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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1906)
GOOD GVDI7IUG '.. v .' TH3 WSATHS3. ,V 1 . - Fair, tonight; Wednesday' (air and . not so warm; wiabU winds. : , " ; Jcurnd Gl : j VOL. V. . NO. 1C3. ; PORTLAND, "OREGON, TUESDAY! EVENING, JULY :3, 1803. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO ' CENTS. 7 7a7.jV?73 .11 ' ... 11 BOY TOO Jerbme Obdurate and derer Must 7 : Await 3Mbther?Amyin bon's roub e is KeDt rrorn-Her dv neia- : tiYes:and SteamerlOfficials - . . - -1 - (Jotntl epselal Service. -.' hour Judge Oicott. attorney- for Harry t X. : Thaw, the millionaire murderer of Stanford White, decided thle morning not . to arraign his client,' ao that he 'might withdrew Jile plea of not guilty ' If thought' advisable. - The plea' will net be changed and no motion will be v made. Thle move was .decided to bide - irora mo prosecution too contarnpiaieo: -,' plana of the defense. , '' - ? -1 Thaw'a 'Counsel made a strong plea ' for in Wlr Mil for hie client, who he a declared was i aufMrinv - f ram enn k flnement In. the Tombs. .Thaw told the vmiiira mat it wren iv reiawiii I u in. - Tombs three months he would die. v v District. 'Attorney ' Jerome reiterates f tha statement that Thaw must, take hie tarn wltli the other prUonara...Tn da- tense le etUl' maaUns; every effort te and proof , that. Whit . . endvored - te . foree his attentions upon Mr. Thaw. JU fan U io-raa erted no Jaaal proof. ba (,bean found. V:; i. , . jt, . , i' -:;; Tetym nwttea Bwieamiai. ,;. . The. Globe pabllshes.-, an interrtew with Evelyn Kesblt Thaw today la .1 which She flatly denies the statement. ; It le said, waa made, by Thaw's valet. - William Dedfui a. m he "died in a hoe . pltal from an operation for appendloltla. In which It was alleaed that she and . Thaw were not wedded at the time they arera . trarallna In Knmpa. 8haaald i-that , she would -produce proof at the I proper time of the enarrlas;e In Europe. ' She Is further quoted as saylu that ' she did not believe that Bedford,. made the etatement -. . . , - , Today Mrs. Thaw denied the alleaed Jnterrlow, She said: "Any statement . ' alleaed to nave come from me Is a lie. .. Our attorneys . have our s Interests at , heart and have ordered me not to talk. I have not and; I will not-,-. ; ' Kotber'U mntlaaaV -r, -Cable OllpatCnel Btate that the ' ateamer Minneapolis, on .whloh, Thaw's ..mother, Mrs. Mary .Thaw, is a passen . cer. arrived at the Tltbury dock this mornlna. The mother has not heard of , her son's difficulty. Captain Gates, was informed by wireless before landlnr. but .. was aakecT not - to inform Mrs. Thaw. . The -Earl of Yarmouth, her son-in-law. elal requebt of the reporters not to tell Mrs. Thaw, who looked 41L Her daugh ter will probably break the news. - - Upon -the -request -of -Yarmouth the. transport officials refused . to allow re porters to return on the London special boat- train. - This - was done to prevent i App!icatr6ns;En(High on j frFill Suites arid - Single 0fflc5 Bigll; Skyscraper NoW Being Constructed : V - Before Bugen', Shelby left for Cali fornia the other, day to accept promo tion by the WeUe-Jfarge Express com- J pany, ha turned his desk' over to his ' 'successor here, with the remark: t "Toil will find In that desk a drawer :; - lull of applications for office-rooms la new building. All the applicants are . good, people. Please assign to each one -v the best-offlce-rooui In the building. ' ' ' At this date. 10 months ahead of the " Bats of expected "completionr there are more than enough applications reoeiveu for apace to t the Wella-Fargo , office building "to fill It ' with tenant, The bulldltia- Is II stories, the largest of a dosen large business blocks now in pro cess of erection w planned for Imme diate construction- In i'ortland.?)? ?."-. 