The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 29, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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fi rtIcrchanC2c3 Pcrchd on ; Credit To Jay end Tomorrow .Goes on July Account
Fee f-'iieleii' UrcsE SSo?e Clotblng Hecdgcscrtsr-
ttnsiri unanxxi.
!!.... ..J.....
lrl! ..........T......
TeleBbeee Girl"
Madame BM-t2M"
......."P ttl!TlC-
...... "A Ut Batxr"
Star- i...,,,,.
Grand ...
With Portland as headquarters, tha new
miner fraternal and social organisation,
Stopers of tha World, la expected ta
epread. wherever noes are encased In
mine operating- or dealing. ; First iua
gesud aa aide laiue ot the- Organised
Miner' ; association, the stoper. It la
hoped, will aoon have member every
where, it ha been organised somewhat
on the plana of the Hoo Hoo, the lumber
men'a order. The officer of the jiead
atop- have been elected aa follow; P.
A. MacPherson, general auperlntendent;
J. L. Mitchell, general or aorter; L. M.
Thornton, general foreman; W. Cooper
Morrlay genera) paymaster; R. Garland
. Moa, general prospector; ' Max More
head, " general aaaayer. The men are
alio the Incorporators, according to the
paper' filed with the county clerk. 'The
.value of the atock of tha organisation
Is placed at tl.Wt.f. The first subordi
nate stop wlU be organised her within
few week. -. i::;'j
, ' Remember, that we chsrg but tl for
the excursion to Cascade Locks and re
turn tomorrow. If you pay. more you
must blame yourself. We present to
' you the fastest steamboat, by all odds,
that piles the -water of the upper Co
lumbia and no craft entering thl har
bor 1 more superbly ' equipped. The
Che. R. Spencer departs from Oak
treat dock at .a. m.. returning at
p. m., carrying passenger through the
heart of the Caacade . mountain, pass
ing the moat wonderful ecenery, save
the Tellowston park, on thl continent
The ride la lit miles for 100 cent, and
our passengers may view tha 100-fooi
Multnomah Fells, many other cataract.
1h faraqps Castle Rock. Rooster Rock,
the Pyramid, towering . mountains.
dark csnyone, beautiful landscape and
most , charming . grove. Magnificent
nlcnlo grounds at the 14.000,000 locks.
.requiring 1 a year to build.. Meal on
board If desired. ; r ' - :
The executive committee of the Hun
1 dred Tear club met yesterday id de
cided to hold reception-for Professor
Flynn and Mrs. Mclntyre, the "founder
of the club, who leave Portland next
week. It will be held in tha White
Tempi Tuesday evening. The executive
committee I composed of Rev. T. B.
Ford, R. M. Wilbur, Mis Orace Mat
es If. Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher, Rev.
'K. . I House and Rev. C. W. Hayes.
They announce that the club I gaining
many new member, both amen and
women. Its purpose I to Insure better
health by proper physical exercise. Mr.
Flynn, who recently organised a similar
. club, goes, from Portland to Chicago, .
"Vacstlon day are eomtrig soon.- which
-will take many ."happy soul into tnTt
mountain and to tha seashore. Bias
your heart, we hope you will' nave s
lovely time. If you take our advice you
will more than enjoy yourselves Go to
Adolph A. Dekum's hardware store, 111
1 St First street, and get your camp out
fits He knows what you want and ha
s complete assortment of camp goods,
ueb as abeet-lron camp stoves, folding
camp rnc, imwuiv mmp paus, . rv
, flectora, camp hatchet, pack . sack.
qrves ana lonim or ail ainaa. uniy
place on the coast that make a spe-
elalty of mountain-climbing outfit., . .
. vwHimviiuiiis u u t.w j , mwr - .11. j.
etirslon steamer. Bailey Oatsert, will
make the Cascade Locks trip, leaving
Aider street a oca at a. m., arriving
back p. m. These trip will be made
on Sunday only. The Bailey Oatsert
in rvai mo oiovi nmiorwDi
boat on the river, accommodating Sit
passengers.. Far f 1.(0 for the round
trip. Meals lc Phone Main 14.
