The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 30, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    I V
Widow: of Leader of Holy Rollers
'. Is Called to Stand in Trial
r of Mitchell;'
ffroeecutlon Closed Its CaseYeter
' -; l day ' Afternoon and Defense Will
CommenceExamination of , Wit
nesset on Monday.
- , i . - t ,
71 (Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
' Seattle, June SO. With the closing
r.of the evidence fo the prosecution yee
'' terday afternoon In the trial of Georso
. illtchell, the slayer of Edmund Cref.
u ... '
! 4 ' Maud Hurt Cref field.
i ' ' '
t field, the Holy Roller apostle, eourt
vMavmj1 until UaimI.. .numlnr t
'which time' the testimony for the do
' Sense will be commenced. ,
Evidence tntroduoed by the prosecution,
; Prosecutor atmoklntOBh satisfying; hlm-
'klf vtth ihnirin th manner of the
: killing- of Creffleld and the attitude of
the defendant throughout tne eiiair.
'which was shown to be cool and' calm,
-with the. view of discrediting; the ln-
milt-w nUa or the defense.
Widow OaUed te Steal.
' ' When Maud Hurt Creffleld, widow-OT
the dead lepoetle," was called to the
stand late In the afternoon there' was
"absolute silence In the courtroom. Aa
"the woman ceased tin the aisle to the
.witness stand there was a craning- of
hMka imMv the aneotatora who wlahed
r. to obtain a view of the person who was
m r . n a mi n m n r ana ri n i w ttuii.r iwiv
throughout his Infamous career and
' nu wim uun m " UV ...W V L UWIU.
There was astonishment expressed upon
Vobtalnlna- a elose rlew of the widow.
aha belna- not la tne leaat tne Kina or
M K. MtiiMll. k. nln.
WUIJJM II. . - - F W UAL n. M.M.I J w yaw-
J tnrad aa the oomoanlon of a leader of
such a moTement as that set on foot
fc. rhfim.lA . Pnmlv In a iv Mra.
Creffleld did not show ' any daullng
-marks of brintanoy and her race ana
.eyes appeared absolutely expression-
leea. Throughout nor testimony tnere
' The Pretty Baby contest closes to
night, when no more pictures will be
received. , Nothing suggested by a
paper has been more successful than
this,' and photograph of beautiful
children hare come from almost every
towii in- Oregon and Washington,,
These babies of the Oregon country
are the prettiest in the world, and to
choose the -winners will be no small
task. , It will take time, as hundreds
of pictures have come to The Journal
in he pastffew jdays. The photoA
graphs wltflfe' published In The Sun
day Journal In tne order in which they
were received, and the four prizes will
be awarded by impartial jurors. An
nouncement of the winners will be
made at the earliest moment. . t
was no show of feeling and her atti
tude was that of a disinterested party
In the ease. '
' The Holy Roller apostle's widow
teetlfled simply as to the incidents of
the, shooting of her husband.' She told
how sh was walking along the street
with hlra when suddenly she heard en
explosion. ' She turned and saw her
husband fall to the ground and Mitchell
calmly place a smoking revolver In
his-' pocket UFeertng . that he would
shoot herl elsot'sha. xuShed ud to Cref
field's )y(rvand grappled with him.
He' repulsed her and grasping her
wrist held ther for a moment He then
released her and she kneeled to the
street beside the body of Creffleld. .
... i ! Crosa-gxamlnatiOB' '
The eross-exanlnatlon of Mra. Cref
fleld 'waSjj Jhotougtu, Jut wii confined.
to tne poita Drvugni. vut in tne direct-
xamlnaUOi". The attorneys for the de-
along the lines of Creffleld's dealings
in Holy Rollerlsm. This was objected
to by the prosecution and the objection
sutata4 byJr'.epTt. An exception
was "sfveT'By rthe defense. I is prob
able that Mrs. Creffleld will, be called
to -the stand again next week as a wit
ness for the defense, when she will be
required to snswer the questions denied
upon' cross-examination. ; ; .
; - ' 1 iT.'-
(Bpeefi btopatcS te Ths JeamaLt
Klamath Falls, Or., June 10. Fred
erick Weyerhaeuser Br., head of the
great lumber concern, paid a visit to
their large "holdings In the vicinity of
Thrall and Pokegama, and after looking
over developments, gave orders to dis
continue Sunday trains as he believes
In affording his men rest Mr. Weyer
haeuser also ordered sohoolhousee built
at Thrall and Pokegama and the bills
sent to him, eald houaes to be opened,
lighted and heated for any religions
services at. any time. While he was-noo-oommltta",
the fact that their mill
Is cutting ties In large numbers gives
eredenoe to the. belief that the line may
be extended Boon toward Klamath Falls.