4 T;: The . contractors jiow have theeteel I framework up for the Wells-rargo sky scraper and -the floors are being put " In. . Work on the enclosure ann root v will be pushed rspldly snd the build ! ing will be outwardly complete before Ufall rains set in. Ware the 13 .floors . divided into ordinary slsed office spurt ' ments there woujd be about I rooms . r on each floor, but owing to- special re quirements of rallroade that have been granted apace the. rooms on oertaln floors will be very large and the build- Ing will have only about til rooms. ; .'. . The upper seven stories win ne.oo cupled by the gnneral offices, snd de partments of ' the Bowthern Paclflo company and the 'O. R. N. Co. and States Millionaire Mur His Turn Erigla their following" Mrs. - Thaw or learning her stopping place In London. , DevelopmeBt of sensations . In the Thaw-White murder case : oontlnuea Both the officers of the law and the toiler of .the dally "press . took ener getically ta the work of tearing aside the garish tinseled 'eurtatna that have been hiding the secret life in the Mew York tenderloin of the principals la the tragedy and their associates. " 'i. The Eagle says:. , . - ' '::L S - "The 1 persistent - report .. that there wlUtf he another .-Indictment- found in the White murder ease Is -utterly dis credit ed. . A -who claimed to know positively said there would be no, other Indictment and the-ease would not be resubmitted to the srand lury.' It 4s supposed the second Indletment was In tended tor Mrs. Thaw. - It urged that she and MoCaleb. the California club man, wre waiting at a oowvenlent dls- tance ntu .Thaw -killed Whit" ' ".-,' Ti- Vbaw BeeMMaV-.' 'The indications are that' had Thaw not been betrayed by the very detectives ne nirea to guars nis - interests ana watch White, he would never have had to rasort to murder to accomplish, his revenge. - vv-. f . '- ' 2. M. Korka. head of the aouad of de tectives for months employed by Thaw1 to watoh-White, said? "Had- reports made by Our men been sent to Thaw lust as they were., made. Instead of being doctored and altered and sometimes suppressed outright in order to prolong the task, that killing would' not have occurred. It was ths policy to tell Thaw Just enough to keep him stlrsed up. expectant and Irritated, Ha was ted . to believe the detectives were constantly on the eve of learning semetning tnat woum convict . wmie. whaa as a matter of fact such Informa tion was already -secured. Tor . Instance one ' night last ' yar three detectives tracked White to his stwdto on Twenty-sixth street. He was in an .automobile, and ' with blm had two vounr alrls. stOl.ln short dresses. They all three went upstairs and pretty soon wine began to be sent up to them. One of -the three detectives watching new that they had bagged their game. Then It would only have been necessary tor Thaw to got the police or the ohll drns society agents to surround ths house and .break la the doors. White (Continued on Page Two.) their affiliated railroad corporations In ths Paclflo northwest. The Wells. Fargo Expreas' company will' occupy two cor ner rooms on the ground- floor at the corner of Oak and Sixth streets. The Northern Paclflo Express company will take a room on the ground floor. . This leaves one ground-floor room and four stories unassigned. Blue .prints show ing the floor space in ssch story will soon be completed end . then- the com pany will be ready fo assign apace te tenants It-la-eaWl-thatai-ra44 be charged will amount to about $1.10 to tl-40 per square foot per annum. - Basy oa. nftt . Street f " Fifth street presents a busy panorama "bf building operatioBS, - Work Is under way for construction of four other large office buildings In the oentar Of the bnelpes djgtrlpt.. The stee) frame-. work Is bilng put up for the Palling building at the corner of Fifth and Al der streets. This will be eight stories, covering a quarter block. The Corbeft property - at the corner of Fifth- and Morrison streets Is . being