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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
THE OREGON ,' DAILY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING,' JUNE M. .1SC&. 18 OPEN RING LIKED By SEHITIEIIES v- ,4x-:;Xx Cofoman. Hit Scores Winning Bettors, at the Meadows Appre ciate Abolition of Syn "dJcate Boot. , Run After a Long and : " Listless Came. ,, :";.'-; ESSICK AND M'LEAN vi- l DID SPLENDID WORK LARGE CROWDS ATTEND FIRST TWO WEEKS Tigers Tied Score in Fifth Inning, but ' After That Receired but One Safe I Prive Off. EtakkmelCrowd in - Attendance. . , ' Claaa of Horse at Seattle the Beat , That Have Ever JRun in the Pa cific Northwest Bookies Were Loeers for First Five Days, GIANTS IVin HI THE flTII IMG Portland 4, Fresno 1. 10 Inning,; Batteries:. Esslck and McLean; Mc Gregor and Dash wood. : ' The rain, th rain, tha glorloua rain, . tiaa coma to - Portland one a arm In." But ' while It poured torranta In tba central ' alty yesterday afternoon, . tha heavenly element refrained from emptying In Recreation perk until tha game waa wall along in the sixth Inning, but tha down pour waa noil aufflcleat to call a halt. . Tha only spectators present at tha game were those who paaa through tha "wicked" gate, at whosa portal hla Royal Joint. Mr. Jon tie Hlgglna, pr aldea.. There waa no need of the caah turnstiles, tha few faithful friend of tha body hooting past Hlgglns Into the ground and by McDonald's free en trance Into tha grandstand. .... - Tha game lasted 14 Innings and waa a poor exhibition. The highest feature of the contest waa tha battery work of Esslck and McLean. ' Esslck Waa In . splendid form in avery Inning excepting r'the fifth, when hla curves got twisted and the Tigers burned In two run,, tie-ins- the. score. After this Bill waa there with tba goods, putting It of tha visitors ' on his strikeout list. McLean's batting waa tha brightest snot In tha day'a per formance. The hi- fellow connected aaely four times out of four times up and his work with tha atlck was largely Instrumental In' helping tha Olanta win. A to the rest of the gama there waa nothing of Interest and the affair lum bered along for I hour and II minute before tha welcome and put in ita ap- . pe ranee, ... ..... Portland ecored one In the second, third and fourth Innings, and the Tigers . aent one acrosa in the third on two hit, and two in the fifth on three safe ; wallops. From that time tha gama pro- greed without tba semblance of a run.! honor of capturing tha ladtea' plat at until the end of tha tenth, when Smith hit safely, Lister walked and McLean in an attempt to sacrifice made first on an Infield hit. Coleman came along and cored Smith on a drive between third and abort. Thla left matters 4 to t la favor of tba home crew and the cur tain rang down upon a peaceful scene. .Tba score: - PORTLAND. McHale. cf. -., Sweeney, as. ........ Mitchell. If. ..' McCredle, rf. , nirnn, id. ....... Lister, lb. , McLean, c. ....... Coleman, 2b. .... Esslck, p. ....... AB.Tt. H.PO. A.E. .4 o t ' i e o . 3 0 0 t 1 1 .41014 e 4 i tee i t l e o e t l i 1 4 11 ' 0 oi o 4 e e e ' t t ... ... 4 ... 4 ... I 4 11 U f t Totals . ...........11 . FRESNO. AR R. H. PO. A. PI 11 4 0 1 O 1 e o l 0 e ...... Doyle, cf. . Walter, rf. Casey,, lb. - : Kiran, m, . . . , McLaughlin, II. ...... Delmaa, to. ......... Imshwootl, c ........ Horan, lb. .......... McGregor, p. ........ Totala ...40 TMT 14 1 None out whan winning run scored. SCORE BY. INNINGS. Portland 4 1 ip' 0 0 1 4 Hits . .......1 11111111 t 11 . Fresno ... .....0 On 0100000 1 Hits ........ 0 OlltOlOOO 7 SUMMARY. ':' Struck out Br Esalck, It: by McGre gor, 4. Bssea OQ ball Oft Esslck, t; off McGregor. 