The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 30, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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1 ' I
obiohts jlbtoebibt.
HIH..J.... ....'The Telephone Girl"
Raker. .1 "Madame Sane-Gone"
' Lyrto .1. ,.."Ield (Arrirk"
Stir ..J. ,.i "A LoaHBaby"
Hiatage YMmi
Grand , Veadoeule
i Yesterday " afternoon the - of floe em
ployes of the passenger department of
the Harrlman' llnee preaented ! their
chief, A. I Craig, with a bandaome 1100
kuitcaae. The employee gathered In
Mr. Craig's ofnca in the Worceater
building-, where the. presentation speech
. waa inada by A. C. Martin, chief clerk.
The aultcaae la one of handaoma aeaj
. leather, containing a traveling-case, the
artlclea being silver-mounted ana wun
Mr. Craig's monogram embossed on
each piece. Mr. Craig will leave Bun
day night for St. Paul. During the
interval before the arrival of William
.'McMurray, the new general passenger
agent. Chief Clerk A C. Martin will
. have . charge or .. me passenger oepari-
' ment , : "' v
. William M. Ralston, an Oregon pio
neer of 1147. died last Baturday at hla
home In Albany. The remains were In-
- tarred on- Monday at Lebanon, . For
, yeara Mr. Ralston waa one of the beat
known realdents of Albany. . He helped
to' promote -the Willamette Valley
' Cascade Mountain road and waa also
one of the foundera of the Oregon Bar
ings bank of Portland. He waa a promi
nent member of Bt. Jotins lodge No. 17,
. A. F. and A. M., Bayley chapter Mo. s,
R. A. M.. and Temple commandery No.
-I. Knights Templar.. Deceased waa
born In Rockvllle, Indiana, M yeara ago.
Lonner O. Ralaton of Portland and
, Joseph H. -Ralaton of Albany are sur
viving sons.,:
Colllna Hot Mineral Springs hotel.
' most beautifully altuated on the north
bank of the Columbia river, la open for
guests the whole year. -The mineral
. water- la especially good for rheuma
tism, stomach, kidney and liver troubles.
': Will guarantee good aoeommodatlone.
' ,'Easy of access either by rati or boats.
All boats atop at Colllna Hot Springs.
O. R. eV N. local leavea Portland at 1:11
a. . m arrives at Colllna at 10:01 a.
m.; only two - hours ride on train.
Steamer Spencer and Regulator Una of
steamers leave ' Portland at T a. - m.
dally. C. T. Belcher, proprietor. Will
welcome you alL r ;.
' Plana for the annual climb, which
:' this year ,1a to be on Mount Baker, will
be laid by the Masamas this afternoon
' and evening. At 1:10 the outing usually
'held before the climb takes place will
-. commence with the trip' along the'.aky
' line trail from Macleay park to Inspired
tlon point, where at J o'clock the. Ma
' samaa and their friends wfll , gather
around a huge bonfire. Mayor Lane and
"other officials have accepted Invlta
tlona to be present. The Informal
. meeting will do honorTo the memory
of Colonel U U Hawkins, one of the
founders and moat enthuslaatlo mem
bers of the "mountain goats."
" Merritt Lindsay, who dleI yesterday
' of heart trouble at hla home, 471 Going
: street, waa for II yeara connected with
the railroad passenger service In this
city. . For the last eight yeara of his
life he was city paasenger agent of the
Chicago. Milwaukee BtPaul railway.
, ' Prior to that time he-held almllar posl
, tlons withl the Union Pacific a Ad with
the Northwestern. He waa a native Of
Flushing.' Ohio, and waa II yeara of
'. age. He la survived by a widow, a son,
"two daughters, a- sinter residing In Ohio
and a brother, Joseph A. Lindsay of
Portland. -. . ......
"Mrs. Cydia Buckman died at her
home, 106 East Sixteenth street North.
yesterday morning at the age of 14
, years. Mrs. Buckman waa born in Ohio
. February 11, 1812, and came to Portland
with her husband In 1871. The latter
died in 1182. Deceased waa the mother
-of nine children, those Still living being
; Thomas Buckman of. Ashland. Isaiah
Buckman of Portland,' Theodore-Buck-tinan
of : Vancouver. Washington; Mrs.
