera aad .ths Hop Golds will contend for supremacy. Neither has yet been beaten and both claim the championship of tha ststa At the-Multnomah club the tennis I ainnais ror uit laaa trap are scneouioo r to take ; place . aome time during tha day. Tha- contest will be for the beat three aeta out of Ave and Will be, be tween Bellinger on the one side . and either Wlckarahsm or Herdman on the other. " The two laat named playara plan to play their aeml-flnal matoh thla noma ,... .. 4.- .: : Plcale at rut oreaaaa. -... The Roman Catholic have "been mak ing elaborate preparatlona for their p Io nic on Government Island and every Indication points to largs .attendance. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the Catholic eharitisa. In tha morning literary exerelee will be . held aad in the afternoon a great program of .races and other a porta baa been arranged. Valuable prise will be .given for the winner of each event. . .1 . ; - Tha speakers in the morning will be J. IE. Courtney, Archblsriop . Christie, Governor Chaaobenaln ana Iafe Pence. John Salnpolla will read tha Declaration of Independence. - Tha sports - In the afternoon will Include foot races for boys, races for fat and allm men, . a three-legged race , and tk'- number ef amualng contests. - A pony cart - ha been put up as first prise In the pony race and there are prises- for each of the other events, donated by merchants of tha city, v There win also bo a base ball game. r.y,.v. ' -a - . - Oelebratloa a tba Oak.-" "- The Modem Woodmen, - aa - wall as several other -local organisations, will turn out -at the -Oaks and make merry. Alt klada ' of sports are on the pro gram and every one of tha amusement attractlone will offer something- special. Among tha new feature la a- moving picture ahow, representing the San.Fran olaoo disaster. ' Tha railroads . -have made special preparatlona for at least 10,000 people - and every available car and trailer will be used. ; CUrbano'a band will present a apeclal Fourth ef July program and the concessionaires Wni dlatrlbnta aouvanlra all -da v. At. BU. Johns the town will be wide open aa far aa ehootlng oi big . ore- crackers la- concerned. - - Mri Boy, you can sneak out to St. Johna with your big firecrackers, stick tham In a nerv ous man's ears and shoot them off, or tie tham by whole bunches to the tall of the mayor's dog and no blue-coated policeman will chaaa you. . Tou can pop toy piatela . and dynamite . eanee and Dewey chasers aad tear great holea In the atmosphere with your instruments of deviltry and nobody will aay "scat" to you.' . r ;..'",;.-;''."" raraaa aa ara oaaa. .,..-.. St 'John is to have a parade with the time-honored Ooddess of Liberty and rS. queen of the day. There loon . ascension, horse feature during tha day tend at night the band will play oa tha city aquare ana inare.wiU-De a uispiay oi nrcworss. Besides, It Is reported that there will be several greased features to tba elebra tlon, tha climbing of a greased pole for a gold piece and tha chasing of a greased pig ' for the ownership - of . the At Oladstone pars there win. ne lite rary feature- In the morning and- other attractions in tha afternoon. Eatacada, also will hold a regulation, celebration. UNITED BR E TH REN H CAMP NEAR MILTON (flseelal Dtesateb to Ttte Jnsreel.l . - Hlltee, Or., Jnj . 