Water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks, or washing porches
v or winnnwi muac na nam rnv in unnM
.and used only between the hour of I
. and s a. m. and and t p. m. It must
fully, it wlU bs shut oft ' . .
" The Portland preacher with their
families and friend will take an out
ing next Monday, going to Eatacada,
leaving Portland. If tha weather per
mits, at t:IO a. m.
No housekeeper should fall .to read
the market and grocery" ad In tonight'
Journal. Many dimes can be saved by
.trading with the firm represented on
page It.
Launches to the Oak from Favorite
Boathouae, south side bridge, foot Mor
' rlson street, every few minutes all aft
ernoon and evening., Tel. t40JV'
For low rates east caU at tha'ChU
' eago, Milwaukee A St Paul . railway
office, 1S4 Third street, corner Alder.
H. 8. Rowe, general agent
First class restaurant with rood
1 lease, fine location; 1700 If sold at once;
ownrr iu w w II .ills wm. vail
St! First street. -
ciud win oe aaareasea next ounaay even
Ins at Calvarv Presbvterlan church.
corner of Eleventh and 'Clay street, by
-tha new pastor. Rev. Ben-Eir stile
Jr..' TO. n. ' IT A hmm innmiiuiiJ .
. 1 f L-.V :'X M tJ.r ..r ' . I
ivfetfs Site ni $1S
.35 Sn.
For tomorrow, Monday and Tnetday tha Men's Clothing Section offert two exceptional tsrgsha la
Mcn't reaaytowaar apparel New np-toiate garments of the highast grade t EfaenosgHy lovr
prices Seasonahla dottog of style Fit ai.d workraanthlp gnarantaecl :'v'lli " 1
500 Men's 2-picce Outing Suits, consisting of fancy worstcds,-fancy tweeds,
fancy cheviots, fancy iomespuns; single or, double-breasted coats; sk
lined Trousers made with belt loops and turn-up bottoms AH this sea-
A.P -son's most desirable garmentsrall sizes; our reg. $15 values
The exclusive ciotnier cans tnem $10 values tor tnis sale
conrucvT. woi r 7 1
500 Men's high-grade 3-pd Suits, gathered from such prominent manufac
turers as Stein-Bloch Co., Hart Schaffner C& Marx, The Washington Cd.
and others All baqd-taiiored garments in the ne west cut and materials
Grays and medium dark shades Fancy worsteds, cheviots' and velours
Single breasted, round cut, straight front and double-breasted ( TJ O XT
sack coats Beautifully made and finished Best $25 values on sale at V- 0'
Men's Outing Trousers, Fancy Vests, Alpaca Coats, Etc Second Flocr ''y :iyvlj': :.
Great Values in Boys' Clothing
Bp-fa Vacation Suits, in tan covert, made military atyle; Norfolk Suitt with long 1 e
trousers, ages 4 to 16 years;. just the suit for outing and coast weari....; .V .
Special "values in Boys'. Shirtwaists, "Mother's Friend" ; light and dark fancy percales, Tig
all ages; regular 8dc values. . ... . ................. ...... . . . ,
Boys' Clothing in all stylesahd grades. c The largest' and best selected stock on the coast
all grades lowest prices. ; '' ..',;;.;' ": - ". ; '
Boys Sailor Blouses of fine quality lawn with embroidered collar and cuffs ; ages 2yi fX
to 8 years ; regular $1.50 values ; on sale at. . , .,.,,,., , . ..... , , , . , , , . . . . . ... . . ,
Boys' high grade washable Sailor Suits; ages S to 10 years; linen, Chambrays f
ana uaiateas; j.o values; on sale at. ...................