'Lydia A. Carter, Mlsa Sarah J. Buck
. man and Angla B. Richardson, all of
i Portland. .' I , , ' , .
rTrank A." Moore, son of ex-Qovernof
- Miles C. Moore of Walla Walla arrived
In Portland Wednesday -evening from
, Tia Juana, Mexico, having made the
' trip In an automobile. Mr. Moore waa
" accompanied by J. B. Neville Jr. of
. Denver. Colorado, In making the Jowrnl
" ney from San Francisco, which waa acq
. . compllshed In II days. Mr. Moore leri:
" -San Francisco In February and traveled
' leisurely througti southern California,
, viewing; the country and taking In many
of the aide trips, traveling In all 4,211
"' miles. - . r -'
! The members of the Toung Women's
Christian association and their 1 friends
are anticipating a pleasant Sunday after
noon at Mlsa Gaston's. 124 Salmon
.' street, July 1, from ,4:1 to I o'clock.
- The entertainment wilt be given on the
beautiful lawn, where all can enjoy
..'"GOd'a out-of-doora." The program la
. as follows: Unitarian quartet, select-
ed music; Mrs. Moore, cornet solo; Mrs,
Frank Raley, vocal aolo; - Mlaa Alice
Pickthorn, reading. "Morning In ' Bird
land"; Frau Bekker. vocal aolo; Mlaa
; MacCorkle, address, Llfe." ; , ...
- The folk-song recital given last night
, at the First Congregational church was
one of the musical events of the aeason.
Mlsa Villa Whitney White of Boston
.wss the singer and she prefaced , each
' vsong with a graphic description of Its
' origin and significance. The audience
' waa of a high class and waa delighted
cwith the element of the unique .about
the performance. The recital waa given
V under the direction of Mrs. Warren K.
Thomas and Miss White waa accom
panied by Miss Josephine Large. .
v Dr. Brougher'a Topics Whlte Temple
"Sunday 10:10. "Alone": Lord's Supper
celebrated; 7:46, "Flirt and Friend A
' Oay Dereiver. or True Ixvec"; bap
' tlsrn ; Stiles' . orchestra. . . Toung men
-j specially Invited. - ? i
There are many people In Portland
looking for business and residence prop
' erty. If they call at lit Second street
1 R. K Cats Is obliging and willing to
Taylor Street Methodist
y Church .
F m 100 A. X.'
The "Little Olanf of Smoky City
will apeak. A brilliant lawyer" and
Intrepid : reformer.
. 7 (44 Wx.
Dr. Snort Delivers Aaotke '' '
Illustrated Lectore on
Through Ydsemlt Valley. Oardn of
the 0ls. to Ningara Falls. ...Vlnlta
to hlatoric places. Patrlotlo-7 songs,
largest aad Beei Choir la the C:ty.
ooura uuT-cn tzxat.
"Jt Gon$rvatlt Cuitodlan'
' . . ' v
: Pays 4 per cent, interest on
savings accounts, compounded
semi-annually. Pays 4 per cent
interest on yearly and (3 per
: cent on six months', time de-
: positfcr ; ; f
Call nd see us at our new
banking rooms in the Labbe '
building;,- corner of Second and;-'
Washington streets, for further
particular. :ff j
:'or.Txomua ao siuoToiiiJ-
" ANDREW C. SMITH. President. :
DAVID M. DUNNK. Vice-President
LANSING STOUT,' Cashier. '
C. B. SEWALL, Aeaistant Cashier.
"give them the best of advice in regard
to location and prices. It la a well
known fact 'that Mr.' Cate la conversant
with the different locations of the city.
If he baa nothing taat auita your fancy
be la broad enough to direct you to lo
cations that will meet your require
ments. Phone Private Ex. 70..-
Trolley Trips on 0."W. -P7 Tomorrow'.
