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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
13 THE OREGON DAILY i JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENII?. JUNE 23. IZZ3.; titiVT TODAY. I7irst : Mortgage Bonds tVe offer.i subject to prior sale, to net ths Investor v'1.- Ejght Per Cent fl.TOO Dif July 1, 10OT - ia.aoo dm Juiy, .so 3,loo Du July 1, io ; 98,000 DM July 1. 110 : : - 98,000 Duo July 'I, JW .'j Then bond! are secured by A First Mortgage on property valued t over ;s,606...The lnlereiit Is payable neml-annually. Jn veaMsstlon will prove' this to be tfie ieat Investment offered In Portland and ) especially sood for the tnveetmsnt of caving or. othor.! funds where the Inter eat rate la lea than per cent Call for information.:. Copy of trust, dead Is on flle In our office. .. " , , I.crthwestern Guarantee end Trust Company ' Lumber Baoaanr Side. (Scoomd. rioor) St. Johns Water Front , 432 feet frontage by 1.200 feet deep, near Peninsula Lumber Co. XIoxoiv ' ST. JOHNS The J. N. Blair Company 315 AWngton Bldg. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate city and suburban. ; . The best buy on 2nd street, $30,000.', 100x1 25, 100 feet from Union Ave.; 40 bearing " fruit trees, good slit room house"' Phone' Main' 6758. Want . Timber Lands NEW STORES arid OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT ; N. M. ear. Third and Msdlsoa. Apply ;. Estate of D. P. Thompson r first street. WEATHER REPORT. V . The weetera disturbance la central thla morning crer Sasketrbrwaa. It baa caused light to moderately Iimij ehowers la tba Canadian nwthwrw ana la tba ma-thorn atatcs fmm lb. pacific ocean tut to th great lake, lisle baa alao vrarrwl la tb New England stales and alomr tbe anuth Atlantic roast. Tba barometer la aow rating neer lb. anrtb Pacific etataa, and a high pre enure area overlie, tba south Atlantic ana eaet gulf etatee. Tba temperature continue below, normal la tba I'ectnc slates, while Is the' mitral Tellers and costers atataa they are from 0 to 10 de grees almve normaL Tb. Indication are tor generally fair nHlkn In thla eietrtct 8a tarda, with ruing tempera- Observe ttona takes' at a. ra.. Pacific time: Valentine Co. Station Mat. , Mln. Prerlp. it ser cut. Oregon...,,... tj 48 .0 Boston, Massachuacttc 02 TO " .01 "" nilieuor-ertTlols..,., OX ,. 74 .0 Hunt, Colorado a 00 .0 Kanaaa City, Missouri..... 8. 70 .0 Ixm Angeles, California.... 74 ' ' 84 ' ,0 New tn-lraoa. Lmlalana..n B J . , .0 . Srw York. Nnnr York no - M . .4(1 Portland. Orrwoa 82 "04 .10 Raarhara;. Oraon. ......... aa . ,01 HI. LnuU. MlMoorl t 7 .0 Halt !.. I lab 04 40 . .30 ' Kan Franrlara, California... 04 An .( pkann, Waablnaloa. i.... 04 50 T Taroaia. Waabimrton....... 03 '; 00 .10 Walla Walla, Waabln(toa.. 70 . 64 T Wasblnitton, D.,C M ' TO " .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. rrad Man, 000 Uojt atrwt. 2; Hatty Upv Blan, 23. I . B. n.Bvat, 05 rront atraet. 05; Hrlra M. Uhhy, XI. ...... H. D. MrAlll.t.r, 111 Mtrblgaa Irrnnr, 22; Edna Pendr. 21. J. W. I'arrlck. Baker City, Oregon, 40; Ag ' gn rbnr4iman. 47. , Joapph A. Vt6m, 101 North Klrwatb atreat. T; Ida C. Tarr. 41. Prank I. MrCatl, 40S Grand aranoa. 26; Allen Bran. 02. J. L. ('oldw.ll, 20: Teniae K. Ca.Tron. 20, rtlnt C. atlger, Lcata. Oregoa. 20; Henrietta M. Ikii. 10. I. A. Tbllman, SOSH BnraaMa ntreet, 53: Clara Hxd. . 40. Wadding Cnrda. W. 0. Bmltb A On., Wa.k. tga bidg., cor. roortb and Waahlngtna eta. Wadding and railing rnrda ' rnirra rod mt printed. K. T. Baahtoa. 0.12 Sk Waahlngtna at. Miaa Bartha Martin, room 012 Altaky bldg. Btawplng and 0ne needlework i liaauua glnn. DEATHS." 7 ' VKRMr.HHK.x iniw 20. Mary Vmn.bren. 72 yarn. 0,(2 Mlaalaalppi arrnn., Talralar heart CI NXtMJtfAM June 27. Carolina. Man Onn olanuWh 12HT ( lorrlviid ar.nua, 84 ptirim rh.i.ialim, - BlfKK'lOX Jim. 27. JattVHi A. Rtpfwrtoa. 01 r.a.-a AJii Third. hrptle rmrnmonln. ' Klna 4tn 0. Mra. Kai. Kin., mi MM ft. VinmtV aoapltal. raplllarjr aroarhltla. i BI,.MRJiio- 27, Annk- Blair, 21 yrera. licnd Cnm.rlt.a hnppltal, T.lrnl.r hrart dl.raa.. I . Ill ' KW Al the lata rrrt1cna. Iiaj F.aat I imh af.. north. June 20. IWM. Lrdla Btick- man. ag W4 mra, 4 monthe and IT dara. - N.'tir f funrral will b glren tat.r. UNDERTAKERS. running. A Gllbsagh. ndertakere end amhalaeera; m era In erec detail. Asf.atk end Pine. Male 400. Lady ass Is u at. A. R. netnstnrk, endertaker and embetmer. East Thirteenth aad llmatlUa ate. Pboass 011. wwd II. J. P. Plnley A Sons. Third and Madfami eta. "ce of ennnly coroner. Phoae Mala 0. . Krlrkena t'ndert.klng Co., ambalmlag. 008 Alder et. Phoae Mala 012. v Edward Holaaaa. autAartahee. 220 Third atreet. , -y , , BITIATUW CIMITEEt., .. wlnrV graee f p.mlty Ma 78 f fl.ISM, ' 7 eemetery la Portland which per- refiall. assut.ln aad rere for lora. gar full , Int.M'mailes apply s. W. R. Macbensl. Wat . ssetsr Meet, qli. W. tL Ladd, area! drat UNDERTAKERS. ' I-ewts Clark and Whit Rom floor ; A No. I bek,-r' ,rtr housekeepers' nous, lor nit br W, P. Mulbrro. B44 bit Eleventh street. BIRTHS. BABNES Jimr J8. to Mr. and Mr. William liro, Su7 East1 Oak. a- boy. II; HV Juue 1. to Mr, and Mr. Jama H. Irtir. ll Beat I weuty-fourlb. a br. MAHKILLIB Jiiaa 13. te Mr. ana Mr. ' Marantic, 827 Hancock, male twine. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oeorga P. Barrlngor and wife to CharlM m. liar, lota 21, 2X' 20, block 21. Monnt Tabor Villa t' 0 400 Th ' Till, Uaaraiuaa A Treat ramnanr lo Mary K. C'ooee, lot 1, blnrk 11, Til- too a addltloa : 1.000 John Ul.blach to oarphln llarria. lot. , , 24 and 2S, block lot. Kulton Park ... C. J. Iiwkrr and wir to Joarpblna liar. rla, lota 1 sad 2. block 104, earn addi tion ' ' . 