cleared Tor the erection of a 10-story office build ing, -to cover a quarter block formerly oncuplejbv the Multnomah block, and tn- Davcr' Coffee house.' The quarter block at the southeast corner of: Fifth and Washington Is being excavated for an eight-story of rice snd store build ing to be -erected' by1 Lot Q. Bwetland, who has a. long lease on the ground. At the comer of Fifth and, Oak a new five-story brick bonding for stores and offices Is btlng completed, - . -. , yrsaa wsMalona, v - i I -1; it :j, - i hi liny Jky -Thaw's . ' . VrWK: .;. . . t ; Latest 'Photocrapha of' Sensation . In - Pittsburg - When Missives' From Millionaire's i Wife to Coachman Are Read in Court. K ' " 1' (ioareal tpeetal Srrrice.) . ' Plttsbura. July . . No - sensation which has ever broken loose In aTdlt voroe trial In Pittsburg circles equaled that , which developed, today In the di vorce suit of Augustus Hartie against his wife, Mary Bcott Hartje. : With her oheek paling and biasing with' Indigna tion by turns, Mrs. Hartje sat In the court room and beard 'read twenty let- tore which her .. -husband alleges were written by her 'io Thomas Medina, an Irish coachman, whom Hartie named as corespondent' ; ; '., ;"... The letters were filled ' with the most loving sentiments, breathing passion In every sentence, assuring him of undy ing, love and that she-had left" her hus band for him and could never love any one else. She . accused htm of growing eold toward her, but acid her heart waa on fire with her love for him and woeid always be eo.- , ., interspersed . with these- loving- mes- sages wss such practical advice as. for him to' be careful about brushing the horse dust out of his bair, not to neg lect his batfi, to put. talcum powder on hie feet and be sure to -change his socks daily.:" The llbellant rested " the case on the reading of the letters and the defense on. , After sitting all day and hearing these letters, read, Mrs, Hartje went on the stand cool and, collected,-not shaken particle by the terrible ordeal she had just passed' through.- She' denies the authorship of the letters. ' , ; . F..0SE EVIDENCE ' KEEDED TO "COSHICTREBnTERS"" Chios go, 1 July" . The government introduced -only one- wttneas. Bath Cuslck. traffta manager for 8chwarts sohlld eV Bulberger, to prove the charges of. rebating to the packers sgstnst tae Chlcagif Alton.. . ' - . Cuatrk testltlrd the firm received til 00 cash. In settlement of all Volalms" for damages to the shippers.. This also paid, trackage. -; , .1- ...- The oourt refused to Instruct ths Jury to find not guilty unless more authority should be produced to ahow the law had bees vlolala4.- . -., LOVE LETTERS 34D,O0O..SEUT!C00LER Tlliltl - . -r-. " . ' . j ' ' yi" .4 :'. t-' a. '- - 4 . ' ; - f v-.-j.r, , S'. '.-T .-' i p "., ...1 .;',... .ili ;';:... .i V";. .i- ;"V.'V''f -if , 1 . T'1 ."t,, y fv: IB: - , - - ... . . - . ..... Mr. ind Mrs, Harry K. Thaw, Taken -''( r "'-"1. - r --'. - . j Relief Committee Notifies Mayor LaneThat His Request f Hss-Beett(?ompHed v ,... with :') ; 't Porty thousand dollars waa today sent to the relief committee of San Fran cisco by the fmanoe committee handling the - Portland . relief funds. One thou sand dollars was also sent to Santa Rosa.' -. . ! ; : " , . .. Another tT.000 - has been appropriated zor immediate dlsuibatlon.. ; ; . v -. This decision was " reached " by .'the committee ' this morning after a- num ber - of conferences with 'Mayor Lane. The mayor submitted to- R. R. ' Hoge, the chairman of the finance committee, which - he '"prorogued" last week, a written ' statement - setting forth Jost now . rar he ' would go- toward a com promJeev Vv.