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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
v ?HE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL PORTLAND. . FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE U3, ' ttC3, riAHS PERFECTED FOR; FOURTH CL Johns Completes Arrange, merits . for Celebration of , Day on Largs Scale.- ; PARADE WILL BE 'AN "Ti 1 , .' 4 INTERESTING FEATURE Athlede Games Will Occur In ; the Afternoon and Prises Will Be Dit tributed Among the Winner Fire 'works' and Concert In 'Evening-.,- Arrangements have been perfected for the celebration or the Fourth In St. Johns. - Mrs. W. P. Valentin will have na jT.u i. ...w.. .t,.,.. tha graduating class and tha .aca ' children. The parade will form at 9:30 o clock i at Ivinhoe and ' Burlington streets, starting at 10 o'clock sharp. The line of maroh will be from Ivanbo street to Fessenden street, to Jersey street, thence along Hayes street to tha oity balk Too formation of tha Una will be aa followa; ;.." ' Grand marshal, D. 8. Southmayd Mayor F. W. Valentine and tha city - council. St. John band, goddess -of Ills . ertri aueen and attendants. Knlahta .of rythlaa. A. i H.. Odd- Fellows. Red Men Modern Woodmen. -Teomewi 1 rnufflns. captained by P. J. Peterson. At the..oloee of tha parade Rev. F. J, ,Wa.rrn and Rer. K. L. Toung will give ' Hall, sua. . . ' In .tha afternoon tha program will be "Rand ooncart by Professor Wright's Bt, Johns band. -Dancing on aland.. .1 t. in-, hoa race, in charge of Chief of h Fire Department- T. A. Glover; '. puree til. 1:4S p. m., horse racing. In - (charge of F. W. Valentine. . One har- . pieae race, one pony race, one mule race. . two running races; -purse $50. - r p. m.. ' Toot racing, in charge of A. R. Jobea a . a r.ui..ii .... 1 1 .. .a . a V m, sharp, St.. Johns vs. Llnnton; ; Dttrsa .. . , . The evening exercises will consist of . muslo by the St. Johns band and a grand display of fireworks on tha river xronb , - , ; Vujt.ONS ADVERTISE i 1OHE JAMESTOWN.FAIR ' Buttons advertising- the Jamestown exposition, at Hampton Roads, Virginia, In 1007, have been received In "Portlana and are being distributed by friends of the exposition. The -fair will eomem narats the founding Ant V.w ! f H settlement In - America,- at Jamestown, In 1807. (Jreat plana have been made '', to make show one of the most elnb ;. orate over given in 'the east Portland will' In all probability-be well re pre en ted both, In exhibit andby visitors One of the chief features of the - tiA.IMni -arfll' twaa Hai naval Vk. . - . w,yi.t ill. uinr win MUI.IUIM nv .in.nj.iii aw ' ships aa well as by visiting vessels of foreign countries. -- FRIENDS RALLY TO AID OF BLIND MRS. MMRW1N : , (. , - Two contributions, each of BO cents, were received today oy The Journal to be given Mrs. Mary Mclrwln, the blind woman who lost her-all and waa seri ously Injured In tha east aide lire some months ago. . .. .. .Tha fund, for. laMcIrwln ,. now amounts to SB, but considerable more la needed, aa aha desires to fit up sev eral rooms for lodgers, 30 that aha may ' support herself axd be' Independent of 'charity.- ,, - . . -) " -'. ; i 1 1 ........ 1 . . i i , - if h jr:-As? -Mf Mu la, - y . ;''tCfU Mrs. Waitarn B. Lfei". Wife of the Pxeaident of the Rock Island System, iW"0 ! Fighting tlie Government to Keep From Paying $100,000 Duty . -oa Ilcr Msgnificeot Pearl Necklace. . 1 , . , riORGAff ' 0R6ANfZf."G - KEI'i is In COMPANY Reported That New York Ufa Is , Proposing Auxiliary ' - ,. Concern. 1 ' (Jnwul 4)perlal Barvlee.) ,' ' New York. J una t.