Young Men's Outing Suits in new gray worsteds, fancy tweeds and fancy flan- f 1 1 C
nels; ages 14 to 20 years; regular $16.50 values, at. ....................... ,..ilaVlJ
the aabjert of " hi sermon.' "The Golden
Rule In Business and Elsewhere,"' and
lias sent card of special Invitation to
the club' headquarters. The service 'Will
open with an orgsn recital at T:4t o'clock
and there will also be muslo by a choir
composed of Mrs. Mar , Dearborns
Schwab, soprano; Mia Petroriella Con
nelly, contraltor B. H. Ooodwva, tenor;
Merman Clauasenlus, baas; Harold V.
MUllfaa, organlat. ;
Call at Shanghai Basaar, 4I1H Wash
Ington, corner Lownsdale, for Chinese
ana Japanese rancy curios.
Acme OU Co. sells the best safety oil
and fins gasolines Fbon East 7.
For Quality, Quantity and Quickness
go to Morn restaurant. .....
Woman's exchange, lit! Tenth street.
lunctt. u:s to .
Cabinet photos $1,10 do. lt 11th St.
Dr. E. C. Brown, Era-Ear. Marquam.
Panama hatter, til 4th. Phone Pao. tT.
Street Committee of . Executive
Board Decides It Will Delay
Improvement Too Long. , '
t , You use" Linen Handker
chiefs and Towels to absorb
moisture why not f Linen
Underwear?, -"'
.' . ' - v ?" At
KneifJp Linen Mesh ab-
sorbs readily and dries rap
jftly, thus . keeping the skin:
In a moit healthy-condition.
It does not irritate the
skin, bat soothes it." '"
It is ; guaranteed not to
shrink and to give satisfac
tion in wear '
' Get our booklet. ""' " '
. . -, .' , ;.' . ,. -..v.
Hewett, Bradley & Co.
Haberdashers 344 Washington St.
- Holding that the construction of. the
proposed subway under the Willamette
la too far in the future, the street com.
mlttee ot the executive board yesterday
afternoon awarded tbe contract for the
filling of East Stark street to O. W.
Blmons for the Pacific Bridge company,
the loweat bidder on the work.
Messrs. McCusker and Keady, the pro
moters of . the . subway tor , which a
franchise he a been asked, had told the
committee that: they would fill East
Stark street . free of . charge with the
material taken out by the construction
of their big tube under the river., The
subway Is to run under East Btark
atreet for some dlstanoe. Mr. Sabln
voiced the aentlment of the committee
when he declared that there was noth
ing else for the committee to"' do but
to award the contract,! the council
I the legislative body and . alone ha
the right to decide as to the prac
ticability of holding up the fill for' two
or three years ' It will take that time
at least before the subway la completed,
even if. the ''franchise Is granted.
Btmon's bid was, $5,400.
Among the . Improvement contracts
awarded yesterday were those to the
Warren Construction company for pav
ing First street . from Columbia ' to
Arthur.. 138,478; same. East Burnslde.
Union Avenue- to East Tenth, I17.S0V;
a row. Second atreet. Morrison to Madi
son; $U.7; Pacific Bridge company,
Union avenue.' East Oak to Belmonc,
tlt.TOt; Concrete Construction company
Bast Seventh. East Alder to Hawthorne
avenue, fll.121. -
Milwaukle Country Club.
Memphis and Louisville races Tak
ell wood and Oregon City ear at. First
air.1 Aldr. . r-. '
... ....... , , ..''.. .. -
July S and S. Anrast T, t, Sepvasibet
,, ,,,'.... - - . S sad 10. ; ,. '.., '
i On the above datea the Great North
ern Railway will have on sale tickets to
Chicago and return at rate of 171.10. St
Louis and return M7.I0. St. Paul, Min
neapolis and EHiluth, Superior or Sioux
City and return, $0. Ticket first
class, good going via the Great North
ern. returning earn or any direct route,
stopover allowed. For tlcketa, sleeping
car reservation or' any additional In
formation rail on or address H. Dickson.
C. P. A T. A-, lit Third street. Portland.
' v . .!"''' ' . j
Permits .
for Last Seventeen
in Portland Exceeds
Seven Million Dollars.
For First Tim in City's History Per
mits Exceeded One Million Dollars'
, in That Month Real , Valuations
; Are Being. Given Now. "f. '".