5. Two-base hits Mc Lean, McHale, Smith. Double play-McGregor-, to Casey to Horan. Hac ri fle hits Sweeney 1. Stolen base Smith, Delmaa, Casey. Hit by pitched ' i ball Bsslck. First base on errors Portland, t; Fresno, t. Left on Vases Portland, t; Fresno, 8. Tlma of game . Two hours and 26 minutes. . Umpire KnelL . . - - . . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. JV " . Won. ' San Franclaco .. ..... .41 . Portland tl Los Angeles . Seattl ..18- Fresno , . ............ .2t Oakland . . to Lost 17 I? PC. .707 ,rntl .r50 .46 41 w,48 4i .tat Angela Made Brrora. ' . (Jeeraal Special get tire.) ' Oakland. Cal., June It. Tha Angels' errors allowed tha locala to win yeater " day. Score: , . R.H. B. 4 1 1 Batteries Randolph and Eaaer: Catea , and Peralto. Lna Angelea ...01 100000 0 t Oakland . . .....0 0100001 14 There waa considerable Interest die ', played in tha Tale-Harvard boat race by the college men In Portland and In ' qui lies were made yesterday at brief intervals to learn tha atatua of the ; race. Several bogus report were afloat ' ' during tha afternoon, one of which ; caused Joyl for a brief while with one nan and sadness ever since. (Special Oorretueadeaee of The Joaraal.) , Seattle, Waah., June It. The 1I0 season of racing at Tha Meadowa l now. nearly two weeks old and even in that abort time tha contrast between the racing and booking of the-p resent and past is so great there la such a marked, change for tha batter, that tt doea not take an axpert to see It at a glance. . There 'are more horses than at previous meetings and vastly better onea than in former seasons, while in place of tha syndicate 1 to 1. 1 to 1 and t - to t prices that prevailed fa. vorltes at I to 1 and "Dutch" books where tha percentage.' la against tha beokle ' instead of in his .favor are much to evidence. ,. . " - Some f tha macs. O. P. McNeil's Galore mar Funny- aide seems to be tha star performer among tha older horses having wow three limes M'- many starts and be ing credited with a mils In 1:40 H with 107 pound - up, and a circuit of the track In 1:4IU in the' mad with ' lot pounds Thue far Watchful and Charlea Green are tha beat of the t-year-olda shown. The latter la an ' own brotbet to the peerleaa Bofala, invincible aa a 1-year-old in tha eolora of Barney Schrelber, a few yeara ago In Califor nia. Watchful ia by Imported Mirthful (a great aire owned by John C Madden that was -killed by lightning two years ago) from Wary, a mare that made a fortune for Thomas H. Stevens, tha veteran turfman, who also owna Watch ful. Barry Stover'a Native Son, a gelding by Glenhelra's Sister Jeanle the sire and dam racers of good claaa, la by far tha tmt 1-year-old started here. Ha won on tho.'opening day In the mud at half a mile and yesterday had the four and a half furlongs, worth 8650 to tha Petaluma racing magnate, be sides a Una cup, value unknown, and whlnh was presented along with ra speech to ths modest "Shske" .by a beautiful ml named Struve. It waa even betting that "Tba Snake" would much 1 rather have been conducting .a cock main than waiting for the young lady to make her pretty little spiel, and hp aald "thanks," and flew down tha judges' stand atalra with tha cup Just aa If some one waa trying to steal Kenllworth, the pride of hla heart and the maker of hla fortune. He waa for letting "the boys" drink., out, of tha handsome sliver and. gold affair at tha bar, but on eecond thought came to the conclusion that hla tin cups' over at tha kitchen and his barrel "boose" was mora sensible than drinking "esse goods" from a cup of 'silver and gold. Perhapa tha most interesting feature of tha firat