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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1906)
M GEET IS s Expert Horseman Write Inter- T. esting Letter About the , ' . .Meadows Racing. PROSPECTS POINT.TO , 1 A RATTUNQ GOOD SEASON Form of the Ponies and General In- :.' formation , Regarding 1 the ' Puget ' Sound Race Meet Horses Seem to Run la Peculiar Streaks. - By Ralph H . TomFi - ef IM JocraI. " Seattle, WuIl, July, i. It la quIU WDumt that thla la solns to pa gilt ' edged racing and battler town. Support a lone race meeting? -.. Why, the Seattle Dubllc according 'to 'indications, would support a U-month-pr-year affair Crt .. tae sort and be. betting heavier, at the end of tbo aeaaon than at tha- beginning. At preeeat there are ao Plttaburg Phila or Riley Graanaas around the betting enclooure, but oa the contrary there are enough dollar betters to drive a nervous pencller-to distraction.' With experience and atudy of "form" will come more and more "regulars", and heavier bettlns by the wise students of the meet intereatlus 'dope la existence. , Strange to amy, eren with the lack of horsa knowledge of the majority of the Seattle race goers the bookmakers are almost with out exoeption loeera on the season. . Some ,ound the financial pace too tor rid, and last Wednesday the tins was ahy two books, Charles Hoffman and. an easterner named Kemmer being the re tirees. Howerer, the former patched np hla fences and returned to .the fray yea L'Abbe, seld to be partner of Colonel Ed Applegate, put on v book, with Colonel ' Deropsey, a -famt oua cashier from the bluegrasa country, aa money-taker. Harry " Froelich has won nearly every day for- O'Brien 4 "Mutltns, a local firm that recently em barked on the bookmakers' ship. -.: Eng strom is doing a land office business and Joe Harlan makes , perhaps the heaviest book at . the Meadowe. Horaea seem" to ran to form here in streaks, and therewere. days when the winners could not nave been figured by any one outside tha confines- of an In- " aana asylum. One rank case of copper off and copper on was that of Ramus and Boloman, and the Judges' might have gotten busy over this with profit to clean racing.' Hooligan turned a great form flipflop too, his bad and good races being but two daya apart. James A. Murray Improved greatly In a week. JackfuU a hot favorite, did not run witjrlbe vim he pleasant price and when opposed by good "madders" like the. Huguenot and Briers. The latter, extra good to heavy going, ran. badly several times over a heavy course, then beat fleet ones la fast Urns oa the dry at a cooa price. Of course, horses are not pieces of a chlnery that run Juat so, but they should not run' last or nearly last In a bad field and tn a few daya come out and beat' better ones than in the prev ious race. -;-;;';vr &as Last Monday the winners were: H. Maack's Melltab, AJ Goodtn's Rathgar (a former member of Kd Corrlgan's ' stable). W. Short'i Storeys Canoplan, R. W. Campbell's " Bearskin (supposed to be about the worst horse inv training) and T. ttavles' old-time world-beater. Water cure, who occasionally shows flashes of funnel' aieatuesa. MelltaJl. RaXhgaf aSd Olendennlng were favorites, while - Canoplan and Bearskin wese at odda of to 1 and II t 1 respectively, water cure was second choice at S to I. Jockey McBrtde rode Melltah and Olen dennlng and waa second en Lerlda. Olendennlng ran i six furlongs la 1:11 with 10T pounds up. and it ahows that . the old fellow Is still something of a speed marvel. Old Watercure .himself did a mile and a alxteenth in 1:41. carrying 111 pounds, which record has far. . - Tuesday's winners were: J. J. Ellerd's Kllerd (t to 1). B. Schrelber's Walter Kckles (4 to 1) and Dewey (11 to i), J. D, Browns Rndabek (J to 1). Bchu bach 4k Co.'s The Hugenot and O. P. McNeil's Funnyside to l. It was the letter's fourth successive win. Not a favorite waa auoceeaful. but lonr of the six wsre uiU heavily played. Dewey -ran a mile ..and yards In l:ti, the first mile la 1:4. Funny- ' aide's win was at Ave and a half fur longs, her other victories being st s mile.