To Estacada, on the upper Clackamas
river, 15 miles from the city, 10 centa
round trip. Dinner at Hotel Estacada,
71 centa. . Care leave Ftrat and Alder
streets.YlO. :I0, 11:10, 1:10. 1:40, :44,
7:15. Tickets on sale In waiting-room.-
An appeal from the decision of ' the
police committee of the executive board
In ordering hla diamiasal from the police
force has been made to the civil aervlce
commission by O. F. Isakson, the police-,
man dlacharged because-of the fracua
with petty officers of the cruisers re
cently In- port He waa also found
guilty "of brutally treating Neia Nelson
Whllft arresting him In the north end.
Commencing Sunday, July 1, the ex
cursion steamer, Bailey Oatsert. will
make the Cascade Locks trip, leaving
Alder atreet dock at la. m., arrlvtng
back p. in. These trips will be made
on Sundays orriy. The Bailey - Gatsert
la the largest and most comfortable
boat on .the river, accommodating lf0
passengers. Fare 11.60 for the round
trip. Meals 60c Ttione Main 114.
"RellvlAus. Social anil -Political Con-
dttlonaln Mexico" will be the aubject off'hrmw" af!S"22t Z
an addree. by Ml.. Bertha Mason at ? J f
the First Christian church. Park and
Columbia streets, tomorrow, morning.
Miss Mason waa one of "the principal
apeakera at the Turner, convention and
no one waa more captivating and in
structive than she as she told of bar
work at Monterey, Mexico.
Special, Ratea on O. W. P. Tomorrow.
To Oregon City. Caneroah park,
Gresfcam, 26 centa round trip. All polnta
eaat of Greaham to and Including Esta
cada 10 centa round trjp. Allfcara leave
Flrat ana Aider streets. xicei. on saje
In waiting-room. .
A ' contribution of 176 has been' given
to the public ewtmmlhg baths by Wil
liam Iaensee, whose young aon waa
drowned in the Willamette four yeara
ago: The baths will need a number of
such subscriptions this year if the boys
of the city are to have a aafe place to
swim. The receipts at the door do not !
equal the expense of maintenance. .
" Oregon City River Trlpa. The beat
trip from the city to show the beauties
of Oregon. Sunday boat leaves Taylor
atreet 1:10, 11:10 a. m., 1:10 p. m. Last
trip from Oregon City 1:10 p. m. II
centa round trip. , t
Water through hose for sprinkling'
yards or sidewalks, or washing porches
or wlndowa, muat be paid for In advance
and uaed only between the houre of I
and I a. m. and I and p. m. It muat
not be used for sprinkling streets. If.
used contrary to , these rules, or waste
fully. It will be ahut off. .
Our aulta are well made as well aa
up to date and stylish. .We guarantee
every point. (Call and examine the
values we are giving. We still make
any ault In the house to order for 126;
no more, no less. Satlsfsctlon always
guaranteed. Unique Tailoring company,
10 Stark atreet, near Sixth. --.
Sunday Outlnga on O. W. P. To Ore
gon City and Canemeh park, 16 miles
from the city,. 25 cents round trip:
Dancing at Canemah park afternoon and
evening. Motor-cars with open trailers
leave First 'and Alder streets on the
odd hour and every 40 minutes. Tlcketa
on aale in waiting-room. . . v .1 ;
Grand Wagner musical service at
First Congregational church Sunday
evening. Nine musical numbers frpm
the great- musician's works. Choir as
sisted by Ferdinand Konrad, cello solo
ist. Dr. House speaks, on "The Dra
matlo Wagaer."
' " On account of ; atckness of their
orayon artist Huntley Bros.' company
haa extended the time for obtaining a
free 11x20 French crayon with a dollar
purchase to July 7. ,, .-
Concrete Construction Co., 701 Cham
ber of Commerce, manufacturera of
concrete atone blocks. Contractors for
all klnda of cement work. Tel Main 110.
Launches to the Oaka from Favorite
Boa thou ac, south side bridge, foot Mor
rison atreet, every few minutes all aft
ernoon and evening. Tel. 1401. , ;
To the Oaka Tomorrow. Cara leave
Flrat and Alder streets every 16 min
utes from 10 m. ' 6-cent f are
Stereoptlcon lecture on Hawaiian
islands at First Christian church, Park
and Columbia, by Rev. A. O. Hushaw,
missionary, tomorrow night. . .
