The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 03, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' Tins w. oncccii ' daily jciHiial; fontLAinx Tuesday cvi:r:i:?o. -'july , i:
V 1
31$ OF DIM
Club la Formed to Support Can
v P didaey of Men of Nebraaka
ti v.. yJ:?: wd Oregon,
;; s, j
Urg All to Seep the Faith and De-
yclare That Bryan Cannot Be Beaten
:' . is Next Preaidential Campaign as
the People Are With Him.
ULu' For president William 'J. 'Bryan of
t Nebraaka. , . ..-.. .- .vv r.-. i
For vice-president George K. Chan'
y berlaln of Oregon. '; '"'.:'",'.. '
Ttala is the national tioket advocated
-: ay the. 160 Democrat from ail parts
- of Oregon who ..gathered last night at
' - "the dollar dinner In Watson's reetaa
' rant, and a Bryan and Chamberlain club
tci formed oa the spot. The nam of
-- Brrm u obeered repeatedly. Spaakar
after 'speaker sounded hi praises, and
-tiiere waa no Jtmnf not of dissent.
., Everybody waa for tha Nebraskan.
Oeora-e U Hutchln waa toastmastar,
- and baalda him at the bead of tha
board aat C E. 8. Wood, . Counollraan
, W. T. Vaughn, Charlaa V. Galloway and
Colonel R- A. .Millar. - Ftac of honor
- had baan reeerved for Governor Cham
berlain and Senator-elect J. E. Hedge,
' but at the laat moment word cam that
the lateaese ot - a; train . had detained
: . beta la Balem. i,,. uIlT.i.
- -The enthusiasm began- when Stiles'
'orchestra played "Dixie."' Then "Whll
' the teantmaeter spoke-Of the leader
" ""of Demoacrat? a' picture of William J,
: Bryan waa unveiled and a atorm of ap-
plana swept through the room.
- -We Are a Bee-Sot Farty."
-.'" C K. 8. Wood began the principal
- epeech of the evening 'with the decln
V . ratlonr ."Thla la a hot night, but w are
- a red-hot party." Then the nre ef the
faith biaaed up within bin and be
.pleaded eloquently for . a changeless
"Democracy, one that would erer eham-"Ttplon-
ths-causo ef the people, novo
; swerve and never compromise.
. . "The Democratic party I the party
v of the people," ha aald, V3Brerythlng
that haa dlrtded this country Into
masaea and class baa grown up fender
y. the Republloaa party, which stands be--,
bind every special - privilege. They
prate ef 'vested right, but I say that
i there are no vested rights against the
, rlg-hta of the whale people. It is the
consent of the people that makes every
'.right.- The Democratic party speaks
''for Individualism, for freedom and the
: righto of the people.'-: '
Than followed high pralae of Bryaa
aa a man who aaw in politic not a
game for office but a game for the
, salvation ef the human race.
There la not a thing that Koose
velt has whipped Into the Republloaa
t party," he aald, "but that Bryan had
--originated -and- advocated the same
thing eight years' before." la eloaing
' the apeaker pledged the health and tha
4 Successful presidency of-- William
, Jennings Bryan.'
. .. fade XaDey peeka. -- ';.
Supreme Judge Thomas O. H alley of
' Pendleton was the first ef a long lln
of flve-mlaut speakers. He said that
the United State was too big to be
- monopolised by on party, called Bryan
the best leader the country has ever
known, and closed by pointing out that
' whan "Teddy tbeerror"" climbed-Baa'
'' Juan bill he waa serving under that old
. - Democratlo , , warhers. . .General . Joe
Wheeler. : i
Dlatrlct Attorney John Manning
'--r(jaarsrtolal' nTto.l",..
Pittsburg. July.,a.-4UU another aen
.saaoa haa. come .out of the Pittsburg
" , jniillonaire set. and aa usual there la
, talk of a woman In tha-aaaeJtarl yjfcjg
morning 'Robert . McXnlghJr-'-eoa of
- Marry C McKnlghV one of the wealtb
test men In theeify, shot himself twice
' In the bead nt the family home, The
bullet went clear through the skull
' McKnlg-ht U dying In the hospital.