- The MUt. favorite at 4 to In the Funnyside race, was badly beaten at t he poet, She belongs to -. W.H.. Ham mond, a brother of tha lumber and rail way magnate. Lawrence rode Walter , Kcklea and Dewey and It looks as If the boy that used to tide for Pat Dunne had returned to his best form. - .. .. Wednesday's winners were! , Tavora, v Linda Rose, Belle Kinney, Massa, Lotta Oladstona and Hoodwink. Massa was the only decided favorite . la the list He belongs to W. H. Hammond also. Hoodwink was at to 1. She was a ones grand race mare and ran her mile and a furlong here In l:ftH with 101 pounds. Massa did. his mile and a.. six teenth la 1:47 with 104 pounds. Lotta Gladstone was as good as II to 1 la the betting. McBrlde had the mounts on Tavora, Massa and Hoodwink and' hla ride on the latter waa a marvelous piece 1 r. 1 1 -1 . . . . t " " " vwiuwii, mn e-pouaa lea, plleted Linda Rose and Lotta Gladstone nd Is easily the best light boy here. Thursday the course, waa muddy and not a favorite got home In front, the winners being Ambitious. Orace St Clair, Nanoa. James A. Murray, Pay Me and Lncian. It waa Kanon's lOId win, ao owner Stuart Polk informed me. the old mare's Victories . ranging from qnarter of a mile to a full mile on sU orts of track metropolitan and bush. I remember her beating Hagerdon, Wal Juret and McNamara at Butte when thar were considered "sOmavpurapklns nnd at Los Angeles she .downed Jim Hale. She once won three rasas in an afternoon, her, victories being at,- a quarter mllo. three eighths of a mile and five elchths of a mile. Many of her are not down In Goodwin's guide, but Mr. polk has kept track ef tnem. anq ne is jn-Jnner races. fanon was bred in - Montana and IS by -imp. Glyndon (son of the SntlOSSTIOaT ; t . VTIth ts companloos, heartburn, flatu lence, torpidity -of the liver, oonatlpa, tton, palpitation of ths heart, poor blood, edaohs end other nervous symptoms, 1-miow skin, foul tongue, , offensive reath and a legion ef other ailments, is t once the tnoet widespread and de kiructlve malady among the American are an neee irnuoiea. too bottle. Bold Woodard, (larke e Co. . 2 great cup horse Roslernclan) from Edith B., by. Voltlfeur,- a son or grand eon' of Vandal, sire of Virgil, Hindoo's aire and Hanover's grand a Ire. No about our greatest American sire Is Hamburg, a son of Hanover. ' . . . , . , :-: Friday not a decided favorite won, the track being heavy and drying out. the winners .being ' MUsora, Heralan, Rudabsk again, old Duelist, Ho Ma nola and Boloman. who turned the ta bles on Ramus. MUsora, is to !, Just beat the 1 to 1 shot, Mrs. Frankte New burgh, a bead, while Flo Manola, at t to 1, had but a head margin over the favorite, Anlrad. at the finish. - On Saturday .there, was a -tremendous turnout, ana 1 J dookb ata ouainesa in the . big ring. - The track was . fairly fast ' -The - event of the day was the Tacoma handicap, won by Captain R. R. Rice's Rightful, second choice at I to 1. It was his first start at the meet ing and he led moat of the way and won with a bit In hand In 1:41 for the mile. " Watchful waa second, one and a half lengths away and a neck before the added . starter. Fisher., boy. The other winners were Little Buttercup (backed from 4 to 1 to to 1). Kumiss (aa good aa to 1). Melius. (11 tot, winner by head over Schrelber's Walter Eck- les, who stumbled), James A. Murray (equal favorite with Pel ham to 1), Briers (7 to 1). and a sudden awaken ing, last, but not least, Dewey (played from to I to 4 to i). He ran a, mile and 10 yards in 1:4 flat, close to the track record, and carried 101 pounds. This horse was In the atud at .Schrel ber's Missouri farm for a couple of sea sons, and it Is a remarkable case of re-auacitatlon.-MellUh, one of tha. day's winners. Is one of his daughters. Starter Duke has been doing excellent ! uwrrjur wwi ui ieiv. peii.iDg nie jietas 1 A - ... . ... orr quicxiy ana well. . . Dr. Fehr, V. 8., formerly of San Francisco, was badly braised laat Ft! day by being dragged . a eonslderable distance- by a -fractious horse he was driving In from the. racea.-. -Charles Reese, who was with him. sustained I dislocation of the shoulder. - : Billy Ayers of Portland is still book Jng and meeting with varying access and Mr.. Conrad, a well-known dispenser or wet gooas le the Oregon metropolis. was a visitor last , week and William Young Is visiting his friend Arthur Ben nett, owner of and editor of the Sports man. - , . '.":...;: v.; '.: . , U'CAEEY 11L HOT EIITER BASEBALL M3 Eight Promoter Refuses to Take i!pthft Maijasementf Los y Angeles Club. '; ; (Joeraal Bpeelal Berries.) - - -Los Angeles. Cel.. Julv I Tarn Mc Carey has' Irrevocably decided that- the ngnung game and , baseball will not Siix, and yesterday finally rejected all vertares looking toward hia taking hold ef the homeless Angels. - hatandlng - pretldenf; Rert'e statement that 129,00 would be ralstd by ths clubs of the National associa tion to make up tha losses sustained by. the - Paolflo League clubs, no one eeema disposed to take