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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
THE OHEGbN DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, 1S0J. ' 111 LIKELY HOLD " TIL HERE .", -i " Local Inspectors May Be Called Upon to Investigate Stetson Stanford Collision STEAM SCHOONER IS NOW ON THE WAY TO PORTLAND Hearing Glvts PYomise of Elliciting J Some Interesting Testimony Be , .cauee of, the Myitery Surrounding ' the Accident.' ' Mnin. Edwards and Fuller, Inepee' .- tors of nulla and) boiler, will In all -. probability conduct ' the.' hearing of "testimony relative to the c9lllalon be tween the steam schooner J. B. Btet- eon and barkcntlna , Jane I Stanford which occurred shortly before midnight June 1) off the mouth of the Columbia ' river. - The barkentine waa badly dam aged In her rigging and' the Btetaon loat part of her deckload of lumber. . The Stetson la reported aa having; left Ban Francisco laat night for this port ;and Inasmuch as the Stanford la at As , torla undergoing repairs It appeara al , most certain that .the hearing will, be , held here instead of at Ban Franclaco . as flrat Intended. Soma Interesting testimony Is looked for because of the .officers of both vessels apparently try ing to throw the blame upon the "other fellow." Tha captala of the barkcntlna reported when towed Into Astoria that , the steamer bore down on them without ' altering her course an inch although - repeated warnings wera sounded. , An other important question for' tha offi cers of the Stetson to anawer is why . they proceeded On their way aa If noth ing had happened Instead of standing . by tha vessel to ascertain tha extent of ' ' her damagea. . . s .' 1 The , Jane HZ""" tan ford lsi being re paired at Astoria. Her jib -boom, bow ' sprit, foremast and main topmast wera - torn away in- the mlxup and it la esti mated that It will take the larger por tion of 15,000 to repair her. WITH THE COASTERS. ' Aarella Arrives From Baa Praaeleoe and the Alllaaee Departs. , . The ateamer Aurella, Captain Ertck on. arrived here thta morning from Ban Francisco, where. eh waa tied up for several daya because of tha sailors' strike. Like tha steam schooners Johan - Poulaenv- Despatch and Northland, aha 1 counts a number of Japaneae among her craw on deck." The AureliA-wenfrto the ratTia of tha Portland Lumber com pany and commenced loading lumber, for a return cargo. .' : i ... The ateamer Alliance sailed for Eu reka via Cook bay at 1 o'clock this morning - from Couch atreet wharf, carrying a full cargo and about 100 paa ..nmri She waa scheduled to sail at I o'clock, but did not get away nntrll arter mianignc oecauee ox am tmrnnui lot of ferlght offered. ... ' Agent Baumgardtner reports having had ' no trouble , in securing , a white 'crew to nil tha places of the strikers who walked ashore Wednesday night. and sh want out with a full craw. SAILORS AT THE OARS. : EVERYBODY WORKS BUT FATHER ' IN JAPAN WHEN SHIPS ARRIVE tr a; f I t i s 7 I t Japaneae ' Women Coaling the Britiah.Stea.mer Richmond in the Harbor In JaDan women do most of the long shore work while their husbands tend -the babies at home or entertain at tea. The frail women aeem to carry their burden fully aa cheerfully, however, aa the Powerful six-footers who load ana discharge cargoes here, say steamship men. and they work faithfully when the boss is watching them. . The photograph printed" herewith was taken by Chief Officer, Redding at tha steamer Richmond, which arrived her yesterday from Mororan, the .Japanese coaling port.' -The . picture shows . the women filling the , bankers of , the Rich mond at Mororan. The coal Is carried In small baskets. f ', -.'.-. .. ,, . i Orews of Foreign Yeeeela la the Mnr . hot Prepared tot Interesting maoea. 1 Crewa from the Brttlah ships Bar '" dowle, Galgata and Procyon, the Ger r man ship Emllte, the Italian ship Eras ' mo and the British steamer Richmond are practicing for tha gig and punt ' racea to be held In the harbor on the , afternoon of July 4. Keen Intereat la '': being taken in tha aport and tha water front promises to be black with people ' at tho appointed hour. ' ",v The racea will atart at" 1 o'clock . promptly. Captain A. Crowe has been .'appointed atarter and he will aee to it V that the crewa get a square deal, hav - ing had much experience In arranging and starting boat racea. DUE HERE NEXT WEEK. 