H'v V
Portland Railway Company Run-
u nlng First Cars Over the
; , Line This Afternoon. '
, . . j . ' , : . .. ...
Extension Will. Shorten Schedule
Between Portland and the River
Banquet to ' City Officials This
E?e,ning Will Conclude Ceremonies.
; (Bas aUdei,9epartmeal)
The Portland Railway company
' (ftpsc-sl XHspatsh te Tee Mmiel.) x
Klamath Palls, Or., June 1 10. H. C
Chamberlain has opened a- new brick
yard on the East Klamath Falls tract,
where he . thinks he haa found . a su
perior clay, and will burn at the earliest
possible date a 600.000 kiln. :
Reliable cylinder
M Mm I llf aTM m M aV
t J ,. . ej
If J
7 1 1 jaw -
lin TV
' A II
i ' -
$1 Down $1 a Week
10-Inch Discs
former. pric
Columbia Phonograph
rnmnanv Columbia bldo.
lUIIipalljr 371 Washington St
Largsst Mannisctnrers in the World
. must be properly digested and assimilated to be of
n any ralue to you, otherwise it is a source of harm
Instead of food. " '.' ; ' .;;', -;- i
J. - If not digested, It fermeftts and decays, causing
"sour stomach,' "heart burn," nausea, headache,
flatulence, bad breath and other discomforts. . ,
compels proper digestion of the food and sends the
food nutriment through the blood into all parts jof
theody. . ,V. : ..'
. .The tissues are thus built up and every organ is
restored to healthy and strength and put in perfect
condition. - - 7 ; . .. , .
Disease Is' dfiVen" out to stay "eutthe cause
Is rsmoTed.- ' , y-.
j v. .... , . "; . j :""
' v.;-. ' PlaBtersrills, Miss. :
. hsvs prtscribed Ksdol qnrte tftea la bt practice,
and hare found It a rery - sffldent remedy for all
stomach aliments.. It ass always given the besVef"
results. - . -i J, Tt MAT, M. D. N -
Mmm m mh mm Mw
HI. ar mm rnrnmrn tl.
: t
stomaoh swirr.
M mmm lk. I
mtarrvtl.S .Saw
a e.. SMm.
old by Woedare, Clarke. Co. aad nddmese Brag; Ooaapeay,
w i.
oerln running cars ever the new route
to Vancouver at 4 o'clock this afternoon,
when the. ferry will land for the first
time at the new slip on- the south side
of the Columbia river. The new trestle
on this line that crosses the Columbia
slouch is built to stand the weight of
trie-i heaviest trains. The eupport is .of
heavier piling and the benta are heavier
than those used on the trestle of the
old Una Blxty-pound steel rails have
been laid on this line and Inside guard
rails have, been laid the full length of
the trestle, rendering It ae safe aa It la
possible to j make a structure of this
kind. New cars of the type used on
the St Johns line will be put on this
run.. These care have four motors each
and caa maintain top speed on the
heaviest - grades. They - are equipped
with air brakes, have the smokers' ves
tibule In the rear and have a seating
capacity for 0 with a carrying capacity
of 110. It Is the Intention to put trail
era on these care "on the early morning
end lata afternoon runs. ' ' -
The company expects to reduce the
schedule tlmo-rcf Vancouver, by about
eight minutes;' which will make the trip
46 minutes long.. It no- requires (1
minutes from Washington street to the
ferry clip on the Vancouver aide of the
Members of the council and of ' the
executive board will witness the open
ing of the new route to the Vanooaver
ferry thls 'afternoon. A . special car
carrying the officials and also the of
ficers of the railway company will leave
the city at 4:10. going to the ferry slip
over the old route. Officials of Van
couver will meet them at the ferry Blip
and the return trip will be made over
the new extension, which includes a long
trestle over Columbia ' bottom. . Upon
the arrival of the party, in Portland
they will proceed to the Hotel Port
land, where a banquet will be served by
the officials of the Portland Railway
company In honor of their guests.
., Work on Laf e Pence's double-track
electiio ear line from Linnton. opposite
St. Johns, .to Portland, bagan last Mon
day morning. Two shifts of men are at
work, each working 10 . hours. Mr.