a chance at base ball thla year, although if on return of the Los Angelas team to this city this week enough Interest waa man ifested to make It apparent that there would be ao loss. It Is possible someone may be found to father the gams here. In the meantime the plan Is' to select a new manager for the erstwhile Angels, and who It will be la aa yet a matter of conjecture. It wiu not be long before nan jrrancisoo has a baseball park of Its accortt- pllsfaed fact. It Is not Improbable that baseball will again attract some Interest on the coast, aa the demoralising sit uation resulting from the San Francleoo aisaster r,admorst9 da. wit a lack H lntereifTlhaa-asr -other- dlrert -ranu The first game thla week la scheduled to be played against Fresno today, al though there la some talk of waiting unut me r ourcn 10 open tno series, SPORTING GOSSIP. At Marlon, Iowa, a three days race meeting Is scheduled to open today. It la the Initial meeting .of" the Greater Cedar Talley clirotfa: orsanlaad laet l aiarcn. ;- : A large entry list is reported for tha "'"J umuii tournament af the Rich mond Gun club of Richmond, Virginia, The southern states tennis champion ships begin today on the courts of the Atlanta - AtQietic club of . .Atlaata- The Illinois valley harness racing elt eult starts the ball rolllne- for leoi with a meeting opening' today at La oaiwuinois. , ' . . - !, . e , e ' .". , , -, Under the new schedule of the Michi gan short ship ctroult s three days' meeting opens today at Romeo, which will be. followed by the Port Huron meeting next week, -. . ,v ::y.Kr..;;, . J;' r:.,,' : The ; three v days harness 'meeting opening at Terrs Hants today promises to be one of the most successful aver pulled off In that city, which is proba bly the best town for horsemen In the whole of Indiana. The program pro vides classes for the 1:10, :lt. Ml :20, t:ti and 1:0 trotters and the 1:08. Ml. 1:14. d:lT, :H and t it pacers, p '.e e ; J, ..V, .. "Broadway Aleck" Smith caught hfs first game of the season recently for the New Tork Nstlonals. , - . t- " ' ''. " ' ' r ' y 0 :- - v " )' Fred Mitchell, who : was ' formerlv with the Boston Americans and the Brooklyn Nationals, Is Toronto's "main squeese" la the box this season. Two baseball teams Hnada an mt here of the polloe and fire departments of San Francisco are to tour the east playing exhibition gamea for the bene fit of the widows' and orphans' fund. : e e ..." , , v , , The Fort Scott "club of tha Kane State league .won 14 games out of 4 Played. L - - , , . .", e . s . i, ' s .';'.; 1 With SO' manV von n cetera Krkin. Into baseball nowadays those old play ers who were so hard to manage a year cr two ago will now stand without be ing tied. ., v ' ' e ' 0 , ,, . : . course, an aiistocraUo horse Hire Sysonby could not die of any common place disease. , , ; ' e e . : , An omnibus driver ' licked a man wtia re him a bad dollar. We ean t see by an omnibus driver should ebiant te taking stage money. s- ' 1 . e e - ' ); , . r Richard Canfleld. In defending Ma profession, declarea that everything in life la a gamble. He 1a quite right, too. The only, trouble la that a few people want to make a cinch game of it ."'''" e -- . sv .. The bicycle meet St Newark laat Bun day was quite a eacceea. There was a nst tight between three of the riders snd four others went nn strike and re. J fused te ride. , . ' TIES OnzCOII DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVKJKJO,.. JULY S, 1 1UT0 GOSSIP TIIEL0C11L8 OF Portland Automobile Club Has . Planned to Hold a One-Hun-. " dred-Mile Race. - CONTEST WILL BE HELD ., LATER IN THE SEASON H. L. Keats Company Will Receive a Pope-Toledo tiroonalne This Week at . Their Local Oarage Car 'is Lighted by. Electricity. -7 100 miles road race In the fall when the roads are In good condition is' now the plan of Portland automoblllats.. At a recent meeting of the club such a race was talked about-and. arrangements were made to ask the manufacturers to contribute prises, possibly in the shape or several handsome , cups.'7 Several roads around Portland are particularly adapted to automobile road racing for tbey combine the various characters of roads and therefore the' machines - can get every test that is necessary to dem onatrate their usefulness, staying quali ties and speed. The plan Is to have either a it or a 20-mile course, so that the cars In going 100 miles will pass the reviewing atand, or in fact any point on tne course, either five or six times. 