'V. Hawaiian line Xiloala WIU sTot Ss Detained, at Ban Fraoelaco. "- The Mat son Steamship eompany'a steamer Hllonla la due to arrive at San '"Francisco today and In all probability she will be In Portland next Monday or Tuesday, she was expected in San ',' Francisco aeveral days ago but It was learned that the telegraph code had been misread so that Instead of having left Honolulu "on"June H for the Bay City. June I was tha sailing data. The Ban Francisco strike will not be allowed to interfere with tha move ments .of the Hllonla, aald Agent Lindsay this morning. If the union men decide- upon striking for higher wages' new; men will be engaged to fill their places immediately and 'the ateamer will proceed as If nothing had happened. Precautions have been taken against any delay, it being the com pany's wish to get tha ateamer off on her Initial trip from ' thla - port on schedule. Agent Lindsay reports meet ing with great encouragement in secur ing traffle and everything polnta Co success. . I , ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tha Portland Flouring Mllla company haa chartered the British ahlp Luclpara and tha. German ahlp Nerlde to load wheat on Puget sound ' for the United Kingdom. . . The Western Tranaportatlon Tow ing company's new steamer 'Georgia Burton" -will go lnttracttve service jtnwa- Ing next week. 8he Is at presencxiea up at tha foot of Jefferson street. -.. Tha ateamer Capital City will, he equipped with oil burners. The con tract for the lnstailOJflnflItne furnaces haa ben awarded. ' T The cruisers Chicago and Boston and tha gunboat Princeton left Aatorla laat night for Puget sound, while tha torpedo boat destroyers Preble and Paul Jones aalled for Mare Island. The steam schooner Despatch, Cap tain Webber, sails from - Vancouver, Washington, tomorrow morning with a cargo of lumber. Tha sixteenth annual number of the Commercial Mews is out and. presents a handsome and attractive appearance aa usual. KOT GUILTY IS PLEA i (Continued from Page One.J framing-it-and knew every word that had been written. If ha had not actually dictated tha humiliating passages of tha affidavit. - v. f . , ,. ,-r . .... t , ' WOMAN AT FUNERAL MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Or., June 30. Arrived at T a. m. Schooner Virginia, .from Ban Francisco. . Manila, Juno It. Arrived yesterday Barkentine Amaranth, from Portland. Ban Francisco, June II. Sailed at 4 p. m. Steamer J. B Stetson for Port land. . Astoria. Or., June It. Sailed at I p. m. Schooner Monterey In tow of tug Dauntless, .for Monterey. Sailed at (:10 p. m. United States cruisers Chicago and Boston and gunboat Princeton, for Puget sound, and torpedo-boat , de stroyers Paul Jones and Preble, for San Francisco. Arrived at :lt and left up at 1:10 p. m. Steamer Aurella, from Ban Francisco. Balled at :t0 p. m. Barkentine Fullerton. for Port Harford. In tow of tug Sea Rover. Arrived down it I t, m.- Schooner Lottie Bennett. Eureka, June 18. Balled Steamer F. A. Kllburn. for Portland. Shields. June 17. Balled French bark NoemL for Portland. Grimsby, June IT, Arrived Russian bark Isabel Browne.-from Portland. Astoria. Or., June !. Condition of tha bar at a. m., smoom; wina soum east; weather cloudy. PANAMA SPECIAL- r FOR SATURDAY ONLY . TWO DOZEN GENUINE ONE PIECE . , MM REGULAR $8,00 VALUES TO CLOSE J- m $6.00 jPaiaaEiia late SiSOEacSi. lVec-lnfnn Street .. IctperUI II Hotel EcUd- f.!cns Shop Ij'jciscer ti Dts!;tr tf Stylish UzH for Ilea , viq --tr----f.r.. -.-t:-; .