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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
rssegag.1 . .1 -i.i- .i, . ,1. , ... j ; i,; 1 11 , , imaes-sr-i.- 1 . ::;fiiom mi) vOregoh li2 . Suspected Counterfeiters -Are; Questioned by . United btates lYiarsnai and l hen I ney :S ' v Are: Placed -111! Jail y CsptaliiBell and Secret Service, A font i .foster arrived In Portland thla .mora in wltH a K. Mill", Elmer Tomer and Albert 3. Turner, the man arrested at Weleer, Idaho, on the chars-e of belna; .'Implicated la the counterfeiting mill discovered r Captain Bell near Hunt ' lngion. Tha men were taken directly . to tha United States tnarehai'a office, ' where the wera "sweated" by-tha u . thorltlea.- Coon, who waa arrested aer eral daya ao at Huntlncton, waa alao ' taken to tha marahal'a office and ail -were (Ivan an opportunity to tell what they knew about tha eaaa. Nona of the men hare retained at 'tome ye and have waived a hearing be fore Commlaaloner Bladen, who bound , ahem over to tha grand Jury. All ware . returned to the county Jail In default of ball. Coon, who la regarded M the - 'leader of tna counterfeiters.' received the heavleat bail, the amount being , , fixed at I10,0v. The Turnera each re ceived I2.O0O and MUle $1,000. . , ' X Ooaaldered Bangetoag. ' 4 Coon la conatdered tor be the meet dangerous of those arrested ; so far, and tha authorities believe that when he la sentenced -the' entire s gang- will be broken up. Mills and the Tur nera are conatdered nothing' mora than jCoon's tools who were used to distrib ute tha bogus coin after It had been made by Coon. WUllame la a new man in tha west, and It la believed that ha la not aa. deeply concerned lnsthe oon aplracy as 'waa at first supposed.., -Y The authorltlea baxa kept a close watch on the men since they have been Brought to the city, for It la said that they believe them to have t rlenda in the city, -although stoutly denying that .they aspect to arrest any one. In Port-. - land. When the-- pnaonera arrived ai the. Union depot this morning deputies were on band to relieve Captain Bell . from his long watch after, the trip on . tha train. Bo careful were tha off lcera in trying to keep the presence of the : prisoners In Portland Unknown that' the '. counterfeiters were allowed to walk alone, with a deputy In front and one behind each of them. When the men ' were la tha marahal'a office even then " their presence was denied and no In formation waa given, out concerning statements mad during tha awaatlng prOCeSS.' . . . Kay Kavs Hade Oeafeaaioa. - -- ' It la- believed -thattma of the men has made a confession to tha officers ' revealing the whole, plot Nothing of this could be learned from the otricera, but such a story la not considered Im probable by attaches of the federal . building m view of the great amount of evidence ; aaid to have been collected by Captain BelL ' - '..' - Mllla, who le reported to have made the confession, la a tall and well-de-, veloped man, weighing over 100 pound. . , Tha Turnera are typical cattle rustlers ; in appet ranee, both being tall and angular, but not much resembling each j other in facial appearance. Each man welgha about 110 pounda and has the '. '. appearance ot possessing great physical ; strength. None of tha federal officer would ' apeak of the case today further than to Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! " - r The Fourth will toon be here; and you'll know it ..when the day dawns. 1 What can you expect but noise on the Fourth? - It's" the birthday of the American eagle and he never was a quiet bird. ' It's the! day rof excursions, picnics, etc' i Going away or staying at home, youTl be apt to be ' wanting something to keep ' you comfortable. Remember, please, that we have cool, thin Clothes at . very moderate prices and cool,' Hats and Toggery ofi. all sorts which we sell on the same basis. a Firecrackers Free With every fifty-cent pur chase of Boys' wear we will give a package of rirecrackr " ers the larger the purchase the ; more firecrackers we , give. . . You can help the boys. s celebrate -by. getting their .'tnitfit at this store. ;:Yp- Y. ClolHinqCd h. CsJlCuhnPioD '"'lien's nd Bot4 OutflttersX IM AND 168 THIRD ST, ' Mohawk Building. say that they had aufilclsnt evtdenoe to convict the men. They would not say what the evidence waa. but seemed to feel that