The McKalght family belongs to the
i get as the Thaws. The dying man
' Roger B. Slnnott furnished all kJnds
1 ief :aln-snulc"- tn the United Sutee
.- district court this morning whsn be waa
t trying to set the dates of trial for five
Chlneec clients who -were up for dc
.. . portatlon. Dlnnott explained to Judge
Wolverton that Chin Gu, Chin Ka Htng
. ' and Chin Suey would not resist depor
... tatlon and asked the court te grant or
dere that they be deported. He still
had a fsw Chins lefVhowever, and they
."- t proved a atumbllng block. .
, ; . Chin Wab and Chin Sing believe that
, they are entitled to remain la thla ooun
'.' ' try end will oontest ths right of the
, government to deport them. Whan the
dates of their .trial were being eonsid
' . ered by Judge Wolverton Attorney Sin
aott mixed Chin Sing- with Chin fluey
We'll Hm Special
ll Jn f window we have
aaesej awusj ga.
Which cannot fall to meet with your approval. They're from our
Tegular atock, not specially bought for the Bcesslon and are of
that euperb Stawkse naUty, color and bsUUeues- as our cut glaso
hae always been, Her are a fsw hints for consideration:
ingle Water Tumblers ....Prom ft .BO end fl.oe to tlM
Spoon Boldsre ................... , Front ia.Ts end 3-O0 to il.TB
0-lnoh Napplecj.......... Fsos $M end 04 00 to il.TS
, -handle Loving Cup From faoo and (70 ag.oo end i.00
Napkla JfUnsa ...... M Frent Lt be fftS.
0 P" T ear M M T' str Asaw' g? sV
' oomirxs nm
rN-mfeevartnf Vswelsra, r Opttetajea.
poke of having once been a fallow
townsman, of Bryan In Nebraaka. H
eloeed hi speech by predicting that
C. B. .-Wood would be the next Demo
cratlo aenator freas-Qrexon.
- W. B. Dlllard of Bt. Haiene delivered
a, vigorous speech .containing more than
a few weU-phrased aenteneea, among
them "Eduoated greed means the de
baaemeat of mankind and the elevation
of money" and The aciona of the an
clent nobility ; of Rome are now . the
organ-grinders or the world." -L:i..;,ate
People la a Tnurt."
fiUte. Senator M. A. Miller of Unn
county - aald: - The Republican party
onca put its trust in the people, but ft
now puts tea people In a trvat." H
poke of the Chioego platform aa the
greatest document, aave and excepting
the Declaration of Independence, that
baa ever been presented to the Amen
can people. - He predloted .vtotofy for
ryaa in ioa, ana saw mat witn tne
great Nebraakaq . In - the - White Hbuae
"the United States would have a preal-
dent with the petrtoUauk of Washing
ton, tha -eloauenoe of Cicero and the
firmness of -Andrew Jackson," and 'the
garnment .would go back ta.tbe peo
ple, whence it came. - , -5 .
- Councilman W. T. Vaughn of this city
expressed his belief that Bryan, would
be the Democratlo nomine la HO, and
that he would be unbeatable. Referring
to the next campaign he aald: "We
look for the nortbweat to be more
Interested than ever before, for ,Ut
second place on the ticket will be .taken
by an Illustrious son of. Oregon, Qov
ernor Oeorg E. Chamberlain." ,
Bryaa-OhambarlaU fflab otmdT t
When the applause had subsided the
speaker moved that the assemblage
transform Itself. Into a erven and
Chamberlain elub, . The motion was car
ried unantmoualy. after which Ueorse
I Hutchln was chosen temporary preat
dent and W. Z. Vaughn , temporary sco
re tary.
x. u. inmaa of Portland declared that
never -truer words - had - been spoken
than that Bryan haa not- changed but
the people have. In oonclualon he aaldt
The Republicans say there Is only one
man who can defeat Bryan, but the
common people cay there la no mil""
i rrederlOc ,V. Holman. . DemocraUe
national oemmltteeman from Oregon.
referred to. Bryan aa "the great con
servative." He lauded Senator Joe
Bailey ef Texas, but the applause for
Bailey waejeeble airt jaiedwex ejmoat.
aa soon as it Began. .
t OaHa Sisa Oieat
X O. Booth of Grants Pass aald ha
had known Bryaa for 14 years and had
never lost faith In him. "I , raaard
Bryan," bs said, "as the greatest states
man ox tne oountry." ; , .' A - : .