- -j.: -e Btraage Famato Collapses at, Wfttte'e : Oheattnlse White a Ooaanmptlva. Jooraai gpeeui Urwivt.t New York,. June :-Although Stan ford. White waa eU feet tall, muscular and ; well, built, weighing tZt pounds, tho autopsy revealed tbe fact that 'he waa the victim of tuberculosis. White was also suffering from Brlght's dis ease and fatty degeneration of the liver. White, saya the examining phy sician, would have died in two years had- not TbiM'jLjtxiUel jmtl an. end. to Mm" . .. " .. , , . :., At the funeral of White In Bt. James, Long Island, a strange woman made a scene by fainting. White's widow and ktnspeople sat at - the - front ' of the church and thla woman slipped Into a back pew.' During the short services she wept bitterly, ... . .. ' As the body was being carried from the church aha collapsed altogether. A chauffeur and a man who looked like a servant bore the fainting woman to an automobile and she waa driven rap Idly away. Nona of the members of the White family know her and the idenx tlty of the mysterloua mourner waa not learned.' ;-. v - .. '- WHY BEN LODGE WEARS NAVAJO . ; .- BLANKET INSTEAD OF CLOTHES ' fFor ha has no .suit now" Is the title of the refrain the mem here of tho Ken dall Musical 'company are humming these daya, for " Maglnle Pasha" Lodge, comedian of tha organisation, mourns tha loss of his best salt of clothes. "Ben" occupies a sumptuous apartment at the Hotel Antlers and has long been known aa tbe Beau Brummet of the hoatelry. Beveral daya - ago Lodge ruefully looked ' at the "baggy trousers ' of the hand-me-down suit purchased for $4.J from a clothier bf tha. "Windy City", and determined to send the garments to a renovatorlum. Accordingly . ha ac costed a boy passing through the hall of the hotel, whom he supposed to be the representative of a cleaning estab lishment, and instructed him to take the suit. . - , . ' "Do a good' Job on (hat and bring It back Saturday night I'll leave the money In the, office for you," waa the parting admonition -given to the lad. -" Saturday night arrived, but there waa no sign, of either boy or suit. Lodge suddenly remembered that ha had failed to 1 secure the ad fires of tha cleaning works-and, rushing to the phone,' rsng up Robert Pitkin, his fellow-funmaker at tha theatre The conversation ever the wire waa something to this effect; - "Hello. Bob. Thla ia Ben." "Hello-o-o!" came back the answer over tha wire. "Tea, this is I'm, Tea. Nix. Hana Nlxv telephone inapector-r-r-r, city of New York." "Cut out , your . kidding. Bob: some thing dreadful haa happened: I've loat my ault of clothes. Tou know that ault I, bought In Chicago. Tha pepper and aalt one." , "You mean the well-seasoned one," replied Pitkin. "Now be serious, this Is no laughing matter," declared Lodge, with 'tears in his voice, He then detailed the manner In which hia garments dlsilppeared and tha only satisfaction he received from Pitkin, waa aomethlng which aounded like , ' "Same old story, nothing new." Lodge haa reported the matter to the police and detectives have been detailed to recover the lost clothee. In the meantime It , Is . understood that . Lodge gooa to the theatre and returns to the hotel wrapped in a Navajo blanket.' "f I find that boy." he declares, "I will spank him aoundly with the "Silver, Slipper.'" - MONSTER LOCOMOTIVE TEARS HOLE IN ROUNDHOUSE WALL 4 . .' 1 o - : i . .. . . r'Jk'.Cl r COMSTOCK AS SLEUTH. Famous Farlne Xaa Beea Surlnf Xvi v : gsaoe Aralaat White. '. , : ;. . tJeomkl peelal Berries.) New York, June it. One of tha most sensational developments of the case waa brought out in tha report that An thony Com stock had been seeklnr evi dence against White at the request of iniw ror some time before the mur der. Corastock la declared to have ad mitted that he had been consulted by Thaw -about the atrangs - actions of White an his associates, and aald: Two weeks i ago Thaw came to me and told me startling-stories of Stan ford White and his friends. . I tried to engage apartments In Madtson Square garden tower, but failed. I tried - in many other ways to get evidence against White, but some one must have tipped him on,' aa he atayed away from his studio in the tower. - "I then heard that White had en gaged rooms in another building. When I told thla to Thaw ha aeemed dlacour- sged. ; If I had had more time I could have accomplished more,, probably." Cometock said that Thaw had Bought him out a number of tlmea and made accusations agalnat Stanford