. ,.t. THE OREGON DAILY JOUHNALV PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING,-JUNE 29. 1S50S. 'J BALLGOWiMILS 15 HOURS-8,000 Aeronauts Run into Vast Swarm ' ; of Mosquitoes Above New ; Jersey and Sail Through Thunder Storm. I Mloaroat Speetal Beevlc.) New Tork. June J.. The moil w markable flight aver tntd by An-American aeronaut wag that--made recently by Dr. Julian P. Thomae jend Charlea Levee In the balloon Nirvana, owned and piloted by Dr. Thomas. .'V' , , " During their 14 hours' Journey tbey passed through a blinding ' thunder storm, reached an altitude of. 1,000 feet the highest ever attained by an aerial ' vlhlcle In- ttola country and traveled It mil - One -of the eurloue feature reported by the aeronauta waa vaat cloud of mosquitoes encountered J.00O feet above Mew Jersey, Kully tOO miles of their Journey waa eovared above the. clouds, which' com pletely veiled the " earth ' from them, Moure were paased In an electrical torm absolutely without . parallel In aeronautic annala.' .- - v - in climax, the two aeronauta, at an 'altitude of i.ooo feei, unable, to reckon where- they were, were nearly froaen. Thia la the etory of the adventure by Dr. Julian P, Thomaa: . i Or. Thomaa Story. "Now that- we are aafely back on earth. I candidly admit I never wlah to underco auch an experience again, Personally, owing to my small balloon ing ezperlenoe aa compared with that of my companion, I never waa-ln tear of the outcome. But Levee has confesaed he waa badly demoralised during the worst ataaea of the voyage. ' "After casting anchor at the toot of "East One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, wa ascended without a bitch. driven by av strong west wind, and were soon above the clouda. t Passing over Xackensack or Passaic, though the earth waa niaaen rrom ua, we coaia near a is tlnctly the church bells ringing. Words cannot describe the queer impression on ue. ,: .v.-. ;, ..(- . ., .' "Directly thereafter we' roee to an altitude of I.ooo feet, and there, to our astonishment and discomfort we en countered a great awarm of mosquitoes. "Then night fell and tor two houra we were among the clouda, unafcle to deter mine our- bearings definitely.' - "It waa 10 o'clock, while wo were fly " ing before a tO-ralle-an-hour ga)e. When terrlflo thunder Storm . broke about us. It waa sublime, though somewhat disquieting. Blinding flashes of light- A PUBLIC CALAMITY Wy Editor' Wend, at Wise tad Spirit Serlew, gdltflr Mnbassoa ef the "Tmra sad (VteBttir HifiilM la s recent editorial m tbe eie- eTwy Is thin city o! a epecMe foe hmul nrifSi'S aieeaee. aeriaree rmm peraanai know I. ds that the eortblllty f thkp kltterto deadly dlaeaee Is sow an eaubllslied fact. He elosee a strong artlrle tboa: "Many brod phralptass are sains tbe aew dlsretle. bnt la lew of tbe terrible sanaal deatb Itat from tbla Slaeaee tbe faet that nedl eal etblee prevent thee, fro a pmelalmlng tbe dlaeorery tn the world beeanee the formula la tbe personal property ef Individuals, In tbla instance prsciicaiiy asMunts is a psbue i Ismltr." i Well said. It Is a pablle eslasilty. Here Is -S dlaeaas that Is ennpoeed to be fatal that la earrjrlna err en.ooo ta TO.OOO people snsnally. srearninf to tbe eensas, ana yet art all tenia Is this city enow that nearly nine tenths of the canes Can and do reeneer under tbe aew treat ment. And If tbe qneatles ef tbe carabtlltr ef ehroale Brlsbt's dlaeaae wan so , trial before the , a parlor etnirt, hundreds ef rlllaena of this elly, torhidlnc eapltallatn, profeaakitial and bnalnesa