colonel R. A. Millar of Portland was
In eloquent mood. ; "To me," be said,
"Democracy Is not a political thought,
not a political creed, not a political
sentiment. It I a religion a religion
to live by, a religion to die by." -
Tne following resolution was then
presented by Senator M. A. Miller and
was adopted unanimously: . ,
"Resolved, That we. the Democrat
her assembled, most heartily - Indorse
William J, Bryan for prealdent In 1101.
and that we believe that the evente
of recent year have - vindicated hie
views and, declarations upon -the- great
questions of the day. and w aleo be
lieve him to be one of the greatest. If
not the greatest, statesmsn ef the time
Charles V. Galloway of Yamhill noun
ty spoke of Bryan aa "the noblest Ro
man of them all'' and urged tbs Demo
crats of Oregon to follow bis example
ana Keep tne raitn. .: . - .
. Dr. W. E. Cobb of Oregon City said
he. had no apologiee to make for Clack'
emas county this year as It bad changed
a majority of ev for Furnlah into
majority of 10V TOT TJevernOr Chamber
laln. . 4Vit i
This concluded the speaking and the
company adjourned with 'three cheers
for William Jennings Bryaa.
Was one ef ths most Intimate associates
of Harry Kendall Thaw. Like Thaw,
young McKnlght baa bad practically aa
unlimited , allowance. , He - la widely
known In New Tork and has been e
faeorttc-wTtbTTHore-than, one young
netreas. For several weeks it, has been
observed that young McKnlght was in
low spirits. There have been reports of
great interest in one of the moot popular
young actresses in ins city.
- Just as the-engagement waa expected
to be announced . It was learned the
heiress had refused McKnlght. ' '
and it area but a short tlms before he
was la a bopeleea entanglement. FriendrJ
iy attorneys rushed la to help the luck
less defender of ths oriental a out ' of
his predicament and be became deeper
involved. 1 4 -' v ' i ' " ; - f
' After the affair was straightened but
It was learned that the sttomey wanted
Chin Suey deported and Chin Sing tried.
An attorney who watched the -aJTatr
oalled It a Chinese opera with the book
by Sinnott set to "Chin muslo" , coro,
posed by the five China. .,. -t,-
vto qeiek results ass the Waa Oei,
etrae joamaj. , ?. , ... ; , ,
xtefwad Stoea
Allen A Lewis Best Brand,
Cut Class
f if
displayed a number of odds
Reductions -:
jMamoad latyorvare.
40,3 jB tjl.jT
(Continued from Page One) .
ctsco relief committee, appropriate, IV
000 each to the local aid and woman's
relief committees and the Individual re
lief fund, for current requirements, with
ths understanding- that, acting in -con
ference, with yourself, we would -mag
further remittance to the San Francisco
relief committee aa eoon aa accounts
could be checked up and transfsr made,
from the various funds having unex
pended balances from allotment made.
and still furthsr remittee when "We re
alise upon ths Lewi and Clark etock
subscriptions; and' you having- declined
to ratify this plan of action, this com
mittee haa concluded -4t edvtaable . to
use their beat Judgment In disposing
of ths funds in hand, la accordance with
the resolution passed by the general re
lief committee on June IT. and have this
day remitted to the San Franciece re
lief committee -140,000,- to Santa itoaa
relief committee 11.000, end appropri
ated to the use of local eld committee
for refugeee reaching Portland 11,000,
women' relief committee for refugeee
rooking Portland 11.000, Individual, re
lief fund 11.000. leaving 11,014.04 oa
hand not appropriated. ' z
"We will proceed te eloee up our
work and remit balance ef funds to San
Francisco aa eoon aa practicable. : Very
respectfully youra, . '"
(Signed) - K. R. huus, nairman,
S" '- - : .--W, U. VXDD, : , ;-.
'. :' "T. B. WW-COX
' Tlnanoe Committee Portland Relief
u!.. CommUUa"..-j....,.V,--
In1 the letur to Mr, Phelan trans
mitting the 140.000, la the following:
"The two hundred and aixty thousand
dollars contributed by our cltlasna svU
denoe, but do not fuUy measure, our
sympathy tn your distress nor our ad
miration of the splendid courage which
is carrying yon forward to re o ration
of the metropolis of- the Padflo coast,
both being beyond, our power of sx-
prssslon." -- :r---
This la signed by H. R. Hog.
The atUtude of the Bnancc commit
tee was fully act forth tn a letter ad
dressed to James D. Phelan by T., B.
