1 13 ' THE r QREGON DAILY JOURNAL.' OlTLAND7 FRIDAY . EVENING. . JUNE 3, 1CC3. v (D)iM i Eiwsr Waste .-klflv uuur Vacation Now.. 2v Ask v" at. Third and Washington Streets for o. r. CSV N. ...... . i Summer -Book ' MM. I .... .. - ) 1 I Very Low '- Rates to North Beach the , . - ' .... .-. T . Popular' ucej Resort 0 T. I POTTER," O. R. ft N.'t BEACH EXCURSION STEAMER. Copyrighted by Vetattr. : Do Rol RIiss This Trip TTHE Beach Season will ;be opened Tomorrow, -and the .;'T.vJ.-:Potter,,.'.will make the first trip of the summer, leaving Ash street dock at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Reports from North (Long) Beach state that the weather is ideal, particulars for-the asking Pdrtlanjf C. W. Siinoer Ticket Agent ... t ROBBED OF ROSES 1(1 THE HIBHT East Side Thief, Not-Satisfied ; With Blooms, Took Entire ' Bush With Him. ' YARDS DESECRATED .l: i BY BOLD ROBBER Citizens Awmk to Find Ugly Holes in Ground and . Mutilated Lawns Where Kose Bushes and Flowers Had Been Bcf5ra. . Tb aat. aid hu produoad a motley collection of crlmlnala. from the sancti monioaa thief who stol a pryer-boolt from an Mat alda choreh to tha hobo ', that tried to set a war with a Southern Pacific locomotlva. But It fall to tha - anbarb of North IrrlngtOB to product the moat unique apaelmen of tha pilfer ing gantry ret reported. A number of Irvitifton reatdenta awoke reaterday . Riornlnr to find thctr yarde atrlpped of their flnaat apaclmena of roeebuahea. 'Tha planta had been pulled up by the roota. . One. man reported the loaa of laereral handaomo American Beautlea. another miaaed a pair of Marechal Nella. In all a half dosen yarda ' had been raided by the roae-lovlna; thief. A number of Inatancea of roae ateal ln hare been reported In tha paat few montha on tha aaat aide, but tha thief waa alwaya eonalderata enough to leara tha buah, taking only the flowera. "It la bad enough to loae our flow era," aald one of the eufferera, "bat te have our flower garden! literally de atroyed In thla way la too much." It la aald that the realdenta ofthat portion of tha aaat aide will probably employ a, guard to protect their flower gardena of auch depredatlona. Tha tangle between tha city council of Bt Johna and the Pacific SUtei Telephone company oyer the franchlaa queatlon aeeme In a fair way to be aet tied next Tueaday evening at the meet ing of the council. The St. Johna Com mercial club met laat night and decided to recommend to the council that a franchlaa be granted tha company for 11 years, that a charge of 1 centa per month per phone be paid by the tele phone company Into tha city treasury, and that tha company be required to eatabllah a central atatlon In St. Johna within a reaaonable length Of time, to be determined hereafter. At tha laat meeting of tha council It-waa -voted to requeat the Commercial club to hold an open meeting for the purpose of dlaouaalng tha telephone franchlaa . queatlon with a view to as certaining the aenthnent of the people. The flrat motion made In the Commer cial club meeting laat night waa that charge of 10 centa per month per phone be charged for tha franchlaa. Manager Hickman of the company, who waa present, frankly told the club that the charge waa prepoeteroua. that the company could not stand It Tha propo altlon waa then made to giro the fran chlaa without charge. Thla motion waa oppoaed by Mayor" Valentine and other members of the city government 11' nally. Councilman King moved that a charge of 2 H centa per phone per month be recommended to the council as a proper charge. Mayor Valentine and Willie - Moxon spoke in favor of thla motion,' which waa almost unanimously adopted. Thla controversy, which has been on for several montha, will probably be Bat tled now In a manner entirely satlafao tory to all parties concerned. . Vancouver, Washington,, the largeat and one of the moat epterprlalng of tha east alde'a suburbs, is wrestling with the problem, whether it 'la batter to have a "Queen of the Day" or "Miss Columbia," aa tha chief attraction of the Fourth of July celebration. : The committee appointed to maka tha nec essary arrangements for the celebration announced that tha queen waa the cor rect thing. - In accordance with thla de cision one of the .popular young ladlea was choaen