"" First " iaas restsurant with 'good
lease, fine location; 1700 If sold at once;
owner has to leave town this week. Call
201 First atreet. ,
Milton A. Nathan, ajtorney, 1000 Stelner
taset. Ban Francisco. Commissions
promptly . executed, - Bank references
- Call at Shanghai Basaar, 42 H Wash
ington, corner Lewnsdala. for Chinese
and Japanese fancy curioav
' C S. Walbern, furniture repairing, pol
ishing, packing, shipping. TeL Eaat 414L
.. Acme Oil Co. aella the beet safety oil
and fine gasolines. . Phone Eaat 711,
Country dance tonight Cedar park.
Special late ears.' Eight prises..
Watches at a bargain,
jeweler, 205 Alder atreet.
Beck, the
' Woman's exchange. 1)1 Tenth atreet,
lunch. '11:10 to 2.
Panama batter, 111 4th, Phoni Pac 117,
Seattle Steamships, Fearing
Portland's Threatened Activity,
Da Uncle Sam's Work Gratis
Rather Than Carry Mail Matter t
Four Centa Per Pound th Steam
ers Carry It Pre in Order to Ap-
TaieomtVand Anger Portlandr-
. Suppose a rich government offered a
fair price' to ateamshlp companlea to
carry. mall to towna so far away, from
civilisation that the aurora bo real la
dima the glory of Standard OUT Sup
pose those steamship companies, soul
less corporations that, they -are, ahould
spurn, tha proffered gttld and offer to
carry the aforesaid mall thousands of
miles free, - gratia and v for nothing
Wouldn't that Jar youT J
. Prepare to be jarred. Juat such things
have happened, not a century ago, nor a
year ago, but only the other day In
this, the month of June. lsof. The
steamship companies of Seattle, which
formed a combine to cinch the United
States government for I centa a pound,
double the usual rate, for carrying the
malls "to Nome and St. Michael, have
announced that rather than acoept 4
centa A pound they wlU perform the
service without charge. No, it wasn't
a bluff, for the steamship Ohio, owned
by the combine, la right this "minute
streaking it through the Arctlo circle
with several tons of "dead-head" mall.
Whether this state of affalra will con
tinue dependa upon the decision of the
postofflce authorities at Washington.
JJncle Sam Isn't uaed to getting some
thing for nothing and he may object to
the new order of '((hlngs as altogether
too sudden. '1. .
- reared Soma aaA rerUaad.
; The explanation of the action of the
Seattle companlea la simple Pressure
came from two polnta of the com pa as
They feared Nome ' and they feared
Portland. Oho cursed- the companlea for
not bringing the mall and threatened to
enoourage the organisation of opposi
tion. Aa for Portland the companlea
knew that there waa a chance of the
formation of a rival ateamshlp line.
il contracts but eonaiderable pas
senger and freight business. Five
steamships had sailed away from
Seattle for Nome and St. Michael with
out an ounce of ' mall, on board. Nome
had replied with a vigorous protest.
Portland was talking- of relieving the
situation by a new. line.
Mountalna of mail were rising on the
docks. The - Ohio- waa about to . sail.
Something had to be done. The com
bine would not withdraw tta demand
for an extortionate rate.- Perhaps It
felt that time would solve the. problem.
Whatever the motive, the result was a
surprising message to the man In
charge of the railway and steamship
mail service at Seattle. In aubstahce
the combine said: . j
.Carry It Tor Xfothlag
"You can keep your 4 centa a pound.
It you. can't give ua I cents we'll carry
It for nothing. : Pile your'truck aboard."
That la how the Ohio came to carry
away several tons of the accumulated
mall. A few day. later the Senator,
owned by the Pacific Coaat Bteamahlp
company, took three tons. This served
to clean, up the docks, but the end Is
not yet. - Washington la still to be
heard from.' A report ha. been or soon
will, be sent to headquarters and only
the reply can settle matters. If the
government Insists on paying for the
service there will still be a chance for
a new line to Nome and St. Michael to
get contractafor carrying maUto
tboae placea. ., ... .,
Sspeetea Oontraot as Old Bate.