4 Valted Brethraa easie setlnr at sew la ategrna at Leeuet era, al lie pnrth ef Preeweter, aaTlng npeoed Oamiar aad wul eoattarae aetll July IS. Kpeaken froai Oreaoe ad Weahlagtoai are aranat to addreaa It the aMetlnae an a the reertk epeeui wilw I -- will k held wkes is' sheet M aualatera will se ta ateaasaev I Only Co Ttt C:t X V Ketare, Bat Eeel-A aa Weil. for people who are run-dawn end nerv ous; who suffer from tadlrestion or dfs-r-e!ia. headache. illlooM. or torcid I er, coated tongue wlJl bitter taste In tae morning and poor appetite. It be comes necessary to turn to torn ta!e of itrvcf thacr which, fill assist, datura end help t .eat to ct on tneir mi ana Rat the body into lu proper condition. II i becoming mora and more apparent that LNatore's btost valuable health firing agents ara to be found to forest planta and roota. Kearly forty yari ago. Dr. R.V. Pierce, vow consulting physician to tha Invalids1 Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, K. discovered that by ecleuuically extracting and combining certain medici nal principles from native roots, taken from our American forests, ha could pro duoe a medicine which waa marvelously euicient in curing eases of blood disorder and liver and stomach trouble aa well aa many other chronic, or lingering all menu. This' concentrated extract of Nature's vitality ha named "Golden Med ical Discovery. - It purifies tha blood by Tinttinr the atamarh and liver Into healthy condition, thereby helping tha Oigeetioa ana assimilation oi looa wmcn feeds the blood. Thereby it cures weak stomach. Indigestion, torpid liver, or bil iousness, and kindred derangement, - If you have coated tongue, with bitter or bad taste in the morning, frequent headaches, feel weak,eacily tired, stitches or nam in aide.- back gives out easily and achee, belching of tea, constipation, or Irregular bowels, feel flashes of heat al ternating with chilly sensations or kin dred symptoms, they point to derange ment of your stomach, liver and kidneys, which the -Golden Medical Discovery I win eorree mora speedily ami nenily than any other known agei will correct mora speedily and perma- ent. ix) n ng drug. I taint no aioonoi or naoit-ronnin AU ,u iDrredisnu printed in pii lngredlenta printed In plain na usn on wrapper.. v ; - 7. . Tha sole motive for substitution la to permit the dealer to make a little more profit. He gains; yon lose. Accept no tub statute for Golden Medical Ditoovary. Constipation causes and aggravates many serious disease. It I thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet. On a laxative; two or three are cathartic Tl'JO Till KILLED EmplOVet In LoesnnflT Camb Meat f - ' . - -T r " DeSSh by, Breaking" of Wheel , T ' -,,n "OOagaxe. MEAGER DETAILS STATE THIRD FATALLY INJURED Terrible Accident Occnrred . Earry Veterday.MorTiinij: at the Camp o! tha Willamette Pulp 4; Paper Com- : -pany." i-yj' '.I' - a'a' i". The Jearaal ass aaeeed a sews sad see serlfttles baraaa at 4S0 - Ceumtal etnet. Aetorta, wbere eay . soelneae with the faset stay be teaaaacteeV Pteae Mala SMU. ' ; J Wpaetal Dtapateh e The eameL ' Joumal'a Astoria Bureau, July. . The breaking of a wheel In tha flood gate of a dam in the logging camp ef the Willamette Pulp aV Paper company at? Bkamokawa aarlv veaterdav mom. m reuiied in two man being Instantly killed and another fatally Injured. - The new of the noctdent waa brought . to J inia cur yesteraar axternooa tv a. man dlapatcbad . for a surgeon aad- only meager detail are obtains bla , ' - ' oetotaaatom sTMgttea, ' The grand" two days' celebration to be held In thla elty In honor of the na tional Independence day and the open ing of the new city park were aua plcloualy opened this morning. . Tha grand parade to the park will form this afternoon.' In charge of City Superin tendent of Schools Clark. It wlU be composed of school children and vari ous orgamsationa of tha city. At tha park appropriate exercises will be held. Tomorrow a full program of a porta will be given, : besides aumeroue : apeclal feature. . . ? The old lifeboat of tha Port Canby craw, which has been the means of sav ing many a victim from a watery