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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1906)
c . zz:i t.uly jo:.. ::.U ron7LA::p. tuzidav evs;ti::o, july r:; t: : r. - ' V". co:;i:::r:c:i uzrzizxzrrz. A PAB""LI.. peee -- l ' CIGARS AND T02ACC0. M. A. GUNST CO , , Piatrlbulor ct - COAL AND WOOD. tALBINA. ruIj CO. Deeler ta i ourdwood, coal aiui . and drv elabwood. B. B. ana Alolaa w block et of ferry, feat He. WMTIBN Peed Foal Co., on -7-. 4 tweeo UUaao aid Hyt. dels ,n 1?, t . of houee ml end MaekaaiUh eoato. rhoo Mala 1018. ' s- ', .- BTEKt BBIDOB rUEb TO. Dealers B eoal, ordwaod and dry alabwood. -Phone Bt tad. v'OBBGON rVKh CO. All kind at eoal ul iwood.,, SA-Alder sty-rhone Mil 80. 'BOX and planer wood. Standard J-jod Co. ; Immediate delivery. Pho heat MI. . ,. -d-FOOT cord-rood $8.B0 pec cord: HJt " - . aa. art) Commercial at Phoa S. H PORTLAND SLAB WOOD CO. Slab wood, 1 60; , and wood. J.W Inalda. Wj dr, S3.BQ, Mala CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AKD PBOICUBIBO. Mra. hi. D. Hill. Balto 1. Selling-Wreck Blag, fectfe It. CARPENTERS ' AND BUILDERS. 1 WASHBUBN rLOYD CarpanUta, lotnora and 4 earrlag work. W Sth at. Phone pacta 110. 0. CABMIOHACL. fontractowsand btilldar: atora and once flttlaga. SS PlXtA at, PaoM FeelAs ' Sun. V'.-' 'I'' . ' - ft i r . HBNDERBOW OarpoatorlBB and ;ni , promptly- attended to. BoaWaoo SOS Mil .' tV'.waekm at. . tUat 8888. ,v , ' ' - , BTAPUTS MOOBB, contractor and Jobbing! ' . all klnda a cement work; wall built of too - - and cement block. Koom 427 Uimber Ex. 1 -change. Second and Btark. - Mala SSoA. COLLECTION AGENCY. ,;mm any onb own too - "V, COLLECT'- BAD DEBTS OF ALL KTWPB. . KOBTHWFSTBBN LAW A COLLBCTIOM CO., ORANO ATB.. IOOMI U iK U, - ? CITIZENS' BANK BLDO. CUT THIS OCT. " PHONB BAST B04B. ' - ' " ' CAFES. Hi TUB OFFICE S Waahlnctoa ftr paoaw 771. Hamaal Vlgoani. : CARPET CLEANING. arrrh.-rj plaal "; kon Eaat MO Carpot elaanod, roBttod. ' It aawor aad laid; botk taam and latoat ' MdfatkorIUiiiauJ"' .. BAN1TART Mrpot rioanlnf. tajetlaa and aeaa. " . prnad air romMaod; carpat cloaaod an door -Hrttaoat Maaooal.r Mala toM.- Mala 'UOaVr . I. HUNTER.- ' tB - earpot aad Battra "claaaar. 860 Jaffmoa. Paon Mala lid. 'CLEANING and dyeing. Portland atoam Cloaalna 4 Drain Work! araj - Umi aottar la coaaaaiwa. Ill dth. PaclAa BOT. CJ.OTRBS claaaad and prtaaod 1 par Unkioo Tallorlsa Caw, MT WaablaBlpa i atk. TT'RNER. amfaaatonal dr aaaV claaaar, WSTTaffarao. fT Pboo Mala Vlt. - '...v.i.i..- LB8BONB hi danetnf at roar Bam, ar at aty rMaaa. C. P. Bmltk. . Paeiflo 111a. DRESSMAX3NO. PBEMMAKINO of all klnda. Hotel Koapaa. lfltk and WaaBlnctoa. paowa ParlBa dad. blectricalTsupps7,: PACiriO BUHTTRIO CO Dlatll tora, rapalran, tlcrtrl wlrlnjt, aappllao. Bd Pint. cor. Btark. Mala B6B.iL EL Tata. Burr. iimai 1 11 1 11 1 111 1 11 1 iaas FTJRNACES.ii-1 BOTNTOi waravalr fnrnaeoa aara fooL . a Hi for ramae uo.. woo aoeoaa. lain tw f UKN11UKE FACTORIES." ' OREGON , Farnltara Maaafactnrlac Onaaaap- i . Manfrturr of faraltara tor ta trada. , Portland, Orotoa. . -' ,v - ' rURNITCBB.mnnfctnrtn ad arorlal erdora. , L. Barooaky'a turnltora faetorr. BTO Proat at. -4 FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. ' PORTLAND WIRB dt I BON - WORKB But - - Plaadora at., cor. Third. Phoao Mala tOOO. iSRoiaiisr 'WADHAMS CO., wbolaoalo at aura. , faetarrr aad aoawlaaloa awreaaata. ;.'". 'aad Oak ata Pourtk ' At t WW A l.tWT MtmnlvlM anal Miwluta - rhaat.' FroBt and D1a ata, PortUnd. Or. GASOLINE ENGINEl TAT10NART aad aaarlaa; "Uttl Bpccial" Ciaoltn laaack. tlM; Mcoaxt-kand , atoctrtt apcbc and boll. ' BEIKBSON MACHINEBT CO : 183 -4 - MorrlaoB t. HAY AND GRAIN. . " tV COOPER CO. Potato, food aad boot.' I2d Union art. ' Pbono Bt 1B1T. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad, Amcrlcaa pUBl IS, 8 f day. . BELVEDERE; Xoropaaa plaa;4th aad Aldor at 1 71 ATS dranrd, blnrkad, at a da Ilka now for Met OYpcr ranama oiaacorr. wv leinvaw cui Branch, HH rlrtt. P.dde la. HARDWARE." -' rortiaad Hardwara O. aolkrlt orportnaltr ta ' quota prlcoa. 1SS lat t..aor. A Mar. Mala laSd. INSURANCE. AMERICAN CENTBAL INSURANCE CO. (Inoorporatad ISM) paid 100 eont aa tm , " dollar aftor th Boaton, Chicago, Baltlawr . aad Baa Franrlacn (Ira. Mottar U McKlnalo, , araate. WB-310 Cnmaiarclal btk., Baoond and -.' Wublncton ata. Pcifl 331. - : ISAAC Lv WHITE. ... Mdc ..:V.. BOO Dokam .. . , ' ' ' '".' J AH. Met. -WOOD, 1IlpIoTat Natxtltr nj In--"dMdnaI keeloar anrty Iwmda ot IB kind. - Phoiio dT. SOS McKay B ' " " y y .. monumeVits.'T:.? 