for the part - An allowance waa made to her by the committee with which to provide the royal gown' and other necessary arrangements were made to celebrate the nation's natal day with a stage aetting of royalty. But auch waa not to be. The patrlotlo aoul of one of Vancouver's editors flamed with 1 Indignation at the thought - Double-leaded editorials, denouncing . - the treaaonaMS committee,- came thick and faat "Vox PopulL" "Old Subscriber" and "Constant Reader" got In their work by holding the- committee up to tha acorn of patriotic Vancouver, 1 The announcement waa made laat night that tha editor had won; that tha committee waa in full retreat ' Today Vancouver la quieting down with the prospect of an old-faahloned celebration with the time-honored "Ooddeea of Lib erty", and the, "aoreamlng eagle" as the principal attractions. Tha attorneys for Morris Brothers, bond brokers, who bought the 110,000 Issue of St Johns bonds, discovered that the ordinance authorising the sale of tha bonds was defective. In that the word "maintenance'' was used, where the word "equipment" was Intended. It will not be neceaaary .to hold another bond election, aa that part of the pro cedure waa found to be correct but It will be necessary to draft a new ordl nance authorising a new advertisement of the bonds. New bida will have to be submitted.- There -will- be -a - delay ef several weeka in - getting the money with which to begin the erection of the Bt Johna lty hau. Tha bond a were bid In by Morria Brathera of Portland 'at a premium of 11,100. , Tha existence of the error waa explained to the council at the Tues day evening meeting. That the bonds wars not to be taken and paid for at once was a disappointment to the coun ell, alnoe the purchasing firm had pro nounced everything etratght and legal. No serious trouble Is apprehended be yond , an annoying . delay. Plana for the city hall are ready and bids will be called for In a short time. . - The Port of Portland dredge will dls continue work on the fill between East Alder and Eaat Waahlngton streets long enough to rill in the-site for the Mitchell, Lewis tt Btaver Co.'s new warehouse on East ' Morrison - street - Tha achool election, called, to fill the vacanclea oaueed by the resignation of H. w. Biice and I. O. Ogden, will b held at tha Bt ' Johna achoolhouae thla evening. C W. Potter, C Carhart and H. w. Brlce are the announced candi dates. It la understood that a majority of the voters are in favor of reelecting Mr. Brlce. who has made a faithful and capable official. Another set of blda will be received tomorrow by the school board for the erection of an addition to the present achool building. Soma curt ONLY J ' " ' -1 , -a DAYS MOIRE There all the time there Is left for yon to buy stock . In tha J. C JUEB " COMPAN.T. - , . . , , , r , , S .VA-"4yyp .vC..3p.rwj I' At $110 Per Share m6n WilllltLT. ABTASTOZS 09 KOsTSAT, JOXT S, TO flSS sor sracrnxATw. onn nrsriuuD in stock you know la good and sound and paying dividends every-month. .. Don't guesa when put- ting Up your good money make aura. . It Is Just aa eaay as to speculate , and a good deal more profitable. Do you know who and what the J. C. LEE COMPANY iaT If you t don't. And otiV about it QUICK. It's money in your pocket to know about this company. .. The J. C. LEE COMPANY Is capitalised for 1100,000, divided Into 1,000 sharea, par value f 100 each, fully paid and non-assessable. S2.25 Per Share Per Month ' IS THB SMALLEST DIVIDEND THIS SOCK HAS EVER PAID. Dividend checka are mailed regularly on tha flrat day of each and every month to satisfied atockholdera who have Investigated our standing and ' methods of doing business, among whom are Bankers, . Profeeelonal and : Business Men. OTTB ASSBTa AU AXKOST S' ' " -. - - . . - I,,! .. ' ; , - Six Hundred Thousand Dollars -- and our surplua near four hundred thousand dollars, oyer and above all liabilities... . f r- REMEMBER, there are only THREE DATS left in which to buy stock j at 1110 per ihare. investigate at once. if .1 V .1 I jo -rev -mvst aaaUMajfMi:.apfaTaakwt HaasKWfMmLisX( -Aeta J. c. L lmtttyttm Dulldlnff.' This is a Photograph of Oar Con tailing- TO-toa anil for our Sella( wold anas. COMPANY' Corrtor Sixth and VVaasblnjrton Strataif Portland Oregon oalty