they would have no dif n culty In sending the prisoners to the penitentiary for long terras. One ot the officers stated positively that Duffy, well known In - Portland criminal cir cles, was not Inaluded In the conspiracy and that he was not wanted. The of ficer added that no arrests would, be made In Portland. . ' Taken to Ooanty jail. After ' the questioning In the mar ahal'a office this morning the men were taken to tha county Jail, ' where they will remain until their hearing. The qulsslng in the marahal'a office lasted until noon and when tha prisoners emerged they were perspiring aa freely aa if they had undergone a great trial. won. who la a, email wiry man. waa pale and nervous and ahowed that he waa laboring under - great emotion aa he walked out . of the federal building Coon waa taken to Jail in company with Mllla under- the guard of two deputy marshals. - The Turnerswere kept be hind for further questioning. Aa Coon crossed Yamhill afreet a carriage came along and the prisoner held back, al lowing the deputy to go ahead. . Hie action was not taken as an attempt to escape but ahowed the nervous -condition he waa In. , ' , ... - The Turners were the most composed of the lot and when Albert waa led out of the building the deputy accompany ing him' tdld him that a, photographer waa about to take a snap shot of aim. The counterfeiter turned and faced tha camera with a smile on his face and seemed to consider the affair aa a Joke. - Both 'the Turnera and Coon are dressed In overalls and with coata of heavy material., evidently wearing the aama artlclea they had on at tha time of their arrest! Mills, who la a saloon keeper at Welser, Idaho, was dressed In a neat ault of black. All the men are smooth ahaved and good looking. EXTRA FREIGHT GOES INTO CHEHALIS DITCH "' fneeial fMsnatefe ta Th Jmm.1 l ' Chehalla. Wash., June 29. Aa extra west-bound Northern Pacific freight waa wrecked In tha. north end of the Chehalla yards at 4 o'clock this morn ing while running at high speed. Tha is oars were heavily loaded with mer chandise. The accident waa caused by a defective switch. The angina, tender and front iruoks of the first car cleared the awltch aaf ely before the dltchlna- began. Hardly a ear of .the rest of the train kept the track. . An engine helper on the rear kept piling them together and cars were, dttchSalong the (rack for. a block and . a .half in Jack-knife fashion. Many or the cars were amaahed to kindling. The noise made by the wreck was heard for bg-cks. No one waa Injured, but two trampa had a narrow escape. Superintendent Abiee la here In charge and a wrecking orew has been at work all forenoon. It ta hoped to have the track open ao traffic on the main line can be resumed by I o'clock. PRO RATA IF YOU DESIRE Continued from Page one,)-- "My view la that as these funds were not raised by any tax or voted out of any publlo funds we, as a committee, are responsible only to those who en- trusted Into our hands aa trustees their own private moneys with which to re. Ueve San Franctaso sufferers. We have done thla to the best of our ability and. apart from allotments made, only $48, 5t.0 remains subject to our Immediate use. We wish It were more, for we feel the worst Is yet to come. Every day will Increase the distress, and It will be woraa next winter than It la now. We have been represented ' by careful and capable agents, and while we would be glad to turn over our re sponsibility to any one. we do not feel It right to do ao without tha consent of those who subscribed this money ana aaaed ua to use our best Judg ment. Our Judgment la to hold this money and give It out carefully "We believe Mayor Lane la no more than a prominent private citlsen In this matter and. with all due respect, we cannot see why he should Individually direct the disposition of the funds commnieo to our care. xne whole point la, they are private founds, given by private cltlsena, and we, not Mayor Lane, are the truatees. That la out view. We certainly don't want the money nor the trouble, but Chairman Phelan himself soys the greatest need will be next winter. If the Ban Fran cisco relief committee aaya to ua that It baa a present and Immediate need for thla money we will aend It; or, If any subscriber will toll us to send hie money, we will send his pro rata share. " Spent and OB Xaad. The statement of the finance - com mittee shows receipts as follows: Funds and provlSteerr -from. Portland, : li0, IJI i; from Pittsburg, Pennsylva nia, $25,000; - from Boston, Massa chusetts. $10.00O; from Oregon snd Washington cities, t5.flt.lT; total, $30. 