-Ther la a port In tha financial district that tba clique in control of the New Tork Ufa Insurance company and lta I4t0.000.0li0 of ease's rropoaa to .form a stock. In surance company and take over all tha rink turned In by tha Immense agency organisation of tha company In azcaaa or the 1150,000.000 a year, tha maximum limit of new business which any com pany may write' In one year under tha new Insurance law. It- la also proposed, it la said, to re insure any of tha present policy holdera of tha New Tork Life who fancy a stock rather than a mutual company. Credit for the new achema was given to George W. Perklna. partner of J. P. Morgan and former vice-president of the New York Life, Though- an - officer of tha New Tork 1 project waa under consideration, It la believed that what la known In the Wall street district aa the "New Tork Life crowd" has some. Important move In view, which 'It la not yet ready to an nounce, as the details still remain to be worked out. . . . ... . - James II.- Mcintosh, general aolicitor of the New 'Tork Life. Issued a 1,600 word statement . formally denying charges that - the company- had failed tq. live up to lta contract with P. H. Sam 11 son, a policy-holder, who la not satisfied with the amount paid Mm on a matured policy." ' -' 1 - 1 w n MOVE FOR HEARINGJN -INDIAN ASSAULT CASE - The motion for a hearing in tha case of Orton Wheeler..? who -waa convicted of assaulting a small Indian 'girl aome time agov la being-argued In the United States -district court thta afternoon. Wheeler'a attorneys have raised the claim .that' the court, -which, tried Wheeler had no Jurisdiction In the case. contending that he la a cltisen of thet United States and entitled to .trial In the atate courts. Assistant United States District Attoiwey James Ogle or- srued that In similar cases tha de fendants have always made the same plea and when brought before the atate courts argued that then were wards of the United States and therefore, eould not be tried In any other- way except In tha federal eourta. - The. point la considered a Una ana by attorneys , and much interest' is . being manifested In the case because Of the clever move made by the defense. If the Judgment Is act aside' lit Wheeler'a case- the attorneys ax wondering what action will be taken to bring Wheeler to Justice for his crime. . ..'.. . " Y. M. C. A. OFFICERS HOLD - THEIR FINAL MEETING VT l ' ' ' :".'' ' Delegatea to , tha annual conference of employed T. M. C A. officers of tha Purine northwest held their final meet ing In the auditorium of the local asso ciation building last-- night-, and ad journed with praises for the entertain ment that has been given them during their visit in Portland. .- Three-minute .talks by the delegates waa the featare at last night's aesslon. All branches Of the work falling to the lot' of an. employed officer were thor oughly discussed, aa waa the work done by the conference. Many of the dele gatea will remain In Portland over Bun day, .visiting friends, and viewing the city. . ',.-- To Fioaseate Staadard. (Jonrnal fiieell Serrlc.) . , tWaahlngton, June 29. Attorney-Oen- tral Moody and associates Kellogg and Morrison confered this afternoon. . It was decided that the varldtia district at torneys should- proceed Immediately to collect evidence - against tha ' Standard Oil company. . ' ' ; i i-v f - - 1 CANT J" " " Tl tfWOVxA STT -i ttlM-A -LOMw-.. . NT aaT CNE) (&?"er rrTmKj ; j-J Croon - . vmau.' V lewy'j ; 'Ml i 1 I rern-1 M J:1 ii i''''pM'-i i - mW?.,:,:; 'W'' - . FATAL FIGHT OYER IDAHO MINING PROPERTY Dog Joe Mitchell Dead and Brother of Charles Sweeney Seriously Wounded. I-' (Special Dispatch to Ths JoaraaL) Orangevllle, Ida.. June t. M. R. Mitchell, a proepector and miner, la dead and Mike Sweeney, brother of Charles Sweeney of Spokane, the mil lionaire mmeowner, is wounded, aa . a result. of a shooting scrape over , some mining property - that occurred on Crooked river Ave miles - below Oro Grande- yesterday afternoon. . The newa of -the tragedy reached here last night In a message to Sheriff Greene, who immediately departed for the acena of the shooting in eompany with County Coroner Irwin. The message giving the newa of the killing came from Mr. Baskett, the Elk City druggist -.' Mitchell, -the dead man, was wen known ' ander the name of "Dog Joe. He was .a prospector and miner who haa been in the. Elk and Oro Grande dis tricts for the past 10 years. , He was about 40 years of age and haa no known relatives In thle