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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1906)
V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAlV PORTLAND. HATtJRDAY EVENINO, JUNE v;eoded;djvorced LADD HAS CROSS T.rn-i n ; IrmM 1(1 SAME MONTH I r i JudgV Sari Puts End toTamlly Attorney for Johnson Heirs Sub lliis Is Las! Day-Eel t Record of Ezra Ralph Yager and Refuge Bride,' , . t Y'V: v ' WOMAN GETS DECREE V jecta Him to Rapid Fire . of Questions During Morning. ANY PIANO, QRGAN OR PJANO PLAYER IN THE HOUSE AT YOUR OWN PRICE AND ATYOUR OWN TERMS IP THEY BE HALF WAY REASONABLE EXPUINS EVERYTHING ' mm r T ON CRUELTY GROUNDS WHEN ASKED TO DO SO Monday, July, 2, our successors,' the Sherman-ay Company, take possession.. . r- m ...,......-,.. , , . ' Says Her Husband Bet Her Became She Would-Not Go to Sea With Help us dpar the floor space for them. - . --'i : -'5' ' - yY; . f ' ?n; Tells About Trust Deed litigation now--today to get a and Explains Why Question In hi suit your convenience.- t Hin-Ronance Breaks All Recorda volved Waa Carried to Supreme have no fear of any one 7-J for Portland. ' v Y I, ' Court for Settlement. : - EXAnilNATIOI 1 Alleging that her husband became an- grj at her. because aha refuse to o - to nt with mm, ana orat ner. jwo ! m Tun u rranted divorce from - Eire Ralph Tsger by Judge Bears In the . circuit court this morning. By the or der of the court, ahe need 'no longer be u. known as Mrs. Tager, out may anewsr t hp maiden name. Alio Arnold. , Th. litiaanta were married at the ; '"eourthouse June 1, by one of the circuit ' 'Mn. wt lliat the Were abOUt tO step Into the Judge's chambera the lady ..' I. miA .m va MfiiaMi la rrOl,ffrd With ' the ceremony. It la etated that It waa '. only after several minutes of eloquent . persuasion that she consented to have the ceremony perrormea. " ' Tinr took his. bride i- to. the Bt. Cher lea hotel, and on the morning of ' June 10 reported to the police that his bride had myaterloualy disappeared dur ing the night, leaving a note saying ahe had cone - to Oakland. He suspected - that ahe waa stlU In Portland, and de tectives were detailed to hunt her up. ' " SCeeta XlaaUf Bride. ' Two days later Tager met his miss Ing wife on the street and fa aald to have pleaded -with her -to return. It 1 atatod - that she resented his earnest plea by whacking- him vigorously ever the head with her umbrella.', - On June 14 Mrs. Yager filed gait for a divorce, after, having been a fair June bride for Jut one week. . Tsger .has made no contest of the suit and did not appear In court this morning when the trial waa had. No attorney represented him. Yager waa a steward a the steamship Breakwater. Un. Ttier testified that while ahe " and 'her husband were living at the Coa. moa they quarreled over going to aea, - Bhe said he wanted her to go with him, but aha wanted to remain In. Portland and go into aome kind of business. - t That made him angry." ahe aald, ' "and ha beat me, and choked me. and got up on my chest with hta knees and I could hardly breathe. I screamed . and tha proprietor came and cbaaed him awav." ......-: The Yager family record la aald te be the shortest that appears on tne courthouse records. . r , WILL ASK FOR NE.Y BIDS OWE OVER GULGH; Executive Board " Compromit'ef on Specifications for Grand i Avenue Structure. ! After a long discussion regarding the relative merits of steel bridges with earth, fills and steel bridges without ' fills beneath, the executive board yes terday afternoon decided to readvertlse ' for bids on the Grand avenue bridge ever Sullivan's gulch. . . Tha nsw bids will call for as much fill as is deemed necessary to prevent 7 any future f Us from damaging the , structure, . The bridge committee had ' consulted J. B. C Lockwood, an en , glneer who baa constructed a number ' " of brldgea for the city and he gave aa . his opinion that no fllj was necessary. ; city Engineer Taylor thought one ' , should be made, however, and the de v, clelon of the board was a compromise. Tha new specifications will also call for a concrete deck Instead of a wooden cerav -' The meetlna- waa an adlourned ona meeting primarily to audit the June ' pa Trolls, a number were delayed until there waa a lar attendance The valuation of tha franchise of the east aide belt line waa placed at 1' per cent of the earnings for the first five - Veers, 1 H per cent for the next 10 . yeara and Stt per cent for the last 10 " .