1 H-nry Wennw to HroVy rWbrtiflir. ,a.t , n im u aui , niorc leu, lixtcli a ad dition V? 0.000 0. K. Wandroy and wire to John V. Wan- rtrr. wcat Vi of Iota T and 0. block 10. Uncoln Park . . . . 2.000 sarab hlta to B. R. I.ylle, part of P. rrrttrman dnnalloa land cl.lm. a tkoa 0. townablD 1 aoutb. ran a 2 eaat. Antoa P. (ieenrdrr and wlfa lo Edward linndrrana. Iota 0 and 4. block 217. Ilolladar'a .'addition ' 0.2M U U Btiab to Harry L. Hamblet, lot 2. block 24.1. r II v . Tb. Bnrr.ll Introatmrnt company to Mary toward., lota 4. a and a. block . John- mm . auniinin K. J. Mrndcnhati and wife to A. B, Ma- hla 0 and 7, block 12, rrurrr'a addition Mary McGrrcor and hu.hand to Xrallne iiordon. lota 21. 22. 20. 24, 20, block 1.12. 1'nlT.raltr Park P. H. Light and wife to C. W. Sherman ct al.. lot 0, block 0. P. T. Smith's addition ....'... rranrle name and wlf to Adoluh Bnrckhardt. parcel land bcainnlna at northraat corner of Mlltoa Itone dona tion land claim, arctlon 10. townahin 1, north, rang 1 mat 0,000- M. 1 tloibmok and wire to 1. n. WIV - llama, lot 24, block t, St. Johns Park addition Mar llaa.rtr and hoaband to C. J. John. . aoo. Inta 0 and 0, blbck 12, Tlbeblt'a addition Ellpba Hornw et al. tn J. J. Price, lota 000 090 '13. 14, 1, block 24, AIMna Home- t.a4 Edwin W. Maiw.H-te Herman Schmidt, 2,000 128 tot i, morn i. t,.a addition. ... Wllhelra riantlrm lo f.rm.n J, Krn- y'on. lot I. block 17, Sell wood The Till Guarantee A Trnat company te ' . Mabell T. Walker, lota 18 and 10, block 0, Sonth St. John. The Till Guarantee A Truat company to Mahell V. Walker, lota IS and 10, ' black 4, eame Marl Pebrenn to Thomaa H. Wella, north , 60 feet of euhdlTMon P of lot t a ad too 823 028 eaat 20 fe.f of north 00 feet of lot a. - block 0, Portland Horaeatead Alex Warner and wife to- Amelia 2-. Meed, lot T. block J. Tabor Heights.. Mar lair and hu.hand to the St, John Brick and Tile conjpany. parcel land ' beginning at aonth corner of let 1. ' block 0, Oak Park addition W. 0. Heatre to it. A. TrarU. traatae, lot 10, block W. Sallweod Earl C. Brananah and wlfa te R. L. Donald, lot , block 102. Carat jeta' Sd-' .1,080 : boo 400 140 anion 10 The Land Company of Oreeon to Cbarl , A. Haadleaf. lot 0, block 20, City View ' Park Clara B. Oan and bnaband to James Uodwla, lot t, block 23. rltr Anna B. Connell and hoaband te T. A. Oarbade at nl., 00.4 acre beginning ' 408 fact eaat en arc t Ion line from 250 060 L' ajnartrr noat between aectloa IB and 2a, Townaoin i aouia. rang a eaar . . Kora Prlrhard et al to George A. Har- - rlaon, lota 4. T. 0, 0. 10, block 2. Ponainouth Villa L. M, Dohrna t Mary K. Orew, treat- tee. north H ef lot 11, block 28, Al- hlna ; George R. Whtklna te A. L. Piper, lota , 8. T. 20 and 21, and north V4 of lot 10, block 4. Orchard Homes John Thomaa and wlfa to Jobs Rometacb, fareel land In section JO, townablp eourh. rang 0 eaat '. . J. C. Buckley and wlfa te Bn-ear-mo.r. lota 0 and 0. block 10, Penrer's addition n... . Katln Slrumtt and hnaband to Minna -Clause, lot IS. bkurkr 70. Bellsrood. and other propertr The luid l ompat r of Oregon te Janet Hoaa. lots 0 and 0, block 11, City TU-w Park .. C. S. Van Dora to Mlcbatl O'Brien, lot 11, block 1. Brvarly , 10 aoo 1,000 800 ,000 000 flet your Inanrance end abstract to real estst from the Till Guarantee A Trar rompasy, 840 Waablngtoa atreet, corner Seeoad. NOTICE, KOT1CR OP STOCKHOLriKRS' MRBTTTfO. Notice la hereby glren that the annnal meet- ' Ing of the atockboldern of the- Midway Oil eomrvany will be held at tho-ofBc of Ladd ' A Tlllon. Portland, Oregon, at 0 o'clock p. m.. on Wednesday, July 10, 1000. for the nnrpoa of electing a board of directors and for Ihe transaction ef anch other burlnna - aa mar come before th. meeting WIIJ.IAM M. WHIDOKN. Secretary. KOTICK To whom this may concern : After hthla day ard date I will not be reaponelhle If or, debta and contract mad. by my wife. JMr. H. K. Root. . 1 , " . 'eed) H.-H. BOOT. June , 1008. , THR Portland Kennel clnb offers a reward ef 0.V) for Information that will lead te the . arrest and eonrletloa'of a dog thief or dog f""-"t in ins cny or rarrtane. MEETING NOTICES. Ml'LTKOMAH CAMP, We. TT. W. 0. W., meets tonight In their ball. Eaat Slith, sear Eaat Alder. 11 rlaltlng aelghbor, cordially welcomed. H. B. IJtORAM. a C. ' . U. WOODWORTH. C WASHINGTON Xodge, No. 40. A. y A A. M. . Special communication thla (Prldsrl erenlng at 0 o'clock, . Rurkkard bldg. Work E. A. de gree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. M. W A. EVKRHREKN CASlP. -8,400. meeta Wednesday erenlng, Alisky bldg. Third sed ' Morrison ata. M. W. A.. Oregoa Grape Camp. No. 0,070. Mo. daya ITth aad Marahall; ststtore welcoas. LOST AND FOUND. IST One Scotch colli dog: long peaked aua. round circle M top of bend. Mark mark In mlddl et tall. Hetora to Keystone ' saloon, roerth aad Flanders ata., aad nereis, reward: n sjoeaUoaa naked. - . '. LOST 22 antomath- Winchester.- N. 17.010. oa Monnt Scott car. Sunday, 11 p. m.: case. A. L l urrr. Reiura to lloaerman llsrdwat Co., recording department. Liberal reward. LOST Monday, a lady'a gold watch. In' Mela "R. A." oa eorer. 88 reward r. 824 Mia oeaeta are. LOUT Man's gold watch, an fifth and Beat Alder ata.: open face, atem wind, aide act. " doulil tkla rkaln. finder return te 871 ' First at., room 4. renrlre . reword. HELP WANTED -MALE. WANTED Varntabei r'.7. machln aad ' rood. Itara Mfg. Ce- M Ur.1 AND WOMEN te learn barber trad la eight week.; gradnatee ar tram 818 ta 028 weekly: eiprrt Insfreetore; catalogs free. Holer Sratrm ef Colltge,' 88 rts PeartA at., Portland. ALESMEN WANTED Par eae ef the mrgeat eniwrle In the wort! eaah adraaced weekly Rod territory open. Addrses Weeblafftes nraeey Co. Totwenksh, Wash. AGENTS WANTED tn sell aenerlor. bleh-grsde narnery stork: complete eatat n-nlshed (r es.b weekly: writ today foe choice ef tec. ntory. Capital City Mareery Ceaapaay, Salaas, Oregoa. Union Hotel 01 NORTH SIXTH ST. ' Weekly a lea: Boom. $1.20 apt room Sad board 04.00 p. Anderana. proprietor. OOVERNMKNT POSITIONS Voeng meg wanted to prepar for l.tter-carrler and rall- ' way mall elerk. Weal Coeat Correspoadeac School. 