181.10. Expenditures Supplies and provis ions sent . San Francisco, fltt.013.21; woman's relief committee,; lo cal aid committee, $2,2.2; through Oregonlan for relief bureau, fl4.4SO.70: through J. N. Teal for same, $2,20i.0; to Santa Boss, $1,000 ; Individual relief, Kton ' Francisco Medical so ciety, fl.Soor Incidentals,; total, f2tl,101.tT. The balance on band la, In cluding the Lewis and Clark stock not yet available, fl8.40l.76, leaving a cash balance of $59, 44$. 17, less . appropria tions not yet expended, $10,811,111 leav ing f 40.014 on hand. COUNTRY DANCE WILL 3: ' BETGIVENPARK A country dan'ce la to' be given by Fred W. Prasp at 'Cedar Park tomor row night. The dancers will be cos tumed aodordlng to their Ideas of the wsy country people look, and the danoe hall will be festooned with garlands' hi corn, pumpkin vine, and other appropri ate rural ernes, while the orchestra-of seven musicians will be. eoAieden bales of hay. Mr. Prasp has . arraitnd . for , special rare to run as lte ea 1:10.' An oyster supper will be served at mid- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY Owe t . '.. ... Price Pianos, Organs Piano Players at Your Ouin Price ; We would rather whole sale' our ' magnificent stock to you than .to wholesale it to. our successors The Sherman-Clay Co. New ' 'Pianos Everett, Knabe,' Fischer, Packard, Ludwig, Hamilton, Mason & Hamlin, Cable, Kingsbury wholesale prices. Pianos,, slightly used. World famous ..makes many of them just as good as new.' Some: of them as ;iow as $30. . .r;:x;,7 ' Oreans Some little beau ties as low- as $10 and $12. 1 New six-octave Mason & .HamUn, $65. : ; Piano Players All the best makes, from $40 to $150 Store Open. Evenings -j Out of Town Trade Writs or telephone wnat you wan and what yon. wish to pay. We will look after yon Interests; and tf our selection and terms do sot nit, dont pay a penny. NOTICE After July 1 we shall 'main tain a down town offioe to look after our. aooonnta. we re spect the oonfldenoea reposed ta us and take this way of keeping your business and our bnslnees to oturselTOs, ALLEN & GILBERT RAMAKER CO. th and Morrison Streets STEAM SCHOONER SINKING (Continued from Page One) the union men came alongside In a launch, but they withdrew - when the skipper leveled a shotgun at them and warned them from comlhg on board. Whether the vessel waa bared while at anchor that night or not or at all Is yet to be lee rued, and thla mystery may not be solved until the cargo has been lightered and the vessel placed on the drydock for a thoroughCitdmlnalton. Watchmen Saw STo One. " Invlew-Of "tno; Mreeenr-attack upon the 'steamer Johan Poulsen,. era watchmen nave been employed on the wharves of the mill company where the Northland is berthed and If the hull waa bored here the work was done most carefully.. That such a dastardly piece of work could have been aooompllshsd Is even admitted by the watchman, how ever, for the Northland lies moored clove to a high wharf under which men could operate In a small boat without attracting attention. - Watchman. Tumbull.. who relieved Night Watchman Jones this morning, ears that the night guard told him he had seen no one' la the vlolnlty of the wharf .during the night excepting the men employed around the mill. f TW-aT TfaD raBUWQ. ff you are lanruld. depressed. Incao- able for work, it Indicates ihst your liver Is out 01 oraer. rierome win assist na ture to throw off headaches, rheumatism snd ailments akin to nervousness and reatnrs trie energies ana 1 vitality of sound and perfect health. J. J. Hub bard, Temple, Texas, writes: "1 have used Heroine for ths psst two years. It has dons for me more good thnn all the doctors. It la the best medicine ever mnd for chills snd fever.' ta .Sold tgr Woodard. Clarke Co. BABY'S CRY FOUOD IIS .OTHER j' Pathetic Story of Weeping Child . Related Before Judge Sears n Divorce Court. HORACE JONES MYSTERY MAY BE YET EXPLAINED Woman Known as His Sweetheart Was Married to Another Man, Who Obtained Divorce From Her Today on Grounds of Desertion,. - la the .circuit court before Judge Sears this . morning - was related the story of how the crying of a t-year-old