- The valuation for the franchise for t ui nuwif unaer me wuiameiie was - placed at the same figures with the r exception that the company shall pay . the city 11.000 for the first five yeara. ; t : The board will recommend to the '. council that a franchise be granted the i Northern Paclflo Terminal company for a spur track on York etreet from Bher- lock avenue to Twenty-third and to the PArtl.nil a. iMttl. An mtn,H- i to Marshall street. , 'NEW FOREST GROVE ; T : i JCAR JSDELIVERED This morning's hearing la the county court of tha petition of tha helra of tha aetata of A. H. Johnson for ths re moval of William M. Ladd aa adminis trator waa devoted to the erosa-examl- nation of Mr. JLadd by Attorney H. H. Kiddeti. ror the heira. , Mr. Blddell had a list of the notes which were not included by Mr. Ladd In his Inventory' and went over them, aaklng Mr. Ladd why they had been omitted. Mr. Ladd explained that he had thought them worthless. Rlddell pro duced one drawn by Charles Buckman andratiked If Mr. Buckman had not been u-ionao. Mr. LAad replied tnat he hadwen before the panto of lot. He id nia nans: at rort Townaena. wasn. tngton, . had charged quite a ' large amount to tha profit and loaa account because of Mr. Buckman s failure. Mr. Rlddell next noticed that the eopy of Mr. Ladd's inventory filed in the county court. hd not be aworn to and asked why. Mr. Ladd produced the anginal and showed that it bad been aworn to before . E. B. Williams, notary nubile. Mr. Ladd waa charced with omitting a niece of property of tne aetata in waanington county. from the inventory; but he pointed it out to Mr. Rlddell and explained that it waa occupied by a Mrs. Abide as tenant.' i .Traat, Basel Uttfattoa, . Mr. Ladd waa asked about tha Iltlga tlon determining the nature of the trust deed, and how the question arose. He said: . The question, came un when I found a purchaser for a piece of property in eluded in the truat deed, whether 1 could give a deed. Tha question was raised whether it waa an absolute deed. to be handled aa a truat agreement, or if It waa a mortgage. I believe a ault waa brouabt to - determine It." 'And you had, to carry the eult to the supreme court ' to get a construction that waa aultad to your asked Rid- aeu. 1 do not know why you should say suited to me." replied Mr. Ladd. "While tha queatlon waa up I wanted It decided. and I carried the litigation until the supreme court passed upon the question. They held that It waa an absolute deed, and that I could give title to"the trust croaarty under it."- . s V t a developed In the croes-examlnatlon that Mr. Ladd gavie bond aa .adminis trator In tha sum of 1700.000. - - MIXED IN DIVORCE CASE FOR THE THIRD HUE Married, Divorced, Married Again and Two More Attempts at Di vorce Is McCroskey Record. Forest drove. Or.. June 10. The new I oar for the Forest Grove electrle line waa brought out from Portland yester day on a riatcar. It being Illegal to roll 'the trolley without an automatic 'coupler. ' A SICK MAN OR WOMAN cannot afford to waste time and money . experimenting with unknown remedies. Too often they enly -nrnae 'matters ''worse. SHlok to this oae triad sad tree eaiciaa. Hostettery Stomach Bitters and you have tha bast that- aclencs ran produce. For as ' yeaas it has bean the . atck mans faithful friend,, always curing, . . i ' . . rcx nision FX.ATUI.BaCT. . nunuss, BiuouewBaaS, oosTiriingaL DTSWWPBIA, rvsionaTioa or iUHU yir-v eaav Ha r i 'L I asuisiaa 3 riTU. .