Up to a few days ago the government
understood that the Pacific Coaat Steam
ahlp company would sign a contract to
carry mail at the old rate. ' Thle com
pany, had written to the department
saying that in the excitement due to the
San Franclaco earthquake and Are it had
neglected to put In a bid and offering
to take maM to Nome and Bt. Michael
at the same price paid to other com
panies. i , - -
The, Pacific Coast people were notified
at once to consider themselves under
contract at the -old rate. Now it de
velops that thia company had no Inten
tion of bucking the combine, but took It
for granted that the demand for an In
crease had proved successful. .
Will Mot Slga Oontraot.
The ateamshlp Senator took mall, it la
true, but word . haa Just come from
Seattle that the Pacific Coaat company
haa notified the combine that when the
4-cent contract la presented to It by the
government it will refuse to sign. JSven
if thia company ahould change ita mind
and decide to carry out the Implied
agreement the trouble would not' be
over, for 6t runs only two boats, the
Senator and the Montara. to Nome and
St. Michael, and the limited number of
their trlpa during tha ahort open aea
son would make It Impossible for. two
vessels to give the far Alaskan porta
the alx-day mad aervlce desired by the
Meanwhile, the ateamshlps come and
go, and, wonder of wondera, big corpora
tions are doing aomethlng for- the
United Btates without any intention ot
aendlng in a bill for It. - .
J. XAllen. a young Oregontair Who
connected with the Lewis and
Clark exposition Isst year, la now em
ployed by the publicity department ot
the Jameatown exposition. In a re
cent letter to Jefferson. Myers of this
city he told of the progress of the east
ern fair and what Oregon will do- if
thia state enters with an exhibit.
He also told of the prices of Oregon
fruit In Virginia. ' He recently eaw
soma Oregon cherrlea In NorfoMi wh,lch
were selling at 40 cents per pound.
They are much better arxV. finer than
eaatern cherries, he said. . 1 ',
. :lou may tell any and allVOre
gonlans," He aald, "that an exhibit from
nnmn ! will tiSurelv ellmb Inta Aral
rplace among 'the exhibits at' this expo-
Portland Ministers. . I
The Portland paators wltn their fami
lies will hold thelt -annual picnic at
Estacada next Monday. Special car
leavea at 1:45 a. hi.. First and Alder
streets. . Outsiders can go up to capacity
of car. Apply Rev. E. L House.
' Milwaukie Country Club. :
' Memphis snd 'Louisville races. Take
Sellwood and Cregoa City ears at Flrat
an AWw. j - ; . -
Tody Sheriff Word Is Showing
4 -Him the Routine of the
y ' ? Sheriffs Office.
Understanding la ' That Penumbra.
' KeUy and N. H. Bird Will Be
, Chieia of New Sheriff a Force Will
Aisume the Office Monday. '
' 8herlf f -elect Stevens spent today with
Sheriff Word, -familiarising himself
with tha details of the office which he
will assume on Monday.
Stevens stated today that be will not
be ready to announce hla deputlea until
tomorrow, but it is generally under
stood that Penumbra Kelly and H.
Bird are to have leading places upon
his working force. Both Bird and Kolly
were opponents of Stevens In the pri
mary election. Kelly Is one of the
most experienced peace office ra In the
state, having served one or more terma
as United Statea marshal, sheriff and
deputy sheriff In this county. He has
a large circle of personal frlenda, especi
ally among the old timers, many of
whom voted for Stevens with the under
standing that Kelly would be one of
hla deputlea.
Bird has been a candidate for sheriff
a number of times. " He baa a large fol
lowing among the labor element 'Both
these men worked for Stevens' election
after their defeat at the primaries. -
- One of the. fat revenues which now
accrue to the aherlff, namely, the profit
on feeding the prisoners, will probably
be taken away .from the ofilce at or
near the beginning of the present term.