baby for "Mamma Llaxie," when placed among strangers In Ban Franclaoo, brought about tha reunion of the baby with her mother,- ; ,'.,'. v - Llssle DeBord. testlfylnar In her ault xor . divorce rrora aeorge II. DeBord, said that her husband had gone to San Francisco when ha deserted her and later oama back and kidnaped their baby and took it away to San Franciaco with him. She aald she went to Ban Francisco and reported tha matter to the Children's Aid society there. It -chanced that there had been re ported to the Aid society by the land lady" of a rooming-house the case) of a baby who kept calling for "Mamma Llisie." The landlady had become sus picious, thinking the baby bad .been kidnaped, and reported It. Mrs. DeBord testified that her huaband left hea be cause she refused to work In a ealooa at bis request. She was granted a divorce and the custody of the child. - ""' Another aoamatsd Couple. Edward E. Wedemeyer was a-ranted a divorce from Bernlce Wedemeyer on tha grounds of desertion. Wedemeyer testified that his -troubles were duo to his mother-in-law. . Mrs. Curtis.-. It is said that Mrs. Wedemeyer is the' Ber nlce Curtis with whom Horace D. Jona Jr., who disappeared from Fir land a little over a month ago, la aald to have last been ' seen, Wedemeyer said . hla wife had a habit of accepting presents from other men and he found It neoea sary to correct her several times for It. He also testified that he had aaked her at least t0 times after tha sep aration to return to htm, but aha would not They were married at Cleveland, Onto, -fn - 8e-ptrnberr-l0l, -and the de sertion is aald to have occurred In Au gust,. 104. - Leila Dwyer, In a suit for a divorce from Richard B. Dwyer, told of a new use that bar husband put' the old fa miliar lodge to. She testified that In January, i01. her husband persuaded her to Join, a lodge and while aha waa being Initiated packed tip his belong ings, took their t-year-old son and de camped. - She said sha has not seen no heard from either of them since. They were married in 1S91. Mrs. Dwyer was permitted to resume her maiden name, Wtlmer. . . .. Saya Choked Xer. ' Mary OHern testified that Edward O'Hern beat her. choked her, falsely, ac cused her of Infidelity and . generally mistreated her so badly that ahe was forced to leave him and aeek protection of her father. ' The father waa called as a wltnesa. The clerk of tha court asked him hla full name.- "Wellington Elklngton Augustine Ellsworth Bhafer, he ssld. "but I usual ly write It W. E. Bhafer." . "W. E. Shafer will do for m," said Judge Bears. - Mr. Shafer testified that his daughter had O'Hern arrested in Chicago and placed under bonds to keep the peace. The litigants were married at Council Bluffs, Iowa, In November, ltit. Mrs. O'Hern waa glveu .the custody or their 6-year-old son. Jennie Train testified that ahe pre pared aupper on Christmas ' evening, only two weeks after her marriage, but her husband, H. W. Train, came not to partake of It, and she has not seen him since. Accordingly, ahe waa granted a divorce. They were married In De cember, 1904. Edith Baldwin testified that ahe had been the wife of George Baldwin, a member of the fire department, for over It years, and that he has treated her cruelly and failed to provide for lief and the. children. She said aha had to depend on her parents for support. "No one In town will trust Baldwin for t oenta," ahe asserted. They were married In 188 and have four children, the youngest being IS years old. Di vorce was granted. Charlea C. Naeve was divorced from Margaret P. Naev because she faleely accused him of Infidelity. They were msrried at Oregon City in November, 1KBJ. The custody of the child, 4 yeara old, was given to Robert J. Wooley, fsther of Mrs. Naeve. ; s Minnie Victoria McDonald was sepa rated from Roderick William McDonald on the grounda of cruelty and drunken ness. Mrs. McDonald testified that her husband habitually abused her, swore at her In publlo places and threatened to shoot her brother If he should In terfere. They were married here last September. ALFRED T.HEARD BLAMES TOM JONES FOR TROUBLE Alfred T, Heard has, begun suit In the circuit court for a divorce from Bessie E. Heard, charging Infidelity, naming Tom Jones aa corespondent. Heard saya ho was separated from hrs wife In 18T because of her unfaithful ness and that he has heard that aho and Jones