WUooa on June jtv-Thla letter waa as
follows: - ' . . :." '"
"June II, Hon. J.' D. Phelan.: Baa
Francisco, California My Dear Mr.
Phelan: I am acting with W. M. Ladd,
of Ladd TUton; A. L. MUla; president
ef the First National bank; R. R. Hog a,
president ef the chamber ot oommorec.
and I N. Flelschnsr ot 1 Flsischnsr,
Mayer A Co aa a oommlttee tn charge
of the fund raised here for the relief
ef Sen Francisco and surrounding oltlea
"Wi have received about 1110.000 and
have to come when the dividend la paid
on the Lewis end Clark stock between
ll$,000 and 110,000 more, making ap
proximately 1100,000. Of thla amount
mere naa been sent rorwara in pro
visions and supplies and used in such
s as have come before ua about
till. 000, leaving In our hands at pres
ent some 140,000 in cash and several
thousand dollars ' unexpended "balances
ef appropriations to various subcom
mittees. Ths unanimous opinion of tbs
committee has been 'to use a little Of
these funds for such caaea of want and
destitution as we found to exist among
woman, children and gentle folk who
would not feel willing to call upon your
committee 'for relief Through the good
offices of H. S. Heller. Miss - Maud
Llssak. Miss Bell Sell wood and . Mra
H. M. Sherman we have been able to
reach guHe numbcrlol JMIsesln.awaj
which I am sure -your heart and, mind
would fully approve, and the cases
seem te be still existent, but probably
not to such extent as oar funds In band
might msec . . v
'While our friends here seem to ap
prove ef our course Mayor Lane eegns
te think that we ehould forward to
your committee at once all the funds
we have In hand, and while I agree with
him to the extent that soms of It
should, go forward, I cannot consent te
its all golng. Not that J or any oLmy
coworkers have any question of : ths
good' use' to which 'your eommltte
would apply It, but ' simply because
there are eases which charity, should
reach which are not likely to. come te
your notice and the assistance which
we have been rendering seernte my
mind of the very best -
"In - order to avert any conflict of
opinion here among our people. If the
work we are doing meets with your ap
proval, ss I an) sure It will. I wish yoa
would wire me upon receipt of this 1st
tor expressing your approval of it and
your desire that we continue to relieve
cases coming undsr our notion with a
portion, of our funds, sending you such
funds from time to time as we feel ws
can spare, . Thla will enable ue to send
you shortly a conalderable portion of
the amount in hand and more when the
Lewis and Clark dividend Is paid.
'The members of our oommlttee, who
are among the largeat subscribers te
ths fund, do not feel that they can
conscientiously abandon the "relief they
have been arrowing, and yet we wish
you to, have whenever your require
ments demand,' everything" Which baa
been -collected. -.' The mayor seems to
think that w are derelict in eur duty to
the contributors in not sending forward
immediately everything In hand, and It
is simply a difference of opinion.-Such
e telegram 'aa I suggest, coming from
you, will, t think, entirely remove Mo
tion and tne more quickly enable ua to
dispose - ef - the- funds - end close our
worn. '
"I suppose sxpresslone of sympathy
ror tne Ban Francisco people are not
untimely even - at this lata date, since
the ay m path y and feeling of our entire
community has been fully ex pressed In
their more than' liberal donatlona. But
my own sympathy goes out most keenly
to "those whose modesty, timidity-or
natural repugnance to o heritable aid are
led to- suffer- In sllenoe. I have no
hesitation In writing yen this personal
Utter, knowing that your big heart will
fully approve of tha course our com
mittee has pursued. .' .
wim kind' regards --and my- beat
wishes for ths success of the work
which ' you 'and your committee have
undertaken, J am yours truly, .
,,- "THEO. B. .WILCOX,
- Reply to the "bceter.
f Io eply Mr. Phelan telegraphed that
the Ban Franciece oommlttee would not
meet until next Friday and that In the
meantime ths policy they had advised
sould not be changed He addedr nt
la aaf to say whatever yen. do will be
aeosptsd end appreciated. Ws thank
you cordially for what you have already
Reports showing what waa" dona with
the money appropriated by the finance
committee for Individual relief and for
ths work -of ths women's committee
here been received. For Instance, Lola
O. Baldwin of the Travelers Aid asso
ciation, tells of help given people In the
moot dire distress. On old lady was
found In Portland three weeks aftar the
refugee had come in. It was a germlne
case of a suffering refugee. When
found ahe had bad noshing to sat for U
hours but a oup of flour and water.