section. - Sweeney, who la a bachelor about 46 years of age, is well known In Idaho county, having for a long period been Identified with the - Buffalo Hump mtnea, and through hla association with hie brother, Charles Sweeney. .. GARDNER WILL TESTIFY IN THE MITCHELL CASE W. T. Gardner, -superintendent of the Boys' and Glrla' Aid society, leaves to night for Seattle, where ne will testify the trial or George Mitchell, who ehot Apostle Cref field . of the "Hply Rollera" For several weeka Mr. Gardner had Eather Mitchell, the alster of the ac cused man. In bis charge. He will tes tify aa to her mental condition and will also tell the Jury and court of the con fession of her relations with Creffleld which she made to' him. He will appear In court Monday. MURICH DROWNS IN CLEARWATER RIVER (Special Plapeten to Tb loarnal.) Lewiston. Idaho, June ft. George A. Murlch, 21 years old, of Alpowai. Wash ington, committed suicide thia morning by Jumping from the false work on the pier of the new Clearwater railroad bridge Into the river. He was men tally unbalanced, which accounts for tha tragedy. After he plunged into the river hla cries attracted two men In a boat to the rescue but he aank while they were 80 feet distant . The body haa not yet been recovered. TO INVESTIGATE VOTE IN BERTHA PRECINCT The vote in precinct Nov SR.. the Ber tha precinct la to be Investigated by the grand Juty. The recount for 'sheriff revealed the fact that seven' votes cast for Stevens had been credited to Word. It. Is probable that the grand Jury will commence lta Investigations tomorrow. The election board of No. -M ere f. Brand's, John Chalmers, C Schwardt man, H. A. Dtedricha, J. R. Slavln and JVtlllam -Borah. . . " . - mito. acaae Chairman. - fWcthtngtoa Bnreaa of Tbe Journal. ) Washington. June 19.---Sanator Ful ton has been made chairman of the -pe tal committee of five aenatora and five representative to examine and re- I sort an tha jravlaloa, e federal lawa. ROUGH ON MONOPOLY LOt)GC Whipping Post and Pillory for. Some of Its Most Prominent Members. HORSE THIEF SURROUNDED NEAR LA CENTER ' Sheriffs Posse Has Located Man Who Robbed Miller Stable 4 ' in Vancouver. (Special Dltpsteh to The Journal.) " Vancouver, Wash., June to. The man who atole the driving horse of - W. 8. Miller last Monday night haa been located and a now believed to be sur rounded between La Center and Wood land. .. i ,:.Z-.. J Since the horse waa taken Monday Sheriff Bleaecker and aeveral deputiea have been constantly on the trail of the horsethlef, who it Is believed Is wanted by the police of Portland. It la con sidered almost certain that he waa one of thoae who broke Into a Portland Jewelry store. The man'a tactions since he stole Miller's ' horse and buggy plainly ahow that he la endeavoring to get away from aome other crime.' Tbe thief waa for the first time located at La Center yesterday. He waa aeen to enter a restaurant A crowd of townspeople watched the man, who seemed to be nervous. Seeing that he was being watched, the man ran from the building and made Tor the woods. At the direction of Deputy Sheriff Wal ters a crowd of bystanders gave chase and followed the outlaw for a con siderable distance Into a thicket It Is believed he la surrounded and that he will be closed In upon today. Last night Sheriff Blesecker sent In word that he expected to have the thief by morning and that if tha man suc ceeded In getting away lie would notify the- chief of police here.- No word has been since received from1 the sheriff. Indicating that the outlaw la still held prisoner liV the thicket It is said, that a th man made off from the restaurant he fired two shots at the pursuing crowd, but this report can not be verified. .