-ie ' While the commmee will make no statement aside from the announcement of the moneys sent and appropriated it Is evident that it has compromised the demand of the mayor that it send the money subscribed here to Ban Prancisoo without further delay. : -; ; fj ' --r-r 7 . Telegram Caused Caaoge. . ' It waa because of a telegram' from James D. Pheian, chairman of- the Ban Francisco -commit toe. that the Portland finance committee decided to change its stand and accede .to the request of the mayor... This massage told of the pres ent condltiona In the burned city,-and confirmed the - statements' previously made that there; Is now' preaatng and Immediate need' of .every cent avail able.--. ' ... . , ; ' j.- ' a. haven't .seen the cefhmuntcatloa to me notifying me of the .committee's decision.' said Mayor Lan this after noon, "and I can y nothing about It untu I have seen that" r "' ' The statement was not. made-nubile HBtrriftefTe'clock thle afternoon. , '. Xtrte to Mayor Xeae, . ',-. The following letter to Mayor Lane Is. signed by every member, of - the finance committee, with the exception of I.. N. -trTelschner, "Who, ..though' a mem ber of this committee, has never had the same opinion a the othere and has been placed by , the mayor -upon ; the' newly named committee: s . - ' ..." ).i.-- v.,-july j. 10. "Hon.-Harry Lane, Chairman-Portland Relief Committee City: , . "Dear Sir: ; Referring to our plan submlttsd to you , on yesterday, that from tnet4S,Olt.04 available as of June it we remit u,ivo to- toe hi, 1 ran (Continued on Page, Two. .. '" , ': " ... . ": -' f r ' Only a Few Weeka Ago. ' " i Thermometer Registers Two De grees tower Today but Heat ls rutiy as oppressive- Bvf u cause of Cak r - 1 ' ' At 1 o'clock thla afternoon the tem perature waa two degrees lower than at the corresponding . hour yesterday, and there Is little likelihood of It reaching yesterday's maximum of I9.S. The heat, however. Is, fully as oppres sive today becauee of the wind having died down te almost a dead calm. . V, Following are the temperatures as re corded today ' by the. weather bureau: t a m- ;. a. tn., TO; T.a..m (7; I a. 74; I a. m., 75; 10 a. m., 14;. 11 a.' m- ti: It noon, 11; 1 p. m 04. - .Lewis Asthoff. a mlllhand employe at the peninsula lumher companrs plant, died- this morning at 1 o'clock as a result. U Is believed,, of betas; over heated. . An Investigation will be held by the coroner this afternoon. , AsthoSi began, work at T o'clock last night and worked for several hours before- he became 111. Re died soon after the llineas attacked. him. Others whe are employed In the mill declare that he .suffered greatly from the heat and drank a great deal-of water during the early evening, j Be was- BI years of agevl OYSTER BAY PREPARING FOR -OLD-FASHIOuED FOURTH-. Village Police ! j to Wear. Badges . " the '' Size .. of V Turkish Bath Towels. :.l . !. -"Hu .. ' . . . (Jnoraal Special Brra.) ' , - Oyster Bay. July, t. The . summer oapltal Is preparing a, great celebration for the Fourth. The village has-ap proprtatedr tttO for epectar polloe to keep order and aid In the protuctlon. of the president. 'The special police are to wesr badges, of silk a trifle smaller than turktah bath towela.-. Thu president -Will speak about 10:10 o'clock and It fa probable that- notable local .orators wlll'contrtbute to the. pro gram and .the choir, of the Metbodlat Church, led by ' Rev Warren 'Bowman, will sing patriotic songa -- , Everybody. Is making sandwich and red lemonade, .barrels are. being scrubbed, - . -', ' ' TO SECURE ALL STOCK Seeksjo Purchase the United Railways Com: party .Holdings of J. ;Whyte Evans. - Evans Refutes to Consummate L Deal on Syndicate's Propo sition and Submits Conditions , . of His Own for Consideration . of San Francisco Magnate- To a late hour today the C E. Loss syndicate, purchasers of ths controlling Interest In the United . Railways com-paay- have been usable te assure the stock of J. Whyte Evans, president of the company, and John & Teon and W. T. Muiir. comprising sbout 10 per cent of the entire capitalisation of IS. 000,000. Other details of the purchase of the company, as reported exclusively In