-Ji j rwt fait ta try It 1 at eaee. It will j do you a lot of (000. . - v -.' For the . third time the domeatle troublea of Ellsworth McCroskey and Susie A. McCroskey were related In court yeaterday In an'efort to aecure a dlvoraa. -v , ; They were divorced once, Mra. Mc Croskey having secured a default di vorce at Kalama. Washington, several yeara ago. In 1001 they were remarried and two months ago Mra. McCroskey aued again for a divorce. This time her husband contested her suit, and filed a cross complaint, asking that the divorce be allowed to him. The result was that Judge Cleland refused to grant aimer or tnem a divorce. Yesterday the hearing waa renewed by Judge Cleland. on request of Me Croaker's attorney, who asked to intro duce additional evidence showing that nis client was entitled to a decree. He charged that Mra. McCroskey had de- senea ner nusoano soon arter tneir re-i marriage in itvi and nad only come back to Portland In order to aecure possession of the property and sue for a divorce. McCroskey testified that he had telegraphed for his wife to come and take care Of their children while he waa absent in California on bualneaa for three yeara Mra. McCroskeys attorney made some aensatlonal charges in connection with Mccroskey'a third attempt to secure s divorce, one of them being that Mo Croskey is engaged to a young woman and is anxious to obtain a divorce in order to marry her. Thla was vigor ously denied- both - by-: McCroskey -and tne young woman, who. waa one of the witnesses. . - - Attorney Taagart. for Mra. " Mc Croskey, also charged that MoGroef ey had written to his wlfs from San Fran. Cisco, telling her he would pay no more of her bills and that if she needed money she could get out end earn It Judge Cleland continued the hearing until July to allow Mra, McCroskey to present additional teatimony. - . SPOKANE COMPANY IS'' TO BUILD BIG DITCH tBfwei! . Plspatek te Tbe Jonrnal.) . Spokane. Wasru June 10. The Heiel wood compsny ' has, planned a huge ditch and will pump 40,000,000 gallons a day by electricity to Irrigate 4,000 acres of land. The enterprise will soon be Incorporated under tha name of the Haielwood Farm. , Tha pumping plant, construction of an Immense reservoir, digging of an extensive Irrigation sys tem and tha purchase of between 1,(00 and 1,000 acres of land about seven miles west of this city representa aa outlay ofjMtwaen .1150.000 and (100.000. SUMPTER ROAD WILL BUILD WATER SYSTEM tSpecial Tilspatrk to The JoensL) 8umpter, Or, June Il.r4-The Humpter Valley railway, which has Its terminus la the mountains at Austin, over XI miles from this point, la installing' a water aystem of ita own at that place. The- company la laying one mile of pipe from - the mountains to - ths station, where a large tank la being erected with a dlatributlon and hydrant. In tha hills will be a large reeervolr and tha pipe Una will have-a heed'bf more than 100 feet, which will give plenty o, feree te an erdinar sUeaiq of water, . A '"'.- r . , M ' H besides ourselves knowing the details of your business., I . Pianos from $30 to OSOOOrcfaho $10 7 'to $65 Piano Playerp $40 to Q150 These new pianos to choose from Everett, Knabe, Fischer, Cable, HardmanPackard, Wellington, Ludwig, Mason & Hamlin In second-hand and slightly-used pianos, we have about 'fifty instruments of well known make, all in . ' excellent condition. Put vour own price On them. . -1 - 5 . t 1 v - I'i 'f.-l 7Z2 4v St' 8? KM 9 THIS STORE ' WILL BK OPEN THIS EVENING - Don't miss this chance to secure a high grade instrument at a price lower than many dealers .'pay when "'buying; at wholesale. - -: j - .-. ciMorrisonJfs. ELLINGTON WiNS TROPHY AS CHAMPION TELEGRAPHER New York Man Proves Speediest ' Operator, in the Whole . V . World. .. 1' lu.t ai - a- enj(iiBl Dimiai DrrTicw. f Boston, June 10. pavld Ellington of New Tork has won :tha world'a cham pionship and tha silver trophy offered by Andrew Carnegie at the interna tional tournament of telegraphers, held st Tremont temple In this city. El lington won first place In four of the classes. He won first place in tha con test for broker work, shared first honors with H. J. Finn of Boston, office of the Postal Telegraph company, in tha team match, and also won first place In the classes for sending and receiving straight press matter,. Tha most' notable performance in any Individual, class waa made by Richard C Bartlej of Philadelphia, a Pennsyl vania railroad operator. In the clasa for railroad operators he sent 0 ordi nary railroad meaagea In minutes and Sf seconds, reducing tha world'a record of 11 minutes and 21 seconds, made by hlmeelf three yeara ago. . Tha prise for receiving railroad meaaagea went to W. F. Bannester of tha Pennsylvania railroad force at Philadelphia. Tha prise for receiving preaa matter aent in coda waa won by E. J. Coleman of the Providence