grave, ha been lost in tha surf and all efforts to locate It have thus far been una vail ing. The boat was taken out la tow of the new motor-boat. Into which It waa proposed to load a net reported to have gone over the bar. . The net waa secured, but a heavy aea waa running and the lifeboat capaised and became. .detached and baa alnce been missing. j . Steeaea Arrlven, ' ; Tb ateam schooner J. & Stetson, which collided with the Jane JU Stan ford off tha Columbia river. Inflicting serious damage to the latter vessel, ar rived In port yesterday and wui take a cargo of lumber at the Hums mill. The officers and. crew of both vessels nate been summoned before the marine In spectors in Portland for an official ,Jo- vsaugawon oi toe aisastsr. . 1 " risk Ban Zmprovtaer. , The run of fish has showa some 1m provement during the laat few daya and there la aome indication that the flab are beginning to enter the river. How. ever, it la yet far from what la ax. pected around July 1, when the big run le.auppoaed to coma In. ; r " ''! ; Ventre Maaoxeinaaad. . - , , Frederick, Md., July t. Rapreeenta tlva Oeorge A. Pearra. waa -renominated for the fourth time by the Republicans of tba sixth congressional dlstrlot - In convention here today, -'- There waa oa opposition. - JoMf Scholarship Contest OOI I, . Nellie . May Shannon, Port- land 11.110 1. Horace A. Wllaon, Portland., I.T1 t, -John Beneon, Chemawa.... t.lll 4 Clay Jonea, . Portland ,04l I. Roy Johnson, Portland.,.,.. (.101 CJiarlee Qroas, Portland..,.; 4.11 Ouy Orabam. Troutdale...,,-S.IS0 Bertie O. Chan, Portland.... I.T10 Mary B. Po"rVJortland.... t.lT Clsy Cary, Salem. Carl Shelton, PortUttd l.lia . Ixiulse Soott Portland ....... 1.700 Mildred U Clemona Univer sity Pafk. Portland. ....... tiI 'Ivy Owena Cedar Mills. , .... .1.100 Paul Nygren, Portland., . w. t Harry Brant, Portland..... . I0 . Edward U Kinaman, Ltnnton (It . 7. i. . 10. 11. 11. II. 14. 1. If. IT. 1. Oeorge KIng..Ktn(aton,,.,4... 100 Ouy Johnson, Portland...... 100 Ruth Turner, -Portland....,, toa AUees Uackman, Portland..,, lie LJ VSTZ; Si u ,Fi"?it i:i m Sheri.'f Does Not Get Rich Feed ing Prisoners at Price Allowed ;-' by County, He Says. : . "I have never aald anything In reply to tha attacks made upon me la regard to tba coat of feeding the county prison- era" aald Sheriff Tom Word yesterday, "but as I have left the office I think in Justice to myself -I ought to aay that tha sheriff does not get a cent more for feeding the prisoners than he Is entitled lO. - . . . . "The truth la that if there are more than prisoners to be-fed. the sheriff can make a little money In feeding them at 17H cents a meal, but when there are less than he makea nothing. Tha ex penaea,for the term are J,ejo, and out of thla the Jailer and cook muat be paid. The trusty prisoners eat at the Jailer's table. - w : . : . , ;"Ths city pay 11 ..cents a "meal to have Ha prlsonsrs fed. We got 17H cents and red our prisoners eorfee and bread that the city prlsonsrs did not get. ' The remainder of their food - la not aa good aa the county prisoners were given. I lost one of the beat friends I had be cause be brought bad meat to the Jail, and I would not patronise him . .any longer. !"-; ' - ; I leave the office with the beat ef feeling, and will do everything in -my power to make it easy for Mr. -Stevens to take bold." I think : tha rockptle gang ought to be .worked. It la the best thing for the prisoners .. and -. for the county. - -- .'. . .. 'I hope the county court will make thing . mora pleasant for ' Mr. Stevens than It has for ma And if bo can make any money out of feeding tha county prisoners at 17 cents a meal -1 think be Is entitled to it."-...'.