244 Stark at. Opsa eeenlnga. : i ii - i WANTF.O 0 energetic, reliable ealeamea 'or' rapidly growing reel estste efflc. between i. yesrs snd 40 at a: anility and rharacter the' criterion: drinking men Seed net apply, E 2ft. car Jeornsi. - WAKTr:lMrcra tn clear nnderhraah ladt. CsU 21. Cbamuar ef Commerce kldg. Mr.Bus iness -Man : Arc 1 You Talking ( to tke r ; 100,000 JOURNAL READERS? I They Arc too Good to Miss. :v J HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Aa IndoatrWms and cenable ma In each coonly In lha norlbweat; ateady oo.ltlon. . W. B. Tartar At Co.. rooam 8-0 Labba bldgk 000 yot'NG men for Sr. me and brakamea m i..dln railroad.: .iperlrnr natMcraaarr Orrmen get 0100, brakemen 0O; rapid pro tnntkxi te englnoer or ' oondaetor at double the aalarrl poaltlona now open. . Addreaa near. ; Mt - oftlc. National Kallwar Training Aaa'., 7.10 Paxtoa blk.. Omaha, Kebraaka, or s.11 Hiag Diag., aanana viir iri. WANTED Experienced trainman for, branch Hue moontala dlrlaloa. N 41. eare Journal. WANTPT) flood men at Jensea'e brickyard strady work t eorn prepared to work. Eaat 20th at. and Bendy road. WANTED One worea-wlr mat trees-wearer, at . once:-- Oregon furniture Manufacturing Co.. Macadam roes. t . .. WANTED Partnec with $500: office baalneaat eiperience not- aeceesarr. lZZVk Urana are, 10. 8A0 A WEEK for roe who can sncoee. fully present baslneaa proposition to ,the public too Marqnam bing. i WANTED, AT ONCR A good aboe man with experience la genta' farnlablngn; must he a 5nod ealeamaa-and single; references reanh-ed, . H. Jaggy. 618 Mala at.. Vaaeoarer. Waab lngtoa. WANTED Tor Catted Stataa army. ahl-bediM nnmarrhsd asea between age ef 21 and 08 rltlarne f .United SUtae. ef good character and temperate habits, whe caa apeak, read aad write Engtiaa. apptr so uerniiing ui Scer. Alneworth blk.. Third and Oak ata, Portland. Oregoa. - WANTED Competent ma a to take care f cow. bora. arden. etc. Call 400 Com mercLal hlk., ec HI I Pratt rraae ere. Mount Tabor. BEST oppnrrnnlty ta city for young man -te harbor trade, with little money: nrar claaa Inatructlon. - P. Spencer, 400 Eaat MoT' ' rlaon. . - . . WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced band to ma wire aapper end tenter cloth: par 02 per day; atesdy work. Address luloa Wootea Mills, In Ion, Oregon. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLE a boot 10 years ad age ta work I fae- tory, Apply et ones, Amee-Harrla-taaxUle Co., ruth aad Darts sts. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. 848H Wsahtng- 1. ...ifc .Mtalva . 2082, PamaM help wanted. WANTED Olrle te make all. T First .C 'Bea of All" ersr- GIRLS WANTED Operator to work on ahlrt and errAlls. Lessons glraa te Inexperienced. Apply et Standard factory No. 2, Grand are. and E. Taylor at. - , t. i Pamala help furnished free to employer. . .- Beglatratloa Free. 108 Povrth at., upstairs, mom 28. Main 8828. WANTED Help, Vnle Laundry Co., Second! no iotnmoin. . WANTED Olrl fnc housework, family of . Corner Esat. Barnaid and 23d. Phoae Eaat . T30. WANTED Competent aura for young Infant; referenc required. 120 14th St., bet Washington and Alder. WANTED At oa The Spencer Co. le. walat and 128 Tenth et. ehtrt-makeru. WANTED Competent etrl for cooking and t general housework ; family waahlng done by laundress; good wagee. Call ITS Eaat 10th at. WANTED Olrl tor cooking and light boose work! prtrate family. 200 South 10th, aear Taylor. WANTED ; Head walrreae In flrat-elaae board rn hooae. Q 100. cere JoornaL ' WANTED The of an me one who ran I . wash blankeU aad eeslere- tha aep. R-A0, eare Journal. PAMILT of two want, competent girl for . genet a 1 housework at 071 Esat Eighth et., . north.;; Call after 0 a. m. Skturday. WANTED Olrl on sklrta for, few day. Alder at. 200 EXPERIENCED waitress In our lurch-room. Call A. M. Swetland'a. 278 Moniaoa, - TOCNG. atrong girl to aaalat at general bone, work, learn to take full charge; 8 adulta. 000 Hancock at. Eaat 148. WANTEDHooaeEe ever fir w Irion et ntlh ekllS S e-e rati mw 9fis and WlllWMI ta.. North Portland: t.k S car. get eff 18th' and Vaugha .ta. J. B. Leeala. - j SECOND GIRL: good wage. 120 Bellwood at. WANTED A cloak woman of experience of eood appearance. Addreaa X. i. , eare Journal. ' 'MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Ooed enllcltor oa a Catholic proposi tion; aalary and eommlealoa. Phone Eaat 2.108. HELP wanted aad supplied, male or female. R. O. Drake. 20014 Waaklngton at. Paris 1870. WANTED Maa end wtfe with H.SOO caa se cure 88 acrea, 0 mile ent. with work ; wage - $2 per dar; hooae famished. Farther par ticulars call at 248 Stark afl snBaBSEaanBBBSBBBnaBBaaaBBaBsasaadaBBBMBBBaSBBSSBBSBBnBaat SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GEORGE T. MTRTON. 884 Chamber of Com. mere, keen books aad does general expert areaantlng beelaeee. Phase Mala 4800. JANITOR WT.k. leaning af all kinds as "Tiling poors, ny any or roe. i-aon HtdOe 2100. 