is expressed to see how these bids will run In amount aa they are to take the place ' of the cancelled, contract, which called for tt.600 for the work. Many people thought thla entirely too high. . It was thla idea that the con. tract price was exeesaive that brought the trouble on In ' the school election and brought about the resignation of two members of the board. BAN ON BIG FJRE CRACKERS AND Y0UK6 CAKHOHS Chief of Police Issues Emphatic Orders to Men Regarding Ex plosives on Clorious Fourth. '7 In sn endeavor to- prevent over- enthuBlaatlte 'young Americana from blowing themselves ' skyward next Wednesday Chief of Police Qrltsmaeher haa Issued ordera to all members of the police department providing for the rigid enforcement of all the ordinances ap pertaining - to- the aala of and uaa of Chinese bombs, toy pistols, loaded canes and kindred Implements of destruction. An embargo la placed In particular upon thj sale' of the deadly toy pistol, one ot me moat proline sources or locsjaw. It la anticipated that tha Juvenile population - of the - city will protest vigorously against a curtailment of their liberties-by the minions of the law, but Chief Qrltimaoher Is deter mined that hla edict a hall be enforoed to the letter. After pointing out the pro visions' of ' the city ordinances. No. 14.027 and No. 14.106. he givea the fol lowing lnstructlona to hla man: . "Many Inquirlea are helng made by dealers In fireworks and other oltlsens about the aale of and uaa of auch fire works during the coming Fourth of July.- The ordlnancea beating on the subject are explicit In their (terme and you will Instruct the offlcera to enforce the aame to the beat of their ability, Tbeae ordlnancea prohibit tha sale and discharge of all dangeroua exploalvea auch as Chlneae bombs, Dewey chasers, loaded canea, giant or cannon crackers. toy cannona, loaded anvils and all fire crackers over four Inches In length, They also prohibit the aala of toy pis- tola to,. any . minor under th age of II yeara; aiao to use or to nave in poaaea alon such toy pistole by any minor under that age." . ,'.;',.. ---ir-Tr-"lT-!T1rM INI --tr' - - SPLENDID SEASIDE SERVICE It' Pleases the Pnbllo aad Bverybody Smiles, t Saturday, June to, marka the Initial trip of the . "Portland-Seaside Plyer," the crack train ff tha A. A C. R, R., which will leave -the union depot every Saturday during tha eummer aeaaon at 1:10 p. m. for. Clatsop Beach points. arriving at Seaside at t:H p. m., mak ing only, auch stopa en route ae 'are absolutely--neceaaary to .the aucceaaf ul operation of - thla fat train, excetltng everything In point of modern equip ment and a modal of comfort' and con venience. t . f In connection with this strictly new train service. Saturday special .round trip excursion tickets will be sold from Portland to all Clataop and North Beach polnta at rate of $1 60, good te return Sunday evening. Tickets on aala at city ticket office, 141 Alder street, and union depot. - .. Tha ' elroulatioa "of ' The Jourmal la Portland aad m Oregea esoeeda that of any ether Oregoa aewspayea. Let Your Feet Celebrate Fourth WE WANT YOIT TO START THE BALL A-ROLLINQ - AT OUR STORE - The Fi recracker T imes V-- Are Here v .:" ; :l f ,.: ; . . - ; Our Natal Day the day of rejuvenated patriotism the day -of happy retrospections the day of American gladness the day of universal rejoicings in this country next Wednes- " day-i-that is the day and. - : We Offer These Timely Values to Make Our Patrons Smile BIO J-DAY SPECIAL Ladies' Vid Oxfords, Chocolate, ; famous JULIA MARLOWE make, all sixes and widths your choice for Saturday, Monday and CI HQ " . Tuesday. ... . . . O Ladies' Black Vici Oxfords, patent tips, regular 1 if. $2.00 Shoes 3-DAY SPECIAL at. . . ...... . sj) I A? Children's School and Vacation Shoes, in Vici tod Box Calf, sizes 5 to 8, 08e;8toll, ?1.15; f l( uy, to a. , i vl.oy JUST RECEIVED A lot of Ladies' and Children's White Canvas Oxfords, most ' 1 excellent values at Sl.OO, elJS5. $1.50 ' J QQ .. . . ... These Specials Are Snaps ACTUAL, LIVE SNAPS FOURTH .OFjJULY SNAPS Snaps that we offer but once in a while. Come and get your share while they are being handed out. BATON'S SHOE STORE Honey Savers In Footwecr 23032 MORRISON ST., BET FIRST ' AND SECOND : r - f