week'a sport was the win of the 10-year-old gelding, W. B. Gate, It being hla one hundredth victory ot tha turf. . Thla honor haa oome to but Ave horses In all history, and of tha five tha record of but one (Bellsarlus) can probably be proven. Tha Ave aald to have won 100 or mora races are: Madam Bishop, 110 win, moat of them at "bush" meetings, four one afternoon according to John Strita, her owner, who hailed from Missouri (Joplln)i Nancy Till, an Irish mare, 107 wins; Bellaarlua, a 81, Blaise gelding, 101 wlna; Logan X?tha Iron - Horse" from Aleck BbleW's stable), 100 vlctorlea, only 78 of h!ch appear in Goodwin's Guide, and W. B. Gatea, 100 wins, many of which ware . at Pine Bluff, Arkadelphla, Stuttgart and other points In Arkansas, near the homo of hla owner. Captain R. R. Rloa, of Varner, Arkansas. Aa said before, tha win of W. B. Gatea was tha feature of the week'a racing, and Captain Rloa aald he waa happier over the old Prince Royal gelding's success than if be bad won tba beat auks offered at tha meet ing. ,' The World Zs Small. Tha world la not vary big; after all for among those who saw Gatea get home in front for tha hundredth time was Garnett Ferguson, whosa mother bred the distinguished racer In Ken tucky. Garnett waa at the Kingston farm when tha colt waa sold at private sale" to George C. Bennett for 81.000 and- accepted the coin in payment for him. Csptaln Rica la the wealthleat man In hla section of Arkansas and ia one of the few men la tha middle west who races purely for pleasure, if the horse earn their oats he is delighted. At his stock farm he haa old Max Taper, a retired racer, by Mlsr Candle man, brother to St. Blaise, for which he ones refused tZf.000, and which, con sidering what an awful cripple he was, proved one of the most remarkable race horses ever known. He ran alx furlongs close to 1:11 and a mile in l:lt and waa expected to break down any day. "Cap" Rice waa the bitterest enemy ever possessed by tha Western Jockey club, dominated by the Cellaa. and when that faction built at Hot Springs tha governor' -of Arkansas, Jeff Davla, a ' "sasBs ' ' If "pi: IDS 1- , are designed for men who care . 1(0) J to $2 Jfl) Will buy a two or three-piece suit as good as you'll want s mm (Co Po M CLOTHIER ' -. IS THE MAN 87 Third Street ; ) IS THE PLACE '."'.' ' i- : ' . " .... .' Between Stark and Oak Streets 4"J 1 great friend of the captain's, told the Western Jockey club that Rica would race hla horses over their tracka or there would be no race tracka running In that neck of tha woods. Ths bookmakers that, were operating hare were loaera up to a few days ago. O'Brien fk Mussllna Of Seattle, among tha newcomers, have cut in with Harry Froellch on the block for them. Joe Harlan will probably go to the far1 east to book before long. He la a "Mob" and la used to handling big money. W. G. Engstrom talks of going also. Shaw St Co. waa another new firm In the book ing buatneas hero. . Johnny Lyons of Ban Francisco la perhaps the heaviest bettor and when he lost tl.100 on the badly ridden Ruby he was a -sore In dian. W. it Hammond, tha millionaire turfman, la a good bettor at tlmea, too, and a number of local ' men bet them In hundreda. when .they, think they are right. The killing of the syndicate ring la going to make of Seattle a great racing point , . ' - ivygert. tha former Southern league pitcher, la one of, Connie Mack's stars this year. ., q . . . ... ..... Freferred toek Oaaaea Oooda. ' - Allen V Lewis-. Best Brand. Your Hat Money Does not do tull duty- does not bring you the best possible- results for the arnount of outlay until you buy- ' . Quality Hat $2.50 A Hat that's guaranteed equal