White. . "Mr. Thaw several tlmea gave me addresses and namea at different tlmea.' Com stock continued. ' "And we Invest! gated hla etoiiea and fonnd many of them true, out probably tear of ex posure prevented any one from making an amaavit ana prosecuting the guilty person or persona JS - . jfc.j. ,( i ii urn iiif i mmiMim l i if ins iiii i I" i Where the Engine Poked Ite Noee Through the Wall. A prison break waa: attempted" night .befor last by a Northern Pacific loco motive, confined In the . roundbouae at the' foot of Ollsan atreet. , The angina choaa the dead of night for' Ita break' for liberty. It suddenly started forward and attempted to hurdle through the window of tha roundhouse. The window was too far to the fight, however. . and the runaway butted ita nose Into the lt-lnch wall, tearing a great hole through which It thrust half Its body, . then - stuck, struggling and sputtering like mad. An alarm waa quickly aounded and the roundhouae guarda soon had the mon ster In captivity again. Today It made Ita regular run to Tacoma. while tha rent In tha wall waa patched by a gang of brlckmasons? Two other new patches tell of ' recent instances when unhappy locomotives butted their heads against tha -thick walla In an effort to reach the outer world undrlven or spill out their brains in ths attempt No other - cauae for the- peculiar av tlona of the steel leviathans could be given by the railroad , employee thla morning. 1" , ARRAY OF LAWYERS:; Most Complete Arralraxaent of fcefal ; Talent for Thaw's Defease. ' (Joaraal Spedsl service.)' ' ' Pittsburg. June !. Joslah Thaw Harry's brother, after a hurried visit to this city, where he conferred -with the family attorney,- George Gordon, hastened to return to New York. Gor don denies that any local attorneys are to appear In New York. . as the- best there who ar familiar with tho situa tion and local conditions' have been en gaged.-' - It la understood that a fund for the moat complete arraignment of legal talent In the history of the criminal court haa been provided. 7 . . To Oatk of New York. June it. Uvnnr. Wtilta tha snlv son of Stanford Whit Manias making a vow of vengeance. Ha aaya ne man i seo a represeniativa or. ine paper-aaylng he did. ' SALVADOR IS INVADING GUATEMALAN TERRITORY '(Jenraet gpeeltl gervlce.l ... " Bin Francisco, .June 2. War la to be declered by Salvador'agalnst Ouate mala. according to the atatement of passengers arriving on tha steamer City of Panama, ' from Central - American polnta - thla-' morning. Already acting upon Instructions irom Ex-Presldenl RegeUdo, tha Salvadoran treops have left to aid the Guatemalan Insurgents. At the time of tha boat a departure from Panama, Barrilaa waa entering Guate mala from thf Mexican border with General Toledo, and another regiment of Insurgents waa preparing to advance from Salvador. -". The government "Collier Saturn. Cap tain Newell, left; down thla morning bound for the aUre Island navy-yard. PORTLAND SPRINKLES WATER . ENOUGH TO GIVE CITY A BATH Row much water do you suppose is sprinkled on Portland'a streets in a dayt , That la, when It a good and dusty and there Is a demand for sprinklers everywhere and every one of the 10 wagon a and tha three car aprtnklera are running eight houre a dayt Hard thing to guess. Isn't it? Well, It's 1.02.00 gallons. Some water, hey? It would be enough to give every sixth msn. woman and child In Portland a full slxed bath of 40 gallons. It would be enough to provide every Inhabitant of tha United Statea with a drink of water. It. would float some of the largeat ahlpe that ever enter Portland'a har bor.,; 1 ' Each of the 10 wagon aprinklere Is filled about 40 times during the eight hours tha men and horsea work. That'a gallons In a day. Then there's three ear sprinklers which "squirt water all over everywhere aa they tear along through the atreeta. One haa a capacity of 1.809 gallons to tha filling, another will hold 8.100 gal lone and the third la big enough to take In 6.000 gallona. And they 1111 up about 25 times a day, saya Alex Donaldson. superintendent of the atreet sprinkling department. That makes 290.000 gal lona a day ror the car aprlnklers. .