'J-yl MRU K1NOHLET. SIM Pint Partlaad'd laadtnt marbl and graalt work. MACHINERY aawBwBwawaaa nil H. O. ALBBB CO. BVcood-kaad aMefclaarp. wwniia, ata. aw win ava. ataaiLT A MTCna aaarhlnlara aad a WO" trloiaaoi- a4trlov ai.aatwr. -tHrmwt aara- orr and (a an 11 n anal oca a apaaiaii. a at. raoa Main laau, B. TRENKMAN CO. Mbilnc. aawaillL tor , rlnt narhlaoryi hrdraolte plpaa, oaatlaci U ilnS rapalrad. v104 Nrtk TToartB. , PRINTING. i THE MODERN PRINTEBT ArtMtla r1rln. 84 Baaarl bldg., Poartk aad Morrlaoa. , Paoa Pidaa 15M . . , . ,. ANDBRBON DUNIWAT COMPANT, Brtatlnf. ibuar."hli., kiaok book. I'boa kala II. ,. A.4 Aiucf ta .1 '. ' V i HAT FACTORIES.- an n 1 i "1 'i i 1 r " 'ii "' " " " , p i:jAi:ciALi:.t!:::3. UXTTZ3 BTATa rTT0WAl " 0nT". e-TlOaT. ' -' . ,' horrbwaaft Cw. t Lard r-t t- k '. .. '. . - ' . Tiaaaaaaa m laanl lwafci .alnan. L 4 A id I jw jiralUala la An Cltjaa f tk taitrd btswa aad Aoropa. l.ooaauus aad ktaull. CoiioctMfM Mao aa Paaarabla XoraM. filfat 3. a AIN8W0BTH I Ylc-Proloa.t .,...... "i,!? Vlro-Praaldant. i. Lr A BARM'S I Caahlar , ;..,...K( W. BCH - j Aal(nt Caahlrr..... A. M. 'WKIUHT Amataot Caahirr W. A. fcot-y THE BAVX 01 CALITOBJfIA-XUbliakd ltd. Kaad Ofto. Baa Pwkllioa, Oallfarala. Capital paid p ..M.090.000J Burplua and andlrldad prodta. ... IB JTO 1JS . A Ocacral Sanklna and Kicnaoa Hnolaow Traaaaataa.- AI.Ni DBPABTMlMrX. Ittt oa tlma dopoatu. Account opened tat uimi of 110 nd upward. . , Portland Branch CUamber ot Com awe Building. 'r 1 WM. A." MACBAB. . Mnr ) J. T. BCRTCHAELL. .....Aaatrtaat Mama pat FIBST XATIOVAL BAVK -W POBTLABD, OBEOOlf. , . ' n , Daaifnatad Da aoaltorr and Plnaoclal Agoat ot th TJnltad SUtaa. w,TO Prwldaat )T 1 HUX I Cahlcr.. ,............ JL. lV?i Aaalataat Caahlar ..',.-.W. C ALVOKU ( Boeond AaaliUnt Caahtarrrv. ,B. T, BTBYENB J,-'. . , Lattara of Cradlt Arallabl la Xurop aad th Etra Stat " : . Sight Esrhaag and Tclrgraphle Tranafvra old oa Maw York. Boaton. Chicago St. LrfXU. St Paul. Onulia, Ran rrastlaco and tha principal point la tha Northwaat. Bight and ttmo bill drawa la auax ta ault oa London, Pari. B aril a, Pra nk fort-oatk Ma la. , Hongkonc, Yakehaau. Copaahagaa. Chrtotlanla, Btsckbolm, SU Patarabwg, Moaooar. Zoriok. . HOBohilu. ,....-'. " ' - .. - " at Ann a TT rw wawwo v.lilli L, - Traaata anl Baaklsg kualaoa. CoUoetioa Bad at an potnttoa Tf- . ania tartua. Lattara of cradlt laauad arallabla In Europ ana a poinoj m "- Stat. Bight Bxcbang and Talcgraphl TranaOara aold oa Naw York, W.ahingtoau Chicago. St. LouU, Deaw, Omaha. Saa Praacbwa and Montana and Britlah ColambU. aUcbang oid oa Loudon. Pari. Barlla, Prankturt, Hongkong, Yokohama. Manila and Hoaolalu- - 1 ltXlOWAjrTS' TTATIOBAJ. BAVX, POBTLAJTD, OltdOV. I m m 1 voAWBr Br a ranv a . a in w Tw b ts a aaf - A'.'" E. W. HOTT Caahkar I TmaaMto a Boaaral Baaklag Ba.laiaa. Draft " Ail rarra or u woria. TRUST COMPANIES. POBTLAJTD TXUST OOatPABT Of OBTOOB "Tk Oldoat Trawl Ocaapany to Ora.' BEKOIIRCES OVER 11,000.000. O.naral banking. Bxehaaga oa all parta wttbo world. .t SAVINGS AOCOCNTS. Tlaaa aartlfloatoa. S to 4 par oonti ahoH-call gpaekU aartlft. cat, IWM or or, t tm far cant. CaU for Soatbaaat Cornar Third fad oili . . wnauv. ........... B. LEB PAGET. , .Praaldant I H. .....8erctry I ' ZOUBITT BAVTBOS TBTTST OOaTPABT Tranaaata a Oaaaral Baakl imm Bualaaa. oa TUB aad Baring Aoooanta. Act aa .Cradlt, Aral la bla in All 11 ADAMS...... PrMldant I U MllAM .Baoond Tlc-Prldat I GEO. P. BUS8ELL... T'HX MOBTOAffE OUABAITTZX TBTST OOatPABT BAATaT. - - ' Oaaaral Baaklng aad Tmt Baalaaa Tranaartad. Intaraat Palda Tiaa Dopoatta. 0. W. WATBBJDT.i.....v.....rrritaat 6. W. MTLLEB... ... ; , v . LOOAS HAY8.........,.AaalUat Joratary - ' . gl, Trmpl. Baranth and Btarfc Btraata. Pkon Main lBd. NOBTHWEBT'EBB OUAJUBTEK TETJST OOMP AJTT PortlaaA, C-ragoa. iumbar Eickanga. B. H. Corner Swond and Stark Straots (aaoocat ). . . , , ' . . . hsCAL AOBNT rOB OOBPOBATIONB. " SUta, Ooanty, Municipal aad Corporation Bond Boht and BoW. Naw atprlaaa argaalaad , and flnanead. Stock aad bond gnarantaod. . , . BONDS AND INVESTMENTS." M OXBIfl BBOS.-SS flrat Btraat, BortlakA, Offar Olit-Bdgad Inmatiaanta la Municipal X BT7AXABTEZ A TBUBT COMPABT-4NB M0BT0A0B LOANS' Portland Real - J 1A1 llll 1 '" 1 ' Aba tract lOTmMonnn ooaiPAjrT x AUahod BTOCKJ, JONDaV-wBAIW - Boaghtaiid M 1orSATAa4rVaSr Prlrata Wlroa. ROOM ,4 CHAMBER HX t, 0. LIB OOMTABT 1M0 Lafayatt Brokaraga Depart mant ""B01 'TJg Bcfora Bayln-r Boiling Stock , t ..." t , BBAnr, pBOVrSIOBI. OOTTOaT, STOCTJ ABU BOVDSL ;, "''"'r-.k 1"."; ' ' ' .- ti BO A BXBIOTX.T 00M3OSSI0B BUSIBTBS. ,. . . Cowttaaaaa Mark ata by Prirata Wlr. Qolck Barrtc.- BEFEBENCES Ladd A TUtoa.. Baah era, and Unttad . State National Bank of Portland.' ' ' i vrmiciFAL . BCHOOL AND . COBPOBATION 1B0NBS.