Nearly 17,000.000 has been expended
upon new buildings and repair work In
Portland during the past 17 months, ac
cording to the statements made when
building permits are issued.
The totals for each of theae montha
have Juat been made by the city audltor'a
office. Before February, 1(05, the per
mits were Issued from the- city engl
neer's office, and no monthly or yearly
totals were ever prepared there.
May, 1(06, la the banner month.
Never before In the history of the city
he the amount of building permit for
any month reached 11,000,000. but thta
time it was exceeded. -
The figure for the present month
show a slight falling oft. Thl I be
cause the permit for the majority of
the work to be done this summer have
already been Issued.
'.' Is ITov Szaot atom. .
The sum of 18,871,721 doe not be
gin to represent the actual amount of
money expended on even new buildings
alone.. : Property-owners and contract
ors have almost Invariably resorted to
all kind of subterfuges to prevent the
real cost of their structures becoming
public. The old story that the assessor
levied taxes upon buildings according
to the amounts of the permits haa been
partially responsible for this fact.
Now It la gradually, being realised
that large totals for building permits
are among the best advertisements the
city can .possibly display. . Something
nearer real value are therefore being
reported. For several month the city
haa had a building Inspector who passes
upon all plana, and he can. if necessary.
prevent false valuations being reported.
. . rsnslts by Moats.. "
Following I tha permit by-months:
ISO a... ' . - v
February .....f
March . .
May ,
August . .
October . ,
December ,
January . ,
February . .
March v .
April . . .
May . .
June (Including
171, 7
. 40S.I4I
411, IM
. IM71.7JJ
Special Sleeper for Elks.
On Saturday morning,.' July 14, the
R. A N. Co. will run a special stand
ard sleeper, Portland to !nvr, hy the
way of Huntington and Union Pacific,
for the Elks, account the annual con
vention of the grand lodge of Elks at
Denver, Jul Hr-l Ad 19.
Catholic .Celebration . at Fair
, Grounds Likely to Be Highly
'' Successful. -
Literary Exercises In Morning .Will
Be Interesting Numerous . Prises
Offered for Trials of Speed and
Strength in the Afternoon. '
The union picnic on Government
laland at the Lewis and Clark fair
ground July 4 will likely be one of
the moat uocful that has ever been
held In thl city. It is Tor th benefit
of Catholic charities and will be largely
Committees have been at work for
several weeks preparing tha detail and
an elaborate program ha been arranged.
It folio wa: ....r .
Addreaa. Chairman J. E. Courtney;
chorus, patrlotlo sirs, children St.
Mary's home; address, "Our Stat and
Ita Institutions." Hls-Orace Archbishop
Christie; address, "The Day we Cele.
brate," Governor George E. Chamber
lain; chorus, children St. Marya home;
reading the Declaration of Independ
hence, John Salnpolta; addreaa, "Amert
can Cltlxenshlp," Hon. Lafe Pence;
chorus, "Star-Bpangled Banner," school
children. .
' Program of Sports.
In the , afternoon the sports of the
day will begin. A fast track haa been
prepared and records - are sure to be
TC-yard dash, open to girls under It
ryears; prise, a handsome doll donated
by Meier Frank Co. . 71-yard daah,
open to boys under It years; prise,
Jersey donated by A. B- Stelnbach St Co.
TS-yard dash, open to boy under It
year; prise, a fishing rod donated by
Avery A Co. . 7i-yard daah, open to
boy over H . years; prise, a baseball
glove donated by Hudson Gun company.