- 1 CHANCE DATE. Formal Opening, of Boe4 Will B Sat - . - arday Aftemeoaj. ' (SpeeUt twpt-S to The Joarsatt ' Vancouver, Wash.," June It. The date of tha formal opening of the Port land Railway company's new line, to Vancouver ha been slightly changed again. Instead of Sunday morning, aa announced Monday last, the line will be opened Saturday 1 afternoon. The first trip that passengers will be carried will be- made from Vancouver. The ferry leaving Vancouver at 4 o'clock will con nect with a car waiting at the ferry landing and the car will proceed to Portland on the regular "schedule. The ferry after landing the load for Port land Will go to the old ferry slip and get the last load of passengers over the old road from Portland. , Invitation .have been sent to the city and county officials and numerous prominent cltlsens to make the first trip over the road from Vancouver In a private car.- The party will go direct to the Portland hotel where a banqaet will be given to the. Vancouver people. The same car Wilt be held fn readiness and will bring the party back to Van couver. : " " ' . SHIPOWNERS REFUSE ' :T0 ARBITRATE STRIKE ' ' (Jonrnal Speetll Serrle. V t ' vl Ban Francisco, June . Shipowners whose vessels are affected by . ths sailors' troubles are standing pat today on their decision not to arbitrate. -They atate they have (not made any move toward importing strikebreakers, claim ing they can get all the men they want here. The Japanese - liner America Mara ' leaves for the brient tomorrow without an ounce of freight, ka ft reault 01 toe irouoi. i, , , , , LITTLE ELSIE CHAMBERS DISAPPEARS Step Father Fears Child Has Been Abducted by His Wife's First Husband. - ' - "'"tSpeelal Napatch to The Journal.) . Vancouver, Wash., June 1 9. Mystery surrounds the disappearance of 0-year-old Elate Chambers from her home near Lake Shore yeaterday afternoon. The little girl slipped away from the houae shortly after dinner and haa not-been aeen since. The police of this city have been notified and are keeping a cloee lookout for her. v ... Bert Chamber, step-father of th missing girl, aaye be fear that aha haa been stolen by hla wife's first husband, the girl s father. . The latter I known to have wanted his daughter for aome time. No other reason la known why ahe ahould have left home for thla length of time. Elsie 1 of light complexion and wore a blue drees, having put thla attire on Just as ahe left the houae. ... . ; .. J. SHORT OF COAL Grading oa Srorth Bank Stay Ba Stopped - ; Co Want ef FuaL - . - - (Special Dlapatcb to The Journal.) - Vancouver, Waatu June St. If more coal la not forthcoming all the steam hovel at work along the north bank In grading for tha Portland at Seattle line will , be cloaed down. ; The aupply haa been running short for aeveral day although - numerous -requests . have been made for mora coal to the offi cials at Tacoma. ..w .... .j . Tha amount of coal ahlpped her is dally growing leas. If larger shipments do not begin to arrive tomorrow the local officials will take the matter up with President Levy, aa it la Important that grading work ahould be carried on with all possible dispatch during the summer months. With the present number of shovels at work It takes 10, 000 tons of coal a day. LOSES ARM WHILE OILING MACHINERY While he waa oiling machinery at the Union box factory at. noon today the right hand of Charles Koonat - wa caught In a flywheel and hla arm .cut off at tha elbow. He waa removed to Good Samaritan hospital. Koonat re sides at 144 Spencer street : DIED DOING HIS DUTY. Little Newsboy Pathetically Pleads to Havo Papers Delivered. 1" ' "Mamma, won't you please telephone the circulator and tell blra -that all of my papers are not delivered," were the last words spoken. pathetloaUy, to an anguished mother by Irvln Oatbrathrwl 13-year-old lad or Mianawasna, inaiana. one day recently aa ahe picked up her little eon from the walk, where he had fallen, aaya the New Tork World. The brave' lad bad started out - with 100 paper, a usual, but collapsed before he had delivered two thirds of hla route and on hla hand and knee placed alx paper - on porches. Hla last words showed his devotion to hie duty. Within an hour after tha mother found him the boy waa dead, cerebral hemorrhage having caused death. --. ' Weavtaar Forecast. "I predict." aald Uncle Josh thla morning, "that