atea. eould se into the w tinea bo to swear to their reeoTerlee, ''and among them weald be tbe editor ef this publlratlua. Flee ears aix) I was beltered ta be beynsd fsrtber rip a dear eaee of Brlsbt's dlaeaae In tbe rhrpnle stnse. I was sent south ta prolong life. Reoneery seemed sa Impoaatbls as a bolt of llfhtaing rrea s cundleaa sky. Tbe sew . diuretic waa broufbt Into the case. In all month I wat sa well as I ever waa la air life. I told several etaers. , Tbey got tbe aaam re- anlta. it Is greatly to be regretted that aaarrnpu- mum amjit-ni nrriievrn Bare nroufnt aimnet anlvereal dlarredlt upon their aanouneementa. fnr wttb the nana! rhknneki of puhllelty die. ' trosted sad the bands of tbe medical profea .slea -tied by etbka, there appears to be sa open channel through which tbe people ef the whole country ens be st ence spprleed of the eoavledns way of the profound raulte ef ful kon'a memorable etmle with tbla dlaeaae. trhere la -one way, and that would he for eea green to make, aa appropriation and prorura the formula and slva- It to the Aeeorleted Frees to be telearanhedi all over the United Rtatra. It weald In tbla way-be at one a l vera all? available and would aava tens of tnnueandn of lives isai wonra oiaorwiaa no aaeeiBred befnre It at tenarally known. With over ao.noo deatka e rest from Brlsbt's dlaeaae la the trnlted Utre alone. Is It pnealhle that the eavlnf of s majority of ttilaj vaat army ran be measured ay ' ; - ' ' N!Aa r SrS .V . Kits r-rtK ..; J . . snr reeoonafiie eonaMeratlonr . anderatasd that a relative af ftenator Per kins he emarrlase. e U-deereo Maeou and a prootlneitt eltlaeu of Philadelphia, waa saved by li new dlnretlr, and am also tdvlaed that a relative, of one ef genatnr rilnt'e - yalued friend has llkewlaa reenvered In both ceaee after tbe Sweat profane tonal aecvteea tn bo bad bad been eihapated. - Tbla abonld carry It dl rectlv borne to them. Ae one of the awvlvnra ef ebronle Bricht's dlaeaae and tanreea sting many more whom I know personally, I re. apectfnlly preeent- the matter to I'nlted Ktetao senator Perklna snd Flint for their Sertoli eonetderatloa. Sea rrssdocs Wise end Sstrll Jlevlew. -s, If aneme bavlna knnwledv of eaae ef --ht' 1 ,-eeao r Mahea will seed an the a and a . .reea, wa will fee that -ttlrv are f 1 1 -atur ouncernlng that remarkable CLAiXl CO., .foxiuuta, -350 r bWt?V.iL - .j vi-:: . ; . .... . ''K v - I Dr. Julian P. Thomaa 'a Balloon, Nirvana, In Which He Made Periloua Trip. olng began playing about ua In tbe moat alarming fashion. Great balls of Ore bounded, or aeemed to bound, along the upper surf see -of the clouds In mon strous game of aklp and lump. jjisotrlo Tlbratlosa. "To Increaae our discomfort there was Imminent danger of the balloon being struck and collapsing. Had that oc curred wo would have been killed. "Ae It waa, the electric - vibrations Were so Intense thta sparks flew every time wa touched a rope. Then It began to rain a soaking deluge, more like a tropical atorm than - anything experi enced In thia latitude. "By a atrange freak, while we were atorm-tossed between layers of clouds, the .wind suddenly veered straight around, blowing us eastward, whereas we had been flying weatward at express speed.' .,... "Levee became alarmed after an hour of those conditions, fearing we would be blown out to sea., , "Owing to the inky blackness of ths night and the furious gale we dared not descend more than a few hundred feet. Then, to make bad worse, heard water .roaring under us. It waa MEN DELIGHTED OVER THEIR VICTORY