- 3 -., r
MM. Beasa's Deng-ate Began ea
v- leab at One-and Xa.sTow
- . j , Wen aa Xanwy.
" Children are doubtless punished many
times at school for not keeping still or
for dropping things when the trouble ts
really chorea, or Bt, Vitus' da no, as it
Is popularly oalled. So common is this
nervous disease la childhood that la
some schools one fifth ot all the pupils
have been found Buffering from. It In
one form or another. Before the pres
ence ot the disease Is betrayed there, la
ueually a disturbance -of - the - general
health. -The. Child shows llstlesaness
and- inattention. Then it become real
ls "and twitching of the muscles and
Jerking of ths limbs and body follow.
Often the patient loses flesh and be
comes pale and -. bloodless. . A., remedy
thai cures St Vitus' dance, 'and cures it
so thoroughly that no trace of the dls
ease - remains, Is Dr.- Williams' Pink
Pills. A recent cure Is that qt Georgia,
the 10-year-old daughter' of Mrs. IX M.
Ream of Consmaugb. - Pennsylvania.
Mr Ream eaya: r . - : f .
"Whsn Georgia started Uf school last
year ehe had stomach trouble and after
ward bar mouth began to twitch. She
would shako all over and could not be
still.- After a few months her mind be
came affected. She was under the oar
of two doctors for almost four montha
Whsn she bad been sick for about seven
months . we - heard - of a case like
Georgia' that had - been- cured by Dr
William's" Pink Pills. - It was In the lat
ter part of February that ahe com
menced to take the pills end they made
the greatest Changs in bar.-; They not
only cured every trace ot the Bt Vitus
dance but helped her in every way. Bhs
nsvsr was very stout until after sh
took tha pills, but now eh has gained
In weight. Bhs roe to school every day
ana is wait ana nappy. . Dr. wuiiams"
Finn pule are worth their weight la
gold. . " -' v ... . ...
Dr. Williams Pink PUla build -tan 'the
blood to carry health and strength to
every part ef the body. Tbcy have
cured severe cases of bloodlessness. In
digestion, " lnfluensa, " headaohea, lum
bago, - sciatica, . neuralgia, nervousness,
spinal weakneas and ths j. special ail
ments 'of girls end women whose blood
supply become weak, scanty or lrre ru
ler. - Thsy are eold by ail druggists or
will be sent by maiL postpaid, oa re
ceipt of price, to- cents per box. six
boxes for 11. B0, by ths Dr. Williams'
Medicine company, Schenectady, N. y.
Dally calls are tlll being made noon the
association.:' T ... .. -. v.
Bell O. Sell wood, managing Indi
vidual reUef la San Francisco for the
Portland eommltte. reports now relief
la being given people toe proud to apply
to persons with whom they are ac
quainted. ',"..
- Mra. Harry M. Sherman of till Jack
eon street. Baa Franclsoo, also wrltee,
telling how much good haa been done
with, the money contributed bv the neo-
ple sf Portland, ; , .
(Continued from Page One) . -'
more comfortable night laat airhV and
u soiioiuoa kmj is improved. ,
rKsmbertTW fh United Rail way'a oom-t
pany who have eold their atock In, the
corporation retain various "parcels . ef
real- estate in Portland. " A syndicate ef
the Los Angeles men holds more. then
100 acres of valuable land fronting on
the Willamette river Immediately north
of the city.- The tract haa over 1,400
TeetJOt watet-Armtaga,' with a harbei
depth of to feet a pert of the wav. In
dividual members also havs other Fort-
land" property. - - - ;
The Loss syndicate and local ai
elates have prepared and will this after.
noon fil a bond la th sum of tlOO.OOO
to the city of Portland to warrant th
performance r th term of th -United
Railways company franchise. - Th bond
is aald to bays th names of a number
df . prominent ' Portland businsss men.
including Paul" Weeslnrer. Herman Wit
tenberg and others, .whom v the Or a
Lose eyndlcats In turn secures against
possible loss by sA Indemnity bond from
the Metropolitan Indemnity company.