224 North 12th at. J. B. Mills. HONEMT. reliable young maa ef 18 deetreaJ. port! ton where there Is chance to adraace or earn goad boeiaeee, N 40. eare Journal. YOUNG maa. 21 year old. need, poeltlon, any kind: caa write and apeak Engllah, Frears end Italian. Addreaa N 04, cere Journal. MAN and wife want work on farm aear Port . Isad. R T0. rsre Journal. YOf'NG married maa. 21 year of age, knew city end underataada horses, not afraid of work, would like a paying poalilon. Ad dreaa C. J. Parmenter, 83 Eaat Water at, city. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WASHING tn de et borne. 80e dose, rough ,-drt. Apply et Mr. Spasler, 600 Mississippi oe essi aiue. MM. LINER and designer fmra tke eaat would Ilka to engage, for fall see .on In Portland; caa glra beet ef references; alae would work through th summer month. Addreaa N 101, rare Journal. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; an m. filing new; good anr big wages. 208 McKay bldg. BIG PAY to one agent Is each county working for th InrestorVGuld. 811 Marqnam bidg.. I'orriana EMPLOYMENT 'AGENCIES. THE Portland Eeiploymeat Co., 2081 Morrleoa et. Phone Padoe 238. - j , , HANBENTI, EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB '"4 ' '"J - FOB MEN. 2 R. lecabdr et , . , Phone Main 1828. BIO FOUR BMP. AGENCY Hern en on lied free. 10 Berth eeeaa St. Phene Mala 1016. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Let la exchange u ee T-eooai house, Phona Eaat 084: WANTEr House .ea easy ti Mala 0068. 010 Commerelet blk. - WB WILL SELL roar property, so matter what It le n wber located. Send descrlptloa now . and we will de the rest. Inreetur' Guide Le., 811 Mart) n am bldg., Portland, Oregoa. WANTED Chun lots la Wslnut Park; owners eniy. raoae womuwi ss. BlUl'RHAN home. 8 te 8 rooma, large grounds. a a areas M. u. iiaris, 480 ill.ctatou at. LOT WANTED. Soutk Portland or eaet side enuth, close 'In; state price; osmera only i narie randisoa, gio oirry at. WANTED TO KENT. .rlri:.T::.; WANTED TO BENT Houses, cottages, flats stores, office, rooming-houses, etc. Lead' lords will no well to rail on - PORTLAND TRI'ST COMPANT OP OREGON. .- Phone Ex. 72. 8. B. Cor. 0d and Oak. WANTED Eaat and weat aide houaea. Sat and cottsgea: can rent at once. WESTERN OBEtlON TRI'ST CO.. -201 ' Stark at. Phone ParlAe 0UI. WANTED 2-atory building aullabl for manu facturing purposes; about 80x100: elate Iocs, (km and rent. -Address M 20. car Journal. WAKTED Bsvledy, 1 large oa 2 email unfur nished room; clean, -close la. Thurmaa et. Mais 8308. . ' WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 1000 te ope ap new copper mine; ' Will glre ea extra good opportaulty and In ducement. Call la fDrenooa Jones' Book tore, ' 201 Alder t. 1 r WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. L N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer and, white, weaker. Call Eaat . 6248. Remember the name B. N. llorgaa: 11 peer la assises la Portland. WE WILL BUT. SELL OB TRADE ANT OLD THING. WESTERN 8ALVA0B CO, 027 020 WASHINGTON. - PACIFIC TSS. , . . WE WILL. BUT your furniture any eld time. Western Salrsg Co.. 82T Waablngtoa et.. WHO IS M. O.- MORGAN A CO. I PAINTING, spraying and. whitewashing tree! bmnte. barns, docks, te. I lergaat gaaeiiaa (praying oatOt ea the eoeat. O. Morgaa A Co.. 122 Union are. Pboi SIT. FURNITTJBS and heaeeboM goes Jest Don't worry, loas Urn ar moaey. trine TsS. Pa- BOATS "WANTED List your hosts, simmer. launches, bargee, bones boats ana ooet senses with ae far esle or rent. We here call for them erery day. Eaat 184. Mala. 6806 Mala 0064 FCBNTTCrinj 'WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. First at. ' MalS-WoS 111 WANTED Te bay booeehold furniture, Cem- piete. roe caab. rnone factne rail. WANTED Te any aiedlam-elxed track or low- aown wagoB. Lrane Bottle CO. i none mnin 2288. ' 7 . WB need S raah reslaters. 1 typewriter. 2 res isarant outrua and some money, western Balrage Co.. 027 Waahlngtna at. ' - WANTED Oentlemen'a waahlng te do .at 182 pherman atreet, .cottage rear or jso. 'WANTED Child Under 8 year tn board or enopt. Phone acott nvivz. aaareae iwx a.aat Eighth at, north, city. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU 884 NORTH SIXTH ST. Kiegaatiy rurnianeo. eteem Beat ana nsims. THB GRAND. 40 Vk Nirth Third at. Boo em for gentlemen II. la per week aaa ap. ONE' large furnished room, snltabl for twe gentlemen. 882 1st between l lay aaa Mariet. LARGE ronms.J0 mlnutea'walk to anion depot; electric liable, phone ana oats, eos Benton. Phone Eaat 44.10. FOR RENT Nice furnished rooma, close in. The Rentsl Agency. I0o Third et., room a. LIST your furnished and nnf nrnl.hed rootne with the Mental Agency, ino' inira ai., room b. t OR nicely fnrnlahed rooma. rraoonahl, for man and wire or young men; muei : giro, reference. 404 10th al. FURNISHED rooma. abeolntely rleaa. electric lights, porcelain, hath, telephone, moderate price, and loth at. LAIt'lF room, lower Soot; housekeeping if de- elred: modera. 202 14th. aear Honart-rnrtla. FOR RENT H0USEKEEPIN0. THB MITCHELL, Flaedere ead Oe-resth KooBIS, aonseaeeping una irsBsasnai . one eenlent: prle reasonable. LA ROB elegantly furnished housekeeping rooma; gaa ranee, enaaing water, lae avowao dale. BOSVk Alder ec. LINDA 1ST A Sleeping 24TH Fifth et. and houeekeeplng- 1.20 PER WEEK Large, clean. fnrnlahed aouaeieeping-rooma : lauanry aaa mia, e. Sherman, ' Sonth Portland. - - 01. US WEEK UP. clean, fornlabed honkeep. rooma, Wlta yarn, parlor. Haaarr. nia, .w aeee beet. S03H Suatoa et, tT ear. - 1100 ROOMS, furnished for bnneekeeplng: Phoae Main eree range, ga. l wrraia. 4520. THE HALI, 414 Fifth Furnished housekeeping Tourist FOR RENT 0 room, eompletely furnlehed for housekeeping; no chllaren. eoo vnioa are-. I FURBISHED honaekeeplng-r.iomet modern: ea eerllne: price 010. raon r.ast axio. DFJIIRARLE suite: also large elngle completely furnished for housekeeping: rrery conrenleueei gee, bath, etc.; 10 end 1X 211 ehermaa at. - r ROOMS AND BOARD. WELL-FURNISHED room with board: reaenanble. 