Superior Form Was the Secret of Harvard's Success in An- nual Race. '. (Journal Special flerrlre.) New Ivondoa, Conn., June St. Har vard students and followera celebrated their, victory over the Tale oarsmen yes terday In a atyle befitting the occasion. The greatest crowd that ever turned out to witness a boat race waa on hand to cheer the etmggllng oarsmen, and not until the last did the supporters of the blue know that their favorltea were beaten. Harvard won on superior form and strength, but In winning the crlm son men had to put forth their greatest efforts, being compelled to by the gal lant . work of a faat tiring but game crew. . . : ' ..:,:.' The victory wag very gratifying to Harvard men as It waa the second time In 10 ysara that the Cambridge oars men ,had . beaten the men from New Haven, the fjrat time being In 1899. The official time for the eight-oared race waa 11:01. " ''' The other races resulted as follows: Preahman ' elshts Half mile. Tale. t:2: Harvard. !:!. One mile. Yale, t:0t: Harvard. t:10. One mile And one half. Tale. 8 :0; Harvard. t:M. - Two miles. Yale, 10:1 t-l; Harvard. 10;1. Yale'a winning distance was half , a length., ' " . Pour-oared, two miles Tale, by eight lengths. Yale. 11:4 I II Harvard. 1X14. Laet nla-ht Robert Noyes waa elected captain of the Yala crew for 17 and Robert Bacon was chosen to lead the crimson crew. ." ; - NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won, lst PC. .t ,TT .(1 .BOO .401 .40 .17 .111 Chicago . . New York f . .....i.. 45 41 1 . 20 ' 20 :e it - Plttahura rnnaaeipnia Brooklyn . weea . -2 ...........15 Cincinnati HI. Uwla-. Boston . . At StTSonis.1 (tLdtils ........ . e , i i , .....I I I Pittsburg Ba Merles Taylor and Grady: Uefleld and Pelts. Umpire O Day. . At rhuadalpkta. ' Prooktyn 1 71 1 hllertelphla . . ....... i ....... 10 11 J batteries raJionua ana Jiergea. iu- 4 1LES IN FEETTN AIR Diagram of BalloonV, Flight, show- Ing; A Start from New York; U .Where balloon wu lowered al ) most to the ground; C Baloon en counter electrical torma; D ban ner In; which party landed. ltvk e mm then 1 In th morning, and wo decided to descend at all hasarda. v t Lost live Poaads Is Trlpv "Our car landed1 aquarely In. a giant tree top. We fastened the anchor and alept until day broke. "We - resumed our flight, . going straight up 8,000 feet, the highest aver reached In thia country. Our clothes aoon frose stiff, our lips became blue and our handa ao numb that wo could scarcely manipulate the valve rope. By combining atrength ' we succeeded in Jerking the rope enough, to emit sev eral hundred feet of gaa, and dropped awlftly. "Aa wa neared earth we saw eigne of a tremendous commotion. Schools were dlamtased and the entire village of Butternut, in Oswego county, flocked to the Miller farm, where we landed. "If we had had more water and pro visions we might have remained upmIoi hours longer. I lost -live poundSjilo-j weight, and have no desire -toH'epes.t the experience. ' "My next trip will be from soma wnstern New Tork point In an eaaterly direction, as the weat winda usually at tain much greater velocity." glemy and Dooln. Umpire Johnstone. At Boetoa. X ' ' ' ' R.H. B. New-York , 4 l o Boston 1 4 Batteries Tsylor snd Bowerman; Dorner and O'NeilL Umpires Conway and Emalie. At Cliioag-o. nt R.H. E. Chicago .....1 I Cincinnati .....J T l Batterlea Brown and Kllng: Weimar and Llvlngatjoe, Umpires Klem nd Carpenter. TELEGRAPHERS COMPETE FOR CARNEGIE PRIZES t (Joaraal "peclal Sarvlee.t ' Boston, June II. The fastest lot of operators that ever