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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
Come in the akin an old SALE ON FROM 7 TO 10 P. M. in several shapes. , Watcli Sun 'dayPaper for QrcatSaI Next Week ..' v-V .V ANY LIVES Guests ; of Rooming-HouM, Are Forced to Flee From Burning Building in Nlght-Robes. OBSTINATE WOMEN ARE .: K, SAVED BY THE FIREMEN ' - . v. . Risk Their Lives to Save Belongbgt ; sad Are Forced to Ley Bnildinf S bjr 'Members of the , Department- ,v " Lou Estimated at Four Thoniand. - ' Til at an aarlr how; "tbla mornlna In t roomlnf houaa at'2S4tt Tamhill atrat dlayonallr acroaa tHa-straat from tha central f Ira atatlon, oauaed a acora of thrtllin aaapaa brlnmawa ia tbalr hlskt robaa. - fireman and other pra Tnta4 (atalttlea by carrylna;-occupant f tha' rooma down tba etaira and lad dara. ;. r ",-' ' ' . lira. !. H' Brown. tn order to aaVe a few additional trtfl, "rafuaad to obey A flreman'a command to flea and nar rowly aacapad aerloua reeulte. 8ha be Vltan to pack hr frunk aa aoon aa aha wav aroused from .aieop tand , waa ool lct)n bar belonrlnga wban Laddarmaa Raybor of track 1- buret- Into tba room. Ho. ordered' her to leave, but aba re rueed.' ' -.' t. r' Ha aelaed her In ble arme.and bora - her to a-window.. Ha thruat her through the window apon tha abouldera of Bat tatlon Chief JLaudenkloe, who waa on a Udder. Tha chief carried the woman aafety to tha atreet below. -Mra. Booth refoaed to leave tinleaa her trunk wa takan with har. Night watchman Fred Herman of tha Pinker ton aervlce aelaed. tha woman with one hand and with tha other the trunk. Ha eucceeded In draarlna; both to tha atreet and In preventing Injury to tha woman. V Oaaee of Tire Trakaowm . - . - The fire atarted In tha rear of tha tore of tha Union Mantel company, tit Tinhtll atreet. Firemen have been unable to ascertain tba cauaa. It burned alowly for half an hour or more before It waa discovered and ' tha apartment houee an the second floor waa filled 'with smoke. An unknown man turned In an alarm by running to central fire atatlon. . - Nlahtwatchmaa Herman, however, reached tha acana before tha alarm waa - - is . ; . - FLAHES ENDANGER . i . tomorrow and secure that npw tuit for THE FOURTH. We will outfit you from hat-to shoe from to: overcoat, And-best of it is, you needpay but a small payment down, then only ' ; t mm Wu 'evtMvl credit to evervbodv. No red'taoe. No: fuss. ; No embarrassing ', our simple way of doing the clothing business; Ounnanager-in this department is Mr. S. L. KLafka, who is resident ot rortiana ana wouia pe 50c, 60c and This attractive little foot rest is - 1 ;- !' r ' iwi given; Realising tha peril of thoaa who were sleeping above ha ruahrd through tha halla, crying "Fire," and - beating upon the doony. - There are St rooms in the building, all but two of which ware occupied last night. None -of tba oc. 'cupanta were Injured, although aev aral were nearly overooma ,by amoke. j Tha building la an antiquated atrue tura of two atorlea, Tha rooming-house occupies tha upper story s.nd waa prao-tlcaUy-deatroyed. - Mrs. MolUa - West, proprietress ,'. of : tha rooming-house, thlnka that har loaa la at leaat ll.teo. Firemen and there estimate it at half that amount. , " On tha lower floor a number of stores auatained mora or . laaa aerloua damage. Tha entire loaa as a result of the fire la eatimated at 1 4.000. Among the occupants of tha storerooms who Buffered damage -were: R. A. Oeana, wall paper atore. It Tamhlll street; W. P. Berger, paint atore, loaa ttOO, with no Insurance; Bheehy Broth era, wall paper atore, and the , Union Mantel eorapany'a atore. i 'A spectacular and amusing feature of i 1 , - ly aaiarail Vy ''J la tha keynote faehloe. .. C hi eerJeottntlac aa4 pmp ', the suet awarfy. ttnt eTTaattaf tkeaa ti in an etfflcalty a aliyptnf heel'ajBd gajaiaf ten. ' aeeixaele teeUsrs. Washlnzloa and Third Sis S0RQSIH ... j A . THE i OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY.. EVENING. 'JUNE yh, : -4.''. win upon ais oia ana made of the've'ry best carpeu and -1 ' ' 5 - ' the. fire wsa tha efforts of a number of women to find pet doga, which they thought were In the. burning building. Nene of-the numeraua-doge or eata or canary birds, which also lived In the rooming-house, was lost. , a SEATTLE WAKES UP AND BEGINS TO GET, BUSY - Portland's success In conducting pub licity promotion' bureaua on modern , lines baa encouraged Seattle to try similar methods of bringing that city's business merits to the attention of tha outside world,-and it la proposed by tha Seat tle Commercial club to. hold a meeting at Seattle Thursday afternoon. July 19, to dlacuaa ways and meana. The com mercial bodies of Washington are to be asked and an Invitation haa been eent to the Portland . Commercial . club, to send . delegatea. The plan contemplated la 4o embrace the entire state: of Washington tn the publicity work, which It Is proposed to aupport by voluntary eontrlbutlons, tha work to be done through a central bureau of Seattle. - Tom-r Richardson, replying to the invitation for the Portland Conv mercial club, earsi... -.,... .... . . yrt appeara to Be that