County Commissioner Barnes stated
today that the board of commissioners
had agreed to place the feeding of the
prisoners in the handa of the county
direct In order that the county might
secure the benefit of the profit. This
he said would be done aa soon as it
could be properly arranged. ;
The building at Nineteenth and Wil
son streets In which the Apex mill waa
operated until It- waa deatroyed by tire
aeveral weeka ago will not be rebuilt.
Wj O. McPheraon, who owna the land
on which It waa altuated, will erect a
large warehouse on the site.
- The Enterprise Milling company,
which operated the Apex mill, la nego
tiating for a alte for another mill. The
manager of the- company denies the
rumor that the Apex mill Is to be moved
to North Yakima and atatea positively
that the mill will be reopened in thia
city. - - .. , .
. i "
How and Why. ,
All you have guessed about Ufa In
surance may be wrong. If you wish to
know the truth send for "The How and
the Why." It Is Issued free by the Penn
Mutual Life, . Sherman Harmon, gen
eral agents. .
Musicians, Attention.
TBe i sure and secure a copy of the
descriptive songa 'ever written, "One of
in. j urn, , a cams. , All
dealers or O. F. Buck, the author. Mount
Tabor. " ' - i
' ' ' 1
OOOO-BTX, TKIXaTS wilcomob,
BBoraa. .....
Now the contest Is all over which re-
- tlrea Thomaa Word,
But "lust the same all handa declare the
i"7 fellow Is a bird;
AnAJBeerirr Stevens, ditto. Say, he's
every Inch a prince.
And we'll find when duty calls him that
. he'll never, never wince. J
Of course, one's heart feels dumpish
. when a good man must step down,
But gladness follows sadness and dis
pels the growing frown.
When there comes a "rattling" brother,
aa our "Bob" is known to be,
To All the place made vacant, as be
v ..will, efficiently, ' 1
Oh, Mon day there's comfort handed
out to ua In human life.
For example, here's our laundry how
It helps the weary wife.
Cleansing linen for her family at Big
tiny cents a pound, .
And the rumbling of our wagon la to
her a Joyful sound.
. Second and Columbian TeL Main III.
maov&aVTOB avnra, maim
r t
Walter McClure Too. Bad for Su
perintendent Gardner to Man
age, Evidence Shows.
Walter McClure, aged If, waa com
mitted to the reform school by Judge
Fraser la the Juvenile court yeeterday
afternoon for alleged Incorrigibility.
Toung McClure has been In the care of
Superintendent Gardner of the Boys' and
Girls' Aid society for the last two yeara,
hla father having declared that he was
unable to control the boy. Mr. Gard
ner reported to Judge Fraser that young
McClure ,has been running around with
a crowd of tough young fellows and la
beyond hla control. ' '
Toung JMcClure la aald to have se
cured aeveral different placea, to work,
but would not atay at any or"Uim, He
waa alao accused of stealing, and ad
mitted taking a small sum ot money.
McClure Is but li years old. but Is
large for bis age. When Judge Fraser
annnunoad his Intention of seeding him
to the reform school th- boy broke
down and cried and promiaea to ne gooa
if only given one more chance. Judge
Fraser reminded him of aeveral chances
to reform that he has already had.
"The boya never think we mean what
we aay here when we tell them we will
aend them to the reform school on the
next offense." said tne Judge. "But
when ' they get Into mischief for the
twentieth time, and we aend them up
there, they alwaye cry aa It their hearts
were broken. " Some ot the boys regard
the Juvenile court aa a Joke, but when
they persist In wrongdoing they always
find ub eertoua.- - ' ' . -
Toung McClure waa taken to Salem
yesterday evening. . - .