handled a telegraph key aaaembled in Tremont temple to day to contest In the International tour nament for championship honors. ' The conteata Include the three branches of telegraph work press, railroad and commercial. The winners will receive caah prises and handsome trophies offered by. Andrew Carnegie and by the telegraph companies and several news papers. Among the contestants Is W. M. Gibson of ' New York, the world's champion press operator. RALSTON ESTATE IS DIVIDED BETWEEN SONS tBpaeUI DUpatrh te The earsalt Albany Or., June t. The saute of the. lets William Ralston waa filed for probate in the county court yesterday afternoon. The eetate la divided be tween hla two sons, Connor O. Ralston of Portland and Joseph H. Ralston of this city. . Ths estimated value- or the eatate Is 135.00. He names aa execu tors of his Isst will and testament W. H. Goitre, J. M. Ralston and Joseph M. Ralston. Tha latter not desiring to serve, resigned In favor ef the two fore going. JEALOUS HUSBAND IS -TO LOSE HIS SPOUSE taeeeail IMaaateti t las Joavael. --Eugene,-Or,T June I. Mrs. Cora A Collins haa Instituted suit-In the olr. cult court against John Trcolllns 'for divorce and the custody of three minor children. Cruel and Inhuman- treatment la alleaed. Several weekav aaro Collins was s rrea ted for beating k(e wireLatei he attempted to commit vuiaJde by swallowing corrosive sublimate and waa pronounced Inaana . and aent to the asylum.', Jealousy Is said to be trig use of his losing his mind. The couple resided at Wendllng gt tag time eX VUelr last trouble, - -, A Weds CaE'fe be, r Many specialists use unscientific methods and resort to guesswork In treating their patients, which rssults In the many there arc who are not only disappointed, but lose their money. Have you made a great mistake In not getting skilled treatment, being attracted by "liberal" offera of payment, "bargain cures" . and 'low prices" of unsclentlf lo specialists. Instead of seeking e cure by scientific methods, only by which you will likely ever be cured? . . - CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND FISTULA Cured by up-to-date methods. Not temporary relief, but a positive, permanent euro guaranteed. Conatlpatlon Is the cauaa of a largo majority of rectal troubles and many other ailments. When ths bowels do not novo It interferes with the proper action of the different organa of tha body. Have the constipation eured and yotliflU.hs.va more energy and feel much better In every way. Strength Is necessary to aucoess. No man can give the atrength of his mine) and body to the atranuoua work of building a future for himself unless he has a .reserve force to back htm up. You can't -build success without spending a great deal of nervous energy, and you can't spend nervous energy unless you have it. . V CURE OR NO CHARGE WRITE, if you cannot call. All correspondence strlctlyv confidential, and all replies sent In plain envelopes. No namea. cases, letters or photographs ot patlertta published, or exposed. Inclose l-eent stamp to Insure reply. . HOURS 8 to I, T to 1:10 Daily; Sundays. to 11. St lbuis"Ki?D Dispensary COR: SECOND AND' YAMHILL ST3, PORTLAND, OR. PERFECT makes mankind equal 4ofall emergencies et leaat equal to the ordinary dutlee of life. . . In aeektng medical treatment there are certain qualifications that you , ahould require of .your attending physician. - Ability, experience, skill and an established reputation for KB pi ABILITY. We claim that above re quirements, which are necessary for successful treatment