442 Jeffereea. rates LADY would like to rere for child or two; motherly care; rate reasonable. Inquire 042 Gantenneln ert Albln, . FURNISHED room with board) rate resson able. 074 Morrison at. UNFURNISHED. ROOMS. TWO PNFT7BNISHED maa at. V- K00MS. 10S Bher- 801 SIXTH 8 uufnrnlahed Tonaur, ground Boor; 'Ink and water; 84 per month. UNFURNISHED rooms; modera. .410 JeffrreoB. 1 1 i" -i i. m FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. wSouaBusjBBKa3 0FF1CB room. - aaruralebed reoraa and sample rooms for teat. Oeedaoagh bidg. . Apply PA RT ef shop te rent, ealtable for palate ef plumber. ana Foarth St. OFFICE or desk room In th beat location In the city; term reasonable. Apply at, 122V. lith at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI . . TURE FOR SALE. MODERN 8-reom hoo, close 1n, fnmlttir. a.w. sale; rooma ell oeenptea; owner ieTaf city) terais. L V), ays Joursai, . . , . -v .-...' ' -..' I FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt aad liable plane end furniture-morale; ales aloe, ass. Phoae Mala 1088. OiAce 110 It. Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANI . 2U STARK ST. IN0CBANCE - BENTALS. SEE UST. FOR BENT A modem 7 -room house, 840 East sixth at.. South. 801 WEST PARK ST. Very desirable 12-reom residence. Inquire T10 Chamber Commerce. FOR RENT Julr 1. 6-moaa modern cottage, Eaat nut at... Keniiaortn, OB woooatock ear- llnestgU. StW REN! iineje gi. . . ttoW RENT 0-room cottage, 800 MorrU St., near vaioa are. . - . H0 CORBETT Desirable realdence, 8 car line, for rent or eele.. Phone 407&. . FOR RENTTtrlctly modern T-room.' Bat, 2824 Pnrk at. Inquire W. T. Turner Co., 00 - rront at. . rnoue Mala 11. NEW end modern 8 -room bona. 808 San Rafael, near In Ion are. j rerr desirable. 800 Han cock.' Phone East 1888. FOR RENT 0-room cottage: bath. Irrlng at. Phong Eaat OUT. 870 Eaat FURNISHED HOUSES. 8-RO0M forntehed bene, In fine locality. 0-m In st car aerric, n. u. rirowa ah ue, 041 Waalilngtoa at. Pacific 800. FOR RENT Well furnished house. 0 rooma, oa 2 earlloea; desirable location. Phoae Pacific 221, or Inquire T24 North rup at. FI'RNISHED 0-room modern honae. near Hty hall, 040. Home Land Co.. ltos nrnt at. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITE os guh-k about recent Important de relopmenta ef tke Herat . Antomatle Switch A Signal Co.; bay etork be for big adrsnce. J. F. nnrat A Co.. 204 McKay bldg. DO not keep Idle money. A postal card will nnng yon mrormution now to get toe inrgeei retnraa oa a holutelr safe Inreatment ef from 8100 tn 0500. J. B. Bsilsy. 617 Lumber Exchange, Portland. Oregoa. ' FOR SALE Hardware store and bulldlnge. doing Inrge buslneaa; email town nut larg territory; res bud for aelllng. bnslsese lnter rats elsewhere; . 89,000. .Addreaa N 10, care JoornaL FOrNDRT AND MACHINE SHOP at a her- gain, locatea in ine nearx ok tns greatesx wheat growing country la the world; county seat and only - ebop la the vicinity only foundry la the county; shop equipped with flrat-clana tool; w manufacture a specialty which baa a wide sale oeer the westers parts ef th U. S. and Canada;' are doing e god bualnena and Is the best opening In th wbol norlbweat for machlnlat and molder; beat of reeeoae tor aelllng. C B., cere Jour nal. . FOR SALE Half Interest la a well-eetabllabed twain situated ea the Ptalosuls. w la, care JoornaL - , IMPROVED" smelter - atock, 4.000 kt 10e per anare, aaareea H s, car journal. COMPLETE, up-to-date 4-chalr harbor a hop. do me goua puainesa. Aoarcan room a, xesf Finn at. men rscine bu. STOCK com oa ale Incorporated, If yea hare atocaa or nonua ror aaie, lec me Try to aeu them for you. George M. Kellogg, broker, 840 Ellleott Square. Buffalo. GOING te Alaaka: will aril 200 aharee of Hurst Switch atock at 88 80 per ehare If takea oy Saturday. 407 Deri at. DO yoa want te make some money t Her It la: a D ua loess man or nignesi rererences wilt gnsranten you egalnet hoaa of an In reslment from 8100 not te exceed 82,000, if taken Immediately, and yoa abonld recelr 020 for eeeh dollar In rested: this Is, your opportunity. N 28, cere Journal. FOR SALE A Stet-elaea plumbing bualoesa; bar ether beetnesa aad wlah to retire, Ad dreaa H. L. Maratere, Rose burg. Oregon. COUNTRY general store for sale or. exchanre ror Tarm or otner property: all aew pooaa, large atore building, electric light, telephone; rent 020: retiring. Owner. N 80, care JuarnaL FOR SALE, part exchange, complete drug atock. oak naturae, marble eotl fountain; the only drugstore In good llr town:- electric lights nd telephone: corner tore: cheap rent: good opening for drugghst. . Owner, N 80, JoornaL FOR SALE Meat market and email grocery atock. close In on seat aide, with a fine ca tahllahed trade: everything new end up to date: wilt cell at s sacrifice If tsken at once; - 61.200 take It. Call at room SIS Marqnam hldg. J. S. Taylor. - GROCERY STORE Beat Vration tn city, oa Third at., doing a atrlctly caab bualneee; die eatlefied pertnera; 4,000, caah or Inrolce. N 42. rare Journal. THB homeeeeker' excursion to eastera Oregon, orerland. will leer about first of July. Call 140i4j Fourth at., room 23, for information. WHO IR M. O. MORGAN CO. I A MAN with 6200 ran tiny half Interest in flrat-clana real eatete bualneaa. Call at 104 Burnalde at., west end Burealde' bridge. NICE little business, cheap: hare two, maet sell one. Addrres B 71. care Journal. A CHANCE r A LIFETIME An actlr gentleman or lady who I, wil- ' ling to devote time to light clerical work, can secure aa Interest In a etrlctly new and lucrative buslneaa, ea 0 small Inveatment. R. 33, car Journal. WANTED To bur half Interest la email bust, nee. Call at 133 First St., room 2. C. H. Bock bee. FOR .SALE REAL ESTATE. 