If It ain't cooler tomor row It'll bt warmer -or about tha same unless It rain soms In places. But this prediction la subject to revision," b' LJlnka, remember." r . Wiwajajswsaajs-js- . . PRESIDENT WHITE TALKS ABOUT SNYDER, SUIT In refutation of the charge made In dispatches from Bt,- Louis dated June IS. the St Louie Republic haa thla to say -(regarding the American DeForeet Wireless Telegraph- company) -' Abraham White, president of the American Da Forest Wireless Telegraph eompany, stated last night that he had not been served with the papers In the suit recently- filed agalnat him in the United SUttes clrcul court by H. G. Snyder of-.New Tork' and that tha ef forts of- the New Tork Times and the New -Tork Herald to locate Snyder In that city had beenwllhout results. He said that a personal call en United States Commissioner James R. Gray had developed the Information that Sny der had not forwarded the usual fees for the proper filing of the suit Mr. White aald that he called at the office of the United States marshal, but did not succeed in finding that of ficial In hla office. He aald he Would call dally In an effort to be served. He stated that ' Snyder haa not now, nor has be ever bad a alngle dollar In vested In the eompany. , RATE BILL PASSED . .-i f BY SENATE TODAY a r. t Washington. June St. The rata bill waa paased today by the senate and re quires only the president's signature. The aenate immediately, adopted the Joint resolution making the law effective 10 daya after being signed. Tbe announcement In the houae that the aenate adopted the pure food bill waa applauded. - The houae followed auit and eent the bill to tha president for his algnature. CONSULS WILL BE SELECTED ON MERIT (Jonrnal Special Servtea.) ' Waahlngten, June . The prealdent today erdered-the merit system of oivll service extended to consuls and oonsuls general. Offices . above a certain grad are to be filled by promotion, others through examination, for whioh rules are prescribed. . "-v Absinthe Boabeaa. . Recently the cantonal government of Vaud, Switzerland, pasaed a law pro hibiting the aale of absinthe. Aa tbe people of Vaud were the beat oiiatomers of the Neuchatel distilleries theee were babdy hit by the law and set about out maneuvering It The result Is "absinth bonbons, which are now being placed on the market:-. Four of them will make a drink when broken Into a glass, and a spe cial law "Wiir b required -to prevent their aale. ' rex: Oregon Journal Educational Contest NOtaATHC Nam Centeetaot.,,. jLr --.'-.. Age.. ......Address.... a. a .a-.. School last attended er at present attending. ............ .......... " ' : ' "' ' ' - .'. '"'' : ' : " - ' -' '. .".. n,.. Grade..,. '- ' ' v .... . ' Bi ci an mended by.. .,........ ,.....,... .'. . V" t- ." . - V - . ... :. -. - '. ' ' ' .. ' " , ' ! ' 1 j- . - , i v.-'-r .. .............. a!.... a. ? mmm issiisttNiiitissffiieislis CITGHELL THIAL IS Prosecution Has Opened Caae . vgalnstSlayer of Craf. ' ax a 1 ' field. JURY SECURED AT LAST-' . TO HEAR MURDER CASE But Two. Hours Consumed In Hear . inf Teatimony jpf Five Witneaaee Called by State .Mra. Cref field and . Esther Mitchell Will Testify. - (apaeial Dtepatek to The JoarsaL) Seattle. Weab., June . The Jury to try George Mitchell, waa secured late yeaterday afternoon. ;The prosecuting attorney made hla opening statement thla morning declaring th atate would make out- a case of "cold-blooded mur der." ' . In the space of two houra thla morn ing the Ave atate' wltnesaea testified. Among them waa Dr. Boriea. who per formed the autopsy on Creffleld. who - told the course the fatal bullet took in the body. John A. Whaley. the real estate dealer, . who ran from hla office to the scene of the shooting upon hear ing the report of the ahot, declared Mitchell, waa-calm and collected and that b waa smoking a cigar. Mrs. Creffleld and Eather Mitchell will testify lata thla afternoon. Th state expects to close lta caae by 4 o'clock. The defense is pursuing dila tory- tactics to escape belns compelled ' to make an open statement thla aft ernoon. No court will- be held tomor row. -. ''Jut Xs S soared. "-L''; .