- -JllBbAntlirArtprS PORTLAND A MORTH WESTERN BOMB TELEPHONE A TKLEGBAPH SECCBIT If AGNETIC HKALINO. SBXUAL dioaaaa t botk na aad woaaaa r. awrad! aonaaltatloa fro. Mala dirt. J. 0. XMaaaaad. U H- Haart. IBS BoraatB St. MUSICAL. Utn. THIXLHOBN. pnpll at SEVCIK, trVtHa Ttoackarr-Btodta 19S Blitb. - T.I. Mala S0a. MONEY TO LOAN.i WANTBD, ' INVESTORS Ootambta Daaatarlaad Aloohol DUtllllng Co. ot Portland, Or., baa booa lncorporatad 'with a capital atock of saroa boodrad aad . fifty, taouaaad dollar 7M.000. lnroatora who Caa ba atrotd . In. this ompany wltb aatlautad proflu nf 11.000 oar day aboald rail on Dr. Otla B. oraaldaat. Otomn. Waahlnatoa A Idaho Plaanes Co.. O0BCpkumU1t!.lBlNa.B ALL-MA rwr 4 MONBX TO LOAN , Oa ' lmnrsd city pro party or far bafldlna porno, for from I to 10 yoaia' tlma, wltk nvUvg ta repay all ar part of loaa aftor two rear. - Loan approved froa plana aad sorter adraneod aa ballding progreaoaaj BMrtgage taken np aad roplacM. . PBBD B. STRONO. Financial Agaat. ' - - . B4S Btark at, -. '"' THB STAB LOAN CO. . Anp Salaried rnploy. wagaaraaf, saa gt a hi sot, wttboat aiortgago . Month. U Month- Wee. fB0.86WBpaF ta AU.M as Sd.BO wP.AABf , J w Kepr to a a s.os or w . IIS-00 Bapay to aa S A 00 or- UB ot $L0t ' BIO McKay bids. - . - CONFIDBNTIAL loana oa alartea. ti pollrlaa. ptaaas, farattar, wareboas ro. 1 celnt. etc. 1 Bar deeerrln aeraon way aamr a liberal adraace. ropaylnt by oaay weekly "; or monthly tnatnllmrnta. MEW ERA LOAN A TRTTffT COMPANT, MONKT ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLhl And etbera upon their an aamaa wlthoat '.- aernrltyi rheapeat rata, eaaleat pay nan ta offtcea In M art o pal eltlea; ear yosraalf owny by getting oor tens Snrt. . TOLMAN. xn Abingtoa bMg.. tOSU Third at. HEADOUABTRBS FOR SALARt LOANS Monay caa he borrowed oa ay pyaaait nlaa. loweet rate: trlctly ondaatiLv" " CRESCENT LOAN CO.. dSB Mobawh bldg.. cor.. Third aad Morrlaoa. MONBT to loaa oa real, peraonal and miuteral 1 security; apodal attention to ehttl mort gagea; note bonght. C. W, . PaUat. S04-I Fontna bldg., St Sixth at. - A- -- HIGHLY eaapectabl ptoe where la file sad El caa borrow aaoaey oa diamond ad try. Collateral Loaa Baak, MB Waak- ta st Phoaa Black TI. . - MONKT to loaa ati Clackaiaas county .land. B. F. and F. B. Bltey. BOS Chaber af Caav LOWX8T rates oa farnttsrs and ptanoa. . Eaft. ara Loaa Co.. S Sherlock bldg. Pads 111. MONBT TO LOAN on in kind at seeatlty. WllUaat Flo 11. room . Waabtngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Bam to svtt on chattel aocurltr. B. A. Fraaw. 814 tha Marrrtiaa. . '..JWney to Loan From prirata .fnndi 00 Improrad r '., .1. U WILLS CO.. ', . ' ' ': S4 Grand tra. TO LOAN Money la mll aum aa real eatite; . vary roaMmabl. Addroaa P A aar Journal. MONBT loaned salaried popl aaraotoi cheap eat rat. P. A. Nawtoa. 434 Abingtoa bldg. WILL loan $5 000 or lea; par oenr. real to tal a. Aaaarlcan Adjuatment C. IIS Fantoa ". bldg. . - -r - ----i ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL- BUOS rapalrad fl elaanod try na'le eipartai era oee tbe original regotahla fir eaahmar wool for oar repairing 1 all work guaranteed. Call ap onentaiHag jm pairing Co., Paclfl SM. 844H Waak. at OSTEOPATHS- bbs. ADIX NORTHRUP, dlS-ld-lT Dak bldg , Third and Waahlngtoa sta. . Pboaa Main toft. Bsaatlaatloa froa. ' PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS.- J r. B. BEACH CO. The Pioneer Palat C wlndow-tl4 and gUstag. ISS Flrat at ' Pbono lfclA ' . PLUMBERS. DONNSRBBRO BADBMACHBB, No. BOA Buraalds t . FOX AaOO., aanttary plumber. SSI Second, bat Mala d Salmon. Oragoa Pbon Mala S001. FINNICAN BBOS. CO., tS Third st' Pha3 ..Mel. wuav ... aad boa Uaa SahTlilllsf. i iaaai wEOBOB W. HOTT. ..Ajauuuu wonw and Lattara of Cradlt Iaaa4 ATallab ta twuomon a ppocianr- book of "rLLUSTTtATIONS."- ,,r . aaa uaa Biroaia. ; rnowo rnnia awaao U PITTOCK. . .Tlaw-Praatdaat J. O. OOLTBA.. . Aaalataat Srerotary BBS Morrlaoa traanXortlaad. Oiagwu 8AVINO8 DEPARTMENT. Intaraat Alhiaad Troataa ror atata. Drafts aad lattara of ' Part T, a TV or 10. L. A. LEWIS. ......... .Plrrt Tloa-Praoiowat ......... ...Saaawtary a. JUBITI.. , AaaJotant Bocratary Oragoa. and Batiroad Bond. Wrlta or CAW. Waablagtoa Btraat, Ooraar. Mcxava. Corn Batata at Awwaat Bataa. Tltlas I) Pumlibad ItBl i.BBOmS, of COMMBBCB. PaM Mala IT. BlBttlaad, Oragoa. L .i. H. W. Danahna, Managar. or Bond. Cn Always Sara Tow Moaay. S. 4 aad La rayott kldg.. oor. Kith aad Waab. Bta., Portland. Orogoaw DITTDI STOCKS: BANK AMD ' CORPORATION Wltb Aboolute Safaty. RUBBER STAMPS. P. a STAMP WORKS. BtS Alder ot.phowaMala T10: rubber ataatpa, seal, aaaaeilaj bargaga, trad1 check; aaad for catalogue MA. SS. ROOFING. aea.ea ajrf.MW,iie . en.. TIM ROOFINO. rurtarlna. jobbing. J. Loell. Ill Uitm SECOND-HAND GOODS. ATWATER A CABL fill at tats hewe' -High eat , price paid for aeceod-kand faraliuro. All Second t. Phoa Pulfls 4M. SAFE8. PORTLAND SAFB CO.. aolo agonta for HXBV vf awiaaj-aaa ainu- I ME8B Btoal Bafa Cav's Baak Bata M Jtk t DIB BOLD Mangaa aad fireproof aafaai afol progr agalnct burglar and fir; nck- onta opened. Mr. Super, naarhaalcal expert wltk I. B. Darbj. 