Pence' has ordered beavy-roed-makmg
machinery, but for the present he is
using the machinery of the county. '
In return for making the Linnton
road a flrst-olasa thoroughfare, the east
10 feet of the road is to be used by Mr.
Pence as a roadbed for hie streetcar
line. By the terms of the contract be
tween the county court and Pence, he Is
to widen the county road from rortinna
to Linnton and . give tt a coating of
crushed rock and gravel. He. Is to
sprinkle the -road for Its entire length
la Multnomah county for IS per cent
lose than It can be done by the county
with eonvlot .labor. He' la also to de
liver crushed rock on the road below
Linnton for IS per cent less. than the
county can do tt Mr. Pence announces
that his road will be In operation by
November 1. v .
The St Johns postofflee will become,
bv operation of law. a presidential of
fice next Monday. That Is, It will be
transferred from the fourth to the third
clasa The office will be moved In a
short time to new quarters. A building
la under construction now for that pur
pose. The receipts of thle office have
Increased very raptdly since the first
of the year, and It will be necessary to
maintain them up to the present figure
te keep the office from lapsing back
into the fourth class. A peculiar order
of the postofflee department requires
that holdere of keye to lock boxes shall
return them to the postmaster at the
time an office le transferred from the
fourth to the third clasa, to be Imme
diately returned to the holder.
The manufacturing planta along the
Bt Johns waterfront are complaining of
Inadequate fire protection because of
the lack of fire hydrante. At present
there are said to be no hydrante along
the waterfront exoept those pot In at
private expense. There Is probably
1500.000 worth of property there, with
practically no sort of fire protection.
Now tnat'tno wafer .pressure ou
Johns haa been proved sufficient to
eope with any ordinary fire, an effort
will be made to have the city eounoU
Install the necessary hydrants to pro
tect the manufacturing plants In that
part of the city.
The-- Warren Construction company
has at last redeemed Its promise by
starting "the pavement work on union
avenue, eoutn or uurnsiae sireei.
Crushed rock le being spread over tne
street preparatory to paving witn Dii-
ullthlo material.
Professor Robinson. ' county superin
tendent of schools, addressed the grad
uating class of the Woodstock school
lest night Ten pupils jwere graduated
in this year's clasa Folowlng the ad
dress, Professor Robinson presented the
graduates with their diplomas. Every
pupil In thle class will. It is eald, enter
the city. High school this falU
The work of relaying the etreetcar
tracks on Union ayenue wtU be finished
July 4. when the old route of eeet elds
care will be resumed serosa Burnslde
bridee. botM gMng ana coming, exoept
the Broadway cars, which will continue
to cross the steel oriage ooin ways, at
ternntlng with the Irvlngton cars, thus
giving a seven and a half-mlnutea'
eervtoe to that part Of the east side, -
A trabHo 'ttrlnklng fountain hae been
ordered put In at the corner of Jersey
and Burlington streets, Bt Johns, ; by
the cljty council.
(Journal ftpeds! Barries,)
i Madrid. June .10 The new Spanish
tariff, promulgated on April -V will go
Into effect tomorrow. American imports
era considerably affected, the duttee
on machinery, especially agricultural
and electrical machinery, and on flour,
wheat, malse, S petroleum andr woven
grtode being Increeeeov
Iron and steel are
ONLY 2,.
There all the time there is left for you le buy stock in the Jv
I At 5110 Per Share
' --m
rmzoB rosrrrrsxY abyaxtcbs ov moxtdat. jott s. ra sits
m IUU. .....' V ' ' .
' SOaTT SnCTrbATai. ZXrrzgT XmTMAO in stock yoq know la good
and sound and paying dividends every month.' Don't- guess when put.
ting up your good money make sure. It Is Just ee easy as to speculate
and a good deal more profitable.
, Do you know who end what the J. C. LEE COMPANT let If you
don't, find out about It WUICK. It s money In your pocket to know about
this company. 1 - . k -
J - The J. C LEE COMPANT la capitalised for 1200,000. ' divided "Into
1,0 shares, par value 1100 each, fully paid and non-assessable., i;
52.25 Per Share Per Month
Dividend checks are mailed regularly on the first day of each and .every
month to satisfied stockholders who 'have Investigated our standing and
methods of doing business, among whom are Bankers, Professional and
. Business Men.. OUM ABSXTS AM AUCOST , . r .
Six Huiidred Thousand DoDors
and our surplus near four -hundred thousand dollars, ever and above 'U '
liabilities. ;
REMEMBER, there sre only TWO DAY8 left in which to buy stock
at 1110 per share.., investigate at once. .