yesterday's Issue of The Journal, ware carried out today. . - -. It Is said . negotiations are ' under way today for the remaining 10 per cent of tha stock, the larger part ol whloh represents Mr. Evans" Interest In the United Railways company project and the Chamber ' of Commerce building. He baa declined to accept the terms offered and hag mads a counter proposi tion, which will probably be taken un der consideration until the arrival of C EL Loss from- Ban Prancisoo the let ter part of this week, when the big con tractor will . take up the matter per sonally with Mr. Evans and his asso ciates. . '- - Today the legal" questions Involved were decided to warrant the calling of other counsel Into tha case, to relieve Mr. Mulr, who held the position of attorney for the United Railways, com pany, and who decided that he could not consistently act for Interests In op position- to the controlling element In .the oompany, . IS. E. . Coovart waa- re tained by Messrs Evsns and Teon. , It Is said the title of the Chamber of Commerce building stands In the name of Mr. Evans and that he may re fui tlurn overthebuWdTng until certain requirements are acceded to by the purchasers, ."--r r- V i :' Conferences Are Meld. -The C K. Loss Interests are repre- ssnted by Judge C H. Carey and Era mons at Emmons. A number of confer ences were held today at the office of the latter firm In the Chamber of Com merce building. The legal aspect of the ease Is said to present no dlfnoulttes that can interfere permanently with the consummation, of the deal and the tsk Ing over of control by the Loss syndi cate, who are already beginning prepara tions for taking up ths work of -construction of the Front street line, where it Is to be left by the Los Angeles Con tracting oompany. M. H- French, presi dent of the company, who has had per eonal charge of the construction work and has made rapid progress In track lay Ing in: ths two weeka he has directed the project, will probably leave within a short time tor Los Angeles to take up other contract work that Is pressing for his attsntlon. .,,,.? . , W - IX LarrabeeL general manager of the United Railways company, has been very Ul at his home to. thle city for several day a It la said he passed a (Continued on Page Two.) Standard Oil First on -- Steel and Tobacco" tjft: tJuriestolnYestigate" Concerns ' (Jesraal Special Service.) --- ' Cleveland. July t. Harry A. Garfield, commissioner of corporations, says that he has nothing officially to do with the Investigation of the Standard Oil be fore the Various grand Juries. Ho ears that he conferred ' only Incidentally with IMstriot Attorney Sullivan while w - XT Ik. ,K at 1 Mil A.- baooo trust reports will be1 the flret ones ready , for .the president and it will be Impossible to tell definitely when theee will be completed. The government's right to Investigate is clearly estab lished by the eourta and the corpora tions' are now readily furnishing infor mation upon demand. Action against the rallroadg and the Standard here will be followed -by-aottona in Chicago, San aa a city and Buffalo.. " .Meanwhile Charlea B. Morrison and Prank B. Kellogg, special counsel for the government ta trust proaeoutlons, have began active work M Ohio to map out their attacks on the Standard Oil oompany and a number of the railroads centering In Chicago. ,.. The prosecution will not only be against the oil company on the charge of combining liw the restraint of trade, but also against the Standard and rall roade on the charges of accepting and granting Illegal rebates and for viola tion of ths United. States statute which makes It a penitentiary offense to son spire to commit sn offense against the government, Morrison whan here refused to. say whether the casea are to be taken up 1TE AT 79 T. R. Baldwin Beats All "With Record of 82 . Affidavits Signed in Sell wood Precinct. :; Of Twenty Who Cave Resfdeno , as Sellwood Hotel, Boynton ' youched for Nineteerv Ten - Indicted Men Arraigned Before , B. T. Boynton. assistant supertntend ent of the Oregon Water Power Rail way oompany. signed 70 of the 14 vot- ing amqavtta that form pasa eg the election returns from Sell wood, precinct. Even with that number he did not head the list, for he. was tied by W. P. Jacks, an a- W. P. electrician, while T. R. Baldwin, -another O. W. P.