8everal courses have been gone over and the one that meets with popular favor la to the east of the city, for It la practically free from bad turna and twists. . The course .which. Is popular la the one starting at Thirty-ninth street and the Base Lino road. It leads over the Base Line to the Section Line road and from there to Greanam and then back to the Base Line road and to Thirty-ninth street. As nead aa can be Hudged thla road ia II miles long, and therefore In making the course each car would-pass srglven.- point nearly six times In making the 100 miles. This -coarse la practically free of bad going. ..There are a couple of awkward turna in going around Mount Tabor, but these can be avoided if -the course is laid out over the top of the hill, which would be a preferable 'course.7' ti it would test the hlll-cllmblng qualities of each car. ' There is one S turn in the course, but It can be negotiated by ex ercising ordinary care, .. . ;. ' . The event has already- aroused the en thusiasm of not only the local automo- mlle owners, but also tha dealers, for with, the fninMvmM(. "made in each model, this year each dealer is claiming superiority for his car and with auch a road race the question of merit-will be I settled, it is believed tbet the manu facturers will enter into the spirit of the proposed race and offer valuable trophies. They are usually very active In promoting any event that will prove the usefulness of their ears, and as this race will aurely do that It la believed tbey .will give It their hearty coopera tion and offer the prises the automobile clubs, hope. 'Th H. L. Keats Auto company are expecting to recelv thla week three Franklin oars which have already been sold to Portlandera. W. G. McPheroon. who laat year had his first automobile. so pleasedWIth hto Franklin thts hasTio Baltes and Captain Brown will each get one of the new Franklins. ,..'.(. . w e e i Tha finest automobile that has ever been III rui timid. Is en Dec ted fnTs week by the, H. L. Keats company. . It will be a Pope Toledo Limousine and when It appears on the street It is pretty sure to create a sensation. For ktnka. finishing snd equipment this car la hard to excel. It la, although a gasoline- driven - car, lighted by electricity and la connected with various appliances. including a apeaklng tube, which leads from the seat of the car to the cnaur- four's seat. Inside, snugly concealed Tn the finishing. Is a small waahstand wTlelwThnadycanwash Ber 'dainty hands after being In a shop handling vartoua fabrics. There are also other toilet appointments, which is a revela tion of the automobtie-ounamg -ari, Among the lateat autolsts to Join the ranks of ths Pope Toieao eninusiasis 1a frnxt T. MerrilL For several years MT7Msrrlll has been a riving a ram bler, but has now 'placed his order ror a Pope Toledo touring ear ana expects to receive it in the near zutura. i i e e . , rw w T Unn. ttf Aelem this morn ing came to Portland to receive his new two-cycle Oldsmoblle. After getting the car he Immediately left for Salem and expected to make the trip In two hours or. less..., .;," . - f ., ; .." -v SHEEPSHEAD BAY AND DENVER RACE RESULTS .' .. .' , ' " - . ' V ' (Imrnal Spertal ' lervlee.t ', ': ,; ; " Denver, July 1 The results: : " " Blv. furlonars Red Ruby won. Meller second. Babe B. third; time, l:iL v One mllo- twa EUa won, ilea ijamsei second, -. Supreme - Court third; time. Five and" one hslf runongs Biumen- thai won. Invasion second. Unmasked third; time, 1:11. Six furlongs Lord Nelson won, nat Zltt second, Dr. Tom third; time, 1:30 4. Six furlongs Illuminate won. J. C Clem second, Mr: Bob third; time, 1:11. Six furlongs Brannlgan won. Lone Star second, Peter Partrl third; time. -'- ''.;. At aTheepShead Say. :'' (Jearaal Rpedel f.nlge.t New Tork, July I. Sheepehead Bay results: :. ' Six and one half furlongs. - main course se-tllngFsr TVest won. Rye sec. ond. Sir Russell third; time, 1:11. One mile and one furlong Oliver Cromwell won, O'Rourke second, Woods man third; time, 1:64 I-. . . Five end one half furlongs. Futurity course Botanist won. Misgivings sec ond. Royal Breese third: time, 1:07 1-S. The Equality stakes, jneiniLfr Ham lurrs; "Belle" wonTHalifax second. Fancy Bird third; time, l:ltl-. - Five furlongs. Futurity, course -Jaun ty won, Miss Stroma second, Barlngo third; time. 1:03. One mile and one half, on turf Lan castrian won. Our Sister second. Sam son third; time, t:S4i-6, . . .; , Only SI Tears Old, I 1 am only 11 rears old and don't e. pect even when I get to be real old to feel that way as lonr aa I can get Elec tric Bitters," aays Mrs. E. H. Brunaon of Dublin, Oa. Surely