According to the term of the fran
chise tomorrow will be the last day of
the period within which the company
wee required to furnlah a bond.- It la
said at ths city ball that ths compsny
may, et its option, wait until Thuraday
Wfneeondwithbulvinatlng It
rights under the franchise, as tomorrow
Is a legal holiday, and no business can
be legally transacted by the city be
tween .-o'clock today and o'clock
Thursday morning, -v ' "
.;:. A. Bond Is lneeV'r'7'
Ths bond of the Willamette Valley
Traction company for fulfilling the "pro
visions of Its franchise for en electric
railway on Front street was filed with
ths mayor and auditor this morning.
The bond U for f 100,000 and Is tn the
form 'of personal securities. This bond
was previously submitted, but Mayor
Lane returned It with the request that
soms of the wording be changed. , ,
'.--..- x Usenet stetal servtee.1
St. Petersburg, July I. -The peasants
demand for land was discussed in the
deuma today. . The peasants demand
that ths government grant all crown
lands and all lands belonging to the no
bility to them. The total worth of the
property asked for . 1 -11,000,000,000.
They declare that the land belongs to
the people. 'v " . -.; X -
' (Speli Dweateb te The Joorael.) - :'
. Welle WeUar- WnS.r-fely -P.. OHf Amm
Berrrsiea rwteraey eaaeleted the 100 Ui
telle and tamed Ua books ever te the armaeli
te eqoeUse, ' Tbs total valeetlos as aaewa y
the sew rolls la .T04.0ST as somDsred te
$4,400,401, laat raafe valeatloos. The Urn
Increaae U seeesated ret by the fast that tie
imimwl was sMSe as a eo per een saaU.
A boat as per eent ef the, sewevar,
repreeeats sew hBpreveeMats ' sua la Walls
1 WaUa dartog .the-put rest.
(Continued from Pars One) '
Alfred Drill and Msrtoa Bell were ar
raigned on the charge of illegal voting.
All sxespt Olssn were represented - by
Attorney George F. . Martin and were
allowed till July II te enter a plea. , ,
Olssn s attorney is waidsmar Met on
and on hla request September 1 was eet
for. hearing his plea. All -these men
have given baltii - i
FeUfbenxs at SK
(Joernai Special Sorrlce.)- -Indianapolis;
Ind.. July . Vice-
President Fairbanks and wife have ar
rived homer They will apsnd the sum
mar at their oountry place In XJUnoia,
Startling Condon of Affairs Ex-
Ming at Publlo School at . "
: . . : Shaepahead.
"" aeorsal Bnedal eerrlee.1 '" . -
Kew Tork, July A-The momlnf
press haa discovered an am axing stats
ef affairs In publlo school , at bheepe-
keaa- Bay The sohool building ts Just
south of the racetrack, and on two eldes
Its window command a fins view of ths
race ..The pupils use the .windows to
such an extant the press terms this
school tha . unofficial grandstand f tor
tne race iracx.-
r The eohoolyard la a realistic reproduc
tion, of ths betting ring, certain of the
teachers taking money from the pupils
and putting it "with their own to be
placed-on raochoraaa by boys attending
school, v preotioaiiy -the whole school
reeks with the vulgar vernacular of the
gambling lncloeur. The sohool course
waa conducted with extra promptneee
on Suburban day so- the children might
get out la tlms te ase the great turf
evant. i '.'"' e -v
George a Tappan. the principal, la ap
parently not eoacerned. over these oon
ditlona. This earnest educator remarked
blandly at Sheapshead. whsre the very
sir is Dormeeted with tha racing spirit.
that the people did not regard Juvenile in
terest la the sport aa unxavoreaiy a
outsiders doubtless would. , , .
" (Special tHspaleh te The Jearael l '
" BalUnsham. Wash.. July a. FlorenoO
O'Brien, a 11-year-old girl, wbU sitting
en the rail of a steamer had bar Isgs
eaurht in aooll of hawser and -tore
completely off at the knee. Both
dropped lata the water. Her -tnjurle
are. f etaL ) ,. r .-; " - .
. . Sua,. tw.,1 -a n,a ( . -
Olymnia. -Waah, July - A party ot
otaclala representing the o tone-w osier
company, railroad builders, which le ts
construct an loterurnan rauway irora
Taoo ma, to thla pity, are la town today
making the Journey here over a portion
of the proposed right of way la ear au
tomobile. They expreee themselves aa
being highly pleaaed with Olympla, -
. Wr," -n
r (Continued "from" Page One.) ;
could kavs had no defense. Instead the
three aetectlvea went off to doctor an
their reporte." ' " ...