98 Third. Pboo lood. SUMMER RESORTS. SEA VIEW S toea cottage, . eempletaly fer . Blahod: srary caaraaleoea: strictly ap ts date; tor aala cheap. Address B AT, Journal. FOB rant far th aaaaoa, forahibod, oottaga. Aoag uei tiogai r --rooma, - km nropiaco, water la kitchen; good eoadittoa. Phoa Mala SPSS.-" . . .... .... SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af atvry dearrtpttoaj baak. bar 1 and tor Sxtarca Bad to ardor. Th Loth ' Maaafaetariag Co., Portland. B. PI. BIBD8ALL. de1rar: arent M. Wtataai uiBiw c)., T Himnto bldg. Mala ooao. SIGN PAINTERS." COLD SIONB, window lettering, cloth banner, economical electria Sign aad lgna af all kind a,d quickly. Footer A Klalaar, Flftk aad Brarott Phoa .Bicbaag sA. W. P. BRROEB A BON, BS4 Tamhlll st BlgBS af all kind. Phoa Padfla SSSS. STREET PAYING. WARREN Cdtwtroctloa Co.. trt paring. sld walk aad eroaalnga. IIS Oregoaiaa Wdg. . THB Barber Aapbalt ' Paring Oa. fPorUaaA Ofaco S5S Worcoator blk. TYPEWRITERS.' NEW typewriters, aD haake, rented, aM and repaired. Cot Agency, SSI Stark. Tea. let. TELEPHONES. THB mly aactnalrs tehtphon bono. B.-B. Bleetrte - A Telephone Maaaf actartadr and, paay, SS Fifth at - - - ' ' TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, aeapr II per BMatb. Portland taandry and Tewel Supply Co., Ninth aad Conch. Pbono apply Co., Ninth aad Conch. 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, Bla no and farnltara orad" Backed toady lor chipping end shipped I H work . guaranteed; largo, t-atorr brick.; Bro-proof x warehowae for torag. Offlce SOS Oak , CM. Olera. Phono Mala 4T. ,.' THB BA00A0B OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sllth and Oak sta.) baggage checked ' front hotel or realdeoe direct to deatlaatioai . peeaenger therefor avoid mah aad aaaay aacs at denote. Prirata Ex Chang AS.' a O. PICK, atBcs SS Pint rt., between Stark ssd Oak at., pbon Bsd; piano aad fornlrur anred and naeked for hlDDlng! fBBodloa brick wire bo nee with pa rate trea jvouaa, , -Froot A Clay at. " " ORKOON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Blstb. Pbon Mala S. Hoary baallaf aad staraga. POST SPECIAL DXLrVXBT, Msv StH Wash. agtoe-t. Phone flln SdS. - CL'T rates on household good t I1 points tt we pik p rlodt a pedal roooa for ; trunk wkll waiting. Oragoa Ato-Dptch. IS Pint it Phoaa Mala TIP. ' y WINDOW, SHADES." 0A1.B WINDOW SHADB CO., B8T Bala Plain aad fancy ebadee bmoo 10 sroor. WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. BAST PORTLAND FEKCB WIBB WORKS, 1M B. Water at. . rkwaa Bast Aa. si iiiiio F(io;;o -10 oceio; : Captain Donaldson Brings Re port of Strang Phenomenon , In, Baring Sea Archipelago. STEAMER HOMER RETURNS i V FROM PRIBILOF ISLANDS Tes'cil ; abljr Amount to Fifteen Thousand - SUniv-BIue Foxes Plentiful, on St . George IsUnd-Ssilort' Strike. . Oownmsnt ' Bclentlstg - will ' In- All probability ivt Bant north on on of tha ravehus cuttera la scrrlca orutba Paclfio to lnrsaUcata raport brought to Port, land this -mornlns stBUng that, A naw Island" dab sprung; up , from th ocsmn near -the BotToaloff rroup. About IS tnUaa to tha north of Vronak Island, ons of tha moat weatsrly links In tha Alan. Uaa chain. - .".' . ;- t . Tha raport was brought by Caiptaln a rwMt.14.Mi ' in.., af trio tamf . ,w e...,., h PHhllnf auniirfiuuu 101.1 wm, ..wu. lalanda-Snd Dutch harbor. Captain Don. alaaon aid not so ins naw uiano wn his owa syea. but received his InformA 4. . . k a . ,1... mnA the mamhtrl uum wvui .uw . of tha eraw of a trrndtna aohoonar, ply- in r Between tna taianaa 01 o who had notksad tha rockjc bit of land rlaa from tha saa. ' ' . : Captain 'Donaldson did not hara tlma to lnvastla-Bt th matter vary thor ouchly and conssquently did not learn it what time the island mad lt ap. pearanoe, and lnrastlratlon on tha part of tha rorammant wiu have to solve tha ,mtt,mt tha linHoaral in the north has any connection "rtth the earth quake that laid Ban jcrmnojacw w n... At any rate this eonclualon was reached w ... n the, lalanda whan told of the San rrBBCIaoa laatar,, tha first news of whlon waa nrouBo r w.- -Tha arrival of the Homer thle ntorn Ina was aomawhat of a surprise tor aha waa not Bpfe4Jsra,iortuOther .a. jk- mrA ttar smart n woes or av ooeaslonad oonaldsrabl eonunont on tha waterfront. She brtwht four Paen ars -Three ofL.ihaj, DT...M. V .WU llamson. JDr. H. C. Mflla and Charlaa Roof, ara employee of th North Amer toan Commercial company, which eon. earn leasee - the sealing privileges on the Pribilof 'group, from. Jthe govern ment. Dr. Mills has been on the Wands three yeare and reports exoellent health among the natives and the I -white men stationed there. Drs.' WiUlameoB .