- .. WATER SUIT ARISES 7 FR0M.RECENT FLOOD (Special Dtapateh to The JoeraaU l atOtee. Or. lab t. There la traobla hrewlae betweaa the city ef aflltoa aad tha Mlltua Pltek eoatpany. .. Last year the . Milton IMtcti eoeipaar aad. the etty of MUtoa catered mte-aa asreeBMnt whereby the ellr waa allowed te Uk water from the eeaipaay'a ditch tor the eerpoas 7 v ; Recentlyone of the Chesterfield Clothing advertisements inserted in The Journal for R. U. v Gray,' the weU-known clothier snd furnisher, not only pleased Mr. Gray, but attracted the attenv '' tion of Sturm.' Mayer ft Co. of Chicao, the manufacturers ' of the Chesterfield Clothing. , Mr. Gray received the following '1-.. 's I". .iM . K. It. Gray, Portland OregotSs.. "i "r.;':" ' ;vv:' "Dear Sir ! beg to, compliment' yon tar the sdrertlsewent in i end constrnction of sam is simply perfection, inasmuch as ft exernplifies the old saying that "He who runs may read." ' That is to say that any one, no matter how stupid, cannot fail to understand thoroughly and lucidly what Is meant by the advertiaemcnt. It sets forth the good; .qualifications in a brief manner and at the same. time says more than three-page advertise.. 5:ment would4 Yours very truly, .1- ,:'.-,. ;V;;v--r;;-v.:-8TUMI, MAYER ek CO.1! . OAS aw4i , All Gas Ranges fand i Gas Wa Heaters Purchased of Us Delivered -v - ana fvr v AXIi T7ednoaday, SljMlaisi " ..... ': . . . ' - . r . a ., - : : The birthday of our nation occurs tomorrow end the preparations which have been going, on in, shop and fac- ' A tory will make themselves manifest in pomp, splendor and noise of celebration. There is no day in all the year so, dear to out countrymen as the Fourth of July. A ', reverence f or is instilled into our hearts from the ' earliest hours of childhood and whatever national holi .'day we fail to celebrate In the fullness of its meaning, let '. . It not be the Fourth of July-the glorious Fourth, which the blood of patriots has dedicated io the Goddess of Lib- " erty forever.; r-jl'C :" "-'7-' ;" - - We trust and hope that everybody connected with us will give vent, Jo their impulses within reasonable bounds , and have a royal good time.' Our store will remain dosed. M day Wednesday. rZ Y!'i"--& of raaalng the aewly-hwtaned elty eleetrie light pleat. It waa agrees at that tubs tea nee el the water by the. elty aheald set tetsrfare la aay war with the rights of tbe water aaars es the ditch. The - late ana caaBgea the channel jar . the aewevert aad left the atteh without water, . Bet the elty aad eenpeay have toraed It seek partly taeagh eeareely eneegh far the letter in reference to the advertisetnenti- 7 STURM,' MAYER (i CO. . Manufsoturer ef . .... ... -. .. FIN TAILORdUADB CLOTHINQ 101 to til Xast Van Buren St. - ; ENJOY THE SUMMER YOU CAN WITH A RAN " The GAS - RANGE gives you time for, summer Joys. With old-time fuels you're ;:; overheated before the fire begins to burn. v ! With GAS you have heat only where, when and as long as you want it. - ';r- i You've a cool kitchen and a cool house. With a GAS ""V- -vacation at home. ) r With the price of GA J per 1,000 cubic feet, it v-. - -- - - - Cr-every J household for, fui everv household ,, . and Connected Free of Charge Telephone ;.Priv. " r'r - c'ir.n DAY"- sea ef hMk. New the Hty ts avtag the ran head water te tea-the eteetrle Hsht plaat. end te ee aetag appears te have cat 4ows the aawent of water which forsMrly Sowed eate the lead of the water aoere aa the aiteh. Tate has caused wseb dtesartafaetlea aa -the part ef the water Basra, and they have aai led aetlee ee the ettj te rafrala free. ta say part ef theff water. r V a : Chicago,'. Jut .26, 1904. The Jonrnsl. Tha set, up L RANGE you can enjoy a GAS. NOW 05 NfiT, should be used In for fuel Dunoses. ' r m , , - c 20 OE ft w