there's nothing else keens the old aa vouna snd n.k.i the weak as Stron as thla rui I meaicme. Lyspepsia. torpid liver. In flamed kidneys or chronlo rnn.tln.tlnn are unknown after taking Electric Bit ters a reasonable time. Guaranteed hy aV tV Sktdmore Co., druggists. Price 2to. KELSO TfM i:::iS;ii: Locals Were No Match for the t i Lads From Across' the; v. Columbia. ; . V;; : In a comedy of errors, which covered' a period of two hours, tha Kelso (Wash ington) team took a fall out of the East diamond. - Hurlbert, . who started to pitch for the Grays, was Injured In the second inning and waa adeeeeded by Henkle. who was touched w for 11 hits. rtwo of them being doubles. Hull, for Kelso,- received better -T support r and wiped things along with Ills stick. Gra ham caught a great game for the Grays. cutting off men at second like a vet eran,'-. Detailed score: : S- GRAT& - - . IB. Rk H. PO. A. FJ. McElwaln.. If. 40 14 I 1 Morrow, cf. .4 Graham, C 4 Anderson, rr. Tauscher, lib. 1 Gearln. lb. .......... 4 Gates, Jb, 4 Myers, as. Hurlbert, p. 1 Henkle , ,.,.,... .'. t Thing . . . .,...1.. 1 -Totals t;.7i-.H KELSO. 14 1111 1 ' - 'Aa R. H. PO. A. E. 1 1 e j 1 naioert..iD. ........ t 1 Heberden, cf, . fneips, 10. , Thurston, e. ........ Nelson. If. . ....t.... t Johnson, tb. 1 t e 1 Heebee, rr. .4., ,,. , .41 1( 4 17 9 Batted for Henkle In- ninth. 8CORB BT INNINGS. Grays ? !!!MJ! Kel elso . .,:::.:::."4 I M U M , 1 1 . ive ...1 1 4 1 a s 1 1. STJMMART. Vie, 1: by Hull. 7 HUM OH D -01T HurlberU 1; off Henkle. 1: off Hull. 1. Two-bara hits Graham, Tauscher, Hull, Heberdenr Thurstonr"- Double play s--Grays, S: Kelso, !. Saorlnce hlte-v-Mor-row, Anderson. MoKlwain. - Tauscher. Heberden. Stolen ba nee Morrow. Tau- ecner, xning, tieDe on bases Grays. 7 Phelps. Left innings pitched By Hurlbert, t; by Henkle, 4. Base hits Oft HurlberC. I; off Henkle, 11. Time. of game One hour. and 60 minutes. Umpire Smith,' of Kelso,' NATIONAL LEAGUE, " ' " Vl .i' LiiWon.': Lost. P.C. Chiee ge - . .- , s 4 1 - 1 1 -.441 -464 .444 PltlabUrg . . ...... ..,41 ir- 71 New York--.',. ...41 2 Philadelphia . a ...... .14 : , 15 .401 3 .41S Cincinnati . ?4l 5 .7 8C Boston It 44 .I4 At, . bonis. st. Louis ..... .t i( Pittsburg , II I Farland, Lelfleld. Xyneh and 6'lbaoa Batteries Brown ad McCarthy: Mo- UBpira-vwrwu rtwwr . - At saw. Tork R.H. . Brooklyn . . ...."..V.U........7 . 1 New York . .......l 1 "Batteries . Strlcklett - and Bergen; Taylor, Ferguson, Mcuinnity ana bow- erman. umpire r.mane. ' ' ..'At Boston. ' ' " ' t -v. ... . R.H. Boston ..................... ..1 Philadelphia . . . ..r. -. 4 0 1 Batteries Pfeiffer and ONell: Pit- tlnger and Dooln. umpire Conway. 1 1 . . At Chioage. .. "'',-: .-i s - - ; ' . R. H..K. Chicago'. 0 , 4 1 Cincinnati . , ................. .1 4 ' 0 Batteries Overall,- Lundgren And Kllng; Fraser and Livingston. . Unplre AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia Cleveland , new - i xjrm . .. . Detroit . . ......... 14 Chicago - .....II St. Louis . ...It Washington , .. ....... 2t Boston . . ...... i .. j. .IT to 10 .611 .624 .601 .145 11 40 41 . .. , . . ; - l . . :': .Jit Pbllsdalphlsw First game , R.H. E. New xora . ,,. ...... .4 II , I - TiaTierlee NewTon. Clarkson. Chei bro and McGulre; Thomas, Plank . and Powers. - j-u Second raras- -r-i-"- R. H." B New Tork . ........... 4 ...... .6 II 1 Philadelphia .. .v.. ... ......... 1 t 1 Batteries Orth and Klelnow; Coak- l.v Rinilar enit itnhreclr. At Washington. -r- First arame R. H. E. Washington .V..V.V". .'.': ..I ' 9 1 Boston . 11 . Batteries amitn ana ,, waaeneia: Xoung and Armoruster. ... . Second game . . n. n. to. l Washington , . ............ to Boston . ....................... t - I Batteries Falkenbers nnd Heydon: Winter, Glace, Harris ana reierson. At fJleveland. .' , . . . . . . .-R.H. S. Cleveland . ..-T.....4 4 1 n.t.nlr . . ........ .... Batteries Hess sna uin uunanas and Warner. Another -notory fov O. sv M. . The O. R. A N. "team added another I '."'i. Won. V' IrOflt .V.G. ' ' ftth V wsl aTAA l 4 '..400 l victory to their Itet by defeating thelParrott, Myers p , Roblnaon North Portland team by a score of II tot.. ft ""''':'''.'.'''''.'' Ths same was Clayed Sunday morning I on the crounds at Twentieth and -Sa-1 vler streets. CobelL the O. R. A N, southpaw, waa In great form, allowing only one hit, while at bat he got one two-bagger and two singles himself. , O. U. A N. North Portland. PIMner .' Kline Cobell ' . . . . . . . . .P. . ".' Burgmen Burns , .lb. ........... . Ochs Murray ...2b. ...,.