- electrician, beat both Boynton and Jacks, his reo ord for the day being 13. These facta were revealed by the affidavits thera aelves. which until this morning wore withheld from public Inspection. Other Indicted freeholders whe showed pernicious sctlvity scored as follows: John Schneider (unattached), 10; A. EL French (tt.W. P.)r-;.B. p. Plaao (Mount Hood Brewing company), 44; A. R, Dlmlok (O. W. P.), 10; P. a Hol land (unattached), (; O. W. Olson (un attached). It; H. F. Labraoque (O. W. P.). li. ' - -. -, ' - . Not all of these affidavits were fraudulent; most of them were not. -The exact number of Illegal votes -caat In Sell wood may never be revealed, aa -thla could only : be determined by a house-to-house canvass and a long and costly Investigation. ,-; 2- -i. . ' Tweaty Prom gwllwood Xoeal, , . According to the affidavits to aifr- davlt voters gave their residence aa . the Sell wood, hotel, the Institution to which J. W, Reed, superintandeat of the Oaks, sent to men the Bight before election. The to voters from ths hotel were M. L. Smith. J. B. Rlshel. Harry ' Toung, Alfred Drill. Merton Bell, BLAli CoiJtnaCoebyHmIlh,"Rr L, Whltoomb, M. J. Hadsell, O. D. Drew, George Bun beck. James Smith, a Haynas. to. J. Bailey, Oscar 'Shear. O. R. Crawford. Henry - Meaatng, Mark Schlale, M. J. ! Oleeson and E. H. Bollinger. In the signing of the affidavits of tha hotel voters B P. Boynton scored it out Of . a possible 10. T. R. Baldwin and A. B. French tied for eebond place with It. O. F. Plans was close up with It, Other scores were as follows: .-W. P. Jacks 18, John flohneMur 11. A.' T TMmlck 107 P. C Holland 10. O. W. Ol son I. W. E. Cochran 1. H. F. Labracquo 1. All of these freeholders save Coch ran are under indictment for perjury.- Cochran, who Is an O. W. P. conductor. signed the affidavits, of James- Smith and George Runbeckv . Zadlovad area Arraigned. ' Ten of the men Indicted by the grand Jury fef alleged conspiracy ta election frauds in oellwood precinct were ar- ralgned before Judge Bears la the cir cuit court thla morning. Those charged with perjury are: B. F. Boynton, two Indictments; F. C Holland, A. E. French, J. R. Baldwin, three lndlotmentaj A. R. Dlmlck, two Indictments; W. P. Jacks, Herman Labracquo and O. W. - Olsen. (Continued on Page Two.) List, -Therr Comes the - Combines Grand --! ";:.;- - before the grand Jury or ' prosecution ' started by informations filed before a . court. It Is probable, It la declared. ' . that Attorneya Morrison andTellogg- will take the evidence before the grand '' Jury In Chicago 'within a short time. The first step was taken by Attorney -Morrison when he conferred at length . with Special Counsel J. T. Marc hand f the Interstate commerce commission, who produced considerable evidence of . the methods of (he oil company before the commission. . V Ths evidence gathered by ' Garfield, commissioner of corporations, la also at the , disposal of Attorney Morrison, NEGRO CONGRESS TO " " ;. BE HELD AT CAPITAL "L"'-' (Joefsal gyerlal BarrW) t Waahlngton. July t. -The seoer.J quadrennial session of the Nagre Toun f People'e Christian and Educational cot gresa waa to have opened la this c v todsy, but tn order to aeeemmodate t negro teachers throughout the cown It was decided to defer the eper until the last day of (hie mont.'i v the schools everywhere will be for the summer vacation. Adr' . reived by the kx-al eonimlft I that the gathering will be e -larseat and most repre kind ever held In t c sessions -wW be t ! 1 1 ( i ..1. A.