-. Last even trig when the chance of se- . eurlng a Jury to try Mitchell appeared to ta gone, for the day, at least. At torney Mackintosh, for tha prosecution. and Attorneya Morrla and .Shipley for . the defense, surprised the - gathered throng, aa well as the court by an nouncing that they ei mt further chal lenges to make. The Jury of 11' men waa completed, as follows: W. 8. Perkins, mlllman, of . Brighton Beach!' -H E. - Start, rancher, Vashon Island; ,M. O. Rex. restaurant-keeper, Seattle; J. W. Bovee, paperhanger, Seat tle: -F. M. Townsend, foreman Seattle city waterworks; M. 8. Ring, letter-carrier, Seattle; Clyde Wetmore, clerks Se attle; G. W. Arnold, painter and grocer. Seattle; L. F. Jones, rancher. Enum claw; J. R.- Hall, contractor, Seattle; , Fred Clinton, steamboat cook, Vashon ; Island; W. C Howard, saloon and hotel- -keeper. Seattle. ' -: Attorneys on both sides of tbe caae -are aatladed with the men that are to hear the eaaa whom- they believe will ba fair and impartial. v - ; Depends - on later. . The life of George Mitchell -Is be lieved to hinge upon the attitude of hla two sisters, Esthsr Mitchell and Mrs. Burgess Br- Starr, the latter being the ' elater for whoae ruin Mitchell killed Creffleld. There la aome apprehension expressed by the defense as to the atand ' tha slaters of ' the defendant will take when they are called upon . the atand. . UAtll yeaterday Mra. Starr had avowed her -intention r -of standing by her brother, - saying that she had success fully shaken off the baleful Influence . of the late Holy Roller leader. - Her Blater, Esther, who atlll clings to her faith In her betrayer, however, haa now ' prevailed upon Mra. Starr to return to her - faith In the dead fanatlo and a atrong prop haa been knocked from under the bulwark the defense haa been ao carefully building up since tha time of the slaying of the "apostle." - ': Mrs. Starr Ka Changed. . : , . -When Mra..8tarr came to Seattle she. was with the defense saying that she would do all In her power to free her brother of the charge which hangs ever him. When ahe weirfto aee her sister Esther, who Is In charge of tbe matron at the city Jail, and waa refused an audience, the matter preyed . upon her mind. She became uncommunicative and yesterday aent aome message to , j3jB)iiir wiiiVH .ium i).r iinin-uiRi. u- mlttance. . After a long consultation with her sister It Is stated ahe left the Jail with tha determination that aha would return to ber faith. . in . Holy Rollerlam. CRIES TO BE NEGRO. Youth Weeps When He Learns Ths-r -Colored People Are Not Parents. - ' Femell Green baa Juat learned that the negro couple with whom . he haa J lived his more than eleven years of Ufa are not hla parents, and that he la a. ' white boy. The knowledge haa caused him the keenest grief. He does not know his real name, aaya tha New Tork World. - The child waa taken from the home . ' of Moaea Green and wife, an elderly pair, who conduct a rooming-bouse for negro railroad employee. - The Juvenile, eourt will be aaked to assign him to a ; home where be mar associate with members of hla own race. - .. Until Monday - afternoon - the bop - -thought he waa a negro. When told the truth ha clung to hla foster par ents, kissing them and plead fhg tear ' fully that ba might stay with them. ' The Couple caressed and fondled him. . while teara " molatened their cheeks. ' When the officers took him away tha two,, who . had clothed him and aent him to school for years, sobbed at th parting. . . ' : - - '.- The boy waa placed In the care of tha negro couple on January S, lltS, wham ' ba waa an infant Th mother aald aha would return to claim htm soon. After one visit she died and the negro couple ' reared - th boy as their own,- eendina I him to a negro school. l "Til dUTTTICATE -. '. -.: " 9 M Be)syj -..-' . - f . a -a a . a . a , aa, a a . . , a , a'. . 1 - , a T;"-".'v-.':'. r . 4 . ! : :,(- ,;.:: 1- - '6