I t f
- . i - p. , , , ! .
I - 1
rHT '
iff V
mK-ttl Cti3
This is a Photograph ef Car Ooatainmr TO-toa StUl fee ear tertiag- N14 BUnev
Cornar Sixth and VexeiSihlrnjton Sti-eeta, Pbrtland OtriJ
. ttt r
e "
The sTew Style.
That the NEW HERR1CK Is Ihe BEST REFRIGERATOR on tbe Face of Bie Earth
;In this small advertisement we cannot--numerate ALL its excellencies. Ve may .
say, however, that it is built on entirely original lines, except j-that it, contains '
EVERY splendid feature-tf ALL other makes necessary in refrigerator con
patented and CANNOT ever be had by any other refrigerator makers! These
EWideas are those upon which are founded our challenge of $10,000 that the'
HUMAN HABITATION east, west, north or. south Europe or. America or,
"anywhere else 'on earth. ---,;"v ' ' --V". ".-r-----, ; .: -
I wa wt
0t e ncaaecs L
rhe Old aHyle,
Telephone Main
Odd Fellows Tas;!
First tai Alder Sts.'
Pleasant to tahe and does not gripe or nauseate
Cures Chronic Constipation , Stomach and Liver Trouble
Stimulation Without Irritation.
Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new
laxative syrup combined with the deli
cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas
ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken.
It is much more pleasant -and effective
than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters,
as it does not derange the Stomach, or
irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels.
Constipation. ;
. Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi
tively care chronio constipation as it re
stores the natural action of the intestinal
tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem
porary relief but the stomach is upset
and the bowels are irritated without any
permanent benefit having been derived.
The condition of the patient remains un
changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels
have not been stimulated and in a few
days a stronger purgative may have to be
taken. This is why Pills and Aperient
Waters never- give -permanent relief.
Their violent action results in an unnat
ural movement of the bowels and it is nec
essary to keep taking them indefinitely.
Why ORINO is different.
Oanro Laxative Fruit syrup is the only
preparation that really acts upon all
of the digestive organs. Other prepar
ations act upon the lower bowel only and
do not touch the Liver. It can very read,
ily be seen that a preparation that does
not act upon all of the digestive organg
can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid
Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. -
For Biliousness and Sick .
-:.- '---v - Headache. .:;-:;'" -'v
U-Take Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup." If
sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and "
acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and ?
bowels without irritating these organs. -
7 Clears the Complexion.
v Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate
the liver and thoroughly cleanses the
system and clears the complexion of
pimples and blotches. , It is the best lax
ative for women and children as it is
mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or
sicken. ' K-efuse substitutes . '.
Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you
are not satisfied your money will be ref undede r
Prepared nty by POLKY a CO., Chtoaso, III.
at Heilig Tomorrow Night
tas moat yopaUr of all tha grmmt
aowoe ths Uttftr-Sajr Blnaleal MBf.
Slas, tka apara la whiek DaWolf Boppar sisiia
Is ana gnataat hit, is to ba tba bill tot
tba Sovrtk wsk of tae amalral conwdr araaan
at tha Brlllc thaaCra, apaalDC Sanaa. Jnlr 1.
by tha Randall aansleal canMdr. hl will
aadsabtMl ba tna Daat ana bmsi aoravaas
apara at preaacad at tbia saaaoa of aat
Basts ww etumc at uoiuf, id. lira.
Last Time "Telephone Girl Tonight.
Tmldit la tha last Barforaanra of Tha
TaUotMOO OlrL" at tha H.lllg thaatra, FonrU
toanth and Washlnftoe atrarts, slvaa byl thaJU.1
Kaadau sraalral companr. This rolllrklns trprrm
has had a marrr ran dnrlnf tha wark and la
Sana to parfrrttnn br tha brilliant principals
.iul tha hMntlfnl aharaa.
a . . ,". ", ".
Last Performance Tonight. f'
Tnaltht ocara tha ' laat parforsiasce nf
"Madajno Sana-Oana" St tha Itakar. It haa
baaa a praaparena waak of jnllltr, for
tha sadtaoesa haT. bam antartalnad tf tha
hr.aay aad atronf lr hamoroaa enar that
Sardoe ballt ap araafid thla strsiaja aharaetar,
htadssie Davu-alar-Cara. - .
Nat Goodwin Here July 6 'and 7.