- Barge Peterson ss .... Peterson Adams lb........' Stevenson Evens ........... .rf ........ ..B. Ochs Wstklns ; ?. .ef .......... ., Frana Williams i....;. ..If. ........... Saub Score by-Innings: - O. R. A N. ....... 0 0 I I I 0 I 0 I II North Portland..! I A 01100 1 DOMINICANS DEFEATED - f BY ALBINA VICTORS In a well-played contest yssterday the Alblna Victors added another vic tory to their -record by defeating the Domlnlcana by the acore of I to I. The feature of the gams' was.. horns rua by Schene. The lineups A. Victors. - - i s Domlnlcana Jonee-Schtne , .;..p... Bchene-Courtney . .o. ..I.... Troy 1 J. Mueller........ lb.. ........... Davis E. Jones-Courtney. lb... ,.. Hlirglns Hogan ....... O'Brien F. McDonnell Kerns .If. Mullen Horet. Manning . . .ef s Vm -Byrnes j IB. Manning. ......ri. sweeney EH!D READY FOR GO Featherweights, Will ; Clash V Ring Tomorrow Evening at. in Los Angeles. : TWENTY ROUNDS WILL BE LENGTH OF BATTLE Both Men' Are : Very ; Confident of Victory and Sports la the Sunny South Are LooUnf Forward to an Exciting Contest.':;'; tr:V; . (Jeoaal RnecUl aenlee.l Los Angeles. CaU July . Both per fectly optlmistio regarding their coming encounter. Nell and Attell are never theless ' leaving . no '.stone unturned ' lo get In the best condition of their lives for tomorrow, when one or. the other will be balled aa the undisputed cham pion featherweight of the world. There never waa a time when two, real champions met when they were so confi dent that their antagonist did not atand more than an outside chance. Nell Is modest In his demands, even if so san guine aa to the result . All that the little bantam wants la tq have Attell light him and not use his marvelous footwork to keep. away. "If he will stand up and Ylght nte." says Frankte, "there will be nothing to it after-the tenth round. Attell can bring out U the aggressive and defensive science he has stowed away In his locker, Jab me witn that clever left.-and then I -will beat him down long; before the end of ths tTround.7 L and train like a man who 1 sums ig run away, saya A09, wnen mixing it witn Kid Dalten and young Berry until , these young huskies are i mwm m dlff erent bov on the afternoon of the fourth froni the one. who has had -to tackle -men outweighing him . all the time, and you can tell Nell not to lose moment'a aleep worrying about my . vui I " v.... u ui. .uu mn injuiim to my pacaers noi 10 ns wnai science J may possess to protect myself during theccnJerijoueanrestas8ured that I . will be Juat aa aggressive aa my opponent, and I will be carrying the fight to him the 'greater part of the time." v-. .;;;.'v ' , This Is a sample of the way both men talk and feel, yet neither of them la of a boastful disposition they sim ply and frankly cannot see- how they can go down to defeat so great Is their confidence ' in their-own tsblltt'y. Backers of the two men feel much the same way, and thla Is one of the reasons why the battle , of the little giants-Independence day will be one of the most memorable in the annals - t the ring. . . , .. ';' YESTERDAY'S RACINQT I ' ; 4,; . . ,.-lT Tlir llPinfllllO (Spade! Mepetes ts The JearsaLl ' Seattle, July 4. Reaulta at the Mead ows: - - ' - Five and ' one half furlongs Elota won, Katharine C second, Mrs. Mat thews third; time. 1:0814. - s s Five and one half furlongs Home- stead won. El V erraeneond, "DrTRow- ell third r time. 1:07 H. Five and one half Nous - won, Huachaca furlongs Entre econdMsddenJ una mile ana one eigntn Little jo ker won. Montana Peeress second. Cal culate third; time, 1:14., -; . Six furlongs Judge won, 'Hagerdon second, L. Gladstone third; time, 1:1S. One mile and one sixteenth Florence Fonao won. Harbor second. Luclan third; third, 1:47. ) r ' t - ROWING CLUB VflLL??'' H0LD-TRY0UT REGATTA This Portland Rowing club members will celebrate the Fourth of July by holding a try out regatta on the Wil lamette. The races will start at 10:S a. ok at Roes Vland and the finish will be -t he--Madison - street - bridge. -There will be a try out for the Junior fonrs to see who will qualify tftjeomnata. at Nel- son on July IT and zs. Those who will compete in the Junior fours are: - Bow, Allen; No. J, McMlcken; No. I, Star; stroae, nr. uwrnii; dowb, ncvaoi; no. I, Boost; No. I, Ganamiller; . stroke, Dent. ' . . In the tryout for the junior singles Harleyr McCabe and King will competa Gloss -and Smid will try, out for the senior alnglea. - ' Beeides the - try out s - there - wMI -be canal races and tilting contests. allaTCIIDC Mfll I IICCT hivim bUHd III 1.1- WILL I ON THE QIAMOND The : Schlllers and Hop Golds will cross bats on the league grounds tomor row at I o'clock. Thla game will be one of ths attractions of the. Fourth and will be a red-hot contest These teams are composed of the best players In ths city and are capable of, .putting on cooa nme. Tne imeuo: ..;. Schlllers.. v Hop Golds. Blavln .......... , iS., r, . Bredemler Fay .ss. .......... , Frye A. Parrott ..,. .... lb. v........ Keleer Patterson j .... I ... xo . orirntn Houston ......... -lb...... ... Houston vraraner ......... Chapln .......... Oliver v.... ...... If.......... Hrhncll .cf...... Richardson .rf....... McHollaml Few era Bines Whv . The Powers baseball team-shut out Ths Lvilles team Sunday at The Dalles. The Powers batted and fielded well, The Dalles secured four hits, while the blues -got ten. Third Baseman. Turk of tha Powers and McCoy of The Dalles each made two-base hits over ths left field fence. Score by innings;-. Powers .1 0 J 0 1 0 0 0 01 The Dalles ........ 0 0 0 0 0 90 00 Turk Pickett Lodell :hmidt Kennedy ...,,,,.. Maloney Magness ........ ,rf. . Humphreys Mcpherson ,..... If. i. Pergueon Paff , ...,cf.,.. Obarr-Mlller Reed A McCoy Shea ... ...a. ..ntntii- Savage Kotteman ........p.. Beck Strelt .......... .sub p mawllas acakse Kexry. -: Rawlins. Wyo., July1 I. Favorable conditions attended the opening of the three days' racing meeting and carnival ... Kehoelhere today. Visitors are arriving on every train and the affair promises to be on of the most notable of Ita kind ever held In this section.. Horse racea, roping contests snd numsrous othsr forms of sport nd entertainment make up the program. The streets are garbed In gala dress and every one sppears Ira itmta witn tae Holiday spirit. 25r; ,i-"-;' - . r- flTvn iJr ; i L A v . . s n We ears Blood B3: Many speclaliata use unscientlflo methods and resort' to guesswork In treating their patlenta. which results in the many there are who are not only disappointed, but lose their money. Have 'you made a 'great -mistake la not getting skilled treatment, being attracted by "liberal'' Offers of payment, ."bargain cures'' and low -prices" of unscientlflo specialists, instead of aeeking a sure by scientific methods, only bywhlch you will likely ever be curedT ; , "s . . ' . .. . , .... .. f .; ?." v .... ,, '. Cured by up-to-date metboda. Not temporary relief, but a positive, permanent euro guaranteed. . :..'-...." - . r-"' - - '. . Constipation Is the cause of a larg majority "of rectal trouble and many other ailments. When the bowels do not move It Interferes with the, proper action of the dtfferent organa of the body. " Have "the" constipation cured aad you will have more energy and feel much better in every way. , ,s Strength la necessary to success. No man can give the strength or his mind and body to tha strenuous work of building a future for himself unless he .has a reeervs force' to back him up. - You can't build success without spending a great. deal of nervous energy, and you can't spend nervous energy unices you have It. .- v-'.-';.".",..',. ,.: ''''.'''''.. ; ... s. .'... , - x n m rr nn . ' .WRITE, If yon cannot call, -' All correspondence strictly confidential, and all replies sent In plain envelopes. . No namea, cases, letters or photographs of, patlenta published or exposed. Inclose t-cent. stamp to Insure reply. 'i. . ' ' HOURS , to I, t to l:0 DaUy;' Sunday .$ jto It.'. : ' " COR, SECOND AND AMHILlT"STS,TORTLAND. anteed Cores :- saaxe ae aasatB) deeevtrre propeorttons t .falsa prnaslsss We do sot proaa- laa to ears yon ease ia a short v time, knowing It wUl take longer but we guarantee a complete; safe snd lasting cure In ths quick est possible - time, without leav ing Injurious after effects in the system, snd at the lowest coat M.lli M..M.W-4.. .,. 1 1 ...1 . . successful ttwtmenU - Wa.awo, no iiss ev easwp nai iieensisss. or So sell wertmsss belts. sto. our education and reputa tion condemning all such meta oda. .Wejsnre when ethers fall. . MEN WHO NEED Will find this Institute thoroughly reliable, different from other so-called Institutes, medical concerns, or speoiallsta' .companiea. You ere Juet aa safe in dealing with the .Norton Da via Company ae-wtth any nsate or Ma-" Clonal bank. It haa long been established for the purpose of .curing die-.. eases of men which baffle tha skill of others- . - x Go at once." You are aafe In our handa and sure of a curs. Men who : are out of the city should write in. confidence. Consultation and advice : given free. . Too rlak no caab. No secrets given away.. , (-. rfAII MedicinF '.