of;dlseases of VARICOCELE HYDROCELE -WEAK-ORGANS NERVOUSNESSf CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON RHEUMATISM BLOOD AND SKIN HEART LUNG LIVER KIDNEY BLADDER AND URINARY DISEASES We Guarantee a Cure In Every Case We Undertake or Charge No Fee The doctors of this Institute are all regular graduates, "have had many years' experience, have been known In Portland for 16 years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case unless certain a ..cure can bo effected. . : u '. Medicines Cwitmltatlon Tree. lyetters confldentlal. Instructive book for men. mailed frej,in plain wrapper. i If you cannot call at office, write for symptom blank. . Home treat- -ment successful. ' Office hours I a. m. to I p. m.; Sundaya and holidays, 10 a.m. to It. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. , . .The Ireadlng peelallsta ta tbe sTorthweot. Offices In Taa roy Hotel, Wt Tklrd St, Corner Pino, Portland, Or. WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD. LESS OF' "COMBINE" OR COMPETITION ; Where VAaTTTX, the OAaVDBsI XSLAeTD in tractive place to spend one's summsr from Ban Francisco, July 1. with a sa witness tbe unique natlvr fetes uniinii wtll remain over In the time to make the trip around the Inland and visit the native villages. saya "Tahiti Is one spot worth while In a tour of thiworld." till Is the flrst-class rate Sen rranHsco to Tahiti and back. Oood hotels In Tahiti. atll.t te It per day. Write for circular to 1 . OCEANIC S. SAVfe MONEY rum All work guaranteed for tea years Lady attendant always present AU work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from II te I years' aa. parlance. flnA eilTtaiM WrtAM War OnM browns. Artificial Teeth. COSTCrf PAINUS3 DtNTISI S Ulk Itfettteea It, Op, lleter ma , M PoetoXaoe, - -TLB! Mai Successful , He Hs riot tbe Strength to Make a Coo4 Fight in t the Battle for Success - ISTABUSHEO 25 YIAH3 IN PORTLAND " OUR FEE $ 1 2.50 ; For Any Uncomplicated Case., Examination Free We sure Blood Volaxm, (Ua Diseases, Soree, moors, , Btrtotnra, Taylooeele, Xydrooala, sTerrone D noils a, Weaaaeea, lUea or Chroaio Diseases of , the -. JCldaeys and rrostate. peoial Blseasee Vewiy ooatraoVad and chronla oases i . . eared In 5 days. wit so Ksirr XATa fijua to oxt otrmao. HEALTH Free Until Cured -svl.rr rrison to Go the gOUTal IUI, Is a mosf tt-t, vacation. nV stt atTTOsA sails party of Jiappy people oa tholr war.. that take place July 14. The m. uly 14. The a. harbor aix days. s. affordlns amnla S. CO. looS Broadway, Oaktand. Cat. Wative (Vest foe AO Dlaatlvo I ' Disoexreev, Uvor -and m Klelaey troeibles, KheensiaC IWvotu vVoakaeae. No Ak QutrOna, Wwr ar awr oaaweoaa aai i 1 a A faaMl kiaHcana. aot s aW4. ) aa DrucfMe' ba aaKk aaaaa) t2 u Iwt-Mrrrs NAnvr ants r MA TRANSPORTATION. Special Alaska Excursions Osttaae City. Jaae i July It, IT. Olty ef goattle Jly SB. . aia tam ImU Trim. AB0irroroan-oTnn" uovuiovt ITUT TTTX SATs. URIUIRU , ALASKA KOTTTS. htn Seattle at fJ p. m. for Ketehlkas. Taneaa. Skagway. White Bore. Dawaoa and ralrbaok , S. B. City of Seattle. Jane SO, July 10, SO, SO. S. S. Humboldt, Jnly , it. SS. S. a. Cottage City (via Sitka) June SS, Jsly IS. XI. . VOIR KOUTS. . v Third sailing. B. a.