have since married. They wera married at Toronto, Canada. NEWPUBUCATIQf.: IS IN PORTLAND The Sketch, a weekly journal devoted to politics, tha drama, aoclety, faahlona and whatever else is interesting and en tertaining In .life, has made its first appearance. It is an attractive paper, and under tha able management of A. a. Greene and Murray - 1 Wade should prove successful. A fine picture of Jonathan Bourne Jr. adorns and Ilia mines the first number., PUBLIC SWIMMING BATHS NOW 0PEM TO PUBLIC ' The publlo swimming baths at tha foot of East Yamhill street opened, to day. Though -the water ' was cold , a number of youngaters were on hand to take their first plunge of the season. Ths alterations made during the last few weeks have Improved thg baths ponsiderabljr-tble. year. , . r . Ooverdale is going to celebrate the Fourth with one of the sweetest maids' la Oregon as queen,' ,; .... .. , , EVENING. ' JUNE 3. KZX .,-. ' i . Bread Kniie .' .. ' ' ' '. ! Regular Value 35c A steel blade that is "'; " always sharp ON SALE FROM 6P.M.TO 9P.H I I LT jt& xJ all . L J , "i. e '.' ' DAY l . VL , i -..v..;,::.,. " - tlAHY' blankets stolen by BED CROSS OFFICER First Case of Serious Theft' in Relief Work Comes to Light ? in Bay City. 1 "(JaBraarBpaeta1 Berrlee.) Baa Francisco, June 19. The flrat case of serious theft in connection with tha relief work eame to light yester day when John Clark,' superintendent Of one of the Red Cross) relief stations In Golden Oats Park. waa. arrested for stealing blanksta. Hla operations were wholesale and ha waa aided by George Bryant, engineer of the chlldrens play ground in tha park. Bryant la also In Jail. . ' - - - -, :.. '-Tha- specific charge against the men la the theft of 40Q pairs of army blan kets, which were sold for ll.St a pair. Clark, according to the statementa of the police, had entered Into a contract to deliver tot pairs of blanksta weekly at 11.10 a pair. The blanket wera to be taken from tha Red Cross supply on requisition of Clark. ' Tha officers laid a trap and when the flrat 400 pairs were delivered they were seised as evidence and Clark and Bryant were thrown Into JalL . Tha po lice are still looking for other frauds which are believed to exist. MAY ADJOURN TOMORROW " (Continued from Pago One.) '. "" by present Indications, thla la not likely to be done. ' All of the men Indicted for frauds In Sellwood precinct are now accounted for. F. C Holland waa arrested last night by Deputy Sheriffs Orusel and Parrott and this morning Olaf W. Ol son was loeated by H. W. Lang, .who haa dona a great deal of Investigating for the Democ ratio oounty committee and baa rendered valuable service In digging up Important evidence for tha grand Jury. . . . ' Xoiiaad raeea erjury Charge. Holland was released on $1,000 ball, which was furnished by W. T. Jaoobsen and Charles Gauld. Jaoobsen Is a mem ber of the Jaco bean-Bade company, which employa Holland aa plumber, and Gauld Is a dealer In plumbers' supplies. It Is said that Holland signed 44 affi davits on election day, but-, ha will be tried only on one charge of perjury, Olson is a oement worker and con Maliv Gives Pabet Blue Ribbon Beer is healthful it buflds up strength, Eromotes health, aids digestion and acts as a tonic Perfect beer i possible only with perfect malt, and perfect malt can only be . made by the eight-day process used by Pabst - i - - -v f v h 1 : Malt is made from barley. Barley contains in its elementary form the constituents that go to build cp the human system, bone, musclei blood -and brain. The Pabst process of making mat is like the process of digestion. The barley is started growing as " if planted -in the ground. The changes that take place in the ; grain when it sprouts are similar to the action of the digestive ' ' fluids on the grain if H were eaten. Pabst eight-day process of - making malt retains in predigested form in the beer all the nutri tious, life-giving elements .of the barley. In many breweries the old shorter process is still used. This ' covers a period of .sot more than three or four days and the malt is of forced, unnatural development, lacks in nutrition and is . in all ways inferior, much of the vital nutriment of the grain. ..Y. ",'- . being lost. ' ' . Pabst mash VVKaa OHerhg Beer, Call Charles kohn C 1 VZk TTJ I in C' :vK- 1A , - : Pichire 21x25 Inches; S9c Reoular Value $2 v Framtd In golden or wtathered oak, brown or gQt tractor and lives In Sellwood.' Shortly after his arrest ha gave ball for $1,000 with Councilman A. N. Wills and J. W. Campbell aa his sureties. This com plete the list of indicted. All thirteen have been taken Into cuatody and all are now out on bail. The sums for which bondsmen have gone security aggregate llt.000.' -.BaQ ata Queer, Defease. iferton Bell, 'who was indicted on a change of illegal voting, has already re vealed his plan of defense.