Rorke told ta etory te in aisxnot
attorney. Anthony Corns took, today, re
ceived a letter, signed joy a man wbe
saya be Is personally cognisant of what
went oa In the room In Twenty-fourth
street occupied .- by -. White and bis
friends. . He gives Comsteek the namee
et several of White's friends. An im
portant statement In the letter is tat
young girls wre ' brought - regularly
from the oountry to serve tne purpose
of White and other men..-,' , '
'TXf yon have not ' answered fas 9eaa
sal want Ada lately yom havs gotten
sat sf none- watt tsrfngn. ; ... ....
Hamburg, July I. The Church of at
Michael tower spire, 410 test high; was
destroyed by firs" thie morning. The
tower falling crushed . a number of
neighboring houses. Which Ignited and
killed four workmen. t .
'" lcanklln Bane arworm tn, .-i
-i -.(Joereai Bpaclal Smlta.l '
i Washington, - July- S. FranxUn -, K,
Lane of California haa been sworn in
aaa member ot the Interstate commeroe
commission, . c-...1, '-" '!- .- '--r
Wwo ollaa
' Warsaw, July I. Terrorists assassi
nated two more police sergeants . this
morning. both being killed - on ths
street a Ths assaaalns escaped.
:The -HandTDoctorln'
Youryeat Pocket
TS a . thin, round-oornered little
Enamel Boa" - -0 , ',:. ' f
' When carried In 3 your , Test
pocket It means Haith-Iiurance.
, ; It oontalns Six Candy Tablets of pica--ant
taste, almost as pleasant as Cbocolata,
- Each tablet la a worMnf dose ef Oas
careta, which acta like Exerolsa onjhe ,
: Bowels and Liver. ,,.., . -t, f-
' It will not pur re, gloken, nor upaet,
the atomach. ;'r.' '..":" ," 'V;, ".
Because It la not a 'Bfla-drrrar," Bka
' Salts, Sodium, Calomel, Jalap, Senna,
'.nor Aperient watera. .. . . ;,
, v Neither to It like Castor OO, Cryoerlne,
or otho? Oily LaxaUves ""that simply
lubjrjoate the intestines for transit of the
food stppped op la them at that parrlcular"
' The chief cause of Constipation and
J Indigestion to.ajreakneas of the Muscles.
that contract tha Intestines and Bowels.
, " Caaoarets uo practically to the Bowel
Mueclee what a Maasafe and Cold Bath
are to the Athletic Muscles. '" '. : '
-"They stimulate the Bowel Muscled to
contract, expand, and squssze the Dr
geattvs Juices out of food aalen v"
They don't help tha Bowels and Liver
In such a way aa to make them lean'
' upon similar aoaistanoe for the future, -
., . ..Thla la why, with Caecareei, the dcao-
may be lessened each guooeedlnf time
Instead of tnereased, aa It must ba with
all ether Cathartics and Laxatives. .
- - - -. ; .. .. ,
t If carried tn your vest pocket, (or ear-,
fled la My Lady's Purse.) and eaten uat
when you suspect you need a Casoaret
tablet, you will never know a siok day
from the ordinary His of Ufa. ; i '
1 Because these Ills ben In the Bowels,
and pave the way for all other diseases.
"Vert PooketM boa lOeenta. , ;
Be sure you fst the'yenulnet made
only by tha Starllnf Remedy Company,
and never eold In bulky Every tablet
atampee "CCC",
- :
iiy.r r a m ai si
TttE'-TWO-WECEx UlTS W are -r Z$
ofTtne-'trrri morlela-nf rjii fsrit liTvfiw ' '
(atylea. are rijht
tl: ;.i
-. - "ore are rizht the
;'make and are to
, 1 . - v only at ) ,
.... v. ,;
, ' , ' ' ' ' ' . ' --w-" " -4 ..' . a-
As to Vzi-je tlont
....... (MiniaI ajjweut tarvl,.., z,
- Orovllle, Cat, July I. The Oug gen
helms' smelter trust has - purchased
large -holdings ot dredging land a here
and active operations are expected eoon.
Thla Is the aanba corporation which la
reported to have recently aoquired Ore
gon property. Tjpon good, authority It
le stated that Guggenheim Interests
now control th farnoua Cornuoopl gold
mines near Baker City, Oregon.