The Steamer Spencer, Tastest aa the
trpper Columbia, Will Save SO Cents
to saofc rasa eager Tomorrow.
r-H .n flnencer at the
beginning of the aeason eatablMhed a
Sunday round trip excursion rate oi i
to the famous Cascade Locks and re
mnA win hm tin mora than that
on tomorrow'a ride. The price Is not
great, but with the liberal patronage
the opencer naa ma imra -
la enough, and 10 centa leea than that
k M w anw Cth VASMal Oil ' the
vuira vj ... - .
river. And to begin with, the Spencer
la not only the raateat Dut tne oeai lur
nlshed and equipped of any craft mak
ing thla run, so there te no reason -why
passengers ahould pay more than 11
hia wm AmMwhtfAtl ot all Ameri
can excuraiona. The Chaa R. Spencer
departs irom mi uw . -.
returning st I p. m, csrrylng pasaen-
. v,n., w tk h. rt o the Cascade
mountains, passing the most wonderful
acenery. save xne xeuowsiune pr, uu
. V. i .n,lln,nf T)A rid ! 11B mllse
forv'100 .cents, snd our psssengere may
view the 100-foot Multnomah . Falla,
many other cataracts, the famous Castle
Rock. Rooster Rockti the Pyramids,
towering mountalna, dark canyona,
beautiful landscape and moat charming
groves, aiagmriceni picnic inuuui m
the 14.000,000 locks, requiring IS years
to build. Meala on board It desired.
Ira F." Powers of the Powers'. Furni
ture company and George Klelser of the
Foster Klelser company will .leave
Tuesday for an eastern trip. The trip
will Include Chicago. " OranaTjRaplda,
flluiiiRaii, ' f .
Mr Powers-will make -ho vtrlp for
tne purpose -ox maxing ine regular nil
purchases for his firm. He makea the
trip east annually In the Interest of the
firm and to koep In touch with the eaat
ern market conditions.
He will be - accompanied , by ' Mr.
m.i... wKa will entnhlna both bualneea
and pleasure on the trip. Mr. Klelser
Slso goes east in inn inmrvai ni.
firm. They expect to return within
three weeks or a month.
i A. Feldenhelmer, the Jeweler, has re
ceived a permit for the erection of a
two-etory frame residence on Kin,
street, between Main and Madison. The
coat Is given ss 16.200. Garrett Peter
son sre the contractors.
Other permits have been Issued, aa
follows: - Fie H In g, -repel ra to saloon.
Alder, between Second and Third, cost
1560; W.' H.- Jones, two-story-dwelling,
Manhattan, between Union avenue am
Kankakee, ceet 11.900: E. J. Grohs. re
pairs to dwelling, Broadway, corner Vto
torla, cost 1160; Marietta Meussdorffer.
two-story dwelling, Grand avenue,! cor
ner Oregon, cost 11,400; F. J. Msdants,
repairs . to aweiiing, jtaraei Between
. - J
The Cup That Cheers
Are all found In the Hat of Bay State
paints, and their high quality lnsuree
that any shade will be permanent They
don't fada Ilka manv so-called Dalnts.
Neither do they lose their life end scale
on, nor are they aireciea oy sun or rain
Now that the Fourth of July la ap
proaching It ia a good time to celebrate
by giving your bouse, fence or out
building a new dress.
-Portland Oregon .
1 1Mb tbaji wiu orzir nrr. it.
' Fits-boys and girls for Eaatern and
Western colleges.
' Includes ' a primary and ' grammar
achooL . -v
"Boarding hall for girls affording the
comforta and cara of a refined home.
' Office houra 'during the Summer from
I a. m. to II m. ; , -
For catalogue write to tha ' . addreas
given above.. ...
A Boarding and Day School for Boya
Manual Training, Military Discipline,
College Preparation. Boya of any age
admitted at any time.: Write for Illus
trated Catalogue. f '
DrJ.W. HILL, Prop, and Principal
Fall term will open Sept. 19, 110s. '
mtun, OBxooar.
blair ca
. WOEKs.
Artlatle - Bmaa
mrate. siaaa
leesie. Cvmetery
and bnlldlns work
from the beat ef
marble and araalte.
Correeponilv ae a ad
enters areaaptly
atteaded to.
East Ea4 Madbas
Strtet rdt
Fourteenth and Sixteenth streets, ' cost
t00: E. Peoples, two-story dwelling,
Wygant, comer Kaat Tenth, cost 11,400:
Lster M. Iceland, two-atory dwelling.