to any $3.00 Hat in town and that's shown in all the latest shades tnd shapes. - ' "50 c Saved" - Patent Leathers Are no higher in our line than the other leathers. We show several up-to-date styles in this-popular leather. ' Mission-Shoes $3.50 ' Give the buyer the best-leathers, , the best" workmanship and the; most sensible styles the market affords. y y ' " "And They, Wear" Something Special 50c Neckwear 5 for $1 Tap knd Bottom 303 Washington StreetJugtWest of Fifth Street. . .. . . ... ..... . . . . t,.. . ' . . .. ' CRACK TRAINER TO REMAIN AT EUGENE " (Bperlal Dispatch to The Journal.) University of Oregon. Ehigene, June It. "Bill" Hayward. the favorite track trainer, yesterday signed up an agree ment with the athletlo council at tha stats university to coach tha ath letea at - - the - Inatltutlon for tha next " two yeara. Hayward has shown - a . strong tendency - to fa vor remaining at - Eugene to have the management of track men and tha students are now oertaln that the teams to be developed In tha next two years will be the best team on tha coast. Tha University of . Wisconsin and the University of Notre Dame wanted, the California man very much .and offered aome flattering inducements to get him. It is reported here that Wlsoonln' of fered to . give Hayward entire control of athletic If he would come eaoet for two years. Hayward will move hla fam ily to Eugene and will watch tha de velopment of tha track men all tha year around. . - SPORTINQ GOSSIP. Tha Boston Americana are signing new men In bunchea and expect, to have a new team by next year. ........ , J e e - V--' . Six oluba with aa average of .600 or better makea a fine race in tha American-league. : . . ,.' :.. With Bebrlng. Oleason. Wolverton, Delehanty, Unglaub, Street, Charlea and CorridoaV-the, AUUlamaport club of the Trl-State Hague looks like 'a major league outfit. i: . e e Tha New Tork Americana have had the better of the series with all the eluba except Cleveland. . The Napa have won five out of seven with th High. lanaers. Columbia of tha South Atlantlo league recently won a gama from Savannah 1 to without making a hit -- '. ; -e The St. Joseph elub in the Western association has - been transferred l Hutchinson, Kanaas. K . ' Ed, OeeTs, tha famous driver, will start his campaign at Llbertyvllle July 4, and will then enter upon, tha grand circuit : . e e . .: A large and high-class entry Hat Is reported for tha Southern tennis cham pionship tournament to ha pulled off nert week at Atlanta. Tha next open-air horse show on the calendar Is that at Toronto, where ths exhibition will open next Monday PORTLAND PLAYERS WIN CHECKER CHAMPIONSHIP The BO-game checker match for 1100 and tha championship gold medal of the Facino coast, between w. ttowe or Ban Francisco snd P. E. Berg of this olty, the champion of Oregon, came to a close Wednesday night resulting in a viotory for tha Portland man. Tha - score: Berg I, Bows 4, drawn 41. Berg recent ly waa elected to tha important office of secretary and treasurer of the Ameri can Checker association, which is ths biggest checker association in tha world, with members in tha United States and Canada. . BEAVER WILL CARRY CLUB MEN DOWN RIVER Superintendent Woodard of-tha Mult nomah club announced thla morning that everything waa In readiness for the "low Jinks" that wUI take place on Sun. day next down the Columbia river. Tha steamer Beaver' has been chartered for the day and will sail from tha foot of Washington atreet at 1:10 o'clock. . The program haa been arranged with great care and contains many , interesting William Hayward, Who Has Bean Se cured to tT rain Oregon's Athletes for Two Years.,. It stunts and odd doings. Rain or ahlna, the Beaver and tha Beavera will aall. Tha boat wUI return in tlma for Sunday evening attractlona. , GOOD RUNNING AT THE MEADOWS TRACK ("peels! Dispatch te The Jnersal.) Seattle. June II. Reaulta at the Meadowa: . .