- Wedneaday afternoon before It began to rain every piece or aprlnkllng ap paratus waa In service, and just aa soon aa the man down In tha federal build ing who holds the bellcord to the rain clouds saya "Hold, enough I" all the wagons and the ears atart out again. : RUSSIA HEEDS OUTCRY : OF WORLD FOR JEWS (Journal Special Herrlce.i , London, June 2. Blr Samuel Mon tague, tha greatest authority In England on the Russian Jews, says that the world's outcry, especially the action of the American congress,, Is having a salutary effect to reduce the auf feting of the Jews. He thinks the Jews who fled will finally return artd the, govern ment recognla their worth to the coun try. Delegates are going to Instruct Christian peasants aa to tha value of their Jewish neighbors and urge them to live peaceably, although trss govern tnent Inatigated the riots to detract from tha revolutionary trend. WILLAMETTE GIRL IS TO TEACH AT DRAIN f (Uperlsl Dlsnstck to The Joarnsl.) , nalesa. . Jane Miss Berths Hewlt.-a grsitaste ef the lane rises of tbe Wlllsnwtte nrrenity rollege ef oratory, has beea elected Imtroetnr ta eloeattoe in the Drsla aoraal erh-et.- ,'7 ' ' . ' '".' V L . .. BawsesnsssaeBssa The" steamer F. A. KIlburnT Captain Merrlam. Is due to arrive here Sunday night from San Franc1co via Eureka. ajf-'"',r,l,5!gB?i,aBes . ' XATI TOW A COVwatt A dose of Ballard's Horehound Byrne will relieve II Have yea a eoldT- Try It for Whooping cough, for asth ma, consumption, for bronchitis. Mre, Joe McQrath, 127 K. Flrat street, Hutch inson, Kansaa, writes: - "I . have used rial lard's Horenouna nyrup in my ramny for five veers, and find It the most Del- etabla medicine I ever .need... Sold by Woodaro. ciarxe ta WORK STARTS ON BIG -- MILL .AT 0LYMPIA m (Special tllspstck to The JoarasL) ' " Olympla. Wash., June tt. The work of driving piling for tha new sawmill to be built In thla city' by O. H. Hartson, recently from Minneapolis, waa begun thla morning. ; A "pur 1.(00 feet long will be conatrueted to the new mill by the cltlsens and N. P. Ry Go. Tho new mill will be rushed to completion. Its capacity will be BO.OOO feet dally. PLAN VACATION NOW. . "Potter Ooee en Jnae go . TCow Vpret Oolnatbla TBttvarr IBatea. . June te the T. J. Potter," the popu lar O. R. A N. seaside excursion' steam er, makea ita flrat trip to North Beach, touching Aatorla going and returning. Very low excuralon rates now in ef fect '' ' -- : ' Delightful outing trips may he made to upper Columbia river points, the new local O. R. A N. train leaving Union station at 1:11 a. m. dally and return ing at p. m. tha aame day, making It possible to spend a day at any of the polnta of Intereat along tha river be tween Portland and Tha Dallee. Vary low rates In affect. 1 . For particulars about tha summer re sorts and trlpa ask at Third and Wash ington atreeta, Portland. . C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. , . ' President Approved Canal. '. 1 (Jearaal Special Barnes.! - - -Washington. June 21. Tha president has elgned the Panama lock canal bllL ' , n. -"--' A new and extensive invoict of Pear Gray Hats. Telescopes in high, medium and low crowns. Ten nsw t shapes. The. label is your guarantee. PEER OF ALL $3.00 HATS Try Coos Bay Blaclr . CM ' i . a V irr rs supply YOU WITH YOUR WINTER'S FUEL All Coal Screened Before Leaving Yerd F. B. JONES & CO. Phone EAST 7 .'' ' ' - ' '''', ''.,. ' '. i ' ,.-' Best $3 Hat in the World Bears This Label BEN LEADINQ HATTER ' A tjsaaeot fat ttfe. ., Emperor William haa appointed Pro fessor Ernst von Rersmann a member of the uppr house of parliament for life. This is the flrat time that auch an honor haa been conferred on a mem ber of the medical, profession. ''' No Faie Sale--We (V.ean Business GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE v - Lasts on! a few days. .Our large stock of high grade - Waists, Ladies and Infants' wear must go at tremen dous reductions. Special HaW Price Sale, Saturday ' onlyCLadies Silk Waists and Eiderdown Sacques, just the thing for the coast or country. 273 Wachlr: PER TCI DEUVESED