-We treat aucoessfullv allA nervous and chronic diseases of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troublea. . , . tov oast vat wni cxrmmxn'r - ' - ' If you wish you can deposit the lana, saia amouni iq vm 9 w vowryon ourvo.: vr yn -may pay us by weekly or monthly Installments if you prefer. -. , v office hours t a. m. to I p.m.; Sunday a and holtdaya, 10 as m. to It m.- Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. ' Office tn Van Noy HoteLtiH Third St., Corner pine, Portland. Or, ,- &ABOXT' ABT9 - BlOnif tOTItlOAl. " UST1TUTJV, TM lOSTKWiiT.. assaaiialwdjajrvrtlaad In 1SRS. AGE TJO BAR --...:-'-..' ; U Soeotufsl Trtxtsiint if tit EsSr i(e.ManKeeua.irr2R.lartts. jlkrea.0.erae( --HAY'S" Hair HccSSh "Akeet ea sandfela, rear see sv aalr was eoalas oet Antr ssiee Hays Maireeaita far s ekort rlwe eir hair sr est ee thick as If I wee a reeas weetes. I TS rears of as." rhat sraef eaavch f write est ts will (let yea aon .. t ( . BesS Be. snetsee fnrFree t aaasjles asa tek bt te Phil May Ss. C- Kewark. S.J. ' ' - SO, bettlea. All Drwasrtets. ' RACE.QH ACQ SHOW AT ijyi::6To:i coHBon v;.?"'..':':1-. .. , . ;yv-:;V.v- Riverside Driving Club Will Hojd Annual Events Tomorrow1" WitK 6g Program. 'Everything Is In spple pie order for the . Riverside Driving - club's race matinee and horse show, at Irvlngton racetrack tomorrow. Ths complete list of entries wss published In. Sunday's Journal snd Includes the best stock In the state. The Judging -of ths horse win begin at 10 o'clock in the morning and the races will start at 1:10 sharp. , E. B. Tongus of Hlllsboro arrived In town yesterday , with hla string of horse. Tongus will rids Oregon Kid In ths mile run. It was rumored this morning that J. H-. Bennett-would not stsrt In the mile event If this ia true Tongue will be disappointed, as hs was very snxlouS to give Bennett another chance against ths Kid. " Secretary Tillman of tha driving club stated thla morning that the prospects for a successful meet were very bright. Busslaa Imperial league. Hit, Missed. P.O. Sebastopol Tossers... It .147 . .041 '.too '.0 .420 an Novgorod Hurlers..., t Mosoow Bull's Eyes . . 7 Waraaw . Nltros . , . .- T - St Petersburg Reds.,' Siberian Blasters..., 4 10 -e ' v r v He Has Not the S:renstli to Make a Good Flat la ' . . ..-the) Battle for Success ' . : E9TAXUSHZO 33 VlAKS IN P0F.TLAK3 j . OUR FES $12.50 Tcr Any Ur.tcr.p:;t2l Case. ExsntLutJca Free Voison, Skin Diseases, Sores, tMosra, wiovaro, vanoooele, eTydrooele, mrervous xteouas, ' . , -, vWeakaeee, piles or Ohroaio Diseases ' . ."j - of the.; aUdaeys and Wostats. ...;"-.'v-Special Plseasss . sTewly eontreeted aad shroalo oases eared in days. .. WIT IO HUTf MATS FAXUD TO HT OVUD. mo ru ah nn e) .' ''.' -t i!-'... - - f - - l' price of a cure In any bank In Port- j ' Portland's XT & 4vi.tUUA J :- i - I X -" 5J 1 if 1 ? C J r5 i iiv i G. GEE WO : Widely Itaowt. r and Successful '.' "-. ' ,' .''5 ? Chinese' '', ,-. . ; Medicinal, f" RooV and'; V, Herb Doctor , Hla faoieaa . reaiedles," the Ingredients - ef whlek we Import direct from the OrUnt la large 'eaentltiee -etid srmrf sad set foe, eae la his np-to-eate hhatorr. No awreer. jotaeaa or drnxs ef . tn klad seed. . Psreil. The Derter treats seeeeMfnlly sad tearantaee . v te ear all atomarb troubles, eatarrh, aathaw, lnn, throat, rheamatl.m. . setveaasaas, liver, klilaey aad loat atanhosd. ' . . ' rxKAUt XBotnrtxs awn alt, rarvATS ,: V-. - - OISSABSS. -. - . . '. Ne false or mlalaadlns; Btareeieata te Ike atflteteo. A sate aad laatlng ear Is the ejeles. . ' . eat poaalble time ead et the knreat eaet see. -. slbls for sonaet rraataient. ' If.-e eassot eall. writ, for syststem blaaat , aad dreslar. . laeloee 4 cents In atasips. cowmtltatiow ' rarx.' The 0. "ee We Oalaeee Hedlalae Oe.,' lstHV , first St., Oer. Morrlsea, yrtlu. 0. Pleaae atentlee this pener. Every Vcn:n Muuaneteu ana pnovja aaew .. . sbontuieweailernil 9 . . I riantll wairiimj sray..-n-U in naw aa ma mir tenant aurtum. um sac W oaCoiiTiilnt, lemlnaWarlL If baoannoiaafnlrths ' saaaatai.. nem ae ether, bat Mnd tmp for llliMtmad knot mb. n full nertloulara and tltraetinn. ! v.iuobi.m i.rtir. ntavti, o. ' ee "v end mt.. saw vork. A a. siuDMoa a oo in :hiib stbux. a . ft MAtTM hi n vw a m nr a ma w GIANTS WILL PliAY : - SEATTLE THIS WEEK Ths Portland - Giants - will '"heein a" series' with the Slwashes st Seattle thla ' afternoon. The Giants are In -fairly good condition, now. and. hop to take the majority of the games from the Puget sound lade.. Henderson la scheduled to pitch today, . aaasBBBkw WV m ." . -