0-ROOM cottage, new, Crystal Bock p! tinted, bath, china closet, natural wood finish Inside and concrete basement; Ball Bna water; . lot 40x120: Bice, aightly, near car: 1,800; term to eult buyer. Wm. Caatwell, Oebora hotel. Grand are. and Beat Aah, SELECT LOCATION, close tn, beautiful 0-room honae, with lovely lawn, cut llttl hern nd grarel drive: house baa fun basement, cemented clear up, piped for furnace; alde- board, larg mom and closets, beet bath, toilet, baaln and atatlonsry tnba; rooma hard . finish and tinted In deep colore; awell home; 0.1. 7O0; J100D, jlp-a. . balance to wilt, yon at per cent. J. B. -Hoemer. 810 Allaky bldg. BY OWNER, one and one T-room aew modera . bouse. 24th and Wasco, Holladay Park addl 1 tloo; lota fo eele. Phene .Eaat 1086. B. B. Rice. - FOB SAI.B AT A BABOAIN A Aie stock range, containing about aVSOQ acre; all under fence; eltuated aeer burg, Oregon, en S. P. B. R. p thle hi one of - the beat atock ranges la the country: I ale bare another good atock range containing 1.420 acres, which will be Bold et a very low -price. For pertlcoiare address J. B. Suther- - II a. owner, Bocebarg, Oregoa. FOR SALE Lot on Clarkamaa at., near 18th; will build to suit purchaser. If desired. 668 ' Sherlock building. WB hare caah buyers for vacant bualneaa prop, erty n Union or Williams ares. ; we want It at once; ownera only. t'OIXMRIA INVESTMENT CO.. , Cor Alnaworth and Union ST. - Phone Wood lawn 226. BEAUTIFUL, t acres. Montarllla. handy to car, fenced, rultlrated, lot of frnll, best of eoll: 0HOO. Edward A Co., 221 1 Morrleoa at. 2.000 ino DOWN, balance monthly ear menre New modera 0-rnoa cottage, ltsMI - Eaat Morrleoa.. A. P. Smith. 420 Waahlogtoa. FOR cheap cell ap Beat 4810. 2.200 NEW anodera 0 room house, cement bssement. fall lot, fruit trees; K.sst Holla day addition. D. Miller, T14 Chamber ef Commerce. . . FOB eele ae taeae, Three years' lease u gmond, the hnlldlnga occupied by Excelsior .planing mill. Eaat Morrison and Se Tenth, Call at huArimg oe 084 E. Morrleou.. pkone Best 2014. LOTS In Piedmont have Increeaed In valae ever 120 thla laat 4 months. Why put -money out et T per cent 1 Invested In Piedmont , lot It will make roe from 20 to 60 per eeaC , . i INVESTMKNT CO.. 244 Stark ft. Tea "U" as at. Job as car. ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 8oo BITTS a bread-aew 8-ruom soma; bath, toll.. : r,,ll L, - " 61.080 buya enoUar good 0-room hew home with hath, toilet, lot fruxlOO: only require i fivti caan, paianc ,iv per . - t Fin 8-room bom witn new o.r, -. all kind of fruit. -Orerlooklng eltF. 1 block from car: prle 02.000; terms. -ir e, . little bom In s aelgh Aorhnnd where the lota HOW ll fo the irl.-e, aak: it oa Eaat 2Zd price only 'o. - . ' Brand-new 6-rooai house' and bearment for 81.2UO; only 0ioo eaah, balanoa eaay pay rent te yourself. ) . 62.100 buya a aew ap-to-dat 8-room borne ea Eaat 17th, . block from eerllne; 0ue neighborhood; sold one adolulug the, ether oej IOC fX,Ht; It teo mum v. .. .. . F. J. 8TEINMETX A CO.. The HomeMllcra. 103 Murrtaoa St VERT BAST TERMS and eery cheap, eottake oa Eaat 10th at J N.? lot 00x100; heaament, Bull Bun water, large rooma: Bice i""e o. , for only 01,050; terms I suit. 4. m. nosmr, 810 Alisky bldg. r tancs, atrlctly modera, iip' to dat and nearly aew, urge recepuon-ruom, owe .... porcelain bath, patent toilet and bealna, . chine closet, SrepUee; full cement baaameut, aad at.ns: SOllOO alahtlT lot; Bluet be sold quickly; only 04.0UO; 1 0"- w" see It end mske owner offer. Write 10 eare JoornaL Phone Mala 2420. VERT EASY TERMS aad rery cheap, -fine Urge sew boaee (Queen- Ana atylel oa Eaat Saitnoa at., only $2,200. J. E. Hosmer, 810 Aiuuy Dlug, t . r: .. " . ROOM bouse; bath, basement. small bare, t. nicxen-oouee ; s ee. "rw. . , shsde, Sowers, grass; I'nlon ere. wline 8 Dlocse, near rnnrcn, ecoooi , prtcv e.-., ' H.,,C. Kaalham. 022 Chamber et Commerce. BEAUTIFUL corner 00 1-8x100) with cottage: room te build two mora houses; excellent In reatment, 02.000) easy term. J. B. Hosmer, 810 Allaky bldg. GOOD 0-room bouse, la Sue locetloa, ea Eaat neimoa at., near sain, ooiy pi.zdii. on termer tb hlggeat a nap erer offered. . PATTEH80N A STEWABT, IVUOi Belmont et. . - - ( ROOM honae, full cement bsaement. atOtf lerge porcn, law, aowern, rrwii. r., kit 100x110, nese-esrllne. schools and churches. 82.800: part -down, balance long time. Phone nssx oouu. . BARGAIN 82.850, . modera 0-ro0m honae, large rereptioa Ban. ruu naaemcnt. raowaw n-,r Broadway. Williams A Csplea, room 808 AblngtoB bldg. Phone "Main 0041. GREAT bargain la Vita en Alneworth . ar,. near t'ntoo ar. . in imam at caotea, room 000 Ahlngtoa bldg. Phone Main 8641. . LOVELY little home, on ay terms, new. nicely li.Uhul .Im, 1m Mil, ai anil . A. S Vlnamer. 810 Allaky bldg. Main 8134. FOR SALE 0-ronm eattag. Just finished, Crrs- tal Bock plaster, tinted, bath, chine closet; tins cottage la first claaa In erery reaneot; muat sell at ones; 01.000; 0200 down. 018 a month. Thla lot I 40x128 feet and near car line. M 27, care Journal. Portland Heights Residence, 0 rooms, with S or 4 Iota, lawn, water, all conrrnteacea: ap te data, grand rlew of cty, rirers and mountains; thla la here.le and will not lest lone. Other Heights property. 008 Commercial. blk. PbonekVsj,, DO yoa want s nice modern 0-room honae. ea nice corner, una location r it so, csu no aaai Salmon. Phoae Eaat 1162: TEN . arree, ' all in cnltlratloa. mllea front of. Portland and 1 mile weat eriClackamaa station; fine aprlng water piped to the lend tinder 40-foot pressure. Price 0200 per acre. riee seres at the same rat . . Fir acres 10 mile eset of Portland, 1 mile from O. W. P. - electric line. Fine eoll and easy to clear. 