-Without smiling hs says that ha voted only for United States senator and governor and Insists that If given a chance he can pick out hla ballot The law permits a citlsen of Oregon to vote anywhere. In the etate, providing he votea ' only for state officers, but Mr. Bell forgets that be gave his residence as tha Hotel Sell wood and not Gladstone, Clackamas county, which la now and has been hi homo for soma time. . , Furthermore, tha law requires that tha votea cast by non-residents for 'state officers shall be put in a separata box.. Tha returns from Sellwood fur nish no evidence that a. alngla vote of that kind was cast In tha precinot.' So much for Mr.. Bell s defenaa. . What others will plead is not known except in the ease of Olaf W. Olson, whose present plan is to contend that he placed implicit faith In information that was given him by others avnd bid no in tentlon to violate the law. WILL ESTABLISH BRANCH OF CHURCH IN PORTLAND Dr. P. V. Breseo, founder and general Kasarene, la in the city and will estab lish a nranoh or nis enurcn nere. jaeei Ing will be held at 421 Burnald street every afternoon at t:IO o'clock and at 7:45 In the evening until Wedneeday, when an all day meeting will be held. There are several followers of the -, 1m tfcta nltw anA It was at their solicitation .. that Dr. Breaee came. Tha cnuren or xns nasarena waa founded at Los Angeles 11 years ago. ,n,i,inj h rr. ftresM It Is a re vival of primitive religion.' It teaches tb doctrine of holiness. It Is in many respects similar to the Methodlat i T-nM ennnitlna tha new faith. VUMIVM, w " " - Dr. Breaee was a promlnlnt minlater of tha jsetnoaiai cnuron. ' . To Oaeon Oraba and yisb. ' . Artioles of Incorporation of the Bi.... r K a. iriaK eomnanv were filed in the office of tha oounty clerk thla morning ry M. m- union. ura fin and ID. C, Chaae. Their objects are to deal in fish at wholssal and retail. Capital stock, lli.soo. Bser Its Food Value Perfect beer, such as Pabst Blue Rib bon, cannot be made from four-day malt. Pabst Beer is thus richest! in actual food value and strength-building ' elements because it is made only with I Pabst eight-day malt ' Beer is clean beer. too. From tub to keg or bottle it is never touched by human bands and never -comes in contact with anything but sterilized machines, sterilized utensils and sterilised air. -: for Pate Blue Ubkot. - :CoM Corner Thr4 mni Pint, MaJaiftO . , 1 i o n wmmm CAFE AND MUSIC PALL ! WEEK BEQINNINQ 6 MONDAY, JULY 2 - Nancy Bice v World's Greatest Harpist ; j arid Vocalist , .vs, v. 3 Sisters Kelty ": In a Volley of--Mirth, Melody and Music - Mile Brewer And Her Trained Dogs ;- Trixetta . - . '''-' ,. Serpentine Dancer - and . ,; Contortionist e Y Belle Lawrence 1' " In Specialty k - ' MOVING PICTURES "The Scene Behind the Stage" Daily Matinees from 2 to 8 Y. o'clock ' .' - - Matinee Sunday 2 to 5 o'clock SPECIAL 4th JULY ; MATINEE ; y ' Program Changed Dally. -: Entrances at 21 North Third troet, 21, 23 and 25 North Sec ond street, and 243, 243 and 247 Burnaide street. . . , S1GK UimDAGUIE Posltlrelf emtmA wr . . . . . . . ... laeeo Auute aaus t Tber also leBeve Dm- trees tram Dyspepsia, In- aiseaoosiaaa too Bearer -EaUng. A pertecil reiar edy tor Dtntnssa, Haasaa, Drowstneas. Bad TMta a tbe KootlL Cbatod (Tongue, faaiatte van I TORPID Z2VSB. thm ncnUte tbe Bowels. FureU Vegetable. SMALL PILL SatAU COSE. Sim K'ZL Genuine Must Bear , Fao-Simila Signature REFUSE tUtimUTCl. Vouaa Den't be poshed aside bectase OLD lOOKUtO. USE 's Hair Health WARRANTED la tamlma anntVfnr aa Cray Uii " Nothing like it to grow, darken, beaatifv hslr. Stooa dandruff. faUina tialr. calp diMases, Does not stsia akin, Abso. lutelr barmlasa. Large 50a, BotUaa All Sf."!." mt PoP1 to 60c. by FUILO owwuk, , jm bmy s tatap for FlUJt trial kattla mnA IllutMaa' teiir Book , . - .. i ; CARTERS -' CARTERS (flVER ILoou Hay -I " l: ,t.y