- gaaator abont Jnly IS TOS BAST lTtAg CISCO ElkECT. . rrea Seattle at a. at.. Vmatllla, Jose SO. I rortUaA OfSo. St Wasaiagtea Bk ' - . M. UX, rasa. Ti. Agt. -'4 0. O. DUMAMX, O. P. A., 10 Market St.. San rraaetseo. TELEGRAPH . Vastest ea the Klve The only Steamboat making a round trip r. ' SAZXaT ' Exoept Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA ABTD .WAT VOrsTT Iave Portland , .T:0 a. m. Arrive Aatorla 1:S0 p. m. Ioave Astoria. A 1:1 p. m. Arrive Portland,. :0 p. an. M 11.8 f SRVED A LA CARTE . Pcrllaad Xrftadinir, Aide trees Book. Astoria. Trading, Oalleadee Soek. B. B. SCOTX Agent. Phone Mala SIS. ALASKA PAST AND POPULAR BTXAIISBIPS , ; 'leere Seattle "TyTTTHgOg,' June SO, Jnly IX U. "IKJLPIUJI," 1foJy I, IS. SO. - CAIXIKO AT Keteblkan. Jnnean. Donglaa. Halnee, Skag way, Cnnnerta with W. P. A Y. roato tor Atlia, Pawaos, Taaana, Nome, ate. . ror All Sootheaatera Alaska Ports. Call nr aend for "Trip to Wonderfal Alaeka," "Indian Buketrr." 'Total Polos." - TH AIOSXA S. S. bo. ......' Praak Waolaey Co.,' Asenta. ta Oak at. - . . Portland. Or. Regulator Line Steamers THE EXCURSION STEAMER "BATX.ET QATZERT" makea round trips to CAS CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at a. m., rAturntng, ar rives I p. m. Dally service between Portland and The Dalles exoept Sunday, leaving Port land at 7 a. m., arriving about p. m., carrying freight and passengers. Splen did accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street. Portland; foot of Court street. The Dailea. Phone Main 14, Portland. i, . . S. S. F. A. Kilburn get Coos Bay, uraks and- See Iraaelsea. Next aalllag from Portland, Monday, Joly S Next sailing treat Saa Franc leeo. Toes., Jnne SS P. L. OBEgWOrjOH. Agt. go. I. Ibne Mala 1S1. BcaeanHa Desk M DON'T SHOUT The excellence of our ' Hardware dis play from the housetops It's unneces sary ohce a buyer realises the superb quality little money buys here and the great variety On hand from .which to make selection. ., . Avery (Si Co. a nxmi it, bst. rara ajto asm. O r SPICES, o COFFEEaTEAv DAIHH0 POWDER, FTaTCnuCOEXmCTS Ctntn Stm, Qtuonkbk frkei CLrOSSET ft DEVESS : j - FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Haaaa Care That Aapane Caa Taar Wltaeat Im ef Tim e Detaatioa Treaa We wast every enfferer from Aathma to writs na today foe a tree trial el onr wonder fal New Method tor - earing Aathma. . Wa especially desire thoeo eaee of leng etaalina which have tried all the varlooa kln-la of inhalera. doschr nnd potest eamkes wlthoat aombee and wlthoat relief. We know wn ean earn them. We want' to aad are willing to nrev it aheolutelv free of cot. Manr tbnn- anh- have accepted thia onportanlty aad ar nnw eured. There ta no rreeoe bv an rone, old er ynnng. rich or poor. ehouM rontlnae to rrrr rrom aauma aner reaaiug uia rvrlona offer - method le not merely a temporary ee V . 1 a rare that m founded upna the r' t i a, a ears that earea by removing t ' t Me ff nntd yon have a " w r1 -it t 1 a t le f we Columbia R iverSceiiery 03 -it i oe.a,,4.. . . . . . j - 3 Trains to the East Dally: Iteaegs Pnllnaa standard aad toartst alee. -ara eatly to Oaiaha, Chisago, se I nrlat aioeolnsar sally te Kaasse C. . "Mecb reclining ebalreare seaU (roe) as lag-eara Tiuoneb reclining the . ... .iij nSl0 Jepot Leave. Anrtvo. Chieaso-Portiand gpeelat for via Hnntlnaton. oly. : aa :O0 tT?:," T"" kantera . EPMneto a.ur S:tSfS Klttll- f or an r .b""-'n Blgge and "lend, aallv....... S-IBare :OSate , colcmbia aivnn DirtgioN. wrnrte and wny prdnra. eonaeetrae wrj Elt" e nwneo and Norts Beack. atee-- IsZ. .8,""l"Ti Barordav. 