- .A ., Six furlongsAmbitious won. Betsy second. Governor Davla third; time, 1:11. ' Five furlongs Oraos St. Clair won. Plm Kim eecond. Lady a Beauty third; time, 1:014. Five furlongs Nanon wonL Lady Bim bo second, Camelatta third; time, 1:02. Five furlonga James A. Murray won, E. C Runte second, Olendennlng third; tlma, 1:0. . - - . ,.,. , Ona mile Pay Ma won, Florence Fon so second. Doctor C, third; time, 1:41 ft. . One mile Luclan won. Jackfull sec ond. Dusty Miller third; tlma. 1:4114. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Philadelphia It Cleveland . . . J4 New Tork . It St Louie . ...... ."....S3 Chicago . . . 11 ' Detroit II fWashlngton . . .....i.ll tioston , in Lost . PC. .600 .(00 .E3 .611 .625 .617 .lS .1(2 . At Waaalagtoa. K. H. E Washington 4 t 1 Philadelphia .....'..! Ill 1 Batteries Smith and Wakefleld; Wad dell and Scbreck. 1 ' At Cleveland. , , First game . , R. H. E. Cleveland.. .................. .1 .71 Chicago . . .- i...l 7 0 Batteries Bhoadea and Bern Is; Alt rock and Sullivan. - Second game , R. H. E. Cleveland! .t I 0 Chicago ?. ....0 4 1 - Batteries Joaa and Clark; Patterson and Hart ; , ' N ! At Battwl, - j .. - an B. Detroit .......V....l I 1 St Louis . t 11 I Batteries Eubanka and Warner; Ja cobean and Spencer. ... , At Mew Tork. " ' ; jR. H."B. Boston. . I.,..;.., .......4 f 1 New Tork. .....7 11 0 Batteries Harrla, Dlneen. Toung and Armbruater; Hogg and Klelnow. (. - Toa are mot properly looking out for We. X nalaaa ye wateh Tha Jonnal , Wail AdA - ' . YESTERDAY'S RACING AT SHEEPSHEAD BAY . . (Journal Rpeeial Berries.) New Tork, June II. Sheepahead Bajf results: Six furlongs Klamesha won. Hand- ' sarra second, Roeebud third; time, 1:111-1..' :"- Steeplechase, short course Paul Jonea won. Gold Fleur second. Kernel thlrd time, 4:07 1-6. , Tha Surf stakes, five and a half fur-1 longs Peter Pan won, Alatheuo second, Arlmo third; time, 1:07. Tha Sheepshsad Bay handicap ona mile Inquisitor won, P. .Von Tromp second, Halifax third; time, 1:17 t-S. . Five furlonga Captain Emertoh won. Umbrella second, J. C. Oora third i time, 1:01.. Ona mile and a alxteenth, on turf Entree won. Just So second, Far West third; tlms, 1:41. ,, - ., , WILL PLAY FOR THE . - BLYTH GOLF: TROPHY The plaS for tha Blyth cup.- which waa postponed from last Saturday, will ' be continued tomorrow and Sunday at tha Waverly links The play .-, was scheduled to start laat Saturday, bdt aa . It didn't appear In a manner suitable to the committee tha play waa post, poned. Ths Blyth cap Is a perpetual ' trophy, given to tha club by Mr. Blyth, father of Percy Blyth, and waa won -last year by Allan Wright i NORTHWEST LEAGUE . Bala at Asordeea, . . - , ; . Aberdeen, Wash., June l.-MDn1y flvd Innings were played here yesterday on account of rain. Score: ..:.. ... .- - R.H.J5. Spokane . . ........0 0 I 0 0-rl I Q ray a Harbor.. . I. . t' 0 00 01 tt I Batteries Rush, Franklin and Sueasj Brlnker end R. Bnettlger, t ' ovmas ou loui, j ' Westmoreland, Kan., May I, ll Ballard, Snow Liniment Company TouS now Liniment cured an old sore on tba aid of my chin that waa supposed to be a oanoer. The sore waa atubborn ani would not yield to treatment until I tried Snow Liniment which did the work in short order. My aister, Mrs Bop hi J, Carson, AUenlvllle, Miffln county, Pennsylvania, has a sore and mletruata that It I a oanoer. Please send her s io-cent bottle. Sold by Woodard. Clarke Co. t c