74-yard daah. open Jo gin under it
years; prise, a parasol donated by Mo
Allen a McDonald. 76-yard daah, open
to girl over IS yeara; prise, a Jersey
donated by Olds, Wortman A King. 100-
yard daah, free Tor all; prise, a chair
donated by the Robert Furniture com-
com. Tni9 Ajro coucx st. -
Tried SUsot Olsms .... ...... .1S
Frtd Shad 1B
ShaA Be 20
tsasae xattl sTeok CTlams 204
Olaaa' BotUllom wlta Toeas.-. 1B
Oil lie oos Oarae ., .....15
Baked Fork and Beans.:... 1S
PtokUd Xrfunbe' Toaura. - , - '
Potato aalad tZ0f
Codfish Balls, Cream Saaoe. 1B
Oorm Beaf Basra, Poached Xfg. . . . IK
ajpagkMl aa Cbaase. Itallaa. . i . ..lft
Sorasabisd Oalves Brataa . s
with Xrtr ..................... .20
Boxas-rstads Baa sage 15
Ooffee, Bread sad Inner amd Potskase
with aU aaeeJs. ... ',
Blaiatrm for Udlaa. -
Try Azaarleea Baaraat
4sd yes will always se m patroa.
Fircvorks! firevoife!
Now is the time to buy your Fireworks; avoid the rush.
We carry the largest wholesale stock in the Northwest, in
cluding largest - Exhibition Sets for City and Country
Towns,' loudest Giant Crackers, Fancy Rockets, Roman
CandTesv Torpedoes, Flags, etc Z,.:..
Andrew Kan & Co.
Portland Oregon
Fit boy and girl for Eastern and
Western college. ... . .
Include a primary and grammar
school. . - f
Boarding hall for air! affording th
comfort and care of a refined horn. .
Office hour during th Summer from
S a. m. to Jt m.
' For cataJosu write to th address
given above.
pany. Fat men race, too pound or
over; prise, a ssck of flour donated by
the Portland Flouring Mill company.
SUm men' race, 140 pound or less.
25 years or over, feet 10 Inches In
height; prise, a hat donated by Hewitt,
Bradley Co. Back race, open; prise,
a cane donated by the Allealns Um
brella compsny. - Three-legged race,
open; two pocket knlvea donated by
Honeyman Hardware company. Running
hop,. step and jump, open; prise, a pipe
donated by Foeller A O'Neill. Running
high lump, open:' prise, a - sweater
-donated by Ben Selling A Co. Running
broad lump, open; prise, a fancy vest
donated by Rosenblatt A Co. Pean
race, open: prise, opera glaaaes donsted
by Columbia Opera company. ' Ladles'
spike driving contest; prise, a pair of
shoes -(donated by Ooddard A Kelly com
SHay Bacas j Mil Opes.
First prise, s handsome pony cart
donated by the Studebaker Bros. Manu
facturing company; . second prise, a
addle; third prise; spurs donsted by P.
J. Cronln company; fourth prise,- a rid
ing whip donated by P. Sharkey A
Ooasolatloa Baoe.
First prise, a bridle donated" by P.
Sharkey A Son; second, prise, field
glasses donated by the Columbia Opera
Officer of tn oay juage, B. M.
Brannlck; atarter, F. J. Lonergan; time
keeper, J. B. Coffey; clerk. J., J. Manloa
A remarkable showing of rapid progress
a ad Increase of wealth In two years In
Oregon I made by the Pint National
bank of Hood River. In a statement
Just received by Portland stockholders Ita
Every Hat Reduced
1,000 correct shape and colors In
Vntrimmed Bailor and Dress
; Shapes; to ft.OO values.
Now .....80 to f3.T5
100 Trimmed Street Hats, Lot 1;
11.10 to I2.7J values.
Now 95
0 Milliner Trimmed Dress and
Street Hata; It. 60 to tt.00
.Values. iNow, ........... B1.9( -
All Pattern Hat juat half
., price.
All Children's Hat H OTT.
Extra large choice, assortment of
very newest things In Trimmed
' Snllors; tl.00 to 17.00 values.
Now 2.40 to f S.60
"Hundreds of Duck Hats.
Special... i 65 to f2.25
14 Third St, Oor. Salmom.
deposit are shown to have ' Increased
from t.m In June. 1904. to trt.r in
June, 190S, and to tlSS.S7t tn June. 1M.
The record shows an Increase of more
than 400 per cent for the period named.