jo section of tha United States cam more easily ..get to gether .on broad and affective llnea than Oregon, Washington, ' Idaho even In cluding Montanar-for F'th all of us the greatest resource Is timber, the most argent need is ' Increased and enlarged irrigation, our chief cereal la wheat and our greatest fruit the apple. Thoaa of us. on the coast are alike Interested In water transportation, and all of uejhave unlimited waterpower to offer In making our section the Industrial wonder of the world." - - ,;' Bonding reroUta. Tha following permlta have been Is sued : Mra. A nna Rlnstrom. . t wo-atory dwelling. . , Williams .avenue . corner uiacKamas, cost ii.iqo; a. ennstenson, ttwo-story store, Mississippi avenue cor ner Beach, coat 14.100; A. B. Msnley, garage,' Monroe : corner VWTfl lam a ave nue, coat 1150; W. . R. Walpole, two story dwelling, Bancroft between Cor bett aad-Xelly, cost $1,000; J. B. Still- well, two-atory dwelling. East Blx'h be tween wygant and Alberta, coat 11,000; Sechter Broa, repairs . to. atore, Eaat Burnalde - corner Grand .avenue, cost : Mra. Loulaa Partlow, two-atry dwelling." ' aat Washington . betwtien Beat' Twelfth and Eaat Thirteenth, cost ll.ttt; August Sentl, repairs to dwell ing, Francis svenue between Kast Thirtieth and Eaat Thirty-first, cost 1800; .'John- Roaa. shoe ahop, William between Cook avenue and . Joy, 9160; Andrew Malar, barn, Elian near . Kast Sevenths north, cost $1M. , , Preferred ocb oanaed Oeode. Alien a Lewis' Best Brand.- v- There are aaaay ITant Ads in tedayt Journal that wW. latere yoa, r .. , f V. P terms. It is simply, business new irienas. '.vv- " 9 comes 173-175 First Street 1 9-227 Yam hill Street ESCAPE v. : -f Eleven-Year-Old Boy Saves Him self From Serious Injury by ; . 1 Presence of Mind. Roy K earns, 11 years of age. attracted tha attention of hundreds of persona on Fourth atreet last night by hla dar- g" ' .... Excursion! Excursion! Sundiay I ' - , J a tr-k 4wees se k sis m m ., , , ,.. . v ...;'. i . - . t .. .it-''',;':'. ( BBOirjTOB UBB, BTBAMSB BAJJbBT OATXZBT. ., . ' ' .; 'hi' ' m .Mi, y:.'Vvs,,,.i.-:- r -V"-'""- ' t.i . . r.i; V"t 1 '.s- ' ve-n ' aw fcV'tv r-ifiv ,. lng and successful escape from a .run away. While the horse whs, running at break-neck speed the . lad calmly climbed to the rear -of the buggy and dropped to tha atreet He eacaped un hurt. :.".. i ' Ha waa driving a horse aouth - on Fourth atreet when the animal awltched hla tall over ene-of the reina. It was Just after - crossing ' Washington atreet, and the horse Immediately became un manageable. The boy held ton bravely, but the horse was completely out . of hla control and daahed wildly up Fourth atreet. ;-. -v ; : '. ' i Toung Keams , tried vainly td .check the horaa for several blocks; but seeing that hla ef forte .were useless decided to "skldoo." He dropped the reina and 1 ! : ! 1SC3. f MEN'S.SUITS 1 the best you ever sa . those in up-town v.; - and let : - ' i' - ' climbed over the aeat to the rear end. Clinging to the . buggy ha held him self auspended for a time, . then, near Salmon atreet.. dropped to the ground. Ho went spinning along the atreet for a short distance, but quickly recovered himself. ' Ha Immediately - atarted Jn pursuit of the horae, which had' fallen to the street In trying to round a corner and had been-captured. ' He' waa loudly cheered, by a. crowd which gathered quickly.;-:.-. .. ,' ,-. ,- ' ' The youngster waa bespattered with mud, but didn't have a acratch."; The Baal Batata' Col or Journal are UtsieaMng to hnyeg aeUa ' i: f :-y .. w. They are the equal of stores at $15. Come ia us show you. ,' .' .ti .i- " " ' , .' ' THIRD AND OAK 5 3. INVALID IS RESCUED , ; FROM BURNING HOME (SpeeUI meseteh to The learanL) . Olympla, Waah June J. The farm . realdenee of tlif J. Morrison, situated ' about 10 niflea aoutbeaat ef this city on Chambers Prairie, waa totally de stroyed by ftre yesterday .evening. - Mra, Morrison, who la an Invalid, waa res cued from the building with much dif ficulty and carried to a neighboring residence. The-loaa la 1 1,700, fully cov ' ered by Insurance. . , . For quick reemlte nae tha Witt Ool amaa ef The goanaL , AND 4th of July Up-to-date Steamboat, splendid ao- commodatlona, first-class dining-room, seata for everybody,- three Observation Decks, . no narrow paaaagewaya, no Jarring, rldea Ilka a Pullman car, adlea' - Parlor, Smoklng-Room, polite ' attendanta, aafety and comfort. . .. . . v , ... See the Celebrated Cascade Locks and Columbia River Sccccry i "arand.- "Ma gnlf leant," 'Wonderful. . "aiorloua," Astounding." "How beauti ful." "Superb," are a few of. the expres sions of delight constantly heard from the lips of our passengers. - . We Journey Throc;h the Heart of the Cascade Uosstaiss -; Tou see all that la' great all that ia gorgeous, all that astounds, all thatA baffles description on thla moat Inter esting ride, i See the Portland Seattle railway now being built down the north bank of tha Columbia. . Fare, Round Trip $Lo50. Steamer leaves Ald'er Street Dock a. m.,' returning arrive t:0 p. m. Get your tlcketa early, ' x For detailed Information oeil at dock or Phones Maltr 914 1