-"" Fatrbenka, Alaska..' July sWohn
Jnhnaoq.-fcaabeea-feemd -dead on fats
claim -la Xantlahna, . He was burled in
a hole that be bad dug while mining-.
j Charles Bwanson wee killed by JSS is
a 10-foot bole on Cripple creek.. . ... .
Fo urth and
4 v
LThlg Jj tha Hnd of waatfaar
you need one to keep the lawn
green. 'Nine different slylea.
Two else a and H4nch.
Svery- len'rtJi complete with
noxxle, connectiong and waab
era, ready to attach to your
:ieet' :;; ;(-:(
WORTH $1.25
We Hsv Everything Necea
gary for Repairing Hooa.;;
asi a a m aa- - ai - ara s. m mm sr at u aa ,
-.,- v- - T-l - - f" .
. . , ' 1
.'." 'f :. ''.-r x
f7. .f..,-.:'.'; Tiyy, - -
v ; ''. ;
1 1 m :a
the patterns and col
fit la an that could ::4 :-
ba. found in Portland , r
. , ;v : . 4; . ni: : ; i ,
"',:.i '. '..- ;':... y ."'-r,
v " -' ' " , , m r h it.
Do or Ota Che Ctttsr .
. . ( jMraal BpMtal aerriea.) t
Cansas City. July Is John Bpayeru
first sentenced to to yearn for the mur
der of hla ittue eon, was cermet s ea
murder la the first degree this morn-"
Ing en a retrial ana wui be a
te hang.
July a aaa VAag-ast T, a, a,
v,',:.-.fVv tanaiO. r,... .
Rummer sxourslon ratsa. , sdaaetee
June II,1 U, July t s, August f. s,
aeptember a, 10. Bat from Fertland 1
to Chicago, IT1.M1 ta at. Louis, 001.01
Kansas Clty,jOmaha and Be Paul. J0J .
Denver. . - .v.- -,.., --:
For InfotrmaAloa tn referenoe ta- rates; :
and particulars ask C. W atinger, erty
ticket agent, .Third and . WasSlagtoa
streetai iFortlaad. ... . , - m. :., ,; t , :
Honey-Saving Spec-
Red, white and blue garland . ... 1 5 a)
Red, white and bluer bells.lOel to 45c)
Red, white and bine baUo.5o) to 4S
Crepe Paper Flags, 2 for,V-r,,M".Bo)
Crepe Paper, all eoJoro.'.vO?, lBe
Uennison'a Lunch Seto; regular
30c Special .Jr.iSa)
Dennioon'a Pacer 'Nankins: resit- '
lar 30c Special...... .,..2&f
Fiber Plates for picnics, dozen... lOf
Box Papeteriea, worth tip to 40c v"
Special ...llej
Box Papeteriea, worth tip to 50c v .
" ' Special . , .4. . .2 si
Enipire Sleeve Protectora..V0.4.S5a
Sponge Bag .,........,.....16eV up
Ladies' Handbae: resulaf tlO '
Special . . .. . . , , .f 1.17 ,
Ladies Handbag, new Venetian
': handlef all" colors ' regular
1.50. - Special tl lf
i Oxford jrlandbagt; lSarcgulaf aell-
Ing price.'". .yX...: U t-: V7y
family and Medici
nal Llquon for This
,Wflioa Whioky Qt; pecial..i. $1.09
Maryland Uubqt; o pedal.. .f X.OT
Fioher'a Rye, qt; special... ',. ....
Muskingum Valley - Whiskey, r i .
qnartj special f 1.28
Chicken Cock Rye, QtTtcial7r.8r
Walker's Canadian Oub; opecT.f 1.05 '
DeWar'o Special Scotch; sped. f 1.08
Extra-Fine Old Scotch; special. $1.18
Fine Old BonrbonV opecll.;".r..81o'
Fine Old Rye Bourbon, Canadian; '
pedal -.:.v .J.ais)
White Port; special. ........... .T8),
California Port, qt; pedal. ....88s)
California Sherry, qt.; special. ;..85
Cabernet,. Souterne, Burgundy, . '
ReUling, Extra Select Calr- ;
. fornia, quart, choice. ....... ..,864)
Our- special Port and Sherry . '
M , a, 1 amjas mvA
;.jor,iiui wees. giiion.o...,f Arw