-a vm. aeara relieved br the physi cians who' went north on the Homer when she left rorueaa year Vj :"i : ' . -We made a fine, ran from Portland to Dutch Harbor aad the Pribilof is land" . aald A Captain Donaldson In peaking of the voyage, "and experi enced fair weather all the .way. We were the flreti outaldere to Tlalt the la landa in acven months and the white eonUngent - was - glad - to - eee a They met ue.llke old friends and we were kept busy telling them of the Baa Fran cisco disaster and other news of partic ular importance to them. -"Winter waa still on when we arrived and. it snowed as late aa June IS. I waa told that they bad had a very se vere . season - but - being - well Supplied with provisions and fuel the inhabitants suffered MtU,-.-'-r-rr:,' f - :-i-'VV.. lVwohaxa Av AtloiiiaSea. "While thr , i.e. MM tun. tl tnAtetatlrma vn ' we - --- Af That the seaaxiu's eaten of seals-will be smaller than last year, which might ba expected since the herds have dimin ished overy year. The poachers have not commenced their exterminating op erations off the islands xt but they will no doubt commence soon. t The Japanese are aald to engage extensively In the slaughter of the female seals as they leave the Islands with their young and to this fact la due the gradual dl--hxehlg--o--tha'-'dal,Ji .-.! ..'.''-.:-"Blue fox hunters have been doing well on St. George island this winter and a large tot of sktne will be brought out thle fall when we return with the season's catch. The seal catch this year la estimated at about 11,004 skins." ;. . Hardly had the Homer made fast . -n..w a.jw.1. Hrna m. doloarate pi wuvu - 1 . .V . ..Hm unlAn rtt1 fA lantaJn I . t . ; it.-k i. . 1 k . m In-I ereaae tha wages of hie aeekmen rrom ii m it a M.mflitli thaw would" quit in -eompllanea - with Inatruttions from headquarters St San Francisco. Captain Donaldaon, who was vsry-busy at the time, told them to quit and a new crew will likely be signed for the next voyage. The men left their places reluctantly for they-are well satisfied with the vessel but had to obey the orders from the union. ' : , - The Homer will commence loading a second cargo of supplies at once and Captain Donaldson expects to get away for the north again by the t7th of thle month. This will be the last trip for the season and-the year'a catch will he brought to San Franctaoo, when it will bo shipped to London direct. The cargo, It is eetlmaieo, wm do worm iioii ttoa.oo.,.... .J-.-vA.-..- MYSTERY OF THE WAR. fAen en Board teems BUohmonA Be fuse to Dlralge xyeep Bworeft, . . During the late war in the orient the steamer Richmond, which la now load ing lumber at the mills of the Portland Lumber company,, gained considerable notoriety as - a blockade runner and while her movementa shortly after tbe fall ef Port Arthur are stUl . shrouded by a veil of mystery It is a known fact that she delivered a 'cargo of ammuni tion and exploalves to Vladivostok, ee oaped the vigilance of the Japanese crulaere and returned to the open sea in the Shape . of a .harmless merchant man. . -.. v . ' ' - - Tbe Richmond left Glasgow January 1, 1101, and after a circuitous route finally brought up at Honolulu. . Be can aa ef tna nature of her cargo the steamer was compelled to display a red flag at her masthead upon entering the harbor, and as she waa unable to show a proper manlfesty hoe preeenee brought on complicated dispute between the Russian and Japanese representatives In the island port. Unable to settle the controversy, the Russian consul Anally brought the matter before the local au thorities end then It was learned--tnat ir. as the skipper deolaredv the vessel was ,".-' ST, ' OarOwTP, "' I Is a violent InfiammatmA Batiks' mufoue membrane of the wind pipe, which sometimes extends to the larynx .and bronchial tubes; and le one of the molt dangeroue dtaeaaea of children. It al most always comes on in the night Olve frequent small doses of Ballard's Horehound Byrup and apply Ballard's Bnow Liniment externally to the throat. ISC SOo and tl.6-0, , Sold by Woodard, Clarke Co,., ,..?;--. W V ., . The Steam Schooner Homer. bound - for Manila, ahe would have to securs' permission from- the government of the United Btaus. The authorities at Honolulu were about to wire tor In struction on thla point whsa the roas ter of the Richmond became fearful that his ship would be confiscated, and tha possibilities 01 his movements lead, tng to an international dispute, heaved anchor one night and stole out to sea without being detected. . Like a phantom ship she had vanished when the Hawaii ana looked over the harbor In the morn