East Twenty-aeventh, between East Pine
snd East Ash. coat 12,100; John Straa-
ser, repairs to store. First, hetwnn
Yamhill and Morrison, coet !44z; Wil
liam Beckett,, "bnerstnry dwelling. I -1
Twentieth, between Going and 1 ..i.
coet 100; John OI- , rot ' ,
corner Bellevue, cost I
Allen 1
i - - - ' V
ly ,' ano :. "T
:4th of Jyy
.Up-to-date Steamboat, aplendtd ac
commodations, first-class dlnlng-roo
seats for sverybody. three Observation
Decka. bo narrow passageways, ao
' Jarring, rldee like ' a Pullman car.
7 Ladles'" Parlor. Smoking-Room, polite
attendants, safety and comfort. ,
See lie Ctlztrttzi Csztztz Iz JL)
tzi Cclsstla Elver Sctzrqr
v .tarand." "Magnificent" "Wonderful."
" "Gjorloua.' "Aatoundlng.' How beauti
ful." "Superb,- are'a few of the expres
sions of delight constantly beard from
the Hps of our paasengera, .
Ve Joarcey Ttrcr Ce Zzzil
1 ol lie Cssesie. Kcnlilzs
Toa see aa ha la greeA, aa Uut ii
gorgeous, all that aeWnuids, aU t3u.t
baXflee geaoHvttom set tola aaoe tKfMS
evtdag ride. See tha VoxOaaa ft ajeaers
railwe,y warn vets MM dowm th nosCa
baak of ejaa OolnaiMs .,
Steamer " leaves
BOOK t Am Bt, returning anlvea i:IO
: p. m. Get yoar ticket, early.
For detailed Information call at Hook or
Phone Main QI-4
but Dees Hot' Inetrtt:
Oeraet Taagka aad Taeatyeaila
UM OaHed at l:M p. m. Bally.
OaaMS OalUd t:M . Bk Saaeaye.
ladles' Day, rriday.
Sraasstaad, aaei Chfldna. IOoi Bex Seats, tie.
rtgntl week ef the
la the Laughing Fares
Is Cetweetloa With a Specially BeleeeM QUe,
Hearted br the Refined
flned Sketch Artists. MR.
"A BLOrfkB . BLVmS.'f
Baker Theatre
0oe. 1- Baaae. Mas.
' Pheae Vahi 1S0T. '
Boom ef Hlaa-Olaaa Steak. "
Lest Tbne Tmlght at 8:15. the Popular Bake
. Company hi a Beautiful and Elaborate ;
. Production of the ramoaa
.' ! t' Three-Act ComertT, ".
: KTKmKO PRICES aae. SOe aad eoe,
Bewt Veak. Start ine Toiaauue
witlo. The He!II$ Thestrc JSZ
Tools, !, Last Thmv
la the TaMrul Kesleal OesMay
' " "tbb TKLxraoaa aiax."
Pretty Gtrla, Catchr Moale. Feany mrnatsraa,
POPvLAB PRICEd--BTealDg. Me. Me. Aso,
SOe aad TOe. Matlaee. 10e and Me.
Bex Week, Tevrew BlgM.
Athey, Vaaaerula aad Athay,
Kelaette. WiUawe aai Bavta.
Maad Sharpe sad the Oatiran.
Prefasoor Id ward! aad His Treiaad hamatoa.
ieaa WUaaa. MoXaaale, Mn aad kuutaa. .
- - KevlBc-riatare Oamodiaa.
Perfbraaaees dally at :0, T:B0 aad S . BJ.
Admlaaloa. 10c aad toe; hoxee, A. Laeloe
aad children take any seat at weak-day aait
hues tar TB! eeata. -- -r
? Grand
Buy Unk's Be-Be-.
. Baa Baguaeat. .
Xdward Watdaaaaa,
. Paal Stehsy.
' Voet aad Bantea.
: Xarold Beff.
' . ' - Oieadlaoopa.
The BTerld's
- The man who has
"the a d v e r t ising
habit" invariably hat
the "habit of i iuc
ceeding.' The adver
tising habit is often -
fixed upon one by v
ingle trial of
; ;. . , '' '