78 per acre. 20 acres Zfi mllee north of Portland. 100 acre eery cy to clear, about 88 acres In cultlratloB,, all No. 1 land; price 620 per acre for all or pert; Will glre terme or might exchange for Portland property. . For partl-.-ulara see .; , ' - BEVER, 404 ' Eaat , Alder street. Phoae Eaat 401. FOR SALE CHEAP 4 and T-meaa era; part caa. S70 oarfleio t WeedUwa car. Pheae Eaat 804L. Take HAVE raah buyer for lot In PledmOflt; I ly, raon woeaianra xa. f FOR SALE 8-room dwelling, oh Irving et., bet.. 2Sd and 24th. Address C 88. Journal. V NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY. 200 Ooodaoagk flag. . Geo. W. Turner. B.W.Miller. We ' traaaert a general real estate and brokerage baslneaa and eo licit a aha re ef your patronage. 1,200 NEW modern 4-mom cottage at 801 , Missouri ere., L cent terme te eult. NOW le roar time ta bay door, window, floor. Ing and all hind of building materials at a -bargain. Apply te A merles a Inn. Phoae Pacific IOTA. - ' - HOUSES built, any rrt of dty. easy pay meats. 813 'Commercial "blk. Mam 8063. . SELLWOOD LOTS, 88 down and 68 a month; ri 76 to 200. Bellwood Townelta Ce. P. Palmer, maaager. Phone Eaat 4T04. n BEST BUT IN SUNNYSIDB. Fine, h Igh, aightly corner lot 60x100 - cm Beat Taylor at., with all Improvements paid, will be sold. If taken tndsr. 8700. PATTERSON A STEWART. '1 Phone Eaat 8830. 1000 H Belmoat St. SCNNTSIDhU-Hood lot 88x100 for 276. eelL Commercial blk. Mala 2028. Kin- 1.800 CORNER lot 60x100, T-room konae. raage, beater, with aorae honeehold goode. Inquire 1275 Barrage St., Willamette atettpn, oewner. - FOB SALE 6 acre covered with cherry tree, 8 block aonth of Lenta; excellent for plat ting; price 2.000. Mount Scott Real Eatat, Co., Lenta, Oregoa. Phone Scott 2204. A SELECT number of beeatlfnl aew home from 22.000 to 12.000; eoree between 0.1.000 and 00.000 are lovely; s choice one at 82.000. It la a pleasure to show them. J. I. Hoemer, 810 Allaky bldg. Mala 8180. SEE PIEDMONT. . -' -l--'. SER PIEDMONT. . " All iDVeatora should enrely SER PIEDMONT. Take "TJ." 8t. Johne or Woodlawa ear: rare leave every 8 or 4 ml nut, Second and Waahlogtoa eta. HOUSE AND LOT, 211 12th at , good bargain. Darldeoa A Ward. Chamber of Commerce bldg. SES Eaat Bide Baal Estate Co. for eeet aide property. We have "0 farma for eale, from ens acre ap. 40T Hawthorae ave4 phoae Eaat 1087 S ACBES en Peninsula: clear, level, cheap, elghtly. Owner, 800 Allaky bldg. A NICE corner T6xt00. at 26th sad Broadway. J inquire air-euo tiroaoway. . PIEDMONT Great sal of Piedmont lota, te Inrestora ee well as builder; easy term) buy this week. INVESTMENT CO., 244 Stark St. FOB SALE-e-Bte? bargain for quick eaVs; -room euburbea cottage, ground 100x100 feet, fruit and shrubbery; by owner. O, W. P. Town, aid. Co.. 218 Alder St., la 0. W. P. A By. i, waltlog-room. ... - 120 Lots -In SARDBN PARK TRACT. ' 6 caah ana) 82.00 per month. :.'.'. . r Bull Run Water. , t , 4 blocks from University park StatJoa. ' . High,- level and aightly. t ... Good neighborhood. . Correspondence solicited. BEAVER REALTY COMPANY, Phone Meln-8081. - 424 Lumber Exchange. FOR BALE Smell 0-room houae, 8 block from car line, 1,000. Inquire MT Qenten beln are. . .. ..T 528 CASH For flr day only, ale corner tot on Unloa arena, opposite Piedmont. Anarese owner, u SMALL cottage, lot 80x100, fruit trees, barn, good teem aad wagon. 838 Rodney its. SPECIAL 4 large lota, 0-room cottage and - hem. aeer Sunnyvtde. 1 hloch t car, 2,100. Wbb, 000 Eaat Waahlngtna t. FOR SALEe-By beautiful home, weat elope Mount Tenor; H acre ground, 0-room bouse, bar ; an ,Brunnery ana nornouee lot . 18; choice fruit. Inquire et Mount. Tabor drugstore ELEGANT quarter block, cor. Beat Twenty, ninth ead Eaet Couch. Very desirable locey tton. Inquire 238 Waablngtoa et. 1.000 S-B0OM beinee, all snodera eonvenleTicea, 4 Morka from Maegty junction., taqnlrg 1J10 Exeter at., PoetemoutB. . INCOME 08. prle 04.0001 storerooma. 0 llrlna rooms below, 8 llrlng room above; ,11 convenience. Phone Main 0041. Ablngtoo .bldg.. room SOS. t, . , WILLIAM! CAlLEa. FOR SyALE REAL ESTATE. LOTS af kraly ' building lota from '150 a. J. E. Uoamer, 010 Allaky bldg. FAXON PARK 1. ujtus. aserketf-lot 4 ersg prtaaa, - according tu Improrcment. Lot 6ox2!0 0110, 01 M, ' 01 SO It lll21K 0225, 82oO, ' 8?70 f Lota 80OI2WI 0450 .mio. 8o0O ' These lot ar mostly in rultlrsiloa, Uvef . and lightly, on a good graded alraet, close te good lO-room erhool. at lats: 0c far te any pert of Portland; water free: terms. ' O. B. ADDITON, OWNER. Take Mount Scott eer, 0c. L.ets, Ore pea. f FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS FOB SALFcV 20 aerae, 8 mllee from Vancouver, ea flue ' grarel road; lo acres under 0n atat of cultlratlon. balance In -timber end pa a tore: good 4 -room hpuee, good barn. Ann well of .water at door, fa mil r orchard of aeaortd fruits la full bearlae 8 acrea of atrawberrtea, H mil from church and echool, fine netgh- .bornood. Price 11.000; 01.000 caah, balanc - can rua 8 ta 8 yeara, lutereat T per cent, 61, acrea. 2 mllee from terry landing; all cleared except about of an acre, 8 acres eaaorted fruits, falr4-room house, rhlck.n- ' koua and yard. T6-barrel cistern; thla I a Ana - chicken and fruit ranch and a ptaoe . that wilt Increaae In ralu. Price only 1,080 .Xi0 can rua 0 years. 