ing and from then on till she reached one of the oriental ports In ballast nothing Is known with certainty regard' ing her movementa It la supposed that she want to Vladivostok, but those who were oa her have remained silent oa the subject and vow they will never tell At any rate the explosives and ammuni tion were disposed of at a handsome profit to those who' took the risk and the blockade runners drew their share. Although having ntore than the aver, age speed of the ordinary tramp steam er, the Richmond would not have been able to outdistance- any- of the numer ous auxiliary cruisers that were pa. trolling the waters eft the Asiatic ooast, and her; ssoape from Venture- was-. aoa aidared a lucky stroke,-- - :m OFF FOR HONOLULU. BmoBuaa Mails, ea jFunrt ' Trtp Tnm. etottlaaA ITestt eTee. -The steamer Hfloniaa WIU leave Port land for Honolulu and other Hawaiian ports on July II. ' This snanaaoement waa made today by Tat J. Lindsay, agent for the - Mataon " Nangatlon- TSompany, aad he expects the vessel to go out with what he considers a good cargo for the first trip on a new route. - . ' Friday and la expeoted to arrive Frt day. Freight baa been disposed of for several days and new orders are eomlng dally. Mr. Lindsay reports that he baa mat with the moet generous eaoourage- ment - from - tha merchants and the Hawaiian buyers are now beginning to turn to Portland) in earnest., knowing that' they -will be euro of prompt serv ice. ' ,',;. Being connect ad with one ef the prin cipal sugar interests on the Islands the Hilonlan will bring large quantities ef sugar to. Portland for return cargo, so that with the Inauguration of the Ptw will become one of . the main sugar distributing points oa the Paclfio eoest. ,-V , '-i---, v iaurrj,r SEAS SWEPT OVER TOWER. steeper at Tillamook A'..; Awful toxat Oft the Oose, Torrtfle waves must have swept the Paclfio ocean on the night-of June II whan the ateam achooner J. B. Stetson and barken tins Jane L Stanford col tided off the Columbia river for In a letter to -the head quart era - this raorn- ing W. T. Lanslols, keeper of the Til lamook Rock lighthouse, says the ata went clear over the light aad smashed the heavy lens In the tower, t j The wind sprang up-from the south east." writes the keeper, nd mdreaeed olsnee-AriorTn-aaBrew until they went over the entire tower. At 11:18 On the morning of the llth a mon ster sea broke in one of the upper plate S las sea, flooding the lantsra and put ting out the light ' The light was out for 10 minutes while we put in a storm shutter and cleaned the water from the burner." - .-.-,...... , ., -Aa Idea of the sine of the waves may be gained from the fact that the tower stands lit feet above the level of the CAPTAINS TESTIFY. Xeooal xnejpsoeors Sear Bvldence Rela- . ttve ta : Inspectors Xdwarda and Fuller- ere hearing testimony la the matter of the collision of ths steam schooner J. B. Btetonlndlhc berkenUne Jane L Stanford, which occurred on; the Co lumbia liver on the night of June II. Captains Bonnefleld of . the Stetson' and Mollestead of the Stanford gave their respective versions of the affair thla forenoon and this afternoon Bailors of the two oraft are being heard. Each aide claims no blame la the matter and members of the Stetson will endeavor to prove that it waa not neeeaoary Tor tbam to stand by the damaged barkea tine because some one eeng out that they were all right shortly after the crash. . :. . - "-.'-.. 1 - The hearing - will probably eontlnue for' eeveral day .... SAILS AT DAYLIGHT. Oriental ,T tntx Arabia Win Xmiw ft ' , mOTrow fox apaa aad China. The office ra of the Oermaa steamer Arabia will miss the opportunity .ot celebrating the glorious Fourth In Port land tomorrow, as they , hoped, because this afternoon the cargo will be loeded and orders have been Issued for ths big liner to pull out from Albtna dock at S o'clock tomorrow morning. The Arabia carries a full cargo,- the total value of which la llt,0t. Flour constitutes the larger portion of the freight, ; there being IM!t barrels stowed away la the hold. The flour is valued at 1II,0S. Most ef It-rt destined for Japanese porta only B.1SS barrels being booked for Shanghai and Honakons. ..The Arabia carries SIT.SO feet Of lumber booked for Tokohema. , BOAT RACES TOMORROW. Crews From Deep Baa Tawasla tm .-,,. tot wm Oomg. . Crews from the various deep sea go. Ing vessels la ths. harbor have been practicing hard for the boat raoee to be held tomorrow afternoon aad eome exalting sport Is promised. Captain A, Crowe haa been ehooen starter and timekeeper , and "C Brown will aot -as Judge.,. .'.'