10 a, sa. ,ArvW oost g a B - oweant enaday. TAWfinx arvra sorrra. C,7. te, Crera City and TamhrU rtvaa) inta. ateanen Rath and M-vtoe. Aaht. ex, . dally, ereept Sunday (water . Eiaday?' . n "Tdally. eseaad bi!. " 'deno, and wny points frees ?'p,ri- Wa.h., at. a mere Bpekane and Lean. Vr iTe S ;40 a. si., or npoa arrival Traia rtf J""p. Baterday. Arrive a. as. aanv eicnf rrtdev. - Ticket OMee. Third end Waehlagtna sta. Telephono Main Tlx. - a e .7- JTINOBH, Olty Ticket Ages. A. tV. CRAIO, Conaral Pane, near As ant. SOUTH , Chios Depot Overland Kapreaa Tratna tor Salem, Boaeearg. Aab-"se,- Sam men to. 01n, Baa fn itiaM, itu, Leave. ACTtva, Lo Anseiea, S3 . Pans, New Orleans aad the oast S:SBaae Morning train oMuerta a Woodbarn dally except Sunday with train fne ' Uonnt Angel. Sllverton, JtrownavlUa, Rprlngileld, Wendllng and Natron S:4B Bat gnseao paaaaeiser . enn-Berta-. at Wlaadbnra nrlrk - i : efdSsei -1 - Meant Angel sad Silver- tea) Inral 4-tH pm in -eg sa fl-M ym S:tSsai IllJWpai vw-rw nia paawrwa.r. ...... "rtrnvam Snorldas naaaonser :!" am Poiet - Grove paeaenirer. t10:4S pn , -wtiiy. iiranv eveent ironrtay. JBTBRSOrT.STREKT STATtOlf. V Per Dallas aad Intermediate potata dally IMS p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. aa. Tor time aad eerd ef Oewago enbnrbaa trains apply at City Ticket Office, or atrtloa. Ttcketa to Eastern point and KMropej alss lapaa. Chine, Bno1uIa nnd Anetrnlla. City Ticket Office enrner Third aad Waaa Ingtna atreetn. Phos Mais Tlx, - a W. STtNOKB .A L..CBAIO. "City Ticket Atent Oen. Paaa. Asent. TIME CARD OP Portlands' tfnlon Depot . Loava. Arrtes. Tellowafooe Park-Kassas . Cty4lt. Lent Special for - . ." rbehall. Cenrralla. Olym- -pla. Orav'e Harbor, Snath Bend, Tneoma, Seattle, Bpo- , , kaao, Lewiatos. Bntte, Bl!- ; . ' - '. - hnaa, Denver, Omaha. Kan- eaa City. St. Leais sad . anotheaat. dally : SdS aat 4M BS North Coaat Limited, elec tric llfbted. for Teenma ' Seattle. Bpokaaa, Botto. ' ; Minneapolis. Bt. Paei and ' ' ' the Bast, dally 1:00 aaa TiOSaei prt M Uaitlel. faj-' -; y- Claremont. Chehalls, Cen- .',.-.' trelU. Taeome , and Beettle ' ' . cnlr. datly :S0 pm ' :SS Twin Cltv Brnraas for Ta. - . 1 enma, Seattle. Spokane, . . Helena. Bntte. St. Peal, Mlnneapnlle. Uneota. St. Joeeph Kaneaa City. Otae. ba. Bt. Looja. wlthoat etiine of ear.. Direct eon- . poetlone for n eetnts Beet and Bnnttieeat. dally.. llreSam 10:01 sag A. D. rRAr,Tn. Aaatetant Oaaarai Pao aenyer Agent. SSS Morrlaea street, eorser Third, Portland.- Oregon. , Astoria & Columbia River. Railroad Co. tTalos Depet- Lesve. f Atrtve, Par ataygeror Balnler, Clara. kaale, Weerpert. Clifton. Aatorla. warren ton. na vel, Hammond. Port Btev na. Oearhart Park. Seaaide. S am 11:8 sal Aatorla and Seaabore. ea- nreee datlr T-OS tn tSSsta Portlnnil-geaeln'e plvor'' Jlatarday onlv . leavea Portland S:10 p. aa. , All trains dalle. , J. a. MA TO. O. P. and P. A.. Astoria. Or. C. A. STEWART, Commercial Ageat. Set Alder street. Phono Mala So. 2 Overland Trains Dally y 'Xh Orloatal Llmltei. the Past hlefl VIA SSATTLB AND SPQgABg. Dally. Datly. j Leavs, Antra. Portland Mm wejedaw- . T ng from Spokene, St. PaaL Mlnneapolm. -Imlnth and nil aetata - gaat via Seattle. S am T-eessi UMdea S.M pa To sad from St. Pant. Minneapolis. Dntnth , aad all points Bast - via Spokane 0:1 Set BiSO m rest Nortbera Btaamahlp Oa, Sallies from Seattle for Japan end China parte aad Manila, earrytag ana, eoager ad freltiit. 'KB. Mlaaoeeta. Paly . B. B. Saketa. Soptemao s. BTPPOM TTJSXB BAISNA (Japan Matt Btaeaaahlg Co. V. a. atorua mora wit, eon Seattle shoot no foe Japaa Chine part, tarrying BeenerO frelsbt and sad Per tlekeva. ' retee. Hon, ete. cell e ae address k. Dtcksoa, a r. r. a, it r- etn Pertiaae. oragaab nana aoia ao w.... - i i i EASTvu TRAINS XX THl COBtPOHTASlX WAX J In , ..,-v-. ;. it I 1 -