The bank la a leading ftnlnclal Institution
of on of Oregon' most famous fruit
sections, th Hood River valley,, where
orchard lands have advanced In market
price during the last few year from 150
to 1300 and t-tOO per acre. The bank haa
Issued a circular announcing that a
per cent dividend will be distributed
July 1. It I proponed to double the
capital stork, now f2S,000. and stock la
offered to shareholdera at tft advance on
each share. If the Issue la subscribed
It will give th bank 160.000 capital, lit-
too paid in- surplus and a total working
capital of lrt,aoo. The officers are:
President, F. B. Stanley, Portland: vWe
presldent, R. L. Smith,' Hood River;
cashier, E. O. Blsncher; assistant ashn
V. C. Brock. The directors are J. C.
Alnsworth, Y. S Stanley and R. Smith,
Portland; t. W.'Hlnrtch and S.
Smtt 1 i Jl;
Athletic Perk
Osrser Yaagaa aad! Twaaty-fearta.
SasMS Called at t:M p. m. Sally. '
9sms OaUed I N p. sr. aaeaya. ,
. , ladies' Say, Prlday. ,
naaataad, St Oallarea. ltei Bts Ssata. St.
' ' '
C 1 TRrtth' Week ef the .
sxaa STOCK. COMrAirr
la tke taugkiag rane .
"A LOST BABT" - 1 .
la Coeneetlea With a Specially Selected Olio,
Beaoed by the BeSmd Sketch Arttaita, MR.
"A tivrnm mivmo.-
Baker Theatre
ew. 1 :
neee Mala MOT.
Rera f Blch-Claae Steeh.
ill This Week. Matinee Saturday, the tap.
. alar Baker Ossspaay la a Beaatifnl aa
SUborate Prodactlea e th Fa-
moae Tnree-Art CsmMr
EVEHtHO PKI('lfS-4S-. toe sad 60.
MATINEC PkK KS lie and afie.
. Heat Week, . ttartlu Sanaay kTsthias. '
"BY VAnnxxLi.r
i4th ssa n. Miut n....
Waablasta "V uvill) iuwu, Mala U
Tsalskt. t:lt Svery VigM Tkta Weak.
Famtly Matinee Tbaierair, S:18. .
Tenlsht, S:1B. Tnmorrew Klcht.
la the Taaeral Baste! Osaaeiy .
Pretty Olrla. Oatrhy Mnsle. Panny mtaarhws.
POPULAR PRICKS EroalDg, Is, toe. Be.
eue see Toe. Maun, loe ad SBe.
Meat Week, Bjnftaaeer tUgkt. i
AtkM. Huilll. ul Atk
Melaett. WlUsuaa aa Savis.
ataaa aaan aa tae oasenes.
Unril a4 KM - ' KaaMMi"
lasa Wilaea. BaXeasle, Been asd fcarlaa. .
evtoa-rtotare Ceaaedles.
Perfnrmanm dail. mt T M nS a a m
Admlaaioa, lue and SOei bosea. arte. Ladlea
and eblldren take any eeat at areeft-day asat
Ineea foe TEN eenta.
Every Atternooa and Brontes.
Pertlaad's Pepvlw Steek-Haae.
w aaiasBsBf y nisssnj r . w ;
David caiuuc:;,
'In TtmT Arts.
Pollow the Crmrd. ' Contlnnona perfarmanea.
AdmMaloa, loe. f Reaerod seat a. Sue. -
iHLurand Qy
.. Baa Reteai,
YlXlAr I4wstsr
' . .. West aad Seats.
. The Werld's wjj mm
Wteet . t i Kareld Beff.
laseatlas, , - raadteaeye, ,
faly S aad S. Aagsst T, A , Septex-l r
aad IS.
Summer xcurin rates. Bal j.; ,
June 11. tt, July t. I. Anguat T, t, .
September t, 10. Rate from F"-
to Chicago,; is st. imvi,
Kansas City, Omaha and II. 1
Denver, te.
For lnfor"!rm In r
and partlm C