-,' -- ; , Tbe gig race will probably . be the moet interesting. It will start at Oce ania dock at I o'elock eharp and fin- tab-at the steal bridge as aeon, aa-ihe erewe oan get there. Punt race will be run across the river near the etoel bridge. . .1 . ( ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The British ship Carnedd Uewallyn shifted from Baafltld's dock laat Blfiht 1 to the Oceanic dock, where ehe will load wheat for Chile. ; ' i .-'' -f The steamer Roanoke arrived from San Pedro via San Francisco and Eu reka at 1 o'clock this afternoon, bring ing ISS passengers and all ths freight ehe could carry. She ' la discharging this afternoon at Columbia dock. The steamer Cbarlee R. Spencer did not go out this morning on The Dalles run. She will be given a few minor re pairs and start out la a day or two with Captain A. zumwait at tna naim. Some one stole a new five-inch hawser from the schooner Georglna yesterday afternoon. : The hawser was sut . from shore to near the vessel, but luckily ths other lines held and the vessel did not go adrift. She le moored at the mills of laman. Pouieea m co. ,, , . ., , ' MARINE NOTES., V Astoria. Julr 1. Arrived at S aad left up at 4 a. in, steamer Roanoke, from Port Loe Angeles and way porta. Ar rived- at 4:40. aw-nwAtaamer .Asuncion, from .San Francisco. Arrived at 10:11 a. m schooner William Olsen. , Monterey. July I. Arrived yesteraay. schooner Monterey la tow of tug Daunt less.' from Portland. vVr-. Astoria. July l. Arrived At s:is p. na. schooner Louis, from Ban Francisco. Arrived at and left up at 7 p. av. steamer Homer, from Alaska, Baa FrancUoo, - July I. Balled; schooner-Thomas L wana, tor Astoria. - Astoria. July t. Condition of the bar at a. m., smooth; light north wind; weather clear. "r :. ',: f VETERAIiS TO PARTICIPATE CELEBRATIO:i Old Soldier-- Encamped at For : : estQrov Will, Be Subjects ; V ; of Queen Myrtle. (Special Dispatch to Tk JSarBsX) For at Orova OT July I. Yeaterday was ons ef the biggest aysyf-th union In the afternoon Mayor Peters son gave the welcoming address to ths soldiers and Senator KV W. Haines made aa eloquent reply. Martial muslo was rendered by- ths boys of '1 eeveral times 'during the day and evening. .About to tents now dot the beautiful camping-ground of ; Naylor's grove. Miss Mvrtle Bntlar. which Is about a-mile from-tows, and furnished - with electrlo lights and water from ths city: Oreat preparations are being, made for one oOfee biggsit J"orthfifJulT-eeie- b rations Forest- drove has -.sver had. Hlllsboro -andthe surrounding country will unite in' the effort In the morn ing le the parade and liberty -car with Myrtle Butler as goddess. - In ths afternoon there will be a bal loon ascension, foot and bored racing, a potato and egg raoe, catching the greased pig end climbing the greased pola A good prise le offered for every event and entries have already been made. .To eap the climax In athletic events there will be a baseball . game between the local team and one of the beet amateur aggregations of Portland. The weather haa been Ideal and the attendance large during the whole re union. Several hundred dollars have been epent for fir works and a great sky display Is expected., . ; Vale Avenue Care Xsseams Opeiatloa ! Owe? Buaslde Bridge. , ' Commencing Sunday, July 1. 10, the Vancouver, Wood Is wn. Alberta and Russell-Shaver care will cross the river easterly and westerly over the Burn side bridge, ." It You i- -; Want ' JTo reach the masses that buy end have the money to buy. yon want ; rAJvcrtlflc in The Journal. Our offer la ' that if circulation claims are not - as represented -- - ---- .'Your ""," Ad Costs Nottin-t L.iL ... Sweeping Decision f.!i- l Judge McCredie Is In Favcr , 'of North Bank Road. A eweeplng decision was made whn Judge W W. McCredie of the superior court of Washington, at Vanepaver yes terday, declared that the Portland Seattle Railway eoropany oaa condemn, a right of way over property owned by the Columbia Valley Railway company ' along the north bank ot the Columbia river. The decision le a temporary vie- - tory for the H1U company ever tbe Har- ' rlman corporaUon., The latter will ' appeal to the supreme court of the state ot Washington. , Meantime tha HU1 po- pie win puan oonstrucuon of their relit . road over the land -at ooatestsd points and-employ every effort that ta put torin oy aggressive rail road pulldera la, make their advantage permanent It is said to ' be doubtful If the Harriman company will' succeed in seriously 00- structing Turtber progress of the Hill company's north bank line, unless the Harriman attorneys can secure imme diately ah order from the supreme court . to prevent the Hill company's engineers . end construction forces from en taring upon the ' contested rights of .way and performing coo traction work. Ths ground upon which the superior -court baaee Its decision Is that