ABMrica't sraatast eoaMdlaS, Kat 'C. Oond-
ovara ou loaui. .
. . ...... m ...
Hallard, Bnow Liniment Companr Tour
Snow unimtnt euraa an oia aore en tna
aide of ray chin that was supposed to be
a cancer. The sore waa stubborn and
would not yield to treatment, until I
Bnow L.lnunenj iwnicn aid ids work
in snort oi
hfy Sister, Mra Sonhla
J Carson, Allonsviue. Mirrin county,
Pennsylvania, has a sore end mistrusts
t is a cancn
Plaaoa Bend her
ised. The duUee on i.Cent botUK Sold bjr - Weodard.
decreased,;, . . t,Oo, . . , . ; ' f .y ,
win. anpported by Edna Ooodrlrh and as ex
cellent "company of pltj.r., will prtaent tha
faraomad7, "Tha Oenlns,'' at tha H.IMs
theatre- next Trfilay altht and aatnrday aftar
aoon.'j Jaly S and T; Batnrday night, "Whas
wi , wnijrwitwiM"' tiu be given, neat
ale oooa at .UUlf theatre next Wednesday
moralosv July 4, at le o'clock.'.
"Rip Van Winkle.'
"Hip Vaa Winkle' will ba the bill for tba
eighth week of the eammar stork aaasoa at
tba Baker theatre, opening tomorrow at the
reanlar Sond.r matinee. Mr. Baama shoald
sire sa elegant performaare ' of thla Boat
fanosa rola In which Joseph Jeffereoa mad.
hla greateet snecaat.
At the Lyric
pornlaiitv of tha toariet
comedy, "David Oerrlck," haa baaa eenatentla
an the ineraaaa with each succeeding offering
daring the current week. The delicate' parte
hare baaa bandied la a masterly .manner.
V . ' ' . 1 .
i At the Grand,
frhcB eonalderlng an m. pbtcs ta g toeierme
teniemher that the Orand la giving tha beat
vanderllls program It haa , offered la seversl
weeks. The bill does not cantata one weak
torn and every osa la a Bit a
land. , . '
new to Port.
.v -.""'Af'the Starr', f
"a Lost Sahr" will ba played n
hemVon and fwlca tomorrow night by the
Star atock company. Thla la a mueleal farce
whlrh ahoald be sees by evaryoaa who likes a
breex) and lively entertainment... , i .
PanUgef -
I fall te 4tnnd"ht w.
Ton ahoald not
show at tha paniefa. Tha MH la on
one of
merit and deeervee the patroaag. af all.' On
the program are etna-log and dancing by hfaada
Sharp, and the Oabntnea, a exciting boxing
enateat, hetwrea Prof awe' Cdwarda sod his
trained kangaroo, several slewing oomedlea by
capable actors, a tnnrhlng llloatrated aoog by
JeasWllaa aad intaraetlaf swrlog ptctvras.
v ; -An Unequalcd Offer
A sat of our famous 111 False TEETH for flO.
Painless extracting -free with this offer. , Exam
ination and consultation free. Crown and ' Bridge
work a specialty. Extracting, B0 eeate . .
WISE BROS.. Dentists
1 " Txxmo An wasamrOTOsT. .
Osem vsaiag-s aad sntndaya.
TAMTftrr aoa tov mi nU.w--BzmirTrtruT
7 A CTsTSmafTsTO nMMMVMm CsVaTT. ..
Leaves Alder Street Dock, Port-. .
land ....a. m.
Arrive at Astoria at ......... 1, p. Ov.
IeavA Astoria for horn. at.. p.m.
' Arrive In Portland at. p. m
steals lerfel s fa Osrbx
I ,
Carry Tear Xmamlx 0 ..Tee Wlek.. ,
- A delightful Sunday trlp-i- ehannlnv rid. en tbe greatest river of
western America the beet steamboat oa the Paclfle eoast -Follta atten
tion to every ene. ' - ' -.-'
Sec the City by th:!::..1'"' "
The Family Size Costs $19,150 v
And no better can be had for $1,000 at our house or any other house beneath the sun. This is why we are selling them right and
left here and there and everywhere. This is why people are turning out their present refrigerators and putting ours in in;
their homes, in their hotels, their restaurants and. on Jfceirj steamboats. They want the best and we sell it, and at the lowest,
price we can and come out even on the cost. We-won't do this after this season. . , -
. . . . . . . , . . . j ,'t r
1 lffliB
; lj.u ui lj j vu