00 acrea, all good rich lead; 28 scree under Sne aiata ef cultivation; 40- acrea a la abed , and eeded to njesrtow, balance green trmher; I acta of coBifjirtable farm bulldluga, 2 orch arda, gnothwslla and llrlug stream, all under good f enrol lu allies from vancourer, tolled rom Rldgefleldl f Price 83.600. . , If you dop e, ee what you want In the above, write or oaU; we can .suit yoa sua tare yoa money. THOMPSON SWAN. - Fourth and Main ata., Vancejurar, Waaklngton, , Referenc Vancourer MaUooal Beak, Van ' eourer. Waehlagtoa. j IF YOU want a good -farm, cheep, eddreaa William Centwen, Oebora hotel. Oraad are, and Eeet Ash. ... FOR SALE 23 scree, 8 mile from Beseburg, Ot.: good boos, haru and frulthooa; all eel L.. ta fruit and berrlee; will exebanga half ipL. Portland resilience property. Addreaa DiUartlU A Clayton, Roeenurg, Or. . . - ' SO ACRES good land, aprlng branch, easily cleared: no us for land; will nail st bargain, ..Bos 153, Eatacada. Oregon. . A BARGAIN 1.814 acre; 800 la wheat;-18 pgr. acre, with crop; halt down, balance oa ' easy payments. H. relmateer, 841 Eaat ' lit et, STOCK FARM. 106 scree, 824 per acre: T-room house, 1 hern.; so acre IB crop, i including farm implementa. S horses, wagon, 8 heal of cattle. 0 mllee from town. Qulncy B. Crume,-Carlton, Oregon. ' H. F. D. FOR SALE TIMBER. . CERTIFIED eerlp. any alae pleceai I price. W, .. Howell. 688 Chamber eg WANTED Timber claims, close to water ea) railroad, ror caan; ownere onir. y COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., - ' Cor. A In. worth and Union are. Phone Woodlawa 226. - FOR guaranteed timber clstmg sail room iCRRS Tllow fir and 4ar, all la oa tfll7i, Tr rw.000.00f t; pric $21 89 IVi KUTW aftajrtB8l0. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR ejAIJt Teem, 8.000 ponnda; 1 team, 8.400 pounds, ana I cheap horee, i.suv poena. Phoae Eaat 8648. 230 Raeeell et. HORSES AND COWS of all klnda for eel a very rvaaoesbl prtee. Inquire 270 Ftob et. AlL klnda of boraea end wagons for eele or blr st reonabl prlcee. 300 Front St. WASTEB-T6 "bufnieoTniB-stkeirirucS" or low flown wagoa. crane Bottle c. raoae Mela) BUGGY horse and buggy for sale: fine traveler, . gentle; lady can drire; win exchange ror tote. Call between 10 a. m. aad S p. m., 64T Wash Ingtoa at. -TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE Brand new- 2 flat building. rooma each, west aide, talking dl.lanee, near car, for suburbs lota or acreage. B r82. rsre Journal. -" - - - GOOD Bprlght Kimball piano for suburban lot. n.el ear. Jenrnsl. EXCHANGE Nw 500 piano, for Int. Phono Woodlawa sia. Aato an lot ror sale, cneap, on Eeet Ninth at. JOHNSON St., WMt aide; 4-roorn honae la part payment for eaat side residence, , Klna.ll. Commercial blk. 40O ACRES grating land - near county aeat. SprlngOeld, Coloradoi will trad for . wkat hare yon T O 20, care Journal, . FOn SALE 0B EXCHAN0B for Inside aeon. . erty, li acrea in nign cuiiiTation; gooo owei. line, ronereta haseroerM. nam. gooo water, a milea from Portland. mil from rued town. M 28, care Journal. rail. EXCHANGE 100-icr Improved farm, for city residence property: team and Implementa wit .the f farm; price 88.0OO. THE MORTGAGE GTARANTEB TRUST) '. COMPANT. 7 '' 80 Serenth et FOR SALE FURNITURE. BUGS and furniture of ell descriptions, brand new, la Vita tn anf purchaser. If you live ' on Nob mil or in a 8-room cottars, do not buy before yoa ere what I bar to offer at my reetdonce, 840 East AMr, comer 18th. .. 60 OAK buffet . 046 parlor davenport 38, 40 bed davenport 25, beautiful oak end ma bogany. furniture and ruga for 8 or 10 rooms, used only three weeke, cheap. 000 Eaet Alder. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print your same ea 80 calling earde. proper alee and atyle. 06C 200 boatneee earn, 01. A. W. Scbmel Cow 220 Pint. Portland. Or. SPLENDID lot of damaged sewing-machines I - W heeler A Wllaon, Singer-, Doomtle and 4 - ' others. B. S. Slgel, 836 Morrtaoa at, FOR SAI.B An elegant large circular show case, st aa extremely low figure. Apple to r Mr. O. H. Lewltt, Golden Eagle. Third and Yamhill eta. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sura cur fog rbeumsttam. Bold by all druggist. BOOKS bought, sold snd exchanged at tba Old Book Store. 220 Yamhill at. BILLABD AND POOL tables tor rest ee fag ale en near par men ta. THB BBUNSWICK-BALKE COI.LENDEB CO. 48 Third at., Portland. -. WESTERN OREGON MINING MILLING CO. . headquarters; stock for eel and Informatioa ' et 2 First et. Phone MaU 1828. WB seed furniture sad W1T1 pay full value. Phone Pacific T93. Weetera Balvsga Csh, 027 Waablngtoa t. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad ta order eecond-hand goode for eele. Carlaoa A KaU from, 2S8 Couch at.'. Phoae Clay 0T1. SHOWCASES, countera, flxturee bought, Bold of exchanged. Western Balrage Co, S2T Waah Ingtoa st, Paclfie TVS.- e ARTISTS materia)., pictures end frsmtng. H. Moor he ea A Co.. 812 Alder at. a. 4 HANDSOME wall caaea, 14 feet, 11 feet. S feet. . Weetera Balrage Oa., 027 Washing- , . ton st. FOR SALE Good fresh milch cow, with eg without calf; s good- horse, 1.6O0 pounds, sail end. gentle. 1004 Mllwaukle era; Sell ' wood car to Gratfnrfe Grave. GALE WfNDOW SHADE CO., 207 Salmon St. FOR SALE Good fresh milk cow, wttti or with, out calf. 10O4 Mllwaukle sve. Bellwood ear to Oratoa's Grove. ' wnite Sewing Machine On., H. D. Jones, ISO Yam hill at. Phona Mala 8101 . FOR SALE Maeon trurt mmmm it. ...... eo . star. . H gallon ..Tnc. - - - ,wi ywr ,p-wn , tine an. i,.- here complete. Crane- Bottle Co., earner 14th and Couch. Phono Mala EMS. rtosen: lids end mo- V4 CABAT dlemondi- met 1eB; will trade for bore or wagons, or aell cheap.'. Call 211 . Waahlnctoa at. TYPEWRITER, good aa new. at leaa than half coat price. Inquire 238 Washington st. FOR SALE. CHEAP Covered hatcher', del I rery arefoa. 80S n) Washing Urn at, ,t5