ths Hare rlman company has not gtvaa sufficient proof that Its operations oa the north bank mean a bona fide construction and! operation ef a railroad. It Is bald by the oourt that the Portland Seattle has spent 1500,000 in the purchase of rights of way. and 11,000,000 In aotual . construction work, while the Colombia Valley haa kept only -a email- farae. ef . . men at work at etrategto pointa for the purpose of obstructing the Portland A Seattia company. a LICENSE COMMITTEE ' FACES NEW QUESTION How mucky beer Or ether liquor can -be sold with a meal by a restaurant maaT ..And what constitutes a: meat, aar wayt--'" . " '"' '1 '". ' " These were a sample pair ef the questions which the liquor lleenee com mit toe of th council felt called upon to' decide yesterday afternoon. oyster-house at 141 Seventh-street, had been convicted In the municipal court of selling beer to minora According to regulations, bis license should have been revoked, but he made so strong a showing that tha Charge was dismissed. Two boys dressed,, la Tuxedo suits had bought beer Ave or six bottles of it after 1 o'clock. . One bad been subse quently arrested for being drunk aad the facts - had then come - out. Johnson declared that the boys dress had tooled him as to their agea. ' he-reault of the lnveatlgation will be that the ordinance will be changed so aa . to prohibit restaurants selling liquor of any kind after 1 o'clock, ne matter whether meals are ordered or aot, . . . Liquor lloenees ware granted aa fol lows: F. J. Sechtem, 10 Grand avenue north; Albert Hoeft, 741 Hood; Folear Olson, 111 Burnslde. j.. j : BIC FIRE DESTROYS VALUABLE PROPERTY tSpecUl Tpafcr-eTM-ToorntI" Pendlatow, jOr, July A A awMractlve tire occurred at the Henry tonaaaa plaee at Cold Sprlnga, a tow sail free ni city. paatcdy which doatroyad property to the extant ef Si.Su., The fire broke oat la a shod test aad bee seed to booa a tkreeher. Tbe mil of tbe blaae la aot aaawu. The thiaalisi' was rau sal ef the shed s taw days before aad srsmsnaatlp waa uninjured. - Aakte from auraing ap tba aad the fare dV stroyod sight headee bed. A 000 grata eerka, two cook wagons and a auaibot of sauU artlslos about the abed. Those was aa taauraao af MuO a this property. - AT THE THEATRES. Goodwin't Sale Tomorrow. The seat sal for Mat a Ooedwta win epos tuawiiow at 10 eeloek a. aw at the HUt theatre boa office, Peartaentk aad WaskBUtoa treeU. , Mr. Ooodwla. npportad by sa ezeeueat eoanpany ef players, faK lading his Bw laadina; Udy, Edna Ooadrfeh, will preaant Prlday Bbjrat and Saturday afteraooa "Tbe Gestae"; Saturday Bight "Wbea W Were Twoaty ." . r. Patriotic Matinee) Totrwcrow. A epeclal natrtatte BMUoe will be gtvea toaarrow afteraooa at the HalHg tbeatr wtiea the Keadall Muatcal eempany will praaaat tbe coral apera. "Wang." Pamlly awUaee prlais. Ua.. aad -25c . .. ' -Wang" at tha HeiHc Thettra. The r popular "Wang" fuUr at. the HeUls theatre. ' Seartaaata and Waahlngtoa streets. Bale wooa. It la the BMet tuneful ef all tbe great ennls epeaa kit. -r. Pltkat, at lea Kendall, bllaa TaanefclU, hues Vane. Mr. Baeoa, Mr. Lodge, atraa a Ulna, aad all the' rent of the eompany, net forgottr-g the fine rborua, have aphaadld ehaaeee la tbs opera, and they take full advantage ef taeea. The company will lay off Friday Blent te asase room for Nat Goodwin, who somas te Che Hetllg that evoatng. and the compear will gtve two nwrtarmancas ef MWaag at ths HeUig iua - :l "Rip Van' - Wlnkla." , . , -Blp Vaa Waiklo," paraaps the tMst tag and buttfully poette drama ta the le at raw a. aoleadld Bt'fnmBs at the rkt thaanre this weak. The play wm raa all 1th ndel roorth-o-Julr aa Bdgar Banme, m th title role. aa bnpraaalve pmaamauce that aneapafes eocably with th beet end moat faunas fa- per. tormaacM that ever have . eeea givea ef 1 part. - ''-': - " - ' . - '- VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. New BOt at PatrUreev A glsace st Psntnges attarmg Bw this week will convtoe tlioatre-goees that the now kill steea up te the high standard sat ay that neamlar pUyhaaa. Ueadlsg the hat I th OoH-ejbla male taartet, eelebrated slneera and daacara. . ."i ' At. tha Star. , ; ' w,, ; ' ,' Bvca though it Is hot eataurh to aelt the paveaioht, the Star I eearertaM tad The Slat stock eeenpsny t y endue Ing e ataatcal abeardlty thla week sailed "A Bow Agent.' wbiea t Been hag bat a mark from oael ta a)d- . ' C ' - At. tha..Orand. ' !Wpa ewaalderlnt some place to B) rortl of July da Bad oewlnak the entertainment gt tbe OrnA . Th morrow will be from T:sO m S m tha aad -the night aerfeemaaoa will am T:M :' ' - ': Low Rtt Crct. On July I and t Anr"t T. "' Beotemuer a . - pactno wi:l sa s- ta to eastern t ricketa tl lone tlrno , tt r"- 11... ee r anvi a b atrcamw..