office of the- Asso ciated Preaa Charlea F. Edney of Boa ton, formerly of the Associated Preaa, won aecond prlaa In aeveral classes. MILLION IMMIGRANTS ; ARRIVE DURING YEAR ' (Jooraal Special Berrtee.t - New Tork, June 10. Though - the actual figures will not be available un til next week it la confidently believed that the immigration record for the port of New Tork, for the year ending today will eclipse: all prevloua figures. la the- opinion j; of Commissioner Watbern the flguresf will, reach ' the enormous total of 1.000,000, or about equal to tha number of Immigrants who entered all tha porta of tha nation during tha preceding year, - Tha Immi grants this year bava eome from every country of Europe, tha Auatro-Hun-gaiiana predominating. Next eome the Italians, of whom 16,000, or an average of 200 to every 10,000 of Italy'a popula tion, came to tha United States during tha year. The number of excluded im migrants has llkewiaa exceeded tha records of all prevloua yeara. MISS STEERS CHOSEN ' , GODDESS OF LIBERTY (SDecttl Dlspetra te The JesraaL) The -Dalles, Or June 20. Miss Bertha Steers, a popular young lady of tnla city, was appointed goddeaa of liberty by tha comraltteea in charge of . the Fourth of July celebration. Mlsa Elvlda kfelqulst, who waa aelected for queen of flowers, to also a popular and handsome-young lady. .The oholoa la approved by tha people, who consider the oommltteea aoted wisely.. Prepare -tlons have been completed and a suc cessful celebration' la assured. - , J 1 1 i, 1 a Many Candidates Change Places ; Miss Shannon Still Leads Horace Wilson Jumgs to Second Place j t ' " "7 ' Others Change Places. ' ' In the score today many candidates have changed plaeea and, while -Miss Nellie May Shannon of Snllwood still holds the lead, other candl ' dates are feet coming to the front with a determination to lead Boon. , Horace Wilson Jumps from third place. In the last count, to second 1 place and John Beneon drops back to third. Clay Jonea and Roy John- , aon still hold fourth and fifth place. Many of the new candidates' show good resulta,'and Clay Csry of Sa- lem starts out with twelve hundred votes to his credit. '' " Out of thirty-three candidates enrolled only twenty-one have scored so far. Among those not yet heard from are W. E. Owynn, May Pender grass, Lillian McVIeker, Teresa Oramma,. Clarence Mores, Jessie A. Campbell, Ella Nelson, R. W. Cyrus, Agnes J. Evans, Richard W. Ollvln. Jesse Moere end Stanley Stevenson. Many of these candidates are well known In tha locality where they reelde and no doubt they are hard at work and we will hear from them soon. Vacation Is here and every candidate should get to work at once, for tha time la short and Candida tee must work to win. Who will lead in tha next count t It la tip to you and your irlenda to get busy and -make you the leader. .".." , "i - THE SCORE . . . ... l. 1 1. Nellie May Shannon, Portland, Oregon . , Horace. a. vvuaon, rortiana, vregon . , ................. John Benaon, Chemawa, Oregon . . .... Clay Jones. Portland, Oregon.,..'...'.,............... Roy Johnson, Portland, Oregon.. Charlea dross, Portland, Oregon , .. ............ ....... Bertie O. I Chan, Portland, Oregon . Mary E. Powell, Portland, Oregon . . .. Mildred l Clemone, 1'niveralty Park. Portland, Oregon ivy uwens, i:eosr Mine, uregon . . ,., Clay Cary, Salem, Oregon .... Paul Nygren. Portland. Oreron . ................ . Ouy Graham, Troutdale, Oregon, ..,...,., ... Harry- Brant, Portland, Oregon I.,.,....,.,....... -Edwerd L Kinsman, tJnnto, Oregon . - Cerl Shelton, Portland, Oregon George D. King, Kingston Oregon . , Ouy Johnson, Portland, Oregon.... Ruth Turner, Portland, . Oregon.. , Eileen nacaman, I'oruana, Oregon . , .. . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ... 11 e (, ...., a '9 see S , a e a 0 S .... 2 e e a S 1 e a 1 aea. A .270 .770 .tit .040 ,140 71 ,270 170 -M 700 .B00 ,2S . 2U Til SUB , (0 , 230 . 200 . 200 . 200 . 120 . uohbiing Bread Knife v. Regular Value 3L?c ! u - .' - t A steel blade that is always sharp - . . . - , ' ; A ' ON SALE FROM ; 6 P.M. TO 9P.M. , ( ft 9A Pichire 21x25 Inches! r 99c Reoulcr Value $2 Framed In golden or weathered oak, browa orgOt 0)W),LrR - 1 T 1 f f It - g a,, . - , .V T". j ON SALE ALL DAY